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GEORGE    BELL    &    SONS. 


189 1. 



'4sf  I 



In  preparing  an  English  edition  of  Professor  Kluge's  famous  work,  the  Trans- 
lator has  aimed  at  making  the  book  as  easily  comprehensible  to  English 
students  as  the  original  work  is  to  Germans.  To  this  end  he  has  given  the 
chief  meanings  of  all  the  German  words,  some  of  which  are  rather  obscure,  and 
are  not  to  be  found  in  any  German-English  Dictionaries  hitherto  published.  In 
assigning  the  equivalents  to  the  words  quoted  from  foreign  languages,  great  care 
has  been  taken  to  give  as  closely  as  possible  the  corresponding  English  mean- 
ing to  the  words.  In  all  cases  of  doubt,  the  Translator  has  consulted  English, 
French,  and  German  Dictionaries  of  foreign  languages,  such  as — 

Sanscrit  (Monier  Williams). 

Greek  (Liddell  and  Scott ;  Pape). 

Latin  (White  and  Riddell ;  Lewis  and  Short ;  Smith ;  Georges). 

Gothic  (Skeat). 

Anglo-Saxon  (Toller ;  Bosworth  ;  Leo). 

Middle  English  (Stratmann). 

Icelandic  (Cleasby). 

Old  High  German  (Graff ;  Schade). 

Middle  High  German  (Miiller ;  Lexer). 

Lithuanian  (Schleicher's  Handbook). 

Dutch  (Calisch). 

Swedish  (Helms). 

French  (Sachs;  Clifton  and  Grimaud;  Littre;  Brachet;  Fleming  and 

Italian  (Ferrari;  Baretti). 

Spanish  (Neumann  and  Baretti ;  Lopes  and  Bensley). 
Welsh  (Pugh). 

A  few  misprints  and  errors  in  the  order  of  words  of  the  German  edition 
have  been  corrected,  but  they  are  not  of  sufficient  importance  to  be  specially 


On  the  completion  of  the  present  work,  it  is  to  me  a  pleasant  duty  to  express  my 
thanks  to  all  those  who  have  rendered  its  execution  possible,  and  have  helped  to 
give  it  its  new  shape. 

I  might  have  mentioned,  under  the  separate  words,  those  scholars  who  have 
discovered  any  etymological  data  bearing  upon  the  vocabulary  of  our  mother- 
tongue  ;  the  vast  extent  of  etymological  literature  deterred  me,  however,  from 
doing  so.  There  is  no  Teutonic  scholar  or  linguist  of  any  repute  who  has  not 
by  his  researches  either  helped  to  determine  the  etymology  of  some  German 
word  or  actually  settled  it.  It  would  have  been  an  extremely  toilsome  and  yet 
useless  task  to  give  the  name  of  the  discoverer  of  the  etymology  of  each  word ; 
and  how  frequently  have  several  scholars  at  the  same  time  deserved  credit  for 
clearing  up  the  history  of  a  word.  0.  Schade,  in  his  "  Old  German  Dictionary," 
has  with  untiring  industry  collected  materials  from  the  copious  literature  for 
the  older  period,  and  has  received  the  thanks  of  specialists.  I  could  not  expect 
that  those  who  may  use  my  book  would  wade  through  the  numerous  errors  and 
occasional  imperfections  of  scientific  investigation  in  order  to  form  their  own 
opinion  on  the  evolution  of  particular  words.  By  foregoing  such  a  plan  I 
obtained  space,  in  spite  of  the  limited  compass  to  which  this  book  was  confined, 
to  describe  pretty  fully  the  actual  development  of  the  word  itself. 

If  my  attempt  to  give  a  brief,  clear,  and  connected  view  of  the  history  of 
each  element  of  our  vocabulary  has  been  in  any  degree  successful,  a  great  part 
of  the  credit  is  due  to  the  men  who  have  watched  over  the  germs  planted  by 
the  great  founders  of  our  philology,  and  have  in  the  course  of  the  last  twenty 
years  made  them  bloom  anew.  In  their  foremost  ranks  I  view  with  pleasure 
those  whose  academical  instruction  I  was  permitted  to  enjoy,  and  others  who  in 
friendly  intercourse  have  taught  me  much  and  stimulated  me  in  my  work.  The 
fact  that  some  of  them  too  have  testified  their  kindly,  helpful  sympathy  with 
the  new  edition  has  been  highly  grateful  to  mc,  in  the  interest  of  the  subject  I 
have  at  heart. 


I  have  also  received,  since  the  first  appearance  of  my  work,  encouragement 
in  various  ways,  even  from  anonymous  and  unknown  readers  of  this  book,  who 
have  made  communications  to  the  author  respecting  dialectic,  etymological,  and 
other  pertinent  facts.  Much  of  it  has  proved  useful  for  the  new  edition.  Moreover, 
all  reasonable  objections  of  critics  have  been  duly  considered.  In  particular 
points  the  book  has  gained  much  by  the  notices  of  Herren  Birlinger,  Franck,  and 
Hager;  and  a  detailed,  critical  letter  of  my  Swedish  friends,  Prof.  A.  Noreen 
and  Dr.  E.  Brate,  has  placed  in  the  most  liberal  manner  at  my  disposal  nume- 
rous valuable  improvements  and  new  combinations.  For  dialectic  communica- 
tions I  am  indebted  to  Herren  W.  Gordack  of  Konigsberg  and  F.  Holthausen 
of  Gottingen,  and  especially  to  Prof.  Hermann  Fischer  of  Tubingen,  who  gave  me 
access  to  his  rich  stores  of  Swabian  dialectic  materials.  For  the  Jewish-German 
words  which  the  book  contains  Prof.  Euting  of  Strassburg  placed  materials  at 
my  disposal.  Valuable  connecting  details,  for  which  I  had  to  resort  to  the 
liberal  help  of  specialists,  I  owe  to  Herren  K.  von  Bahder,  O.  von  Bohtlingk, 
P.  von  Bradke,  B.  ten  Brink,  K.  Brugmann,  S.  Bugge,  C.  Cappeller,  H  Fischer, 
W.  Franz,  F.  Holthausen,  A.  Horning,  H.  Hiibschmann,  R.  Kohler,  Th. 
Nbldeke,  K.  Schorbach,  O.  Schrader,  R.  Thurneysen,  B.  Wheeler,  and  E 

I  have  been  especially  helped  and  cheered  by  the  liberal  sympathy  of  Pro- 
fessors A.  Leskien  of  Leipzig,  W.  Meyer  of  Jena,  H.  Osthoff  of  Heidelberg, 
and  E.  Sievers  of  Halle.  They  have  with  praiseworthy  liberality  made  over  to 
me  for  publication  very  many  new  investigations  of  importance,  and  have  also, 
by  their  corrections,  objections,  and  retrenchments,  given  to  many  articles  a 
greater  fulness  and  completeness. 

For  the  careful  extension  and  completion  of  the  old  Index,  the  author  is 
much  indebted  to  Herr  Vincent  Janssen  of  Kiel,  who  will  very  shortly  publish 
independently  complete  Indexes  to  this  book. 

For  all  the  stimulus  and  sympathy,  help  and  encouragement,  I  have  received 
in  the  old  as  well  as  in  the  new  edition,  I  beg  to  express  my  most  sincere 


Strassburg,  July  1883. 
Jena,  October  1888. 


It  cannot  be  denied  that  the  study  of  German  etymology  is  held  in  less  esteem 
among  us,  and  is  pursued  with  less  zeal,  than  that  of  French.  This  fact  is  not  sur- 
prising ;  for  how  easily  the  results  of  Romance  philology  can  be  made  evident  to  a 
man  of  classical  training,  who  has  in  Latin  the  chief  source,  and  in  his  own  native 
German  the  most  important  subsidiary  source  of  French  entirely  under  his  com- 
mand !  And  what  gratification  there  is  in  viewing  through  the  medium  of  etymology, 
well-known  words  in  a  new  light ! 

If  German  etymology  could  be  built  up  to  the  same  extent  as  French,  from  the 
materials  furnished  by  the  better  known  civilised  languages,  it  would  certainly 
have  long  ago  evoked  the  same  appreciation  as  is  now  shown  for  French.  But  the 
perception  of  historical  connections  is  made  more  difficult  when  the  earlier  stages  of 
the  language  are  not  so  accessible  as  Latin  is  for  the  history  of  Romance  words.  A 
scientific  knowledge  of  German  etymology  rests  upon  facts,  whose  coherence  can 
only  be  explained  by  going  beyond  the  limits  of  the  chief  civilised  languages.  It  is 
impossible,  however,  for  the  student  to  go  so  far  back,  unless  all  the  difficulties  are 
smoothed  and  explained,  and  all  the  necessary  details  for  ascertaining  the  history 
of  a  word  are  placed  before  him.  In  investigating  a  German  word,  we  cannot  and 
must  not  stop  at  Middle  High  German,  the  only  earlier  stage  of  our  mother-tongue 
with  which  every  educated  man  has  some  acquaintance  ;  and  even  Old  High  German, 
the  oldest  literary  period  of  German,  is  not,  except  in  a  very  few  cases,  sufficient  for 
the  needs  of  the  etymologist  who  knows  how  to  appreciate  the  importance  of  philology 
in  acquiring  a  knowledge  of  the  history  of  the  German  language. 

It  is  these  pre-historic  periods  of  German  that  furnish  the  indispensable  foun- 
dation for  etymological  inquiry.  Not  until  we  have  obtained  an  insight  into  the 
difference  between  the  High  German  and  Low  German  system  of  consonants 
can  we  determine  the  relations  of  a  German  word  to  its  Teutonic  cognates ;  not 
until  we  have  thoroughly  mastered  the  relations  of  the  Gothic  consonants  to 
those  of  the  allied  Aryan  languages  are  we  able  to  understand  the  comparison  of 
a  word  with  its  Greek  and  Latin  cognates.  To  explain  the  earlier  stages  of  develop- 
ment in  German,  and  to  throw  light  upon  them  as  a  chief  means  of  ascertaining  the 
history  of  a  word,  is  the  task  of  historical  grammar.  The  etymologist  must,  if  he 
wants  to  produce  conviction,  presuppose  a  general  knowledge  of  the  main  crises  in 
the  history  of  our  mother-tongue. 

To  the  scientific  acquisitions  of  the  present  century  we  owe  the  knowledge  of  a 
primary  period  of  the  history  of  the  German  language,  which  is  authenticated  by  no 
other  record  than  the  language  itself.  The  literary  records  of  the  old  Hindus, 
unlocked  to  the  learned  world  at  the  end  of  the  last  century,  led  to  the  pregnant 


discovery  that  the  Teutons,  several  millenniums  before  our  era,  spoke  one  and  the 
same  language  with  the  ancestors  of  the  Hindus  and  Persians,  the  Greeks  and 
Albanians,  the  Italics  and  Kelts,  the  Slavs  and  Armenians,  a  fact  which  clearly 
proved  that  they  were  descended  from  the  same  tribe.  The  primitive  seat  of  those 
tribes,  which,  in  conformity  with  the  utmost  limits  of  the  settlements  of  their 
descendants,  have  been  designated  Indo- Teutons,  Indo- Kelts,  and  also  Indo- Euro- 
peans, was  the  South  of  Europe,  or  more  probably  Asia. 

Scientific  investigation,  which  has  been  endeavouring  for  more  than  half  a 
century  to  unlock  the  common  source  of  their  language  from  the  later  records  of 
the  various  Aryan  tribes,  bestows  on  it  the  highest  praise  for  its  wealth  of  forms, 
the  development  of  which  has  been  traced  by  German  grammarians  in  our  mother- 
tongue  down  to  the  present  day.  The  vocabulary  of  this  primitive  speech  is  proved 
by  some  of  its  offshoots  to  have  been  exceedingly  rich,  and  at  the  same  time  capable 
of  extension  ;  but  its  fundamental  perceptions  and  ideas  were  limited.  The  fact  that 
it  expressed  the  most  necessary  relations  and  wants  of  life  has  made  it  the  treasury 
from  which  the  various  Aryan  languages  have  drawn  their  supply  of  words.  Of 
this  old  hoard  German  too  has  preserved  no  small  a  portion,  even  down  to  the 
present  time. 

Compare  our  terms  for  expressing  degrees  of  relationship  with  those  of  the 
allied  languages,  and  these  words,  with  slight  divergences  in  sound,  or  with 
unchanged  significations,  will  be  found  in  the  whole  of  the  Aryan  group.  Of 
course  the  stock  of  such  terms  was  far  greater  than  we  might  suspect  from  the  few 
which  have  remained  to  us.  At  one  time  we  had,  e.g.,  various  designations  for 
'  mother's  brother '  and  '  father's  brother'  (comp.  Df)cim  and  better  with  Lat.  avun- 
culus and  jmtiiius),  for  'father's  sister'  and  'mother's  sister'  (comp.  AS.  faftu  and 
mAdrie  with  Lat.  amita  and  matertera).  This  implied  wealth  of  pre-historic  terms 
for  degrees  of  kinship  can  be  only  understood  by  us  as  existing  at  a  time  when  our 
ancestors  lived  together  in  clans  as  shepherds  and  nomads.  When  with  the  changing 
years  the  more  fully  developed  relations  of  kinship  lost  the  old  inherited  terms,  how 
seldom  have  alien  designations  attempted  to  oust  the  native  words,  and  how  seldom 
with  success  !  Compare  Dufel  and  Xante  with  93atcr  and  2J?utter,  ©ruber  and  Sdjivejicr, 
Dljetm  and  SWidjme,  Diejfe  and  9ttd?te,  better  and  S3afe,  (£djn>a()et  and  ©djuneger,  <Sd)tmt  and 
<&$)  n?ager. 

The  terms  for  expressing  kinship,  whose  unimpaired  vigour  we  see  in  German, 
are,  in  combination  with  the  numerals  up  to  a  hundred,  an  infallible  indication  of 
the  Aryan  origin  of  a  language.  Thus  German  testifies  also  by  its  old  inherited 
numerals  its  close  relation  to  the  allied  languages.  Moreover,  the  designations  of 
parts  of  the  body  are  specially  characteristic  of  all  Aryan  tongues.  If  German  in 
its  later  development  has  lost  many  of  them  (comp.,  e.g.,  OHG.  gebal,  '  skull,'  equiv. 
to  Gr.  K«f>dkr],  under  OHefrel),  yet  it  preserves  in  most  cases  the  old  inherited  words; 
Jpirn,  D(ir,  23raue,  9iafe,  3af)it,  £ate,  33ug,  SldJfef,  9lrm,  ©He,  91agcl,  Jfnie,  Qfttj?,  gel!  recur 
sometimes  in  one,  sometimes  in  several  of  the  allied  languages.  The  knowledge 
too  of  natural  history  was  displayed  in  the  primitive  speech  by  some  essential  words. 
Of  the  mammals,  apart  from  the  domesticated  animals  (see  93iet),  Jtitft,  Dd)\t,  ^mib, 
geljteit,  9tefj,  and  <Sd)af),  only  a  few  destructive  quadrupeds,  such  as  5Udf  and  2Waug, 
5Mbev  and  &afe  (see  also  Sdr),  have  been  transmitted  to  German  from  that  primitive 
linguistic  period.  The  names  for  birds  and  trees  are,  however,  but  rarely  common 
to  several  languages  of  the  Aryan  group  (see  9lar,  .Rranidj,  SSirfe,  gofj",  Sicfjte,  and 


33ud)e).  Of  inanimate  nature  also  the  primitive  people  had  only  a  limited  percep- 
tion ;  few  names  for  the  periods  of  the  day  and  the  year  were  coined,  and,  as  might 
have  been  expected,  the  circle  of  their  religious  ideas  was  narrow.  Only  the  German 
words  9iad)t,  9JJonat,  and  ©omntcr  have  corresponding  terms  in  several  allied  tongues  ; 
the  two  old  Aryan  gods  of  light,  Dieus  and  Aus6s,  have  left  their  final  traces  in 
Alemannic  3te3tag  and  in  German  Dftent. 

There  is  a  further  rich  supply  of  isolated  words  in  our  mother-tongue  inherited 
from  the  primitive  stock.  They  relate  chiefly  to  the  most  simple  and  natural 
expressions,  needs,  and  activities  of  life  ;  jlefyeit,  gcljeit,  cffen,  becfen,  fdjiMfcen,  tiarft,  jung, 
ueu,  »of(,  fuf,  mitten,  burr,  &c,  are  derived  from  the  primitive  speech.  In  moral 
conceptions  our  mother- tongue  inherited  the  stems  of  Swunb  and  geitib,  liefon  and 
fyaffen,  l)abern  and  ttugett  from  the  old  vocabulary. 

With  the  division  of  the  primitive  Aryan  people  into  tribes,  which  may  have 
been  caused  by  religious  and  political  dissensions,  or  perhaps  only  by  the  constant 
increase  in  number,  and  with  the  migration  of  these  tribes  from  their  primitive 
home,  the  Teutonic  language  may  be  said  to  begin.  The  old  materials  partly  sufficed 
for  the  constant  growth  of  perceptions  and  ideas.  Old  words  received  a  new  shade 
of  meaning ;  the  root  (Sans,  mf)  for  'to  die '  acquired  the  signification  of  'murder'; 
'  the  dear,  the  cherished  one '  became  '  the  freeman ' ;  '  to  follow '  came  to  mean  '  to 
see '  (fcljen) ;  '  to  split '  was  extended  into  '  to  bite '  (be iflcit),  and  '  to  persist,' '  to  stride,' 
were  developed  into  '  to  live '  (teben)  and  '  to  mount '  (fteigen).  Derivatives  from 
existing  stems  assumed  characteristic  significations ;  in  this  way  ©ett,  Jfeiiig,  Jtinb, 
fd)6n,  and  9Boge  originated.  On  the  other  hand,  we  note  the  loss  of  old  roots,  which 
in  other  Aryan  groups  developed  numerous  cognates  ;  the  roots  j)6, '  to  drink,'  and 
do,  '  to  give,'  which  we  recognise  in  Lat.  potare  and  Gr.  Treiraica,  and  in  Lat.  dare  and 
Gr.  Si'&a/it,  have  completely  disappeared  in  Teutonic.  Of  other  primitive  roots  we 
find  in  Teutonic  only  a  few  slight  relics  nearly  disappearing,  some  of  which  will  in 
course  of  time  vanish  altogether.  The  root  ag, '  to  drive '  (in  Lat.  ago,  see  Slrfer),  the 
root  an, '  to  breathe'  (in  Lat.  animus  and  Gr.  uvf/ios),  the  root  glw, '  to  live'  (in  Lat. 
vivere,  see  querf),  have  never  had  in  Teutonic,  during  the  period  of  its  independent 
development,  such  a  wide  evolution  as  in  Latin  and  Greek.  In  the  case  of  such 
words,  when  the  idea  is  a  living  one,  the  term  that  supplants  them  already  exists 
before  they  die  out ;  in  fact,  it  is  the  cause  of  their  disappearance.  Occasionally, 
however,  we  find  in  the  Teutonic  group  characteristic  word  stems,  which  we  look 
for  in  vain  in  the  sphere  of  the  allied  languages,  although  they  must  once  have 
existed  there  too  in  a  living  form.  Such  primitive  stems  as  Teutonic  alone  has 
preserved  may  be  at  the  base  of  tunfen,  gefcen,  fiird)ten,  fcdjtcit,  ffiefyen,  tyalteii,  <fcc.  Other 
roots  peculiar  to  the  Teutonic  languages  may  owe  their  existence  to  onomatopoetic 
creation  during  the  independent  development  of  Teutonic  ;  such  are  perhaps  Uiitgen 
and  niefeit. 

Only  such  a  pliancy  of  the  primitive  speech  could  keep  pace  with  the  higher 
intellectual  development  which  we  must  assume  for  the  progress  of  the  Teutonic 
group  after  the  first  division  of  dialects.  The  capacity  of  our  race  for  development 
is  sufficient,  even  without  the  assumption  of  foreign  influences,  to  account  for  the 
refinement  and  development  of  the  conditions  of  life  among  the  Teutons  during  the 
second  period  of  the  primitive  history  of  our  language.  The  growing  susceptibility 
to  the  external  world  resulted  in  the  extension  of  the  sphere  of  the  gods,  the  contact 
with  foreign  nations  led  to  a  refinement  of  social  life,  and  with  both  these  the 


conception  of  propriety  grew  up.     What  an  abundance  of  new  ideas  and  words, 
which  were  foreign  to  the  primitive  speech,  had  now  to  be  evolved  ! 

In  fact,  we  find  among  the  Aryans  but  a  slight  agreement  in  the  designations  of 
ethical  ideas  ;  gut  and  libel,  utilb  and  org,  l;clb  and  treu,  are  specifically  Teutonic  ;  Stbcl, 
Gbe,  and  fd)woren  have  no  exact  correspondences  in  the  remaining  Teutonic  languages, 
©ctt,  £immef,  ^cllc,  Grbe,  as  well  as  SBoban  (see  2But),  greia  (see  frti),  and  £enar  (see 
tenner),  owe  their  existence  to  the  special  religious  development  of  the  Teutons, 
while  we  find  the  belief  in  elfish  beings  (see  (5(f)  even  in  the  Vedas. 

It  is  true  that  this  increase  does  not  altogether  suffice  to  characterise  the  develop- 
ment of  the  languages  of  the  Teutonic  group.  If  we  assign  the  year  2000  b.c.  as  the 
latest  date  for  the  Aryan  division  of  dialects,  the  second  period  of  the  history  of  th 
German  language  would  end  with  the  beginning  of  our  era.  This  interval  of  two 
thousand  years,  at  the  end  of  which  we  assume  the  development  of  the  consonant 
and  vowel  forms  peculiar  to  Teutonic,  as  well  as  the  settlement  of  the  Teutons  in 
Germany,  has  no  well-defined  divisions  with  prominent  characteristics  ;  but  the  later 
evidence  of  the  language  indicates  in  this  pre-historic  period  so  many  points  of  con- 
tact with  civilised  nations  as  would  in  historic  times  probably  be  regarded  as  form- 
ing a  new  epoch. 

The  Teutonic  tribe,  with  the  western  group  of  nations  of  the  Aryan  stock,  had 
left  its  eastern  home  as  a  pasturing  people.  Evidence  in  the  language  itself  subse- 
quently shows  us  these  people  with  their  flocks  on  the  march.  The  term  tageweide, 
current  in  Middle  High  German,  could  exist  as  a  measure  of  length  only  among 
a  race  of  shepherds  in  the  act  of  migrating  ;  only  nomads  could  count  their  stages  by 
periods  of  rest  (0?aficu).  That  the  great  stream  of  Aryan  tribes  poured  through  the 
South  Russian  lowlands  (the  Italics  and  Kelts  had  shown  them  the  way)  is  antece- 
dently probable,  and  this  theory  is  finely  illustrated  by  the  history  of  the  word  Jpanf. 
Here  we  see  the  Teutons  in  contact  with  a  non-Aryan  people  in  the  south  of  Russia ; 
and  so,  too,  the  foreign  aspect  of  the  Teutonic  word  <2itber  (comp.  (Srbfe  also)  testifies 
to  the  pre-historic  contact  of  our  ancestors  with  people  of  a  different  race,  whose 
origin  can  unfortunately  no  longer  be  determined.  We  suspect  that  its  influence  on 
the  Teutons  and  their  language  was  manifested  in  a  greater  number  of  loan-words 
than  can  now  be  discovered. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  emigrant  Aryans,  whom  we  find  at  a  later  period  in  our 
part  of  the  world,  and  whose  languages  were  differentiated  only  gradually  from  one 
another  and  from  the  primitive  speech,  were  led  by  constant  intercourse  to  exchange 
a  large  number  of  terms  expressive  of  the  acquisitions  of  civilisation,  which  the 
individual  tribes  would  perhaps  have  acquired  only  after  a  longer  independent 
development.  Numerous  words  are  peculiar  to  the  European  Aryans,  which  we 
seek  for  in  vain  among  the  Indians  and  Persians.  They  relate  chiefly  to  agriculture 
and  technical  products,  the  development  of  which  did  certainly  not  take  place  at  the 
same  time  among  all  the  European  peoples  belonging  to  the  Teutonic  stock.  Occa- 
sionally the  language  itself  bears  witness  that  correspondences  in  the  languages 
spoken  by  the  Western  Aryans  are  due  only  to  the  adoption  of  words  by  one  people 
from  another  (see  ndfyen).  Thus  the  stems  of  old  words  such  as  fden,  ntaljlen,  mdljfn, 
and  ntclfen,  whose  Aryan  character  is  undoubted,  will  not  necessarily  be  regarded  as 
genuine  Teutonic,  since  they  may  have  been  borrowed  from  a  kindred  people. 

The  evidence  of  language,  which  alone  gives  us  a  knowledge  of  the  primitive 
contact  of  the  Teutons  with  foreign  and  kindred  people,  is  unfortunately  not  full 


enough,  and  not  always  transparent  enough,  to  furnish  sufficient  material  for  a  clear 
view  of  these  pre-historic  events.  It  is  generally  acknowledged  that  the  intercourse 
with  the  neighbouring  Slavonic  people  took  place  in  the  second  period  of  the  history 
of  the  German  language.  For  the  influence  of  the  Kelts  upon  the  Teutons,  Slmt  and 
3Reid)  afford  valuable  testimony,  which  at  the  same  time  shows  what  decisive  results 
can  at  times  be  obtained  from  language  itself.  We  have  in  the  term  to>clfi§  the  last 
offshoot  of  the  Teutonic  word  Walk  (borrowed  from  the  Keltic  tribal  name  Volcae), 
by  which  the  Kelts  were  formerly  designated  by  the  Teutons. 

The  name  by  which  the  Teutons  called  themselves  is  unfortunately  lost  to  us 
Our  learned  men  have  therefore  agreed  to  use  the  Keltic  term  which  was  customary 
among  old  historians,  and  which,  according  to  the  testimony  of  the  Venerable  Bede, 
was  applied  in  England  to  the  immigrant  Anglo-Saxons  by  the  Britons  even  in 
the  8th  century.  The  national  character  of  the  Teutons  and  the  type  of  their 
language  were  for  a  very  long  period  after  the  division  into  tribes  the  same  as 
before.  In  the  last  century  before  our  era,  when  numerous  Teutonic  tribes  became 
known  to  the  ancient  world,  we  have  not  the  least  evidence  to  show  that  the  lan- 
guage had  branched  off  into  dialects.  The  same  may  be  said  of  the  time  of  Tacitus ; 
but  his  account  of  the  genealogy  of  the  Teutonic  tribes  seems  to  have  some  connec- 
tion with  divisions  into  dialects,  recorded  at  a  later  period. 

The  linguistic  division  of  the  Teutons  into  an  Eastern  group,  comprising  Goths 
and  Scandinavians,  and  into  a  Western,  including  the  English,  Frisians,  Saxons, 
Franks,  Bavarians,  Swabians,  and  Alemannians,  is  generally  regarded  as  undoubted. 
The  evidence  of  language  goes,  however,  to  prove  that  a  close  connection  exists  only 
among  the  West  Teutonic  tribes  ;  and  unless  Tacitus'  ethnogony  includes  all  the 
Teutons,  his  group  of  tribes,  comprising  the  Ingaevones,  the  Erminones,  and  the 
Istaevones,  are  identical  in  fact  with  the  Western  division.  The  permutation  of 
consonants  and  the  development  of  the  vowel  system,  which  we  assume  to  have 
been  effected  before  the  beginning  of  our  era,  were  the  chief  characteristics  of  all 
the  languages  of  the  second  period ;  but  the  most  important  factor  in  the  develop- 
ment of  West  Teutonic  was  the  uniform  attrition  of  the  old  final  syllables.  With 
the  operation  of  this  law  in  West  Teutonic  begins  the  decay  of  the  old  inherited 
forms,  most  of  which  were  lost  in  the  third  period.  The  German  language  is  now 
entering  upon  a  stage  of  development  which  had  been  reached  by  English  some 
centuries  ago. 

But  in  spite  of  this  loss  of  forms,  the  language  retains  its  old  pliancy  in  undi- 
minished force  ;  after  independent  words,  even  in  the  second  period,  had  been 
transformed  into  suffixes  and  prefixes,  the  language  still  possessed  new  elements 
which  were  ready  to  replace  what  had  been  lost.  Moreover,  the  same  forces  operate 
in  the  later  history  of  the  vocabulary  as  in  the  primitive  Teutonic  period. 

Thus  West  Teutonic  has  preserved  the  stems  of  old  words,  which  in  Gothic  and 
Scandinavian  have  either  died  out  or  have  fallen  more  or  less  into  the  background  ; 
gcljen,  fteljen,  tfjun,  Bin,  fcdjten,  jievben,  as  well  as  93nfen,  Dbfi,  genet,  grog,  &c,  are  the 
essential  characteristics  of  a  West  Teutonic  language.  Other  words,  such  as  9lad?bur, 
clcitb,  gefunb,  Stfeffer,  #etrat,  and  9tad)Hgalf,  owe  their  existence  to  later  composition. 
But,  above  all,  the  absence  of  numerous  old  words,  preserved  by  Gothic  or  Scan- 
dinavian, is  a  main  feature  of  the  West  Teutonic  group.  But  this  is  not  the  place 
to  adduce  every  loss  and  every  compensation  which  has  diminished  and  re-shaped 
the  old  elements  in  the  sphere  of  languages  most  closely  allied  to  German. 


The  pre-Old  High  German  period— the  third  period  of  our  mother-tongue,  which 
is  not  attested  by  literary  records — has,  however,  acquired  its  distinctive  features  by 
new  contact  with  the  languages  of  civilised  nations,  which  added  new  elements  to 
the  existing  material :  above  all,  the  contact  with  the  Romans  resulted  in  an  ex- 
change of  productions  and  contrivances.  However  fond  we  may  be  of  overrating  the 
influence  of  Latin  on  the  West  Teutonic  languages,  yet  it  cannot  be  denied  that  it 
materially  widened  the  most  various  spheres  of  ideas. 

Words  which  point  to  active  commercial  intercourse,  such  as  SKunje  and  *Ffunc, 
©trajje  and  SWcite,  tftfte  and  Sacf,  ©fel  and  $fau,  were  made  known  in  the  pre-High 
German  period,  probably  even  in  the  first  century  a.d.,  to  our  forefathers  both 
mediately  and  immediately  by  the  Romans.  Contemporaneously  with  these  the 
Latin  nomenclature  of  the  culture  of  the  vine  was  naturalised  in  Germany  in  the 
words  Skin,  2»cfi,  Saucr,  JMter,  and  Sridjter.  Not  much  later  a  rich  terminology, 
together  with  the  Roman  style  of  building,  was  introduced  ;  SKaiier,  better,  ©oiler, 
<gpctd)er,  hammer,  SBeifyer,  3iegct,  $feiler,  ^fojlen,  $rW>  and  numerous  other  cognate 
ideas,  evidently  bear  the  stamp  of  a  Latin  origin.  The  adoption  of  the  Southern 
method  of  building  in  stone,  however,  brought  about  a  transformation  of  the  entire 
domestic  life.  When  a  migratory  life  is  exchanged  for  a  permanent  settlement,  the 
example  of  a  highly  civilised  people  cannot  fail  to  furnish  abundant  material  for 
imitation.  We  are  not  surprised,  therefore,  to  find  in  the  language  itself  the  influ- 
ence of  even  Roman  cookery  and  of  Roman  horticulture  before  the  Old  High 
German  period ;  JlodE>,  Jtiid)e,  <2<$ufiel,  J?cffc{,  93ecfen,  SifdJ,  (Sfjig,  <Senf,  ^feffcr,  Jtcfyf,  ^flanje, 
{Rettig,  Miixtis,  Jttimmcl,  J?irfd)e,  $firfxc&,  ^fiauute,  Dttitte,  gcicje,  &c,  testify  how  ready  the 
German  of  that  period  was  to  extend  his  knowledge  and  enrich  his  language  when 
he  exchanged  the  simple  customs  of  his  ancestors  for  a  more  luxuriant  mode  of  life. 

It  would,  of  course,  be  a  too  hasty  assumption  to  explain  such  Southern  alien 
terms  (a  few  Keltic  words  such  as  carrus,  carruca,  and  paraverediis,  see  barren, 
J?urd),  and  $fevb,  were  introduced  through  a  Roman  medium)  from  the  importation 
of  products  and  technical  accomplishments  which  were  unknown  to  our  ancestors 
till  about  the  beginning  of  our  era.  We  have  indubitable  reasons,  supported  by  the 
extent  of  the  Teutonic  exports  to  Rome,  and  not  merely  linguistic  reasons.  We 
know  from  Pliny's  Natural  History  that  the  Teutons  furnished  effeminate,  imperial 
Rome  the  material  for  pillows  by  the  importation  of  geese  ;  eoque processere  deliciae 
ut  sine  hoc  instrumento  durare  jam  ne  virorum  quidem  cervices  possint.  This  suggests 
to  the  historian  of  languages  the  connection  of  the  Latin  origin  of  ^fawtt,  tfijfett,  and 
^fufyt  with  Pliny's  account ;  our  ancestors  adopted  the  Latin  designation  for  the 
articles  which  the  Romans  procured  from  Germania,  Thus  our  $ful?(  with  its 
cognates  attests  the  share  Germania  had  in  the  decline  of  Rome. 

With  Greece  the  Western  Teutons  have  had  in  historical  times — the  word  9lr$t 
does  not  prove  much — no  immediate  contact  producing  any  influence  on  the  German 
language.  It  was  really  the  Romans  who  made  known  to  the  new  conquerors  of  the 
world  the  name  of  that  nation  which  at  a  subsequent  period  was  destined  to  affect 
our  development  so  powerfully.  But  the  settlement  of  the  Goths  in  the  Balkan 
peninsula  (their  latest  descendants  were  the  Crimean  Goths,  who  died  out  about  the 
beginning  of  the  last  century)  had  such  an  influence  on  the  Western  Teutons  that 
they  have  left  traces  even  in  our  mother-tongue  ;  the  first  knowledge  of  Christianity 
spread  from  them  among  the  other  Teutons.  Our  oldest  supply  of  loan-words  bearing 
on  the  Christian  religion  belongs  to  Greek  terminology,  which  never  existed  in  the 


Roman  Church  ;  the  words  birdie  and  *J5faffe,  <Sam3tag  and  spftnjtag,  we  undoubtedly 
owe  to  Greek  influence,  through  the  medium  of  the  Arian  Goths  ;  and  probably  the 
same  may  be  said  of  (Sngel  and  £eufe(,  S9ifcr)of  and  *Pftngjkn.  The  connection  between 
the  German  tribes  and  the  Goths,  which  we  think  can  be  recognised  in  other  words 
expressive  of  religious  ideas,  such  as  £cibe  and  taufcn,  lasted  till  the  7th  century  ;  the 
Alemannians  were  until  the  year  635  a.d.  under  the  dominion  of  the  Gotbs.  Orthodox 
Christianity  of  the  Middle  Ages,  which  supplanted  Arianism,  was  no  longer  in  a 
position  to  reject  entirely  the  naturalised  terminology,  and  thus  our  mother-tongue  has 
preserved  down  to  the  present  day  some  expressions  of  Gothic- Arian  Christianity. 

All  the  words  that  Romish  missionaries  introduced  into  German  also  evidently 
bear  the  stamp  of  a  later  linguistic  period.  Not  until  the  development  of  the 
peculiar  system  of  sounds  in  High  German — a  new  permutation  of  consonants 
divided  from  this  point  High  German  from  Low  German— does  the  influence  of 
Romish  Christianity  begin  to  express  itself  in  the  language.  From  the  end  of  the 
8th  century  our  mother-tongue  remained  for  more  than  two  hundred  years  in  the 
service  of  religious  literature.  It  is  the  period  in  our  history  in  which  literary 
records  appear,  and  during  that  time  High  German  was  greatly  influenced  by 
Romish  Christianity.  A  large  number  of  Latin  words  was  naturalised  among  us  ; 
for  ecclesiastical  offices  and  dignities,  for  ecclesiastical  rites  and  appurtenances,  we 
adapted  the  current  terms  consecrated  by  the  official  language  of  the  Church,  such 
as  *pricfter,  SPvobji,  2lbt,  3JJond>,  Syenite,  <Stgvijr,  Jtfiftev,  SRefiner,  2flejfe,  geicr,  fegnen,  prebtgcn, 
faficicn,  Mrbammen,  -ftreuj,  Jfelcf),  Drgcf,  SUtur,  <fcc.  The  unceasing  pliancy  of  our  language 
is  attested  by  the  fact  that  some  German  words  were  constructed  on  the  model  of 
the  Latin,  such  as  Scidjte,  from  confessio,  ©e»atter,  from  compater,  @en>iffen,  from 
conscientia.  The  Church  brought  learning  with  a  new  nomenclature  in  its  train  ; 
contemporaneously  with  the  ecclesiastical  Latin  words,  ©djirte,  fdjmben,  Xinte,  93rief, 
received  among  us  the  rights  of  citizenship. 

While  the  Old  German  vocabulary  was  enriched  by  such  materials,  there  existed 
a  store  of  words  which  is  dying  out  in  the  literary  language,  and  is  prolonging  to 
some  extent  its  semi-conscious  life  in  the  old  popular  songs.  At  the  same  time  the 
terminology  of  war  receives  a  new  impress  ;  old  words  for  '  combat,'  such  as  gund, 
hilti,  badu,  hadu,  disappear  as  independent  words,  and  leave  behind  indistinct  traces 
only  in  proper  names,  such  as  ©iintfycr  and  §ebung.  Words  such  as  mark  (see  SWdfyre), 
and  ©er,  9iecfe,  and  SEciganb  have  been  brought  down  as  archaic  terms  to  the  Middle 
High  German  period. 

With  the  rise  of  chivalry  the  old  German  terms  applied  to  war  must,  as  may  be 
imagined,  have  undergone  transformation  ;  as  it  was  French  in  its  essential  charac- 
ter, it  also  introduced  French  loan-words  among  us.  French  influence,  which  first 
made  itself  felt  in  Germany  about  the  year  1000  a.d.  (the  word  fein  is,  perhaps,  the 
earliest  loan-word  of  genuine  French  origin),  has  never  ceased  to  operate  on  our 
language.  But  it  reached  its  zenith  with  the  introduction  of  chivalry,  as  it  did  once 
again  at  the  time  of  the  Thirty  Years'  War.  It  is  therefore  not  to  be  wondered  at 
that  words  relating  to  war  and  the  court,  such  as  Sauje,  (Solbat,  Q3atafl,  Jfajhfl,  Xurnicr, 
Slbcnteucr,  have  been  borrowed  from  the  French  vocabulary  in  exchange,  as  it 
were,  for  the  stock  of  Teutonic  words  connected  with  war  which  passed  some 
centuries  earlier  into  French  (comp.  French  auberge,  gonfalon,  marechal,  heraut 
under  £cvberge,  $al)iic,  SWavfdjaK,  and  Revolt).  Moreover,  courtly  and  fashionable  words, 
such  as  fofteit,  licfern,  prtifen,  and  prtifen  have  also  passed  into  Germany. 


When  the  linguistic  influence  of  the  West  had  reached  its  culminating  point, 
Slavonic  began  to  make  itself  felt  on  the  German  Eastern  marches.  As  it  was  due 
to  neighbourly  intercourse  among  the  border  tribes,  it  was  at  first  insignificant  and 
harmless.  But  several  words  which  came  to  light  in  this  way,  such  as  £elmftf<fe, 
©ren^e,  Jhrotmct,  $ettfd?e,  ^etfdjaft,  and  <Sdjcp$,  gradually  won  for  themselves  from  the 
13th  century  a  place  in  the  language  of  our  literature. 

These  are  in  their  main  features  the  facts  of  those  periods  of  the  history  of  the 
German  language  whose  material  has  furnished  the  essential  contents  of  the  present 
work.  In  those  periods  lie  the  beginnings  of  most  of  the  words  whose  origin 
demands  a  stricter  etymological  investigation. 


abstr.  =  abstract, 
ace.  =  accusative 
adj.  =  adjective, 
adv.  =  adverb, 
adverb.  =  adverbial. 
Alem.  =  Alemannian. 
Amerie.  =  American. 
Arab.  =  Arabic. 
Armen.  =  Armenian. 
Armor.  =  Armorican. 
AS.  =  Anglo-Saxon. 

Bav.  =  Bavarian. 
Bohem.  =  Bohemian. 
Bret.  =  Breton. 
Burg.  =Burgundian. 

causat.  —  causative. 

Chald.  =  Chaldean. 

Chin.  =  Chinese. 

class.  =  classical. 

collect.  =  collective. 

comp.  =  compare. 

conj.  =  conjunction. 

con  jug.  =  conjugation. 

contr.  =  contracted. 

Corn.  =  Cornish. 

CrimGoth.  =  Crimean  Gothic. 

Cymr.  =  Cymric. 

Dan.  =  Danish. 

dat.  =  dative, 
declen.  =  declension, 
denom.  =  denominative, 
dial.  =  dialect,  dialectic, 
dimin.  =  diminutive. 
Dor.  =  Doric. 
Du.  =  Dutch. 

E.  =  English. 
E Aryan  =  East  Aryan. 
East  Tent.  =  East  Teutonic. 
Egypt.  =  Egyptian. 
e-qmv.  =  equivalent. 
Europ.  =  European. 

f.  =  feminine. 
Finn.  =  Finnish. 
Fr.  =  French. 

Franc.  =  Franconian. 
frequent.  =  frequentative. 
Fris.  =  Frisian. 

Gael.  =  Gaelic. 
Gall.  =  Gallic, 
gen.  =  genitive. 
Goth. = Gothic. 
Gr.  =  Greek. 

Hebr.  =  Hebrew. 
HG.  =  High  German. 
Hung.  =  Hungarian. 

Ic.  =  Icelandic 
Ind.  =  Indian, 
indeclin.  =  indeclinable, 
infin.  =  infinitive, 
inflect.  =  inflected, 
instrum.  =  instrumental, 
intens. = intensive, 
inter  j.  =  interjection, 
interr.  =  interrogative, 
in  trans.  =  intransitive. 
Ion.  =  Ionian. 
Ir.  =s  Irish. 
Ital.  =  Italian. 

Jew. = Jewish. 

Kelt.  =  Keltic. 

Lapp.  =  Lappish. 

Lat.  =  Latin. 

Lett.  =  Let  tic. 

LG.  =  Low  German. 

lit.  =  literal(ly). 

Lith.  —  Lithuanian. 

Lom  bard = Lombard  ic. 

Lower  Rhen.  =  Lower  Rhenish. 

m.  =  masculine. 
MidDu.  =  Middle  Dutch. 
MidE.  =  Middle  English. 
MidG.  =  Middle  German. 
MidGr.  =  Middle  Greek. 
MidIIG.  =  Middle  High  German. 
MidLat.  =  Middle  Latin. 
Mid LG.  =  Middle  Low  German. 
ModDu.  =  Modern  Dutch. 

xvi                               LIST  OF  ABBREVIATIONS. 

ModE.  =  Modern  English. 

prep.  =  preposition. 

ModFr.  =  Modern  French. 

pros.  =  present. 

ModGr.  =  Modern  Greek. 

pret.  =  preterite. 

ModHG.  =  Modern  High  German 

prim.  =  primary. 

ModIc.  =  Modem  Icelandic. 

primit.  =  primitive(ly). 

ModLG.  =  Modern  Low  German. 

pron.  =  pronoun. 

ModTeut.  =  Modern  Teutonic. 

pronom.  =  pronominal. 

Mongol.  =  Mongolian. 

prop.  =  properly. 
Proven.  =  Provencal. 

n.  =:  neuter. 

Pruss.  =  Prussian. 

naut.  =  nautical. 

nom.  =  nominative. 

redup.  =  reduplicated . 

Norw.  —  Norwegian. 

refl.  =  reflexive. 

num.  =  numeral. 

Rom.  =  Romance. 

Russ.  =  Russian. 

0 Aryan  =  Old  Aryan. 

OBulg.  =01d  Bulgarian. 

8. = singular. 

ODu.=  Old  Dutch. 
OFr.=  Old  French. 
OFris.  =  Old  Frisian. 
OHG.  =  01d  High  German. 
OIc.  =  Old  Icelandic. 

Sans.  =  Sanscrit. 
Sax.  =  Saxon. 
Scand.  =  Scandinavian. 
Scyth.  =  Scythian. 
Sem.  =  Semitic. 

OInd.  =  01d  Indian. 
OIr.  =  Old  Irish. 
OKelt.=  Old  Keltic. 
OLat.  =  Old  Latin. 
OLG.  =  01d  Low  German. 

Serv.  =  Servian. 
Slav.  =  Slavonic. 
Slov.  =  Slovenian 
Span.  =  Spanish, 
str.  —  stron^. 

onomat.  =  onomatopoetic. 

subst.  =  substantive. 

OPers.  =  01d  Persian. 

Suff.  = Sllffix. 

OPruss.  =  Old  Prussian. 
ord.  =  ordinal. 

super.  —  superlative. 
Swab.  =  Swabian. 

or  ig. = original  (ly). 

Swed.  =  Swedish. 

OSax.  =  Old  Saxon. 

OSlav.  =  Old  Slavonic. 

OSlov.=  Old  Slovenian. 

Teut.  =  Teutonic. 

OTeut.  =  Old  Teutonic. 

Thrac.  =  Thracian. 

trans.  =  transitive. 

partic.  =  participle, 
perf .  =  perfect. 
Pere.  =  Persian. 

Umb.  =  Umbrian. 
UpG.  =  Upper  German. 

Phcen.  =  Phoenician. 

Pied.  =  Piedmontesc. 

vb.  =  verb. 

plur. =plural. 
Pol.  =  Polish. 

voc.= vocative. 

Port.  =  Portuguese. 

W.= Welsh. 

poss.  =  possessive. 
Prak.  =  Prakrit. 

West  Sax.  =  West  Saxon. 

West  Teut.  =  West  Teutonic. 

pref .  =  prefix. 

wk.  =  weak. 

An  asterisk  (*)  signifies  that  the  form  adduced  is  only  theoretical. 


tCt,  tCtd),  a  frequent  suffix  in  the  formation 
of  the  names  of  hrooks  and  rivers  (or 
rather  the  places  named  after  them)  ;  on 
the  whole,  :<\fy  (Uvaefc,  €teuiacfy,  ©aljad), 
Ototacf),  (Scfjivaqact))  is  more  UpG,  sa  more 
MidG,  and  LG.  (gnlba,  SBevra,  <Sd)n?aqa) ; 
from  OHG.  aha,  'running  water,'  Goth. 
ahwa,  '  river '  (for  details  see  2lu),  whence 
also  the  names  of  the  rivers  Sla  (Westph.), 
Di)t  (Hesse). 

Jlctl,  m.,  'eel,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  OHG.  dl,  m.,  a  term  common  to  the 
Teutonic  dialects  ;  comp.  OIc.  dll,  AS.  tie', 
E.  eel,  Du.  aal  (allied  perhaps  to  Sllaut 
i.).  No  original  affinity  to  the  equiv.  Lat. 
anguilla,  Gr.  ?7x«Xw,  U  possible,  for  the 
sounds  of  the  Teut.  words  differ  too  much 
from  it ;  even  from  *anglu-,  OHG.  al  or 
AS.  ml  could  not  he  deri  ved.  Besides,  th  ere 
is  no  hereditary  stock  of  names  of  fishes 
possessed  in  common  by  Teut.  and  Gr.  and 
Lat.  (see  gifd)). — Jlalraupe,  f., 'eel-pout' 
(also  called  Slatquappe,  see  Gitappe),  an  eel- 
.  like  fish,  originally  called  9iaupe  merely ;  in 
MidHG.  rUppe,  OHG.  rAppay  as  the  Mid 
HG.  rutte  (the  equivalent  and  parallel 
form)  indicates,  tlie  base  of  the  word  is 
probably  supplied  by  the  Lat.  ruJbita,  from 
which,  through  the  Teut.  custom  of  dis- 
placing the  accent  in  borrowed  words 
(see  Slbt),  we  get  r&beta,  and  then,  by  the 
assimilation  of  the  consonants  through 
syncope  of  the  intermediate  e,  the  forms 
mentioned  ;  names  of  fishes  borrowed  in 
OHG.  from  Lat.  rarely  occur.    See  Guayye. 

Jlcnr,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  ar, 
OHG.  aro,  bl, '  eagle ' ;  a  prim.  Teut.  word, 
which  has  also  cognates  outside  the  Teut. 
group.  Comp.  Goth,  ara,  OIc.  are,  m., 
'eagle' ;  further  OIc.  qrn,  OHG,  MidHG. 
urn  (to  which  is  allied  ModHG.  Slrnolb, 
OHG.  .lra/ioft.  orig.  sense  'eagle-guardian'), 
AS.  earn,  'eagle,'  Du.  arend,  'eagle' ;  pri- 

marily cognate  with  OSlov.  orllu,  Lith, 
er&is,  '  ea^le,'  Gr.  6pvts,  '  bird,'  Corn,  and 
Bret.  er.  W.  eryr,  '  eagle.'    See  Slbler. 

Jlcts,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.,  OHG. 
and  OLG.  ds,  n.,  '  carcase,  carrion' ;  comp. 
the  equiv.  AS.  ties;  allied  to  ejfen. 

ab,  adv.,  also  a  prep,  in  older  ModHG. 
(hence  the  modern  abbanben,  lit  'from  the 
hands,'  as  well  as  Swiss  patronymics  like 
?lb  bet  glid).  Sib  bev  £alb),  'off,  away  from,' 
from  MidHG.  abe,  ab,  prep.,  'down  from, 
away  from,  off,'  adv.,  '  down,'  OHG.  aba, 
prep.,  'away  from,  down  from  here,'  adv., 
'down.'  Corresponding  to  Goth,  af  (ab), 
prep.,  'down  from  there, from'  (also  adv.), 
MidDu.  af,  ave,  OLG.  af,  equiv.  to  AS.  of, 
E.  of  j  orig.  cognate  with  Gr.  dir6,  Sans. 
dpa,  '  away  from.'  Of  course  phrases  like 
ab  ^amburo,  do  not  contain  the  OG.  prep., 
but  are  due  to  incorrect  Latinity ;  since 
the  17th  century  commercial  language  has 
adopted  Latin  expressions. 

JtbCttb,  m.,  '  evening,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  Absnt  (dbunt)  ;  OHG.  dband, 
m. ;  corresponding  to  OSax.  dband,  Du. 
avond,  AS.  tiefen,1  evening,'  whence  E.  eve  ; 
also  the  deriv.  AS.  tiefning,  E.  evening 
(comp.  morning)  ;  OIc.  aptann;  similarly 
Goth,  andanahti,  orig.  sense  'forenight,' 
and  sagqs,  lit.  •  setting.'  The  SEurop.  term 
corresponding  to  Gr.  tartpos,  Lat.  vesper,  is 
non-Tent  (comp  SQ3efl  and  2Binter).  A  verb 
abm  (ecben),  '  to  grow  dusk,'  adduced  from 
the  Swiss  dialects  to  explain  Slbcitb,  can 
be  none  other  than  a  later  derivaiive  of 
Sibenb.  Moreover,  Slbenb  (base  Sp-)  can 
scarcely  be  connected  with  ab  (base  apo), 
as  if  Slbenb  were  the  waning  period  of 
the  day.  According  to  old  Teut  notions, 
the  evening  was  regarded  rather  as  the 
beginning  of  the  following  day.  See 
(Boiutabenb  and  gufhtacfjf. 

Jlbcnfcuer,  n.,  'adventure,'  from  Mid 


(        2        ) 


UQ.dventiure,  f,  'occurrence,  a  marvellous, 
fortunate  event,  a  poem  on  such  a  theme, 
sources  of  the  court  poets '  ;  the  latter 
is  derived  from  Fr.  aventure  (MidLat. 
adventuw,  allied  to  MidLat  and  Horn. 
advenire,  'to  happen'). 

abet,  adv.  and  conj.,  '  hut,  however,' 
from  MidHG.  aber  (aver),  abe  (ave),  adv. 
and  conj.,  'again,  once  more,  on  the  con- 
trary, but' ;  OHG.  abur,  uvar,  adv.  and 
conj.  with  both  meanings  ;  to  this  OHG. 
avardn.  '  to  repeat,'  ModHG.  (UpG.)  afern 
is  allied.  Comp.  Goth,  afar,  prep., '  after,' 
adv.,  ' afterwards,'  OIc.  afar,  'very,'  in 
compounds ;  the  word  does  not  occur 
in  Sax.  dialects,  but  its  deriv.  OSax. 
abaro,  AS.  eafora,  'descendant'  (comp. 
Goth,  afar,  'afterwards'),  exists.  It  is 
probably  related  to  ab  and  its  cognates  ; 
comp.  further  Sans,  dpara,  '  the  later,' 
apardm,  adv.,  'latterly,  in  future,'  apart, 

aber,  &ber,  adj.  (UpG),  dfer  (Franc), 
'free  from  snow,  laid  bare';  from  the 
prim,  form  *dbar,  dbiri  (dfiri) ;  orig.  cognate 
with  Lat.  aprieus,  '  sunny.' 

^Iberglcmbe,  m.,  'superstition,'  first 
occurs  in  early  ModHG.  (15th  cent.) ; 
since  Luther  it  has  made  its  way  into 
ModHG.  ;  orig.  a  LG.  word  (comp.  Sflbebar, 
2>emut),  as  the  vowel-sounds  indicate.  LG. 
aber,  for  over,  ober,  points  to  OLG.  *otar- 
giltibo (Du.  overgeloof),  'superstition,'  which 
is  formed  after  the  model  of  Lat.  superstitio; 
comp.  Dan.  overtro,  Sw.  ofvertro,  but  also 
in  MidLG.  btgeldve,  Du.  bijgeloof. 

(thermal,  adv.,  first  occurs  in  ModHG, 
for  the  equiv.  MidHG.  aber,  'again,  once 
more,'  formed  with  the  suffix  mat 

Jlberrauf  e,  f., '  southern-wood,'  a  cor- 
ruption of  Lat-Gr.  abrotonum  (Fr.  aurone), 
due  to  its  supposed  connection  with  (Jtaute ; 
see  also  (Sbtifc. 

JlbcrttJtfj,  m.,  'false  wit,  craziness,' 
from  MidHG.  aberwitze,  abewitze,  '  want  of 
understanding,'  from  MidHG.  abe,  '  away 
from,'  as  in  MidHG.  abegunst,  '  envy, 

abgcfcimf,  see  %tim. 

^Ibgoff,  m.,  'idol,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG«  abgot,  n.,  '  idoi,  idolatrous  image' ; 
note  the  retention  of  the  older  gender 
of  ©ctt  as  late  as  MidHG. ;  comp.  Goth. 
afgups,  'godless'  (antithesis  to  gaguj>s, 
1  pious ')  ;  hence  ?ll\jett  is  properly  '  false 
god ' ;  see  Jlbetwifc. 

Jlbgrurto,  m.,  '  abyss,  precipice,'  from 

MidHG.  abgrunt,  m.,  most  frequently  ub- 
griinde,  n.,  OHG.  abgrunti,  n.,  'abyss,'  pro- 
perly '  declivity ' ;  comp.  Goth,  afgrundipa, 
j.,  '  abyss.' 

ablctrtft,  adj., '  oblong,  oval,'  first  occurs 
in  ModHG.,  formed  on  the  model  of  Lat. 

Jlblafi,  m.,  '  sluice,  remission,'  from 
MidHG.  abld},  m.,  OHG.  dbld$,  n.,  'in- 
dulgence, remission,  pardon ' ;  comp.  Goth. 
dfUts,  m.,  '  remission,  pardon.'  allied  to 
af-letan, ' to  remit,  pardon,'  OHG.  ob-ldftan. 

abxnurk  fen,  see  meiufyln. 

Jlbfeife,  f.,  '  wing,  aisle,'  from  MidHG. 
apsite,  f.,  '  the  domed  recess  of  a  church,'  a 
corruption  of  MidLat.  and  OHG.  absida 
(Gr.  dv/'/s),  '  vault,'  due  to  its  supposed  con- 
nection with  site,  '  side.' 

abfpenfllQ,  adj.,  'alienated,  disaffected,' 
first  occurs  in  ModHG.,  from  OHG.  spen- 
sttg,  'seductive,'  allied  to  OHG.  spanst, 
'  allurement ' ;  see  under  ©efpenfl  and  ttnbm 

Jlbf,  m.,  'abbot,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  apt,  abbet,  abbdt,  OHG.  and  MidHG. 
abb&t,m.;  comp.  Du.  abt,A&.  abbod(w\ih  an 
abnormal  d),  and  less  frequently  abbot,  E. 
abbot.  Borrowed  with  a  change  of  accent 
in  OHG.  from  MidLat.  abbdt-  (nom.  sing. 
abbas), '  abbot' ;  coin  p.  Ital.  abdte,  Fr.  abM, 
Olr.  ahb,  ace.  abbaith.  It  will  be  seen 
under  Jtreuj  that  in  words  borrowed  from 
Lat  the  stem  of  the  oblique  cases  as  well 
as  the  noinin.  often  forms  the  base  ;  with 
regard  to  the  ecclesiastical  terms  borrowed 
in  OHG.  comp.  among  others  SRcucfy,  91onnc, 
$avft,  $riejhr,  $robft. 

jlbfet,  f.,  'abbey,'  from  MidHG.  aptei, 
abbeteie,  OHG.  abbateia,  f.,  'abbey'  (for 
*abbeiaX),  formed  from  MidLat.  abbatia, 
under  the  influence  of  OFr.  abbaie,  and 
based  upon  abbdt. 

abfrttttttig,  adj.,  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  abetriinnec  (ahetriinne),  OHG.  aba- 
irunntg,  adj.,  '  recreant ' ;  orig.  sense,  '  he 
who  separates  himself  from,'  for  trennen 
contains  the  same  stem.  Comp.  also  OHG. 
anttrunno,  'fugitive,'  MidHG.  triinne,  'a 
detached  troop.' 

,Jlb3Ucbt,  f.,  'drain,  sewer,'  first  occurs 
in  ModHG.,  germanised  from  Lat.  aquae- 
ductus  (whence  also  Swiss  Slften, ' conduits'). 
See  Slnfcaudjf. 

ad),  interj.,  'ah  !  alas  !'  from  MidHG. 
ach,  OHG.  ah;  to  this  is  allied  MidHG. 
and  ModHG.  9ld),  ah,  n.,  '  woe,'  and  its 
deriv.,  which  first  occurs  in  ModHG.,  dcfcjnt, 


(    3    ) 


orig.  sense,  '  to  utter  Slcfy '  (formed  like 
ifyrjen,  butjen). 

Jldjcti,  m.,  '  agate,'  from  MidHG.  achdt, 
achdtes,  equiv.  to  Gr-Lat.  achates. 

Jld)c,  Rhen.  for  JJladjeit. 

Jld)ef,  see  &f>re. 

ttdjcltt,  Jew., '  to  eat,'  from  Heb.  &khdl, 
*  to  eat.' 

Jldjfe,  f.,  'axle,  axis,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  ahse,  OHG.  ahsa,  f. ;  comp.  Du. 
as,  AS.  tax,  f.,  E.  axle  (even  in  MidE. 
eaxel-tree  occurs,  E.  axle-tree),  with  de- 
riv.  /,  like  OIc.  o'xull,  m.,  'axle';  Goth, 
*ahsa,  or  rather  *ahauls,  is,  by  chance,  not 
recorded.  The  stem  ahsd-,  common  to 
the  Teut.  languages,  from  pre-Teut.  aksd, 
is  widely  diffused  among  the  Aryan 
tongues  ;  it  is  primitively  related  to  Sans. 
dl:Sa,  in.,  Gr.  &Zuv,  Lat.  axis,  OSlov.  ost, 
Lith.  aszis,  'axle';  the  supposition  that 
the  Teut.  cognates  were  borrowed  is  quite 
unfounded  ;  comp.  9kb.  The  orig.  sense 
of  Aryan  alcso-  remains  obscure  ;  with  the 
root  ag,  'to  drive,'  some  have  connected 
Lat.  ago,  Gr.  &yu.   See  the  following  word. 

.Jlcfyfel,  f.,  'shoulder,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  ahsel,  OHG.  ahsala,  f.  ;  comp. 
AS.  eaxl,  OIc.  qxl,  f.,  'shoulder';  Goth. 
*ahsla,  {.,  is  wanting.  It  is  probable  that 
the  Teut.  word  is  connected  with  the  O. 
Aryan  Slcbje ;  Lat.  axilla  (Olr.  oxal), 
'arm-pit,'  and  dla,  'arm-pit,  wing,'  are 
also  cognate  with  it.  In  OTeut.,  Goth. 
*ahsla  (Aryan  *aksld)  has  a  still  wider 
family,  since  forms  with  Teut.  6,  Aryan  d 
in  the  stem  belong  to  it;  comp.  AS.  6xn,  6cu- 
sla, '  arm-pit,'  and  OHG.  tiohsana,  MidHG. 
iiehse,  uohse,  f.,  'arm-pit,'Du.  oksel,'  shoulder.' 

ctdjt,  num.,  'eight,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  ahte,  OHG.  ahto,  common  to  the 
Teut.  and  also  to  the  Aryan  groups.  Comp. 
Goth,  ahtau,  AS.  eahta,  E.  eight,  Du.  acht, 
OSax.  ahto  ;  further,  Sans.  aStdu,  Gr.  <J*cti6, 
Lat.  octo,  Olr.  ocht,  Lith.  asztunl,  prim. 
Aryan  okt6,  or  rather  okt6u,  '  eight'  Re- 
specting acfyt  $age  see  the  historical  note 
under  iflacfyr. 

$d)f ,  f., '  outlawry,  ban,'  from  MidHG. 
dhte,  ahte,  f.,  'pursuit,  proscription,  out- 
lawry, ban ' ;  OHG.  dhta  (AS.  6ht),  f.,  '  hos- 
tile pursuit.'  Goth.  *dhtjan.  •  to  pursue,' 
is  wanting.  Comp.  OSax.  dhttan,  AS.  ihtan 
(from  anhtjari), '  to  pursue.'  Teut  *aflhtian, 
■  to  pursue,'  and  *a»ht6,  '  pursuit,'  seem  to 
be  based  on  a  non-dental  root,  which  is 
perhaps  connected  with  the  cognates  of 
tng  (Aryan  root  angh). 

arf)tcn,  vb., '  to  have  regard  to,  esteem, 
value,'  from  MidHG.  ahten,  OHG.  aht6», 
'  to  heed,  ponder,  take  care ' ;  allied  to 
MidHG.  ahte,  OHG.  ahta,  f.,  '  heed,  paying 
attention.'  Comp.  Du.  achten,  AS.eahtian, 
'to  ponder';  also  with  deriv.  I,  OIc.  oztla 
(Goth..  *ahtil6n),  'to  suppose,  think.'  It 
is  based  upon  a  Teut.  root  ah,  '  to  sup- 
pose, think ' ;  comp.  Goth,  aha,  '  under- 
standing,' ahjan, '  to  believe,'  ahma, '  spirit' 
The  Aryan  root  ak  is  widely  diffused,  yet 
no  other  language  coincides  with  the  signi- 
fication of  the  Teut.  cognates. 

cufytev,  LowG.  for  after. 

$djfertt>afTer,  'back-water.'  See  under 

cidjaett,  vb.,  see  ad). 

.Jlcuer,  m.,  'field,  arable  land,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  acker,  OHG.  accliar 
(ahhar),  m. ;  a  common  Teut.  and  OAryan 
word  corresponding  to  Goth,  akrs,  m.,  AS. 
ozcer,  E.  acre  (aker),  Du.  akker,  OSax.  ukkar. 
Teut.  *akra-z,  m.,  from  pre-Teut.  agro-s ; 
comp.  Sans,  djra-s,  m.,  '  pasture-ground, 
plain,  common,'  Gr.  &yp6s,  Lat.  ager  (stem 
a9r°-)>  '  field.'  It  is  certainly  connected 
with  the  Ind.  root  aj,  'to  drive'  (comp. 
Xrijt,  allied  to  tretben),  Lat.  ago,  Gr.  &yu, 
to  which  in  OIc.  aka,  'to  drive,'  was 
allied.  "  Thus  djra-  signifies  in  the  widest 
sense  '  field  and  common,'  orig.  as  '  pasture- 
land,'  the  greatest  part  of  which,  when 
tillage  supplanted  the  rearing  of  cattle, 
was  used  for  crops."  The  transition  in 
meaning  was,  probably,  completed  on 
the  migration  of  the  Western  Aryans  to 
Europe  ;  moreover,  the  root  ar, '  to  plough, 
till,'  is  West  Aryan  ;  comp.  Gr.  ip6w,  Lat. 
arare,  Goth,  arjan,  OHG.  erian,  OBulg. 
orati,  '  to  plough.'     See  Slrt. 

Jlbcbctf,  m.  (Holland,  ooijevaar),  a  Low 
G.  name  for  the  stork,  MidLG.  odevare, 
MidHG.  odebar,  OHG.  odobero  (in  Old  Ger. 
times  the  term  was,  moreover,  prevalent  in 
Germany).  No  certain  explanation  of  the 
word  can  be  given  ;  it  is  most  frequently 
interpreted  as  '  bringer  of  children,  of  good 
luck' (comp.  9l(lob).  Respecting  the  LG. 
vowel-sounds  see  9lbervjlaube. 

Jloel,  ni.,  '  nobility,' from  MidHG.  adel, 
in.,  n.,  '  lineage,  noble  lineage,  noble  rank, 
perfection,'  OHG.  adal,  n.  (and  edili,  n.), 
'  lineage,  esp.  noble  lineage ' ;  correspond- 
ing to  OSax.  atSali,  n.,  'body  of  nobles, 
notables,  nobility,'  Du.  adel,  AS.  atSelu, 
n.  plur.,  '  noble  birth,'  OIc.  atSal,  '  disposi- 
tion, talent,  lineage.'    In  Goth,  the  stem 


(    4    ) 


<tji  (by  gradation  6}>)  is  wanting  ;  to  it 
belong  OHO.  ttodil,  n., '  patrimony,  home ' 
(ModHG.  Wti^.from  OHO.  UodulrMi  or 
Ublanb,  from  Uodal-lant),  OSax.  ffiil,  AS. 
itiel,  m.,  'patrimony,  home.'  Hence  the 
fundamental  idea  of  the  Teut.  root  ap,  hy 
gradation  6}>  (from  Aryan  &ty,  seems  to  he 
'  by  transmission,  inheritance.'  The  aris- 
tocratic tinge  evinced  by  the  WestTeut 
cognates  is  not  remarkable  when  we  con- 
sider the  early  period  ;  only  the  patrician 
had  a  'family' ;  genealogies  of  nobles  (in 
old  documents)  reach  back  to  the  OTeut. 
period  ;  the  names  beginning  with  Slbct  are 
primitive,  SllfonS,  influenced  by  Bom.  from 
OHQ.  Adalfuns,  Adalheid,  Adalberaht, 
Slbolf,  from  Atha-ulf;  also  the  deriv.  OHG. 
Adalung.    See  too  SlHcr,  ebcl. 

Jlber,  f.,  'vein,'  from  MidHG.  dder, 
OHG.  Mara,  f.,  '  vein,  sinew,'  correspond- 
ing to  MidLG.  ader,  '  vein,  sinew,'  Du.  ader, 
AS.  ckdre,  f.,  'vein '  (rarely  &Sr),  OSw.  apra, 
ModSw.  ddra;  also  without  the  deriv.  r, 
OIc.  ctiSr  (the  r  is  simply  a  nomin.  suffix), 
f.,  '  vein  ; '  the  Goth,  cognate  ip  is  not 
found.  The  pre-Tent.  it-  has  been  con- 
nected with  Gr.  1/Top,  'heart,'  fjrpov,  'abdo- 
men,' and  here  it  must  be  recollected  that 
MidHG.  and  MidLG.  dder  in  the  plur.  may 
signify  '  bowels.' 

Jlofor,  m., '  eagle,'  from  MidHG.  adel-ar 
(also  adel-arn),  m. ;  prop,  a  compound, 
'noble  bird  of  prey.'  It  is  noteworthy 
that  2lat  in  ModHG.  is  the  nobler  term, 
while  Slblcr  serves  as  the  name  for  the 
species  without  any  consciousness  of  its 
origin  from  3lDcl  and  Slar.  OHG.  *adal-aro 
appears  by  chance  not  to  be  recorded. 
Corresponds  to  Du.  adelaar  (besides  arevd). 

afcrtt,  vb.,  '  to  repeat,'  an  UpG.  word  ; 
MidHG.  atferen,  OHG.  afardn.  See  under 

jt*ff,  suffix  used  to  form  names  of  rivers 
(Criajf,  OHG.  Eril-affa,  gftaff,  OHG.  Asc- 
affa),  and  of  places  (esp.  in  Franc,  and 
Hess.,  comp.  J&oneff),  allied  to  which  -ep,  p 
(also  Westpli.),  occurs  as  an  unchanged 
LG.  form,  e.g.  in  8eimc|».  The  base  *apa 
is  Kelt,  (equiv.  to  Lat.  aqua,  '  water,'  Goth. 
ahtra,  'river'). 

,Jlffc,  m.,  'ape,  monkev,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  affe,  OHG.  affo,  m. ;  also  in  OHG. 
the  feminine  forms  affa,  affin,  affinna, 
'  female  ape.'  A  word  common  to  the 
Teut.  group,  unrecorded  by  chance  in  Goth, 
alone,  in  which,  by  inference  from  OIc. 
ape,  AS,  apa,  E.  ape  (whence  Ir.  and  Gael. 

apa),  Du.  anp,  the  form  must  have  been 
*apa.  Facts  and  not  linguistic  reasons  lead 
to  the  conclusion  that  a/xin-  is  a  primitive 
loanword  with  which  OBuss.  opica,  OBoh. 
opice,  is  connected,  and  through  commer- 
cial intercourse  reached  the  Teutons  by 
some  unknown  route.  On  account  of  the 
assonance  it  is  very  often  referred,  without 
sufficient  reason,  to  Sans,  kapi  (Gr.  kjJtoj), 
'ape' ;  at  all  events,  it  is  certain  that  no 
word  for  Sljfe  common  to  the  Aryan,  or 
even  to  the  West  Aryan,  group  does  exist. 

JlffoHer,  m.,  'apple-tree.'     See  9lpfd. 

Jljff ev,  m.,  '  buttocks,  backside,'  from 
MidHG.  after,  OHG.  aftaro,  m.,  'funda- 
ment, anus';  lit.  'the  back  part,'  from 
MidHG.  after,  OHG.  aftar,  adj.,  'behind, 
following' ;  akin  to  Goth,  aftana, '  from  be- 
hind,' A  S.  after,  E.  after  ( LG.and  Du.  achter), 
Goth,  aftra,  '  back,  again.'  It  is  certainly 
allied  to  Goth,  afar,  'behind,'  and  the  cog- 
nates discussed  under  afccr. — Sifter;  in  com- 
pounds is  lit.  '  after,'  whence  the  idea  of 
'counterfeit,  baseness';  comp.  MidHG. 
aftersprdche,  'slander,  backbiting,'  after- 
wo>t,  'calumny';  the  older  meaning, 
'  after,  behind,'  is  preserved  in  ModHG. 
?lftermtete,  smufe,  met.  Note  too  Suab. 
(even  in  the  MidHG.  period)  aftermoiitag 
for  '  Tuesday.' 

Jlftlci,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  agleie, 
OHG.  ageleia,  f.,  '  columbine,'  which  is  de- 
rived from  Lat.  aquilegia,  whence  too  the 
equiv.  Fr.  ancolie,  Du.  akelei. 

Jll)Ie,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  die, 
OHG.  dla,  f.,  'cobbler's  awl.'  To  this 
is  allied  the  equiv.  OHG.  deriv.  dlvmsa, 
dlansa,  f.  (with  the  same  suffix  as  <Senj>)  ; 
prop,  alesna  (Swiss  alesne,  alsne),  whence 
the  Bom.  cognates — Span,  alesna,  Ital. 
lesina,  Fr.  aline,  'awl,'  are  borrowed  ; 
comp.  Du.  (Is,  'awl'  (from  *alisna),  AS. 
chl  (in  the  Orkneys  alison),  OIc.  air, '  awl.' 
The  consonance  with  Sans,  aid,  f.,  'punch, 
awl,'  points  to  an  O Aryan  word  ;  there 
existed  also  a  widely  ramified  Aryan  root 
to  designate  articles  of  leather.  See  Sauiu 
and  ©aide. 

affmen,  vb.,  in  nad)u^mett,  which  is 
wanting  in  MidHG.  and  OHG.  ;  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  dtnen,  '  to  measure  a  cask, 
gauge,'  figuratively  '  to  estimate,'  from  Mid 
HG.  and  MidLG.  dme, '  ohm '  (cusk  =  about 
40  trails.).     See  Cljm. 

Jlrjn,  m.,  'grandfather,  ancestor,'  from 
MidHG.  ane  (collateral  modified  form  ene), 
OHG.  ano,  m.,  'grandfather' ;  akin  to  the 


(    5    ) 


Alem.  dimin.  &fjni, '  grandfather.'  Further 
ModHG.  ?U)tte,  MidHG.  ane,  OHG.  ana,  f., 
'  grandmother.'  To  these  are  allied  Mod 
HG.  Urafytt,  MidHG.  urane,  urene,  OHG. 
*urano,  m.,  great-grandfather';  in  OHG. 
alt-ano,  altar-ano  (for  the  force  of  ur*  in 
Uratyne  see  vx-).  The  class  is  peculiar  to 
G.,  being  foreign  to  the  remaining  Teut. 
dialects  ;  comp.  also  (Snfel — really  a  dimin. 
form — which  belongs  to  it.  There  is  no 
doubt  that  Lat.  anus,  *  old  woman,'  is  a 
primit.  cognate.  Perhaps  the  Teut.  mas- 
culine name  OHG.  Anelo  (AS.  Onela,  OIc. 
Ale)  is  allied  to  it. 

afjnoen,  vb., '  to  punish,'  from  MidHG. 
anden,  OHG.  antdn,  anaddn,  'to  punish, 
censure,'  allied  to  OHG.  anto,  anado,  m , '  in- 
sult, embittered  feeling,  anger.'  It  corre- 
sponds to  OSax.  ando, '  exasperation,  anger,' 
AS.  anda,  onejxi,  '  zeal,  vexation,  hatred,' 
whence  andian,  '  to  be  angry ' ;  moreover, 
Goth,  preserves  in  uz-anan,  'to  die,'  the 
root  an,  '  to  breathe,  respire,  snort,'  which 
appears  in  these  words.  Comp.  OIc.  ande, 
m.,  'breath,  spirit,'  qnd,  f»,  'breath,  soul' ; 
and  also  AS.  iSian,  '  to  breathe'  (implying 
Goth.  *anj)j6n),  AS.  orup,  '  breath'  (Goth. 
*uzanj?),  orpian,  '  to  breathe,'  OIc.  $rendi, 
'  breathlessness.'  The  root  an,  preserved 
in  all  the  cognates,  is  OAryan,  and  means 
'  to  breathe ' ;  comp.  Lat.  animus,  anima, 
Gr.  &v€/j.os,  connected  with  the  Aryan  root 
an,  'to  breathe,  respire.'— af;ufcen,  vb.,  'to 
forebode ' ;  see  afynen. 

Jlf>ttC,  f., '  boon '  (of  flax  or  hemp),  from 
MidHG.  dne,  older  ayene,  f., '  chaff' ;  OHG. 
or/ana,  f., '  chalf ; '  also  AS. *agon,  agne,Mid 
E.  awene,  E.  awns,  Goth,  ahava,  Olc.  qgn, 
'  chaff.'  In  these  cognates  two  really  dif- 
ferent roots  seem  to  have  been  blended  in 
various  ways  ;  the  meaning  'chaff'  would 
be  applicable  to  the  one,  just  as  the  exact 
Gr.  correspondent  &xvV,  '  chaff,  foam '  (of 
the  sea),  likewise  points  to  Aryan  aghnd 
(comp.  besides  Gr.  &xvP0V,  '  chalf ').  The 
other  is  perhaps  lit.  'prickle,  awn,'  and 
belongs  to  the  root  ali  (Aryan  ak) ;  see 

af)ttett,  vb.,  '  to  forebode,  suspect,'  from 
MidHG.  anen, '  to  foresee,  forebode,'  foreign 
to  the  older  period  and  to  the  rest  of  the 
Teut.  dialects  ;  it  has  been  connected  with 
the  OAryan  root  an,  '  to  breathe,  respire,' 
60  that  it  may  be  a  primit.  cognate  of  al)tt- 
beit,  under  the  influence  of  which  it  also 
appears  in  ModHG.  as  aljufcen.  It  is  better, 
however,  to  regard  it  as  a  derivative  of 

the  prep,  an;  allien,  lit.  'to  befall,  seize, 
attack'  (properly  said  of  ghosts  or  visions). 

ttf)ttitd),  adj.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
dneltch,  OHG.  dnagilih  (*dnallh),  adj., 
'  similar.'  It  corresponds  to  Goth,  dnaleikd, 
adv.,  '  similarly ' ;  from  the  OTeut.  (Goth.) 
prep,  ana  (see  an)  and  the  suffix  lid) ;  see 

$Ijoro,  m..  'maple,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  dhorn,  m.,  the  d  of  which 
is  inferred  from  the  Swiss  dial. ;  comp.  Du. 
ahorn.  It  is  primit.  allied  to  Lat.  deer,  n., 
'maple'  (Gr.  &kcl<ttos)  and  Gr.  dKara\Ut 
'  j  uniper  berry.'  The  G.  word,  at  all  events, 
cannot  be  regarded  as  borrowed  from  Lat. 
Foranother  old  name  see  under  SWapljclbcr. 

Jlf)rc,  f.,  '  ear '  (of  com),  from  the  plur. 
of  MidHG.  eher,  OHG.  elrir,  aldr,  n.,  '  ear ' 
(of  corn) ;  corresponds  to  Du.  aar,  AS.  ear 
(from  *eahor),  E.  ear.  As  the  derivative  r 
standsforan  older  s, Goth. ahs,n.  (gen.  alisis) 
and  OIc.  ax  (also  S\v.  and  Dan.),  'ear' 
(of  corn),  are  identical  with  it ;  so,  too, 
OHG.  ah,  '  ear '  (of  corn).  Comp.  besides 
OHG.  ahii,  ModHG.  9ld?ct,  '  prickle,  spike  ' 
(of  corn),  (with  regard  to  the  ch,  comp.  Bav. 
ddjer,  '  ear  of  com,'  AS.  and  Northumb. 
cehher),  AS.  egle,  'spikes'  (of  corn),  E. 
ails,  eils  '  beard  of  wheat  or  barley,'  LG.  (in 
Brockes)  (Site,  'spike  '(of  corn),  Goth.  *agij>1 
Comp.  also  Slfyne.  The  Teut.  root  ah,  which 
consequently,  specially  means  '  spike,  ear' 
(of  corn),  agrees  with  Lat.  acus  (gen.  aceris), 
n., '  corn-prickle.'  It  may  be  said  generally 
that  a  root,  ah,  with  the  primary  meaning 
'  pointed,'  is  very  widely  developed  in  the 
Ayran  group  ;  comp.  Gr.  Akwos,  '  a  kind 
of  thistle,'  &Kaiva,  '<;oad,'  &kuv,  'javelin,' 
Aicpos,  '  at  the  point,'  Lat.  acus,  aculeus,  acies 
(see  <Sd(). 

Jlfyrcn,  m.,  '  vestibule '  (dial.),  from 
MidHG.  gro,  m.,  '  floor,  threshing-floor,' 
also '  ground,  bottom,'  OHG.  erin,  m.  (Goth. 
*arins),  to  which  OIc.  arenn,  m., '  hearth,' 
corresponds.  Further,  OHG.  Sro,  OIc. 
jqrve, '  earth,'  as  well  as  Lat.  area,  '  court- 
yard, threshing-floor,'  Lat.  arvum,  'plain, 
cornfield,'  and  Gr.  tpafc,  'to  the  ground,' 
may  be  cognate. 

aid)cn,  see  cid)cn. 

Jlfttct,  see  8lgWi. 

JUabctffor,  m.,  'alabaster,'  from  Mid 
HG.  alabaster  (Goth,  alabastraun),  from 
Lat-Gr.  alubastrum. 

JUcmt  (1.),  m.,  '  chub*  (a  fish),  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  alant,  OHG.  alant,  alnnt, 
m.,  corresponds  to  OSax.  alund;  allied  la 


(    6    ) 


01c.  Slunn,  'a  fish';  of  obscure  origin, 
perhaps  akin  to  Slal. 

JManf  (2.),  m.,  'elecampane '  (a  plant), 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  alant,  OHG.  alant, 
m.  ;  of  obscure  origin  ;  it  has  been  sup- 
posed to  be  connected  with  the  equiv. 
Span,  and  Port.  ala. 

JUarm,  m., '  alat•m,,  first  occurs  in  Mod 
HG.,  like  E.  alarm,  from  the  equiv.  Fr. 
alarme ;  the  latter  is  derived  from  Ital. 
allarme,  prop.,  all'  arme,  '  to  arms.'  See 

JUmm,  m., '  alum,'  from  MidHG.  alun, 
m.,  '  alum,'  from  the  equiv.  Lat.  alumen, 
whence  also  Lith.  alunas,  Eng.  and  Fr. 
alun,  E.  alum  (AS.  celifne,  also  efne). 

Jllbc  (1.),  f.,  '  alb.'  from  MidHG.  albe, 
OHG.  alba,  f.,  '  a  white  vestment  used  at 
mass,'  formed  from  the  equiv.  EcclLat. 
alba  (E.  alb). 

Jllbc  (2.),  f.,  '  bleak,  whitebait,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  albel,  m.,  formed  from 
the  Lat.  albula,  whence  also  Fr.  able. 

JUbeere,  SUbeftna,,  LG.  'black  currant,' 
even  in  MidLG.  albere ;  al-  is  generally 
connected  with  9llant  (2).  Corresponding 
to  Du.  aalbes,  aalbezie. 

^Uber,  f., '  white  poplar,'  from  MidHG. 
alber,  OHG.  albdri,  m.,  'poplar';  prob. 
borrowed  from  Rom. ;  comp.  Ital.  albaro, 
which  is  connected  either  with  Lat.  albus 
or  with  Lat  arbor;  OHG.  arbar,  'poplar,' 
occurs  once. 

albem,  adj., '  silly,  foolish,'  earlier  Mod 
HG.  a/ber,  from  MidHG.  dlwasre,  '  simple, 
silly,'  OHG.  dlaiodri, '  kind,  friendly,  well- 
disposed'  (with  an  interesting  change  of 
meaning  from  OHG.  to  MidHG).  The 
OHG.  adj.  signifies  also  '  truly,  quite  true ' ; 
so  Goth,  wers,  '  true,'  also  means  '  friendly ' 
by  inference  from  un-wirjan,  '  to  be  un- 
willing, displeased '  (comp.  too  OHG.  miti- 
wdriy '  friendly ').  See  todfyt  and  all.  More- 
over, albem  has  not  the  present  meanings 
in  the  UpG.  dialects ;  Luther  introduced 
it  from  MidG.  into  the  written  language. 

JMdjimic,  f.,  '  alchemy,'  from  late  Mid 
HG.  alcliemie,  f.,  which  is  derived  from  the 
equiv.  Rom.  cognates — Ital.  alchimia,  Fr. 
alchimie — the  origin  of  which  from  Arab. 
al-kimtd  and  the  earlier  Gr.  xiyt6j,  'juice,'  is 
undoubted.  A  I-  as  the  Arab,  article  is  still 
seen  in  Sllfali,  Sllforan,  SUfabe,  Sllljarabra, 
SUfobot,  SUaebra.     See  9Ufo»en. 

JMfana'errf,  f-, '  foolery,'  from  MidHG. 
ale-vanz,  m.,  '  trick,  roguery,  deceit' ;  con- 
nected with  OHG.  giana-venzon, '  to  mock ' 

(ihe  al-  of  MidHG.  as  in  albem  ?),  also  gir- 
lefanj  and  gant. 

JU&ouen,  m.,  '  bedchamber,  alcove.' 
first  occurs  in  ModHG.  from  Fr.  alcdre 
(comp.  also  E.  alcove),  which  with  its  Rom. 
cognates  is  based  upon  Arab,  al-qobbak, 
1  vault,  tent' ;  comp.  Sldumie,  also  SUtyambva, 

all,  adj., '  all,  whole,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  oi(infl.  gen.  alien),  adj.,  'entire, each, 
every  one ' ;  a  word  common  to  the  Teut. 
group  ;  it  corresponds  to  Goth,  alls,  OIc. 
allr,  AS.  eall,  E.  all,  Du.  al,  OSax.  <d,  with 
the  same  meanings.  There  is  also  anOTeut. 
form  ala-  in  compounds  and  derivatives  ; 
comp.  OHG.  and  OSax.  alung,  MidHG. 
aleitc,  *  entire,  complete,'  Goth,  alamans, 
plur.,  'everybody,'  OHG.  ala-wdr,  'quite 
true'  (see  albem),  alaniuwi,  'quite  new.' 
Probably  Goth,  alia-  as  a  participial  form 
is  based  upon  an  older  al-na-  (comp.  voll, 
SBofle),  since  ala-  shows  that  the  root  was 
al  or  rather  ol.  Whether  Goth,  alan,  '  to 
grow  up '  (see  alt),  is  a  cognate,  remains 
uncertain  ;  in  any  case,  the  Kelt,  words, 
Olr.  uile,  ule, '  entire,  each,  all '  (base  olio-), 
and  AV.  oil,  '  entire,'  are  rightly  compared 
with  it,  while  Gr.  flXoi,  on  account  of  Sans. 
sdrvas  (from  Aryan  solvo-s), '  entire,  each,' 
must  be  kept  apart. — ttllein,  adj.,  *  soli- 
tary, sole,'  from  MidHG.  aUein,  al-eine, 
like  MidE.  al-one,  E.  alone.— ctllmahlicf). 
atlm&liQ,  adj  ,  *  gradual,'  earlier  allmdcr/- 
lidj  and  al(gemad),  from  MidHG.  almech- 
lich, '  slow ' ;  the  later  form  allmdlig  is  based 
upon  9JJal,  '  time,'  but  the  MidHG.  form 
upon  gemaeh. — JUltttcnbe,  f.  (Alem.), 
'  common  land,'  from  MidHG.  almtnde,  f., 
'  common ' ;  on  account  of  the  MidHG. 
spelling  almeinde  and  algemeine,  the  deri- 
vation from  gemeine  is  probable  (OHG. 
*alagimeinida).  The  derivation  from  an 
assumed  OHG.  alagimannida,  '  commu- 
nity,' must  be  rejected,  as  such  a  form 
could  never  have  existed. — Jiilob,  n., 
'allodial  estate,  freehold,'  first  occurs  in 
ModHG.,  adopted  from  Mid  Lat.  allodium, 
which  is  the  latinised  form  for  the  OG.  and 
OFranc.  alddis,  OHG.  al-6d,  'entire  pro- 
perty or  possession,  free  property ' ;  comp. 
OSax.  da,  AS.  edd,  'estate,  possession,' 
OHG.  6tag,  *  wealthy.'  To  this  the  Teut. 
proper  name  Odoardo,  Edward,  is  allied. 

^FU m ,  f.,  '  mountain  pasture,'  equiv.  to 

JUtttanad),  m., '  almanac,'  first  appears 
in  early  ModHG.,  from  Fr.  almanack,  which 


(    7    ) 


with  its  Eom.  cognates  is  said  to  have  come 
from  Arab,  through  Span.,  like  other  words 
beginning  with  9U*  (see  SUdjtmie,  9Ufo»en). 
But  as  the  Arab,  word  fur  calendar  is  cer- 
tainly not  SKmanadj,  but  taqulm  (Milan. 
taccuino),  the  derivation  from  Gr.-Egyp. 
&\(ievixiaK(L,  'calendar'  (found  in  the  Eccl. 
Hist,  of  Eusebius),  is  much  more  likely  to 
be  correct. 

JUtttofen,  n.,  'alms,  charity,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  almuosan,  OHG.  alamuo- 
stin-y  alamdsan,  n. ;  corresponds  to  Du.  aaU 
moes,  AS.  celmesse,  E.  alms,  OIc.  olmusa,  f., 
'  alms.'  The  derivation  from  Lat.-Gr.  i\efj- 
HoatiPT),  'sympathy,  compassion,  alms,'  is 
incontestable  ;  as  the  OHG.  collateral  form 
elemosyna,  elimosina  indicates,  the  Lat.-Gr. 
origin  was  as  firmly  accepted  in  the  OHG. 
period  as  the  derivation  of  OHG.  chirihha, 
'church,'  from  KvpiaKdv.  Yet  the  question 
remains  how  the  ecclesiastical  word  found 
its  way  so  early  into  the  Teut.  languages, 
so  as  to  become  a  common  possession  of 
the  MidEurop.and  Northern  Teutons.  The 
absence  of  a  corresponding  Goth,  word 
is  explained  by  the  fact  that  we  obtained 
the  word  from  the  Rom.  nations,  as  the 
congruent  phonetic  form  proves  :  common 
Rom.  alimosna,  in  accordance  with  Fr. 
aumdne,  OFr.  almosne,  Prov.  almosna,  Ital. 
limosinaj  allied  also  to  Olr.  alrnsan,  OSlov. 
almuSino,  Lith.  jalmuSnas. 

JUp,  m.,  'nightmare,  incubus,'  from 
MidHG.  alp(b),m.,  'spectre,  incubus,  night- 
mare, oppression  caused  by  nightmare'  ; 
prop,  a  term  applied  to  mythical  beings, 
AS.  celf,  OIc.  dlfr,  'elf,  goblin'  (the  Scan- 
dinavians distinguished  between  fairies  of 
light  and  darkness) ;  these  appear  to  be 
identical  with  the  OInd.  rbhti,  (lit.  '  inge- 
nious, sculptor,  artist'),  the  name  of  three 
clever  genii  (the  king  of  the  fairies  was 
rbhukSdn).  By  the  ASaxons,  nightmare 
was  called  celfddl,  alfsoyofta,  'elf-malady, 
elf-sickness  (hiccough), '  (lumbago  in  the 
Eng.  dialects  is  termed  aw/shots,  AS.  ylfa 
gesceot).  Com  p.  further  (Slf  (proper  names 
like  SUfcoin,  SUfreb,  have  Sltb  as  their  first 

JUpc,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  albe, 
f.,  '  mountain  pasture,'  allied  to  Lat.  alpes, 
so  too  OHG.  Alpun  and  Alpi,  '  mountain 

JUratmc,  f., '  mandrake,' from  MidHG. 
alrAne,  OHG.  alrtina,  f ,  '  mandrake,  sorce- 
ress'; this,  as  the  component  -rAne  indi- 
cates, is  a  priniit.  term,  which  has  been  sup- 

posed to  be  connected  with  old  Teut. 
mythical  beings  who  do  their  work  secretly 
(comp.  Goth,  r&na,  '  secret' ;  see  rauuen). 

ttls,  conj.,  '  as,'  from  MidHG.  als,  dlse, 
dlsd,  'likewise,  thus,  as,  as  if,  because,' 
hence  prop,  identical  with  alfo ;  OHG. 
alsd,  '  likewise,  like,'  is  a  compound  of  al, 
'  entirely,'  and  s6,  '  thus,'  like  the  exactly 
corresponding  AS.  ealswd,  whence  E.  as, 
from  eal,  '  entirely,'  and  swd,  '  so.' 

alfo,  adv.,  related  to  ah?,  like  ModE.  also 
to  as,  identical  in  every  respect  with  the 

alt,  adj.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  alt,  adj.,  '  old ' ;  the  corresponding 
OSax.  aid,  AS.  eald,  E.  old,  have  the  same 
meaning ;  Goth.  a!J>eis  (instead  of  the  ex- 
pected form  *alda-),  '  old.'  The  West 
Teut.  form  al-da-  is  an  old  t6-  participle 
(Lat.  al-tus,  'high'),  like  other  ModHG. 
adjs.  (see  under  fatt),  and  belongs  to  Goth. 
alan,  '  to  grow  up,'  OIc.  ala,  '  to  bring 
forth'  (priniit.  related  to  Lat.  alo.  Olr.  alim, 
'1  nourish'),  therefore  lit.  'grown  up.' 
Hence  perhaps  it  was  used  orig.  and  chiefly 
in  reckoning  age,  &c.  (comp.  Lat.  X  annos 
natus),  but  afterwards  it  was  also  used  at  an 
early  period  in  an  absolute  sense,  '  vetus.' 
See  Sitter,  ©(tern. 

JUtar,  m.,  'altar,'  from  MidHG.  dlter, 
altdre,  altawe,  under  the  constant  influ- 
ence of  Lat.  altdre,  which  forms  the  base. 
Comp.  altdri,  dlteri,  found  even  in  OHG. ; 
the  word  was  introduced  by  Christianity. 
Goth,  uses  hunsla-staf>s,  lit. '  temple-table ' ; 
AS.  wlhbed  for  *wihbe6d\ '  sacred  table '  (see 
wetfien  and  Scute). 

filter,  n., '  age,  antiquity,' from  MidHG. 
alter,  OHG.  altar,  n.,  'age,  old  age '  (opposed 
to  youth) ;  comp.  the  corresponding  OSax. 
aldar,  '  life,  time  of  life,'  AS.  ealdor,  *  life,' 
OIc.  aldr, '  age,  hoary  age,'  Goth.  *aldra-, 
in  framaldrs,  '  of  advanced  age,  in  years.' 
An  abstract  term  formed  from  the  root  al, 
'  to  grow  up,  bring  forth,'  mentioned  under 
alt,  and  the  suffix  -tro-  frequent  in  Gr.  and 
Lat.     See  further  cognates  under  ffictt. 

JUfroife,  see  Ohefter. 

JUfoor&crrt,  plur.,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  altvordem,  OHG.  alt-fordoron,  m. 
plur.,  'forefathers,'  lit.  'the  old  former 
ones,'  from  OHG.  fordoro, '  farmer.'  With 
regard  to  the  signification  of  alt-  in  this 
compound,  comp.  OHG.  and  MidHG.  all- 
vater,  '  grandfather,'  OHG.  alt-hirro,  *  an- 
cestor,' OHG.  alt-may,  '  forefather.' 

Jlmbofj,  m., '  auvil,'  from  MidHG.  erne- 


(    8    ) 


L6x,  GHG.  anabd^,  m., 'anvil';  a  specifi- 
cally G.  word  allied  to  OHG.  bfyan,  MidHG. 
bd^en,  'to  beat,  strike.'  Comp.  AS.  bedtan, 
E.  to  beat  (see  JBttfujj,  SJeutet,  fccffclti). 
Whether  OHG.  ana-b6^  is  formed  by  the 
imitation  of  Lat.  incus  (allied  to  cudere)  is 
uncertain,  for  the  smith's  art  was  early 
developed  among  the  Teutons  without  any 
Southern  influence.  The  corresponding 
terms  AS.  anfilt,  E.  anvil  (also  OHG.  ana- 
faiz),  Du.  aanbcld,  MidLG.  anebelle,  Dan. 
ambolt,  are  similarly  formed. 

Jlmeife,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
Smeiu  (emeze,  whence  ModHG.  (Smfc), 
OHG-.  dmei^a,  f.,  'ant';  note  ModHG. 
dial.  ametee,  OHG.  dmeitza.  It  corresponds 
to  AS.  cemette,  E.  emmet,  ant.  The  deriva- 
tion can  scarcely  be  ascertained  with  cer- 
tainty, as  the  relations  of  the  vowels  of  the 
accented  syllable  are  not  clear  ;  the  OHG. 
form  dmei^a  evidently  indicates  a  connec- 
tion with  emfta,  ;9lmetfe,  lit.  'the  diligent  (in- 
sect).' On  the  other  hand,  OHG.  d-meizza 
and  AS.  ce-mette  point  to  a  root  mart,  'to 
cut,  gnaw'  (see  under  fKetjjet),  so  that  it 
would  signify  'gnawing  insect '  (MidHG. 
and  OHG.  d-  means  'off,  to  pieces').  Du.and 
LG.  mier,  'ant,' is  more  widely  diffused  than 
Stntciff,  CiimGoth.  miera  (Goth.  *miuzj6), 
AS.  m$ra,  E.  mire,  Sw.  mfra,  *  ant ! ;  orig. 
'  that  which  lives  in  the  moss,  the  moss 
insect,'  allied  to  Teut.  memo-  (see  9RccS). 
A  word  formed  from  the  Lat.  formica  is 
probably  at  the  base  of  Swiss  wurmeisle. 

JlmeImoI)(,  n., '  starch-flour,'  from  Mid 
HG.  amel,  amer,  OHG.  amar,  '  eummer- 
spelt' ;  tlie  ModHG.  signification  seems  to 
be  influenced  by  Gr.-MidLat.  amylon,1  finest 
meal '  (E.  amel-corn). 

Jlmmann,  m.  ( Alem. ;  the  Franc,  term 
is  -£>etmbi"ira,f),  'chief  magistrate,  bailiff,' 
from  MidHG.  amman,  a  shortened  colla- 
teral form  of  ambetman,  'magistrate,  bail  iff'; 
orig.  sense,  'servant,  official,'  afterwards 
also  '  magistrate.'     See  also  Slutt. 

Jlmmc,  f.,  '  (wet-)nurse,  foster-mother,' 
from  MidHG.  amine,  f.,  'mother, in  so  far 
as  the  child  is  fed  by  her  ;  (wet-)nurse,' 
OHG.  ammn,  f.  ;  allied  to  OIc.  amma, 
'grandmother'  (Suab.  and  Bav.  even  yet 
'  mother ').  Probably  an  instinctive  sound, 
since,  undoubtedly  independent  of  the 
Teut.  group,  Rom.  also  and  other  lan- 
guages have  similar  words  for  Slntmt ; 
comp.  Span,  and  Port.  ama. 

Jltttmeiff  or,  m.,  'chief  magistrate,'  from 
MidHG.  ammeister,  from  ambetmeister,  like 

Imn,  from  Slmfrotmann  ;  MidHG.  am- 
manmei8ter and  ammeister, '  president  of  the 
guilds  'of  Strasburg).' 

Jlmmer,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  Mid  110. 
amer,  OHG.  amero  (*amaro),  m.,  '  yellow- 
hammer,'  with  the  deriv.  OHG.  and  Mid 
HG.  amerinc,  'yellow-hammer,'  MidLat. 
amarellus,  which  may  have  been  formed 
from  the  G.  word  ;  E.  yellow  -  hammer 
(©clcamnter)  is  a  corrupt  form.  Whether 
OHG.  *amaro  was  derived  from  OHG. 
amar,  'summer-spelt,'  is  as  doubtful  as  its 
relation  to  Slntfd. 

$mpel,  f., '  lamp,'  from  MidHG.  ampel 
(also  ampulle),  OHG.  ampulla,  f.,  *  lamp,' 
also  '  vessel.'  Borrowed  in  OHG.  from 
Lat.  ampulla,  '  flask,  vessel,'  whence  also 
AS.  ampelle,  OIc  ample,  '  vessel '  (LG. 
pulle,  '  bottle '). 

Jlmpfer,  m.,  'sorrel,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  ampfer,  OHG.  ampfaro,  m. ;  allied 
to  the  equiv.  AS.  ompre ;  an  adj.  used  as  a 
substantive.  Comp.  Du.  amper,  'sharp, 
bitter,  unripe,'  OSw.  amper,  'sour,  bitter,' 
OIc.  apr  (for  *ampr),  'sharp'  (chiefly  of 
cold)  ;  also  LG.  ampern, '  to  prove  bitter  to 
the  taste.'  Sauc.rautVfcr  (also  corrupted  to 
Saner; ramf)  is  a  tautological  compound  like 
SSinKjunb.  In  case  Teut.  ampra-,  from 
*ambro-,  represents  the  prop.  Aryan  *amr6-, 
Sans,  amid,  'sour'  (also  'wood-sorrel'), 
and  Lat.  amdrus,1  bitter,'  are  primit.  cognate 
with  this  word. 

JUttfol,  f.,  'blackbird,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  amsel,  OHG.  amsala,  f.  It  corre- 
sponds to  AS.  6sle  (6s-  fromams-),  E.  ousel ; 
the  equiv.  Lat.  mirula  (Fr.  merle),  whence 
Du.  meerle  and  E.  merl  are  borrowed,  may 
represent  *meJsuht,  and  have  been  orig. 
cognate  with  9lntfc(.  Its  relation  to  Slmntct 
and  to  Goth,  ams,  '  shoulder,'  is  uncertain. 

Jlmt,  n.,  '  office,  council,  jurisdiction,' 
from  MidHG.  ammet,  older  ambet,  OHG. 
ambaht,  ambahti,  n.,  '  service,  office,  occu- 
pation, divine  service,  mass' ;  a  word  com- 
mon to  the  Teut.  group.  Comp.  Goth. 
andbahti,  'office,  service'  (from  andbalds, 
'servant,'  OHG.  ambaht,  'servant'),  AS. 
anbihJ,  ambiht,  n.,  'office,  service,'  ambi/tt, 
m.,  'servant'  (obsolete  at  the  beginning 
of  the  MidE.  period),  Du.  ambt,  OSax.  am- 
baht-skepi,  'service,'  ambaht-man,  'servant.' 
The  relation  of  the  common  Teut.  word 
to  the  Gall.-Lat.  ambactus  (mentioned  in 
Caesar's  Bell.  Gall.),  '  vassal,'  is  much  dis- 
puted. The  WestTcut.  words  may  be  best 
explained  from  Goth. and QTent.dndbahta-, 


(    9     ) 


and  the  genuinely  Teut.  aspect  of  such  a 
vorcl  cannot  indeed  be  ilenied,  even  if  the 
origin  of  -lahts  cannot  now  be  determined 
(and-  is  a  verbal  particle,  ModHG.  ant;). 
The  emphatic  testimony  of  Festus,  how- 
ever, is  against  the  Teut.  origin  of  the 
Gall.-Lat.  amhactus;  ambacttisapudEnnium 
lingua  gallica  servus  appellatur.  This  coin- 
cides with  the  fact  that  the  word  can  be 
fully  explained  from  Kelt.  ;  amhactus  con- 
tains the  Kelt,  prefix  amb-  (Lat.  amb-), 
'  about ' ;  and  ag  is  an  oft-recurring  verbal 
root  (see  Slcfcr)  in  Kelt,  meaning  'to  go'  ; 
hence  amhactus, '  messenger '  (lit '  one  sent 
hither  and  thither'),  from  which  comes 
Mid  Lat.  ambactia,  ambactiala,  'errand' 
(Ital.  ambasciata,  Fr.  ambassade,  '  em- 
bassy ').  This  explanation  of  the  Lat.-Rom. 
cognates  makes  it  possible  that  the  OTeut. 
class  was  borrowed  from  Kelt,  and  trans- 
formed (Goth,  andbahts  for  amhahts) ;  in 
any  case,  it  was  borrowed  in  prehistoric 
times  (comp.  9ieirf)). 

cm,  prep.,  adv.,  'on,  by,  along,'  from 
MidHG.  ane,  OHG.  ana,  prep.,  adv.,  'on,  in, 
upon' ;  it  corresponds  to  Goth,  ana,  prep., 
adv., '  on,  upon,  in,'  AS.,  E.  on,  prep.,  adv., 
Du.  aan,  OSax.  an.  Primit.  allied  to  Gr.  d.v&, 
'  upon,  on,'  Zend  ana,  '  upon,'  Lat.  an-  in 
anhelare,  '  to  respire,'  OSlov.  vu  (for  *on). 

cmbcrcutmcit,  vb.,  'to  fix  or  appoint 
(a  time),'  with  a  dialectic  transmutation  of 
d  into  au  (013av.),  or  the  word  was  based 
by  popular  etymology  on  9tattm,  from  Mid 
HG.  rdmen  (rasmen),  '  to  make  proposals, 
aim,  strive'  (berdmen,  'to  fix'),  OHG. 
rdmin,  OSax.  rdmCn,  '  to  aim,  strive,'  Du. 
beramen,  'to  fix' ;  allied  to  MidHG.  rdm, 
'  goal '  (root  rS,  as  in  9lete  ?).  Further  OFr. 
aramir,  '  to  define  legally '  ?. 

Jlttbacr)f,  f.,  'devotion,'  from  MidHG. 
a»ddht,  OHG.  dnaddht,  'attention,  devo- 
tion'; MidHG.  ddht,  I'.,  'thought,'  is  a 
verbal  abstract  from  MidHG.  and  ModHG. 

%{nba\ia)C,  f.,  'drain,'  older  ModHG. 
dduc/te,  transformed  from  Lat.  aquaeductus. 
See  abjufy. 

anc»cr,  adj.,  'other,  different,  second,' 
from  MidHG.  ander,  OHG.  andar,  'the 
other' ;  it  corresponds  to  Goth.  an]mr,  'the 
other,'  OIc.  annarr,  AS.  6Ser,  E.  other,  Du. 
ander,  OSax.  diiar,  6<Sar.  The  meanings 
'  the  second,  one  of  two,  the  other,'  are 
due  to  a  comparative  form  (Aryan  dnteros, 
'  one  of  two,'  Lat.  alter).  Comp.  the  corre- 
sponding Sans,  dntara-,  'different  from,' 

Osset.  andar,  'otherwise  than,  with  the 
exception  of,'  Lith.  dntras,  '  the  other.' 
The  root  an-  is  proved  by  Sans,  and  Zend 
an-ya-,  'another.'  With  OHG.  andar, 
'  other,'  is  also  connected  OHG.  antardn, 
'  to  imitate.' 

Jln&ers,  see  eittjr. 

Jlnfcont,  in.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  andorn,  '  horehound,  the  plant 
Marrubium' ;  the  suffix  -orn  as  in  Slfyoui  ? 
The  root  has  not  yet  been  explained. 

cmfacrjen,  see*gdd)rc. 

Jlncjel,  m.  and  f.,  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  angel,  in.,  f.,  'sting,  fish-hook,  hinge 
of  a  door,'  OHG.  angul,  m..  '  sting,  point, 
fish-hook' ;  diminut.  of  OHG.  avgo,  'sting, 
door  hinge,'  MidHG.  ange, '  fish-hook,  door 
hinge.'  Comp.  AS.  ongel,  E.  avgle,  AS. 
onga, '  sting,'  OIc.  qngull, '  fish-hook,'  allied 
to  ange,  'sting,  point'  (Alem.  angel, '  bee 
sting,'  angelmuck,  'stinging  fly').  The 
supposition  that  the  primit.  and  widely  dif- 
fused cognates  are  borrowed  from  Lat.  an- 
gulus,  'angle,  corner,'  is  untenable  ;  OBulg. 
aglu,  E.  avgle,  AS.  angul,  'angle,  corner,' 
are,  however,  primit.  allied  to  it ;  so  too 
@ita,fant>,  Slugclfatfyfett.  The  root  idea  of  the 
Teut.  cognates  is  'pointed.'  An  Aryan 
root  onk,  '  to  be  pointed,'  also  lies  at  the 
base  of  Lat.  uncus,  Gr.  fry/cos,  6yicivot,  •  barb,' 
AyKiarpop,  'fish-hook,'  Sans,  anka,  'hook,' 
Osset.  Ungur,  'hook,  hinge,'  Olr.  4cad, 

cmcjeneljm,  adj.,  '  agreeable,  pleasant,' 
from  MidHG.  gename,  late  OHG.  gindmi, 
adj.,  'acceptable,  agreeable'  (without  the 
prefix  an-),  allied  to  ncfymett.  Comp.  Goth. 
andanSms, '  agreeable,'  allied  to  and-niman, 
'  to  accept' 

Jlttftcr,  m.,  '  paddock,  grass  plot,'  from 
MidHG.  anger,  OHG.  angar,  m.,  '  pasture 
land,  grass  plot,  arable  laud' ;  allied  to  OIc. 
eng,  enge,  '  meadow,  pasture  ground.'  Tne 
cognates  can  scarcely  be  derived  from  cage, 
'  narrow '  (Teut.  root  ang).  Trustworthy 
correspondences  are  wanting. 

^nftcpdjf,  n.,  'face,  presence,'  from 
MidHG.  angesiht,  n., '  aspect,  view,'  MidG. 
also  '  face' ;  allied  to  ©ejidjt,  fcfyeit. 

Jlncjff,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
ang>8t,  OHG.  angust,  f.,  'anxiety,  appre- 
hension ' ;  this  abstract  form  is  wanting 
in  the  other  OTeut.  dialects,  the  suffix  st 
being  also  very  rarely  found  ;  comp.  iDicnft. 
But  it  must  not  be  assumed  therefore  that 
the  OHG.  angust  is  borrowed  from  Lat. 
angustiae,  '  narrowness,  meanness.'     It  is 


(    io    ) 


rather  to  be  regarded  as  a  genuine  Tent, 
derivative  from  the  root  ang  appearing  in 
tnge,  especially  as  the  OSlov.  in  its  primit. 
allied  azostl,  'contraction,'  shows  the  same 
derivation.  Hence  Slngfl  must  he  consi- 
dered as  primit.  cognate  with  L;it.  angustiae. 
See  bange  and  enge. 

unhcifd)tg,  adj.,  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  antheiyc,  anthei}e.  adj.,  '  bound,  en- 
gaged,'influenced  byfyeifcfoen ;  the  MidHG. 
adj.  is  derived  from  MidH(  J.  and  OHG.  an- 
thei$,  '  vow,  promise,'  which,  like  Goth. 
andaliait,  '  confession,'  AS.  ovdettan,  '  to 
confess,'  is  composed  of  the  particle  ant- 
and  the  root  hait,  '  to  hid.' 

Jlttis,  in.,  from  the  equlv.  MidHG.  ants, 
also  enis,  n.,  'anise,'  borrowed  perhaps 
even  before  the  MidHG.  period  from  Lat. 
antsum  (Gr.  dMow),  'anise,'  whence  also 
Fr.  ants,  E.  anise. 

^Ittfec,  m., '  butter,' an  Alem.  word,  from 
MidHG.  anke,  OHG.  ancho,  'butter' ;  the 
genuine  G.  term  for  the  borrowed  word 
©utter,  for  which,  in  the  OHG.  period,  anc- 
smero  or  chuo-smero,  lit.  '  cow-fat'  (see 
(Sdjmeer),  might  also  be  used.  Goth.  *agqa 
for  OHG.  ancho  is  not  recorded.  It  is 
certainly  allied  primitively  to  the  Ind.  root 
afi.j, '  to  anoint,  besmear,'  and  to  Lat.  unguo, 
*  to  anoint ' ;  coinp.  Sans,  djya,  '  butter- 
offerinir,'  Olr.  imb  (from  imben-),  '  butter.' 

£lrtfeer(l.),  m.,  'anchor,' from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  anker,  late  OHG.  ancliar.  m. ;  cor- 
responding to  Du.  anker,  AS.  (even  at  a  very 
early  period)  oncor,  E.  anchor,  OIc.  akkere, 
'anchor.'  A  loan-word  early  naturalised 
among  the  English,  and  before  1000  A.D. 
even  among  the  MidEurop.  Teutons  and  in 
the  North.  From  Lat.  ancora  (comp.  Ital. 
ancora,  Fr.  ancre,  f.  ;  allied  also  to  Lith. 
inkaras,  OSlov.  anukura,  ankura),  in  con- 
nection with  which  the  different  gender  of 
the  Teut.  words  is  remarkable.  In  OHG. 
there  exists  a  genuinely  native  word  for 
'anchor' — senchil,  m.,  sinchila,  f. 

Jlnfecr  (2.),  m., '  a  liquid  measure,'  Mod 
HG.  only,  from  Du.  anker,  which,  like  the 
equiv.  E.  anchor,  points  to  MidLat.  anceria, 
ancheria,  'cupa  minor'  (smaller  cask)  ;  the 
origin  of  the  cognates  is  obscure. 

Jltilefjen,  n.,  'loan,'  from  MidHG.  an- 
lehen,  OHG.  analihan,  n., '  loan  of  money  on 
interest,'  from  a\u  and  ittyn. 

<mrud)ig,  adj.,  also  anrudjtig,  'disre- 
putable,' ModHG.  only,  formed  from  rudSbar 
under  the  influence  of  riedjen.   See  ruc$tbar. 

Jlnftolf ,  f.,  '  institution,'  from  MidHG. 

anstalt,   *  founding ' ;  sftalt  is  an  aostract 
from  jie  ((en. 

cmffctff,  see  ©tatr. 

ant ■-,  prefix,  preserved  in  ModHG.  only 
in  9lnt4tfc  and  Slnt;tr<ort  (see  also  5Smt,  att; 
t>cifd)ig,  and  -£>ant>iverf).  It  is  found  in  the 
early  periods  in  many  noun  compounds, 
to  whicli  ModHG.  ent;  is  the  correspond- 
ing prefix  of  verbal  compounds.  Comp. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  ant-,  Goth,  anda-,  AS. 
and-,  ond-  (comp.  E.  answer  under  Slut; 
roort)  ;  also  the  Goth.  prep,  and,  'on, upon, 
in,  along.'  The  orig.  meaning  of  the  prefix 
is  'counter,'  which  makes  it  cognate  with 
Gr.  ami,  '  against,'  Lat,  ante,  'before,'  Sans. 
dnti, '  opposite.' 

JlnilifS,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
antlitze,  n.,  late  OHG.  antlizzi,  n.,  '  coun- 
tenance'; allied  to  the  equiv.  collateral 
forms  MidHG.  antliitte,  OHG.  antlutti 
{analdti),  n.,  'countenance.'  Two  origi- 
nally different  words  have  been  combined 
in  these  forms.  It  is  probable  that  OHG. 
and  MidHG.  antliz  corresponds  to  AS.  and- 
wlita,  m.,  OIc.  analit,  n.  (comp.  Goth,  anda- 
wleizn,  n.) ;  comp.  Goth,  wlits,  m.,  '  face,' 
wlaitdn,  Olc.  lila  (for  *vlUa),  '  to  spy ' ;  the 
root  wltt  (pre-Teut.  id'td),  preserved  in 
these  words,  has  not  yet  been  authenticated 
beyond  the  Teut.  group.  With  these  cog- 
nates were  combined  those  from  Goth. 
ludja,  'face,'  parallel  to  which  an  equiv. 
*anda-ludi,  for  OHG.  antlutti,  n.,  '  coun- 
tenance,' must  be  assumed. 

JlntttJorf,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
anticurt,  f.,  OHG.  antvmrti,  f.,  'answer,' 
beside  which  there  is  a  neut.  form  Mid 
HG.  anluiirte,  OHG.  antwurti,  Goth,  dnda- 
icaurdij  lit.  'counter-words'  (collective). 
Comp.  ants ;  also,  AS.  andsicaru,  E.  an- 
swer, under  fdMr-crcn. 

Jlpfcl,  n.,  '  apple,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  apfel,  OHG.  apful  (also  afful,  plur. 
epjUi),  m.  ;  a  word  common  to  the  Teut. 
group,  by  chance  not  recorded  in  Goth. 
Comp.  Du.  and  LG.  appel,  m.,  AS.  appel,  m. 
(in  the  plur.  neut.),  E.  apple,  OIc.  eple,  n., 
'apple'  (Goth.  *aplus,m.l).  The  apple- 
tree  in  WestTeut.  is  *apuldr,  f.  ;  comp. 
OHG.  affoltra,  AS.  apuldr,  which  are  pre- 
served in  the  local  names  ModHG.  Slffclteru, 
9lffaltracl>,  (Slpctba  ?),  Du.  Apeldoren,  E.  Apple- 
dore.  In  spite  of  this  diffusion  throughout 
the  entire  Teut.  group,  and  of  the  mention 
of  wild  apple-trees  in  Tacitus,  the  whole 
class  must  be  recognised  as  loan-words 
(Dbjl  has  no  connection  whatever  with 


f      TI      ) 


them).  They  must,  however,  have  been 
borrowed  long  before  the  beginning  of  our 
era,  since  the  Teut.  p  in  apla-  has,  in  accord- 
ance with  the  permutation  of  consonants, 
originated  in  a  prehistoric  b;  comp.  Ir, 
aball,  uball,  Lith.  obulys,  OSlov.  abluko, 
1  apple.'  As  nothing  testifies  to  the  Aryan 
origin  of  these  oblu-  cognates  (in  Lat. 
mdlum  Gr.  A"?^°")>  found  only  in  the  North 
of  Europe,  we  must  assume  that  the  word 
was  borrowed.  The  derivation  from  Lat. 
malum  Abellanum  (the  Campanian  town 
Abella  was  famed  in  antiquity  for  its 
apples),  is  on  phonetic  and  formal  grounds 
doubtful,  although  in  the  abstract  (comp. 
s4>firjicfy)  the  combination  is  interesting.  No 
other  explanation  of  how  it  was  borrowed 
has  yet  been  found.  It  is  noteworthy  that 
for  9(ugapff(,  '  pupil,'  apful  alone  (as  well 
as  ougapful)  can  he  used  in  OHG. ;  comp. 
AS.  ceppel,  n.  (plur.,  also  masc),  E.  apple 
of  the  eye  (also  eyeball),  Du.  oogappel ;  but, 
on  the  other  hand,  OIc.  augasteinn. 

$prtf,  m.,  '  April,'  from  the  equiv  Mid 
HG.  aprille,  aberelle,  m.  ;  from  Lat.  April  is 
(comp.  Fr.  avril,  Ital.  aprile),  borrowed  at 
the  beginning  of  the  MidHG.  period  in 
place  of  the  genuine  OHG.  6starmAn6d, 

Jlr,  in.,  n.,  a  square  measure  (about 
120  sq.  yards),  ModHG.  only,  formed  from 
the  equiv.  Fr.  are  (Lat.  area). 

$(vheit,  f., '  work,  labour,  employment,' 
from  MidHG.  arbert,  arebeit,  OHG.  ar(a)bei', 
f., '  labour,  toil,  distress.'  Corresponding  to 
OSax.  artidi,  n.,  'toil,  hardship,  suffering,' 
arbM,  f.,  and  Du.  arbeid,  m.,  AS.  earfoft, 
earfefie,  n.,  'toil,  hardship,'  ear/efte,  adj., 
'  difficult,'  Goth.  arbaips(d),f.,  'oppression, 
distress'  ;  OIc.  erfiSi,  n.,  'toil,'  erfiSr,  adj., 
'difficult,  toilsome.'  Hence  'toil'  must  be 
accepted  as  the  fundamental  meaning  of 
the  cognates,  and  therefore  any  connection 
with  the  stem  of  (Srfce  is  improbable.  It 
has  been  compared  with  greater  reason  with 
OSlov.  (Russ.)  rabota,  f.,  '  servants'  work,' 
and  rabu,  robu,  'servant,  thrall,' as  prim, 
cognates,  although  this  comparison  is  open 
to  doubt  Lat.  l&boTy  '  work,'  is  at  all 
events  certainly  not  allied  to  it. 

,Hrd)C,  f.,  'ark,'  from  MidHG.,  arclie 
(also  arke),  OHG.  arahha  (also  archa),  f., 
'  Noah's  ark.'  The  ModHG.  form  with  ch 
(instead  of  k)  seems  to  point  to  Upper  Ger- 
many (Luther's  Bible  has  dloafy  Jfajhn) ; 
OHG.  buoh-arahha,  'book-chest,'  MidHG. 
arche, '  chest,  money-chest'   It  corresponds 

to  Du.  ark, '  Noah's  ark,'  AS.  euro,  m.,  earce, 
f.,  '  chest,  covenant,  ark,  box,'  E.  ark,  OIc. 
ork,  f.,  'chest,  coffin,  Noah's  ark,'  Goth. 
arlca,  f.,  '  box,  money-box,  Noah's  ark.' 
This  widely  diffused  word  was  borrowed 
at  an  early  period  from  the  equiv.  Lat. 
(also  Romance)  area,  which,  as  the  mean- 
ings of  the  Teut.  group  coextensive  with 
those  of  the  Lat.  indicate,  was  not  perhaps 
naturalised  on  the  introduction  01  Chris- 
tianity, to  which  the  more  recent  meaning 
of  '  Noah's  ark'  may  reler.  Both  the  word 
and  the  thing  had  probably  at  the  beginning 
of  our  era  found  their  way  to  the  Teutons 
with  Lat.  cista.     See  Jtifte  and  <£arf. 

arg,  adj.,  'bad,  severe,  hard,'  from  Mid 
HG.  arc(g),  'vile,  wicked,  stingy,  avari- 
cious,' OHG.  arg,  arag,  'avaricious,  cow- 
ardly, vile' ;  also  OHG.  arg,  MidHG.  arc(g\ 
'evil,  vileness,  wickedness.'  Comp.  AS. 
earg,  adj.,  'cowardly,  slothful'  (no  longer 
found  in  E.),  OIc.  argr,  'cowardly,  effe- 
minate' (also  ragr).  Paul  the  Deacon  cites 
arga  as  an  abusive  term  among  the  Lom- 
bards. Through  a  Goth.  *args  the  Teut. 
word  may  have  made  its  way  into  Span, 
and  Finn.  ;  comp.  Span,  aragan,  'sloth- 
ful,' Finn,  arka,  'cowardly.'  As  it  is  not 
easy  to  deduce  the  meaning  'cowardly' 
from  'avaricious,'  which  appears  chiefly  in 
OHG.,  we  must  assume  that  the  root  idea 
of  the  Teut.  arga-  was  '  vile,  base,'  of  which 
'avaricious'  and  'cowardly'  would  be  spe- 
cialisations resulting  from  the  liberal  hos- 
pitality and  bravery  which  characterised 
the  Teutons.  This  word,  like  almost  all 
words  within  the  ethical  sphere,  is  pecu- 
liar to  Teutonic ;  comp.  arm,  befe,  gut,  ixUi. — 
cirflcrtt,  'to  annoy,  vex,  fret,'  from  Mid 
HG.  erqern,  'to  incite  to  evil,  deteriorate, 
corrupt,'  OHG.  ergir&n,  argiron,  'to  make 
worse.'  from  the  comparative  of  arg.  From 
this  ModHG.  &rger,  m.,  is  formed  (comp. 
9lu$fafc  from  astftyia,  ©eij  from  flcijftt, 
Jpanbfl  from  Ijanfccln,  Cpfer  from  rpfmt) ;  in 
MidHG.  erge,  OHG.  argt,  f.,  'malice.' — 
JitQWOfytl,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
arcwdn,  m.  (comp.  SOabu),  'suspicion,  mis- 
trust';  comp.  ModHG.  Slrglijt,  L  from  Mid 
HG.  arclist,  f.,  'cunning,  malice,'  from  arg  ; 
even  in  OHG.  arcwdnen,  '  to  suspect,'  oc- 
curs, MidHG.  arciccenen. 

drflern,  vb.,  see  arg. 

Jlrtcsbaum,  m.,  'service  tree,'  from 
MidHG.  OHG.  arliz-boum,  in.,  'acernus, 
cornus' ;  scarcely  allied  to  Qxlt. 

Jlrm,  in., '  arm,  branch,'  from  the  equiv. 


(    >2    ) 


MiilHG.  arm  OHG.  aram,  arm,  in.;  a  word 
common  to  the  Teut  group  ;  comp.  OSax. 
arm,  Du.  arm,  AS.  earm,  E.  arm,  OIc.  armr, 
Goth,  arms,  in.,  'arm.'  Like  many  terms 
for  parts  of  the  bo<ly  (see  Slri'd),  gufj,  #cq, 
Stmt,  91ao,tl,  &c.),  9lrm  extends  beyond  the 
Teut  dialects.  It  is.primit  related  to  Lat. 
armus,  'the  topmost  part  of  the  upper 
arm,  fore-quarter'  (Gr.  ippAs,  'suture, joint, 
shoulder,'  belongs  to  another  division), 
OBulg.  rame,,  'shoulder,  arm,'  Sans,  trmd-s, 
m.,  'lore-quarter,  arm.'     See  Grmcl. 

arm,  adj.,  'poor,  unfortunate,  miser- 
able,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  arm,  OHG. 
aram,  arm,  adj.  ;  comp.  OSax.  arm,  Du. 
arm,  AS.  earm  (obsolete  in  E.),  OIc.  armr, 
Goth,  arms,  adj.,  'poor.'  A  term  common 
to  Teut,  with  no  correspondence  in  the 
allied  Aryan  group  ;  comp.  fcarmfierjig,  at$, 
ttid). — Jlrtttttf,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  armuot,  f.,  armuote,  n.,  '  poverty,' 
OHG.  aramuott,  f. :  a  derivative  of  the 
Goth.  adj.  *arm6f>s ;   comp.  G  tttebf,  &tintat. 

Jlrmbruff,  f.,  'crossbow,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  armbrust,  n.,  which  must 
be  a  corruption  of  MidLat.  arbalista,  arcu- 
balista,ht.  'bow  for  projectiles'  (Lat.  arcus, 
Gr.  f3&\\eiv).  A  compound  of  Slrm  atid 
S3ruft  is,  properly  speaking,  impossible  in 
G.,  especially  as  the  MidHG.  word  is 
neut  From  MidLat.  arbalista  conies  the 
equiv.  Fr.  arbalete;  comp.  E.  arbalist,  Du. 
armborst,  Ital.  balestra,  from  the  last  of 
which  the  older  ModHG.  Qklcftft,  'cross- 
bow for  shooting  bullets,'  is  boirowed. 

$rtttcl,  see  SrmrL 

Jlrmuf ,  see  arm. 

.Brnolb,  see  9lar. 

£lrfd),  m.,  *ar3e,  fundament,'  according 
to  the  analogous  cases  cited  under  birfefyftt, 
from  an  older  9lrS,  MidHG.  and  OHG.  ars, 
m., '  arse.'  It  corresponds  to  the  equiv.  Mid 
LG.  ars,  ers,  Du.  aars,  naars  (with  prefixed 
n),  AS.  ears,  E.  arse,  OIc  ars  (and  rass, 
coin  p.  argr  and  ragr,  see  ar»j),  m.,  'arse.' 
Teut.  arsa-z,  m.,  from  6rso-s,  is  rightly  held 
to  be  priuiit  allied  to  Gr.  6fif>oi  (pp  for  rs), 
'coccyx,  rump' ;  akin  to  Olr.  err,  f.,  '  tail, 
end,  point'?.  Comp.  the  remark  under 

Jlrf,  f.,  'kind,  sort,  species,  manner,' 
from  MidHG.  art,  m.,  f.,  'innate  peculi- 
arity, nature,  condition,  kind ' ;  OHG.  art, 
is  not  recorded  with  these  meanings,  nor  is 
the  word  found  elsewhere.  Instead  of 
this  there  occurs  the  homonymous  OHG. 
art,!.,  'tillage,  ploughing,'  with  which  arttin, 

'  to  inhabit,  cultivate,'  is  connected  ;  further, 
OSax.  ard,  m.,  'dwelling-place,'  AS.  eard, 
m.,  'dwelling,  native  place,'  OIc.  qrt),  f., 
'  harvest,  produce.'  These  cognates,  which 
belong  (see  Slrftr)  to  an  OTeut  and  Aryan 
root,  ar,  '  to  plough '  (Lat  arare,  Gr.  &p6w, 
&c),  are  scarcely  allied  to  MidHG.  art,  m., 
f.,  '  nature,  condition ' ;  comp.,  however, 
ai'oftitung  from  gwclnini.  It  is.  more  pro- 
bable that  Slrt  is  connected  with  Lat  ars 
(gen.  plur.  arti-um),  'method,  art,'  and 
Sans,  rtd,  'method.'  The  compounds 
9lrtarfer,  artbar,  artfiaft  contain  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  art,  'agriculture,  tillage,'  and  be- 
long consequently  to  the  Teut  and  Aryan 
root  ar,  'to  plough.' 

Jlr3enet,  £  (in  the  17th  cent  accen- 
ted on  the  SI  also),  '  medicine,'  from 
MidHG.  arzenle  (erzonte),  f.,  'art  of  heal- 
ing, remedy.'  The  OHG.  word  does  not 
occur,  but  only  a  derivative  OHG.  erzinen, 
giarzintin,  MidHG.  erzenen,  'to  heal  ;'  the 
verb,  by  its  sufiix,  suggests  Goth,  lekintin, 
AS.  Iwcnian,  OHG.  lahhindn,  '  to  heal. ' 
From  OHG.  gi-arzin&n,  the  MidHG.  sub- 
stint  arzenle,  which  did  not  appear  until 
a  later  period,  might  then  have  been 
formed  with  a  Rom.  termination.  The 
assumption  that  MidHG.  arzenle  referred 
to  Archigenes  of  Apamea  (in  Syria),  a 
fiimous  physician,  is  untenable  ;  if  this 
assumption  were  correct,  we  should  have 
expected  OHG.  *arzin,  or  rather  *arzino, 
'  physician,'  which,  however,  u  nowhere 
to  be  found.  Besides,  OHG.  arzintin 
formed  into  arzdt,  'physician,'  under  the 
influence  of  the  genuinely  Teut.  and  Goth. 
IShinSn^  OHG.  Idhhinfin,  'to  heal,'  makes 
any  reference  to  Archigenes  quite  super- 
fluous. Moreover,  MidHG.  has  also  a 
form  arzatte  (MidDu.  arsedte),  '  medicine.' 
See  Strit. 

-Hr^f ,  m.,  '  physician,'  from  the  equiv. 
MiuHG.  arzet,  arzdt,  OHG.  arzdt,  m.,  a 
specifically  Germ,  word,  unknown  to  Eng., 
Scand.  and  Goth.  Its  early  appearance  in 
OHG.,  in  which  OTeut.  Idhki  was  the  more 

Krevalent  form,  is  remarkable  (comp.  Goth. 
ieis,  'physician,'  AS.  Idee?,  E.  leecli ;  also 
the  ModHG.  proper  name  2dd?nrr,  from 
MidHG.  Idchenare, '  enchanter,'  lit. '  physi- 
cian'). The  MidDu.  form  arsatre,  OLG. 
ercetere,  '  physician '  (MidLG.  arsle),  proves 
the  origin  from  the  oft-recurring  Frauc  and 
MidLat.  archiater  (i.p\iaTpin),  '  physician ' 
(espec.  physician-in-ordinary  to  the  king). 
There  are  no  phonetic  difficulties  in  con- 


(    13    ) 


necting  OHG.  arzdt  with  arzdter,  arcidter, 
archidter,  since  the  OLG.  and  MidDu.  form 
itself  points  to  the  Mid Lat.  form.  Moreover, 
the  technical  terms  of  Greek  physic  found 
their  way  at  an  early  period  to  the  West 
(comp.  93ud)fe,  ^jlafht),  hat  always  through 
the  medium  of  Lat.  and  Rom.  The  unique 
arzdte(r)  was  entirely  unknown  to  Rom. 
(Ital.  medico,  OFr.  mire,  Fr.  me'decin,  which 
of  course  were  also  unknown  to  Teut.). 
Concerning  arz-,  erz-,  as  the  representative 
of  Gr.  &px1-,  see  (Sr^.  The  theory  advanced 
on  account  of  ModHG.  SWufytaqt,  'mill- 
wright,' that  OHG.  arzdt  is  from  Lat.  ar- 
tista,  is  on  phonetic  and  historical  grounds 
unwarranted.  MidLat.  artista  was  not 
used  for  medical  practitioners  until  late  in 
the  Middle  Ages  (comp.  ModFr.  artiste 
veterinaire) ;  the  word  too  is  unknown  in 
earlier  Rom.  On  the  other  hand,  we  meet 
with  archiatri  even  as  far  hack  as  the 
Frank,  king  Childebert  and  Charlemagne. 
See  besides  Slrienei. 

Jls,  n.,  Jlfj,  ModHG.  only,  from  the 
equiv.  Fr.  as,  m.,  '  the  ace  (of  dice  or 
cards),  a  small  weight '  (Lat.  as).  In  Mid 
HG.  the  prevalent  term  for  the  '  ace  (of 
dice)'  was  esse,  which  comes  from  Lat.  assis 
(a  later  collateral  form  of  as).    Comp.  !Dait$. 

Jlfcf),  see  Slrfdj.— Jlfcfj,  m.,  'pot,  basin, 
bowl '  (to  which  9l|"d;fud)en  is  allied),  from 
MidHG.  asch,  OHG.  asc,  m.,  'dish,  basin, 
boat ' ;  lit.  '  of  ash.'     See  (£}d)t. 

Jlfdje  (I.),  f.,  'ashes,  cinders,'  from  Mid 
HG.  asche  (esche),  OHG.  asca,  f.,  'ashes'  ; 
corresponds  to  Du.  asch,  AS.  asce,  cesce,  t'.t 
E.  ashes  (hut  also  sing,  in  bone-ash,  potash, 
&c.) ;  OIc.  aska,  f.,  'ashes';  akin  also  to 
the  abnormal  Goth.  azgS,  f.,  'ashes' (but 
Span,  ascua  is  borrowed).  Trustworthy 
correspondences  in  other  languages  are 
wanting,  nor  is  ©fdje  allied  to  it. — Jlfd^cn- 
brdoel,  see  under  brobetu—  ModHG.  Jlf- 
6)et'.,  'ash,'  in  the  compound  Slfcbfvmitt- 
irocfy  (forwhich  the  MidHG.  form  is  aschtac), 
occurs  even  in  MidHG.  in  compounds. — 
£fd)i<xud),  m.,  'shallot,'  MidHG.  asch- 
touch,  a  corruption  of  the  equiv.  MidLat. 
ascalonium.     See  ©cfyatotte. 

Jlfd)C  (2.),  f.,  'grayling,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  asche,  OHG.  asco,  m.  ;  scarcely 
allied  to  9lfd)e,  as  if  the  fish  were  named 
from  its  ash-grey  colour;  Ital.  lasco. 

Jlffel,  m.,  espec  J?cllcraffef,  'woodlouse,' 
ModllG.  only ;  generally  derived  from 
Lat.  asellus, '  little  ass,'  and  might  have  been 
named  from   its  grey  colour ;  comp.  Gr. 

&vos,  iviffKos,  'ass,  woodlouse,*  Ital.  asello, 
'  woodlouse.'  Yet  the  ffof  the  ModHG.  word, 
as  well  as  the  dialectic  variant  atzel,  might 
militate  against  this  derivation  ;  hence  a 
pre-Teut.  stem  at,  att  (allied  to  efim  1)  seems 
to  be  at  the  base  of  it.     Comp.  also  GfeL 

Jiff,  m., '  bough,  branch,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  ast,  m., '  branch,'  corre- 
sponding to  the  equiv.  Goth.  asts.  The 
term  is  unknown  to  the  other  dialects,  yet 
its  great  antiquity  is  incontestable  because 
of  the  agreement  of  Teut.  astaz  (a  permu- 
tation of  the  pre-Teut.  ozdos;  comp.  3)<ajl, 
and  the  examples  cited  there  of  the  permu- 
tation of  the  Aryan  zd,  so",  to  Teut.  st)  with 
Gr.  tffoj  (6<r9o$), '  brand  1,  twig,  knot,  node 
(of  a  tree) ' ;  the  latter  with  Armen.  ost, 
■  brand),'  is  likewise  based  upon  osdos.  The 
meanings  of  the  Gr.  word  admit  the  sup- 
position of  its  being  allied  to  MidLG.  6st 
(LG.  aust),  Du.  oest,  AS.  6st, '  knot,  node ' 
(Aryan  stein  6sdo-). 

Jig,  see  Jlas  and  Jls. 

Jlfettt,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
dtem  (dten),  OHG.  dtumym.,1  breath,  spirit1 ; 
comp.  MidHG.  der  heilege  dtem,  OHG.  der 
wtho  dtum,  'the  Holy  Spirit;'  ModHG. 
collateral  form  (prop,  dialectic)  Dbem.  The 
word  is  not  found  in  EastTeut.  ;  in  Goth. 
ahma,  'spirit,'  is  used  instead  (see  adjten). 
Comp.  OS  ix.  dfiom,  Du.  adtm,  AS.  cefim 
(obsolete  in  Eng.), '  breath.'  The  cognates 
point  to  Aryan  itmon-,  Sans,  dtmdn,  m., 
'puff,  breath,  spirit';  also  Olr.  athach, 
'  breath,'  Gr.  a.rp.6%  '  smoke,  vapour.' 
Whether  ModHG.  Slbcr  and  Gr.  Ijrop, 
'  heart,'  are  derived  from  the  root  St,  '  to 
exhale,  breathe,'  contained  in  these  cog- 
nates, is  questionable. 

Jiff e,  Jit f t,  in., '  father,'  dialectic,  from 
MidHG.  atte,  OHG.  atto,  'father.'  The 
mutation  of  the  ModHG.  is  diminutive,  as 
is  shown  by  the  final  i  of  the  Swiss  Utti. 
Allied  to  Goth,  atta,  'father'  (whence  At- 
tila,  MidHG.  Etzel,  lit. '  little,  dear  father'), 
perhaps  also  to  Olr.  aite,  'foster-father' 
(from  attios),  OSlov.  otlcl,  '  father.' 

JUtid),  111.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
attech  (atech),  OHG.  attali  (attuh,  atah), 
'  danewort,'  borrowed  and  extended  at  an 
early  period  from  Lat.  acte  (Gr.  Akttj,  iucrta), 
<  elder-tree.'  Comp.  gatttd)  from  Lat.  lac- 
tuca,  also  JDattct  from  dactylos. 

JU,)cf,  f.,  'magpie' ;  see  under  Gljhr. 

ctfjOit,  vb.,  '  to  corrode,  etch,  bait,' 
from  MidHG.  etzen,  OHG.  ezzen,  'to  give 
to  eat,'  lit '  to  make  eat ' ;  factitive  of  effm. 


(    14    ) 


Jlu,  JlltC,  'river  islet,  wet  meadow, 
fertile  plan,'  from  MidHG.  ouwe,  f., '  water, 
6tream,  water-land,  island,  peninsula,  mea- 
dow-land abounding  in  water,  grassy  plain'; 
OHG.  ouwa,  from  old  *auj6-  (the  presumed 
Goth,  fui-m,  comp.  OHG.-MidLat.  augia). 
It  corresponds  to  OIc.  ey  and  AS.  Sg,  fg,  f., 
'  island,'  to  which  AS.  tglond,  iglond,  E. 
island,  Du.  eiland,  'islam),'  are  allied  ;  so 
too  Lat.  and  Teut.  Batavia,  Scandinavia; 
Goth.  *aujd-  (for  awj6-,  avoid-)  has  lost  a  g 
(comp.  SJtiere).  The  theoretical  form  agwjd-, 
prop,  an  adj.  used  as  a  subst.,  '  the  watery 
place,' as  it  were  (hence  '  water-lund,'  i.e., 
\  island  '  or  '  meadow '),  belongs  to  Goth. 
ahwa,  f.,  '  river,'  which  with  Lot.  aqua  is 
based  upon  Aryan  dkiod.  The  names  of 
places  ending  in  a  {e.g.  Sutba)  and  ad)  (e.g. 
VLvaty)  still  preserve  the  OHG.  aha  equiv. 
to  the  Goth.  ahwa.     See  ta  and  tad). 

ttud),  adv.  and  conj.,  'also,  likewise,' 
from  MidHG.  ouch,  OHG.  ouh,  '  and,  also, 
but.'  It  corresponds  to  OSax.  ok,  Du.  ool; 
OFries.  dk,  AS.  edc,  E.  eke,  OIc.  auk,  '  be- 
sides,' Dan.  og,  'and,  also,  but,'  Sw.  och, 
Ic.  ok;  Goth,  auk,  'then,  but';  an  adv. 
common  to  Teut.  Some  refer  this  auk  to 
the  Teut.  root  auk  (Aryan  aug),  '  to  in- 
crease,' wlience  OHG.  ouhh&n,  '  to  add,' 
OSax.  dkian,  AS.  yean,  OIc.  auka,  Goth. 
aukan,  '  to  increase,'  are  derived  (Lat. 
augere,  aug-ustus,  Sans,  vgrds,  'powerful,' 
ojas,  '  strength,'  are  allied  to  them) ;  comp. 
AS.  t6-edcan,  '  moreover,  also.'  Others 
trace  Teut.  auk  to  a  compound  of  two 
Arvan  particles,  au  and  ge  (Gr.  aft,  ye). 

^UC,  f.,  '  ewe,'  dialectic,  from  MidHG. 
ouwe,  OHG.  ou,  f.,  'sheep.'  Comp.  AS. 
eowu,  E.  ewe;  primit  allied  to  Lat.  ovis,  Gr. 
ofc,  Lith.  avis  (OSlov.  ovica),  '  sheep.'  See 

Jlucr,  in  SUieredja,  m.,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  dr,  dr-oclise,  OHG.  dr,  drohso,  m., 
'  aurochs ' ;  corresponds  to  AS.  dr,  OIc.  drr, 
(u-  stem).  The  fact  that  even  Roman 
writers  knew  the  Teut.  term  under  the 
form  drus  points  to  *drus  (not  dzus)  as 
the  Goth,  form  ;  comp.  Teut.  and  Lat  gU- 
sum,  '  amber,'  similar  to  AS.  glosre,  '  resin.' 
Hence  the  proposed  explanation  of  dr 
from  Sans,  usrd-s,  m.,  '  bull,'  must  be  put 
aside.  Internal  evidence  cannot  be  ad- 
duced to  show  that  the  OGerm.  word  is 
non-Teut. ;  the  assertion  of  Macrobius  that 
drus  is  Kelt,  proves  nothing. — JUtcrI)af)rt, 
m.,  even  in  MidHG.  the  equiv.  drhan 
(and  orhan),  m.,  'blackcock,'  with  drhuon 

(or/iuon), '  grey  hen,'  occurs.  Slucrljjf)H  was 
evidently  compared  with  9luerodj$,  the  one 
appeared  to  be  among  the  birds  of  the  wood 
what  the  other  was  among  animals  of  the 

OUf,  adv.,  prep.,  'up, upwards,  on,  upon,' 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  df,  adv.,  prep., 
'  upon  ' ;  corresponds  to  OSax.  dp,  AS.  dp- 
Upp,  and  its  equiv.  E.  up;  Goth,  iup,  adv., 
'upwards,  aloft '  differs  remarkably  in  its 
vowel.  Probably  pri mit.  Teut.  *ilppa, ' up,' 
is  allied  to  cben  and  iibcr. 

aufmuijen,  see  mufcen. 

£ufv\xt)V,  see  9hd)t. 

aufttriegcht,  see  nriegeln. 

Jluge,  »•,  'eye,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  ouge,  OHG.  ouga,  n. ;  a  word  common 
to  Teut. ;  comp.  Goth,  augd,  OIc.  auga, 
AS.  edge,  E.  eye,  Du.  oog,  OSax.  6ga,  'eye.' 
While  numerous  terms  for  parts  of  tlie 
body  (comp.  2lrm,  gufj,  -£>erj,  ^inn,  Jtitte, 
Cr/f,  &c.)  are  common  to  Teut.  with  the 
other  Aryan  dialects,  it  has  not  yet  been 
proved  that  there  is  any  agreement  with 
respect  to  9lucje  between  Teut.  and  Lat., 
Gr.,  Ind.,  <fec.  Of  course  there  is  au  unde- 
niable similarity  of  sound  between  the 
Aryan  base  oq,  '  eye,'  and  Lat.  oculus,  Gr. 
6tr<re  for  *6kJ€,  6<f>6dkfjU>s,  Snra,  &c,  Sans.  akSi, 
OSlov.  oko,  lath,  aki-s,  'eye.'— Jlugcnltb, 
see  Sib. 

.ZUtflltff,  m.,  formed,  after  being  based 
anew  on  Lat.  and  Rom.  augustus,  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  ougest,  ougeste,  OHG.  augusto, 
agusto,  m.,  '  August'  (the  genuine  OGenn. 
term  is  (Jtntemonat,  OHG.  aran-mdnCt). 
Comp.  Fr.  aodt,  Ital.  agosto.  It  was  bor- 
rowed in  OHG.  at  the  same  time  as  Didvj 
and  ajfai. 

aus,  adv.  and  prep.,  '  out,  forth,  from, 
by  reason  of,'  from  the  equiv.  MiilHG.  and 
OHG.  «&3,  adv.,  prep.  ;  corresponds  to  Goth. 
dt,  adv.,  '  out  (thither,  hence),'  AS.  dt, '  out 
(thither,  hence),  out  of  doors,  outside,'  E. 
out,  Du.  uit,  prep.,  adv.,  'out,'  OSax.  dt. 
Comp.  aujjen,  aupcr.  The  common  Teut.  dt 
(from  dt-a  ?)  is  based  upon  Aryan  dd  (ud)  ; 
comp.  Sans,  ud,  a  verbal  particle,  '  out,  out 
(thither),  aloft,  upwards.' 

Jlusfafj,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  late  Mid 
HG.  dysatz,  m.,  'leprosy' ;  a  singular,  late 
and  regressive  formation  from  the  Mid 
HG.  subst.  d$setze  nnd  dyetzel^  leper,'  Mid 
HG.  tiyetzig,  adj., '  leprous,'  OHG.  dys&zzo, 
dysdzeo,  BL,  '  leper ' ;  lit.  '  one  who  lives 
outside,  separate  ;  those  who  were  afflicted 
with  leprosy  were  exposed.     Considering 


(    i5    ) 


the  very  late  appearance  of  the  subst. 
SUtSfafc,  in  contrast  to  the  early  OHG. 
ti^sdzeo,  'leper,'  there  is  no  doubt  that 
9lu3fa{s  is  a  recent  formation,  like  &tcjer 
from  avijetn.  The  Goth,  word  for  leprosy 
is  Jyrutsfill. 

JUtfier,  f.,  '  oyster,'  ModHG.  only,  from 
earlier  ModHG.  "Aster,  from  Du.  oester, 
which,  with  the  equiv.  AS.  dstre,  E.  oyster, 
Fr.  huitre,  Ital.  ostrica,  is  based  upon 
Lat.  ostrea,  ostreum,  Gr.  6<rrpeov,  '  oyster, 

austveiben,  see  SBetbe  and  Stnge- 

auswenbiQ,  see  luenben. 

Ctufcett,  adv.,  'outside,  out  of  doors, 
without,'  froni  MidHG.  A^en,  OHG.  H^ana, 
A^dn,  adv.,  prep.,  'out  of  doors,  outside, 
out,  without'  ;  corresponding  to  AS.  Aton, 
adv.,  'from  without,'  Goth.  Atana,  adv., 

prep.,  'from  without,  outside,  out'  ;  from 
OTeut.  At.     See  auS. 

aujjer,  adv.  and  prep.,  '  except,  unless, 
apart  from,  without,'  from  MidHG.  A$er, 
OHG.  ^30?-,  prep.,  '  out— here '  ;  corre- 
sponds to  OSax.  'Alar. 

JUef,  f.  (with  a  dental  added  as  in  £ufte, 
^>abid>t,  and  Dbjl,  &c),  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  ackes  (late  MidHG.  axt),  f.,  OHG. 
acchus  (plur.  acchussi),  f.,  '  axe.'  It  corre- 
sponds to  OSax.  accus,  Du.  aaks  (from  akes), 
AS.  tex  (from  *03cces),  E.  ax,  axe,  OIc.  ox, 
Goth,  aqizi,  f.,  '  axe.'  The  Teut.  word  is 
based  upon  Aryan  agest,  or  rather  agzt 
(akst) ;  comp.  the  prim,  cognate  Gr.  &£ivy, 
'axe,'  with  which  perhaps  the  equiv.  Lat. 
ascia,  in  case  it  stands  for  ac-scia,  is  con- 
nected. Lat.  acies,  'sharpness,'  and  Gr.  d»cij, 
'  point,'  as  well  as  Sans,  acri,  '  edge '  (see 
&ljte,  (Stfe),  are  not  allied  to  &rt. 


bctctr,  adj.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  har  (nom.  MidHG.  barer,  barwtr, 
OHG.  barir),  adj.,  'naked,  bare,  denuded, 
free,  empty.'  It  corresponds  to  OSax.  bar, 
AS.  bar,  E.  bare,  OIc.  Lerr,  'naked,  bare' ; 
Goth.  *baza-  is  wanting.  The  r  of  the 
non-Goth,  dialects  is  an  old  s  (not  r)  as 
is  proved  by  the  affinity  to  OSlov.  bom, 
Lith.  basas,  'bare-footed,'  which,  as  well 
as  the  Teut.  adjs.,  point  to  an  Aryan 
bhosd-s,  '  denuded '  (with  regard  to  the  anti- 
quity of  this  idea  see  nacft).  Comp.  also 
Armen.  bok,  'naked,'  which  is  based  upon 
bhosko- ;  besides,  E.  bald  (MidE.  balled) 
points  to  a  Goth,  participle  *bazl6ps  (AS. 
*bodlod).  Perhaps  entbffjren  is  also  con- 
nected with  the  root  bhes.  Comp.  further 

~g&aas,  m., '  master,'  a  LG.  word  ;  comp. 
Du.  baas;  orig.  perhaps  it  was  a  term  of 
endearment  used  in  addressing  superiors 
(comp.  9hmm,  SDJuljme,  83ube,  Sufjle).  It  is 
undoubtedly  connected  with  93afe,  'aunt  on 
the  father's  side,'  because  93afe,  33aaS — 
93afe(,  are  also  titles  given  by  domestics 
to  their  mistress.  Yet  it  is  astonishing 
that  the  area  of  diffusion  of  93aa£,  m.  (LG.), 
and  Safe,  f.  (MidG.  and  UpG),  is  different. 
Perhaps  'paternal'  was  the  root  idea  of 
both  word?. 

Imbboln,  see  pa^eto. 

"gSadj,  m.  (MidLG.  and  LG.,  fern.),  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  bach  (plur.  beche),  m. 
(MidG.  fern.),  OHG.  bah,  m.,  'brook.' 
Comp.  OSax.  bski,  MidLG.  beke,  Du.  beek ; 
a  corresponding  Goth.  *baki-,  m.,  is  want- 
ing ;  beside  which  the  equiv.  AS.  becc,  and 
OIc.  bekkr  (whence  E.  beck),  m.,  presuppose 
a  Goth.  *bakki-.  No  Aryan  root  bhag-  witli 
a  meaning  applicable  here  can  be  found  ; 
both  HG.  barfen  and  Gr.  xryi),  '  source,'  are 
scarcely  allied  to  it,  though  Sans,  bhanga, 
'  breach,  wave '  (see  93ntdj)  may  be  so. 

~g&<X<f)burXQe,  f.,  'speedwell,  brooklime' 
(Veronica  beccabunga),  from  MidHG.  bungo, 
OHG.  bunge,  'bulb' ;  allied  to  OIc.  bingr, 
'  bolster,'  and  more  remotely  with  Sans. 
baha,  'dense,'  Gr.  xaxfa?. 

33ache,  f.,  'wild  sow,'  from  MidHG. 
bache,  OHG.  bahho,  m.,  'ham,  (flitch  of) 
bacon'  (Swiss  and  Bav.  bachen)  ;  similarly 
the  corresponding MidLat.ftoco  and  MidDu. 
bake  mean  'ham,  pork,'  and  'pig.'  Comp. 
Prov.,  OFr.,  and  E.  bacon,  borrowed  from 
Germ.  The  Teut.  root  bak  contained  in 
these  cognates  is  further  allied  to  the  cog- 
nates of  ModHG.  93atfe. 

"■2.>ad)ftcIv-\  f-»  '  water- wagtail,'  formed 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  ica^erstelze,  OHG. 
watferstelza  ;  the  second  part  of  the  com- 
pound is  connected  with  <&te(}e.  This  term 
is  only  HG.;  comp.  with  it  Du.  kwikstaart, 


(     16     ) 


Xorw.  quickstiert,  E.  wagtail,  LG.  wippstert, 
Dan.  vipstiert ;  also  Gr.  ffei<roirvyls  ltal. 
squassacoda,  codatremola,  cutrctta,  Fr.  hoche- 
queue  ;  but  Span,  andario,  which  meant 
lit  '  brook-trotter.' 

^ac&,  n.,  'a  deep  wooden  dish,  in  which 
food  is  served  for  a  certain  number  of 
the  crew '  ;  borrowed,  like  many  technical 
terms  of  sea-life,  from  LG. ;  LG.  back, 
'  dish,'  E.  buck  ('  tub,  vat ') ;  com  p.  ModFr. 
bac,  'brewer's  vat  or  tub,'  borrowed  from 
this  word  or  the  Du.  bak.  It  has  been 
derived  from  Late  Lat.  bacca,  '  water  ves- 
sel,' whence  also  Fr.  bac,  'ferryboat,'  Du. 
bak,  E.  bac,  'a  flat-bottomed  boat'  Pro- 
bably S3ccfen  is  allied  to  it. 

"jHadtborb,  n.,  'larboard,'  from  LG. 
(comp.  the  preceding  word)  ;  com  p.  Du. 
bakboord  (AS.  bacbord),  whence  also  the 
equiv.  Fr.  bdbord;  lit.  'the  left  side  of  the 
ship  to  the  back  of  the  helmsman,  who 
is  steering  with  his  right  hand,  the  left 
hinder-part  of  the  ship.'  Du.  and  E.  back  is 
an  OTeut.  word,  which  was,  however,  very 
early  obsolete  in  HG.  (see  the  following 
word) ;  OHG.  bah,  OSax.  bak,  AS.  bcec,  E. 
lack,  OIc.  bak,  n.,  'back,'  Goth.  *balc,  n. 
From  LG.  is  also  derived  HG.  Sorb.  See 
the  latter. 

jSadte  (1.),  'gS  a  die  it,  nt,  especially 
used  in  the  compounds  with  9lfd);,  gutter;, 
hence  the  lit  meaning,  'buttock.'  The 
correct  HG.  form,  which  has  the  regular 
permutation  of  k  to  ch,  is  seen  in  Mid  II G. 
cache,  OHG.  bahho,  'ham,  flitch  of  bacon' 
(yet  MidHG.  also  ars-backe,  m.),  which 
as  'bacon'  made  its  way  into  OFr.,  and 
thence  into  Eng.  also.  Although  it  has 
been  connected  by  the  linguistic  instinct 
of  ModHG.  with  the  following  word,  they 
are  not  allied  ;  it  is  more  probable  that 
3kd)e  and  the  stem  bak,  discussed  under 
SJacfbcrb,  is  most  closely  connected  with  it. 

33adie  (2.),  in.,  f.,  also  "gBadiett,  m.  (the 
latter  espec.  in  the  compounds  93arfett$afnt, 
sjlretd)),  'cheek' ;  from  MidHG.  baclce,  m., 
'jaw,  jawbone,  cheek.'  OHG.  has  the 
doublets  bacclio  (whence  the  MidHG.  and 
ModHG.  ck)  and  bahho,  which  produce 
MidHG.  bache.  Comp.  MidHG.  kinntbache 
beside  kinwbacke,  which  compound  too, 
even  in  OHG.  (as  chinni-baliho),  is  more 
frequent  than  the  simple  word  ;  comp. 
OSax.  kinni-bako,  Du.  hinnebakken.  It  is 
still  uncertain  whether  Lat.  bucca,  'cheek,' 
is  allied  to  it ;  its  initial  b  might  have 
arisen  from  bh,  as  in  barba  (see  93art) ;  but 

the  two  differ  in  meaning  ;  while  the  Lat. 
signifies  '  the  inflated  cheek,'  the  G.  word 
orig.  denoted  'jaw.' 

badictt,  vb.  (dial.  UpG.  bafyn),  'to 
bake,'  from  MidHG.  backen,  bachen,  str. 
vb.  ;  doublets  are  found  even  in  OHG. 
bacchan,  bah/tan,  str.  vbs. ;  OHG.  cch  is 
based  upon  the  double  consonants  l:k 
(OSax.  bakkeri,  'baker,'  Du.  baklcen,  'to 
bake);  but  ch  presupposes  a  simple  k. 
Comp.  AS.  baean,  str.  vb.,  E.  to  bake,  as 
well  as  E.  batch,  from  MidE.  bacche,  AS. 
*bcicce,  where  cc  points  to  the  ckof  the  Mod 
HG.  word.  Whether  a  Goth.  *baltkan  or 
*baqan,  str.  vb,  must  be  presupposed  is 
uncertain  ;  the  pre-Teut.  form  of  the  verbal 
root  is  Aryan  bh3g,&s  is  shown  by  its  prim  it. 
kinship  to  Gr.  4>(!ryu,  'I  roast' ;  the  affinity 
of  Lat  fdcus,  '  hearth,'  is  doubtful. 

"23a6.  n.,  'bath,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  bat{d),  OHG.  bad,  n.  ;  comp.  Du. 
bad,  AS.  bee]j,  E.  bath,  OIc.  5aS,  'bath.' 
An  important  word  in  relation  to  the 
history  of  OTeut.  civilisation  ;  even  the 
Roman  writers  testify  that  bathing  (comp. 
further  laben)  was  a  daily  necessity  to  the 
Teutons.  As  a  verb,  a  denominative  was 
already  formed  in  the  OTeut.  dialects,  Mid 
HG.  and  ModHG.  babett,  from  OHG.  badun, 
Du.  baden,  AS.  ba/rian,  E.  to  bathe;  Goth. 
*bap&n  is  not  recorded.  The  dental  of  the 
cognates  is  derivative,  hence  ba  (Aryan 
bhd)  is  the  root  syllable,  (comp.  bafjett, 
in  that  case  allied  to  it),  to  which  OSlov. 
banja,  'bath,'  banjati,  'to  wash,  bathe,'  be- 
longs.—  jjjctoeit,  the  name  of  a  place,  is 
prop.  dat.  plur.  of  93ab,  'at  the  baths'  (so 
too  E  Bath) ;  probably  an  imitation  of 
Lat.  aquae  in  names  of  places. 

"gijafcer,  m.,  'barber,'  from  MidHG 
badaere,  '  one  who  looks  after  the  bathers 
in  the  bath-house.'  "  In  the  later  period 
of  the  Middle  Ages  it  was  a  custom  to  <:et 
the  beard  shaved  and  the  hair  cut  by  the 
SBaber  at  the  end  of  the  bath." 

baf !  baff !  paff  I  onomatopoetic  term 
for  the  report  of  a  gun  ;  first  occurs  in 
ModHG.  Allied  to  ModHG.  bajfett,  'to 
bark,'  from  MidHG.  baffeii,  beffen;  comp. 
MidE.  bafferiy  E.  to  beff;  of  recent  onomat. 

bcifjett,  '  to  yelp,'  derivative  of  bdffm. 

bdgertt,  '  to  torment,  plague,'  prob. 
allied  to  OHG.  bdgan,  MidHG.  bdgen,  str. 
vb.,  'to  contend,  quarrel.'  Akin  to  Ir. 
bdgim,  'I  contend,'  bag,  'combat';  hence 
the  Aryan  root  is  bhigh,  bh6gh. 


(    i7    ) 


■§3ag$er,  m., '  dredging-machine ' ;  like 
many  Words  with  gg  (comp.  Slaggc),  it  is 
not  prop.  HG.  (since  gg  in  HG.  must  have 
been  changed  to  ck),  but  from  LG.  bagger, 
identical  with  Du.  bagger,  '  mud  at  the 
bottom  of  water.' 

bcifoert,  vb.,  '  to  warm  by  poultices,  fo- 
ment, toast  (bread),'  from  the  equiv.MidllG. 
bain,  bmjen,  OHG.  bdjan,  bdan.  The  Teut. 
root  is  bi,  from  pre-Teut.  bid,  to  which  ba- 
of  the  OTeut.  words  for  53ab  is  related  by 
gradation.  The  orig.  sense  of  the  primit. 
stem  bhi,  by  gradation  bha,  was  probably 
*  to  make  warm  by  washing,  bathing.' 

"gSafytt,  f.,  'path,  track,  career,'  from 
MidHG.  bane,  ban,  f.,  m.,'road,  way' ;  allied 
to  MidDu.  bane,  Du.  baan.  No  word  iden- 
tical with  this  is  found  in  any  of  the  older 
periods  of  the  Teut.  group.  The  cognates 
of  bcljttftt  are  probably  allied  to  it. 

~§$ai)Ve,  f.,  '  barrow,  bier,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  bdre,  OHG.  b&ra,  f.;  Goth. 
*Mra  or  *berS,  f.  ;  AS.  beer,  bcere,  E.  bi-r  ; 
E.  barrow  (MidE.  barewe),  belongs  to  a  dif- 
ferent gradation  since  it  presupposes  Goth. 
*barwa;  comp.  OIc.  barar,  plur.  'bier,' 
Goth.  *bar6s.  The  pre-Teut.  phonetic  form 
is  bhird-.  From  the  OHG.  word  is  derived 
the  equiv.  Ital.  bara  (barella),  Fr.  biere. 
The  root  is  the  primit.  Aryan  bher,  '  to 
carry,'  which  is  widely  diffused,  and  ap- 
pears in  ModHG.  33iitfce,  gcMren,  ©cbttrt,  as 
well  as  in  3ubev;  it  occurs  in  Ind.  as  b/iar, 
In  Gr.  as  <t>ep,  in  Lat.  as  jer.  From  this 
root  the  OTeut.  languages,  in  agreement 
with  all  the  other  Aryan  tongues,  formed 
a  str.  vb.,  Goth,  balvan,  OHG.  beran,  Mid 
HG.  bern  (the  latter  means  only  'to  bear 
fruit,  produce,  give  birth  to'),  AS.  beran, 
E.  to  bear.     Comp.  espec.  gefcdren. 

"gScti  (1.),  f.,  'bay  of  a  window,'  from 
MidHG.  beie,  'window,'  which  with  the 
following  word  is  of  Rom.  origin  ;  comp. 
E.  bay,  Fr.  baie,  '  bay  (of  a  window).' 

"ggttt  (2.),  f., '  bay,'  derived  through  LG. 
rfrom  E.  bay  (MidE.  baie),  which  was  bor- 
rowed from  Rom.  ;  Fr.  baie,  Ital.  baja, 
Span,  and  Iber.  (in  Isidore),  baja,  'haven'  ; 
prop,  identical  with  the  preceding  word. 

"•J.iaftc,  f.,  '  a  mark  at  the  entrance  of  a 
harbour  as  a  warning  against  shallows, 
buoy';  from  Fris.  like  other  technical 
terms  relating  to  the  sea,  Fris.  bdken  (comp. 
23acf),  whence  LG.  bdke,  Du.  baak.  It  is 
based  upon  Goth.  *baukn,  n.,  which  by  a 
regular  change  became  bedcen,  'beacon,'  in 
AS. ;  comp.  E.  beacon  and  beckon.     OHG. 

bouhhan,  MidHG.  bouchen,  OLG.  bdean, 
'  beacon,  model,'  are  corresponding  terms. 
Thus  the  OTeut.  word  meant  generally 
'sign.'  5kfe  has  been  restricted  to  a 
definite  caution  signal. 

"gjttlbter,  m.,  for  ©artier. 

^alc^e,  f.,  see  f&dd). 

falcon,  see  93alfeit. 

bato,  adv., '  soon,  nearly,  quickly,'  based 
upon  an  OTeut.  adj.  which  signified 'quick, 
bold,  brave ' ;  Goth,  balps, '  bold,'  preserved 
only  in  derivs.,  AS.  beald  (with  the  change 
of  p  after  I  to  d,  comp.  2Balb,  fatten),  E. 
bold,  OIc.  ballr,  '  bold,  impudent,  auda- 
cious ' ;  also  OIc.  baldr,  AS.  bealdor, '  prince,' 
whence  the  name  of  the  god  53aftet.  In 
HG.  the  meaning  tended  towards  '  bold, 
quick ' ;  OHG.  and  OLG.  bald,  MidHG.  bait 
(gen.  buldes).  'bold,  zealous,  quick' ;  comp. 
Ital.  baldo,  'bold.'  The  development  of 
meaning  of  the  OHG.  adv.  baldo,  MidHG. 
balde,  is  thus  '  boldly, — quickly, — imme- 
diately.' The  abstract  Sdlbe,  which  is  con- 
nected with  it,  meant  lit.  'boldness,'  like 
Goth,  balpei  and  OHG.  baldl;  MidHG. 
belde,  'audacity  ' ;  the  meaning  of  the  Mod 
HG.  subst.  is  based  immediately  on  the 
adv.  To  this  word  are  allied  proper  names 
like  S3afbuin,  as  well  as  Fr.  Baudouin  (ap- 
plied to  the  ass). 

"g&albacfyixi,  m., '  canopy,'  not  from  Mid 
HG.  baldekin,  'raw  silk  from  Bagdad,'  but 
from  Ital.  bahlacchino,  which  is  identical 
with  the  MidHG.  word,  but  has  been  spe- 
cialised in  meaning  to  the  canopy  made 
from  such  stuff. 

"§3aIortcw,  m.,  'valerian,'  from  MidHG. 
baldrian,  from  Lat.  Valeriana;  comp.  the 
E.  term. 

"gSaleffei:,  m.,  see  SlrmBntfl. 

"g-Jalft,  m.,'skin,  case,  bellows, brat,' from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  bale  (plur.  beige),  OHG. 
balg,  plur.  balgi,  belgi,  m. ;  Goth,  balgs,  plur. 
balgeis,  'leather  bottle,'  lit.  'the  flayed  skin 
of  an  animal  for  keeping  liquids.'  On 
the  root  balgi-  is  based  AS.  belg,  bylg,  E. 
belly  (93alcj,  with  the  specialised  meaning, 
'swollen  body'),  and  E.  bdlmos,  plur. 
The  primary  idea  of  the  root  is  '  swelling 
out' ;  from  the  same  root  the  OTeut.  dia- 
lects form  a  str.  vb.  belgan  (see  ^dttcr), 
meaning  'to  swell' ;  OIc.  bOlgcnn,  'swollen' ; 
OHG.  belgan,  MidHG.  belgen,  'to  swell,  be 
angry.'  The  pre-Teut.  form  of  the  stem 
according  to  the  laws  of  the  permutation 
of  consonants  is  bhelgh,  and  to  this  corre- 
sponds Ind.  barh  (with  the  initial  aspirate 



(     18     ) 


displaced),  'to  be  great,  strong' ;  also  Olr. 
bolgaim,  '  I  swell,'  Ir.  bolg,  Gall.-Lat.  bulga, 
'  bag.'  It  is  also  possible  that  HG.  93alcj  is 
cognate  with  Lat.  follis  (from  *folvis,  */olg- 
vu).    Comp.  farther  SBulcje. 

bahien,  vb.,  lit.  '  to  talk  angrily,  quar- 
rel,' then  '  to  cudgel ' ;  derived  from  the 
verbal  root  belg,  '  to  swell  out,'  discussed 
under  93atg  ;  comp.  OHG.  belgan,  MidHG. 
belgen,  meaning  '  to  be  angry.' 

"•J.hrtkcn.  m.,  '  beam,  baulk,  loft,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  ba'ke,  OHG.  balcho,  m. ; 
comp.  AS.  balca,  E.  baulk,  Du.  balk, ' baulk' ; 
in  Scaud.  beside  the  corresponding  bdlkr, 
*  fence,  boundary-line,'  there  occurs  with  a 
different  gradation  bijdlk-,  'baulk'  (Goth. 
*lrUka),  in  AS.  likewise  bolc<>,  'gangway' 
(Goth.  *bulka).  From  Teut.  balkoii,  Fr. 
balcon  and  Ital.  balco  are  derived.  The 
Aryan  form  of  the  root  is  bhalg,  hence 
Gr.  (pd.Xa.'yii,  <f>d\ayy-os,  'oval  piece  of  wood, 
trunk  of  a  tree,'  has  been  compared  with 
it,  but  the  nasal  of  the  second  syllable  ren- 
ders the  comparison  dubious. 

j!.>ttU,  (1.)  m.,  'challenge  (of  hounds),' 
belongs  to  the  stem  of  befleu. 

2,ialt  (2.),  m..  'ball,'  from  the  equiv. 
MHG.  bal  (gen.  balles)  or  balle,  ballen,  m. 
OHG.  ballo,  m.,  balla,  f. ;  AS.  *bealla  is 
wanting  ;  E.  ball  (MidE.  balle)  is  borrowed 
from  the  Rom.  word  Fr.  balle,  which  was  ob- 
tained from  German.  OIc.  bollr, '  ball,'  pre- 
supposes Goih.  *ballu8.  The  root  bal-  ap- 
pears also  with  a  further  gradation  in  53olle 
(in  QJolfier  too?) ;  comp.  further  23cf(eit. 

p.Jall  (3.),  m.,  'dancing  entertainment,' 
from  Fr.  bal, '  ball ' ;  OFr.  bailer, '  to  dance,' 
and  its  Rom.  cognates  have  been  derived 
from  Gr.  /SaMtfw,  '  I  dance.' 

■^.Jallaft,  in.,  '  ballast,'  like  other  mari- 
time expressions,  from  LG.  ;  comp.  Du.  bal- 
last, E.  ballast.  In  MidHG.  simply  last, 
'  ballast,'  whence  the  equiv.  Fr.  lest  is  de- 
rived. The  first  component  of  the  com- 
pound is  obscure  ;  it  is  scarcely  of  Irish 
origin  (Kelt.  6a/,  '  sand  '),  nor  is  it  likely 
to  be  identical  with  OIc.  bdra,  'sea.'  On 
account  of  Dan.  baglest,  '  ballast.'  the  least 
improbable  derivation  is  from  bak,  '  back,' 
discussed  under  93acfe  (1.).  93a((ajl  might 
perhaps  be  '  load  behind  or  in  the  rear.' 

"2.5aUci,  f.,  'jurisdiction,' from  MidLat. 
ballia,  formed  from  Fr.  bailli,  bailif, 
'steward'  (MidLat.  balltvus,  E.  bailiff), 
which  is  formed  from  Lat.  bajulus,  with 
the  suffix  -tvus. 

"2.$ttHert,  m., '  bale,  pack,'  identical  with 

4-8a((,  which,  as  MidHG.  allt  and  OHG.  ballo 
show,  was  formerly  a  weak  masc.  ;  in  con- 
nection with  the  difference  of  form  arose  a 
difference  of  meaning;  orig.  sense  'round 
bundle  of  paper,'  then  'a  certain  quantity 
of  rolled  or  packed  paper.'  E.  bait  and  Du. 
baal  are  borrowed  from  Fr.  balle  (also  bal- 
lon), which  was  again  obtained  from  Germ. 

ballen,  vk,  'to  clench  (the  fiUtV  from 
MidHG.  ballen,  'to  form  into  a  ball.' 

'  to  make  worse  by  altering ' ;  derived  from 
58alll)orH,a  publisher  in LUbeck  (1531-1599), 
who  in  his 'enlarged  and  improved' edi- 
tions of  an  ABC  book  was  always  making 
fresh  mistakes  in  his  'emendations.' 

"JMrtlfam.  m.,  'balm,  balsam,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  ha/same,  balsem,  m  ,  OHG. 
balsamo,  m. ;  Goth,  balsan,  with  a  very  re- 
markable deviation  ;  comp.  Arab,  balasdn. 
The  Germ,  word  is  derived  from  Gr.-Lat. 
balsamum  {fiakaanov),  whence  also  Fr.  baumc 
(E.  balm),  Ital.  balsamo. 

"£).>al  ],  m., '  pairing  time  (of  birds),'  from 
MidHG.  baize  (besides  valz),  m.  ;  of  obscure 

bammeln,  also  bctmbdn,  vb.,  'to 
dangle,'  first  recorded  in  M'»dHG..  hence 
it  may  be  an  onomatopoetic  word  collateral 
with  btntmetn,  bemmeltt,  '  to  tinkle.' 

"g3anb  (1.),  m.,  '  volume,'  orig.  identical 
with  the  following  word. 

^Scmo  (2.),  n.,  '  band,  ribbon,'  from 
binDm;  MidHG.  bant,  plur.  bender  (and 
bant),  n.,  OHG.  bant,  plur.  bentir  (and  bant). 
Comp.  OSax.  band,  Du.  band,  m.,OIc.  bandy 
Goth,  by  another  derivation  bandi  (whence 
AS.  bend,  E.  bend,  as  well  as  a  later  band 
derived  from  Fr.  bande).  See  the  preced- 
ing and  the  following  word. 

"p.)cm6c,  f.,  'cushion,'  in  93U(arbbanbf, 
from  Fr.  bande;  similarly  derived  in  the 
sense  of '  crew.'  The  Rom.  word — Fr.  bande 
(Ital.  banda),  '  band,  strip,  gang,  troop,'  is 
derived  from  OHG.  bant,  Goth,  bandi. 

bdnoicten,  vb., '  to  restrain,  tame,'  from 
bdnbtii,  ordinarily  only  in  the  compound 
unbattbig  ;  MidHG.  bendec,  '  tightly  bound, 
fettered,'  hence  bdnbiflcn,  '  to  put  in  fetters.' 

battgC,  adj.  ami  adv.,  'anxious(ly), 
uneasy,  uneasily,'  from  MidHG.  and 
MidLG.  bange, adv.,  'anxiously,' and  subst. 
'anxiety,  tare.'  The  root  is  ange,  which 
further  appears  in  Slitcjfl ;  as  enge  is  the  cor- 
responding adj.,  batute  can  only  be  based  on 
the  MidHG.  adv.  ange,  OHG.  ango,  the 
adv.  afterwards  becoming  an  adj.     The  b 


(     19    ) 


lias  arisen  from  the  unaccented  prefix  be 
(bt),  as  g  in  ajaubeit,  Qtabe,  from  ge.  See 
bariitfKrjtg,  bleiben. 

"§3angcrf ,  m.,  '  orchard,'  for  bdn-,  bdm- 
gart,  MidHG.  boumgartej  comp.  9?  aunt  and 

^IJanft,  f.,  '  bank,  bench,  reef,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  banc,  plur.  benke,  OHG. 
banch,  plur.  benchi,  m.,  f.  ;  comp.  AS.  bene, 
f.,  E.  bench,  OIc.  beklcr.  Besides  the  stem 
bariki-  (from  pre-Teut.  bhangi-),  Teut.  pos- 
sessed others  which  are  recorded  in  words 
borrowed  by  Romance  ;  comp.  Ital.  banco, 
banco,  pa»ca,  Fr.  banc,  banque,  &c  See 
the  following  words. 

"gjemfcert,  earlier  SBanfart,  SSanfljari,  m., 
'  bastard,  bantling,'  from  MidHG.  banchart, 
m.,  'illegitimate  child,'  lit.  '  a  child  begot- 
t- n  upon  the  bench';  a  compound  of 
$3anf.  The  second  part  is  sljart,  appearing 
in  proper  names  as  ©ebbart,  diehityart,  and 
is  formed  by  assimilation  to  Skftarb  (older 
93ajlart,  also  written  23ajlr/art). 

"2«Janhctf,  n.,  'banquet,'  borrowed  be- 
fore the  middle  of  the  16th  cent,  from 
Fr.  banquet,  which  (with  Fr.  banc,  Ital. 
banco,  '  table ')  was  perhaps  derived  from 
the  German  stem  of  93anf. 

"2.> arm,  m.,  '  ban,  outlawry,  decree,' 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  ban(nn),  m., '  order 
under  threat  of  punishment,  prohibition  ; 
jurisdiction  and  its  sphere.'  It  corresponds 
to  AS.  bann,  E.  ban,  and  belongs  to  an  obso- 
lete s:r.  vb.  bannan,  of  which  the  primary 
meaning  was  'to  order  or  forbid  under 
threat  of  punishment.'  The  root  is  sup- 
posed to  be  la,  pre-Teut.  bha- ;  nn  was 
perhaps  a  suffix  (comp.  riiuien),  and  pro- 
perly belonged  only  to  the  pres.  of  the  str. 
vb.,  but  was  afterwards  joined  to  the  ver- 
bal stem.  To  this  pre-Teut.  bha-  belongs, 
in  accordance  with  the  permutation  of  con- 
sonants, Gr.  <f>a.  in  <pd-ffKu,  (fry-fii  and  Lat. 
fa  in /any  the  Teut.  meaning  must  then 
have  been  very  definitely  specialised.  From 
the  Teut.  word  the  Rom.  cognate  Fr.  ban, 
'  public  proclamation'  (OFr.  arban,  'arriere 
ban '),  is  derived. 

"planner,  m.,  'banner,  militia,'  from 
MidHG.  bauer,  more  usual  banier,  baniere, 
f.,  from  Fr.  banniere,  which  has  been  de- 
rived from  the  stem  of  Goth,  bandwa, 
bandwC,  'sign.'  Comp.  MidLat.  bandum 
in  Paul  the  Deacon,  lvexillum  quod  ban- 
dum appellant.    See  fattier. 

pjjanfe,  f.,  'space  in  a  barn  near  the 
threshing-floor,'  from  MidG.  and  LG. ;  the 

word  is  wanting  in  MidHG.  and  OHG. 
From  *bans-  arose  AS.  bos.  E.  dial,  boose 
(boosy, '  cattle-trough  '),  and  OIc.  bass, '  cow- 
house.' The  Goth,  has  bansts,  f., '  barn,'  in 
which  the  stem  has  been  increased  by  the 
deriv.  -ti-. 

tbox,  adj.  suffix  which  is  derived  from  a 
complete  adj.,  properly  bare,  MidHG.  bare, 
OHG.  bdri;  it  means  lit.  'bearing,'  comp. 
fructytbar,  (ajtbar.  also  banfbat ;  later  on,  when 
it  became  a  suffix,  it  assumed  the  present 
meaning.  The  older  adj.  is  a  verbal  form 
of  the  str.  vb.  beran  (see  under  SJafyre), 
Teut.  root  ber  (Aryan  biter),  '  to  bear,  carry.' 
In  AS.  too  -bcere  appears,  e.g.  in  wmstmbebre, 
'  fertile,'  leblUbdbre,  '  Lucifer.' 

ji3ar  (1.),  m.,  '  (paving)  beetle,'  from 
MidHG.  bern,  '  to  strike,  beat,'  whence 
also  Mid HG.  ber,  f.,  ' blow,  stroke.'  OHG. 
berjan,  Goth.  *barjan,  agrees  by  the  per- 
mutation of  consonants  with  Lat.  ferio,  'I 
strike,'  as  well  as  OBulg.  borja,  '  I  fight ' 
(OIc.  berjask,  '  to  fight')  ;  it  is  based  on  the 
root  bhtr,  '  to  strike.' 

2$ar  (2.),  m.,  'bear.'  The  Lat.  name 
of  the  animal  (ursus)  descends  from  the 
pre-Aryan  period,  just  as  Gr.  dp/rros  and 
Ind.  rkSa-s  (ursus  for  *urcsus).  It  is  re- 
markable that  the  Teutons  have  aban- 
doned this  old  Aryan  term  for  'bear' 
(rlcs6s,  Teut.  orhsa-s),  since  they  have  re- 
tained other  names  of  animals.  In  Mid 
HG.  we  have  ber,  OHG.  b'ero,  AS.  bera,  E. 
bear,  OIc,  bjorn, '  bear '  (Goth.  *baira).  The 
Teut.  beron-  is  a  subst.  form  based  upon 
an  Aryan  adj.  bliero-,  equiv.  to  Lith.  beras, 
'  brown  '  (Lat.  furvus  ?),  from  the  root  of 
which,  bher  and  ModHG.  93tbcr,  braun,  may 
also  be  derived;  in  using  the  adj.  as  a 
subst.  the  Aryan  rksos  is  understood.  Note 
that  23raun  is  the  name  of  the  bear  in  the 
OG.  animal  fables. 

"23dr  (3.),  m.,  '  brood -boar,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  bir,  111.,  which, 
with  OSax.  bir-sicin,  AS.  bdr,  E.  boar, 
points  to  Goth.  *baira-. 

"•llarbe,  f.,  '  barbel,'  from  MidHG.  barbe, 
f.,  OHG.  barbo,  in.,  which  is  based  upon 
the  equiv.  Lat.  barbus.  The  fish  derived 
its  name  from  barba,  'beard,'  on  account 
of  its  beard-like  appendages  ;  from  the 
Lat.  word  comes  Fr.  barbeau  (from  Mid 
Lat.  barbellus),  whence  E.  barbel,  as  well 
as  barb;  comp.  also  Ital.  barbio,  M>arbel.' 

"pjarbicr,  m.,  ' barber,'  early  ModHG. 
only,  borrowed  from  Fr.  barbier  (MidLat. 
barbarius,  '  barber '). 


(    20    ) 


"23ctrcf),  in.,  'castrated  hog,'  from  Mid 
HG.  bare  (barges),  OHG.  barug  and  barh; 
comp.  AS.bear/i,  bearg,  E.  barrow,  Du.  6an/, 
berg,  OIc.  bqrgr;  Goth.  *bargws  (*b  ngus). 
No  evidence  of  a  pre-Teut.  stem  bharg/i, 
bhark,  for  '  hog,'  can  be  adduced  from 
Other  languages.  Lat.  verres  and  Sans. 
vardha-s,  '  boar,'  cannot  be  allied  to  it,  any 
more  than  Lat.  porcus,  which  belongs  to 
gerfel.  It  is  more  probable  that  Russ. 
borov  (primit.  Slav.  *borovu)  is  a  cognate. 

■j$ard)ettt,  m.,  'fustian,'  from  MidHG. 
barchant,  barchdt,  barchet,  m^  formed  from 
MidLat.  barcdnus,  '  cloth  from  camels' 
hair '  ;  derived,  like  93erfan,  from  Arab. 
barrakdn,  '  coarse  stuff.' 

1$areff,  n.,  'skull-cap,  hood,'  adopted 
in  the  15th  cent,  from  Fr.  barrette,  MidLat. 
birrStta,  a  deriv.  from  L:it.  birrus,  birrum, 
'cloak,  pallium.' 

■gSctrfee,  f.,  'barque,  boat,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  barke,  f.  ;  corresponds  to 
Scand.  barke,  'barque' ;  not  of  Germ,  ori- 
gin. The  cognates  are  based  upon  an  equiv. 
Rom.  class  with  the  primit.  forms  barca- 
bariea  (found  even  in  the  7th  cent,  in 
Isidore) ;  comp.  Fr.  barque  (besides  OFr. 
barge,  from  MidLat.  barica;  whence  E. 
barife,  LG.  S3arfe),  Ital.  barca;  Olr.  bare 
is  of  similar  oiigin.  The  ultimate  source 
of  the  cognates  (Spain?)  is  uncertain. 

■jSdrlctpp,  m.,  'club-moss' ;  orig.  sense 
'  bear's  paw ' ;  comp.  the  Lat.-Gr.  term  lyco- 
podium  formed  from  it ;  allied  to  OHG. 
lappo,  lit.  'palm  of  the  hand.' 

jScirme,  f.,  'yeast,'  borrowed  from  the 
equiv.  LG.  barme,  m.,  which  corresponds 
to  AS.  beorma  and  E.  barm.  Lat.  fermen- 
turn  (if  it  does  not  belong  to  formus,  Gr. 
8epn6s, '  warm ')  is  perhaps  akin  to  it.  Teut. 
b,  Lat.  /,  are  Aryan  bh. 

baxmfyer^xQ,  adj.,  'compassionate,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  barmherzic ;  related  to 
ModHG.  and  MidHG.  erbarmen,  OHG.  ir- 
barmSn.  This  stem  has  been  connected  with 
a  Teut.  word  barm, '  bosom '  (E.  barm,  from 
AS.  bearm,  Goth,  barms,  OHG.  and  OLG. 
burm,  MidHG.  barm,  m.) ;  hence  erbarmen 
means  lit.  'to  cherish  in  one's  bosom,  press 
to  one's  heart.'  Perhaps  the  equiv.  Goth. 
arman,  'to  move  to  pity,'  and  armaid, 
'compassion,'  stand  in  a  similar  relation 
to  Slrm,  the  lit.  meaning  of  the  verb  being 
'to  take  in  one's  arms,  cherish.'  Others, 
however,  are  of  opinion  that  trbarmen  con- 
tains a  b  derived  from  bi  (like  bange,  derived 
from  bwange),  so  that  it  would  be  more  akin 

to  Goth,  arman.  But  in  that  case  either  a 
secondary  meaning,  'misericors,'  in  addi- 
tion to  'miser,'  must  be  assumed  for  Teut. 
arm,  for  which  there  is  no  support ;  or  we 
niu-t  regard  it  as  an  imitation  of  a  Lat.- 
Chri.-t.  term,  Goth,  arman,  horn  arms,  like 
Lat.  misereri,  from  miser;  indeed  0  HG.  arm- 
herzi,  'misericors,'  and  irbarmherzida  (Goth. 
armahalrtifra), '  misericordia,'  render  it  cer- 
tain that  Christianity  coined  the  words  to 
express  a  Lat.-Christ.  idea  ;  comp.  Scmut, 
©iiabe,  &c. 

j$artt,  m.,  'crib,  hayrack  above  the 
crib,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  bam,  m., 
OHG.  barno,  m. ;  AS.  bern,  E.  barn,  is 
equiv.  to  Germ.  <2d)euer.  The  Germ,  and 
Eng.  words  are  not,  perhaps,  identical,  but 
only  of  a  cognate  stem  ;  the  stem  of  the 
Eng.  word  is  bar-,  which  appears  in  Goth. 
*baris,  '  barley,'  AS.  bere,  E.  barley,  and  is 
cotrnate  with  Lat.  far,  j 'arris, '  spelt,'  OBulg. 
burii,  'a  species  of  millet' ;  AS.  bern  is  ex- 
plained from  bere-ern,  '  barley-house.' 

"§3aron,  m., '  Baron,'  not  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  barun,  but  from  the  Fr.  and  MidL 
Rhen.  form  baron,  which  is  found  in  the 
16th  cent. ;  MidLat.  baro,  baronis,  is  by 
some  based  on  Kelt,  bar,  'man,'  and  by 
others  on  AS.  beorn  or  on  OHG.  baro, 
'man,  vassal.' 

"gjarre,  f.,  ^arrcn,  m.,  'bar,  ingot,' 
from  MidHG.  barre,  f., '  bolt,  railing,'  which 
comes  from  Fr.  barre. 

jScttfd),  m.,  'perch,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bars,  m.  ;  there  is  also  a  deriv. 
form  MidHG.  and  OHG.  bersich;  comp.  the 
corresponding  Du.  baars,  AS.  bars,  bears, 
E.  dial,  barse  (bass) ;  allied  to  the  com- 
pounds Sw.  abborre,  Dan.  aborre  (rr  from 
rs),  with  the  same  meaning.  The  cognates 
cannot  have  been  borrowed  from  the  equiv. 
Lit.  perca;  they  are  more  akin  to  the  Teut 
root  bars  (bors)  in  93crjk,  Sh'irjlf,  signifying 
'  to  be  bristly.' 

baxfd),  adj.,  'rough,  rude,'  a  modern 
word,  appearing  also  in  Du.  (larsch)  and 
Sw.  (barsk),  but  foreign  to  theUpG.  dialects. 
It  is  not  found  in  OTeut.  In  Swiss  dialects 
the  term  is  barodsch  (with  the  accent  on 
the  second  syllable),  in  which  perhaps  the 
base  of  barftfy  is  preserved  ;  Ital.  brusco  (Fr. 
brusque)  may  be  connected  with  it.  In 
Swiss  occurs  also  bars'  in  the  phrase  bars' 
gd,  'to  go  alone' ;  it  also  means  'without 
a  hat,  a  coat.'  Both  significations  point  to 
its  deriv.  from  bar.  Yet  barfeb  may  have 
originated  in  the  Teut.  root  bars,  'to  be 


(       21       ) 


bristly,  rough,'  mentioned  under  tlie  pre- 
ceding word,  especially  as  Du.  barsch  means 
lit.  '  rough.' 

"§3arf,  m.,  'heard,  cornh,  harb,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  bart,  OHG.  bart,  m. ;  comp. 
Du.  baard,  AS.  and  E.  beard.  For  this  Teut. 
word,  the  existence  of  which  is  proved  by 
the  ethnical  term  gattgobartm  to  be  ex- 
tremely remote,  skegg  was  used  in  Scand. 
The  pre- Teut.  form  of  Goth.  *barda,  f., 
was,  in  accordance  with  the  permutation 
of  consonants,  bhardhd — which  is  also  pre- 
sumed by  OSlov.  Lrada  (with  the  usual 
loss  of  aspiration  and  metathesis  of  the  r), 
and  Lat.  barba  (with  b  for  dk  when  next  to  r, 
comp.  rot,  SBort ;  the  initial  b  is  from  bh,  as 
in  33arfe  ;  in  other  cases  initial  bh  is  Lat./). 
Com  p.  also  Li  th.  barzdd,  •  beard '  (for  *barJd). 

"gUarte  (1.),  f.,  'broad  axe,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  barte,  OHG.  barta,  f.  ;  in 
Bav.-Suab.  the  word,,  which  is  properly 
North  G.,  does  not  occur ;  allied  to  ODn. 
and  OSax.  barda,  OIc.  barfia  (OFr.  barde, 
'hatchet,'  is  borrowed  from  Teut.).  From 
this  word  OSlov.  bradyj.,  'axe,' is  borrowed. 
The  words  are  derivatives  of  the  stem 
bhardh-  appearing  in  93art  ;  the  axe  is,  as 
it  were,  'the  bearded  thing,' OIc.  skeggja, 
'  broad  axe,'  being  related  in  a  similar  way 
to  skegg,  'beard';  likewise  MidE.  barbe 
(from  Lut.-Rom.  barba)  signifies,  among 
other  things,  'edge  of  the  axe.'  Comp. 

jJ3arfe(2.),  f.,  'baleen,'  aderiv.  of  ©art, 
first  occurring  in  ModHG.,  and  akin  to 
93arte ;  comp.  E.  barbs,  from  Lat.  barba; 
Du.  baarden,  plur. 

~g&afe,  f.  (dialect,  designating  any  of 
the  remoter  degrees  of  relation  on  the 
female  side,  e.g.,  in  the  Basle  dial,  'aunt, 
niece,  cousin'),  'cousin,  aunt,'  from  Mid 
HG.  base,  OHG.  basa,  '  father's  sister ' ;  the 
AS.  and  Fris.  dialects  have  a  word  allied  to 
aktct;  AS.  fajru,  OYrit.fethe.  The  Teut. 
type  fapdn  is  certainly  only  a  term  of  en- 
dearment for  fa/jar-,  fadar-suestar, '  father's 
sister.'  Probably  OHG.  basa  is  also  a  pet 
or  childish  name  for  the  proper  badar-, 
fadar-siresd.  The  same  might  be  said  of  the 
variant  MidG.  and  LG.  IBaff,  and  with  the 
necessary  qualifications  of  the  masc.  SBaafl. 

■^iJafl,  m.,  '  inner  bark  of  trees,  husk,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  bast  (also  buost 
with  gradation),  OHG.  *bast,  iu.,  n.  It 
corresponds  to  AS.  bast,  E.,  Du.  and  OIc. 
bast,  Goth.  *bastus.  Hence  the  deriv.  OHG. 
and  MidHG.  besten, '  to  strap,'  as  well  as  the 

Rom.  cognate  basto,  '  pack-saddle '  (>ee 
under  33ajtait),  with  which  Swiss  bast, 
'  saddle,'  agrees.  There  is  no  justification 
for  deriving  the  words  from  binfcctt,  for  the 
absence  of  the  nasal,  the  occurrence  of  st 
(for  which  we  should  have  expected  ss  from 
dh  +  t),  and  the  gradation  in  MidHG.  buost 
render  such  a  derivation  impossible.  The 
resemblancein  sound  between  thisword  and 
bittbcn  proves  nothing  as  to  the  etymology  ; 
this  popular  and  superficial  derivation  w;;s 
suggested  by  the  use  of  bast.  The  Teut. 
word,  which  is  more  probably  connected 
with  the  root  bes  appearing  in  Scfeti,  found 
its  way  into  Rom.  ;  comp.  Ital.  basta, '  bast- 
ing, stitching.' 

"glaff  orb,  m., '  bastard,'  from  Fr.  bdtard, 
baslard  (Ital.  bastardo),  borrowed  in  the 
Middle  Ages  (MidHG.  bastart).  MidE. 
bast,  '  illegal  marriage,'  and  OFr.  fils  de 
baft,  'illegitimate  son,'  indicate  the  pri- 
mary meaning  of  the  Rom.  word,  which 
came  to  England  with  William  L,  and  at  a 
later  period  made  its  way  to  Scandinavia. 
The.  OFr.  bastard  (Fr.  bdtard)  has  a  Teut. 
termination  ;  see  Stknfcrt.  The  first  part  of 
the  word,  which  in  MidE.  and  OFr.  signi- 
fies '  illegal  marriage,'  is  generally  derived 
from  MidLat.  and  Rom.  bastum,  '  pack- 
saddle  ' ;  comp.  Ital.  and  Span,  basto,  Fr.  bdt, 
'pack-saddle.'  SJajkrb  would  then  mean 
'the  son  of  a  pack  saddle'  (comp.  SBafi) — 
the  saddles  serving  the  Spanish  muleteers 
as  beds  ;  comp.  SBattfert.  Scand.  bastarfir, 
whence  some  would  derive  the  modern 
Europ.  word,  did  not  reach  the  North  be- 
fore 1200  a.d.  nearly. 

■23a(Ict,  f.,  'bastion,'  from  earlier  Mod 
HG.  bastte;  comp.  OFr.  bastie  (allied  to 
Oltal.  bastire;  Fr.  bdtir) ;  it  is  akin  to 
5kftion,  f.,  borrowed  from  Fr.  bastion,  Ital. 

£!3ctg  (1.),  m.,  '  ba«s,'  derived  like  many 
other  musical  terms  from  Ital.  (basso). 

bctfo  (2.),  compar.  adv.,  'better,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  ba^,  OHG.  603 ;  comp. 
OSax.  bat-bet,  AS.  bet  from  batiz  (Goth. 
*batis)  ;  it  is  an  old  adv.  from  the  adj.  dis- 
cussed under  beffrc.  The  almost  invariable 
use  at.  present  of  the  adv.  bcffcr,  instead  of 
the  older  bajj,  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the 
formation  of  the  adv.  was  no  longer  under- 
stood, and  that  the  adj.  at  the  same  time 
has  in  every  case  assumed  an  adv.  function. 

"2.>atbcnjicl.  m-i  'germander,'  a  corrup- 
tion of  Lat.  betonicula,  dimin.  of  Lat.  be- 
tonica,  whence  MidHG.  batdnje. 


(    22    ) 


■gSaljeit,  m.,  'a  coin'  (about  a  penny), 
from  MidHQ.  batze,  m.,  'small  coin  of  the 
town  of  Bern  with  the  Bernese  coat  of 
arms,  a  bear'  (MidHG.  beta,  ModHG.  33afc, 
$efc) ;  comp.  J?reujet,  SRappen.  Hence  Ital. 
baszo,  'money.' 

7J.5mt,  m., ' construction,  structure,' from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  bu,  in.  See 
bauen,  fflube. 

~j&aii($),  m.,  'belly,  bulge,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  buch,  OHG.  buh  (hh),  m. ; 
the  corresponding  AS.  buc  (E.  dial,  buck, 
'  the  inner  part  of  a  carriage ')  has  the  same 
meaning  ;  OIc.  bukr,  '  body,  waist.'  It  is 
uncertain  whether  33aud)  belongs  to  the 
Sans,  root  bhuj  (corap.  L  it.  fungor),  *  to  take 
food,'  or  to  Sans,  bhuj,  'to  bend'  (Saucr-, 
lit.  'the  flexible  part').  Perhaps  it  is 
connected  with  Gr  (pfoica  (for  <f>vy<TKa  ?), 
'  stomach,  blister '  ?.  It  is  certainly  not  akin 
to  AS.  bodig,  E.  body,  OHG.  botah,  *  body,' 
nor  is  it  allied  to  Gr.  <f>a.ytiv, *  to  eat '  (Sans. 
bhaj,  '  to  enjoy,  partake  of). 

baud)Ctt,  vb., '  to  steep  in  hot  lye '  (LG. 
biiken,  MidLG.  bAken),  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  buclien,  OHG.  *buhMn;  E.  to  buck 
(dial,  to  bonk),  for  which  even  a  MidE. 
term  bouken  occurs  a  few  times,  points  to 
AS. *bucian;  to  these  Swed.  byka,  ic.  bauka, 
and  Norw.  boykja,  are  allied.  Tiie  word  is, 
moreover,  diffused  through  most  of  the 
Tent,  languages,  and  correctly  represents 
MidHG.  bile/ten/  only  in  the  Bav.  dialect 
is  the  word  unrecorded.  Hence  the  exist- 
ence of  a  Tent,  verbal  root  buk  (to  which 
AS.  buc, '  pail,'  is  allied  ?)  is  undoubted,  and 
the  Rom.  cognate,  Fr.  buer  (Ital.  bucare), 
1  to  wash,'  is  more  probably  borrowed  from 
the  Tent  than  vice  versd.  The  Kelt  origin 
of  baitcbett  (Bret,  boukat,  '  to  soften ')  is  im- 

"23cutbe,  see  93ube. 

batten,  vb.,  'to  build,  construct,  culti- 
vate,' from  MidHG.  buioen,  OHG.  and  OLG. 
buan  (weak  vb.  with  traces  of  a  strong 
inflexion),  '  to  dwell,  inhabit,  till,  plant' ; 
with  regard  to  the  meaning  '  to  dwell,' 
comp.  93au,  93auer,  and  SBube.  To  the 
OHG.  buan  corresponds  Goth,  bauan,  '  to 
dwell,  inhabit.'  The  root,  in  accordance 
with  the  law  of  the  permutation  of  con- 
sonants, is  pre-Teut.  bhU,  which,  on  com- 
parison with  Sans.  b/<H,  Gr.  #tfw,  Lat.  fui 
(futurus),  &c,  must  mean  •  to  be,  become, 
arise,  beget,'  With  the  same  root  are  con- 
nected the  following  nouns,  which  are  of 
importance  in  determining    its    primary 

sense  :  OInd.  bhumw, '  earth,'  bhutis,  ' 
tence,' <f>vfia,  'produce'  (comp.  also  QJauni), 
<t>6fftt,  '  nature,'  <pv\ov,  <f>v\^,  '  trihe,  race.' 

jSctuer  (l.),n.and  m., '  birdcage,'  a  word 
foreign  to  the  UpG.  dialects,  from  MidII< :. 
bur,  used  only  in  the  sense  of  'sojourn, 
birdcage  ;'  but  OHG.  IrAr  has  the  further 
meaning  of  'house,  chamber.'  AS.  bur, 
'dwelling'  (to  which  E.  neighbour  from 
AS.  neahgebur  is  related  ;  similarly  the 
more  general  meaning  of  93auet  appears  in 
HG.  SRadjbarX  E.  bower,  with  which  E.  dial. 
bire  ('  cowhouse '),  AS.  bfire,  is  connected. 
The  pre-Teut.  form  would  be  bhur6,  with 
ro  as  a  deriv.  sulrix.  See  the  three  follow- 
ing words. 

gaiter  (2.),  m.,  in  Crrbauer,  SHcferbaiicr, 
'  tiller,'  from  MidHG.  bAwcere,  OHG.  b&dri 
(Goth.  *bauareis  is  wanting),  the  term  lor 
the  agent,  from  batten. 

^axxex  (3-)>  ni.,  'rustic,  peasant,'  histo- 
rically and  etvmologically  different  from 
95aucr  (2.),  for  the  MidHG.  form  is  geb&r, 
OHG.  giburo,  m.,  which  belongs  to  the 
OTeut.  bur,  'dwelling.'  discussed  under 
93aucr (1.), and  meanslh. ' co-dweller, joint- 
occupier,'  then  '  neighbour,  ft  llow-ciiizen  ' 
(comp.  @efe[(e,  '  one  who  shares  the  same 
room '),  and  at  a  later  period  '  fellow-villa- 
ger, peasant,  boor.'     See  also  91acfobar. 

"g&autn,  m.,  '  tree,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  bourn,  m.  ;  corresponds  to 
OSax.  Mm,  Du.  boom,  AS.  beam,  m.,  'tree,' 
whence  E.  beam  (beam  in  sunbeam  is  quite 
another  word  ;  G.  Saum  is  E.  tree)  ;  E.  boom 
is  LG.  and  Du.  Mm, '  tree.'  The  correspond- 
ing Goth,  bagms  and  OIc.  batSmr  have  the 
same  phonetic  form.  The  cognates,  with 
Gr.  <f>vfia, '  produce/are  usually  derived  from 
the  Teut.  root  bA,  Aryan  bl<u\  '  to  become, 
arise,'  discussed  under  bauen. 

bautnetn,  vb.,  simply  ModHG.  'to 
hover  as  on  a  tree'  ?.    See,  however,  bummefii. 

bdumctt,  vb.,  'to  rear,'  ModHG.  only, 
lit.  '  to  lift,  oneself  up  like  a  tree.' 

jSaufcf),  ui.,  'pad,  bolster,' from  Mid 
HG.  busc/t,  m.,  'cudgel,  blow  causing  blis- 
ters, swelling.'  If  '  cudgel '  is  the  primary 
sense,  the  word  may  be  connected  with 
MidHG.  b6$en,  OHG.  bS^an,  from  bautan 
see  Slmbefj,  93eutd,  Setfu^) ;  bAt-  would  be 
another  stage  in  gradation,  and  before  the 
suffix  sch  from  sk  the  dental  would  inevi- 
tably disappear  ;  comp.  h:\t.fustis,  'cudgel,' 
from  *bhdd-stis. 

bemfett,  vb.,  'to  carouse,  swell,' from 
93au$,  MidHG.  bAs,  'inflation,  swelling  due 




to  repletion';  the  like  stem  also  in  E.  to 
bouse,  Mid  LG.  b&scn,  '  to  carouse '  ?. 

^cmfen,  plur.,  'buildings,'  ModHG. 
only,  from  bauen. 

baxen,  vb.,  'to  box,  cuff,'  from  LG. 
bdxen,  which  is  again  allied  to  OHG.  bd- 
gan,  MidHG.  bdgen.    St?e  bdgern  and  93cttget. 

"gSajctr,  m.,  '  bazaar,'  ModHG.  only  ; 
borrowed  from  Fr.  bazar  (ultimate  source 
Pers.  bdzdr,  'market-place'). 

be-,  prefix  from  MidHG.  be,  properly  a 
verbal  prefix  from  OHG.  and  Goth.  &?,  which 
has  no  definite  meaning ;  identical  with 
the  prep,  bet,  from  OHG.  and  MidHG.  bt 
(Goth,  bi),  AS.  bt,  E.  by.  For  be  there 
appears  a  shorter  syncopated  form  in  battgc, 
(Srbarmcn  ?  barfcfy  ?  bietbett,  S3locf.  See  speci- 
ally bei. 

bebett,  vb.,  '  to  tremble,  shake,'  from 
MidHG.  biben,  OHG.  bibin,  '  to  shiver, 
tremble ' ;  Gr.  <f>^ofiat,  on  account  of  the 
non-permutation  of  P  to  p  and  because  of 
the  e  oi  the  root  syllable,  cannot  be  origi- 
nally cognate  with  bfben.  The  OTeut.  word 
hasiy  coiiip.  OSax.  b'66a,  OIc.  bifa,  AS.  beo- 
Jian  (from  bikdn).  OHG.  bibit, ' he  trembles,' 
corresponds  exactly  to  Sans.  bibhiti,  '  he  is 
afraid,'  in  which  bi-  (for  bid)  is  the  redupli- 
cated syllable,  and  bhi  for  bhai  is  the  aug- 
mented root  syllable.  The  OInd.  verb  bid, 
'  to  be  afraid,'  forms  its  pres.  by  reduplica- 
tion— bibhimi,  bibhesi,  bibhiti;  to  these 
Goth.  *bibaim,  *bibais,  *bibai}>,  would  cor- 
respond ;  this  present  was  then,  on  account 
of  its  apparent  deriv.  ai,  classed  among  the 
weak  verbs  in  ai  (Goth,  habaijy,  OHG.  ha- 
bit).  The  root  bht  (Sans,  bhi, '  fear,'  bhimd, 
*  fearful ')  is  found  in  OSlov.  boja  sg,  '  I  urn 
afraid,'  besu,  *  demon,'  Lith.  bybti-s,  '  to  be 
afraid,'  bdime, '  fear,'  bajus,  '  terrible,'  baisd, 
'  fright '  (and  perhaps  Mod  HG.  betlen).  Bi- 
is  one  of  the  lew  examples  of  reduplication 
in  the  pres.  tense  preserved  in  the  Tent, 
group  (comp.  jittern),  just  as  the  perfect 
ModHG.  tl)dt,  from  OHG.  teta,  is  the  sole 
instance  of  reduplication  preserved  in  the 
perf.  tense. 

"§3ec^cr,  m.,  'beaker,  goblet,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  b'echer,  OHG.  behhar,  beh- 
hdri,  m.  ;  comp.  OLG.  bikeri,  Du.  beker, 
OIc.  bikarr,  whence  MidE.  biker,  E.  beaJcer. 
These  cognates  are  derived  from  LowLat. 
bicarium,  allied  to  Lat.  bacar  ('  vas  vina- 
rium,' according  to  Festus),  and  still  appear- 
ing in  Ital.  bicchiere.  The  Lat.  word  was 
naturalised  in  Germany  perhaps  as  far  back 
as  the  7th  cent.,  probably  at  the  same 

period  as  JMcfy,  since  its  c  was  changed  into 
hh,  ch. 

~*.\cd\,  m.,  'baker,'  only  dial.  (Alem., 
Suab.,  Bav.),  from  MidHG.  becke,  OHG. 
tyccho,  akin  to  bacfen  ;  the  Goth,  form  may 
have  been  *baqja;  ModHG.  SBecfer  is  a 
recent  form  with  the  termination  -er  de- 
noting the  agent  (AS.  bcecere,  E.  baker). 
Iu  ModHG.  33ecf,  SBcecfb,,  as  well  as  93dcfcr, 
have  been  preserved  as  family  names. 

^cdiClt,  n.,  'bowl,  basin,'  from  Mid 
HG.  becken,  becke,  OHG.  tycchtn,  beccht,  n. ; 
the  latter  comes  (comp.  @d)ufie()  from  Low- 
Lat. and  Rom.  bacctnum  (comp.  Ital.  bacino, 
Fr.  bassiri), '  basin ' ;  its  cc  being  double,  did 
not  undergo  permutation,  but  remained 
as  cc,  ck.  Baccctnum  lias  been  derived 
Irom  the  LateLat.  bacca,  'vas  aquarium,' 
discussed  under  5kcf  ;  comp.  spitfelfjaube. 

*g$ebc,  f., '  gratuity ;'  borrowed  from  the 
LG.  bede.  It  corresponds  to  MidHG.  bete, 
'command,'  which  still  exists  in  ModHG. 
with  the  meaning  'request,  prayer.' 

"giJeere,  f.,  'berry,'  from  the  plur.  of  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  ber,  OHG.  6gn,  n.  ;  comp. 
Goth.  *busi  (only  in  weinabasi,  n  ,  '  grape ' ; 
OSax.  wtnheri).  The  OHG.  r  in  beri  pre- 
supposes a  Goth,  bazi;  to  the  8  of  the  Goth, 
word  Du.  bes  corresponds  ;  in  AS.  berie,  E. 
berry,  the  a  has  been  changed  into  r.  See, 
however,  Seftitg.  Foreign  cognates  are  want- 
ing ;  yet  the  Sans,  root  bhas,  'to  chew,'  is 
perhaps  akin  (Goth,  basi,  orig.  'the  edible 
substance'?);  no  connection  with  OHG. 
beran,  '  to  carry '  (see  ge bdten),  or  Lat.  bacca, 
'  berry,'  is  possible. 

'p.Jcct,  n.,  'bed  (of  a  garden)'  ;  earlier 
ModHG.  SBctt  still  common  to  UpG.  ; 
really  identical  with  ©ctt,  for  the  MidHG. 
has  bet,  bette,  OHG.  betti,  meaning  also 
'  (garden)  bed.'  According  to  its  form 
93cet  (comp.  Stette')  has  arisen  from  the 
neut.  siiifr.  badi,  Qktt  from  the  cases  in  dj 
(gen.  badjis,  dat.  badja,  neut.  ace.  plur. 
badja,  &c).  Comp.  Goth.  neut.  sing,  badi, 
neut.  plur.  badja.  E.  bed  is  also  used  in 
the  same  sense  as  58cet  (so  even  in  AS. 
riscbed),  E.  bed  of  rushes,  hotbed. 

"g&cclc,  f.,  ' beetroot.'  This  word,  like 
the  names  of  many  other  edible  vegetables, 
has  come  from  Lat. ;  bita  was  borrowed 
even  before  the  8th  cent,  and  naturalised  in 
Germ.,  for  it  appears  as  bie$a  (the  ie  from 
i,  comp.  ^Jrieftcr,  QJrief,  SxtQtl,  fRicntf,  Spiegel, 
OHG.  Pietar,  from  Lat.  I'etrum,  &c.),  With 
the  permutation  of  t  to  3  ;  whence  Mid 
HG.  biey.    The  ModHG.'  $)e«te  may  have 


(    24    ) 


been  based  anew  on  Lat.  bita,  or  bare  been 
taken  from  the  LG.  btte,  thus  displacing 
the  older  bie$e,  which  is  still  found  in  Bav. 
From  Lat.  and  Rom.  bita  (Itul.  bieta,  F.  bctte), 
AS.  bite  (whence  E.  beet)  is  also  derived. 
In  another  group  of  words  borrowed  from 
Lat.,  Lat.  i  became  t  (com  p.  Qxiet,  from 
firiae) ;  hence  the  dial,  beifse  (ei  from  Mid 
HG.  t)  also  appears  occasionally  for  beete, 

bcfefylett,  vb.,  'to  order,  command,  com- 
mend,' MidHG.  bevel/ten,  becelen,  'to  hand 
over,  entrust,  deliver,  command';  OHG. 
bifelhan,  bifelahan,  '  to  hand  over '  (also 
'  to  hide,  bury,  entrust,  recommend ').  The 
chief  meaning  of  the  Goth.  str.  vb.  filhan 
in  compounds  with  the  particles  ga-,  vs-, 
is  also  '  to  bury ' ;  anafilhan  approximates 
the  ModHG.,  'to  command,  enjoin';  it 
means  'to  give,  hand  over,  commend, 
recommend.'  AS.  bef  Man  (for  befeolhan), 
'to  entrust,  make  over,  devote  oneself.' 
Hence  the  primary  meaning  of  the  primit. 
Teut.  str.  vb.  bifelhan  is  '  to  entrust,  hand 
over,  hide.'  The  Teut.  root  felh-  is  based 
upon  pre-Teut.  felh  ;  it  is  a  mistake,  there- 
fore, to  connect  the  word  on  account  of  its 
earlier  meaning,  '  to  bury,'  with  Lat.  sepe- 

~g&off<£)Cn,  n.,  'a  clergyman's  bands,' 
diminut.  ofbeffe  (LG.), '  amess,  cap  worn  by 
officials  in  Rom.  Catli.  churches,'  the  origin 
of  which  is  obscure.  In  MidHG.  both 
words  are  wanting ;  the  latter  is  found 
even  in  MidLG. 

bcgebrcn,  vb.,  '  to  desire,  crave,  re- 
quest,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  begem, 
chiefly  in  the  simple  form  g'ern,  OHG. 
g'er&n  ;  the  r  probably  belongs  to  the  stem, 
because  gem  as  a  no-partic.  points  in  that 
direction  ;  comp.  gent,  @ier. 

begirmcit,  vl>.,  'to  begin,'  from  the 
equiv. Mid H.G.beginnen,OHG.beginnan  ;  it 
corresponds  to  Goth  duginuan,  AS.  &-,  be-, 
on-ginnant  E.  tobegin,  OLG.  biginnau,  with 
a  similar  meaning.  This  verbal  stem, 
which  appears  at  an  early  period  only  in  a 
compound  form,  is  based  upon  a  pre-Teut. 
to-,  bhi-Icemc6,  with  permutation  of  k  to 
Teut.  g.  For  the  Aryan  root  ken  comp. 
OBulg.  po-£lna  (infih.  po-fyti),  'to  begin,' 
konl,  '  beginning.' 

bef)ttftcrt,  vb.  (to  which  fceljaglidj  is 
allied), '  to  be  comfortable,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  behagen;  OSax.  bihagdn,  AS.  on- 
hag'an,  'to  suit,  pleise,'  OIc  hagay  'to  ar- 
range.'   OG.  has  only  a  str.  participle,  OHG. 

bihagan,  MidHG.  behagen,  '  fresh,  joyous, 
comfortable' (hence  ModHG.  tad  SMjaatti, 
Uitbcfiaaen) ;  the  old  str.  vb.  no  longer  exists 
in  Teut.  Probably  the  Ind.  root  cak  is 
primitively  related  to  it— gakn&mi,  '  am 
strong,  able,  helpful,  beneficial,'  fahrd-s, 
•strong';  comp.  further  #ag,  £erfe,  and 
r/fgen,  which  with  the  same  phonetic  form 
approximate  the  earlier  meaning  'to  help, 

behctupfen,  vb., 'to  mantain,  assert,' 
not  from  MidHG.  behaupten,  which  means 
'  to  behead.'  This  word,  which  first  ocean 
in  ModHG.,  is  rather  derived  with  a  change 
of  meaning  from  MidHG.  behaben,  'to  hold 
fast,  keep,  maintain.' 

bcbenbe,  adj.,  'nimble,  agile,  active,' 
from  MidHG.  behende,  adv., '  suitably,  con- 
veniently, skilfully,  quickly ' ;  in  OHG.  we 
should  have  expected  bi  henti  (dat.),  for 
which  zi  h$nti,  'at  once,'  occurs.  The  prep, 
is  compounded  with  the  dat.  of  the  sul>>t. 
hant,  OHG.  henti •  comp.  the  similar  origin 
of  abfyaufcen  under  ah 

"g&efydrbe,  f.,  'the  authorities,'  first  re- 
corded in  ModHG.  from  tyeren,  MidHG. 
zno  behozren,  '  to  belong  to,  be  one's  due.' 

"jHebuf,  m.,  '  behalf,  advantage,'  from 
MiuHG.  behwif,  m.,  '  business,  purpose, 
means  to  an  end'  ;  root  haf  (in  fyefcea),  as 
also  in  E.  behoof,  AS.  behof. 

bet,  prep,  and  adv.,  'by,  near,  about' ; 
the  accented  form  of  the  unaccented  prefix 
bey  the  Goth  used  in  both  cases  bl;  the 
Englishman  makes  a  distinction  like  the 
German  ;  AS.  bl,  E.  by,  but  be  as  a  prefix. 
OHG.  bl  and  bi-  (coinp.  also  93eid}te,93cifpifl). 
In  Goth,  bl  means 'around,  near' ;  hence 
its  kinship  with  Gr.  ip<f>l,  Lat  ambi-  is 
probable  ;  the  loss  of  the  first  syllable  am- 
abo  occurein  the  OTeut  word  for  bcibc  ;  the 
base  is  probably  ambhi-  ;  comp.  also  um. 

~%&cid)te,  f.,  'confession,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  blht,  contracted  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  bijiht,  bigiht ;  a  regular  verbal  noun 
from  MidHG.  bejehen,  OHG.  bi-jehan,  '  to 
confess,  acknowledge.'  The  simple  form 
jehan,  usually  signifying  '  to  say,  speak  out,' 
also  means  occasionally  '  to  avow,  confess'  ; 
hence  OFr.  gehir.  Tiiis  verb  jehan  may 
possibly  be  connected  with  ja,  which  see. 

bctoe,  num.,  '  both,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  beide,  bide,  m.,  f.,  (beidin,  n.)  ; 
OHG.  beide,  bhle  (beido,  f.,  beidiu,  n.)  ; 
OHG.  and  MidHG.  have  also  a  remarkable 
variant  with  e  (OHG.  and  MidHG.  bide), 
although  ei  in  other  instances  in  HG.  is  not 


(    25    ) 


changed  into  i  before  dentals.  In  investi- 
gating the  word  beifce  we  must  start  from 
the  tact  that  the  stem  of  the  num.  had 
really  no  dental ;  AS.  begen,  bd,  Goth,  bai 
(OIc.  gen.  beggja),  'both.'  Allied  in  the 
other  Aryan  languages  to  Sans,  ubhdu,  Gr. 
&fi<f>w,  Lut.  ambo,  OSlov.  oba,  Lith.  obit, 
■with  a  syllable  prefixed.  The  G.  forms 
with  a  dental  are  undoubtedly  secondary  ; 
they  obtained  their  dental  by  the  blending, 
at  a  comparatively  late  period,  of  the  pri- 
mary 5a-  with  the  forms  of  the  article,  so 
that  OHG.  bide  arose  from  bS  and  de,  betditt 
from  bei  and  diu,  MidE.  byt/ie  (E.  both)  from 
AS.  bd  and  fid  (OIc.  ba]?er  from  bai  and 
fcaiz).  In  Goth,  ba  is  combined  with  the 
article  ba  p6  skipa,  '  both  the  ships' ;  simi- 
larly in  Gr.  &}>L<pio.  By  assuming  such  a 
combination  in  WestTeut.  the  following 
ModHG.  dial,  forms  in  all  genders  are  ex- 
plained •  Bav.  bed,  bod^  beid,  Suab.  bid,  bued, 
boad,  Wetterau  bed,  bud,  bad. 

"§3etfu|SJ,  m.,  'a  species  of  wormwood 
used  in  seasoning  food' ;  the  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  word  was  written  bib6"$,  hence  the 
semi-LowG  aspect  of  the  ModHG.  word. 
OHG.  bibo$  is  cognate  with  anabti^  (see 
Slmbcjj),  and  connected  with  an  OTeur. 
verb  bautan,  ' to  pound '  ;  bibfy,  '  spice 
pounded  and  mixed  with  food.'  The  LG. 
form  of  the  OHG.  word  is  bivdt,  and  hence 
arose  the  ModHG.  SSetfujj,  by  the  awkward 
attempt  of  popular  etymology  to  connect 
btv6t  with  a  well-known  word. 

"gSetgo,  "§3eitgc,  f.,  '  a  pile  arranged  in 
layers'  (an  UpG.  word),  from  MidHG. 
bige,  OHG.  bigo,  'shock  (of  corn)';  hence 
Ital.  bica, '  pile  of  sheaves' ;  conip.  E.  bing 
(heap  of  alum),  Scand.  bingr,  'bolster'; 
comp.  S3arf)bunije.  33cncje  has  eu  by  being 
based  on  bidden. 

■gjcit  (Bav.  93eid)l),  n.,  'hatchet,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  bll,  Mhel,  OHG..  UhaJ, 
blal,  n.  (comp.  the  similar  stages  in  the 
derivation  of  %t\[t  from  flhala)  ;  comp.  Mid 
LG.  bll,  '  axe.'  On  account  of  OIc.  bllda, 
'  axe,'  OHG.  bihal  must  probably  be  traced 
to  blfcl,  bttl  (for  Id  from  pi  comp.  ©emaljl). 
Hence  there  may  be  a  connection  with  the 
cognates  from  blitd  discussed  under  beijjcn  ; 
(is  to  the  meaning,  comp.  especially  Lat. 
Jluilo,  '  I  split"  (Olr.  Mail,  'axe,'  is  primit. 
akin).  On  the  other  hand,  it  is,  of  course, 
not  impossible  that  OHG.  bVml  may  be 
connected  with  93icfe. 

bctlcn,  vb.,  'to  bring  deer  to  a  stand 
by  baying,'  formed  from  MidHG.  and  OHG. 

Ml,  '  the  moment  when  the  deer  stands  at 
bay;  encircling  by  the  baying  hounds'; 
MidHG.  btlen, '  to  bring  to  a  stand  by  bay- 
ing,' intr.  'to  bark.'  No  kinship  with  feelleit 
can  be  proved  ;  it  is  more  probably  con- 
nected with  the  root  bi  in  beben  (for  a  deri- 
vative in  I  from  the  latter  word  comp.  Lett. 
baile,  '  fear,'  bailus,  '  timid,'  Sans.  bhtrb, 
1  timid').  In  that  case  MidHG.  and  OHG. 
M-l  would  be  lit  '  time  of  fear.' 

"gjjeilt,  n.,  '  bone,  leg,'  from  MidHG. 
bein,  OHG.  bein,  n. ;  comp.  OLG.  bin,  AS. 
ban,  E.  bone;  ModHG.  preserves  the 
earlier  meaning  'bone'  still  existing  in 
UpG.  in  the  words  ©eiuljauS,  Glfenbein, 
gifdjbein,  galjbein,  ©cbein  ;  the  later  signi- 
fication, '  lower  part  of  the  thigh,'  is  re- 
corded even  in  OHG.,  MidHG.,  and  OIc. 
The  OIc.  beinn,  adj.,  '  straight,'  favours  the 
supposition  that  originally  at  least  the 
straight  thigh-bones  were  termed  53eine 
(bones).  Goth.  *bain,  n.,  is  by  chance  not 
recorded.  A  primit.  Teut.  word  with  the 
primary  meaning  'bone,'  which  cannot, 
however,  be  traced  farther  back  (Lat.  os, 
Gr.  6<rr£ov,  Sans,  astlu,  asthan,  to  which  an 
Aryan  osth-,  '  bone,'  would  correspond,  are 
not  represented,  on  the  other  hand,  in  the 
Teut.  group).     Comp.  further  (Siebeiu. 

"gSeifptel,  n.,  '  example,'  from  late  Mid 
HG.  bispil,  mostly  btspel,  n.,  'fable,  alle- 
gory, proverb,'  OHG.  *btspell  (for  bt  comp. 
bet  and  99eid)te).  Comp.  AS.  btspell,  '  ex- 
ample, parable ' ;  formed  from  OHG.  and 
MidHG.  spel  (11),  '  tale,  fable,  rumour,' 
Goth,  spill, '  legend,  fable,'  AS.  spell,  E.  spell 
(gospel  from  godspell),  'tale,  fable' ;  spell 
(to  which  Fr.  epeler,  'to  spell.'  is  akin)  is 
the  term  for  literary  composition  in  prose, 
and  hence  is  as  important  for  the  history  of 
primit.  Teut.  civilisation  as  Sift,  fingcrt,  <kc. 

beifjeit,  vb.,  'to  bite,' from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bt^eny  OHG.  bttfan;  cognate  with 
Goth,  beitan,  AS.  bitan,  E.  to  bite.  A  pri  mit. 
Teut.  verb  with  the  sense  of  '  to  bite,  which 
has,  however,  as  is  shown  by  the  cognate 
tongues,  been  specialised  from  the  more 
general  meaning  'to  make  smaller,  to  split 
with  a  sharp  instrument.'  Comp.  Lat. 
findo,  Sans,  root  b/iid,  '  to  split,  break  to 
pieces ' ;  in  OTeur.  poetry  betfjen  is  also  used 
of  the  sword — a  remnant  of  the  earlier 
meaning.  JBeil,  too,  if  primit.  akin  to  it, 
must  be  connected  wiih  Lat.  jindere,  'to 
split'  Comp.  bitter,  which  signilifs  orig. 
'piercing.'  From  the  same  root  93ip,  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  W3,  m.,  is  derived,  to  which 


(    26    ) 


AS.  bite,  E.  bit,  corresponds ;  2Mj5(fycti  is  a 
diniiiiutive  of  it.  ModHG.  SBtffen,  from 
MidHG.  bi^y,  OHG.  W330  ;  OLG.  bUi,  E. 

"gjeifjlier,  no.,  'loach,'  adopted  from 
Slav.  (Bohem.  piskof,  Russ.  pishdrt),  and 
based  by  popular  etymology  on  betjjen  (the 
fish  is  also  called  <£te inbeijjer,  '  river-loach,' 
©djtammbetjjer,  'pond-loach'). 

betjett,  vb.,  'to  cauterise,  pickle,  etch,' 
from  MidHG.  bei^en  (beitzen),  weak  vb., 
'to  macerate,  make  soft,  hawk  at  birds' ; 
OHG.  6  iyn  (beizzen),  orig.  sense  '  to  cause 
to  bite,'  is  the  factitive  of  OHG.  bi^an,  see 
beijkn.  The  corresponding  E.  to  bait  (a 
hook,  a  horse  on  a  journey,  and  hence  to 
put  up,  halt  at  a  place,  also  to  allure)  is 
derived  from  the  Scand.  beita,  which  is 
identical  with  OHG.  beizzan. 

befclommcn,  see  Jtlamnt. 

j$eld)e  (I.),  f.,  'a  kind  of  salmon' ;  of 
obscure  origin.     See  Q3e(djf. 

l$eld)e  (2.),  U  'coot,'  from  MidHG. 
belche,  OHG.  tylihha;  Lat.  fulica  seems 
allied  to  it,  although  OHG.  Ith  implies  a 
Lat.  g  ;  the  Germ,  guttural  suffix  is  the 
same  as  in  Goth,  dhaks,  'pigeon.'  See  also 
£abicr/t,  jfrauid). 

belemment,  vb., '  to  cheat,'  a  LG.  word, 
from  MidLG.  and  Du.  belemmeren,  '  to  hin- 
der, molest,'  and  allied  to  ModHG.  lafym  ?. 

bdfern,  vb.,  'to  snarl,  nag,' ModHG. 
only  ;  an  intensive  form  of  the  following 

bcllcit,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
b'ellen,  0  HG.  b'ellan, '  to  bark,  bellow ' ;  AS. 
bellan,  E.  to  bell  (of  a  stag  at  the  rutting 
period) ;  the  E.  word  indicates  accordingly 
that  the  primary  meaning  was  more  general 
than  simply  '  barking,  bellowing.'  If  an  e 
root  be  assumed,  OBulg.  bleja,  '  bleat,'  and 
Lat.  fleo,  '  I  weep '  (6,  /  from  bh  and  bhle 
for  bhel),  may  be  compared.  Others  have 
explained  the  WestTeut.  root  bell  from  belz, 
bels,  bhels,  which  would  result  in  its  being 
cognate  with  Sans.  bhaS,  'to  bark,'  bhdS, 
4  to  talk.'  Comp.  Lith.  balsas, '  voice,  tone '  ; 
see,  too.  the  following  word  ami  ©uf(e. 

■g8ellf)amtttel,  m.,  'bell-we:her,'  Mod 
HG.  only  ;  a  LG.  word  (UpG.  herma,  equiv. 
to  §ett>maitn,  '  herdsman  \  corresponding 
exactly  to  Du.  bel-hamel,  E.  bell-wether.  Fr. 
clocheman,  clocman  (of  Germ,  origin),  also 
Fr.  mouton  a  la  sonnette,  make  the  connec- 
tion of  93ellfyammel  with  Du.  bel,  MidDu. 
and  AS.  belle,  E.  bell,  indubitable.  In  Fr. 
animal  fables  the  bell-wether  has  the  pro- 

per name  Uclin  (akin  to  Fr.  bslier,  'ram'), 
from  the  Du.  bel,  '  little  bell,'  whence  also 
Fr.  bdliere,  '  ring  of  a  bell-clapper.' 

"§3clf ,  ni.,  'straits,'  akin  to  OIc  belte,  AS. 
and  E.  belt,  baldrich  (OHG.  bah),  'girdle. 
shoulder-belt '  1.  93elt  is  thus  a  '  zone  of 
land '  ?.  The  cognate  Lat.  balteus  is,  accord- 
ing to  Varro,  a  Tuscan  word. 

bcljcn,  vb.,  '  to  graft,'  also  pclj?»  ;  Mid 
HG.  belzen,  OHG.  belzdn  with  the  same 
meaning  ;  cognate  with  Provenc.  empeltar, 
1  to  graft,'  which,  with  Fr.  pellttier,  '  fur- 
rier '  (see  5JM$),  belongs  to  Lat.  pellis. 

"28emme,  f.,  '  slice  of  bread,'  first  occurs 
in  ModHG.  ;  a  LG.  and  MidG.  word,  a  de- 
riv.  of  the  dial,  bammen, '  to  eat,'  which  may 
have  been  *bazm6n  in  Goth.,  and  is  per- 
haps primit.  allied  to  the  Sans,  root  bhas, 
'  to  chew.' 

"gSenoel,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
bendel,  OHG.  bentil;  comp.  MidE.  bendel, 
OIc.  bendell ;  akin  to  btnfcen. 

"£3engel,  m.,  'cudgel,'  then  in  a  figura- 
tive sense  '  rude  person,  blackguard,'  from 
MidHG.  bengel,  m.,  'cudgel.'  Comp.  E. 
bangle  (club),  from  the  verb  to  bang,  OIc. 
banga,  'to  strike,  beat,'  LG.  ba>gen.  The 
Teut.  stem  bang-,  'to  strike,'  seems  to  have 
been  nasalised  from  the  root  bdg,  men- 
tioned under  baron. 

"gSemte,  t'., '  wicker  cart,'  MidHG.  only; 
an  old  Alem.  and  perhaps  orig.  Kelt,  word 
which  Festus  records  as  old  Gallic  benna. 
Comp.  Fr.  bvnne, '  dosser,'  AS.  binn,  E.  bin. 

bertfcbett,  Jewish,  '  to  pronounce  the 
benediction,  say  grace,'  from  Lat.  benedi- 

bccjttcm,  adj.,  '  convenient,  comfort- 
able,' from  MidHG.  bequdme,  OHG.  biqud- 
mi,  '  suitable,  fit.'  Akin  to  AS.  gecwime, 
MidE.  tcwems,  cweme, '  agreeable,  suitable' ; 
qemi-,  the  base,  is  a  verbal  adj.  from  Goth. 
qiman,  OHG.  chuman,  'to  come,' for  whicli 
the  meaning  '  to  be  fitting,  to  suit,'  already 
existing  in  Goth,  gaqimifi,  'it  is  fitting,'  is 
presupposed ;  comp.  AS.  becuman,  E.  be- 
come. See  fcmmcn  and  Lat.  convenire,  '  to 
fit  in  with,  be  becoming,  suit,'  which  is 
primit  allied. 

bcrappen,  vb., '  to  pay,'  ModHG.  only. 
The  comparison  usually  made  with  rupfeit 
must  be  abandoned  ;  it  means  '  to  give 
Stamen'  (a  coin  of  small  value  having  the 
impress  of  a  raven).  Comp.  SRappm  and 
bledjen  (to  give  SBledj,  i.e.  money). 

b'ercmmen,  see  anberaumen. 

beretf ,    adj.,   '  ready,    prepared,'  from 


(    27    ) 


MidHG.  bereit,  bereite,  OHG.  bireiti,  ' ready 
and  willing,  obliging;  armed,  ready'; 
com  p.  AS.  fftrcede,  rcede,  E.  read///  Goth. 
garaids,  'appointed,'  does  not  correspond 
exactly.  The  word  may  belong  to  the  root 
discussed  under  retten  (comp.  OHG.  reita, 
*  carriage '),  with  the  orig.  sense  of '  to  equip 
with  armour';  like  fertig,  it  would  thus 
mean  properly  '  ready  for  a  journey';  comp. 
Olr.  riadaim,  *  I  am  going  on  a  journey,' 
riad,  'practicable  (of  a  route),  passable.' 
On  account  of  the  similarity  in  meaning 
comp.  fftticj. 

^crg,  m.,  '  mountain,'  inherited  from 
the  OTeut.  vocabulary  ;  OHG.  berg,  Mid 
HG.  berc(g),  m.  Comp.  AS.  beorh(g),  espe- 
cially 'barrow'  (called  byrgels  also),  E. 
only  in  the  deriv.  '  to  bury  '  (AS.  byrgan)t 
from  *burgianj  the  Goth,  form  *bairga-  is 
deduced  from  the  deriv.  bairgahci,  '  moun- 
tain range.'  The  rules  for  the  permutation 
of  consonants  demand  a  pre-Teut.  bhdryho-; 
with  this  is  connected  Sins,  brhant, ' high  ' 
(6  from  bh,  because  the  aspiration  at  the 
beginning  of  the  root  was,  on  account  of 
the  following  aspirate,  necessarily  lost) ;  h 
is  ghy  Zend  barezanh,  '  height,'  berezant, 
'high' ;  Olr.  brigh,  'mountain'  (ri,  Sans. 
r,  might  be  compared  wiih  the  ur  of  93urcj), 
Armen.  berj,  '  height,'  barjr, '  high,'  W.  and 
Armor,  bre, '  mountain,  hill,' W.bry,  'high.' 
Also  the  Kelt,  proper  names  Brigiani  and 
Brigantes,  like  the  Teut.  Burgunden,  Bur- 
gundiones  (lit. '  nionticulae '),  and  the  name 
of  the  town  Brigantia  (Bregenz).  Hence  to 
the  root  b'tergh  belong  the  primary  mean- 
ings 'high,  rising  ground'  (OSlov.  brtgii, 
1  bank  (of  a  river),'  is  borrowed  from  G.)  ; 
perhaps  93m\}  is  derived  from  this  root,  if 
it  does  not  come  from  betgen.  The  attempt 
to  connect  93erg  with  Goth,  fairguni  and 
Hercynia,  identical  with  the  latter,  must 
be  abandoned.  With  jit  SBergf,  'up,  on 
end,'  comp.  MidHG.  ze  tal,  'down.' 

bcvQett,  vb.,  'to  hide,  recover  (from 
shipwreck),'  from  MidHG.  bergen, '  to  hide, 
secure,'  OHG.  bergan;  comp.  Goth,  bair- 
gan,  gabairgan,  '  to  keep,  preserve,'  AS.  be- 
organ,  MidE.  bergen,  'to  preserve,  protect.' 
There  are  other  E.  words  with  a  different 
though  allied  meaning  ;  AS.  byrgan,  E.  to 
bur//;  AS.  byrgels(OLQt.burgisli),  Y,.burials, 
burial.  For  a  similar  division  of  a  primary 
meaning  see  under  befer)fcrt.  The  root  berg, 
burg,  pre-Teut.  bhergh,  bhj-gh,  with  the 
primary  meaning  '  to  lay  somewhere  for 
safe  keeping,'  is  found  outside  the  Teut. 

group  only  in  OSlov.  briga,  'I  take  care 
(of),  wait  upon.' 

"g8eticl)t,  111., '  intelligence,  report,'  from 
MidHG.  benht,  '  report,  instruction,  recon- 
ciliation.'    Akin  to  xed)t. 

"gSerfcan,  m.,  '  a  kind  of  cloth,  fustian,' 
from  MidHG.  barragdn,  barkdn,  from  Mid 
Lat.  barracdnus  (Fr.  bouracan,  Ital.  bara- 
cane),  E.  barracan;  comp.  ©ardent. 

"giterKne,  f.,  'coach,'  first  occurs  in 
ModHG.,  from  the  equiv.  Fr.  berline,  f. 
(comp.  gantauer),  properly  'a  Berlin  car- 

■pcrttrfcttt,  111.,  ' amber' ;  bern  is  a  LG. 
form  for  brenn,  therefore  properly  SSrenn- 
jlein  (combustible  stone)  ?.  The  Teut.-Lat. 
word  is  glesum,  preserved  in  AS.  glcere, 
'  amber,  resin.' 

^crfcrfecr,  m.,  first  occurs  in  ModHG, 
borrowed  from  the  Scand.  berserkr,  lit. 
'  bear-skin  garment,'  then  '  a  savage  warrior 
who  gets  furious  during  the  fight' ;  from 
OIc.  ber-,  'bear,'  serkr,  'garment.' 

bcrftett,  vb., '  to  burst,  crack,'  from  Mid 
HG.  bresten,  OHG.  brestan,  '  to  break,  tear, 
burst,' impersonal '  to  be  wanting,  lacking' ; 
er  for  re  is  properly  LG.  and  MidG. ;  comp. 
Du.  bersten,  AS.  berstan,  E.  to  burst.  Comp. 
further  the  Aryan  root  bhrest  (cognate  with 
the  root  of  bred)en),  in  Olr.  brissim,  '  I 
break '  (ss  from  st). 

tbevi ,  "gSerk,  in  proper  names,  from  Mid 
HG.  berht,  OHG.  btrahl,  'shining' ;  comp. 
Goth,  bairhts,  AS.  beorht,  E.  bright. 

■gSerfrctm,  m.,  'Spanish  camomile  or 
pellitory,'  based  by  popular  etymology  on 
the  proper  name  Bertram  (lit.  'shining 
raven,'  see  9rabc),  and  derived  from  bitron, 
for  Lat.-Gr.  pyrethron  (iriptdpov). 

bcrttcfjf tflf ,  '  infamous,  notorious,'  a 
partic.  adj.  from  a  weak  vb.  used  even 
by  Luther — bcvudjtujcu,  '  to  defame,'  for 
which  bctudjteit  was  the  common  form  in 
the  16th  and  17th  cents.  Comp.  ©erndjt, 
as  well  as  anrudn'g  and  rudjbar ;  all  these 
words  are  cognate  with  rufen,  and  are  de- 
rived, as  is  shown  by  the  ch  for  /  before  t, 
from  LG. 

^Berajtt,  m.,  ■  beryl,'  from  MidHG. 
beri'le,  barille,  brille,  m.,  formed  from  Lat.- 
Gr.  berijllusj  also  brille,  '  spectacles ' ;  see 
SBriKe,  $«{e.  The  Gr.-Lat.  term  is  derived 
from  Prak.  viluWiga,  Sans,  vaid&rya. 

"gilcfanmart ,  m.,'mizzen-niast,"'  $5cf£n- 
fcrtel,  n.,  mizzen-sail,'  from  Du.  bezaav, 
'mast  nearest  the  stern  of  a  ship,'  which  is 
connected  with  E.  mizzen,  Fr.  missatrw,  Ita). 


(    28    ) 


mezzana  (the  Rom.  wonl,  n  deriv.  of  Lat. 
nxedius,  is  properly  'middle-mast'). 

befd)alcn,  vb.", '  to  cover  (a  maiv),'  first 
occurs  in  ModHG.  ;  a  denominative  from 
Mid  HO.  schel,  schele,  m.,  'brood  stallion.' 
bee  <8d>el(foettcut. 

bcfd)eiben,  vb.,  'to  distribute,  assign, 
summon,'  from  MidHG.  bescheideii,  OHG. 
bisceidan,  •  to  divide,  decide,  relate,  report.' 
Tlie  ModHG.  and  MidHG.  partic.  beschei- 
deii, meant  prig,  'definite,'  then  'clear,  dis- 
tinct^ intelligible,  prudent.'     See  fcfyciben. 

bcfdjncittfeln,  bcfdmuffeht,  be- 
fdjnuppcrit,  vb.,  '  to  sniff  at'  ;  akin  to  the 
E.  vbs.  to  snivel,  snuff,  snuffl'',  and  fdmauKit. 

befd)Ummc(tt,  vb.,  'to  deceive,'  from 
fdJuutmdit,  '  to  worry.' 

bofd)ttppcn,  vb.,  '  to  scale,  deceive,' 
from  LG. ;  the  cognate  words  of  the  same 
group  show  that  pf,  not  pp,  is  the  strictly 
HG.  form.  It  seems  to  belong  to  the  stem 
of  01c.  stoj.a,  'to  deride';  MidDu.  scop, 
'  derision.'  To  the  same  stem  belongs  an 
OTeut.  term  lor  'poet,'  AS.  scop,  OHG. 
scopf,  which,  on  account  of  its  meaning,  is 
important  for  the  right  conception  of  poetic 
composition  among  our  ancestors. 

sBcfd)tt>ei:oC,  f., 'difficulty,  grievance, 
malady,'  from  MiiiHG.  besiccerde,  f.,  '  op- 
pression, grief,'  allied  to  fefwer. 

befd)tt>td)tifl<m,  vb.,  'to  appease,  com- 
pose.' The  Germans  connect  this  word  in- 
stinctively with  jcr>u>ciflftt ;  it  forced  its  way, 
however,  in  the  last  half  of  the  preceding 
cent,  from  LG.  into  the  written  language, 
and  its  cht  is  the  earlier  HG.ft;  it  corre- 
sponds to  MidHG.  siriflen,  '  to  pacify,' 
OHG.  siciftdn,  '  to  be  quiet.'  The  stem  is 
the  same  as  in  Goth,  sweiban,  '  to  cease, 
leave  off' ;  with  this  the  cognates  of 
f<6wcijtn  accord  fairly  well  both  in  sound 
and  meaning ;  the  Tent,  root  su*b,  swig, 
is  based  upon  the  Aryan  smq  (jnctg  in  Gr. 
aiydu;  see  under  fcfyivcignt). 

jScfett,  m.,  'besom,  broom,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  besen,  besitrt,  b'esme,  OHG. 
besamo;  it  corresponds  to  AS.  besma,  E. 
besom,  Goth.  *bisma,  which  have  the  same 
meaning  ;  a  pre-Teut.  word  of  obscure  ori- 
gin ;  perhaps  SSeere  and  99ajl  are  allied. 
Since  the  Eng.  dialects  point  to  an  AS. 
bisma,  '  besom,'  it  is  possible  that  the  word 
is  connected  with  SBitfwinb,  and  the  Teut. 
root  bis,  '  to  move  in  a  restless,  excited 

"2.5c firu^.  LG.  word,  a  diminutive  form, 
like  the  MidLG.  equiv.  beselce,  n.,  'small 

berry'  ;  akin  to  Du.  bes,  Goth.  basi.  See 
under  33ecrr. 

beffcr,  compar.  adj.,  'better'  ;  see  th<- 
corresponding  adv.  bafj  ;  superl.  belt  ;  from 
MidHG.  be^er,  best  (be^ist),  OHG.  bey 
^iro,  b'$$istj-  corresponds  to  AS.  betera, 
oetst,  E.  better,  best/  Goth,  batiza,  batists. 
Even  inprimit.  Teut.  gut  formed  its  degrees 
of  comparison  in  this  way,  which  might  be 
represented  in  Ind.  by  *bhadyas-,  *bhad- 
iStha-.  The  etymology  of  ModHG.  gut  it 
difficult  to  get  at ;  in  the  case  of  beffer  we 
are  assisted  by  the  cognate  root  in  93uJK, 
the  primit.  meaning  of  which  is  '  utility ' ; 
the  ethical  notion  arose  from  that  of  in- 
terest. At  all  events,  thus  the  matter  stands 
from  the  merely  Teut.  point  of  view.  It 
has  been  connected  more  remotely  with 
Olnil.bhadrd-s,  to  which  the  primary  mean- 
ing'shining'  is  assigned  ;  but  in  this  sense 
the  ind.  word  cannot  be  cognate  ;  it  belongs 
to  the  root  bhand,  anil  would  consequently 
become  *buntrs  in  Goth.  The  chief  signi- 
fications of  bhadrd-s,  however,  are  'capable, 
salutary,  prosperous,'  which  are  in  closer 
approximation  to  the  idea  of  interest.  Of 
these  meanings  beffcr  and  bejt  might  form 
the  degrees  of  comparison. 

bcfialff,  partic.  of  bt|Uf(nt,  for  which 
bffiedt  is  now  used. 

beff  at t en,  vb.,  '  to  convev,  bnrv,'  from 
jiatt,  (Etdttf. 

befltlbcrrt,  vb.,  'to  cover  with  dirt,' 
from  MidHG.  siiheen,  sulwen,  'to  soil,'  also 
siiln,  OHG.  sttllen,  AS.  sljlian,  Goth,  saul- 

befchtbett,  vb.,  'to  deafen,  bewilder, 
confuse,'  lit.  '  to  make  deaf.'     See  taub. 

befen,  vb.,  'to  entreat,  pray,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  beten,  OHG.  betdn;  comp. 
Goth,  bida,  OHG.  beta,  '  request,  prayer.' 
Formed  from  the  Teut.  root  b\d  (Aryan 
b/ridli),  discussed  under  bitten. 

j23cff,  n.,  'bed,'  from  the  equiv.  M;d 
HG.  bet,  bette,  OHG.  beti,  bttti,  n. ;  comn. 
AS.  bedl,  E.  bed,  Goth.  badi.  For  ModHG. 
53ctt  the  form  SBftb,  is  found  in  the  18th 
cent,  (e.g.,  in  Gessner),  just  as  for  93«t  the 
word  33ctt  is  used  popularly  (and  in  Mid 
HG.)  ;  comp.  Sett.  The  signification  ©eft 
('garden-bed')  makes  the  connection  with 
the  Lat.  root  in  fodio,  'to  bury,'  possible 
(comp.  W.  bedd,  '  grave ' ;  also  OSlov.  boia, 
'I  prick');  Goth,  badi  (Lat.  *fddium), 
might  therefore  have  arisen  from  Aryan 
bhodhiom.  The  primary  meaning  was  pro- 
bably 'an  excavated  spot';  the  significa- 


(    29    ) 


tion  already  common  to  the  Teut.  j;roup, 
'  bed,  lectus'  (akin  to  OSw.  boedhil,  'nest'), 
may  be  elucidated  by  reference  to  the  cave- 
dwellings  of  the  Teutons  (see  2)img).  In 
early  times  the  bed  was  evidently  dug  like 
a  niche  in  the  sides  of  the  subterranean 
dwellings.  The  meaning  'bolster,'  com- 
mon to  0 lc.  &e5Y  and  Finn,  patja  (borrowed 
from  Goth.),  does  not,  it  is  true,  harmonise 
with  this  explanation. 

~g&ettel,  m.,  '  beggarv,  trash,'  akin  to 
M\dRG.  betel,  < begging/ 

betteltt,  vb.,  'to  be*/,  live  by  beegiiiL',' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  b'etelen,  OHG.  be- 
tal&n,  a  frequentative  of  bitten  ;  to  this  Set- 
tler, from  b'eteleere,  OHG.  b'etaldri,  is  allied. 

bctud>en,  behidyt,  adj.  and  adv., 
'quiet(ly),  reserved(ly)' ;  of  Hebr.  origin 
(bdt&ach,  'confident  sure'). 

~§&et%el,  jjj'ef^el,  m.,  '  small  cap,'  from 
MidHG.  (MidG.)  bezel,  f.,  'hood.' 

be\x6)c,  see  baitdje. 

bcUQen,  vb.,  'to  bow,  humble,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  bougen,  OHG.  bougen, 
boucken  ;  it  corresponds  to  AS.  began,  btgan, 
'  to  bow,'  E.  to  bay, '  to  dam  (water) ' ;  facti- 
tive of  biegeu  ;  lience  lit.  '  to  cause  to  bend.' 

"§3eule,  f.,  'boil,  swelling,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  biule,  OHG.  bulla,  *Ullea, 
f.,  'blister' ;  comp.  AS.  b$le,  E.  bile  (also 
boil),  Du.  buil, '  boil ' ;  Goth.  *bulj6, '  swell- 
in^,'  is  connected  with  Goth,  ufbauljan,  '  to 
inflate,'  and  stands  probably  for  *bAgwli6, 
properly  93ucfct  (hump) ;  akin  to  biccjcit. 

;28euttbe,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
biunde,  OHG.  biunt,  'a  vacant  and  enclosed 
plot  reserved  for  a  special  wing  or  onlhouse, 
enclosure'  ;  no  connection  with  Lat.  fun- 
dus is  possible.  MidLG.  biwende,  'an  en- 
closed space,'  shows  that  an  OHG.  *bi-want, 
'that  which  winds  round,  a  hedge,'  is  im- 
plied. Respecting  bi,  'round  about,'  see 

;2.)eufe  (1.),  f.,  'kneading  trough,  bee- 
hive,' from  MidHG.  biute,  f.,  OHG.  biutta, 
f„  with  the  same  meaning  ;  it  presupposes 
Goth.  *biudja.  93utte  is  the  most  nearly 
allied,  unless  the  latter  is  of  Bom.  origin. 
The  derivation  from  OHG.  biot,  Goth. 
biufcs,  AS.  be6d, '  table,'  seems  uncertain ;  of 
course  AS.  be6d  also  means  'dish.' 

"peufe  (2.),  f.,  'booty,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  biute ;  on  account  of  Du.  buit, 
OIc.  bpte,  '  booty,  exchange,'  hence  b§ta, 
'to  exchange,  divide,'  the  t  indicates  that 
the  word  was  borrowed.  E.  booty  is  derived 
from  the  OIc.  bpte,  but  it  has  also  been 

confused  with  boot,  'uain,  advantage'  (see 
Sujk).  The  t  would  have  hecnmefs,  tz  in 
HG.  As  t  would  represent  the  dental  in 
Goth.,  bieteit,  Goth.  6i«c?a«cannot,aceording 
to  the  laws  of  the  permutation  of  con- 
sonants, be  allied  to  SBeute  ;  we  must  assume 
that  the  root  of  the  hitter  is  Goth.  Mt,  pre- 
Teut.  blind.  Fr.  butin,  'booty,'  is  borrowed 
from  these  cognates.  Comp.  Olr.  buaiil, 
'  victory.' 

"§3cuf  el  (1.),  m.,  'a  ripping  chisel,  a  piece 
of  wood  for  beating  flax,'  first  occurs  in 
ModHG. ;  the  t  points  to  a  LG.  origin  ;  in 
HG.  we  should  have  expected  A  in  Mid 
HG.  3  (MidHG.  b6yl,  ba$el).  Comp.  LG. 
bcetel,  AS.  bytel,  E.  beetle  (for  beating  flax) ; 
from  a  root  baut,  'to  strike,  beat'  (AS. 
bedtan,  E.  beat,  OIc.  bauta,  OHG.  Mftan), 
which  still  appears  in  Slntbefj. 

IJBeufel  (2.),  in.,  'purse,'  from  MidHG. 
biutel,  m.,  n.,  'purse,  pocket,'  OHG.  butil; 
com]).  Du.  buidel  (,  'purse';  Goth. 
*bHdils.  The  word  cannot,  however,  be 
traced  farther  back  than  OHG.  ;  its  kin- 
ship to  bieten,  root  bud,  from  bhudli,  would 
throw  no  light  on  the  meaning. 

"g&Clltyeie,  f.,  '  cooper's  mallet  for  driv- 
ing on  the  hoops.'  SJeitt--,  like  SBeutef, 
'beetle,'  belongs  properly  to  LG. ;  rfjete, 
'rammer,  hammer,'  from  MidHG.  heie, 
OHG.  heia,  '  hammer ' ;  hence  93mtfjeie, 
'driving  hammer.' 

bevov,  conj.,  'before,'  from  MidHG. 
bevor,  OHG.  bifora;  comp.  the  correspond- 
ing E.  before,  from  AS.  beforan. 

beXDCQCtl  (l.)»  vb.,  '  to  move/  from  Mid 
HG.  beuegen,  OHG.  biwi'gan.     See  MM, 

bcwCQCiX  (2.),  vb.,  'to  stir,  excite,' from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  bewpjen,  OHG.  bitcecken, 
biwegen,  factitive  of  the  preceding.  See 

^.Jouhmc,  m.,  first  occurs  in  ModHG., 
from  MidHG.  bewtsen,  '  to  instruct,  show, 
prove ' ;  comp.  toeifen. 

be3td)f  en,  bc,}td)ttg<m,  vb. ;  the  former, 
with  a  change  in  meaning  due  to  judjttgen, 
is  also  written  bejudjten,  'to  accuse  of, 
charge  with ' ;  derivatives  of  a  MidHG. 
subst.  biziht  (bezMit),  f., '  accusation ' ;  comp. 
jet  ben. 

^Scjtrft,  m.,  'circuit,  district,  sphere,' 
from  MidHG.  tire,  'circle,  circumference, 
district';  from  Lat.  circus,  'circle.'  The 
word,  as  z  for  Lat.  c  shows,  was  borrowed 
verv  early  during  the  OHG.  period. 

33ibet,  f.,  'bible,'  from  MidHG.  bibel, 
of  which  there  is  a  variant,  biblic  (E.  bible, 


(    30    ) 


Du.  bijbel,  Fr.  bible) ;  formed  from  Gr.-Lat. 
biblia.     Comp.  &ibd. 

jjjibcr,  m.,  '  beaver,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  biber,  OHG.  bibar,  m.  ;  it  corre- 
sponds to  AS.  beofor,  E.  beaver,  Du.  bever, 
OIc  bj6rr,  Gotli.  *bibrus.  A  term  common 
to  the  Aryan  family,  originally  signifying 
a  'brown'  aquatic  animal;  Lat  fiber 
(OGall.  Bibracte),  OSlov.  bebrii,  Lith.  tebrus 
(most  frequently  ddbras), '  beaver.'  Olud. 
babhrUs  as  an  adj.  means  '  brown,'  as  a 
subst  masc  '  great  ichneumon ' ;  bhe-b?<r- 
<i-s  is  a  reduplicated  form  of  the  root  bher 
in  f&ax  and  braun.  The  primitive  tribe 
from  which  the  Indo-Teutons  are  de- 
scended had  ere  its  dispersion  several  fully 
developed  names  of  animals  ;  comp.  Jpunb, 
Jfruj,  2Hau<5  Self,  &c.  The  Teut.  word  had 
at  an  early  period  supplanted  the  Lat. 
fiber  in  Rom.,  LateLat.  biber,  Ital.  bevero, 
Span,  bibaro,  Fr.  bievre,  from  Teut  bebrti-, 

■gSibernelle,  ^unpmeUe,  "gfiutper- 
ttCUC,  f.,  '  pimpernel,'  corruptions  of  the 
MhlLat.  botanical  term  pipinella,  pimpi- 
nella.  Even  in  MidHG.  various  corrup- 
tions are  produced  by  popular  etymology  ; 
Fr.  pimprenelle. 

■Ji td:e.  (.,  "SStCKCl,  m., '  pickaxe,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  btcke,  bickel,  m. ;  comp. 
MidHG.  bicken,  OHG.  (ana)btcchan,  wk. 
vb., '  to  prick,  thrust' ;  allied  to  AS.  becca, 
E.  bick-iron.  It  is  probably  conned  ed  fur- 
ther with  a  Kelt-Rom.  class  (Ital.  becco,  Fr. 
bee,  Du.  bek,  l  beak,'  Fr.  bSche, '  spade,'  Ital. 
beccare,  '  to  hack,'  &c.) ;  it  is  possible  that 
AS.  becca,  '  pickaxe,'  is  allied  to  Ir.  and 
Gael,  bacc,  '  hook.'  93fil  seems  to  come 
from  another  stem. 

bibmcrt,  wk.  vb.,  an  UpG.  word  equiv. 
in  meaning  to  bfbm,  'to  tremble,  shake,' 
and  allied  to  it;  MidHG.  biiemen,  'to 
tremble,'  OHG.  *bidim6n,  must  represent 
*bibim6n,  bibintin;  respecting  the  relation 
of  the  consonants  comp.  OHG.  pfedamo 
and  its  variant  pebano  under  ^Jfcbe.  The 
OHG.  bibin&n  is  an  intensive  form  of  OHG. 
biben.     See  bfben. 

"33ieber, '  fever '  ?.  Only  in  compounds 
with  stiff,  ;fruut,  strurj.  Comp.  MidHG. 
biever,  n., '  fever.'  Its  relation  to  Lat  febris 
is  ambiguous  ;  it  is  probably  a  corruption 
of  vieber.     See  gifbfr. 

bteoer,  adj.,  '  staunch,  honest,'  from 
MidHG.  biderbi,  OHG.  biderbi,1  serviceable, 
useful,'  then  '  brave,  gallant '  (comp.  btffft 
for  a  similar  change  of  idea)  ;  lit.  '  suitable 

to  one's  need  or  purpose,'  for  the  adj.  is  a 
compound  of  the  stem  of  burftn,  '  to  1*> 
in  need  of,'  and  the  prefix  bi,  which  has 
retained  its  earlier  accent  without  being 
replaced,  as  it  usually  is,  by  61.  The  Goth, 
form  was  perhaps  *bi}>arba  ;  further,  the 
adj.  is  identical  with  fcftb. 

btCQCrt,  vb.,  '  to  bend,  curve,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  biegen,  OHG.  biogan,  Goth. 
biugan,  '  to  bend.'  In  Eng.  the  word  be- 
longs to  a  different  class,  AS.  bdgan,  E.  to 
bow;  Du.  biugen;  comp.  beugfn,  the  factitive 
of  this  verb.  Root  bilg,  from  pre-Teut*;  the  k  of  which  is  changed  in  the 
regular  manner  into  h  in  SBuljtl,  OHG.  buhil. 
In  OInd.  we  should  have  expected  *bhuc 
instead  of  the  recorded  bhujijior  g),  which 
agrees  with  the  Teut.  word  only  in  the 
sense  of  '  to  bend ' ;  Lat  fugio,  Gr.  Qefryu, 
have  the  more  remote  signification  'to 
flee,'  which  AS.  b&gan  also  shows.  Further 
cognates  are  SSocien  and  bie^fam  (AS.  bUhsom, 
brixom,  whence  E.  buxom). 

JZ&iene,  f.,  'bee,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  bine,  bin,  f.,  OHG.  bint,  n. ;  61  is  the  pro- 
per root  syllable,  as  is  shown  by  OHG.  bia, 
Du.  bij,  AS.  bed,  E.  bee,  OSw.  bt  (OIc.  by- 
fluga) ;  the  n  of  the  weak  declension  is  re- 
tained in  the  deriv.  OHG.  btnij  the  form 
binni  (from  binja-),  which  we  should  have 
expected,  is  not  recorded.  Besides  these 
there  are  OHG.  and  MidHG.  forms  with  *, 
OHG.  btna,  f.,  MidHG.  bin,  f.  (Austr.  dial. 
93fin) ;  they  are  related  perhaps  to  MidHG. 
bin  like  Goth,  sunns  to  Sans.  sAnus,  Goth. 
qlwa  to  Sans.j'Jfo-,  &c. ;  comp.  <Sobn,  CUtfcf, 
laut,  ©djauffl.  Lith.  bitis,  Ir.  bech,  '  bee,' 
seem  allied,  though  they  have  a  different 
suffix.  The  word  is  based  on  a  root  bh\  '  to 
be  afraid,'  discussed  under  bfbfii ;  hence 
93iftte  is  perhaps  '  the  trembler '  ?.  Respect- 
ing QSiftttttbret  comp.  9kot.  ©ittunferb  was 
an  early  remodelled  form  for  OHG.  bini- 
char.  23itnfatu,  n.,  a  botanical  term,  lit. 
1  a  plant  that  the  bee  is  fond  of  sucking.' 

jSier,  n., '  beer,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
bier,  OHG.  and  OLG.  bior,  n.,  comp.  Du. 
bier,  AS.  be&r,  E.  beer,  OIc.  bj&rr ;  Fr.  Here 
is  borrowed  MidHG.  6ier.  There  can  \>m 
no  connection  with  Lat  6160.  Sans,  pibdmi ; 
nor  can  Gr.  rtur,  OInd.  pivas,  'a  rich 
drink,'  be  cognate.  It  is  rightly  thought  to 
be  akin  to  an  OTeut.term  for  'barley ,'OLG. 
and  AS.  bed  (OIc.  bygg),  from  Teut  *bevy 
wo-,  l>ased  on  a  pre-hist.  *bhewo-,  while  the 
cognates  of  93i«  point  to  a  deriv.  *bhewro-. 
Thus  93ifr  is  equal  to  ' barley-juice'  1. 


(    31    ) 


■§tUefe,  I$tfe,  f., '  north-east  wind,'  ear- 
lier, SSeienrinb  (with  the  regular  ei),  from  the 
equiv.  bise,  OHG.  bisa,  whence  Fr.  bise. 
A  Teut.  root  bis,  biz,  'to  rush  in  excitedly,' 
nlsoappearsiuMidHG.and  ModHG.  (dial.), 
bisen,  '  to  run  about  like  cattle  tormented 
by  horse-flies'  (with  this  is  connected  Mod 
HG.  dial,  beiern,  with  a  change  of  «  into 
r,  in  Hess,  and  Henneberg.,  with  the  same 
meaning) ;  comp.  further  OSw.  blsa,  '  to 
run,'  Dan.  bisse,  'to  run  excitedly.'  Per- 
haps the  root  bi,  '  to  tremble,'  is  nearly 

"gSteff ,  m.,  in  SSiejlmilcfc,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  biest,  OHG.  Host,  m.  ;  comp.  AS. 
be6st,  and  its  deriv.  AS.  basting,  E.  beast- 
inus,  biestings.  ModHG.  dialects  have  also 
remarkable  parallel  forms  with  br,  like  OIc. 
d-brystur, '  beastings,'  e.g.  Swiss  briek  (brieS), 
which  may  be  connected  with  83ruft,  OHG. 
brust,  AS.  breost.  Beyond  the  Teut.  group 
(whence  OFr.  bet,  ModFr.  beton  is  bor- 
rowed) the  stem  has  not  yet  been  traced  ; 
it  is  most  frequently  compared  with  the 
equiv.  Gr.  irvfc,  Sans.  piyuSa.  Yet  a  Teut. 
root  bius  seems  to  underlie  biese,  beise,  'to 
milk,'  in  the  Wetterau  dial. 

biefcn,  vb.,  ' to  offer,  make  a  bid,'  from 
MidHG.  bieten,  OHG.  biotan,  'to  offer, 
present,  command'  (similar  meanings  are 
united  in  the  MidHG.  word  for  befeljlen) ;  AS. 
be6dan,  'to  announce,  offer' ;  E.  bid  com- 
bines the  meanings  of  Germ,  bieten  and  bitten. 
Goth,  anabiudan,  '  to  command,  arrange,' 
faurbiudan,  'to  forbid'  (OHG.  farbiotan, 
MidHG.  verbieten,  AS.forbeddan,  E.  forbid). 
Goth,  biudan,  as  well  as  the  whole  of  this 
class,  points  to  a  pre-Teut.  root  bhudh; 
Gr.  wvO  (according  to  the  well-known  rule 
for  <f>v6)  in,  irv6io0a.i,  'to' ask, 
demand,  learn  by  asking,  hear,'  approaches 
one  of  the  meanings  of  the  Teut.  vb. ;  the 
latter  has  an  active  signification  '  to  pub- 
lish, communicate,'  while  the  Gr.  middle 
vb.  means  'to  know  by  report,  obtain  in- 
formation.' With  the  sensuous  meaning 
of  HG.  bieten  is  connected  the  OInd.  root 
budh  (for  bhudh),  '  to  make  a  present  to 
one ' ;  yet  it  most  frequently  means  '  to  be 
watchful,  a>tir.'  then  '  to  observe,  notice' ; 
and  with  this  is  associated  OBulg.  bildUi, 
Lith.  budeti,  'to  awake';  Lith.  budrus, 
'  watchful' ;  also  Lith.  bafcsti,  '  to  chastise,' 
and  Olr.  buvle,  '  thanks.'  It  is  a  prim. 
Aryan  verbal  stem  with  a  great  variety  of 
meanings,  the  chief  of  which  are  'to  pre- 
sent (make  a  present  to  one) — to  enjoin 

(to  command,  communicate) — to  be  active, 
awake.'  To  the  same  stem  belongs  an 
OTeut.  word  for  'table,  dish'  (both  con- 
ceived as  the  dispensers  of  food  ?),  which 
has  been  mentioned  under  SBeute  (Goth. 
biu}>s,  AS.  bedd),  also  bote,  from  MidHG. 
bote,  OHG.  boto  (AS.  boda,  whence  E.  to 
bode),  lit.  'herald.' 

j23ifang,  m.,  'enclosure,  ridge,'  fn>m 
MidHG  bttanc.  m.,  'circuit,  ridge  between 
furrows,'  OHG.  bifang,  'circuit,'  from  bi- 
fahan,  'comprise,  encircle.'  With  respect 
to  the  accented  verbal  prefix  in  the  subst. 
compound,  comp.  bet,  where  '  around '  is 
also  quoted  as  one  of  the  OTeut.  meanings 
of  bi.  SMfang  (in  opposition  to  93eiivie(, 
btspel)  retains,  like  bieber,  the  old  short 
verbal  prefix  ;  comp.  bieber,  $8ift>,  SBeunbe. 

bictotf ,  adj.,  '  bigoted,'  first  occurs  in 
ModHG.,  borrowed  from  Fr.  big  A.  but 
based  in  spelling  on  ©ctt. 

~jBild),  f.,  'dormouse,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bilch,  OHG.  bilich  (whence  OBulg. 
pluchii,  'dormou>e,'  is  borrowed?);  bit-  is 
primit.  cognate  with  W.  bele,  'marten.' 

j!3ifb,  n.,  'image,  portrait,  representa- 
tion,' from  MidHG.  bilde,  OHG.  bilidi,  n., 
'image,  figure,  parable,  prototype';  simi- 
larly OSax.  bilithij  there  is  no  correspond- 
ing word  in  E.  or  Goth.  (*bUiJn).  The 
derivation  from  a  stem  bil-,  with  which  93eil 
has  been  absurdly  connected,  is  untenable  ; 
bi-  is  probably  the  prep,  be-  (comp.  bieber, 
93ifaiivi,  93infe) ;  *lipi  is  allied  to  lipu-, 
'  limb '  (see  ®lieb) ;  the  compound  signifies 
lit.  'a copy  of  a  limb,  counterfeit  limb'?. 
It  is  impossible  to  connect  it  with  E.  build, 
which  belongs  rather  to  AS.  bold, '  a  build- 
ing,' and  bauen. 

fill,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  E.  bill,  which, 
Fr.  billet,  belongs   to  MidLat.  bdla, 

33We,  f..  '  hatchet,'  from  MidHG.  bil 
(-.'en.  bilks),  'pickaxe,'  OHG.  bill;  AS. 
bill,  '  sword/  E.  bill  ('  sword,  chopper,'  also 
'  axe  ')  ;  not  cognate  with  93eil. 

billifl,  adj.,  adv.,  '  reasonable  (-ably), 
cheap  (-ly),'  for  an  earlier  billicfy,  used  even 
in  the  last  century,  from  MidfiG.  billtch, 
OHG.  (recorded  since  Williram)  billkh 
(adv.  MidHG.  billtche,  OHG.  billlhho).  'con- 
formable, becoming';  cognate  with  AS. 
bilevrit,  MidE.  bileunt,  'simple,  innocent.' 
It  has  been  said,  without  sufficient  reason, 
that  this  class  was  borrowed  from  Keli. 
Comp.  other  cognates  under  SBeic^bilb, 


(    32    ) 


"gSUfCttftrauf,  n.,  '  henbane,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  bilse,  OHG.  bilisa,  f.  ;  also 
a  dial,  form  bilme,  equal  to  Dan.  bulme, 
AS.  beolene  (Span,  beleiio).  The  stems  bilisa, 
beluna,  common  to  the  Tent,  group,  cor- 
respond to  Lat.  fdix,  filix,  'fern,'  but 
more  closely  to  Russ.  belend,  Pul.  bielun, 
•  henbane.'  Comp.  further  MidDu.  beelde, 

bin,  see  fcitt,  vb. 

j3ims,  m.,  "gjimsffcm,  'pumice-stone,' 
from  the  equiv.  Mid  II G.  bumez,  OHG. 
bumiz;  hence  we  should  have  expected 
ModHG.  S3itmc$.  The  relation  between 
Stvtu\  and  Lat.  cruc-em  is  similar  to  that 
between  93ume$  and  the  type,  Lat.  pumic-em 
(nom.  pumex).  The  i  of  the  ModHG.  form 
is  MidG,  as  in  .Rut,  *Tji(}.  From  Lit. 
•pumex  (Ital.  pomtice)  are  also  derived  Du. 
puimsteen,  and  AS.  pdmicstdn.  With  re- 
gard to  *  for  2,  see  SSiiife. 

btnbett,  vb., '  to  tie,  bind,'  from  MidHG. 
linden,  OHG.  bintan.  corresponds  to  OSax. 
and  AS.  bindan,  E.  to  bind,  Goth,  bindan  y 
the  meaning  does  not  change,  hence  it  was 
the  same  in  primit.  Tent,  as  in  ModHG.  and 
Eng.  The  pre-Teut.  form  of  tlie  root  must 
have  been  bhendh  ;  comp.  the  correspond- 
ing Sans,  root  bandh,  'to  chain,  fasten'; 
Lat.  (with  /  for  bh  initially)  offendimentum, 
'bond,  cable';  Gr.  ireifffua  for  *irivOana, 
'  bond,'  also  v€ndep6s,  '  father-in-law,'  as 
well  as  Sans,  bdndku,  'a  relative.'  In 
Tent,  numerous  forms  are  derived  by  gra- 
dation from  the  sarue  root  (e.g.  SBaiib,  E. 
bond,  bend).  Ital.  benda,  '  bandage,'  ben- 
dare,  '  to  bind  np,'  are  borrowed. 

^ingclttrauf,  n.,  earlier  Suitgcffraut, 
'  mercury'  ;  33uitcjef,  a  name  of  a  plant,  from 
MidHG.  bunge,  OHG.  bungo,  '  bulb."    See 

binnen,  prep.,  '  within,'  from  MidHG. 
(MidLG.  and  MidDu.)  binnen  ;  comp.  the 
corresponding  AS. binnan,  'within,'  from  bi- 
innan,  with  suppression  of  the  i  of  bi,  as 
in  bailee,  barmbcrjia,.     See  iiutcit. 

^infc  (Swiss  SBinj),  f.,  'rush,'  from  the 
plur.  of  the  equiv.  MidHG.  61/13,  bine^  111., 
OHG.  binu$,  m.  ;  comp.  OSax.  binut,  AS. 
beonet,  E.  bent,  bent  grass,  as  well  names  of 
places,  53entlrt),  93ent^ctm,  with  a  LG.  vowel. 
The  most  probable  derivation  is  that  given 
in  the  OHG.  period,  by  Notker,  from  bi-  and 
na$  (see  nafj) ;  hence  lit. '  that  which  grows 
in  wet  places.'  LFranc.  and  LG.  h&ve  a 
stem  biusa  corresponding  to  Du.  bies,  Mid 
LG.  bese,  which  are  not  cognate  with  33tuj>. 

^irhc  (Swiss  53d*e,  S:vcr»,  f.,  'birch,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  birhe  (UpG. 
birdie),  OHG.  bird/a,  birihha ;  comp.  AS. 
birce,  E.  birch ;  also  Du.  berk,  AS.  beorc, 
OIc.  bjork,  Goth.  *bairka,  f.,  or  *bairkj6,  f. 
This  term,  common  to  the  Teut.  group,  is 
one  of  the  few  names  of  trees  of  primit. 
Aryan  origin  (comp.  93uct)f)  ;  the  pre-Teur. 
form  is  bhtrgd  (bhergyd),  and  corresponds 
to  Sans,  bhtiija,  m.,  'a  kind  of  birch'  (neu. 
also 'birch  bark'),  OSlov.  bnza,  f.,  Lilh. 
be  lias. 

"j^intc,  L,  'pear';  the  n  belongs  pro- 
perly to  the  inflexion ;  MidHG.  bir  (and 
still  dialectic),  plur.  birn  ;  OHG.  bira, 
'pear.'  Derived  from  the  Lat.  plrum,  or 
rather  plur.  plra.  On  account  of  the  initial 
b  of  the  German  won),  the  date  at  which 
it  was  borrowed  can  hardly  be  placed 
earlier  than  the  9th  cent.  The  Goth  ap- 
plied to  the  '  mulberry-tree'  the  apparently 
cognate  term  bairabagms.  E.  pear,  AS. 
peru,  Du.  peer,  are  based  upon  the  Rom. 
word  (Ital.  and  Span,  pera),  derived  from 
Lat.  pirum.  Respecting  the  change  of 
gender  see  *J>flaumc. 

bivfd)CTl,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
birsen,  'to  chase  with  hounds,  to  shoot 
deer' ;  s  after  r  became  seh,  as  in  Clrnf, 
tatjft,  £orfd)e,  Ijcrrfdjfii,  >§ivfd),  Jtirfd)?,  Miix- 
fdnter,  nurf<t) ;  from  OFr.  berser  (MidLat. 
bersare),  '  to  pierce  with  an  arrow.' 

bis,  conj.,  adv.,  '  until,  as  far  a?,'  from 
MidHG.  613  (for  which  nnze,  unz  most  Fre- 
quently occur) ;  in  OHG.  it  was  perhaps 
bia$,  i.e.  bid  is  a  compound  of  bi  (see  bet, 
Goth,  bt)  and  03  (OHG  03,  'to,'  Goth,  at, 
Lat.  ad)  ;  bia$  became  613, '  until '  Earlier 
ModHG.  has  a  variant  bitze,  bitz,  which 
likewise  arose  from  an  older  bi  and  ze,  'to.' 
Similarly  ModHG.  unz  is  composed  of  unt 
(Goth,  und)  and  ze. — btsfanct,  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  bissolange,  'so  long,  hither- 
to,' for  fo'3  s6  lange,  '  until  so  long.' 

"D.'irctm,  m.,  'musk,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bisem,  OHG.  bisam,  bisamo,  from 
MidLat.  bisamum,  which  u  of  oriental 
origin  (Hebr.  besem,  Syr.  besmo). 

j5ifd)of,  m_,  'bishop,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bischof  (v),  OHG.  biscof  (to  which 
SBilfou  is  related) ;  Du.  bisschop,  AS.  bisceop, 
E.  bishop,  with  the  same  meaning.  In  Goth, 
with  a  closer  adherence  to  the  primit.  term 
(iwiijKoiroi),  alpiskaUpus.  This  widely  dif- 
fused word  was  probably  adopted,  like  tin; 
Arianism  of  the  Goths  (comp.  ,ftird)e),  from 
the  Greeks  without  passing  through  Ro- 


(    33    ) 


mance.  Tlie  Lat.-Rom.  origin  is  indeed 
supported  by  the  initial  6  as  well  as  the 
loss  of  the  original  e  at  the  beginning ; 
comp.  ltal.  vescovo,  OFr.  vesque  (also  evesque, 
ModFr.  4vique,  and  Olr.  epscup).  Conip. 
further  OSlov.  jeptslcopu. 

"gStfTen,  m., '  l>it,  morsel,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bitfe,  OHG.  fo'330;  comp.  AS.  bita, 
E.  bit,  and  beifjett. 

fief  am,  n.,  '  bishopric'  Even  in  Mid 
bischtuom  and  bistuom,  OHG.  bisce- 
tuom,  from  biscoftuom.  By  a  similar  change 
23t3marcf  was  formed  from  bischoves  marc  ; 
on  the  borders  of  such  a  mark  the  property 
of  the  tribe  was  situated. 

■p3i(§,  "gUtfjC^en,  'bit,  trifle,'  from  beijjen. 

uitfen,  vb.,  '  to  b*&  entreat,  invite,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  bitten 
(from  bitjav,  bidjan)  ;  it  is  a  str.  vb.  of  the 
class  e — a — d — e.  Comp.  Goth.  bidjan,  ba}>, 
bedum,  bidans ;  AS.  biddan;  in  E.  to  bid, 
both  bieten  and  bitten  appear  ;  E.  to  beg, 
from  AS.  bedecian  (Goth.  *bidaq6n  1  comp. 
Teut.and  Goth.  *bidaqa,  'beggar').  The  str. 
vb.  belonged  originally  to  the  i  class  (Goth. 
bidja,  *baip,  *bidum,  bidans  might  therefore 
be  conjectured)  ;  a  trace  of  this  gradation 
is  shown  further  by  the  factitive  Goth. 
baidjan,  AS.  bdidan,  OHG.  beiten,  with  the 
meaning  '  to  order,  demand,  compel.'  The 
root  bkeidh,  blmlh,  accords  with  Gr.  vi0 
(lor  <piO,  according  to  the  well-known  rule), 
ireldu),  '  to  induce  by  entreaties,  get  by  ask- 
ing, persuade,  convince';  to  this  belongs 
also  Lat.  fido  (equiv.  to  the  Gr.  Mid.  Voice 
irdOofiat),  'to  rely  on  a  person.'  With  this 
meaning  an  OTeur.  bid  an  t  'to  await,  wait 
with  full  confidence'  (Goth,  b  idan,  OHG. 
Mian,  AS.  bldan,  E.  to  bide),  has  been  con- 
nected. The  Germ,  noun  2Mtte  is  OHG. 
bita,  most  frequently  beta,  Goth.  bida.  See 
betett,  @cbct. 

biffcr,  adj.,  *  hitter,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bitter,  OHG.  bittar.  This  t,  since 
it  comes  before  r,  represents  the  t  common 
to  the  Teut.  cognates  ;  before  /  the  permu- 
tation of  t  to  3,  tz  does  not  take  place  (comp. 
©iter,  tauter,  tittetn) ;  OLG.  bittar,  AS.  bittor, 
biter,  E.  and  I  hi.  bitter ;  hence  we  should 
have  expected  Goth.  *bltrs,  for  which  a  form 
with  a  remarkable  Cii,  baitrs,  'bitter,' 
occurs.  The  word  is  undoubtedly  cognate 
with  beijjeit  (root  bit,  inf.  bltan);  the  adj. 
properly  signifies  '  pricking,  sharp,'  being 
now,  like  beiften,  restricted  to  the  taste.  For 
other  cognates  comp.  beifjen. 

blad),  adj.,  '  Hat,'  from  MidHG.  black; 

it  is,  like  Swiss  blache,  '  a  large  board,'  re- 
lated to  flaeb. 

■gSIacfcfifdj,  m.,  '  cuttlefish,'  from  LG. 
Mackflsk.  Blak  is  the  LG.  term  for  ink 
(blakhorn,  'inkstand');  comp.  AS.  bla>c, 
'  ink,'  E.  blade  (a  colour  and  shoemaker's 
black),  OHG.  block. 

U.Haf)C,  f.,  'coare  linen,'  from  Mid 
HG.  balhe,  bid,  f.  ;  a  dialect,  widely  dif- 
fused word,  with  the  parallel  forms  bliil>e, 
plane,  blache,  plauwe ;  the  primit.  form  is 
Goth.  *blahwa1. 

bldbcn,  vb.,  '  to  inflate,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  blozjen,  OHG.  bldjan,  wk.  vb.  (the 
OHG.  word  also  means  '  to  blow ' ) ;  comp. 
AS.  bldwan,  E.  to  blow.  The  Teut.  root  bid 
(bli)  agrees  partly  with  Lat.  flare  (Aryan 
root  bhld) ;  blafen,  33fott,  and  ©fatter  are 
also  closely  related  to  it.  S3lafen  especially 
seems  to  have  arisen  from  the  shorter  root, 
also  preserved  in  ^Matter,  by  adding  s  to 
the  stem  of  the  present. 

"plttfeetr,  m.,  'chandelier'  (in  Voss), 
from  the  equiv.  LG.  and  Du.  Mater;  comp. 
AS.  Meecern;  from  the  MidLG.  and  Du. 
blalcen,  '  to  burn,  glow.'  For  further  Teut. 
and  Aryan  cognates  see  under  83(i£. 

bid  nil,  adj., '  bright,  drawn  (of  a  sword),' 
from  the  MidHG.  Mane,  OHG.  blanch, 
'gleaming,  white,  resplendently  beauti- 
ful.' Comp.  E.  blank  ('white'),  (AS.  Manca, 
blonca,  OIc.  blakkr,  '  white  or  grey  horse') ; 
related  to  OIc.  blakra,  '  to  gleam' ;  formed 
by  gradation  from  the  root  blek  in  93li($ 
(conip.  also  blecfeu).  The  adj.  made  its  way 
into  Horn.  (ltal.  bianco,  Fr.  Mane),  whence 
83(anfett  with  a  Rom.  suffix  ;  comp.  also 
blafeti.  The  less  frequent  bliuf— a  recent 
formation  from  the  verb — is  found  as  a 
parallel  form  to  btanf  in  ModHG. 

"p.Hanllfcbcif,  n.,  'busk'  (whalebone  in 
a  corset),  corrupted  in  ModHG.  from  Fr. 

"2.51a To,  f.,  'blister,  bubble,  flaw,' from 
MidHG.  bldse,  OHG.  bldsa;  the  last  two 
specially  mean  '  urinary  bladder.'  Comp. 
flatter  and  blafen. 

bfafen,  vb.,  'to  blow,  sound,  smelt,' 
from  MidHG.  bldsen,  OHG.  bldsan,  'to 
breathe,  snort' ;  comp.  the  equiv.  Goth. 
bltsan;  in  E.  only  the  deriv.  AS.  blast,  E. 
blast,  has  been  preserved.  The  s  of  blafen, 
which  does  not  occur  in  the  root  bhlS  of  the 
cognate  languages,  is  considered  by  some 
to  be  simply  a  present  suffix  which  was 
not  joined  to  the  stem  until  a  later  period  ; 
in  that  case  bldfyen  and  53Uttter  may  be  cog- 



(    34    ) 


Date.  The  OTeut  wonls  with  iuitial  bl 
separate  into  two  groups  ;  the  one,  contain- 
ing bidden,  ©tatter,  blafen,  btufyen,  S3lutf,  seems 
to  be  based  on  tiie  primary  meaning  of 
'swelling,'  the  other,  comprising blanf,  blafj, 
Hinfeit,  bWrfctt,  blt|en,  blau,  SBledj,  Slut,  on  the 
notion  of  '  shining.' 

blag,  adj.,  'pale,  faint  (in colour),'  from 
MidHG.  b'as,  'bald,'  figuratively  'weak, 
trifling'  ;  the  earlier  signification  is  'shin- 
ing' (comp.  ©lafce,  from  gldnjen) ;  allied  to 
OHG.  bias,  'whitish.'  Hence  by  muta- 
tion SSldfie,  f.,  '  a  white  spot  on  the  fore- 
head,' OIc.  bles  (earlier  Dan.  bits),  MidLG. 
blare  (but  blusenhmgst, '  horse  with  a  blaze'), 
Du.  blaar,  '  cow  with  a  blaze.'  With  the 
meaning  'shining,' AS.  blase,  E.  blaze,  Mid 
HG.  bias,  n.,  'a  torch,' are  connected. 

■^Uott,  n.,  'leaf,  blade,  newspaper,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  blat,  n. ; 
comp.  the  corresponding  Du.  Mad,  AS. 
bleed,  'leaf,'  E.  blad'.;  Goth.  *bla}>.  The 
dental  of  these  cognates  seems  to  be  a  suf- 
fix ;  bla-  from  pre-Teut.  bhlo-,  as  well  as 
Lat.  fol-ium,  Gr.,  <f>v\\ov,  'leaf,'  may  have 
been  formed  from  a  root  bhol,  bldd.  It  is 
uncertain  whether  Goth.  *blada-  is  really 
a  partic.  with  an  Ayran  suffix  16-,  with  the 
meaning  '  having  ceased  to  bloom '  or '  fully 
grown.'     See  bluljm. 

flat  i  ex,  f.,  '  pock,  pustule,'  from  Mid 
bldtere,  f.,  'bladder,  pock,'  OHG.  bldt- 
tara,  f.,  'bladder';  comp.  Du.  blaar,  AS. 
bldedre,  E.  bladder.  The  Goth,  form  would 
be  *bliJr6  (or  bladrd  1  see  Matter),  with  drd- 
as  a  suffix,  corresponding  to  Gr.  rpa.  (see 
Slber,  Matter) ;  for  US  as  a  root  syllable  see 
blafen,  bidden. 

blent,  adj.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
bid  (Gen.  bldwes),  OHG.  bldo, '  blue ' ;  comp. 
Du.  blaauw,  AS.  Haw,  and  with  a  suffix 
bltewen ;  E.  blue  (from  MidE.  blew)  is  bor- 
rowed from  Fr.  bleu,  which,  with  its  Rom. 
cognates  (Ital.  biavo,  from  *blawo),  is  of 
Germ,  origin.  The  primit  cognate  Lat. 
jidvus,  '  flaxen,  yellow,'  ha«,  like  so  many 
names  of  colours,  changed  its  meaning 
compared  with  the  Germ.  word. 

£3Iducl,  m.,  'beetle,  rolling-pin,'  de- 
rived from  the  following  word. 

Mttuert,  vb.,  'to  beat,  drub';  instinc- 
tively allied  by  Germans  to  blau  (bfau 
fcfylagen,  'to  beat  black  and  blue').  It  is 
based,  however,  on  a  str.  vb.,  MidHG.  bliu- 
wen,  OHG.  bliuwun,  'to  beat' ;  comp.  the 
equiv.  AS.  *ble6wan,  whence  E.  blow;  Goth. 
bliggwan,  'to  beat'  (with  an  excrescent  <#), 

for  bliwan.  The  root  seems  to  be  blu,  from 
bhlu-  ;  it  can  hardly  be  related  primitively 
to  blatt,  nor  is  it  possible  to  derive  *bliwan 
from  a  root  bhliw  for  b'-ligw  from  bhligh 
(comp.  ©dmtf,  9Uerc),  and  to  compare  it 
with  hat.  fltger*. 

"^fccf),  n.,  'thin  metal  plate,  tin  plate,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  blkch,  OHG. 
bleh,  n. ;  it  corresponds  to  OIc.  blik,  n., 
'gold,  thin  plate  of  gold.'  In  Eng.  the 
word  is  not  to  be  met  with  ;  it  is  formed 
by  gradation  from  the  root  blik,  which 
appears  in  blfid)ett,  and  means  'shining.' — 
j3Ied)ett,  'to  pay  money,'  comp.  beruvpm. 

blcdtcn,  vb.,  '  to  show  one's  teeth,  grin,' 
from  MidHG.  blecken,  'to  become  visible, 
show,'  OHG.  b'ecclien  (Goth.  *blokjan). 
Factitive  of  a  Goth.  *blikun,  which,  accord- 
ing to  the  law  of  the  permutation  of  con- 
sonants, is  cognate  with  Gr.  <t>\i-yu,  '  to 
burn,  shine'  (comp.  0X07-  in  #X6£, '  flame '), 
Lat.  flagro,  '  to  burn,'  and  the  Sans,  root 
b/irdj,  '  to  shine.'  OHG.  btycclien  also 
means  '  to  lighten,  gleam,  shine  forth.' 
For  further  details  see  UMifc. 

l$Iet,  i)., '  lead,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
bit  (Gen.  bliwes),  OHG.  bllo  (for  *bltw), 
'  lead ' ;  it  corresponds  to  OIc.  bltf;  Goth. 
*bleiwa-  is  wanting.  Tlie  word  cannot  be 
traced  farther  back  ;  it  is  not  found  in 
Eng.,  the  term  used  being  lead  (Du.  loot ; 
comp.  2ct). 

blcibctt,  vb., '  to  remain,  continue,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  bliben,  OHG.  biliban ; 
comp.  the  corresponding  AS.  belt/an,  Goth. 
bileioan,  '  to  remain '  (the  factitive  of  which 
is  bilaibjan,  '  to  cause  to  remain,  leave 
over ' ;  AS.  Ice/an,  E.  to  leave).  It  is  allied 
neither  to  Lat.  linquo  nor  to  Gr.  Xt/xw,  to 
which  IetJ)en  is  more  akin  ;  biltbo,  '  I  re- 
main,' must  be  based  on  pre-Teut  lipd 
(Sans,  root  lip,  '  to  adhere  ')  ;  Gr.  \11rap6i, 
'greasy,  shining,'  Xbrot,  n.,  'fat,'  Xlirop^w, 
'  I  persist,'  comes  nearest  to  the  meaning 
of  the  lent.  vb.  ;  comp.  OSlov.  lipnati, 
Lith.  lipd,  'to  adhere,  remain.'  With  the 
former  meaning, '  to  adhere,'  ModHG.  2eber 
is  connected,  and  with  the  latter,  '  to  per- 
sist, abide,'  the  ModHG.  8eib  and  gfbtit. 
See  the  separate  words. 

bletcf),  adj., '  pale,  wan,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bleich,  OHG.  bleih;  comp.  AS. 
bide,  bltece,  E.  bUai;  Du.  bleek,  OIc  bleikr, 
'pale,'  from  the  root  blik  appearing  in 
bWidjen.  Derivatives  :  ModHG.  SMetd^e,  f., 
'  bleaching,  bleach ing-yard,  wan  appear- 
ance ' ;  fcleidjfti,  '  to  bleach,  turn  pale. 


(    35    ) 


bleidjen,  vb.,  '  to  lose  colour,'  etbleicfyen, 
'  to  grow  pale,'  from  MidHG.  blichen,  *  to 
shine,  blush,'  OHG.  blihhan;  comp.  AS. 
bllccu>,  MidM  bltken,  'to  turn  pale' ;  OIc. 
blikja,  '  to  appear,  shine,  lighten.'  The  i 
root  of  Slav,  blislcati, '  to  sparkle '  (for  *blig- 
skati),blesku,i splendour,' Lith.  blaivytis,  'to 
clear  up,'  is  more  closely  connected  with 
the  word  than  the  e  root  in  <l>\£yu,  *  to  burn, 
flame.'  The  pre-Teut.  form  of  the  root 
was  perhaps  bhlig,  meaning  '  lustre  '  (comp. 
also  93tedj,  Ueity  ;  further  OHG.  Mick,  see 
©H{$).— ]$teid)er(f),  m.,  'pale-red  wine, 
claret,'  a  recent  deriv.  from  bleidj. 

jlUcihc,  f.,  '  whitebait,  bleak,'  Du.  term 
for  a  sj)ecies  of  white  fish  ;  comp.  Du. 
blei,  MidLG.  and  MidDu.  bleie,  AS.  blcege, 
E.  *blay  ;  from  blajj&n  for  *blaigj&n  (comp. 
OHG.  reia,  AS.  rouge,  from  raigjon;  see 
under  CM)).  As  ModHG.  fHi<f e  is  a  parallel 
form  of  OHG.  rtia,  so  MidHG.  and  ModHG. 
(Swiss)  blicke  is  a  variant  of  LG.  bleie.  The 
primary  meaning  and  further  cognates  are 
uncertain  ;  OHG.  bleihha,  MidHG.  bleiche, 
Avould  point  to  a  connection  with  bleid) 
(comp.  OIc.  bligja,  '  to  glance  at '). 

blenben,  vb., '  to  blind,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  btynden,  OHG.  blpnten;  comp.  AS. 
btyndan,  whereas  E.  has  to  blind  based 
upon  blind;  factitive  of  blinb.  It  is  re- 
markable in  connection  with  this  word 
that  an  old  form,  *blandj<m,  as  it  would  be 
written  in  Golh.,  is  derived  by  gradation 
from  an  adj.  (blinds,  Goth.)  ;  a  str.  vb. 
blindan,  '  to  be  blind,'  has  never  existed. 
93lenbe,  'blind,  screen,'  first  found  in  Mod 
HG.,  is  a  deriv.  of  blenben. 

■^SUmMtng,  m.,  'mongrel,'  from  Mid 
HG.  blanden,  OHG.  blantan,  '  to  mix ' ; 
Goth,  blandan.  This  OTeut.  str.  vb.,  mean- 
ing '  to  mix,'  is  based,  according  to  the  laws 
of  the  permutation  of  consonants,  on  a 
pre-Teut.  root  bhlandh,  not  iound  in  any 
other  word. 

blelften,  *  to  patch,'  see  under  *piacfen. 

j&ItCR,  m.,  '  glance,  look,  gleam,'  from 
MidHG.  blick,  '  splendour,  lightning, 
glance';  corresponds  to  OHG.  blic  (blicches), 
in.,  'lightning'  (also blicfiur,  'electricity'). 
The  orig.  sense  of  the  MidHG.  word  was 
probably  fyellet  ©ttaf/l  (a  bright  flash),  (Strati 
bein^  used  figuratively  of  the  eye  as  of 
lightning  ;  the  physical  meaning  of  the 
stem  has  been  preserved  in  93li$.  The 
root  is  shown  under  bWcfen,  and  especially 
under  93lifc,  to  be  the  pre-Teut.  b'deg. 

blinb,    adj.,    'blind,'    from     MidHG. 

blint(d), '  blind,  dark,  murky,  hidden,  null,' 
OHG.  blint;  comp.  the  corresponding  Goth. 
blinds,  AS.  blind,  E.  blind.  An  ancient  but 
very  remarkable  factitive  form  from  this 
adj.,  with  no  parallel  str.  vb.,  is  blenben 
(Goth.  *blandjan).  It  is  still  undecided 
whether  d  is  an  old  partic.  suffix,  like 
Gr.  -tos,  Lat.  -tus,  Sans,  -tas ;  considering 
the  meaningof  the  word,  it  might  easily  be 
connected  with  the  Sans,  root  bhram,  '  to 
move  unsteadily '  (partic.  b/trdntd-s).  Yet 
its  kinship  with  Lith.  blandyti,  '  to  cast 
down  the  eyes,'  blindo,  blisti, '  to  grow  dark,' 
is  more  probable  (comp.  OIc.  blunda,  '  to 
close,  blink  the  eyes,'  E.  to  blunder). — An- 
other word  for  '  blind  '  in  the  Aryan  group 
is  Lat.  caecus,  Olr.  cdech;  Goth,  haihs,  cor- 
responding to  these,  means  '  one-eyed.' 
It  seems,  moreover,  that  in  i  he  Aryan  lan- 
guages there  were  no  terms  for  '  blind,  deaf, 
lame,  dumb,'  and  other  infirmities,  com- 
mon to  all  of  them  ;  there  is  only  an  agree- 
ment between  two  or  three  languages  at 

]23Itnl>fdjtetd)e,  see  under  fdjletcfjen. 

btmfcett,  vb., '  to  "learn,  twinkle,  blink,' 
first  occurs  in  ModHG.  ;  related  to  blank, 
blink,  adj.  ;  comp.  Du.  blinken,  MidE 
blinken,  E.  to  blink.  The  root  may  be  iden- 
tical with  that  of  bleiclfjen  (bltkm),  the  i- 
root  becoming  nasalised ;  blinfen  would 
then  be  regarded  as  a  verb  of  the  e  class, 
and  blanf  a  secondary  form. 

blinjeln,  vb., '  to  blink,  wink.'  It  may 
be  connected  with  blinb;  yet  comp.  also 
OIc.  blunda,  '  to  blink,'  and  Lith.  blandyti, 
'  to  cast  down  the  eyes.' 

"jKUf^,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
blitze,  blicz>;  blicz,  m.,  'lightning'  (Swiss 
even  now  blitzq  for  bliktz) ;  a  derivative 
of  MidHG.  bliczen,  'to  lighten,'  OHG. 
blecchazzen  (formed  like  the  equiv.  Goth. 
lauhatjun).  Allied  to  the  earlier  OHG.  and 
MidHG.  blic,  'lightning.'  The  Teut,  root 
blek  corresponds  to  Aryan  bhleg,  bhlog,  in  Gr. 
i>\iyu>,  '  to  burn,  blaze,'  <f>\6£, '  flame,'  Sans. 
bhrdj,  '  to  radiate,  sparkle  '  (whence  Sans. 
bharga{s),  ' splendour,'  and  bnrgu,  'the  spe- 
cial gods  of  light '),  as  well  as  Lat  fulgur, 
fulmen  (for  *fidgmeri),  '  lightning.'  To  the 
Aryan  root  bhleg  the  following  also  belong: 
Du.  bliksem,  OSax.  bliksmo,  bliksni,  'light- 
ning,' Du.  blaken,  '  to  flame.'  AS.  blascern, 
blacern,  '  candlestick '  (see  93lafcr),  and  per- 
haps blanf  (comp.  further  blerfen  and  93li(f ). 

j$Iodt,  m.,  'block,  log,  prison,'  from 
MidHG.  bloch,  '  log,  plant,  a  sort  of  trap.' 


(    36    ) 


In  the  latter  signification  (to  which  Mid 
HG.  bloclcen,  *  to  put  in  prison,'  is  related) 
it  represents  OHG.  bil6h  (with  syncopated 
i;  see  other  similar  examples  under  bei), 
*  lock-up,'  which  belongs  to  an  OTeut.  str. 
vb.  l&kan,  *  to  lock '  (comp.  further  E.  lock; 
see  ?od)).  The  meaning '  log,  plank '  (Mid 
HG.  b'.och),  is  probably  based  on  a  different 
word,  which  is  most  likely  related  to  93alfm; 
even  in  OHG.,  bloh  occurs.  The  cognates 
passed  into  Rom.  (Fr.  bloc,  bloquer),  whence 
again  ModHG.  blccftercn,  E.  to  block. 

bfdbe,  adj.,  'weak,  dim-sighted,  imbe- 
cile,' from  MidHG.  blocde,  *  infirm,  weak, 
tender,  timid,'  OHG.  bttdi,  OSax.  bim, 
'timid.'  Comp.  AS.  bledp,  'weak/  OIc. 
blaufrr  ;  Goth.  *blauj?us, '  weak,  powerless,' 
may  be  inferred  from  its  deriv.  wk.  vb. 
Uaupjan, '  to  render  powerless,  invalid,  to 
abolish'  According  to  the  permutation  of 
consonants,  the  pre-Teut.  form  of  the  adj. 
may  have  been  bhl&utu-s,  with  the  primary 
meaning  *  powerless,  weak.'  Yet  the  stem 
cannot  be  traced  farther  back.  From  this 
word  Fr.  Slouir,  '  to  dazzle/  is  borrowed. 

blofcett,  vb.,  '  to  bleat,'  ModHG.  simply, 
of  LG.  origin.  Comp.  LG.  bloken,  blelcen, 
MidDu.  bloiken. 

blonb,  adj., '  blonde,  fair,'  from  MidHG. 
blunt{d),  'fair,'  which  first  appears  when 
the  Fr.  influence  began  (about  1200  A.D.), 
and  is  undoubtedly  of  Fr.  origin.  Fr.  blond, 
Ital.  biondo,  MidLat.  blundus,  give  the  im- 
pression that  these  words  were  borrowed 
from  Teut.,  especially  since  other  Tent. 
names  of  colours  have  been  adopted  by 
Rom.  (comp.  blau,  btanf,  braun).  The  earl  ier 
periods  of  OTeut.  have,  however,  no  adj. 
blunda-.  The  connection  of  MidLat.  and 
Rom.  blundo with  blinb  (OIc.  blunda)  maybe 
possible  (comp.  Lith.  pry-blinde, '  twilight'), 
especially  as  the  meaning  of  the  names  of 
colours  is  variable. 

blofj,  adj.,  'bare,  destitute,  mere,'  from 
MidHG.  bl6%.  'exposed,  naked'  ;  it  corre- 
sponds to  MidLG.  and  MidDu.  bloot, '  bare,' 
AS.  bledt,  'poor,  wretched'  (OIc., 
'  soft,  fresh,  tender,'  as  well  as  OHG.  M63, 
'proud,'  have  a  divergent  meaning).  On 
account  of  the  UpQ.  and  LG.  Mutt  (dial.), 
Swed.  blott,  'unfledged,  uncovered,  unclad,' 
the  origin  of  Teut.  blauto-,  'mere,'  is  dubi- 
ous.    Perhaps  btcfcc  is  a  cognate. 

blufcen,  vb.,  'to  bloom,  flower,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  bliien,  blilejen,  OHG. 
bluqjan;  a  wk.  vb.,  which,  however,  judging 
by  AS.  bldivan  (E.  to  blow),  'to  bloom,'  formerly  strong  ;  Goth.  Hldjan.  The 
Teut.  stem  bid-  has  a  wide  ramification  in 
particular  dialects;  the  primary  se: 
'  to  bloom.'  It  is  further  apparent  in  many 
words  for  Sfatt  ('leaf')  and  Slume  ('flower1); 
see  the  following  word,  where  the  non- 
Teut  cognates  are  discussed. 

"JUfltmc,  f.,  'blossom,  flower,'  from  Mid 
HG.  b'uome,  m.,  f.,  OHG.  bluoma,  f.  (bluomo, 
m.)  ;  comp.. OSax.  bl6mo,  Goth.  bl6ma,  AS. 
bloma,  E.  bloom,  -man-  is  a  deriv.  sullix  ; 
the  root  bid  (see  Hufte")  shows  that  SMttnie 
is  lit.  'the  blooming  plant.'  The  follow* 
ing  an;  also  Teut  cognates  of  5Mume  : — 
Du.  bloesem  (besides  bloem),  AS.  bldstm, 
blostma,  E.  blossom;  perhaps  their  s  be- 
longs, however,  to  the  root ;  this  is  indi- 
cated by  MidDu.  bloscn,  'to  bloom,'  which 
points  to  the  close  connection  between  E. 
blossom  and  Lat.  flortre  for  *Jl6se-re,  JlCs 
(flor-is  for  *Jlosis).  A  root  bhl6  without 
this  s  appears  in  Olr.  bldth,  '  blossom,'  K. 
dial,  blooth,  'flower.'  See  further  the  fol- 
lowing word,  also  35lute  and  93fatt. 

"gUltJI,  m.  (Suab.  and  Swiss,  bhceSf,  n.), 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  bluost,  f.,  '  bio.— 
som';  Goth.  *blos-ts  is  connected  perhaps 
with  the  Aryan  root  bhl6s,  'to  bloom,'  pre- 
served in  AS.  U6s-tma,  hut./lorere  (for  *Jlds- 
ere).     See  SBlume  and  93lute. 

j&Iuf,  n.,  '  blood,  race,'  from  the  eqniv. 
MidHG.  bluot,  OHG.  bluot,  n.  ;  it  corre- 
sponds regularly  to  Du.  bloed,  AS.  b!6d,  E. 
blood.  An  OTeut  word  meaning  '  blood,' 
which  is  common  to  all  the  dialects  ;  comp. 
Goth,  bldfra-  (for  *bl6da-).  Pre-Teut.  Uldto- 
does  not  appear  in  any  cognate  language 
with  the  same  meaning.  The  Aryan  lan- 
guages have  no  common  word  for  blood. 
With  respect  to  the  Teut  word,  it  is  still 
undecided  whether  it  belongs  to  a  root  bl6, 
'to  bloom.'  Comp.  also  E.  to  bleed  (for 
*blodjan).  For  33lureo,ct  see  3gc(.  2Mut; 
in  compounds  like  btutjuno.,  bdttarm,  has 
nothing  to  do  with  Slut,  but  is  dial,  with 
the  meaning '  bare,  naked ' ;  UnG.  and  LG. 

blufrtmfftfl,  see  runjluj. 

bluff,  see  blobe. 

"§\li\lc,  f.,  'blossom,  bloom, prime,' from 
the  plur.  of  the  equiv.  MidHG.  bluot,  plur. 
bliiete,  OHG.  bluot,  plur.  bluoti,  f.  ;  Goth. 
*bl6J>s,  AS.  blid.  See  bluett,  JBlume,  SStufr, 
Slut,  and  Slatt. 

"23od)er,  Jew.,  'youth,  student,'  from 
Hebr.  back&r,  'youth.' 

^ocft,  m.,  'buck,  he-goat,  ram,'  from 


(    37    ) 


the  equiv.  MidHG.  bock  (gen.  bockes),  OHG. 
boc,  in.  ;  corresponds  to  Du.  bole,  AS.  bucca, 
E.  buck,  OIc.  bulckr  and  bultkr  (Gotli.  *bukks, 
*bid-ka,  m.).  Like  so  tnany  name3  of  ani- 
mals (comp.  e.g.  Slue,  @cifj),  33ocf  too  may- 
have  descended  from  primit.  Aryan  times  ; 
comp.  Olr.  bode,  from  primit.  Kelt,  bucco-. 
Although  it  is  not  quite  impossible  tliat 
the  whole  Tent,  class  was  borrowed  from 
Kelt.,  yet  it  seems  more  probable,  on 
account  of  Armen.  buc,  'lamb,'  and  Zend 
biiza,  'he-goat'  (Aryan  primitive  form 
bhuga),  that  it  was  only  primit.  akin  to 
Kelt.  Fr.  bouc  maybe  derived  from  Tent 
or  Kelt.  Another  OTeut.  word  (related 
to  Lat.  caper,  Gr.  ic&irpos)  is  preserved  in 
ModllG.  Jpabcrgetjj.— Serf,  'mistake,'  Mod 
HG.  only,  seems  to  be  a  pun  due  to  Mod 
HG.  SScruofj,  '  blunder.'  The  origin  of  the 
phrase  ctueit  ©erf  fd)tejjen  Cto  commit  a 
blunder')  is  not  clear  ;  note,  however,  that 
etite  Severe  fcfytefjett  is  'to  fall  head  over 
heels.' — Sod  (whence  Fr.  boc),  for  ©erfbtcv, 
which  first  occurs  in  ModHG.,  is  an  abbrev. 
of  Giitborf  (now  (Simberfcr  SMcr);  comp.  the 
origin  of  Skater. 

■gjo&sbeitfel,  m.,  'old  prejudice,'  first 
occurs  in  ModHG.,  and  connected  instinc- 
tively by  Germans  with  23orf ;  it  is,  how- 
ever, of  LG.  origin,  bocks-  representing  boks 
('of  the  book').  The  women  of  Hamburg 
used  to  carry  their  hymn-books  at  their  side 
in  a  satchel,  which  they  were  always  fond  of 
wearing.  When  applied  to  a  sort  of  bottle, 
93crfdbeutct  has  a  different  origin,  and  means 
properly  '  the  scrotum  of  the  buck.' 

j$OOCU,  m.,  'bottom,  ground,  soil,  loft,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  boden,  bodem,  gen. 
bodemes  (the  dial.  ModHG.  bodem  is  still 
used,  comp.  the  proper  name  SBofcnter), 
OHG.  bodam,  m.,  which  still  exists  in  the 
cognate  dialects  and  language*.  OHG. 
bodam  points,  however,  not  to  Goth.  *bu}>- 
ma-,  but,  with  a  remarkable  irregularity,  to 
*budna-,  the  corresponding  AS.  botm,  E. 
bottom,  exhibiting  a  further  irregularity  in 
the  dental.  Goth.  *budna-  seems  probable, 
since  the  non-Teut.  languages  of  the  Aryan 
stock  point  to  bhudhme»,  bhudhn.6-  as  the 
*tem  ;  Gr.  trvO^v,  6  (lor  *<pvdfj.fy,  see  bieten), 
'bottom' ;  hut.  fundus  (for  *fudnus),  Sans. 
budhnd-  (for  *bhudhnd-,  by  the  same  rule 
as  in  Gr.).  It  is  a  primit.  Aryan  word, 
with  the  meaning  'bottom,  ground,'  but  is 
not  connected,  however,  with  a  str.  vb.  in 
any  Aryan  language. — SBobenfee  obtained 
its  name  during  the  Carolovingian  period 

(formerly  Lacus  Briyantinus,  <Lake  Con- 
stance') from  the  imperial  palace  at  Bo- 
dema  (now  Bodmann),  which  may  be  the 
plur.  of  the  subst.  S3ocen. 

"giJoomeret,  f.,  'money  advanced  on  the 
security  of  the  ship's  keel  or  bottom'  (i.e. 
the  ship  itselfX  from  Du.  bodmerte,  E. 
bottomry  (whence  Fr.  bomerie). 

33ofirt,  m.,  '  puck-ball,'  ModHG.  only, 
properly  'knave's fizzling'  (see  under  Jyift); 
comp.  AS,  iculfes  fist,  the  name  of  the  plant 
(E.  bulljist),  of  which  Gr.-Lat.  lycoperdon  is 
a  late  imitation. 

^.JoctCtt,  to.,  '  bow,  arc,  vault,  sheet  (of 
paper),'  from  MidHG.  boge,  OHG.  bogo,  m., 
'bow';  comp.  AS.  boga,  E.  bow;  Goth. 
*bnga.  Properly  a  deriv.  of  btegctt,  hence 
orig.  '  curve,  bend,'  connected  with  the 
equiv.  cognates  of  93ud)t ;  comp.  further 
the  primit.  Teut.  compounds  (IKeitbccjcn, 

■gSofcte,  f.,  'plank,  board,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  bole;  comp.  OIc.  bolr 
(whence  E.  bole),  '  trunk  (of  a  tree)' ;  per- 
haps connected  with  MidHG.  boln,  '  to 
roll,'  Gr.  <pd\ay*,  '  trunk.'    See  33ofhmf. 

■ggofittC,  f.,  '  bean,'  from  MidHG.  bdne, 
OHG.  bona,  {.;  the  corresponding  AS. 
bean,  E.  bean,  Du.  boon,  OIc.  baun,  have 
the  same  meaning.  The  early  existence  of 
this  word  is  attested  by  the  name  of  the 
Fris.  islands,  Baunonia.  It  has  not  vet 
been  possible  to  find  a  connecting  link 
between  the  primit.  Teut.  term  and  the 
equiv.  Lat.  faba,  OSlov.  bobu  (Gr.  </>o.k6s, 

bofencit,  vb.,  '  to  wax  (a  floor),  polish,' 
first  occurs  in  ModHG.  from  the  equiv. 
LG.  b6nen ;  comp.  Du.  bocnen,  '  to  scour,' 
AS.  bdnian,  'to  polish'  (E.  dial,  to  boon, 
'to  mend  roads').  Allied  to  these  is  the 
MidHG.  bfanen  (orig.  HG),  '  to  polish ' 
(Goth.  *bdnjan).  The  Teut.  root  bdn,  from 
pre-Teut.  b/idn,  'to  shine,  glitter,'  is  pro- 
bably connected  with  the  Gr.  root  4>ou> 
(if>aivw),  Sans,  bhdnu,  'sheen,  light,  ray,' 
Olr.  bdn,  'white.' 

j^johncttftcb,  'bean-song'  (in  the  phrase 
ehvafl  gcl)t  fiber  taS  83c()iienlieb,  applied  to 
something  incomparably  good) ;  the  word 
may  be  traced  as  far  back  as  the  15th  cent., 
but  the  song  itself  has  not  been  discovered. 
It  may  have  been  an  obscene  poem,  since 
the  bean  among  various  nations  is  adopted 
as  the  symbol  of  lewdness  (comp.  the 
mediaeval  bean-feast,  Gr.  xvavtfia). 

"^dfenfeofc,  m., '  bungler,  clumsy  work- 


(    38    ) 


man,'  first  found  in  ModHG. ;  generally 
asserted  to  be  a  popular  corruption  of  Gr. 
f}&vav<ros,  which  means  '  artisan  ; '  but  it  is 
inexplicable  how  ihe  Gr.  word  found  its 
way  into  popular  speech.  It  is  more  pro- 
bably of  real  German  origin,  although  the 
primary  meaning  cannot  be  got  at ;  we  must 
begin  with  the  fact  that  the  word  is  native 
to  LG.,  and  is  chiefly  used  in  Tailors' 
Guilds.  We  must  probably  regard  hase  as 
a  LG.  form  for  §ofe  (see  3lberg(aube,  9lbebar). 
33cf)tt  is  generally  considered  to  be  a  LG. 
word  for  39ur>ne,  'garret';  hence  93of)tu)afe 
is  perhaps  '  one  who  makes  breeches  in  the 
garret,  petty  tailor '  (opposed  to  one  whose 
workroom  is  on  the  first  floor). 

bobrcn,  vb.,  '  to  bore,  pierce,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  born,  OHG.  bordn;  coinp. 
the  corresponding  Du.  boren,  AS.  borian, 
E.  to  bore  (and  bore,  'hole  made  by  boring')  ; 
Goth.  *badr6n.  The  prim.  Teut.  bdrdn, '  to 
bore,'  is  primit.  cognate  with  Lat.  forare, 
'  to  bore,  Gr.  <f>apa.u,  '  I  plough ' ;  Sans. 
bhurij,  '  scissors,'  belongs  to  the  same  root, 
and  in  Ir.  there  is  a  verbal  root  berr,  from 
bherj,  meaning  '  to  shear.'  The  primary 
meaning  of  tins  root  bhar,  which  differs 
from  that  appearing  in  ©eburt  and  Lat, 
fern,  Gr.  <p£pw,  was  probably  'to  fashion 
with  a  sharp  instrument.'  Comp.  ModHG. 
dial.  93cf>rer,  '  woodlouse,'  E.  bore. 

"gSot,  m.,  '  baize,'  ModHG.  only,  from 
LG.  baje,  Du.  baai,  which  is  borrowed  from 
Rom.  (Fr.  boie) ;  perhaps  E.  baize  is  pro- 
perly a  plur. 

"g&oifalfy  m.,  «  bay-salt,'  ModHG.  only, 
of  LG.  origin,  for  ffiaifalt ;  comp.  93ai  and 
E.  bay-salt. 

jJBoje,  f.,  'buoy,'  from  the  LG.  b'je,  Du. 
boei,  E.  buoy,  which  are  borrowed  from 
Rom.  ;  comp.  Fr.  boude,  '  buoy,'  OFr.  buie, 
*  chain,  fetter,'  whence  MidHG.  boie,  '  fet- 
ter.' The  ultimate  source  of  the  word  is 
Lat.  boja, '  fetter ' ;  the  buoy  was  originally 
a  floating  piece  of  wood  with  a  rope  fastened 
to  it. 

"gjolcben,  m., '  cod,'  like  93eld)e  (1.),  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  balche;  of  obscure  ori- 

:bolb,  in  compounds  like  SRaufbolb,  3Bi|$- 
bofb,  &c,  from  MidHG.  bolt,  gen.  boldes ; 
it  is  the  unaccented  form  of  the  MidHG. 
adj.,  bait,  '  bold,'  which  is  discussed  under 

botfceit,  vb.,  'to  roar,  bleat,'  ModHG. 
only,  and  perhaps  cognate  with  bfdcn, 
which  had  formerly  a  wider  signification 

than  in  ModHG.  ;  comp.  Du.  bulktn,  '  to 
bellow,  bleat' 

boll,  adj., 'stiff  (of  leather),  brittle, hard' ; 
ModHG.  only  ;  origin  obscure. 

■^.'ollc  (1.),  f.,  'onion,'  properly  iden- 
tical with  the  following  word  ;  both  arc 
subdivisions  of  a  probable  primary  mean- 
ing, 'bulbaceous'  It  is  hardly  probable 
that  Gr.  j3oX/36y,  Lat.  bulbus  (whence  E.  bulb), 
'  bulb,  onion,'  had  any  influence  on  the 
meaning.     See  also  3»tcbe(. 

|3oUc  (2.),  '  bulb,'  from  MidHG.  bolle, 
OHG.  bolla,  f.,  '  bud,  bowl ' ;  comp.  the 
corresponding  AS.  bolla,  'vessel,  bowl,' 
E.  bowl  (ModHG.  95int>tf,  is  borrowed  from 
Eng.).  Interesting  forms  are  OHG.  hir- 
vibolla,  'skull,'  and  the  equiv.  AS.  hed- 
fodbolla.  It  is  evident  that  there  was 
orig.  some  such  idea  as  'boss-shaped'  in 
the  OTeut.  word  ;  comp.  further  MidHG. 
boln,  OHG.  boldn,  '  to  roll,  throw,  hurL' 

poller,  m.,  'small  mortar  (for  throw- 
ing shells),'  ModHG.  only,  a  deriv.  of  the 
MidHG.  boln,  '  to  throw,'  mentioned  under 
the  preceding  word  ;  comp.  late  MidHG. 
boler,  '  catapult.' 

■^JoIIttJerfc,  n.,  'bulwark,  bastion,'  from 
late  MidHG.  bolweri;  'catapult,  bulwark,' 
in  the  former  sense  cognate  with  the  pre- 
ceding word  ;  in  the  latter  probably  con- 
nected with  93cl;le ;  Du.  bolwerk,  E.  bul- 
wark. The  Teut.  word  in  the  sense  of '  bul- 
wark,' which  belongs  to  it  since  the  15th 
cent.,  found  its  way  into  Slav,  and  Rom. 
(Ru.«s.  bolverk,  Fr.  boulevard). 

jBol,},  "g3ol3Cn,  m.,  'short  arrow-bolt,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  bolz,  OHG.  bolz, 
m. ;  comp.  the  equiv.  OIc.  bolte,  AS.  bolt,  E. 
bolt;  allied  to  Du.  bout,  'cramp-pin.'  The 
word  has  the  same  meaning  in  all  dialects, 
and  in  all  the  various  periods  of  the  Teut. 
languages.  We  may  assume  a  pre-Teut. 
bh\d6s,  with  the  meaning  '  bolt,  dart ' ;  yet 
no  such  word  outside  the  Teut.  group  can 
be  adduced.  99cl$m  cannot  be  immediately 
akin  to  MidHG.  boln,  '  to  throw,  hurl,'  since 
the  Teut.  t  could  not  be  explained  as  a 
deriv.  from  pre-Teut  d.  But  it  is  at  least 
possible,  on  account  of  the  great  antiquity 
of  the  cognates,  that  they  were  borrowed 
from  Lat.  catapulta  and  remodelled. 

■§3omba(tn,  m.,  'bombasine,'  ModHG. 
only,  from  Fr.  bombasin,  whence  also  E. 
bombasine;  the  original  word  is  Lat-Gr. 
bombyx,  'silkworm,  silk.' 

jSontbalf,  m.,  borrowed  in  the  18th 
cent,  from  E.  bombast,  which  is  not  cognate 


(    39    ) 


with  iro/iwi},  'pomp,  parade,'  Fr.  pompe ;  iis 
orig.  sense  is  '  cotton,'  then  '  padding,'  and 
finally  'inflated  language.'  Its  ultimate 
source  is  Lat.  bombyx;  comp.  the  preceding 

"gjoof,  n.j  'boat,'  ModHG.  only  (not 
found  in  Luther),  borrowed  from  LG. 
boot;  comp.  the  equiv.  Du.  boot,  AS.  bdt, 
E.  boat,  OIc.  beitr.  This  word,  which  is 
still  unknown  to  the  UpG.  dialects,  is  at 
all  events  native  to  England,  whence  it 
made  its  way  during  the  AS.  period  into 
OIc.  (bdtr),  and  in  MidE.  times  to  the  Con- 
tinent (Du.  boot).  The  origin  of  AS.  bdt, 
OIc.  beitr,  has  not  been  discovered ;  like 
many  other  nautical  terms,  this  word  too 
is  first  recorded  in  Eng.  Moreover,  the 
assumption  that  the  word  was  borrowed 
in  primit.  Teut.  times  must  be  discarded. 

"gBorb,  m.,  '  board,' borrowed,  like  many 
other  nautical  expressions  (see  the  preced- 
ing word),  from  LG.  Bord,  as  a  naval  term, 
is  found  very  early  in  AS.,  where  it  is 
explained  by  tabula;  in  HG.  the  word 
would  end  in  t,  as  MidHG.  and  OHG.  bort 
(gen.  bortes),  'ship's  side,'  testify;  besides 
Otanb  or  Oiamft  is  the  more  frequent  term 
in  UpG.  for  what  is  called  b.rd  in  LG. 
E.  board  combines  two  quite  different 
words ;  the  one,  AS.  bora,  signifies  lit. 
'  board,  plank '  (Goth.  fCtubaurd,  '  foot- 
board,' to  which  Du.  dambord,  'draught- 
board,' is  allied),  and  is  primit.  cognate 
with  HG.  Srett ;  the  other  means  only 
'  edge.'    See  Sort  and  Srett. 

"g&Svbe,  f.  (the  Sorbe  of  Soest),  'fertile 
plain,  plain  bordering  on  a  river';  from 
LG.  borde,  MidLG.  geborde,  'department,' 
prop.  '  propriety,'  corresponding  in  form  to 
OHG.  giburida. 

3$oroeU,  n.,  'brothel,'  ModHG.  only, 
from  Fr.  bordel  (whence  also  E  bordd 
and  brothel),  a  Rom.  deriv.  from  Ger.  Sort, 
'board,'  and  meaning  orig.  'a  hut.' 

botbievctl,  vb.,  '  to  border  (a  dress),' 
from  Fr.  border,  which  comes  from  Ger. 

"gSoretfd),  "§3orrdfcf),  m.,  'borage' 
from  the  equiv.  Fr.  bourrache  (comp.  Ital. 
borragine),  whence  also  the  E.  term. 

borgctt,  vb.,  'to  borrow,  lend,'  from 
MidHG.  borgen,  OHG.  borgln,  orig.  'to 
watch  over,  spare  a  person,'  then  'to  remit 
him  his  debt,  to  borrow '  •  also  '  to  be  surety 
for  something' ;  similarly  AS.  borgian,  'to 
protect'  and '  to  borrow,'  E.  to  borrow.  Since 
the   meaning   'to  watch  over'  underlies 

both  borgett,  '  to  borrow,'  and  burden,  '  to  be 
responsible,'  the  word  may  be  compared 
with  OBulg.  brega,  'I  take  care  of.'  The 
root  may  have  been  Teut.  borg-,  pre-Teut. 
bhergh- ;  perhaps  bergen  is  to  be  connected 
witli  the  same  root. 

I&otke,  f.,  'bark,'  a  LG.  loan-word, 
which  is  not  found  in  UpG.  The  proper 
HG.  is  {Riiibe.  Comp.  LG.  barke,  Eng. 
and  Dan.  bark,  OIc.  bqrkr,  'bark';  Goth. 
*barkus  is  not  recorded.  Its  connection 
with  bmjen  (in  the  sense  of  'concealing') 
may  be  possible  as  far  as  its  form  is  con- 
cerned ;  but  on  account  of  Sans.  bhUrja,  m. 
'  birch,'  n. '  birch-bark,'  its  relation  to  Sirfe 
is  more  probable. 

"^ortt,  m.,  'fountain,'  LG.  form  for 
HG.  Srunnen. 

1$5rfe,  f.,  from  Mill  II G.  burse,  'purse, 
small  bag,'  also  '  a  number  of  persons  living 
together,'  OHG.  burissa,  'pocket.'  Comp. 
Du.  beurs;  of  Rom.  origin  (Fr.  bourse,  Ital. 
borsa) ;  the  Rom.  class  is  derived  finally 
from  Gr.  ftipoa,  'hide.'  This  word  sup- 
planted an  OTeut.  term  which  shows  a 
similar  development  of  meaning — OIc 
pungr,  'leather  bottle,  scrotum,  purse,' 
Goth,  puggs,  OHG.  scazpfung,  '  purse.' 

JKorfl,  m.,  '  burst,  chink,'  from  bcrflen. 

gBorfle,  f.,  '  bristle,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  borste,  f.,  burst,  borst,  m.,  n.,  OHG. 
burst,  m.,  n.  ;  comp.  AS.  byrst,  and  with  a 
suffix  /,  brj/stl,  E.  bristle;  Goth.  *baurstus 
or  *baursts,  f.,  is  not  recorded.  Bars-  is 
the  Teut.  form  of  the  root ;  comp.  further 
E.  bur,  from  AS.  *burr  (for  *burzu-,  pro- 
perly '  bristly ').  Pre-Teut.  bliers-  shows 
itself  in  Olnd.  bhrS-(i-,  'point,  prong,  cor- 
ner'; also  in  Lat.  fastigium,  'extreme 
edge '  ?.     Comp.  SurjU. 

"28ort,  n.,  'board,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  bort;  comp.  Goth,  fdtubaurd,  'foot- 
stool,' OSax.  and  Du.  bord,  AS.  bord, '  board, 
shield,  table,'  E.  board  (see  Sorb).  The 
OTeut.  word  bord  meant  tne  same  as  Srett, 
to  which  it  is  related  by  gradation  ;  the 
apparent  metathesis  of  re  to  or  is  OTeut., 
as  in  forfd)en  in  relation  to  fracjen  ;  Srett, 
Sort  mav  be  represented  in  Ind.  as  brddhas, 
brdhas.  "  See  Srett. 

"gjorfc,  f.,  'ribbon  or  trimming  of  gold 
thread  and  silk,'  the  earlier  meaning  is 
simply  'border';  MidHG.  borte,  'border, 
frame,  ribbon,  lace'  (comp.  further  the 
cognate.  Sorb),  OHG.  borto,  'seam,  trim- 
ming' (whence  Ital.  bordo, '  border,  frame,' 
Fr.  bord). 


(    40    ) 



bflfc,  adj.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
base,  OilG.  b6si,  •  bad,  useless,  slanderous.' 
A  word  peculiar  to  (Jerm.,  not  found  in 
the  other  dialects  ;  the  primary  meaning, 
lidding  from  OHG.  bCsa,  *  buffoonery,' 
\usdn,  'to  vilify,'  was  probably  'speaking 
malevolently.'  If  -si-  were  regarded  us  a 
sullix,  Gr.  <f>au\ot  (perhaps  for  <pav<r-\os), 
with  the  evolution  of  meaning  'trifling, 
bad,  wicked,'  would  be  connected  with  befe. 

'g&ofcwidyt,  nii,  'villain,  scamp,' from 
MidHG.  bccseu-Utt,  OHG.  bOsiwiht.  See 

"§305f)Cif,  'malice,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  bdsheit,  without  mutation,  because  t, 
the  cause  of  the  mutation,  was  soon  synco- 
pated.    (S'tnpvren  is  not  cognate. 

boflTdn  (1.1  vb.,  'to  play  at  skittles' ; 
allied  to  MidHG.  bSzen  (without  tiie  de- 
riv.  I),  'to  strike'  and  'to  play  at  skittles.' 
See  Slmbcfj  and  93cute(. 

boffcln  (2.),  vb.,  'to  work  in  relief,' 
from  Fr.  bosseler,  whence  also  E.'  to  emboss. 

"giote,  in.,  'messenger,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bote,  OHG.  boto;  comp.  OLG. 
and  ODu.  bodo,  AS.  boda,  'messenger.'  To 
this  a3ctfd)aft,  from  MidHG.  boteschaft, 
botschqft,  OHG.  botoscaft,  butascaf  (OSax. 
bodscepi,  AS.  bodscipe),  is  related.  See 
<Ed)aft.  Bote  (Goth.  *buda)  is  the  name  of 
the  agent,  from  the  root  bud,  Aryan  bhudh, 
appearing  in  bitten. 

^ioltdycr,  ii».>  'cooper,'  name  of  the 
agent,  from  the  following  word. 

12.>oUid),  m.,  'tub,  vat,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  botech,  boteche,  ni ,  OHG.  botahha, 
f.  ;  it  is  probably  related  to  the  cognates 
of  ^utte ;  comp.  further  AS.  bodig,  E.  body, 
OHG.  budeming,  perhaps  also  ModHG. 
93ebett  1.  Considering  the  deriv.  of  Mod 
HG.  93ifd)of  from  episcopus,  we  may  assume 
that  93cttid)  is  allied  to  Lat-Gr.  apotheca; 
comp.  Ital.  bottega  (Fr.  boutique). 

"^Uowlc,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  E.  bowl.  See 
Q3oUe  (2.). 

boxen,  vb.,  ModHG.  only,  from  the 
equiv.  E.  to  box. 

brad),  adj.  (espec.  in  compounds  such 
as  93rad)felb,  &c),  'uncultivated,  fallow,' 
merely  ModHG.  In  MidHG.  there  is  only 
the  compound  brdchmdn6t,  'June,'  which 
contains  a  subst.  brdche,  1'.,  OHG.  brdhha 
(MidLG.  brdke)y  'aratio  prima,'  as  its  first 
component ;  93rad)e  is  'turning  up  the  soil 
after  harvest ' ;  from  brcd)en. 

^3  retch,  n.,  'refuse,  trash,'  from  Mid 
LG.    brak,    'infirmity,    defect,'    properly 

'  breach ' ;  comp.  E.  brack  ('  breach,  flaw  '). 
See  crcd)cn. 

p.>  niche,  in.,  'setter,  beagle,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  MidLG.  bracke,  OHO, 
braccho ;  scarcely  akin  to  AS.  race,  E. 
ra<h  ('setter'),  and  OIc.  rakke;  in  this 
case  the  initial  6  of  the  Ger.  word  would 
be  equal  to  bi  (see  be;,  bet),  which  U 
improbable.  E.  brack  ('setter,  beagle'), 
from  MidE.  brache,  is  derived  from  OFr. 
brache,  which,  with  its  Rom.  cognates 
(comp.  I  till,  bracco,  Fr.  braque,  bracket),  is 
of  Ger.  origin.  If  we  must  assume  Goth. 
*brakka-,  the  word,  on  account  of  the  mean- 
ing 'hound,'  might  be  connected  with  Lut, 
fragrare,  'to  smell  strongly.' 

j$radm>afrer,  n.,  'brackish  water,'  first 
occurs  in  ModHG.,  from  LG.  brakwater, 
comp.  Du.  brakwater;  to  this  E.  bra<k 
('salt'),  Du.  brack,  'salty,'  ate  allied;  E. 
brackish  water. 

jSrcicjen,  m.,  'brain'  (LG.),  from  Mid 
LG.  bregen,  equiv.  to  Du.  brein,  E.  brain, 
AS.  brcegea;  no  other  related  words  are 

fram,  see  QkemBfeve,  uerbramen. 
ramfecjel,  n.,  'gallant-sail' ;  "§3ram- 
flancjC,  f.,  'gallant-mast,'  ModHG.  only  ; 
of  Du.  origin ;  comp.  Du.  bramzeil,  with 
the  same  meaning. 

2$ ret  no,  m.,  'fire,  conflagration,  morti- 
fication, blight,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
brant{d),  OHG.  brant,  m. ;  comp.  AS. 
brand,  E.  brand,  OIc.  brandr,  'brand,  resi- 
nous wood';  from  bremten.  The  root  is 
bren  (from  the  Germ.,  the  Rom.  cognates 
Ital.  brando,  '  sword,'  Fr.  brandon,  '  torch,' 
are  derived).  S3raiibniarfcn,  'to  burn  in  a 
mark,'  first  occurs  in  ModHG. 

brcmben,  vb., '  to  surge,'  ModHG.  only, 
from  LG.  and  Du.  branden,  wliich  is  con- 
nected with  93ranb,  and  means  lit.  'to 
blaze,  to  move  like  flames' ;  from  this 
Q3raitbung  is  formed. 

"jHJranocr,  m.,  ModHG.  only,  from  the 
equiv.  Du.  brander,  'a  ship  filled  with 
combustibles  for  setting  the  vessels  of  the 
enemy  on  fire,  fireship.' 

lSraf)tte,  f,  'outskirts  of  a  wood.'  See 

"gJraflTc,  f., '  rope  at  the  end  of  the  sail- 
yards,  brace,'  first  occurs  in  ModHG.,  from 
Du.  bras,  Fr.  bras  (from  brachium),  pro- 
perly 'arm,'  then  'a  brace  (on  a  yard).' 
Ukafjen, '  to  brace,  swing  the  yards  of  aship,' 
is  Du.  brassen,  from  Fr.  brasser ;  comp.  also 
K  brace  (*  a  yard  rope '),  of  the  same  origin. 


(    4i    ) 


|Srttf]fett,  in.,  '  bream,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  bra/isen,  brasem,  OHG.  brahsa, 
bralisima,  brahsina,  m.,  f. ;  the  UpG. 
dialects  still  preserve  the  form  Skadjeme 
(the  forms  95ra(Te,  f.,  SSraftnt,  m.,  are  Mid 
LG.  and  MidGer.).  Comp.  the  equiv. 
Du.  brasem,  E.  brasse.  From  OGer.  is  de- 
rived Fr.  brSme  (horn  brahsme  ?),  whence  E. 
bream  is  borrowed.  The  class  belongs  per- 
haps to  an  OTeut.  str.  vb.  brehioan,  'toshine.' 

"g^rafcn,  ra1  'roast-meat,'  from  Mid 
HG.  brdte,  OHG.  brdto,  m.  ;  in  the  earlier 
periods  of  the  language  the  word  has  the 
general  meaning  'tender  parts  of  the  body, 
flesh,'  but  in  MidHG.  the  modern  mean- 
ing is  also  apparent.  To  this  AS.  brcede, 
'  roast-meat,'  is  allied.  Comp.  the  follow- 
ing word. 

btCltetl,  vb.,  '  to  roast,  broil,  fry,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  brdten,  OHG.  brdtan  ; 
comp.  Du.  braden,  AS.  brmlan,  'to  roast' ; 
a  Goth.  str.  vb.  *bredan  is  to  be  assumed. 
The  root  may  have  been  a  pre-Teut.  b/ired/i 
or  bhrit;  in  support  of  the  latter  we  may 

Serhaps  adduce  OHG.  brddam,  quoted  un- 
er  '-Bcobcm.  53ruten  (Goth.  *brbdjari)  might 
also  be  assigned  to  the  same  root.  The 
pre-Teut.  bhrSdli  is  also  indicated  by  Gr. 
vprflu  (if  it  stands  for  <pprjQw  ?),  *  to  consume, 
set  on  fire'  (chiefly  in  combination  with 
vvpi).    See  also  SMb^tet. 

brcittcfjen,  vb.,  '  to  use,  need,  want,  re- 
quire,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  brUcheu, 
OHG.  brdhhan;  comp.  the  corresponding 
AS.  brAcan,  'to  enjoy,'  also  'to  digest, 
tolerate,'  E.  to  brook;  Goth.  *br£kjan,  'to 
use,  enjoy.'  Notfound  Scand.  The 
pre-Teut.  form  of  the  root  bhrUg  accords 
with  Lat.  fruor,  which  originated  in 
*fruvor  for  *frugvor ;  the  Lat.  partic. 
fructus,  which  phonetically  is  identical  with 
gcbraudjt  and  Goih.  br-Ahts,  shows  the  final 
guttural  of  the  root,  ami  so  does  Lat.  fruges, 
&c.  The  following  are  Teut.  noun  forms 
from  the  root  brUk  (bhrAg)  :  ModHG. 
J8wu#,  m.  (comp.  OHG.  brA'i),  Goth. 
brdis,  AS.  brtfce,  OHG.  brAchi,  'service- 
able, useful.' 

"jBrauc,  £>  '  eyebrow '  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  brd,  brdwe,  OHG.  brdica,  f. ;  a 
pre-Teut.  and  more  remotely  old  Aryan 
word,  which  was  perhaps  *brhva  in  Goth. 
The  OGall.  and  Kelt,  brlva,  identical  with 
this  word,  signifies  'bridge,'  and  is  especi- 
ally important  as  proving  the  connection 
between  these  cognates  and  those  of  33rncff. 
OHG.  brdxca  (Aryan  bhriwd)  is  related  by 

gradation  to  Aryan  bhrA,  which  is  proved 
by  AS.  brA,  E.  broxo,  OSlov.  bruvi,  Sans. 
bluH,  Gr.  6-<frpvs.  Comp.  further  Olc.  brd, 
OLG.  brdha  (for  brdica),  AS.  brdiw,  m., 
and  also  perhaps  Lat.  frons,  '  forehead.'  A 
widely  diffused  Aryan  root.  The  ModHG. 
SBWMK  has  added  to  the  stem  the  suffix  n, 
which  belonged  to  the  declension  of  the 
weak  form  93ratte  (comp.  39ieite) ;  similarly 
Olc  br&n,  corresponding  to  AS.  brA,  was 
formed  from  bril  and  the  n  of  the  weak 
declension  (in  AS.  the  gen.  plur.  is  brAna). 
23taue,  like  the  names  of  many  limbs  and 
parts  of  the  body  (see  gu§,  9liere,  £crj,  ?ebcr, 
9htfe),  originated  in  the  primit.  Aryan 
period.  The  orig.  meaning,  however,  of 
the  primit.  Aryan  bhrft-s  ('  eye)-brow,'  is 
as  difficult  to  discover  as  that  of  ^frj.  See 
also  33viicfe. 

braxxen,  vb ,  'to  brew,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  brAwen,  briuwen,  OHG.  briuwan; 
comp.  the  corresponding  Olc.  brugga,  Du. 
brouwen,  AS.  bre&tvan,  E.  to  brew.  To  the 
OTeut  root  bru  (from  Aryan  bhru-,  bhrSw), 
'  to  brew,'  which  may  be  inferred  from 
these  verbs,  belongs  Phryg.-Thrac.  fipvrov, 
'  beer,  cider,'  which  perhaps  stands  for  Gr. 
*<ppvrov,  also  Lat.  defrUtum,  'must  boiled 
down,'  Olr.  bruthe,  'broth,'  bruth,  'live 
coals,  heat,'  bruith, '  cooking.'  It  is  shown, 
moreover,  under  93rob  that  the  meaning  of 
the  root  bhru-  was  at  one  t  i  me  more  general ; 
comp.  further  trebetn.  On  account  of  the 
gutturals,  Gr.  <ppvyu,  Lat.  frtgo,  cannot  be 
cognates.     Comp.  also  hotetn,  93rob. 

brcum,  adj.,  'brown,'  from  MidHG. 
brAn,'  brown,  dark-coloured,  shining,  spark- 
ling,' OHG.  brAa;  comp.  the  correspond- 
ing Du.  bruin,  AS.  brdn,  E.  brown, 
Olc.  brfrnn.  This  Teut.  term  passed  into 
Rom.  (comp.  the  cognates  of  ltal.  bnmo, 
Fr.  bran;  see  SBlcnb) ;  hence  also  Lith. 
brunas,  'brown.'  The  proper  stem  of  Aryan 
biir-Hna-,  appears  in  Lith.  beras,  '  brown  ' 
(comp.  93ar),  and  reduplicated  in  OInd. 
babhru-s,  '  reddish  brown,  bay '  (this  form 
of  the  adj.  being  apparently  a  common 
Aryan  term  for  a  brownish  mammal  living 
in  water  ;  comp.  93iber) ;  hence  it  may  be 
right  to  assign  Gr.  4>pi»>ri,  <ppvvos,  '  toad,'  to 
this  root.  Respecting  9?raun  as  a  name  for 
the  bear,  see  93ar.— "•?.',  ninne.  f.,  from  Mid 
HG.  briune,  '  brown Nft'  related  to  r-raun 
(as  a  malady,  '  brownish  inflammation  of 
the  windpipe '). 

gratis,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
brtis, '  noise,  tumult' ;  perhaps  cognate  with 


(      42      ) 


AS.  br$san,  E.  to  bruue.—btaufetl,  vb., 

•  to  roar,  bluster,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
br&sen ;  comp.  Du.  bruisen,  'to  bluster,' 
from  bruit,  'foam,  froth' ;  to  this  93raufe, 
f.,  •  watering-pot,'  also  belongs. 

■JJrau  fd)C,  f., '  bump,  bruise,'  from  Mid 
HgT br&iche,  '  a  swelling  with  blood  under- 
neath' ;  to  this  E.  brisket  and  OIc.  brj6sk, 
'  gristle,'  are  allied.  The  stem  common  to 
all  these  must  have  meant '  roundish  ele- 

jBrauf ,  f., '  bride,  betrothed,'  from  tlie 
equiv.  MidHG.  brAt,  OHG.  brAt,  f.  Goth. 
brAps  (stem  brAii-)  means  *  daughter-in- 
law  ' ;  from  this  comes  brA}>-faJ)s,  '  lord  of 
the  bride '  (faf>s  corresponds  to  Gr.  »6<rts, 
which  stands,  as  v&rvia  indicates,  for  v&tis, 
corresponding  to  OInd.  patis,  '  lord '),  i.e. 

*  bridegroom.'  The  MidHG.  brAt  signifies 
'the  young,  newly  married  woman' ;  the 
borrowed  ModFr.  bru,  earlier  bruy,  is,  on 
account  of  its  meaning,  connected  most 
closely  with  Goth.  brAfcs.  '  daughter-in- 
law  '  ;  comp.  vtfupy,  '  betrothed,  bride, 
daughter-in-law.'  In  Eng.  we  may  com- 
p;ire  AS.  brpd,  '  betrothed,'  E.  bride,  which 
are  primit.  allied  to  the  Germ.  ;  comp.  also 
E.  bridal,  from  AS.  br§d-ealo,  hence  orig. 
'  bride-ale.'  E.  bridegroom  is  based  upon 
E.  groom,  and  represents  AS.  brtfdguma, 
the  second  component  of  whicli  is  Goth. 
guma,  '  man,'  corresponding  to  Lat.  homo 
(primary  form  ghomon).  The  ModHG. 
©rdutiflam  is  identical  in  etymology  with 
the  AS.  word  ;  comp.  OHG.  brAtigomo,  Mid 
HG.  briutegome,  in  which  the  first  part  is 
properly  gen.  sing.  (comp.  9lad)tiijafl).  The 
Teut.  root  form  brAdi-  has  not  yet  been 
explained  etymologically  ;  it  is  a  word 
peculiar  to  Teut.,  like  28eib  and  grau. 
Goth,  qino,  'woman,'  MidHG.  hone,  are 
based  on  an  ancient  form  ;  comp.  Gr.  71*1), 
Sans,  gnd,  '  woman.' 

brat>,  adj.,  '  excellent,  manly,  brave,' 
ModHG.  only,  from  Fr.  brave,  the  origin 
of  which  is  not  established  (from  Lat.  bar- 

bred)cn,  vb., '  to  break,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  br'echen,  OHG.  brehhan  ;  comp.  the 
corresponding  Goth,  brikan,  OLG.  and  AS. 
brecan,  E.  to  break,  Du.  brehen,  '  to  break.' 
From  a  root  brek  common  to  Teut.,  which 
is  derived  from  pre-Teut  bhreg  ;  comp.  Lat. 
frangere,  the  nasal  of  which  is  wanting  m 
frSg-i.  The  ModHG.  SBradbfctb,  $8ru<$,  *8ro- 
d en,  are  formed  by  gradation  from  the  same 

^i,  see  ^racjen. 

gjrct,  m.,  '  broth,  pottage,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  bi-tf  brie,  m.,  OHG.  brio,  m., 
allied  to  Du.  brij,  AS.  brtw,  '  pottage ' ; 
Goth.  *breiwa-  (Goth.  *breiws  is  related  to 
OHG.  brio  in  the  same  way  as  Goth,  saiws 
to  OHG.  seo).  It  is  hardly  possible  that 
the  word  is  connected  with  the  root  br&, 
discussed  under  rrauen.  Did  a  root  brt, '  to 
cook,'  exist?  comp.  OIc.  brtme, '  fire.'  Gr. 
tppivau  (root  <j>plK)  has  been  suggested. 

brcif,  adj., '  broad,  wide,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  breit ;  it  corresponds  to 
OSax.  brid,  Du.  breed,  AS.  brdd,  E.  broad, 
Goth,  braids,  'broad.'  Probably  from  pre- 
Teut.  mraitd-,  akin  to  the  root  mrit  pre- 
served in  Sans., '  to  fall  to  pieces '  (properlv 
'to  extend'?). 

'SBreme,  '  edge,  border.'     See  ttertrdmen. 

prcmc,  ^Sremfe,  f., '  gadfly.'  Comp. 
MidHG.  br'&me,  brem,  OHG.  bremo,  'gadfly.' 
Sremfe  is  LG.  for  HG.  ©rente ;  comp.  OLG. 
brimissa,  AS.  brimse,  MidE.  brimse.  OHG. 
bremo  would  be  in  Goth.  *brima,  m.,  SBremfc, 
Goth.  *bri»tisi,  f.  Yet  E.  breeze  (horsefly) 
cannot  be  cognate,  since  bredsa  (and  not 
brimes)  is  its  AS.  form.  The  root  of  93remfe, 
discussed  under  rrummeu,  is  brem  (pre-Teur. 
bhrem,  hat.  fremere), '  to  buzz,  hum,'  whence 
also  Sans,  bhramara,  m.,  '  bee.' 

"gSretttfe,  f.,  'drag-shoe,'  from  MidHG. 
brimse,  f.,  '  barnacle,  muzzle.'  It  cannot 
be  identified  with  93remfe,  'gadfly'  (see 
Sreme),  because  the  latter  indicates  a  Goth. 
brimisi,  while  SBremfe,  'drag-shoe,'  points 
to  a  Goth,  brami'sjd.  For  Sirentff,  'drag,' 
dialectal  forms  such  as  bram  (with  a  aud 
the  loss  of  the  suffix  s)  have  been  authen- 
ticated, but  of  a  root  brain  with  some  such 
meaning  as  '  to  press,  squeeze,'  there  is  no 
trace.  The  suffix  s  recalls  Goth,  jukuzi, 
'yoke,'  from  the  equiv.  juk;  comp.  also 
aqizi,  'axe.' 

brennen,  vb.,  'to  bum,  scorch,  sting, 
distill';  it  combines  the  meanings  of  Mid 
HG.  brinnen,  str.  vb.,  '  to  burn,  give  light, 
shine,  glow,'  and  its  factitive  brennen,  wk. 
vb.,  '  to  set  fire  to,  cause  to  bum' ;  the  for- 
mer is  Goth.,  OHG.  and  OLG.  brinnan, '  to 
burn'  (intrans.),  the  latter  Goth,  brannjan, 
'  to  set  tire  to.'  Comp.  AS.  birnan  (intrans.), 
bcernan,  bernan  (trans.).  E.  to  burn,  is 
trans,  and  intrans.,  like  the  ModHG.  word. 
Under  S3ranb  attention  is  called  to  the  fact 
that  only  one  n  of  the  Goth.  verb,  brinnan 
belongs  to  the  root ;  the  second  n  is  a 
suffix  of    the  present  tense  (comp.  also 


(    43    ) 


tinnen,  rmnen) ;  the  form  with  simple  n  is 
seen  in  AS.  bri/ne,  'conflagration'  (from 
bruni).  A  root  bren-,  pre-Teut.  bhren,  with 
the  meaning  '  to  burn,'  has  not  yet  been 
authenticated  in  the  other  Aryan  lan- 

bren&eln,  vb.,  'to  taste  burnt,'  first  oc- 
curs in  ModHG.  a  frequentative  form  of 

^veffie,  f.,  'breach,  gap,'  ModHG. 
only,  from  Fr.  brbche,  whence  also  the 
equiv.  Du.  bres.  The  Fr.  word  is  usually 
traced  back  to  the  OG.  stem  of  bredjett. 

"§3rctf ,  n., '  board,  plank,  shelf,  counter,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  br'et,  OHG.  br'et, 
n.  ;  corresponds  to  AS.  bred,  n. ;  Goth. 
*brid,  n.  It  has  been  shown  under  53ort, 
'board,'  that  the  OTeut.  word  for  SSrett  had 
two  stems,  primarily  identical  and  sepa- 
rated only  by  gradation,  viz.,  bredo-  and 
bvrdo-,  whose  connection  might  be  repre- 
sented thus :  Iud.  bradhas  is  related  to 
brdhas,  as  Aryan  bhre'dhos  is  to  bhrdhds,  n. ; 
MidHG.  br'et  combines  the  meanings  'boai  d, 
6hield,'  &c,  like  AS.  bord;  see  also  Jtctb. 

^refjel,  m.,  f.,  'cracknel],'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  bnzel,  also  breze,  OHG. 
brezitella  and  brizita  (bergita)  ;  allied  to 
Bav.  die  bretzen,  Suab.  briitzg,  brdtzet,  Alsat. 
brestell.  The  Suab.  form  as  well  as  OHG. 
brizzilla  presupposes  a  Teut.  e;  but  the 
vowel  sounds  of  the  remaining  forms  are 
uncertain.  It  is  most  frequently  referred 
to  MidLat.  brdcellum  (whence  brazil,  and 
by  mutation  brSzil  1),  or  rather  brdcliiolum, 
'little  arm'  (the  different  kinds  of  pastry 
are  named  from  their  shape  ;  comp.  e.g.  Mid 
HG.  krdpfe,  'hook,  hook-shaped  pastry') ; 
MidHG.  broezte  would  be  brdc/iilum.  From 
OHG.  brezitella  the  Mo.iHG.  ©retjhlle 
(Strassb.)  was  produced,  while  breztella  was 
resolved  by  a  wrong  division  of  syllables 
into  93rebf;telle ;  thus  we  deduce  in  Mod 
HG.  Xavfe  from  5»fitapff,  *'•«.  Sufisjlapfe. 
The  absence  of  the  word  in  Rom.  (yet  comp. 
Ital.  bracciatello)  seems  to  militate  against 
the  derivation  of  the  whole  of  this  class  Irom 
Lat.  bracchium.  In  that  case  OHG.  brgita, 
brezita,  might  perhaps  be  connected  with 
AS.  bi/rgan,  '  to  eat,'  Olr.  bargen,  '  cake.' 

^Srtef,  m.,  'letter,  epistle,' from  MidHG. 
brief,  OHG.  brief,  m. ;  from  Lat.  brSvis 
(scil.  libellus)  ;  the  lengthened  S  from  6  in 
words  borrowed  from  Lat.  becomes  ea  and 
then  ie  (comp.  $rU jler) ;  Lat.  brevis  and 
breve,  '  note,  document.'  The  HG.  word 
had  originally  a  more  general  signification, 

'  document,'  hence  the  ModHG.  vcrbricfen. 
MidHG. and  ORQ.brief,  'letter,  document,' 
and  generally  'a  writing.'  When  the 
OTeut.  Runic  characters  were  exchanged 
for  the  more  convenient  Roman  letters 
(see  fcfjreibett  as  well  as  SJud?),  the  Germans 
adopted  some  terms  connected  with  writ- 
ing ;  OHG.  briaf  appears  in  the  9th  cent, 
(the  Goth,  word  is  bbka,  'document'). 

grille,  f.,  'spectacles,'  from  late  Mid 
HG.  barille,  berille,  brille,  '  spectacles '  (Du. 
bril) ;  properly  the  gem  Lat.-Gr.  beryllus 
(the  syncope  of  the  unaccented  e  is  amply 
attested  by  banu,e,  bleibeit,  gtauben,  &c.'  ; 
comp.  99m)f(. 

brittgett,  vb.,  'to  bring,  accompany,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  bringen,  OHG. 
bringan ;  comp.  OSax.  brengian,  Du.  bren- 
gen,  AS.  bringan,  E.  to  bring,  Goth,  brig g an, 
bringan,  'to  bring.'  The  Aryan  form  of 
this  specially  Teut.  word,  which  is  want- 
ing only  in  OIc,  would  be  bhrengh  (bhrenk  ]) ; 
no  cognates  are  recorded. 

"§3rinb,  m.,  'grassy  hillock,  green 
sward,'  from  LG.  brinJc,  comp.  OIc.  brekka 
(from  *brink6),  f.,  both  meaning  '  hill ' ; 
akin  to  E.  brink,  and  OIc.  bringa,  '  mead.' 

brtnnen,  see  bremten. 

■glrife,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  E.  breeze 
(whence  also  Fr.  brisel;, 

■j^roc&e,  "g&rodien,  m.,  '  crumb,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  brocke,  OHG.  broccho, 
m. ;  Goth.  *brukka,  m.,  for  which  gabruka, 
f.,  occurs :  formed  by  gradation  from 
bred)en  (comp.  Jrctte  from  treten) ;  deriva- 
tives biotfctit,  breefdio,. 

TUrocnpcric,  f.,  *  rough  pearl,'  ModHG. 
only,  from  Fr.  baroque,  Port,  barocco  (Span. 
barueco),  'oval.' 

brobeltt,  brubeln,  vb..  'to  bubble,' 
from  MidHG.  brodeln,  vb. ;  hence  MidHG. 
aschenbrodele,*  scullion,'  from  which  9lfd?en- 
brcbcl,  '  Cinderella,'  comes.     See  93rot. 

"gSrobcttt,  m.,  '  fume,  exhalation,'  from 
MidHG.  brddem,  m.,  'vapour,'  OHG.  brd- 
dam,  '  vapour,  breath,  heat'  AS.  brde.}>, 
'  vapour,  breath,  wind,'  E.  breath,  are  per- 
haps cognate,  so  too  ModHG.  braiv  n  1. 

g&vombeerc,  f.,  'blackberry,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  brdmber,  OHG.  brdmberi; 
lit.  '  bramble-berry,'  OHG.  brdmo,  Mid 
HG.  brdme  (also  '  briar '  generally).  Akin 
to  AS.  br&m,  E.  broom  (ModHG.  ©ram, 
'broom  for  besoms);  AS.  brSmel,  'thorny 
plant,'  E.  bramble,  Du.  braam,  'bramble- 
oush,  whence  Fr.  framboise. 

ISrofcmt,  in.,  "gjrofcunc,  f.,  'crumb'; 


(     44     ) 


connected  iu-tinctively  by  Germans  -with 
g*(si  and  Sameit ;  comp.,  however,  Mid 
IIG.  brdsem,  brCsme,  OHG.  brdsma,  OI.G. 
brtismo,  'crumb,  fragment'  (Goth.  *brausma, 
'crumb,'  is  not  recorded).  It  is  related 
either  to  the  Teut.  root  brut,  which  appears 
in  AS.  breOtan,  '  to  break,'  or  to  AS.  brysan, 
OFr.  bruiser  (E.  to  bruise),  from  a  Kelt.- 
Teut.  root  bras,  which  the  UpGerm.  dia- 
lects preserve  in  broffteii,'  'to  crumble' 
(whence,  too,  OSlov.  bruselu,  'sherd,'  brus- 
nati,  'to  wipe  off,  rub  off'). 

"jJSrofcrjcn,  n.,  'sweetbread,'  first  oc- 
curs in  ModHG.,  from  LG.  ;  com  p.  Dan. 
bryslce,  E.  brisket     See  S3raufcf)c. 

*g&tot,  ]).,  '  bread,  food,  leal,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  brCt,  OHG.  br6t,  n.  The 
form  with  t  is  strictly  UpGer. ;  comp.  LG. 
brOd,  Du.  brood,  AS.  bread,  E.  bread,  OIc. 
brautS.  The  old  inherited  form  for  93rot 
was  iaib  (Goth,  hlaifs)  ;  and  ancient  com- 
pounds like  AS.  Idafird  (for  *hldfward), 
'loafward,  bread-giver,'  E.  lord,  preserve 
the  OTeut.  word  (see  SJaib),  in  addition 
to  which  a  new  word  peculiar  to  Tent, 
was  formed  from  a  Teut  root.  To  this 
root,  which  appears  in  braucu,  we  must 
assign  the  earlier. and  wider  meaning  of 
'  to  prepare  by  heat  or  fire ' ;  comp.  AS.  and 
E.  broth  (Ital.  broda, '  broth,'  is  of  Teut.  ori- 
gin) and  hebrtn.  In  23ret  it  would  have 
the  special  signification  'to  bake.'  There 
is  a  strange  OTeut.  compound  of  33ret-, 
MidHG.  bVbrdt,  ModHG.  S3imembret,  AS. 
beObredd,  E.  beebread,  all  of  which  sig- 
nify 'honeycomb,'  lit.  'bread  of  bees'; 
in  this  compound  the  word  39vet  appears, 
singularly  enough,  for  the  first  time.  In 
earlier  AS.  the  modern  meaning,  'bread,' 
is  still  wanting,  but  it  is  found  even  in  OHG. 

^rud)  (1.),  m.,  '  breach,  rupture,  crack,' 
from  MidHG.  bruch,  OHG.  bruh,  m.  ; 
formed  by  gradation  from  bredjen. 

jKritd)  (2.),  m.,  n.,  'damp  meadow, 
marsh,  bog,'  a  Franc-Sax.  word  from  Mid 
HG.6ruoc/i,OHG.  bruohQih),  n.  m.,  'marshy 
soil,  swamp';  comp.  LG.  br6k,  Du.  broelc, 
'marsh-land,'  AS.  brdk,  'brook,  current, 
river,'  E.  brook.  Similarly  MidHG.  ouice 
combines  the.  meanings  of  'water-stream, 
watery  land,  island.'  It  is  possible  that 
WestTeut.  *broka-  is  allied  to  tredjen,  a 
supposition  that  has  been  put  forward  on 
account  of  the  AS.  meaning  'torrent' ;  in 
that  case  the  OHG.  sense '  swamp '  would  be 
based  upon  'a  place  where  water  gushes  out.' 

33ttld)  (3.),  f.,  n.,  'breeches,'  from  Mid 

HG.  bruoch,  OHG.  bruol,{hh),  f.,  'breech** 

covering  the  hip  and  upper  part  of  the 
thigh'  (akin  to  AS.  brec,  E.  breech)  ;  comp. 
the  corresponding  AS.  br6c,  plur.  brfa,  E. 
breeches,  MidLG.  br6k,  Du.  broek,  OIc.  brO/.; 
'  breeches.'  It  has  been  asserted  that  the. 
common  Teut.  br6k-  has  been  borrowed 
from  the  equiv.  Gall.-Lat.  brdca  (likewise 
Rom.,  comp.  Ital.  brache,  Fr.  bratcs) ;  but 
AS.  brec,  '  rump,'  shows  that  93rud)  contains 
a  Teut.  stem  ;  hence  the  Gall.-Lat.  word  is 
more  likely  borrowed  from  Teut. ;  comp. 

"j^ri'lCUC,  f.,  'bridge,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  briiclec,  OHG.  brucka,  f.,  which 
points  to  Goth.  *brugjo,  f.  ;  comp.  Du. 
brug,  AS.  bryg,  E.  bridge.  Besides  the 
meaning  'bridge,'  common  to  WestTeut., 
the  OIc  bryggja  (likewise  LG.  briigge)  is 
used  in  the  sense  of  'landing-place,  pier,' 
while  bru  (equal  to  ModHG.  93raue)  is  the 
proper  Scand.  word  for  'bridge.'  53rucfe 
(from  *brugj6-)  is  undoubtedly  allied  10 
OIc  bru;  no  common  Aryan  term  for 
bridge  can  be  found.  OSlov.  bruvl  also 
means  both  'eyebrow'  and  'bridge,'  and 
OHG.  brdira  (see  under  93raw)  is  identical 
with  OG.dl.  brine,  'bridge,'  both  of  which 
point  to  Aryan  bhrSicd.  With  regard  to  the 
transition  of  *braut  to  *brugi,  see  3u\3citc. 

'gjruber,  m.,  'brother,  friar,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  bruoder,  OHG.  bruodar ; 
comp.  Goth,  brujxir,  AS.  brCpor,  E.  brother; 
Du.  broeder,  OSax.  brdthar.  Inherited,  like 
most  words  denoting  kinship,  from  the 
period  when  all  the  Aryans  formed  only 
one  tribe,  without  any  dill'erence  of  dialect; 
the  degrees  of  relationship  (comp.  Dfyeint, 
better,  Qkfe)  at  that  period,  which  is  sepa- 
rated by  more  than  three  thousand  years 
from  our  era,  were  very  fully  developed. 
The  primit.  form  of  the  word  93rutcr  was 
bhrat6{r),  nom.  plur.  bhratores ;  this  is 
attested,  according  to  the  usual  laws  of 
sound,  both  by  Goth.-Teut.  brfifrar  and  Lat. 
frdter,  Gv.  <f>pdrijp,  OInd.  bhrdtar-,  OSlov. 
bratrii;  all  these  wonls  retain  the  old 
primary  meaning,  but  in  Gr.  the  word  has 
assumed  a  political  signification. 

^ri't^C,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
biiifje,  'broth,  sauce.'  The  root  of  the 
word  must  not  be  sought  in  rrauen,  which 
is  based  upon  bru-  ;  brii>je  would  be  in 
Goth,  br&ja,  Teut.  root  brd,  in  MidE.  breie, 
.MidDu.  broeye.  From  the  same  stem  Mid 
HG.  93rut  has  been  formed,  with  a  dental 
suffix.     The  wk.  vb.  is  briiren,   MidHG. 


(    45    ) 


briiejen,  bruen,  '  to  scald,  singe,  burn ' ; 
coinp.  Du.  broeijen,  '  to  warm,  brood ' ;  in 
earlier  ModHG.,  too,  etufjen  signifies  'to 
•brood.'  In  spite  of  the  meaning,  the  con- 
nection with  93rucfy  is,  on  phonetic  grounds, 

"jJ3ruI)(,  m.,  '  marshy  copse,'  from  Mid 
HG.  brtiel,  in.,  'low-land,  marshy  copse,' 
OHG.  bruil;  from  Fr.  breuil,  Prov.  bruelhy 
'thicket'  ;  of  Kelt,  origin  (brogil). 

bvixlicn,  vb., '  to  roar,  bellow,  low,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  briielen;  in  UpG.  dia- 
lects even  now  bride,  brilele.  The  remark- 
able short  u  of  ModHG.  compared  with 
MidHG.  He  may  be  explained  by  t]ie  prer. 
briilte,  where  the  shortness  of  the  vowel  is 
produced  by  the  following  double  conso- 
nant ;  OHG.  *bruowil6n\s  wanting  ;  allied 
perhaps  to  E.  brawl  1.  From  the  root  brd 
\*  to  scald  ')  in  the  sense  of  '  to  bubble'  ?. 

brummen,  vb.,  '  to  growl,  snarl, 
grumble,'  from  MidHG.  brummen,  wk.  vb., 
'  to  grow],  hum,'  a  deriv.  of  the  MidHG. 
str.  vb.  brimmen, '  to  growl,  roar '  (comp.  the 
equiv.  MidE.  brimmen).  This  again  is  cog- 
nate with  MidHG.  bremen,  OHG.  breman, 
6tr.  vb.,  'to  growl,  roar,'  since  mm  belongs 
properly  only  to  the  pres.  and  not  to  the 
other  tenses.  The  cognates  of  the  stem 
brem-,  which  these  verbs  indicate,  also  in- 
cludes OIc.  brim,  'surge,'  MidE.  brim, 
1  glow '  (E.  brimstone) ;  other  related  words 
may  be  found  under  SSrcmfe.  The  Tent, 
root  brem,  pre-Teut.  bhr'em,  appears  in  Lat. 
freinere,  '  to  gnash,'  with  which  some  are 
fond  of  comparing  Gr.  fipifieiv,  'to  rumble.' 
The  Olml.  bhram  as  a  verbal  stem  signifies 
'  to  move  unsteadily ' ;  bhramd,  n^  '  whirl- 
ing flame,'  bhrmi,  m., '  whirlwind.'  Hence 
the  meaning '  to  rush,  gnash,,  crackle,'  seems 
to  have  been  developed  from  a  vibrating 
motion,  especially  that  of  sound.  See  tho 
following  word. 

"§3nmft,  f,  'rutting-time,'  from  Mid 
HG.  brunft,  f., '  fire,  heat,  rutting  season  of 
deer,  cry.'  The  MidHG.  brunft  is  of  dual 
origin  ;  in  the  sense  of  '  heat'  it  belongs  to 
tuemieit,  S3vanb.  33runft,  '  the  rutting  season 
of  deer,'  was  rightly  connected,  as  early  as 
Lessing,  with  hummctt,  since  it  "indicates 
the  impulse  of  certain  animals  to  copula- 
tion, that  is  to  say,  of  those  that  roar  or 
bellow  in  the  act;  ignorance  and  negli- 
gence have  transformed  this  word  into 
23nmji"  (Lessing). 

3$rumt,  'gSrimncri,  "§3orn,  m.,  'foun- 
tain, spring,  well.'    The  form  with  the  me- 

tathesis of  the  r  is  LG.  ;  the  first  two  are 
based  upon  MidHG.  brunnet  m.,  '  spring, 
spring- water,  well ' ;  OHG.  brunno  (beside 
which  a  form  pfuzzi,  '  well,'  from  Lat.  pu- 
teus,  appears  in  OHG. ;  comp.  ^fufce).  It 
is  based  upon  an  OTeut.  word ;  Goth. 
brunna,  'spring,'  AS.  burna  (for  brunna), 
E.  bourn  ('brook').  Sruttnm  has  been 
derived  from  brennen,  for  which  a  primary 
meaning  'to  heave,  seethe '  (comp.  MidHG. 
LG.  s6t, '  well,  draw-well ')  is  assumed  with- 
out proof.  Gr.  <pp£a.p,  'well,'  scarcely  points 
to  a  root  bhru,  '  to  heave,,  bubble '  (cognate 
with  braum?) ;  nn  may  be  a  suffix,  as  per- 
haps in  ModHG.  Sciuic 

^3riinrtC,  f.,.  recently  borrowed  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  briinne  (OHG.  brunna),  f., 
'  breastplate ' ;  comp.  Goth,  brunjd  (whence 
OFr.  brunie),  OIc.  brynja,  AS.  byrne;  not 
from  brennm;  the  appellations  'glowing, 
shining,'  ecarcely  suit  the  earlier  leather 
breastplates.  Olr.  bruvnne, '  breast,'  is  more 
probably  allied.  From  Teut.  are  borrowed 
OFr.  broigne  and  OSlov.  brunja,  'coat  of 

^VUttff,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
brunst,  f.,  'burning,  fire,  glowr  heat,  devas- 
tation by  fire '  (SSnmjijeit,  see  SSnmft) ; 
OHG.  brunst,.  Goth,  brunsts.  In  Eng.  this 
deriv.  from  the  root  of  bremten  is  wanting 
(comp.  Jtunji  from  fctttten) ;  the  s  before  the 
suffix  t  is  due  lo  the  double  n  of  the  verb. 

jJSruff ,  f.,  '  breast,  chest,  pap,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  brust^OUG^  brustrf.;  it  cor- 
responds to  Goth,  brusts,  a  plur.  noun  (con- 
son,  stem),,  f.,.  Du.  and  LG.  borst.  In  the 
other  OTeut.  dialects  the  words  correspond- 
ing exactly  to  Goth,  brusts  are  wanting  ; 
they  have  a  peculiar  neut.  form :  AS.  breOst, 
E.  breast,  OIc.  brjdst,  OSax.  breost,  which 
are  related  by  gradation  to  HG.  33rujr.  This 
term  for  breast  is  restricted  to  the  Teut.  lan- 
guages (including  Olr.  bruinne, '  breast '  ?), 
the  individual  members  of  the  Aryan  group 
dilfering  in  this  instance  from  each  other, 
while  other  parts  of  the  body  (see  SBug) 
are  designated  by  names  common  to  all  of 
them.  Of  the  approximate  primary  mean- 
ing of  93ruji,  or  rather  of  the  idea  underlying 
the  word,  we  know  nothing ;  the  only  pro- 
bable fact  is  that  the  primitive  stem  was 
originally  declined  in  the  dual,  or  rather 
in  the  plural. 

;ltritf ,  f.,  '  brood,  spawn,  brats,'  from 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  bruot,  f.,  '  vivified  by 
warmth,  brood,  animation  by  warmth, 
brooding,  heat' ;  comp.  Du.  broed,  AS.  br6d, 


(    46    ) 


E.  brood.  The  dental  isderiv. ;  br6,  as  the 
root-syllable,  is  discussed  under  f8tut)t ;  the 
primary  root  signified  '  to  warm,  heat.' — 
briitcn.  '  to  brood,'  from  MidHG.  briieten, 
OHG.  bruoten  (Goth.  *br6djan) ;  com  p.  AS. 
bridan,  E.  to  breed  (with  the  further  signifi- 
cation *  to  beget,  bring  up ').  E.  bird,  AS. 
bridd,  '  the  young  of  birds,  little  bird.'  are 
often  incorrectly  allied  to  bruten  ;  AS.  bridd 
would  be  in  Goth.  *bridi  (plur.  bridja), 
and  consequently  the  connection  of  the  E. 
word  with  HG.  bruten  (Goth.  *br6djari)  be- 
comes impossible.  It  is  worth  noticing 
that  Du.  broeijen,  LG.  brayen,  and  ModHG. 
dial,  bcii^en  partake  of  the  meaning  of  bruteru 
See  bruben. 

p;}  it  be,  m.,  'bov,  lad,  rogue,  knave  (at 
cards),'  from  MidHG.  buobe  (MidLG.  bdve), 
m., '  boy,  servant,  disorderly  person'  (OHG. 
*buobo  and  Goth.  *b6ba  are  wanting);  a 
primit.  Ger.  word,  undoubtedly  of  great 
antiquity,  though  unrecorded  in  the  vari- 
ous OTeut.  periods  (yet  note  the  proper 
names  identical  with  it,  OHG.  Buobo,  AS. 
B6fa).  Comp.  MidDu.  boeve,  Du.  boef  (E. 
boy  is  probably  based  upon  a  diminutive 
*b6fig,  *b6fing).  'Young  man,  youth,'  is 
manifestly  the  orig.  sense  of  the  word  ; 
comp.  Bav.  bua,  'lover,'  Swiss  bua,  'un- 
married man.'  To  this  word  MidE.  babe, 
E.  buby  are  related  by  gradation ;  also 
Swiss,  babi,  bdibi  (most  frequently  tokxe- 
bdbi,  tittibdbi),  '  childish  person '  (Zwingli 
— "  SBaben  are  effeminate,  foolish  youths") ; 
akin  to  this  is  OHG.  Bubo,  a  proper  name. 
The  OTeut.  words  babo-bfibo  are  probably 
terms  expressing  endearment  (comp.  &tti, 
SBaff,  SDhtfune),  since  the  same  phonetic 
forms  are  also  used  similarly  in  other  cases  ; 
comp.  OSlov.  baba,  'grandmother';  further, 
Ital.  babbe'o,  'ninny,'  Prov.  babau,  'fop' 
(late  Lat.  babumis,  '  foolish '),  Ital.  babbole, 
'childish  tricks.' 

jSudj,  n.,  '  book,  quire,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  buoch,  OHG.  buoh,  n.  It  differs 
in  gender  and  declension  in  the  various 
OTeut  dialects ;  Goth.  bdka.  f.,  and  b6k, 
n.,  f.,  signify  '  letter  (of  the  alphabet) ' 
in  the  sing.,  but  'book,  letter  (epistle), 
document'  in  the  plur.  ;  akin  to  OSax. 
b6k,  '  book,'  Du.  boek,  AS.  bde,  f.,  equiv.  to  E. 
book.  The  sing,  denoted  orig.,  as  in  Goth., 
the  single  character,  the  plur.  a  combina- 
tion of  characters,  'writing,  type,  book, 
letter'  ;  comp.  Goth,  afstassais  bdkds, '  writ- 
ing of  divorcement '  ;  wadjabdkds,  '  bond, 
handwriting ' ;  frabauhta  bdka,   *  deed    of 

sale.'  The  plur.  was  probably  made  into 
a  sing,  at  a  later  period,  so  that  ModHG. 
93u<b  signified  lit.  '  letters  (of  the  alpha- 
bet).' The  OTeut  word,  which  even  on  the 
adoption  of  Roman  characters  was  not  sup- 
planted by  a  borrowed  word  (see  93rirf), 
made  its  way,  like  the  word  93ud)f,  into 
Slav,  at  an  early  period ;  comp.  OSlov.  buky, 
'beech,  written  character'  (plur.  bulcuve, 
'  l>ook,  epistle ').  Sucfc  was  used  in  the  ear- 
liest times  for  the  runes  scratched  on  the 
twigs  of  a  fruit-tree  (see  reifjni) ;  hence  it 
results  from  Tacitus  (Germania,  10)  that 
aSud)  (lit.  'letter')  is  connected  with  OHG. 
buohha, '  beech.'  The  same  conclusion  fol- 
lows from  the  Ger.  compound  Sudulabf, 
which  is  based  on  an  OTeut.  word — OHG. 
buo/istab,  OSax.  bScstaf,  AS.  bdesteef  (but  E. 
and  Du.  letter),  OIc.  bdhtafr.  Undoubtedly 
the  Germans  instinctively  connect  SSiufcjiabe 
with  95uc6  and  not  with  93tubf.  As  far  as  the 
form  is  concerned,  we  are  not  compelled  to 
accept  either  as  the  only  correct  and  primit! 
Teut.  word  ;  both  are  possible.  Historical 
facts,  however,  lead  us  to  regard  93udj ftabe  as 
93ucbenftab.  Willi  the  term  SBudbenftab  the 
early  Germans  intimately  combined  the 
idea  of  the  rune  scratched  upon  it,  and  con- 
stituting its  chief  value.  Comp.  the  follow- 
ingword  and  tRuttf. 

g3ucf)e,  f.,  '  beech,  beech-tree,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  buoche,  OHG.  buoh'ia;  AS. 
b6c-tre6w,  with  the  collateral  form  bice  (from 
boeciae),  E.  beech.  The  form  b6c  has  been 
preserved  in  E.  bucktruist,  buckwheat ;  comp. 
OIc.  b6k,  Goth.  *b6ka,  'lwech.'  The  name 
of  the  tree  is  derived  from  pre-Teut.  ; 
according  to  Lat.  fdgus,  '  beech,'  and  Gr. 
<j>ay6s,  <prjy6s,  its  Europ.  form  would  be 
bhdgos.  The  Gr.  word  signifies  'edible 
oak.'  This  difference  between  the  Gr. 
word  on  the  one  hand  and  the  Teut. -Lat. 
on  the  other  has  been  explained  "  by  the 
change  of  vegetation,  the  succession  of  an 
oak  and  a  beech  period";  "the  Teutons 
and  the  Italians  witnessed  the  transition 
of  the  oak  period  to  the  beech  period,  and 
while  the  Greeks  retained  <pny6t  in  its  orig. 
signification,  the  former  transferred  the 
name  as  a  general  term  to  the  new  forests 
which  grew  in  their  native  wastes."  Comp. 
(5iif.  Sud)e  is  properly  'the  tree  with 
edible  fruit'  (comp.  Gr.  ipayeiv,  'to  eat,' 
and  <pvy6s),  and  hence  perhaps  the  differ- 
ence of  meaning  in  Gr.  may  be  explained 
from  this  general  signification,  so  that  the 
above  hypothesis  was  not  necessary. 


(     47     ) 


jJ3ud)S,  m.,  "gjuchsbaum,  'box,  box- 
tree,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG. 
bultsboum;  formed  from  Lat.  buxus,  Gr. 
wv£os ;  comp.  Ital.  bosso,  Fr.  buis,  E.  box. 

"gHudjfe,  f.,  'box,  pot,  jar,  rilie,'  from 
MidHG.  biihse,  'box,  magic-box,  firelock' ; 
OHG.  buhsa,  from  *buhsja,  from  Gr.  irv£is, 
'  a  box  of  boxwood  (7ri5|os),  medicine-box.' 
The  Gr.  medical  art  was  in  vogue  in  the 
Middle  Ages  anions  all  civilised  nations, 
consequently  some  Gr.  medical  terms  found 
their  way  into  German.  See  ?lqt,  $flafhr. 
Comp.  AS.  and  E.  box,  ltal.  bossolo,  Fr. 
bossette,  'box.' 

■§3ucf)t,  f.,  'bay,'  first  occurs  in  ModHG, 
from  LG.  bucht;  comp.  Du.  bogt,  E.  bought 
(from  MidE.  boght),  'a  twist,  bend,'  and  E. 
bight  (from  AS.  byht) ;  properly  a  verbal 
abstract  from  btegeit. 

72.5ucfte(  (1.),  m.,  '  boss,  stud,'  from  Mid 
HG.  bucket,  m.,  f.,  'boss  of  a  shield' ;  from 
OFr.  bode  (whence  Fr.  boucle,  '  buckle '), 
which  is  based  on  Lat.  buccula,  '  beaver  of  a 
helmet,  boss.' 

■gjucfcel  (2.),  "gfucfcel,  m., '  back,  hump,' 
from  MidHG.  bucket.  The  Swiss  bukel  (not 
*buxel)  points  to  a  primary  form  bugg-  (see 
biegen,  SStiljel,  33itgel),  not  directly  to  budfen, 
from  biegen  (root  bug).  33ucfet  is  lit.  'a 
curve,  bend.' 

■§8udten,  vb.,  'to stoop,  bow,'  from  Mid 
HG.  biicken,  'to bend,  bow' ;  frequentative 
of  biec\en,  like  fofymucfen  of  fdjmiegen.  The 
Swiss  bukxfi  points  to  OHG.  bucchen  (Swiss 
bukx,  'bend ') ;  comp.  LG.  buclcen,  'to stoop.' 
See  33ucfel. 

"gSudrntfl,  m.,  'bloater'  (also  JBArftincj, 
based  on  33ucfttng,  'bow,'  from  biegen),  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  MidLG.  biickinc ; 
comp.  Du.  bokking,  which  is  probably  a 
deriv.  of  33otf,  Du.  bok,  'hircus';  in  fact, 
the  fish  is  also  called  boxhorn  (bockshorn) 
in  MidDu. 

J$ltOC,  f.,  *  booth,  stall,  shop,'  from  Mid 
HG.  buode,  f.,  '  hut,  tent ' ;  corresponds  to 
MidE.  b6J>e,  '  taberm*,'  E.  booth;  OIc.  b0S, 
f.,  'dwelling,  hut,  tent,'  has  a  different 
vowel,  and  is  based  on  the  widely  diffused 
root  bAbhd,  'to  dwell,  stay.'  By  a  dif- 
ferent derivation  E.  to  build,  AS.  bold, 
boil,  '  dwelling,'  OFris.  bold,  OIc.  b6l,  OLG. 
bodal,  are  produced  from  the  same  root. 
So  too  Olr.  both  (bothdn),  'hut,'  from 
*bu-to,  as  well  as  the  words  discussed 
under  baiten.  Lith.-Slav.  buda,  '  booth,' 
and  Bohem.  and  Silesian  33aube,  'shep- 
herd's hut,'  are  borrowed. 

'gSftflfel,  m., '  buffalo,  boor,  buff  (leather),' 
from  MidHG.  biiffel,  m.,  'ox';  borrowed 
from  Fr.  bufle,  Lat.  bubalus,  Gr.  /3ot5/3oXos; 
hence  also  E.  buff. 

"23ttfl,  m.,  '  bend,  flexure,  hock,  how  (of 
a  ship),'  from  MidHG.  buoc(g),  OHG.  buog, 
in.,  '  upper  joint  of  the  arm,  shoulder, 
upper  joint  of  the  leg,  hin,  hock' ;  comp. 
Du.  boeg,  'ship's  bow,'  AS.  bdg,  bdh,  'ar- 
mus,  ramus,'  E.  bough  ('the  joint  of  a  tree,' 
as  it  were).  The  Goth,  word  may  have 
been  *b6gus  (from  pre-Teiit.  bhdghu-s)  ; 
comp.  Sans,  bdhus  (for  bhdghu-s),  'arm, 
fore-arm,  fore-feet,'  also  Gr.  iraxw,  irijxvt 
(for  <t>axvs),  '  elbow,  fore-arm,  bend  of  the 
arm,'  Armen.  bazulc,  'arm.'  On  account 
of  the  Aryan  base  bhdghu-s  the  derivation 
of  ModHG.  33ug  from  biegen  (root  bug,  pre- 
Teut.  bhuk),  is  impossible.  The  ancient 
terms  for  parts  of  the  body,  such  as  9lnn, 
33 ug,  §erj,  Staff,  Stiere,  &c,  are  based  upon 
obscure  roots,  of  which  we  find  no  further 
trace  anywhere ;  they  belong,  in  fact,  to 
the  most  primitive  vocabulary  of  Aryan 
speech. — gSugfprief,  n.,  from  the  equiv. 
Du.  boegspriet;  comp.  the  equiv.  MidE. 
bouspret,  E.  bowsprit  (Fr.  beaupre"). 

^MxqcI,  m.,  'curve,  arc,  guard  (of  a 
gun),'  ModHG.  only,  derived  from  biegett 
(OTeut.  baug,  'ring,'  corresponding  to  §ugef 
from  OTeut.  haug)  ;  comp.  Du.  beugel, 
'  hoop,  stirrup.' 

"gjurjel,  fKitr>I,  m.,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  biihel,  OHG.  bull,  buhil,  m., '  hill' ; 
it  is  probably  rightly  referred  to  the  Aryan 
root  bhuk,  bhUg,  '  to  bend.'  See  biegcn  and 

2;{uf)fe,  m.,  'lover,  paramour,'  from 
MidHG.  buole,  in.,  'near  relative,  lover, 
sweetheart ' ;  likewise  MidHG.  buole,  f., 
'  lady-love  '  (OHG.  Buolo,  m.,  as  a  mascu- 
line  name  only)  ;  the  implied  correspon- 
dences in  the  cognate  Teut.  dialects  are 
not  recorded.  It  is  scarcely  disputable, 
however,  that  a  primit.  Germ,  word  lies 
at  the  base  of  33iU)tf.  Since  33ube  in  Up 
Germ,  dialects  signifies  'lover'  also,  it  is 
perhaps  connected  with  33lU)lf,  which  may 
be  a  term  of  endearment  formed  from  it, 

IMubnc,  f.,  'stage,  gallery,  orchestra,' 
from  MidHG.  biine,  biiu,  f.,  'ceiling  of  a 
room  (a  meaning  still  preserved  in  Swiss), 
board,  lath ' ;  the  latter  is  at  all  events  the 
primary  meaning.  Perliaps  AS.  binii, '  crib, 
box,'  E.  bin,  are  allied  by  gradation  to 
MidHG.  biine.  The  origin  of  the  words 
lias  not  yet  been  explained. 


(    43    ) 


j8fibrc,  f->  '  bed-tick,'  ModHG.  only, 
from  LG.  biire;  probably  cognate  with  Fr. 
bure,  '  coarse  stulIV 

Hi ulQC  (Swiss,  also  93u%jf),  f.,  '  leather 
water-pail,'  from  MidHG.  bulge  OHG. 
balga,  ■  leather  bag ' ;  MidE.  and  E.  bilge, 
bulge,  from  *bylcge.  The  cognates  are  allied 
to  Salg  (Goth,  balgs,  '•leather  bottle,  bag'), 
MidLat.  bulga. 

-guile  (1.),  m^'bull,'  MidHa  only, 
from  the  equiv.  LG,  bulk;  comp.  Du.  bid, 
bol,  E.  bull  (in  AS.  only  the  deriv.  bulluca, 
'bullock,' appears);  akintoOIa&ofe,  'bull' ; 
Lith.  bullus  is  not  a  cognate  ;  root  bel  in 
Wltn  ?. 

HJutlc  (2.),  f^ '  bottle,'  first  occurs  at  a 
late  period  in  ModHG.,  corrupted  from 
buttel,  Fr.  bouteille. 

guile  (3.),  f.,  '  bull,  papal  edict,'  from 
MidHG.  bulle,  f.,  'seal,  document,  bull' 
(AS.  bulle,  E.  bull,  ModFr.  bulle).  From 
Lat.  bulla,  lit.  '  water  bubble,'  then  '  boss, 
knob  (on  a  door),'  finally  'a  ball  attached 
as  a  seal  to  documents' ;  whence  also  93i((. 

bumbfew,  vb.,  'to  bounce,'  ModHG, 
only  ;  a  recent  onomatopoetic  word. 

bummeln,  vb., '  to  dangle,'  simply  Mod 
HG.  from  LG.  bummeln;  an  onomatopoetic 
word  of  recent  origin. 

Hjunb,  m^  from  the  equiv.  MidHG, 
bunt\d),  *  bond,  fetter^  confederacy ' ;  re- 
lated to  binbett. 

"gSfittbel,  n.,. 'bundle,,  parcel,'  ModHG. 
only,  though  existing  in  AS.  (byndel,.  E. 
bundle) ;  related  to  binben.  See  the  pre- 
vious word. 

bunbtft,  adj., 'binding,,  valid,  terse,'  not 
from  MidHG.  biindec,  'firmly  bound,'  but 
formed  from  Du.  bondig,  'binding,  firm' ; 
the  latter  word  is  akin  to  biufccn. 

buitf,.  a<lj.,  'gay,  mottled,  variegated,'  a 
MidG.  and  LG.  word  (for  which  geflerft, 
gefprecfelt,  &c,  are  used  in  UpG.),  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG,  bunt  (inflected  bunter) ;  nt 
shows  that  the  word  caunot  have  been 
handed  down  from  OHG.,  for  nt  in  OHG. 
would  have  become  nd  in  Mid  HG.  Akin  to 
MidLG.  bunl,  MidDu.  bout,  also  with  -nt-. 
SMutt  was  borrowed  in  the  MidHG.  period  ; 
the  MidHG.  signification, '  with  black  spots 
on  a  white  ground'  (ModHG.  bunt  is  Mid 
HG.  missevar),  supports  the  view  that  it 
was  borrowed  from  MidLaUpMndus^'dotted^ 
spotted'  (for  the  loss  of  the  medial  c  comp. 
Ital.  punto,  'point,'  as  well  as  Sinte).  In 
spite  of  this  explanation  the  absence  of  the 
word  in  Rom.  is  remarkable.     On  account 

of  the  earlier  reference  to  fur-skin  (Mid 
HG,and  WuXLG.bunt,  n.,  also  signifies  'fur- 
skin'),  MidLat.  mus  ponticut,  'ermine,'  lias 
been  suggested,  the  meaning  of  which 
would  suit  excellently  were  there  no  ob- 
jection to  the  form  of  the  expression. 

"ghtttJCtt,  'gjuttjef,  in.,' punch, stamp,' 
from  MidHG.  punzet  'burin,  chisel'  ;  the. 
latter  word  is  borrowed  from  Rom.  (Ital. 
pwnaone,  Fr.  poingont  Lat.  punctionem), 
whence  also  E.  punch,  punchvon,  puncher. 

"jliuroe,  f.,  'burden,  load,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG,  biirde,  OHG.  burdi,  f.  ; 
it  corresponds  to  Goth,  baurfcei,  '  burden, 
load ' ;  AS.  byr}>cn,  f.,  E.  burthen,  burden, 
have  an  n  suffix ;  allied  to  OTeut.  beran, 
'  to  carry.'    See  SBaljre. 

jBurg,  f.,  'stronghold,  citadel,  castle, 
fortified  town,'  from  MidHG.  burc(g), 
OHG.  burg,  burug,  f.,  'enclosed,  fortified 
place,  stronghold,  castle,  town.'  Comp. 
OSax.  burg,  Du.  burg,  AS.  burh  (plur.  byrg), 
E.  borough,  bury,  burrow  (especially  in  com- 
pounds), Goth.  baurgSi  In  the  OTeut. 
dialects  93urg  corresponded  to  the  modern 
town,  Ulfilas  translated  ir6\is  by  baurgs. 
According  to  the  Germania  of  Tacitus,  the 
Teutons  had  no  urbes,  but  their  oppida 
were  mentioned  as  early  as  Caesar  (De  Bell. 
Gall).  With  Gr.  irvpyos,  'tower,'  the  OTeut. 
Surg  accords  neither  in  form  nor  meaning. 
The  OTeut.  word  appears  strangely  enough 
in  Armen.  as  burgn,  and  in  Arab,  as  burg, 
which  probably  owed  their  immediate 
origin  to  late  Lat.  burgus  (whence  the 
Ronx  words  Ital.  borgo^wbourg,  'market- 
town'  ;  so  too  Olr.  borg,  'town').  In  this 
sense  the  word  is  solely  Teut.,and  belongs 
with  33erg  to  an  Aryan  bhr-gh-,  which  also 
appears  in  Olr.  bri  (gen.  brig),  '  mountain, 
hill,'  but  scarcely  to  the  verbal  stem  of 
bcrgetu  The  words  for  'town'  were  not 
formed  until  the  separate  Aryan  tribes 
ceased  their  wanderings  and  became  per- 
manent settlers;  comp.  also  ©arten. 

H5urgc,  m.,  'surety,  bail,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  biirge,  OHG.  burigo,  m. 
We  may  assume  a  Goth  *bafrrg!a,  which 
would,  however,  be  distinct  from  bafirgja, 
'  citizen.'  OIc.  d-byrgjast,  '  to  become  bail.' 
Allied  to  bcrgen ;  the  root  is  pre-Teut. 
bhergh,  with  the  orig.  sense  '  to  take  care 
of,  heed.' 

HJltrfd)c,  m.,  'fellow,  apprentice,  stu- 
dent,' properly  identical  with  ModHG. 
93crff,  from  MidHG.  burse,  f.,  'purse, 
money-bag,  society,  house  belonging  to  a 


(    49    ) 


society,  especially  to  a  students'  society.' 
From  the  last  meaning,  prevalent  in  the 
15th  cent,  the  ModHG.  acceptation  of 
93ttrfdje  (s  after  r  became  sch,  as  in  9lrfd), 
Jpirfd))  was  developed,  just  a3  perhaps 
grauenjimmer  from  ^wueitgemad) ;  comp.  the 
existing  phrase  aUt$  $aut  among  students, 
AS.  geogofi.  '  a  company  of  young  people,' 
similar  to  E.  youth. 

jJ3urffe,  f.',  'brush,' from  MidHG.taVste, 
f.,  a  deriv.  of  93etjre ;  the  equiv.  E„  term  is, 
however,  of  Rom.  origin  (Fr.  brosse). 

"gSltrjel,  m.,  •  purslane,'  from  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  burzel,  corrupted  from  the  corre- 
sponding Lat.  portulaca. 

jJBitrael,  m.,  '  hinder  part  of  an  animal, 
buttocks,  brush  (of  a  fox),,  scut,'  &c ;  Mod 
HG.  only  ;  allied  to  btrqeln,  purjeln?.. 

blXt^eltt,  vb.,  'to  tumble  head  over 
heel*,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  bilrzen, 
burzeln;  the  word  cannot  be  traced  farther 

■gSufcf),  m.,  'bush,  thicket, plume  (of  a 
helmet),'  from  MidHG.  busch,  bosch,  OHG. 
base,  m.,  '  bush,  shrubbery,  thicket,  wood, 
cluster';  comp.  E.  bush,  Du.  bos,  'cluster/ 
bosch,  '  copse,'  bussel,  '  cluster.'  There  are 
similar  forms  in  Rom.,  Ital.  bosco,  Fr.  bois, 
which  are  traced  back  to  a  MidLat.  buscus, 
boscus. — Allied  to  £3ufcf)cl,  'cluster,'' from 
MidHG.  biischel,  m. 

jJStife,  f.,  '  herring-boat,!  not  from  Mid 
HG.  buze,  OHG.  buzo  (z  for  ts),  but  from 
the  equiv.  Du.  buis,  to  which  OIc.  btiza,, 
AS.  butse  (in  butsecearlas),  E.  buss,  also  cor- 
respond. There  are  similar  words  in  Rom. 
—  MidLat.  buza,  bussa,  OFr..  busse,  buce. 
The  origin  of  the  cognates  is  probably  not 
to  be  sought  for  in  Teut. ;  the  source 
whence  they  were  borrowed  is  uncertain. 

"jSltfen,  mM  'bosom,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  baosen,  buosem,  OHG.  buosam, 
buosum,  m.. ;  comp.  OSax.  b6smy  Du.  boezem, 
AS.  bfism,  E_  bosom;  in  East-Teut.  (Goth., 
Scand.)  the  corresponding  word  (Goth. 
*b6sma-)  is  wanting.  It  may  perhaps  be 
allied  to  93ug,  MidHG.  buoc, '  arm,, shoulder' 
(pre-Teut.  bli&ghu-) ;  but  since  a  pre-Teut. 
b/idghsmo,  bhdlcsmo-  does  not  occur  in  the 
cognate  languages,,  nothing  can  be  cited  in 
favour  of  that  explanation  \  at  all  events, 
9)uieit  is  not  allied  to  biegen.. 

Citric,  f.,  'bust,'  ModHG.  only,  from 
Fr.  buste. 

"gUtfjaar,  "gSuflTarb,  m.,  'buzzard'; 
the  first  form  is  a  popular  corruption 
of  the  second,  which  first  occurs  in  Mod 

HG.,  from  Fr.  busard,  '  mouse-hawk,  buz- 

^iUtfjc,  f,  'penance,  atonement,'  from 
MidHG.  buoy,  OHG.  buo$a,  f.,  'spiritual 
and  legal  atonement,  compensation,  relief  '; 
OSax.  b6ta,  'healing,  relief;  AS.  Ut,  E. 
boot  ('use,  gain,  advantage');  also  E.  bote 
('  wergeld  \jirebote,  firtboot  ('  a  free  supply 
of  fuel '),  housebote  ('  prison  expenses,'  then 
'a  free  supply  of  wood  for  repairs  and 
fuel '),  Goth.  b6ta,  '  use.'  Under  the  cog- 
nate adjs.  beffer,  beft  (comp.  bii§en  in  iiidtn 
bufjen,  'to  repair,'  OHG.  buozzen;  AS. 
bstan),  will  be  found  the  necessary  remarks 
on  the  evolution  in  meaning  of  the  stem 
bat  contained  in  these  words.  Comp,  »ergu- 
tett,  'to  make  atonement,  give  compensa- 
tion' (@rfa{s) ;  ©rfafc  denotes  a  substitute 
of  equal  worth.  Comp.  also  eh»a3  gut 
tnadjen,  'to  make  good  a  loss,'  &c.  See 

"gBuffc,  f.,  'flounder,'  first  occurs  in 
ModHG.,  from  LG.  butte;  comp.  the  corre- 
sponding Du.  bot,  MidE.  but.  Origin  ob- 

■§3uffer  ~$&ltile,  f.,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  biite,  biilte,  biiten,  OHG.  butin,  f., 
'  tub,  butt' ;  the  cognate  LG.  and  E.  words 
contain  an  abnormal  medial  t;  AS.  bi/tt, 
'flagon,'  E.  butt,  OIc.  bytta.  These  indi- 
cate that  the  HG.  word  was  borrowed  in 
the  OHG.  period,  when  the  shifting  of  t  to 
tz  was  already  accomplished.  In  the  cog- 
nates the  meaning  varies,  'leather  pipe, 
cask,'  just  as  in  the  Rom.  class  from  which 
they  were  borrowed — Span,  bota,  '  leather 
pipe,'  Fr.  botte,  'butt.'  To  OHG.  butin 
(MidLat.  butina),  MidHG.  biiten,  the  Mod 
HG.  deriv.  ©uttnev  (from  MidHG.  biitencere), 
'  cooper '  (likewise  a  frequent  surname),  is 
also  related. 

battel,  m.,  'beadle,,  jailer,'  from  Mid 
HG.  biitel,  OHG.  butil,  m.,  'a  messenger 
of  the  law ' ;  comp.  AS.  bydel,  *  messenger,' 
E.  beadle  (which  is  based  both  on  the  AS. 
bydel  and  on  a  MidE.  word  of  Rom.  origin — 
MidLat.  bedellus,  ModFr.  bedeau, '  beadle ')  ; 
allied  to  butcit. 

gutter,  f.,  'butter,'  from  the  equiv. 
MHG.  buter,  f.,  m.,  late  OHG.  butera,  f. ; 
the  same  medial  dental  appears  in  Du. 
boter,  AS.  bntere,  E.  butttr.  This  necessi- 
tates the  assumption  that  the  HG.  word 
was  first  introduced  into  Germany  about  the 
10th  cent  It  is  derived,  though  changed 
in  gender  (btr  Sutter,  however,  is  com n ion 
to  the  UpGer.  dialects),  from  the  Rom.- 



(     50    ) 


MidLat.  butyrum  (whence  Fr.  beiirre,  lta'.. 
burro),  late  Gr.-Scyth.  poCrrvpo*.  Yet  the 
art  of  muking  butter  was  known  in  Ger- 
many ere  the  introduction  of  the  term 
from  the  South  of  Europe.  Butter  was 
called  Slnff,  as  is  still  the  case  in  Alem. ; 
comp  Slnfe  and  Jterne ;  perhaps  the  process 
in  tne  south  was  different,  and  with  the 
new  method  came  the  new  term.  The  art 
of.  making  cheese  may  have  found  its  way 

earlier,  even  before  the  middle  of  the  9th 
cent.,  from  the  South  of  Europe  to  the 
North.     See  Jtdfe. 

^JufjCtt,  m.,  'core,  snuff  (of  candles).' 
first  occurs  in  ModHG.  ;  cognate  with  the 
equiv.  Swi-s  bake,  f.  (batzi,  bdtzgi).  Ths 
structure  of  the  word  resembles  ModHG. 
(dial.)  ©rofcen  ;  see  under  @rieb6.  Probably, 
therefore,  SSufeeu  represents  *bugze,  *bHgu^ 
(Swiss  b&ke,  from  *bauggj6)  1. 


See   &. 


b<X,  advT.,  'there,  then,  since,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  ddr,  dd,  OHG.  ddr ;  the 
loss  of  the  final  r  (Car  still  remained  in 
ModHG.  ;  see  bar)  is  seen  also  in  other 
advs. :  MidHG.  sd,  from  OHG.  sd,  sdr, 
'soon,  at  once'  (cognate  with  E.  soon), 
comp.  »o.  AS.  fxfsr,  E.  there,  corresponds 
to  OHG.  ddr;  Goth,  par  (instead  of  the 
expected  form  *}>$r).  The  adv.  is  formed 
from  the  OTeut.  demonstr.  pron.  J>a-,  Gr. 
to-,  described  under  ber ;  the  r  of  OHG. 
ddr  and  Goth.  J>ar  appears  in  OInd.  tdrhi, 
'at  that  time'  (hi  is  an  enclitic  particle 
like  Gr.  7/) ;  comp.  also  Sans,  kdrhi.  'when,' 
under  ivo.  As  to  the  variation  of  demonst. 
and  relat.  meanings  in  ba,  see  ber. 

~Q<t<f),  n.,  '  roof,  cover,  shelter,'  from 
MidHG.  dach,  n.,  'roof,  covering,  ceiling, 
awning,'  OHG.  dah;  it  corresponds  to  AS. 
Jxec, '  roof,'  E.  thatch,  OIc.  f>ak;  Goth.  *}>ak, 
'  roof,'  is  wanting,  the  term  used  being 
hrdt,  the  primit.  Teut.  term  for  '  roof,'  allied 
to  5)ecfm.  The  art  of  constructing  houses 
(see  under  ©iebel,  Sirjt,  Sqm&,  Sbi'ir,  Sd?n?ellf, 
iemte,  3itnmer,  &c.)  was  not  yet  developed 
when  the  Teutons  were  migrating  from 
East  to  West ;  hence  most  of  the  technical 
terms  are  peculiar  to  Teutonic.  The  pri- 
mary meaning  of  the  word  £ad)  is  ap- 
parent, since  it  is  formed  by  gradation 
from  a  Teut.  root  J?ek,  Aryan  teg,  'to 
cover'  ;  Lat.  tego,  tegere;  Gr.  riyos,  n., 
'  roof  ;  the  same  stage  of  gradation  as  in 
HG.  35adj  is  seen  in  Lat.  toga  ('the  covering 
garment '),  Lat.  tuyurium, '  hut'  The  same 
root  appears  in  Gr.  with  a  prefix  s,  <jriy<*, c  I 
cover,'  ffriyij,  'roof,'  as  well  as  in  Lith.  ttdjas, 

'  roof,*  Ind.  sthdgdmi,  '  I  cover.'  Hence 
the  HG.  3)adj,  like  the  equiv.  Gr.  7/701, 
ariyri,  Lith.  st6gas  (akin  to  stigti,  '  to 
cover'),  signifies  properly  'the  covering 

Pctdjs,  m.,  'badger,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  dalis,  OHG.  aahs,  m.  ;  undoubt- 
edly a  genuine  Teut.  word,  like  %\\&)t, 
33ad)i3,  though  it  cannot  be  authenticated  in 
the  non-Germ,  languages  (Du.  and  LG.  das). 
It  was  adopted  by  Rom.  (MidLat.  taxus, 
ItaL  tasso,  Fr.  taisson).  It  is  probable  that 
the  animal,  specially  characterised  by  its 
winter  burrow,  received  its  name  from  the 
Aryan  root  teks,  'to  construct.'  In  OInd. 
the  root  takS  properly  signifies  '  to  con- 
struct skilfully,  make,  build'  (a  carriage, 
pillars  of  an  altar,  a  settle),  while  the 
name  of  the  agent  formed  from  it — takian 
— denotes  'carpenter,  worker  in  wood.' 
To  the  same  root  belong  Gr.  t6$ov,  '  bow,' 
t(ktuv,  '  carpenter '  ;  in  Teut.  also  OHG. 
d'ehsala,  MidHG.  dehsel,  '  hatchet,  axe.' 

"Dad)foI.  f.,  'box  on  the  ear';  like 
Dfyrfeige,  properly  a  euphemism  used  in 
jest  for  a  blow.  £a(fytel  is  an  older  (Mid 
HG.)  form  for  battel.  Comp.  further  the 
term  Jtopfniifff,  'blows  on  the  head,'  the 
orig.  sense  of  which  expresses,  of  course, 
something  different  from  what  is  usually 
understood  by  the  word.     See  91uf. 

baf)lett,  vb.,  'to  talk  nonsense,'  from 
the  LG. ;  comp.  E.  to  dally  (the  initial  d 
indicates  that  the  word  was  borrowed), 
which  is  traced  back  to  OIc  Jyyljoy  'to 

palles,  m.,  'destruction,  ruin,'  Jew.; 


(    Si    ) 


properly  the  Jewish  winding-sheet  worn 
on  the  great  'day  of  atonement'  (hence 
orig.  'to  wear  the  Sa(U$')>  from  Hebr. 
taltth.  According  to  others,  the  word  is 
based  on  Hebr.  dalhlt,  'poverty.' 

bctmcxlo,  adv.,  '  at  that  time,  then,'  Mod 
HG.  only.  In  MidHG.  the  expression  is 
des  mdles,  '  at  that  time.'     See  9JJat. 

Pamafl,  n.,  'damask,'  early  ModHG., 
derived,  like  Du.  damast,  E.  damask,  from 
Rom.  (coinp.  Fr.  damas,  Ital.  damasto) ; 
based  on  the  name  of  the  city  2)amcu5fu3. 

Pambocfe,  Pambjrfd),  m.,  '  buck ' ; 
in  ModHG.  often  written  £amm;  in  the 
attempt  to  find  some  cognate  for  this  un- 
intelligible word.  MidHG.  tdme,  from 
OHG.  tdmo,  ddmo,  m.  ;  the  word  is  of  Lat. 
origin,  ddma  (Fr.  daim,  m.,  daine,  f.).  It 
is  remarkable  that  in  AS.  the  labial  nasal 
is  lost — AS.  dd,  E.  doe  ;  perhaps  the  latter 
is  of  genuine  Teut.  origin.  The  initial  d 
of  the  ModHG.  word  is  due  to  the  Lat. 
original,  or  to  LG.  influence. 

Qambrett,  n.,  'draught-board,'  for 
©amcnbrett,  from  2)ame,  which  was  first 
borrowed  by  ModHG.  from  Fr.  dame  (Lat. 

bamifd),  b&xnlidf,  adj.,  '  dull,  drowsy, 
crazy,'  ModHG.  only  ;  a  MidG.  and  LG. 
word  (Bav.  damiS,  taumif)  ;  from  a  Teut. 
root  pirn,  equiv.  to  Sans,  tarn  (tdmyali), '  to 
k'et  tired,  out  of  breath,'  whence  Lat  timu- 
lentus,  'drunk.'  Probably  allied  to  the 
cognates  of  bamment. 

famm,  m., '  dam,  dike,  mole,'  MidHG. 
tam(mm) ;  the  d  of  the  ModHG.  word  com- 
pared with  the  t  of  MidHG.  points  to  a 
recent  borrowing  from  LG. ;  comp.  Uu.  and 
E.  dam  (a  bank),  OIc.  dammr.  Goth,  has 
only  the  deriv.  faurdammjan,  'to  embank, 
hinder '  ;  akin  to  AS.  demman,  E.  to  dam, 
ModHG.  bamnmt. 

b&mmevn,  vb., '  to  grow  dusk,  dawn,' 
from  MidHG.  demere,  f.  (also  even  MidHG. 
dememnge',  f.),  OHG.  demar,  n.,  'crepuscu- 
lum,'  a  deriv.  of  a  Teut.  root  f>em,  Aryan 
tern,  '  to  be  dusk '  (see  also  bamifdj).  OSax. 
preserves  in  the  Hrliand  the  cognate  adj. 
thimm,  'gloomy';  allied  to  MidDu.  and  Mid 
LG.  deemster, '  dark.'  A  part  from  Teut.  the 
assumed  root  tern,  meaning  '  to  grow  dusk,' 
is  widely  diffused  ;  Sans,  tama*,  'darkness ' 
(exactly  corresponding  to  OHG.  demar), 
tamrds,  'obscuring,  stilling'  ;  tdmisrd,  f., 
'  dark  night '  ;  Ir.  temel, '  darkness,'  temen, 
'  dark  grey.'  With  the  latter  words  Lat. 
tenebrw,  '  darkness,'  is  connected  (br  in  Lat. 

from  sr ;  n  for  m  on  account  of  the  follow- 
ing labial,  a  process  of  differentiation) ; 
OSlov.  tima,  '  darkuess,'  Lith.  tamsu.*, 
•  dark,'  tamsa,  f.,  '  dusk,'  te'mti,  '  to  grow 
dusk.'  In  the  earlier  Germ,  periods  we 
have  further  MidHG.  dinster,  OHG.  din- 
star,  which  are  so  related  to  Sans,  tdmisrd, 
'  night,'  and  Lat.  tenebrw,  as  to  imply  a 
Goth,  Jrinstra-  as  an  adj.  stem  ;  in  that  case 
t  lias  intruded  between  *  and  r,  as  in  @djtt*- 
fter.  With  regard  to  MidHG.  dinster  comp. 
also  ModHG.  biifler  and  ftttjler. 

Dantpf,  m., '  vapour,  steam,'  from  Mid 
HG.  damp/,  tampf,  m.,  '  vapour,  smoke ' ; 
tampf  seems  to  have  been  the  strictly  HG. 
form  ;  allied  to  the  equiv.  OIc.  dampe,  E. 
and  Du.  damp, '  moisture' ;  not  recorded  in 
the  earlier  periods.  Formed  by  gradation 
from  a  str.  vb. — MidHG.  dimpfen, '  to  fume, 
smoke,'  which  has  disappeared  in  ModHG.; 
its  factitive,  however,  still  exists — bampftii, 
MidHG.  dtmpfen,  orig.  sense,  '  to  cause  to 
smoke,'  i.e.  '  to  stifle  (it  fire).'  See  also 
bumpf ;  buttfel  may  also  be  allied  to  it. 

Pcmh,  m.,  '  thanks,  acknowledgment, 
recompense,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  danc,  m. ;  corresponds  to  Goth,  pagks 
(panfo),  AS.  J>anc,  E.  thanks;  Etymologi- 
cally  £anf  is  simply  '  thinking,'  hence  '  the 
sentiment  merely,  not  expressed  in  deeds.' 
See  benfen,  biinfett. 

barm,  adv.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  danne,  'then,  at  that  time,  in  such 
a  case,  thereupon'  ;  properly  identical  with 
benn  ;  in  MidHG.  and  OHG.  danne  is  used 
indill'erently  for  benn  and  batttt.  AS.  fconne, 
Jjoenne,  E.  then.  The  OTeut  adv.  is  based 
on  the  pronominal  stem  J>a-  (comp.  ber) ; 
yet  the  mode  of  its  formation  is  not  quite 
clear.  Comp.  ba,  ber,  and  the  following 

bcmttOtt,  adv.,  only  preserved  in  the 
phrase  Men  baiuien,  'thence,  from  thence' ; 
MidHG.  dannen,  OHG.  dannana,  danndn, 
and  dandn,  'inde,  illinc' ;  AS.  jxinon,  E. 
thence.  Fur  Goth .  *J>anana  the  word  ]>a]>r6, 
formed  from  the  same  root,  was  used. 

bar,  adv.,  'there,'  etymologically  iden- 
tical with  ba  (whence  the  compounds  baran, 
baritt,  barum,  &c.),  and  with  OHG.  dara, 
'  thither.' 

barbcit,  vb.,  '  to  suffer  want,  famish,' 
from  MidHG.  darhn,  OHG.  darben,  'to 
dispense  with,  be  deficient';  corresponds 
to  Goth,  gajxirban, '  to  abstain  from ' ;  AS. 
fna>fan,  '  to  be  in  need  of.'  The  verb  is 
derived  from  the  same  root  (J>erf)aa  burfm 


(    52    ) 


which  see  ;  iis  primary  meaning  is  '  to  he 
in  need  of.' 

Parm,  m.,  'gut,  intestine,'  from  the 
eqniv.  MidHG.  darm,  OHG.  daram,  m.  ; 
eomp.  AS.  pearm,  OFris.  therm,  Du.  darm, 
OIc.  Jxirmr,  m.,  Swed.  and  Dan.  tarm.  Cor- 
responds in  the  non-Teut.  languages  to  Lat. 
trdmes,  '  way,'  Gr.  rprjua,  •  hole,  eye,'  Tpdjxu, 
'perineum,'  from  root  tar,  'to  traverse.' 
Hence  the  orig.  sense  of  £arm  was  pro- 
bahly  '  passage.' — Allied  to  the  collective 
(Sebaritt  (ModHG.),  n.,  'entrails,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  gederme,  OHG.  gider- 
mi,  n. 

PatTC,  f.,  '  kiln  for  drying  fruit,  malt, 
<fec.,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  darre,  OHG. 
darra,  f.  ;  akin  to  MidLG.  darre,  iSwed. 
(dial.)  tarre:  like  benen,  burr,  from  an, 
OTeut.  root  pern,  pre-Teut.  ters,  upon  which 
are  based  ModHG.  35nrjt,  buvjten,  with  a 
specialised  meaning.  The  root  ters  appears 
in  Gr.,  'to  become  dry,'  repaalvu, 
'  to  dry ' ;  in  relation  to  ModHG.  2)arre  the 
equiv.  rapaos  and  rapaia,  '  hurdle  for  dry- 
ing fruit,'  deserve  special  notice.  The 
words  connected  with  the  root  ters  are  cited 
under  ©utjl,  since  they,  like  iDurjt,  have 
been  similarly  restricted  in  meaning.  Lat. 
torreo,  for  *torseo,  corresponds  in  form  and 
idea  to  ModHG.  borren ;  comp.  further 
Lat.  torris,  '  firebrand,'  torridas,  '  parched.' 
From  Teut.  ]>arrian,  Fr.  tarii;  '  to  dry  up,' 
is  derived.    See  bevren,  burr,  ©urji. 

bctfo,  conj.,  'that,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  day,  corresponds  to  OLG.  and  E. 
that,  Goth,  fiata;  etymologically  identical 
with  ba#,  the  neut.  article.     See  bcr. 

Paifd,  f.,  'date'  (fruit),  from  MidHG. 
datel,  tatel,  taiele,  f. ;  from  Rom., — Fr.  datte, 
Ital.  dattilo,  the  primary  source  of  which 
isGr.  5dim>\os, '  date '  (comp.  Sltticfy)  ;  hence 
too  Du.  dadel,  E.  date. 

Pttltbc,  f.,  akin  to  the  equiv.  MidHG.. 
dilge,  f.,  '  stave ' ;  the  ModHG.  b  compared 
•\yitli  MidHG.  g  shows  that  the  modern 
word  cannot  be  a  continuation  of  the  Mid 
IIG.  form.  UpGer.  has  preserved  the  word 
dauge,  corresponding  to  MidHG.  dlLge; 
comp.  Du.  duij,  'stave.'  OIc.  J>Afa,  f., 
'  entrenchment,  rampart,'  does  not  appear 
to  be  related.  In  Rom.  is  found  a  word  pho- 
netically allied  and  equiv.  in  meaning — 
Fr.  douve,  'stave  '  (but  also  '  moat ' ;  hence 
this  is  connected  with  the  OIc.  word 
quoted) ;  it  was  most  likely  borrowed  from 
Du.  or  LG.  The  Scand.  ]>itfa  and  the 
MidHG.  dtige  look  very  much  like  Teut. 

words  whether  they  are  allied  or  not.  We 
cannot  possibly  derive  MidHG.  duge  from 
Gr.  5oxi},  '  receptacle.'  Respecting  the  per- 
mutation of  b  (/)  and  g,  see  Urcmbe. 

fcetuern  (1.),  vb.,  '  to  last,  endure,'  from 
the  eqniv.  MidHG.  dAren,  tilren,  from  Lat. 
a-Amre  (Fr.  dunr).  £>auer,  f.,  is  simply  a 
ModHG.  form  from  banerit.  E.  to  dure 
(endure)  conies  from  Fr.  durer. 

bauetn  (2.),  bcoaucrn,  vb.,  'to  cause 
pity,  sorrow,  regret ' ;  the  initial  d  indicates 
that  the  vb.  was  borrowed  from  MidG.  and 
LG.,  for  the  MidHG.  form  was  tHren;  mich 
ttiret  ein  ding  or  eines  dinges,  '  that  appears 
to  me  to  be  (too)  expensive,  dear' ;  tilren  is 
related  by  gradation  to  tetter,  MidHG.  tiure  ; 
for  the  change  from  4  to  iu  comp.  trauna, 
with  AS.  dreOiig,  E.  dreary.  It  is  remark- 
able that  the  verb,  which,  judging  by  its 
gradation,  must  be  very  old,  is  utterly 
wanting  in  the  older  dialects. 

Pcumten,  m., '  thumb,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  MidLG.  ddme,  OHG.  dUmo, 
m. ;  comp.  Du.  duim,  AS.  fiAma,  E.  thumb  ; 
OIc.  purnall,  pumalfingr.  The  same  deriv. 
with  the  suffix  I  is  seen,  but  with  a  change 
of  meaning,  however,  in  AS.  ]>t/mel,  E. 
thimble  (Goth.  */}Ama).  This  word '  thumb ' 
is  consequently  common  to  the  Teut  group; 
even  the  other  fingers  had  each  its  special 
name  in  the  OTeut.  period.  The  AS.  terms 
middefinger,  midlesta  finger,  se  gold  finger,  se 
lltla  finger,  are  in  complete  accord  with 
ModHG.  SMittelftttget  (middle-finger),  ®elb- 
ftnger  (ring-finger),  and  ber  Heine  gtncjer  (the 
little-finder),  respectively.  These  terms 
are  not  formed,  therefore,  like  ©aumeii  from 
an  old  independent  stem  ;  in  this  way 
JDaumcn  is  proved  to  be  primit.,  though  ety- 
mologically it  is  not  quite  clear ;  the  pre- 
Teut.  form  may  have  been  *tHmon,  perhaps 
akin  to  tiimeo,  'to  swell'?.  In  that  case 
2)iiumen  would  be  equiv.  to  'swollen  fin- 
ger'; comp.  also  Sans,  tumrd-s,  as  'greasy, 
fat,  vigorous,'  and  t&tuma-s,  'strong,'  Zend 
ttima, '  strong,'  with  Lat.  tum-eo.  Gr.  tv\<k, 
Tv\rj(S),  'callosity,  swelling,  knob,  hump,' 
are  based  upon  a  root  tU,  while  the  Lat. 
cognates  point  to  turn.  The  orig.  sense  of 
both  may  have  been  '  to  swell,  be  thick.' 

Paunc,  Punc,  f.,  'down,'  ModHG. 
only,  from  the  equiv.  LG.  d-Ane,  f.  ;  comp. 
OIc.  dtmn,  m.,  E.  down.  Hence  the  initial 
dental  proves  that  the  ModHG.  word  U  of 
LG.  origin,  for  since  the  Scand.  and  Eng. 
words  begin  with  d,  a  genuine  HG.  word 
would  necessarily  have  an  initial  t.     The 


(    53    ) 


origin  of  Scand.  dunn  is  obscure.  See 
(Sicer,  glaum. 

"$ClU5,  n.,  'deuce  (of  dice),  ace  (of 
cards),'  from  MidHG.  d4s,  ids,  with  the 
same  meanings  ;  late  OHG.  d&s.  From  a 
Rom.  word  originating  in  the  Lat.  duo; 
OFr.  dous  (ModFr.  deux,  Pro  v.  duas,  from 
Lat.  *duos  for  duo),  whence  E.  deuce.  Dice- 
playing  was  a  favourite  amusement  even 
among  the  Teutons  described  by  Tacitus 
(Germ.  24)  ;  unfortunately,  however,  we 
can  gather  nothing  from  his  brief  remarks 
88  to  the  details  and  technical  terms  (but 
seegcfallen,  £unb,  <8au)  of  the  OTeut.  game  ; 
the  words  died  out  at  an  early  period,  and 
with  the  new  games  from  the  South  new 
Row,  words  have  been  introduced.  See 
2lfj,  Sreff,  bcppcltt. 

Pedjctttf,  ni.,  'dean,'  from  MidHG.  de- 
chent,  tecltant(d),  MidHG.  and  OHG.  techdn 
from  Lat.  dScdnus,  whence  also  Ital.  decano, 
Fr.  doyen  (E.  dean). 

Peq)er,  m.,  '  a  tale  of  ten  hides,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  techer,  decker,  m.  n. ; 
borrowed  by  MidHG.  from  Lat.  decuria. 

IPedie,  f.,  'cover,  ceiling,  disguise,' from 
MidHG.  declce,  f.,  '  cover,  covering,  cover- 
ing up';  OHG.  de.chi,  related  to  the  fol- 
lowing word. 

OCdtCtt,  vb.,  'to  cover,  screen,' from  the 
equiv.  ModHG  dpiken,  OHG.  decchan;  the 
latter  (with  cch-  from  kj)  from  *pakjan, 
which  was  most  likely  the  Goth,  form  ; 
comp.  AS.  p$ccan  (obsolete  in  E.) ;  OIc, 
pekja,  '  to  cover.'  pakjan  is  a  deriv.  of  the 
Aryan  root  teg  (discussed  under  5)ad)), 
which  appears  with  the  same  meaning  in 
Lat.  tegere,  Gr.  <r-T4yeiv,  Sans,  sthagdmi.  A 
str.  vb.  pekan  corresponding  to  tego,  areyu, 
is  nowhere  recorded  within  the  Teut.  group ; 
the  wk.  vb.  has  assumed  its  function. 

ocftig,  adj.,  ModHG.  only,  from  LG. 
deftig;  the  latter,  with  E.  daft,  AS.  gedceft^ 
'mild,  meek,  gentle'  (Goth,  gadaban,  'to 
be  fitting '),  and  perhaps  with  HG.  tapfer,  is 
derived  from  a  Teut.  root  dab,  dap.  See 

PcflCtt  (1.),  m.,  '  valiant  warrior' ;  it  is 
not  etymologically  a  sort  of  figurative  sense 
of  !X)egen  (-2.),  though  the  tendency  of  Mod 
HG.  is  to  regard  it  thus,  in  such  expres- 
sions as  alter  Jpaubeacn, '  a  practised  swords- 
man,' &c.  While  SDecjen,  'sword,'  first  ap- 
pears in  the  15th  cent.,  2>a,en, '  hero,'  is  an 
OTeut.  word,  which  is  wanting  in  Goth. 
(*pigns)  only.  Comp.  OHG.  degan,  AS. 
pegn,  '  retainer,  attendant,'  E.  thane  (from 

pegn)  ;  MidHG.  degen, '  hero.'  There  is  no 
phonetic  difficulty  in  connecting  these 
cognates  (Goth,  pigna-,  from  telend-),  as  is 
usually  done,  with  Gr.  riKvov,  '  child '  ;  the 
difference  in  sense  may  be  paralleled  by 
AS.  magu,  '  boy,  son,  servant,  man.'  But 
since  pegn  was  already  an  established  tech- 
nical term  in  the  OTeut.  system,  we  must 
in  preference  regard  '  vassal'  as  the  primary 
sense  of  the  word.  We  have  too  in  Goth. 
puis  (stem  piua-)  for  pigicd-,  'servant, 
attendant'  (AS.  p.o,  pe6w,  OHG.  diu;  see 
S£)inte  and  bteitcn),  a  more  suitable  connect- 
ing link.  Moreover,  pegn,  £eo,eu,  would, 
if  cognate  with  rin-vov,  be  related  to  tUtu, 
'  to  give  birth  to,'  roicevs,  '  begetter,'  tokos, 
'birth,'  and  Sans,  takman,  'child.' 

PcflCtt  (2.),  m.,  'sword,'  first  occurs  in 
late  MidHG,  see  iSeom  (1.);  from  Fr. 
dague,  '  dirk.' 

bcifXXClX,  vb.,  '  to  stretch,  extend, 
lengthen,'  from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  denen, 
dennen,  wk.  vb.,  '  to  stretch,  draw,  strain' ; 
comp.  Goth,  vfpanjan,  'to  extend';  AS. 
penian,  pennan,  '  to  stretch.'  The  Goth. 
panjanis  a  deriv.  of  a  str.  vb.  *penan,  like 
pakjan,  '  to  cover,'  from  a  str.  vb.  *p'ekan 
(Lat.  tego) ;  panja  and  pena  are  primit. 
cognate  with  Gr.  reivw.  The  root  ten  is 
widely  diffused  in  the  Aryan  group.  Sans, 
root  tan, '  to  strain,  widen,  extend  (of  time), 
endure';  tdntu-s,  m.,  'thread,'  tdnti-*,  f., 
'line,  rope' ;  Gr.  rdvu,  T&vvuai,  rdais,  rivuv, 
'  sinew,'  raivia,  'strip';  OSlov.  teneto,  ten- 
oto,  '  cord,'  Lat.  tinus,  '  cord,'  Lith.  tinklas, 
*  net.'  The  idea  of  extension  is  shown 
also  by  the  root  ten  (Lat.  teneo,  tendo)  iu 
an  old  Aryan  adj. ;  see  burnt  and  ©ctme. 
A  figurative  sense  of  the  same  root  is  seen 
iu  bomtern  ;  the  evolution  of  meaning  may 
be  '  extension — sound — noise.' 

Pcid),  m.,  'dike';  MidHG.  tick,  m. ; 
since  the  HG.  word  would,  according  to 
phonetic  laws,  begin  with  t,  we  must  sup- 
pose that  it  has  been  influenced,  like 
JDamvf  perhaps,  by  LG. ;  comp.  LG.  dlk, 
Duw  dijk,  AS,  dtc,  E.  dike.  Respecting  their 
identity  with  HG.  £cid)  and  E.  dilce  ('a 
ditch '),  see  £eidj. 

Pctcr)fcf  (1.),  f., '  pole,  thill,  shaft,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  dthsel,  OHG.  dihsala,  f. ; 
comp.  Ola  pisl,  AS.  ptxl,  ptsl,  Du.  di&sel, 
OLG.  tltlsla,  f.  It  has  no  Connection  with 
E.  thill,  which  is  related  rather  to  ModHG, 
£iclf.  A  word  peculiar  to  the  Teut.  dialects, 
and  of  obscure  origin  ;  perhaps  Lat.  temo, 
'  pole,  shaft,'  is  primit.  allied  (if  it  represents 


(     54    ) 


teixnio;  comp.  Ala  from  *axla,  under  Sldjftl). 
Tlie  Aryans  had  learnt  the  way  to  build 
wiiggons  in  their  Asiatic  home  ere  they 
separated  into  different  tribes :  this  is 
proved  by  the  words  3cd),  91abe,  €?ab, 

Pcid)fcl  (2.).  f>  'adze' ;  comp.  MidHG. 
d'elisel,  OHG.  dehsala, '  axe,  hatchet' ;  from 
a  Teut.  root  />e/'«,  equiv.  to  Aryan  te&s. 
Comp.  OSlov.  tesati,  'to  hew,'  Lith.  taszyti, 
4  to  hew,  fashion  with  an  axe,'  Sans,  tatean, 
'carpenter'  (see  under  J'acbe).  The  ei  of 
the  ModHG.  word  is  based  upon  a  variant 
fit/is,  which  is  MidG.  and  LG.  ;  numerous 
HG.  dialects  preserve  the  old  e. 

bcxxx,  pronom.  adj.,  '  thy,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  din,  corresponds 
to  Goth.  }>einsy  AS.  pin,  E.  thy,  thine;  re- 
lated to  bu. 

pemattf,  Ptamanf,  m.,  'diamond, 
adamant,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  dia- 
mant,  dtemant,  from  Fr.  diamant,  Ital. 
diamante  (Lat.  adamantem). 

Pcttiut,  f.,  ' submissiveiiess,  humility,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  demuot,  diemuot, 
diemiiete,  OHG.  deomuoti,  '  condescension, 
gentleness,  modesty.'  The  correctly  de* 
veloped  form  from  the  OHG.  deomuoti 
would  be  ModHG.  5)iemute ;  the  present 
form  is  due  partly  to  LG.  influence,  partly 
to  its  having  been  connected  with  9lvtnut ; 
but  while  in  the  latter  silt  is  properly  a  suf- 
fix, OHG.  deomuoti,  f.,  is  a  compound.  The 
second  component  is  a  deriv.  of  OHG. 
muot  (see  QJJut) ;  OHG.  dio,  however,  is 
Gotli.  J>ius  (stem  piwa-  ;  comp.  bienen, 
5)tntf,  and  also  ^ecjen),  'hind,  servant'; 
JDcmut  is  '  the  befitting  quality  of  a  servant, 
the  disposition  of  the  attendant.'  Neither 
the  word  nor  the  idea  is  OTeut.  (the  Goth, 
said  hauneins,  'abasement,  baseness,'  for 
2>emut) ;  both  were  introduced  by  Chris- 

betXQeln,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
te,»geln,  '  to  sharpen  by  hammering,  beat, 
hammer' ;  the  ModHG.  d  points,  as  in  the 
case  of  2)eidj,  to  a  LG.  influence  ;  comp. 
AS.  dencgan,  *  to  knock,  ding,'  E.  to  ding. 
Akin toOHG. tangol, 'hammer';  Golh.*dig- 
fficav,  'tostrike,'  indicated  also  by  OSwed. 
diunt/a,  ModSwed.  ddnga,  is  not  recorded. 

benketl,  vb.,  '  to  think,  call  to  mind, 
conceive,  believe,'  from  MidHG.  de,nlcen, 
OHG.  deiichen,  'to  think,  bear  in  mind, 
devise,  excogitate';  corresponds  to  Goth. 
Jxiqtyan  (}>ankjan),  '  to  consider,  ponder, 
reflect,'  AS.   jjencan.     E.    to  think,  is  an 

intermediate  form  between  AS.  pelican,  '  to 
think,'  and  J>yncan,  '  to  seem.'  JDtnfen  is 
in  form  a  factitive  of  bihtfen,  which  was 
originally  a  str.  vb.,  meaning  '  to  seem'; 
'to  make  a  thing  seem'  is  'to  consider, 
ponder.'    See  biinfen. 

bcnrt,  conj.,  '  for,'  from  MidHG.  danne, 
denne,  OHG.  danne,  danna  ;  identical  witli 

bev,  art.,  'the,'  formed  from  the  OHG. 
and  MidHG.  detnonstr.  and  relat.  stem  d'e- ; 
comp.  Goth.  f>a-,  Gr.  to-,  OInd.  ta-.  The 
details  belong  to  grammar. 

bexb,  adj.,  'compact,  stout,  blunt,  un- 
couth,' derived  in  form  from  MidHG.  derp 
(b),  '  unleavened,'  but  blended  in  meaning 
with  a  word  berbf,  bcrb,  '  worthy,  honest ' 
(see  bteber),  deduced  Irom  OHG.  and  Mid 
HG.  biderb*.  MidHG.  derp,  OHG.  derb, 
'  unleavened,'  are  equiv  to  OIc.  fcjarfr,  AS. 
fceorf,  E.  therf.  ©ieber  is  related  to  bebi.rfett, 
but  betb,  'unleavened,'  on  account  of  its 
meaning,  cannot  belong  to  the  same  stem  ; 
it  is  connected  rather  with  the  root  vcrberben. 

befto,  adv.,  '  so  much  the,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  deste,  d'est,  late  UHG.  desde ; 
in  an  earlier  form  two  words,  des  diu  (de$, 
gen.,  diu,  instr.  of  the  art.) ;  the  Goth, 
word  was  simply  f>#  (instr.  of  the  art.) ; 
thus,  too,  AS.  py  before  comparatives,  E. 
the  (the  more,  bcflo  mefjt). 

"Qeube,  see  2)ieb. 

Pcuf ,  f.,  '  doit,  trifle,'  simply  ModHG., 
from  Du.  duit,  'smallest  coin'  (whence 
also  E.  doit)  ;  the  latter  is  of  Scand.  origin  ; 
OIc.  Jrveit,  'a  small  coin'  (from  pvita,  '  to 
cut '). 

belli  en,  vb.,  '  to  point,  beckon,  inter- 
pret, explain,'  from  MidHG  diuken,  tiuten, 
OHG.  diuten,  vb.,  '  to  show,  point,  signify, 
notify,  explain,  translate'  ;  Goth.  *piud- 
jan-  comp.  OIc.  J>0a.  In  place  of  piudjan, 
Goth,  has  a  form  J>iuJ>jan,  'to  praise,  laud,' 
which,  however,  is  scarcely  identical  with 
beuten.  Probably  the  latter  signifies  rather 
'to  make  popular';  Jnuda  is  the  Goth, 
word  for  '  nation '  (see  beutfcfy).  Comp.  Mid 
HG.  ze  diute,  'distinct,  evident,'  and  'in 
German'  (diute,  dak  sing,  of  diuti,  tiute, 
f.,  '  exposition,  explanation ')  ;  note  too 
AS.  gej>e6de, '  language'  (as  the  main  charac- 
teristic of  the  nation). 

beut fcf),  adj., '  German,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  diutsch,  tiutsch;  the  initial  d  of 
the  ModHG.  and  MidHG.  words  is  MidG., 
the  earlier  form,  teutfdj  (MidHG.  tiutsch), 
is  UpGer.,  and  was,  especially  by  the  Up 


(    55    ) 


Ger.  writers,  constantly  u?ed  till  the  end 
of  the  last  century.  OHG.  diuti<k  (for 
MidLat.  theodiscus,  the  earliest  records  of 
the  word  are  in  the  years  813,  842,  860), 
'  German,'  nroperly  only  '  pertaining  to  the 
people'  (OSax  thiudisca  liudi,  'Teutons')  ; 
Goth,  preserves  the  corresponding  Jriudiskti, 
adv.,  in  the  sense  of  'like  a  heathen'  (in 
close  connection  with  Gr.  idviK&s).  The  suf- 
fix isle  denotes  '  pertaining  to.'  The  subst. 
MidHG.  diet,  OHG.  diot,  diota,  '  people,' 
upon  which  this  word  is  based,  is  pre- 
served in  such  compound  proper  names 
as  SJtettid),  2)ctlef,  !£etmclb,  3)etmat ;  as  an 
independent  word  it  is  also  obsolete  in 
Eng. ;  AS.  J>e6d ;  Goth.  Jnuda,  f.  The 
OTeut.  subst.  is  based  upon  a  word — 
pre-Teut.  teutd,  '  people ' — found  in  many 
We>t  Aryan  languages  ;  comp.  Lith.  tautd, 
f.,  'country,'  Lett,  tauta,  'people,  nation' ; 
Olr.  Math,  'people' ;  Oscan  touto,  'people' 
(Livy  calls  the  chief  magistrate  of  the 
Campauian  towns  lmedix  tuticus').  Thus 
the  word  betttfd)  has  a  singular  and  com- 
prehensive history ;  it  was  used  in  the 
earliest  OHG.  and  MidLat.  writings  only 
of  the  language  (since  845  A.D.  Theodisci 
occurs  also  as  the  name  of  a  people,  and 
first  of  all  in  Italy)  ;  beutfd),  'popular,'  was 
the  term  applied  to  the  native  language 
in  contrast  to  the  Lat.  ecclesiastical  speech 
and  the  Lat.  official  phraseology.  We 
may  note  E.  Butch,  because  it  is  restricted 
to  the  language  of  Holland  ;  till  about 
1600  A.D.  the  people  of  Holland  were  con- 
vinced that  their  language  was  German. 

oibbcrn,  vb.,  Jew.,  'to  talk'  (espe- 
cially in  a  low  voice),  from  Hebr.  dibbdr, 
'  to  talk.' 

Md)f,adj.,  'close,  dense/dial,  d'icht  (Liv. 
and  Esth.),  from  MidHG.  dthte,  'dense.' 
The  absence  of  the  diphthong  is  probably 
due  to  LG.,  since  the  word  does  not  occur  in 
UpGer.  (Suab.  and  Bav.).  Corresponds  to 
Olc.  f>Mr, '  dense '  (related  to  Goth.  *f>eihts, 
as  I4ttr,  '  light,'  to  Goth,  leihts)  ;  allied  to 
the  Teut.  root  fcinh  (see  gebeifyen),  just  as 
Goth,  leihts  to  the  root  ling  (see  gelingen). 
E.  tight,  from  MidE.  ttht,  has  an  abnormal 
t  for  th  initially,  probably  due  to  the  in- 
fluence of  Swed.  and  Dan.  tcet;  in  MidE.  the 
normal  thiht  is  also  found.  For  another 
derivation  see  btrf. 

bidften,  vb.,  'to  invent,  imagine,  write, 
fabricate,'  from  MidHG.  tihten,  l  to  write, 
draw  up  (in  writing),  compose,  invent,  ex- 
cogitate';  the  ModHG.  meaning  is  very 

much  restricted  compared  with  the  fulness 
of  MidHG.  Even  in  the  16th  and  17th 
cents,  ©tdjtet  (MidHG.  tihtcsre)  meant  gene- 
rally 'writer,  author,'  and  was  applied  to 
the  prose  writer  as  well  as  the  poet.  The 
origin  of  bidden  (OHG.  tHit6n,  'to  write, 
compose '),  from  Lat.  dictate,  '  to  dictate,' 
late  Lat.  also  'to  compose,'  may  have 
favoured  the  change  from  ttd)tm  to  bidden  ; 
AS.  dihtan,  which  is  of  the  same  origin, 
has  the  further  signification  '  to  arrange, 

Mdt,  adj.,  'thick,  stout,  corpulent,'  from 
MidHG.  die,  dicke,  adj.,  'thick,  dense,  fre- 
quent,' OHG.  dicchi,  'thick,  dense';  in 
Eng.  too  the  double  meaning  of  the  adj. 
obtains ;  comp.  Olc.  pykkr,  pjgklcr,  AS. 
piece,  E.  thick.  Corresponds  to  Olr.  tiug 
(from  *tigu),  '  thick,'  so  that  we  must  pre- 
suppose a  Goth.  *Jnqus.  Beside  which  the 
double  sense,  '  thick,  dense,'  makes  the 
kinship  with  btd)t  probable.  In  OHG.  the 
meaning  'dense'  has  been  preserved  in 
2)icf id)t,  lit.  '  a  place  densely  overgrown ' 
(orig.  used  by  sportsmen)  ;  in  MidHG. 
dicke  is  the  equiv.  term. 

Pieb,  m.,  '  thief,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  diep(b),  OHG.  diob,  m.;  common  to 
the  Teut.  group  ;  comp.  G»th.  f>iufs(b),  Du. 
dief,  AS.  pedf,  E.  thi'f.  The  word  cannot 
be  traced  beyond  Teut.  In  the  sense  of 
'  3Mebflal)l,'  E.  has  a  form  with  a  dental 
suffix— AS.  />$//>,  f.  (Olc.  /tf/S,  f.,  Goth. 
*J>iubiJ>a),  E.  theft.  The  form  in  HG.  is 
a  j-  stem — OHG.  diuba  (diuva),  MidHG. 
diube  (dime),  earlier  ModHG.  £>eube  (as 
late  as  Logan,  1604-1655),  which  is  now 
met  with  only  in  2Bilbbeube,  '  petty  poach- 
ing.' The  latter  forms  the  base  of  ModHG. 
35iebfkfy(,  in  MidHG.  diepstdle  and  diupstdle 
(OSwed.  Jnufdolet),  lit.  'theft-stealing.' 
The  second  part  of  the  compound  expresses 
the  same  idea  as  the  first ;  35teb  is  simply 
the  concrete  which  has  replaced  the  ab- 
stract ;  comp.  Goth.  Jriubi,  n.,  and  its  adv. 
form  jriubjd,  'secretly.'  Besides  thema.-c. 
Dieb,  there  existed  in  OHG.  and  MidHG. 
a  feminine  form,  which  in  Goth,  would 
have  been  *}>iubi;  comp.  OHG.  diupa,  Mid 
HG.  diupe,  '  female  thief.'  We  must  seek 
for  the  primit.  word  in  a  pre-Teut.  root 
with  a  final  p;  this  is  proved  by  OHG. 
diuva,  MidHG.  diuve,  f., '  theft '  ;  comp.  the 
Arvan  root  tup,  *  to  duck,'  under  SDudjt. 

"Dido,  f.,  '  plank,  board,'  from  MidHG. 
dU,  dille,  f.,  m., '  board,  partition  of  boards, 
boarded  floor '  (in  LG. ■ vestibule '),  OHG. 


(    56    ) 


di/i,  111.  (neut,  J),  dilUi,  f.,  with  the  same 
meaning,  Originally  Teut.  peloz,  piliz,  11., 
*  board,'  wa3  piljon,  '  made  of  boards ' ; 
comp.  AS.  pel,  '  board,'  OIc.  pilja,  '  rowing 
seat'  (Finn,  teljo  'ship's  beam,  oar-bench,' 
comes  from  Teut.).  Comp.  further  Du. 
deel,  'board,  floor,'  MidLG.  dile,  'board.' 
Lith.  tile,  '  plank  of  a  boat,'  OSlov.  tilo, 
'  ground,'  Sans,  tala-m,  '  surface,'  seem  to 
be  primit.  allied  ;  also  Lat,  tellus,  'earth '  ?. 

Molten,  vb.,  '  to  serve,  attend  upon,  be 
of  use  to,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid  II G.  dienen, 
OHG.  diondn  (OSax.  thion6n) ;  comp.  Du, 
dienen,  Goth.  *piun6n.  The  latter  is  formed 
in  the  same  way  as  reikinSn,  '  to  rule,'  from 
reih,  ' ruler,' fraujin&n,  'to  be  master  of,' 
from  frav ja,  'master' ;  that  is  to  say,  bienen 
is  based  upon  Goth,  pius  (stem  piwa-), '  ser- 
vant, menial.'  Comp.  AS.  pe6w,  '  servant,' 
OHG.  deo, '  menial '  (comp.  ©euutt)  ;  also  a 
fern,  form,  Goth,  pirn,  OHG.  and  MidHG. 
diu,  'maid-servant';  another  similar  old 
fem.  form  is  ModHG.  3)ivne.  The  corre- 
sponding abstract — iStenfr,  MidHG.  dienest, 
m.,  n.,  OHG.  diondst,  n.  (comp.  OSax.  Uio- 
nost,  n.),  is  worth  noting  from  the  gramma- 
tical point  of  view  on  account  of  the  suttix 
st  (comp.,  also  AS.  ofost,  '  haste,'  with 
the  same  suilix).  From  Goth.  frauji»assus, 
'rule,'  piudinassus,  '  reign,'  we  should  have 
expected  Goth,  frlunassus,  '  the  state  of  a 
servant,  service,'  that  is  to  say,  the  Germ. 
6uffix  -niss  for  nest.  Moreover,  before  the  10 
of  Goth,  piwa-  a  g  may  have  disappeared 
(comp.  ?lue,  9Zicre),  so  that  the  Teut.  root 
was  possibly  pegw  ;  in  that  case  the  OTeUt. 
pejrwz,  '  sword '  (Goth.  *pigns),  would  be- 
long to  the  same  stem  as  btenen  and  £>eo.en. 

Ptensf  ttg,  m., '  Tuesday,'  a  West  Teut. 
word,  which  has  quite  as  important  a  bear- 
ing upon  the  religious  views  of  the  Teutons 
as  Djlern.  Originally  there  were  three 
names  for  the  day.  One  contains  in  the 
first  component  of  the  compound  the  name 
of  the  OTeut.  god  Tin,  to  whom  the  day 
was  sacred  ;  OIc.  Tysdagr,  AS.  Ttwesdcrg, 
E.  Tuesday,  preserve  this  name  in  the 
gen.  (comp.  Goth,  baurgswaddjus,  just  as 
if  33ura3mauer  were  used  for  33uranianer ; 
see  91ai|ttaa(l).  OHG.  Zio  (OIc  Tyr)  is  a 
primit.  deity  whose  worship  the  Teutons 
brought  with  them  from  their  Asiatic 
home  ;  it  is  identical  with  Or.  Zeus  (for 
Sjevs),  gen.  At6s  (for  5iF6s,  hence  correspond- 
ing to  Goth.  *Titi8-dags) ;  Lat.  Jupiter,  Jovis 
(for  *dj«vis) ;  Sans.  Djdus,  gen.  Divas;  orig. 
the  word  meant  simply  '  sky,'  then  the  shy 

personified  as  a  god.  Among  the  Teutons 
%\w  appears  as  a  god  of  war  ;  this  change 
of  meaning  is  explained  by  the  supposition 
that  Xtu,  corresponding  to  the  Greek  Zeus, 
was  at  first  regarded  simply  as  the  chief 
god,  but  was  afterwards  connected  with 
the  main  occupation  of  our  ancestors,  i.e. 
war  (see  fufnt).  From  Tiu,  OHG.  Zio, 
'Tuesday'  in  OAlem.  is  termed  (OHG.) 
Ziostac,(M.idllG.)  Ziestac  {Ziestag'm  Hebel). 
Another  appellation  is  the  OBav.  Ertuc 
(Erchtag),  instead  of  which,  on  the  adop- 
tion of  Christianity  in  the  east  of  Suabia, 
the  word  qftermwntig,  '  after  Monday,'  was 
introduced.  In  the  Franc,  and  Sax.  dia- 
lects the  term  dingestag  has  existed  from 
time  immemorial,  and  was  at  one  time  in- 
correctly thought  to  mean  '  court-day '  (see 
£ing).  The  latter  word,  however,  is  based 
rather  on  an  attribute  of  the  OTeut.  Tiu, 
who  in  aTeut.-Lat.  inscription  is  designated 
Mars  Thingsus.  Thinx  is  the  Lomb.  term 
for  35ituj,  'assembly  of  the  people,'  hence 
Thinxus,  the  god  of  the  assemblies.  Among 
the  Sax.,  Fris.,  and  Francon.  tribes  Tues- 
day was  sacred  to  this  god  ;  comp.  MidDu. 
dinxindach,  MidLG.  dingsedach,  earlier 
ModHG.  dingsdag. 

bicfer,  pron.,  'this,  the  latter,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  diser,  OHG.  disir,  eailier 
desUr;  corresponds  to  AS.  pes,  E.  this.  See 
the  grammars  for  further  details, 

Piefrid),  m.,  '  false  key  '  (in  UpGer, 
9ladjfd)tuffd),  occurs  late  in*  MidHG.  ;  the 
age  of  the  word  and  of  its  meaning  is  at- 
tested by  the  loan-word  Swed.  dyrk  (Dan. 
dirk),  which  has  the  same  signification, 
and  is,  like  the  ModHG.  proper  name 
©ierf,  '  Deny,'  a  pet  name  from  JDietricb, 
'  Derrick.'  Similarly,  instead  of  '  £)ietrtd\' 
$eterdjen  (^etetfen),  'Peterkin,'  and  JUaih5 
(JlloScfyen),  'Nick,'  are  used,  probably  be- 
cause $eter,  'Peter,'  like  35ietrid),  'Der- 
rick.' and  9iifclau£, '  Nicholas,' are  favourite 
Christian  names,  which  might  serve  to  veil 
(in  thieves'  slang?)  the  term  'false  key' 
(comp.  Ital.  grimaldelld)  The  word  in 
MidHG.  is  mitesliixxel,  OHG.  afterslu$yl. 

PtH,  m.,  'dill/  In  ModHG.  the  LG. 
form  is  current,  just  as  in  the  case  of  $afcr. 
MidHG.  tille,  f.,  m.,  is  used  of  the  same 
umbelliferous  plant  (anethum),  OHG.  tilli, 
n. ;  comp.  AS.  dile,  E.  dill ;  of  obscure 

Pinft,  n.,  '  thing,  matter,  transaction/ 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  dinc(g),  n., '  thing, 
matter,'  prop,  'judicial  proceeding,  court- 


(    57    ) 


day  '  (for  a  similar  change  of  meaning 
cotup.  <&atf)c) ;  the  corresponding  Scand. 
ping  (thing),  meaning  *  judicial  transac- 
tion, court-day,  court  of  justice,'  is  well 
known.  The  OTeut.  ping  (Lonib.  thinx) 
is  therefore  connected  with  the  old  mahal, 
niapl,  as  'assembly  of  the  people'  (see 
©ematjl).  In  Eng.  the  subst.  (AS.  ping, 
n.,  E.  tiling)  has  essentially  the  ModHG. 
meaning  ;  but  the  deriv. pingan,  'to  make 
a  treaty,'  pingian,  'to  settle,  adjust,'  and 
pingang,  '  mediation,'  imply  also  '  treaty, 
discussion.'  In  ModHG.  a  remnant  of  the 
earlier  meaning  remained  in  bitigcn,  from 
MidHG.  'to  hold  a  court,  negotiate,  make 
a  treaty  '  (whence  ModHG.  93ebingung, '  sti- 
pulation '),  and  specially  '  to  conclude  a  bar- 
uaiQj  buj",  hire'  (also  generally  'to  talk,' 
like  AS.  pingian,  '  to  talk ') ;  so,  too,  in 
ttcvtfycibiijen,  2>tcuStag.  Hence  the  primary 
meaning  of  the  subst.  is  '  public  transac- 
tion in  the  folk-moot,'  lit.  'term' ;  this  is 
supported  by  Goth,  peihs,  '  time,'  from  pre- 
Teut.  te'nkos  (equal  to  Lat.  tempus).  The 
Aryan  base  of  Lomb.  thinx,  OHG.  ding, 
is  tenkos.  The  OBulg.  teza,  f.,  'judicial 
transaction,'  is  of  Teat  origin. 

PutucI,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
dinkel,  OHG.  dinchil,  m.,  '  bearded  wheat, 
spelt ' ;  of  obscure  origin. 

Phtfc,  see  Sinte. 

Pipfam,  m.,  '  dittany,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  didam,  diptam;  borrowed  from 
Gr.  dlTTTa/ju/os. 

Pinte,  f.,  '  lass,  hussy,  wench '  (not 
found  in  UpG.),  from  MidHG.  dime, 
dierne,  OHG.  diorna,  'maid-servant,  girl, 
wench.'  Comp.  Du.  deem,  OSax.  thiorna, 
OIc.  perna,  f.  ;  in  Goth,  probably  *piwair- 
n6;  comp.  widuvcairna,  'orphan,'  orig.  sense 
perhaps  '  widow's  son.'  Thus,  too,  *piioalr- 
nd,  'menial's,  thrall's  daughter,  who  is 
therefore  herself  a  slave,  i.e.  a  servant.' 
The  deriv.  syllable  is  a  diminutive  sufiix 
(comp.  (S'id)f)cni)  ;  the  stein  is  indisputably 
pina-,  '  menial.'  For  further  cognates,  see 
bieucn,  JDeijnt. 

pi  ft  cl,  f,  '  thistle,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  distel,  m.  and  f.,  OHG.  distila,  f.,  distil, 
m.  ;  corresponds  to  Du.  and  LG.  distel,  AS. 
pistel,  E.  thistle,  OIc.  pistell.  Modern  LG. 
and  Eng.  dialects  have  t  in  the  accented 
syllable  ;  hence  the  root  is  ptst  ?.  Akin 
to  Goth,  wiga-deind,  'milk-thistle'?. 

Pdbel,  m.,  'peg,  wedge,'  from  MidHG. 
tiibel.  m.,  '  pin,  plug,  nail ' ;  OHG.  tubilt, 
D.,  'plug'     Comp.  E.  dowel,  Du.  deuvik, 

<plug.'  The  Teut.  root  dub,  upon  which 
it  is  based,  appears  in  Swed.  dubba;  so, 
too,  perhaps  in  Litb.  dubti,  '  to  get  hollow,' 
daubd,  diibt,  '  pit.'  The  d  of  the  ModHG. 
word  is  due  to  MidG.  influence. 

bod),  conj.,  '  vet,  however,'  from  Mid 
HG.  doch,  OHG  odh,  'yet,'  also  '  although' ; 
#,  on  account  of  the  toneless  nature  of  the 
conj.,  is  shortened  from  6  ;  Goth,  pduh,  cor- 
responding to  AS.  p-d/i,  E.  though.  Scarcely 
from  pa  (variant  of  pata,  HG.  da$)  and  vJi, 
*  and.'     Goth,  pauh  is  lit.  '  and  that'  1. 

Pod)f ,  m, '  wick.'  The  strictly  ModHG. 
form  should  be  dacht,  which  is  still  dialec- 
tal, as  well  as  the  variant  tacht,  with  the  t 
from  p,  as  in  taufeiib.  MidHG.  and  OHG. 
laid,  m.  n.  ;  comp.  OIc.  pdttr,  *  thread, 
wick.'  A  Teut.  root,  pel),  pig,  still  ap- 
pears in  Swiss  dcegel,  '  wick,'  Bav.  ddlien, 
Alsat.  doclie,  '  wick.'  In  the  non-Teut. 
languages  no  primit.  root  tek  has  as  yet  been 
found.  For  another  OTeut.  term  for  Sedjt, 
see  under  5Biecf)e. 

Podt,  n.,  '  dock,'  simply  ModHG  ;  from 
the  equiv.  E.  dock,  the  origin  of  which  is 
very  obscure.  From  E.  and  Du.  (dok)  the 
word  was  adopted  by  Swed.,  Dan.,  Mod 
HG.,  and  ModFr. 

Potfte,  f.,  'doll,'  from  MidHG.  tocke, 
f.,  'doll,'  also  ' young  girl,'  OHG.  toccha, 
'  doll.'  The  word  is  not  found  in  the 
oldest  periods  of  the  other  dialects,  nor 
can  the  ModHG.  meanings,  'skein,  yam,' 
be  authenticated  from  MidHG.,  OHG.,  and 
the  early  stages  of  connate  languages  ;  yet 
there  is  no  reason  to  doubt  the  real  Teut. 
origin  of  the  word. 

PoftftC,  f,  'bulldog,  mastiff,'  simply 
ModHG.,  from  the  equiv.  Du.  and  E.  dog 
(from  about  1050  a.d.  the  word  occurs  in 
AS.  as  docga),  whence  also  Fr.  dogue.  With 
regard  to  HG.  gg,  as  a  proof  of  a  word  being 
borrowed  from  LG.,  comp.  St«89f> 

Poljle,  f.,  'jackdaw,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  tdhele,  idle,  tdhe,  OHG.  tdJia,  f.  ; 
primary  form  *d$hic6,  dSwd,  according  to 
AS.*ddwe,  E.  daw,  whence  also  E.  caddow, 
'  daw  '  (the  first  part  of  the  compound  is 
AS.  cd,  Du.  M,  OHG.  chdha,  'daw' ;  so, 
too,  E.  chough).  From  Teut.  pah  train  is 
derived  Ital.  taccola,  'magpie.' 

PoI)rte,  f.,  'gin,  noose,  springe,'  from 
MidHG.  don.  done,  f.,  'stretching,'  OHG. 
dona, '  branch,  twig.'  !Tct)ne  is  the  'branch 
bent  or  stretched  for  catching  birds.'  The 
Aryan  root  ten,  '  to  stretch,  extend,'  is  dis- 
cussed under  fcetnteit,  buna.    OBulg.  tonoto, 


(    58    ) 


1  cord,  noose,'  Lat.  tenas,  11.,  '  cord,'  Sans. 
tantu-s,  tantrt,  '  wire,  cord,'  Gr.  rhwp, 
sinew,'  are  closely  allied  in  meaning  to 
£cf)Hf.  So  too  OHG.  donAn  (Gotli.  *}>unan), 
'to  exert  oneself.' 

Pohcc,  pouches,  m.,  '  fundament,'  a 
Jewish  word,  but  of  doubtful  etymology  ; 
hardly  from  Hebr.  tdchath,  '  underneath.' 

pold),  m., 'dagger,  dirk,'  simply  Mod 
HG.  (from  the  beginning  of  the  16th  cent.), 
derived  like  the  equiv.  Du.,  Dan., and  Swed. 
dolk,  from  Slav.  (Boheni.  and  Pol.  tulich  ?). 

Poloe,  f.,  '  umbel,'  from  MidHG.  tolde, 
f.,  '  top  or  crown  of  a  plant  or  tree,'  OHG. 
loldo,  m.  ;  the  ModHG.  word  has  appa- 
rently a  LG.  initial  sound.  The  root  is 
did  (pre-Teur.  dliel),  as  is  indicated  by 
OHG.  tola,  '  grape-stalk.'  From  Aryan 
dhel,  Gr.  06\os,  'dome'  (allied  in  meaning 
to  ModHG.  £clbe,  'umbel'),  is  formed  by 
gradation.  Yet  0dXXw,  '  to  sprout,  bloom,' 
6d\os,  n.,  'young  shoot,  twig,  may  also  be 

pole,  f.,  'canal,'  from  MidHG.  *dol, 
OHG.  dola,  f., '  pipe ' ;  akin  to  LG.  and  Fris. 
dole,  'pit,  ditch.' 

Poltncf  fcf),  m.,  '  interpreter,'  from  tlie 
equiv.  MidHG.  t-dmetsche,  tolmetze,  tul- 
metsche  ;  a  Turk,  word  (North  Turk,  tilmac) 
which  found  its  way  into  MidHG.  through 
Magyar  (tolmdcs)  or  Slav.  (OSlov.  tlumuct, 
Pol.  tlumacz,  Buhem.  tlumaS)  ;  also  in 
MidHG.  tolc,  tolke  (comp.  further  Du.  folk), 
'interpreter,'  from  OSlov.  tluku,  (whence 
also  Lith.  tullcas,  Lett,  tulks,  'interpreter'). 

Pom,  m.,  '  cathedral,  dome,  cupola,' 
ModHG.  only,  borrowed  from  Lat.  aomus 
(for  domus  del;  comp.  the  Goth,  word 
gudhAs,  '  the  house  of  God,  church  ').  An 
earlier  loan-word  is  OHG.  tuom  (also  dom), 
MidHG.  tuom,  'a  bishop's  collegiate  church, 
cathedral,'  which  was  naturalised  in  Ger- 
many about  the  9th  cent.  ;  comp.  OHG. 
scuola  from  Lat.  scdla,  as  if  it  were  scdla; 
so  tuom  for  tdm  from  ddmus;  see  ©djule. 
The  form  Sum,  developed  from  MidHG. 
tuom,  kept  its  ground  till  the  beginning 
of  the  last  century. 

Poittter,  m., '  thunder,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  doner,  OHG.  donar,  m.,  corre- 
sponding to  AS.  punor,  E.  thunder;  Goth. 
*J>unara-,  m.  It  is  the  OTeut  name  for 
thunder,  under  which  also  the  weather-god 
was  worshipped  (see  £onner$tag).  The 
name  comes  from  the  Aryan  root  ten,  dis- 
cussed under  beljncn,  £or>nf,  and  burnt.  In 
its  application  to  sound  we  meet  with  this 

root  in  Gr.  twos,  'string,  rope,  stretching, 
tone,  accent,'  Sans,  root  tan,  *  to  resound, 
roar,'  tannyitnUs,  'roaring,  thundering,' 
Lat  tonare  (AS.  J>un»an,  Goth.  *J>un6n, '  to 
thunder'),  Lat.  tunitrus;  the  latter  corre- 
spondences are,  on  account  of  their  mean- 
ing, the  most  closely  allied  to  the  Teut 

Ponncrsfag,  '  Thursday,'  from  Mid 
HG.  doutrstac,  duurestac,  OHG.  donares- 
tag ;  comp.  Du.  donderdag,  AS.  Jjunresdoeg, 
E.  Thursday,  OIc.  }>6rsdagr  ;  the  day  sacred 
10  the  OTeut.  sod  faunar  (OHG.  Donar, 
OLG.  Thunar,  OIc.  Jj&rr  for  Jxmraz) ;  see 
!DUn$tU3  and  SBccfoe.  A  remarkable  form 
occurs  in  MidHG.  (Bav.),  pfinz-tac, '  Thurs- 
day,' from  the  equiv.  Gr.  xiu-KTtf. 

boppcltt,  vb.,  'to  play  at  dice,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  dcppeln,  from  MidHG.  top- 
pel,  '  dice-playing,'  which  corresponds  to 
Fr.  doublet, ' doublet'  (at  dice).    See  25au$. 

OOppclt,  adj.  (a  parallel  form,  £oppt(, 
occurs  in  the  compounds  JDoppclabler,  £)op- 
pclkjanget),  'double,  duplicate,  twofold,'  Mod 
HG.  only,  from  Fr.  double;  MidHG.  dublin, 
'double,'  is  a  deriv.  from  the  same  source. 
The  final  t  of  the  ModHG.  word  is  a 
secondary  suffix,  as  in  §lrt,  Dbjr. 

Porf,  n.,  '  village,  hamlet,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  dorf,  n.  ;  an 
OTeut.  word  ;  comp.  OSax.  thorp,  Du.  dorp, 
AS.  frorp,  E.  tlwrp,  throp  (existing  now  only 
in  proper  names);  OIc.  J>>rp,  'hamlet'; 
Goth,  paurp  signifies  'fields,  land,'  while 
in  the  other  dialects  the  ModHG.  meaning 
of  the  word  is  current  (in  Goth,  haims, 
'village';  sea  J£>eim).  The  meaning  of 
ModHG.  (Swiss)  dorf,  '  visit,  meeting,'  con- 
nected perhaps  with  OSlov.  trugu,  '  mar- 
ket,' deserves  special  notice.  If  the  hisiory 
of  the  word  is  rendered  difficult  by  such 
variations  of  meaning,  it  is  made  still  more 
so  by  the  Kelt.  *tfbo,  'village';  W.  tref, 
'  village'  (to  which  the  name  of  the  OGall. 
tribe  Atrebatcs  is  allied),  also  connected 
with  Lat  tribus,  '  tribe.'  Moreover,  OIc. 
fiyrpa,  'to  crowd,'  is  closely  akin  to  Gr. 
TOppy,  Lat.  turba,  '  hand.'  Note  too  AS. 
prep,  prdp,  '  viUage,'  Lith.  trobd,  £, '  build- 

Pom,  m.,  '  thorn,  prickle,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  dorn,  m. ;  corre- 
sponds to  Goth.  paurnus,  OIc.  porn,  AS. 
porn,  E.  tlwrn,  Du.  doom,  OSax.  thorn, 
'thorn';  from  pre-Teut  trnu-.  Comp. 
OSlav.  trunu,  'thorn,'  Sans,  trna,  'blade 
of  grass.' 


(     59    ) 


borrctt,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
dorren,  OHG.  dorren,  '  to  get  dry,  dry  up '  ; 
comp.  OSax.  thorron,  Goth.  *f>aurzan.  A 
deriv.  oijjorz-,  which  appears  inbiirr  ;  comp. 
Lat.  tomre, '  to  dry '  (torret  i*  exactly  equiv. 
to  OHG.  dorrit,  Goth.  * Jjaurzaip).  Instead 
of  the  form  */?aurza»,  Goth,  has  gapaursnan 
(OIc.  fcorna),  '  to  get  dry,  dry  up,'  which 
is  differently  derived  (comp.  $)arre,  burr). 

Porfd),  m.,  'torsk,'  simply  ModHG, 
formed  from  LG.  dorsch;  corresponds  to 
OIc.  frorskr,  E.  torsk,  tusk,  from  the  equiv. 
Dan.  torsk. 

Porfd)e,  f.,  'cabbage-stump,  cole-rape,' 
with  LG.  initial  d,  trom  MidHG.  torse, 
*  cabbage-stump,'  OHG.  turso,  torso, '.  stalk' ; 
lor  the  change  of  s  to  sch  comp.  birfdjen. 
There  is  a  parallel  Rom.  class  (Ital.  torso, 
OFr.  tros,  *  stump,  morsel ')  which  is  un- 
doubtedly of  Teut.  origin.  The  HG.  word 
is  probably  primit.  allied  to  the  Gr.  Ovpaos, 
1  wand.' 

&orf,  adv.,  'there,  in  that  place,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  dort,  OHG.  dorot,  pro- 
bably from  darot ;  Goth.  *parapa  (formed 
like  dalajja),  would  be  the  corresponding 
adv.  in  answer  to  the  question  where  1  The 
OHG.  has  dardt,  *  thither ' ;  derived  from 
bar,  ba. 

Pole,  f.,  'box,'  first  occurs  in  ModHG., 
from  LG.  do«e,  Du.  doos  (Dan.  daase). 

Poff,  Poftett,  m.,  'marjoram,'  from  Mid 
HG.  doste,  toste,  OHG.  tosto,  dosto,  m., 
'  wild  thyme.'  It  may  be  really  identical 
with  MidHG.  doste,  toste,  m.,  '  bunch,  nose- 
gay,' so  that '  thyme  '  would  be  a  specialised 
meaning.  The  Goth,  word  was  probably 
*t>usta, '  shrub.'  Further  cognates  to  help 
in  determining  theroot  are  wanting.  Comp. 

potter  (1.),  m.  and  n.,  'yolk,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  toter,  OHG.  totoro,  tutar-ei; 
the  ModHG  word  seems  to  have  a  LG. 
initial  sound.  Corresponds  to  OSax.  dddro, 
Du.  dojer,  AS.  dj/dring,  'yolk'  ;  a  pre- 
Tent.  term  for  the  '  yolk  of  an  egg '  (see  also 
(Si).  AS.  dott,  m ,  '  point,  spot,'  E.  dot  are, 
on  account  of  LG.  dott,  dStte,  'yellow  part 
of  the  egg,'  to  be  derived  from  the  same 
Aryan  stem  dhut ;  the  orig.  6en*e  of  JDottcr 
may  have  been,  therefore,  'point  in  the 
egg.'  The  E.  term  yolk,  AS.  geolca,  is  lit. 
'  yellow  part,'  from  AS.  geolo,  equiv.  to  E. 
yellow.    In  OIc.  bldme,  'yolk.' 

Potter  (2.),  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
toter,  in.,  '  gold-pleasure ' ;  comp.  MidE. 
doder,  E.  dodder  ('toad-flax') ;  Dan.  dgdder, 

Swed.  dgdra.  Perhaps  allied  to  hotter  (1.), 
so  that  the  plant  was  named  from  its  colour 
(or  from  the  similarity  of  its  seeds  to  the 
yolk  of  an  egg?). 

Pottdjes,  see  £cfe,?. 

Poufes,  m.,  '  prison,'  Jew.,  from  Hebr. 
tafas, '  to  seize,  take  prisoner.' 

Prctd)e,  in.  (with  a  MidG.  d),  'dra- 
gon, kite,  termagant,'  from  MidHG.  trache, 
(UpG.  tracke).  OHG.  trahho  (UpG.  traccho), 
m.  ;  the  ModHG.  initial  sound  is  to  be 
regarded  in  the  same  way  as  in  bidjten 
(comp.  MidLG.  and  MidDu.  drdke).  The 
word  was  naturalised  in  Germany  before  the 
8th  cent. ;  as  in  the  case  of  the  bird  ©rctf, 
'  griffin,'  the  dragon  as  a  fabulous  beast 
furnished  material  for  the  imaginative 
faculty  of  the  Germans,  and  supplanted 
the  native  mythological  creations.  The 
E.  loan-word  is  equally  old — AS.  draca, 
E.  drake  (in  drake-fly  or  dragon-fly).  The 
word  is  based  on  Lat.  (Rom.)  draco  (dracco), 
which  again  is  derived  from  Gr.  Sp&Kwv, 
'dragon,  lit.  'the  sharp-sighted  animal' 
(from  Stpitofiai).  E.  dragon,  is  of  recent 
Rom.  origin  (Fr.  dragon). 

Pral)t ,  m.,  '  wire,  file,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  drdt,  m.  ;  comp.  Du. 
draad,  AS.  prced,  equiv.  to  E.  thread,  OIc. 
/>r«Sr,  Goth.  *J>re)js  ;  a  dental  deriv.  of  the 
Teut.  root  prS,  '  to  turn,  twist,'  which  ap- 

{ tears  in  ModHG.  breljen .  The  pre-Teut  trS 
ies  at  the  base  of  Gr.  rprjim,  '  hole,'  which 
is  identical  in  form  with  ModHG.  iDra^t ; 
for  the  meaning  comp.  brefyen,  $)arm. 

Prafte,  LG,  see  (Sittertdj. 

brail,  adj.,  '  tight,  twisted,  stalwart, 
active,'  simply  ModHG.,  akin  to  MidHG. 
dr'el,  OIc  pearle,  adv.,  '  firmly,  strongly, 
very  ' ;  from  briflcn  ?. 

Prong,  m.,  'crowd,  throng,  pressure,' 
from  MidHG.  dranc(g),  m.,  '  throng,  op- 
pression.' Comp.  Du.  drang,  'pressure, 
throng,  desire,'  AS.  geprang,  equiv.  to  E. 
throng ;  from  bringrn. 

britngett,  vb.,  'to  press,  pinch,  dun,' 
from  MidHG.  dre,ngen,  factitive  of  brina.rn. 
2)rangfal  in  early  ModHG.  ;  sfal  is  the  fre- 
quent ModHG.  suffix,  the  older  form  of 
which  is  as  isal,  Goth,  id,  AS.  and  E.  -Is. 
Goth,  formed  from  the  same  stem,  but  by 
a  different  gradation,  an  abstract  Jrreihsl, 
'  hardship,  oppression.' 

brmts,  orcutfjctt,  'outside,  abroad,' 
from  barauS,  baraujjm ;  comp.  MidHG.  drabe, 
from  dar  abe ;  ModHG.  bran,  from  barati, 
brin,  from  barm. 


(    60    ) 


5rccf)fcln,  vl>.,  'to  turn  (on  a  lathe),' 
deiiv.  of  MidHG.  drilisel,  drahsel,  'turner,' 
in  Goth.  *J*rihs<U;  bretjm  (root  jW,  trf) 
cannot  l>e  closely  allied  to  brccfyfcln  ;  it 
must  rather  be  connected  with  a  root  con- 
taining a  guttural,  />rSlw-  or  pr(h.  Gr. 
Tfxwonai  (with  x  for  A;),  and  Lat.  torqiteo 
(Gr.  dr/xwcroj,  'spindle,'  Lat.  torcular,  'oil- 
press'),  point  to  a  root  trek,  '  to  turn.'  The 
OHG.  ardltsil,  'turner,'  is  probably  the 
only  remains  of  this  root  in  Teut.  ;  in  Mid 
HG.  and  also  in  UpG.  and  LG.  dialects 
brcfycn  (MidHG.  drcsjen,  drcen)  signifies  '  to 
turn  (on  a  lathe).'    See  brefyeu. 

Prccft,  m.,  'dirt,  mire,  tilth,  dung,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  dree  (gen.  -ekes),  m., 
'dirt';  OHG.  *drecch,  Goth.  *J>riI:k,  m., 
are  supported  by  OIc.  prelchr,  m.,  *dirt' 
{Dan.  draclc).  Perhaps  derived  from  the 
meaning  'sediment,  lees,'  so  that  Gr.  rpO$, 
rpvyds,  'lees,  sediment,  fresh  must'  (with 
v  for  0?),  may  perhaps  be  compared. 

bref)Cn,  vb.,  '  to  turn,  whirl,  wind,'  from 
MidHG.  drcsjen,  drcen,  *to  turn,  turn 
round,'  OHG.  drdjan.  The  Goth,  form 
may  have  been  />  aian  (comp.  lvrtyeit,  Goth. 
waian ;  faen,  Goth,  saian) ;  comp.  Du. 
draaijen,  '  to  turn  (on  a  lathe) ' ;  AS.  frrd- 
tcan  (comp.  sdican,  vdican),  and  MidE. 
fcrdwen,  'to  turn,'  are  str.  vbs.,  while  the 
ModHG.  verb  is  wk.  even  in  OHG.  The 
assumed  Goth,  form  *}>ravin,  '  to  turn,' 
was  undoubtedly  conjugated  strong  (pret. 
*}mi}?r6).  }>rS  is  the  verbal  stem  common 
to  Teut,  from  which  a  subst.,  2>ral)t,  mean- 
ing '  twisted  thread,'  was  formed  by  adding 
a  dental  suffix.  This  subst.  proves  most 
clearly  that  the  root  of  fcrcficn  did  not  end 
in  a  guttural,  and  that  therefore  ModHG. 
2>red)0l«r,  from  OHG.  drdhsil,  cannot  be 
allied  to  fcrefyett.  In  ModE.,  to  throw  ('  to 
turn '),  is  obsolete.  The  root  pri  is  from 
pre-Teut.  trS,  ter  ;  this  appears  in  Gr.,  with 
the  meaning  'to  bore,' in  numerous  deri- 
vatives. '  To  bore '  is  a  specialisation  of  the 
meaning  'to  turn,'  ro\&rpTrrot,  'porous,' 
rprj/xa,  'hole,'  avvrpTJcau,  rerpalvw,  'to  bore 
through,'  Ttptw,  '  to  bore,  turn  on  a  lathe ' 
(comp.  MiuHG.  drcejen,  'to  turn  on  a 
lathe'),  rdpros,  'turner's  chisel,'  riptTpov, 
Lat.  terebra,  '  borer.'     Comp.  also  ©arm. 

brei,  num.,  'three,' from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  dri,  which  is  prop,  simply  the  noni. 
masc.  ;  the  rest  of  the  old  cases  are  obso- 
lete in  ModHG. ;  AS.  jrrt,  Jrreo,  E.  three, 
Goth,  preis,  from  *prijis.  It  corresponds 
to  Aryau  trejes,  equiv.  to  Sans,  trdyas,  Gr. 

rpth,  from  rpija,  Lat.  tres,  OSlov.  trljf. 
SDlti,  like  the  other  units,  is  a  primit.  word. 
See  2)riUi$,  £ritre. 

breifl,  adj.,  'bold,  audacious,  8elf-con> 
fident,'  simply  ModHG.,  from  the  equiv. 
LG.  drtste  (hence  breijt  is  not  found  in  the 
UpG.  dialects)  ;  comp.  OSax.  thrtsti,  Du. 
driest,  AS.  frrtste,  '  bold,  daring.'  The  simi- 
larity iu  the  initial  sound  with  Lat.  tristis, 
'  sad,'  is  perhaps  of  no  etymological  value  ; 
as,  however,  a  similar  change  of  meaning 
is  met  with  in  the  cognates  of  ModHG. 
tapfer,  Lat.  tristis  and  OSax.  thrtsti  may 
perhaps  be  derived  from  a  common  root. 
Otherwise  it  might  well  be  connected  with 
fcringen,  OSax.  thrtsti,  for  thrlltsti,  from 
prinh-sti  ?. 

bret&tg,  see  jig. 

bvefd)en,  vb.,  'to  thresh.'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  dreschen,  OHG.  dreskan; 
corresponds  to  Du.  dorschen,  AS.  Jxrscan 
(for  prescan),  E.  to  thrash,  t/tresli,  (comp. 
MidHG.  dreschen,  which  also  means  'to 
torment');  Goth.  J>rUkan.  Threshing  was 
practised  in  primit.  Teut.  times,  as  this 
common  term  testifies.  The  Teutons, 
even  before  they  became  settlers,  and 
hence  while  they  were  still  migrating 
were  acquainted  with  the  most  elementary 
methods  of  agriculture  ;  comp.  the  various 
kinds  of  com,  and  also  $jhta,,  (§#$(,  93ret, 
&c.  The  Teut.  cognates  found  their  way 
intoRom., — Ital.  trescare,  'to  trample,  move 
the  feet  about,  dance,'  OFr.  trescJie,  'chain- 
dance.'  From  these  the  OTeut.  method 
of  threshing  may  be  easily  inferred.  Tlie 
flail  (2>ref<f)jlfgel)  came  from  Italy  through 
the  medium  of  Rom.  (see  ijlegel) ;  for  this 
a  simpler  term  is  found  in  OHG.  driscil, 
MidHG.  and  ModHG.  drisehel.  The  mean- 
ing of  the  Teut.  base  tresk  is  probably  '  to 
stamp  noisily,  tread '  ;  comp.  Lith.  tras- 
keti,  '  to  rattle,  clatter,'  OSlov.  triskii, 
'  crack,'  troska,  '  thunderclap.'  E.  threshold 
is  mostly  connected  with  t>wfd)en,  OTeut. 
frreskan,  regarding  it  as  the  threshing-staff, 
or  as  the  place  at  the  entrance  to  the  house 
where  corn  was  threshed. 

fcrtllcrt,  vb.,  '  to  revolve,  bore,  drill,' 
from  MidHG.  drillen,  '  to  turn,  make 
round '  (with  the  partic.  gedrollen, '  round '). 
The  meaning  'to  bore'  comes  from  LG. 
drillen  (see  brttjtn,  bredjfcln,  for  the  con- 
necting link  between  the  meanings),  akin 
to  Du.  drillen,  E.  to  thrill,  and  also  LG. 
drall  (MidDu.  drel),  'round,  turning,' 
which  is  formed  by  gradation.     The  cog- 


(     61     ) 


nates  point  to  a  Teut.  root  prel,  'to  turn 
on  a  lathe).' — brillett,  'to  plague'  or  'to 
drill  (recruits),5  may  be  derived  from  the 
first  or  the  second  meaning. 

Prillic^,  m.,  'ticking,'  from  MidHG. 
drilich,  drilch,  m., '  a  stuff  woven  with  three 
threads';  an  adj.  signifying  'threefold' 
formed  into  a  subst. ;  see  3nnflt<fy.  Dri- 
is  the  older  form  for  fcrei  in  compounds  (see 
britte,  3w\U,  ami  ©rilling) ;  OHG.  drlfalt, 
'  threefold.'  OHG.  driltch, '  threefold,  con- 
sisting of  three  threads,'  is  the  convenient 
Ger.  rendering  of  the  Lat.  trttix  (trtlicem), 
'  triple  -  twilled,'  from  licium,  'thread.' 
Similar  formations  maybe  seen  in  Stmflicb 
and  Suntntet. 

Prilling,  m., '  triplet,  one  of  three  born 
at  the  same  time,'  simply  ModHG.,  formed 
like  3»t fling. 

bringctt,  vb.,  '  to  press,  crowd,  pierce,.' 
from  MidHG.  dringen,  OHG.  dringan,  '  to 
compress,  throng,  press  on,'  then  also  '  to 
plait,  weave'  (MidHG.  drlhe,  'embroider- 
ing needle ')  ;  comp.  Goth,  preihan  (eih 
from  inh),  'to  throng,  oppress,  cramp, 
afflict.'  The  Teut.  root  is  prinhw,  prang;. 
comp.  also  with  OHG.  dringan,.  OSax. 
thringan,  AS.  pringan,  'to  press,'  OIc. 
pryngva.  The  h  was  retained  by  MidHG. 
drlhe,  f.,  '  embroidering  needle,'  whence 
MidHG.  drihen,  '  to  embroider.' — With  the 
general  meaning  '  to  press '  are  connected 
ModHG.  ©rang,  braitgen,  ©cbrdnge  (OHG. 
gidr$ngi),  Goth,  praihns, '  crowd '  (in  faihu^ 
praihns,  '  wealth  ') ;  E.  throng.  With  the 
Teut.  cognates  Lith.  trenkti,  'to  shake, 
push,'  trdntwias,  'din,  tumult,'  Lett,  trceht, 
'to  shatter,'  are  primit.  allied. 

btittc,  ord.  of  brci,  'third,'  MidHG. 
dritte,  OHG.  drilto  ;  corresponds  to  Goth. 
pridja ;  AS.  pridda,  E.  third,  pri-  is  the 
stem  (see  ©rillicfy),  dja  the  suffix,  which 
forms  the  ordinal  from  the  cardinal  ;  it  is 
-tio-  in  Lat.  tertius  Sans,  trtiya-s. — Priffcl, 
n.,  'third  part,  third,'  from  MidHG.  drit- 
U  il. 

Progc,  f.,  'drug,'  ModHG.  only,  from 
Fr.  drogue,  which  with  its  Rom.  cognate 
droga  (ltal.,  Span.)  is  usually  derived  from 
Du.  droog  (see  tvccfni) ;  yet  there  are  essen- 
tial  reasons  for  ascribing  the  word  to  an 
Eastern  origin. 

broken,  vb.,  '  threaten,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  diCii),  wk.  vb.,  which  is  the  deno- 
minative of  an  earlier  dro,  f.,  'threat.'  The 
more  ancient  vb.  is  ModHG.  brancn,  from 
MidHG.  drouwen,  drouwen,  OHG.  drewen, 

drouwen;  Gotb.  *praujan,  AS.  predn  pred- 
de)  (equiv.  to  E.  to  threaten).  OHG.  dr6, 
drda  (gen.  drawa),  corresponds  to  AS.  pred  ; 
Goth,  prawa  is  wanting,  gen.  prawtis,  f., 
1  threat.'  In  E  the  word  is  obsolete.  Be- 
yond Teut  there  are  no  cognates. 

Prof)ttC,  f.,  'drone.'  The  strict  HG. 
form  is  %t( f)ne,  Xxtne  (so  still  in  Saxony  and 
Austria),,  according  to  MidHG.  trene,  tren, 
OHG.  trenoy  m.  ©refute  is  a  LG.  form  de- 
rived from  Sax.  drdn,  plur.  drdni,  to  which 
AS.  drdn,  plur.  drdm,  E,  drone,  correspond ; 
both  point  to  Goth.  *drainus,  *drSnus, 
while  OHG^  treno  assumes  perhaps  Goth. 
*drina;  the  relation  between  the  theoretical 
Goth,  forms  has  not  yet  been  definitely 
fixed.  The  base  drSn  seems  to  appear  in 
brofjnen  (Goth.  drunjusy  '  loud  sound '). 
From  the  same  root  probably  a  Gr.  term 
for  '  bee '  is  formed — revOp^vri,  '  a  sort  of 
wasp  or  humble-bee '  (also  avOpfyij,  '  wild 
bee'  1 — comp.  too  revOpySdiv,  avOprfSdiv),  also 
Lacon.  0pd>va.£,  '  drone.'  5Mene,  like  ©rotnif, 
is  a  primit.  Teut.  term.  See  the  following 

broIjttCtt,.  vb.,. '  to  roar,  Bumble,  creak, 
drone,'  simply  ModHG.,  borrowed  from 
LG.  dronen ;  comp.  Du.  dreunen,  OIc. 
drynja,  vb.,  cto  drone,  roar,'  OIc.  drynr, 
m.,  'droning,'  Goth,  drunjus,  m.,  'loud 
sound.'  See  derivatives  of  the  same  root 
drcn,  dhren,  under  JDrctuie ;  comp.  besides 
Gr.  6pr}vos,  '  lamentation.' 

btrolttg,  adj.,  'droll,  ludicrous,  queer,' 
simply  ModHG,  from  LG.  dndligs  Du. 
drollig;  E.  droll  (subst.  and  adj.),  also  adj. 
drollish  ;  Fr.  drdle,  '  droll,  merry.'  None 
of  these  are  recorded  in  the  older  periods 
of  the  several  languages, hence  their  origin 
(Rom.  %  Teut.  ?)  is  obscure.  The  deriva- 
tion from  the  Scand.  name  trgll  applied  to 
ghostly  monsters  is  improbable,  for  in  the 
Scand.  dialects  the  word  has  an  initial  t 
while  the  ModHG.  bvollig  and  its  cognates 
have  d. 

ProfJTel  (1.),  f->  'thrush,'  a  LG.  form 
from  MidLG.  drosle,  OSax.  throssela,  throsla; 
the  strictly  UpG.  term  for  JBrpJTct  is  Bav. 
©rofdjef,  from  MidHG.  drdschel,  f. ;  comp. 
OHG.  drdseela,  f.,  also  without  the  deriv.  /, 
drdsca,  drdscea,  f.  ;  the  latter  form  corre- 
sponds to  AS.  prfisce  (from  *prauslci6),  E. 
thrush.  E.  throstle,  from  AS.  prostle,  '  me- 
rtil.i,'  corresponds  to  MidHG.  drostel;  in 
Goth,  the  latter  would  be  *prustla  and  the 
former  praitska(nr  rather *prauskjov) ;  akin 
to  Gr.  rpVywv,  '  turtle-dove,'  from  *Tpv<ry<bv  !. 


(    62    ) 


(Jump,  on  tlie  other  hand  01c.  prgstr,  in., 
4  thrush,'  Goth.  *prastus.  This  abundance 
of  words  which  are  undoubtedly  closely 
allied  renders  any  sure  comparison  with 
cognate  words  beyond  Teut.  a  difficult  task. 
The  Lat.  turdSla,  '  thrush,'  may  l>e  for 
*trzdila;  in  that  case  the  tt  of  MidHG. 
drostel,  E.  throstle,  is  shifted  from  sd  (see  21  jl, 
©erftf,  SKajt,  9leji) ;  turdSla  is  a  derivative 
of  turdus,  '  thrush,'  closely  connected  with 
OIc.  prgstr,  m.  (Goth.  *prastus,  m.).  Lith. 
has  a  longer  form  for  IDroffel,  with  an  initial 
$ — str&zdas,  which  makes  the  origin  of  st 
of  MidHG.  drostel  from  zd,  sd,  a  certainty. 
Russ.  droztlii,  OSlov.  drozgu,  are  abnormal. 
The  words  of  the  Teut  group  found  their 
way  into  Rom. :  ModFr.  trdle  (from *prasla, 
*prastla). — S)rcffet  is  one  of  the  few  names 
of  birds  found  in  several  Aryan  languages 
at  the  same  time,  and  entirely  free  from 
the  assumption  that  they  were  borrowel. 

proflTel  (2.),  f.,  'throat,  throttle,  Adam's 
apple,'  preserved  only  in  the  deriv.  erbroffeln, 
'  to  throttle,  strangle ' ;  not  allied  to  2)rofffl 
(1.),  as  is  shown  by  MidHG.  dro^y,  f., 
'  gullet,  throat.'  Comp.  OHG.  dr<n$a,  AS. 
protu,  f.,  E.  throat,  and.  likewise  E.  throttle 
isubst.  and  vb.),  an  I  deriv.  There  is  a 
parallel  group  with  an  initial  s  added  (see 
SDroffet  (1.),  £ad))  _;  MidHG.  8^0336,  OLG. 
strotu,  'throat,  windpipe,'  Du.  stroot;  see 
ftrofcen.  From  HG.  the  word  found  its 
way  into  Rom., — Ital.  strozza,  'throat,'  stroz- 
zare,  '  to  strangle.' 

Profl,  m.,  'chief  magistrate'  (a  LG. 
word),  from  MidLG.  droste,  drossite;  the 
latter  is  identical  with  MidHG.  truhtscey, 
ModHG.  Srucfofejj ;  for  £>rofht  see  also  under 

Prudi,  m., '  pressure,  oppression,  print- 
ing, proof,'  from  MidHC.  druc  (-ekes),  m., 
'  pressure,  violent  impact,  rebound,  hostile 
encounter,'  OHG.  druckj  corresponds  to 
AS.  }>ryc  (cc  supported  by  ofpryce),  '  pres- 

brudten,  brudten,  '  to  pre.*s,  oppress, 
hug,  print,'  from  MidHG.  driieken,  drucken, 
OHG.  drucchen  (comp.  AS.  pryecan,  '  to 
press'),  MidHG.  drucken,  an  unmodified 
UpG.  variant,  has  a  specialised  meaning 
in  ModHG.  In  Goth,  the  subst.  would  be 
*prukks,  the  vb.  prukkjan.  Since  the  Mid 
HG.  vb.  driieken  is  equiv.  to  '  to  press, 
throng,  oppress,  thrust  oneself,'  the  mean- 
ings harmonise  well  with  bringen,  which  is 
based  upon  an  Aryan  root  trenk,  while 
trurfen  would  be  derived  from  a  root  trek 

without  the  nasal  ;  the  Ik  of  the  theoreti- 
cal Goth,  form  originated  probably  in  kit. 
— I>rudtfcn,  ModHG.  a  frequentative, 
form  of  brucfen. 

Prube,  f.,  'sorceress,'  LG.  ;  MidHG. 
trute,  f..  'demoness,  nightmare';  Drubtnfu§, 
MidHG.  trutenvuo^.  In  spite  of  its  wide 
diffusion  (Dan.  drude,  Gothland,  druda),  the 
form  of  the  word  is  obscure,  for  it  is  im- 
possible to  see  to  what  the  MidHG.  ini- 
tial t  and  ModHG.  d  are  related.  Perhaps 
MidHG.  trute  is  to  be  connected  with  the 
adj.  traut ;  in  that  case  JDrube  would  be  a 
euphemism  similar  perhaps  to  Gr.  Eume- 

Prufe  (1.),  f.,  'ore  with  a  drossy  or 
crystal  surface,'  simply  ModHG. ;  of  ob- 
scure origin. 

Prufe  (2.),  'glanders,'  ModHG.  ;  iden- 
tical with  iDriife. 

Prufe,  f.,  'gland,  kernel,  swelling  of 
the  glands,'  from  MidHG.  driiese,  druose 
(whence  the  ModHG.  variant  druse,  but 
only  in  a  special  sense) ;  OHG.  druos, 
druosi, f., 'glanders,'  Goth.  *pros or  prdhsi  ?, 
is  wanting ;  so  too  in  E.  there  is  no  cog- 
nate term. 

Prufetl,  plur.,  an  UpG.  word  for  'dregs, 
lees,'  from  MidHG.  druosene,  OHG.  truos- 
una  (UpG.  dialects  have  ue  in  the  accented 
syllable) ;  corresponds  to  Du.  droesem,  Mid 
Du.  droesene,  AS.  drdsn, '  dregs.'  The  base 
is  perhaps  Goth.  *dr6hsn6,  to  which  E. 
dregs,  M.odHG.  Zxtbtx,  Sredjer  are  also 

bit,  2nd  pers.  pron.,  'thou' ;  from  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  du,  and  the  collateral  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  d4;  comp.  AS.  pti,  E.  thou ; 
Lat.  tu,  Gr.  rtf,  «n),  and  Sans,  tvam,  are 
prim,  cognates.  The  details  respecting  the 
Arvan  pronom.  stem  belong  to  grammar. 

Pucafen,  m.  (ducat,  m.,  rarely  fem.  in 
earlier  ModHG.),  'ducat,'  from  late  Mid 
HG.  duedte,  m.  (Mid Lat.  duedtus). 

Pud)t,  f.,  Pudjtbtmfc,  and  Puff, 
'  rowing  seat,  thwart ;'  the  form  with  /  is 
HG.,  that  with  ch  LG.  ;  OHG.  dofta,  f.,  OIc. 
popta,  f.,  'thwart';  OHG.  gviofto,  prop. 
'  comrade  on  the  thwart,'  AS.  gepufta, '  com- 
rade.' One  of  the  prhn-Teut.  naval  terms 
developed  during  the  migrations  of  the 
Teutons  ;  see  {Rubrr,  Sfgcl,  SHaft,  <Sdnff,  &a 
That  the  LG.  form  found  its  way  into  HG. 
is  not  remarkable  after  what  has  been  said 
under  ©orb,  SSufe,  and  SSoot.  The  OTeut. 
word  for  'thwart'  (Goth.  *pu/(6,  f.),  be- 
longs probably  to  a  root  tup,  '  to  squat 


(    63    ) 


down'  ;  comp.  Lith.  tupeti, '  to  squat,'  tupti, 
'to  squat  down.' 

buc&Ctt,  vb., '  to  bow,  duck,  stoop,  dive,' 
with  LG.  initial  d,  from  MidHG.  tucken, 
tiicken,  '  to  incline  the  body  quickly,  bend, 
bow ' ;  prob.  a  frequentative  of  MidHG. 
tOchen,  '  to  dive,'  which  see. 

Pucfttttciufer,  'sly,  stealthy  person,' 
appears  in  MidHG.  as  tockelmuser,  'sneak, 
hypocrite ' ;  the  ModHG.  form  is  based 
anew  on  burfen,  MidHG.  tucken.  A  parallel 
form  £iitfmaufor  is  based  on  Zudt,  'malice,' 
the  second  part  of  the  compound  being 
connected  with  MidHG.  musen,  prop.  '  to 
catch  mice,'  then  (with  thievish  intent), 
'  to  sneak.' 

bubeftt,  vb.,  simply  ModHG.  formed 
from  the  equiv.  Pol.  dudli6,  '  to  play  the 
batrpipes,'  from  dudy,  '  bagpipe.' 

Puff  (1.),  f.,  see  JDtt($t.  * 

Puff  (2.),  m.,  '  exhalation,  odour,'  with 
LG.  initial  d,  from  MidHG.  tuft,  m.,  '  va- 
pour, fog,  dew,  rime,'  OHG.  tuft,  '  frost ' ; 
of  obscure  origin. 

bulbett,  vb.  (unknown  to  the  Suab.,  and 
perhaps  also  to  the  other  UpG.  dialects), 
'  to  bear,  tolerate,  suifer,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  dulten  ;  a  denominative 
of  OHG.  dult,  MidHG.  didt,  f.,  ModHG. 
©ebulb.  The  Goth  used  frulan  for  bulben 
without  the  dental  deriv.  (OHG.  dolSn, 
MidHG.  dolny  both  far  more  general  in 
meaning  than  the  ModHG.  bufben,  'to 
suffer' ;  AS.  polian, '  to  suffer ').  The  pre- 
Teut.  root  is  tel,  tol,  tU,  which  appears, 
exactly  corresponding  to  the  meaning  of 
the  Teut.  cognate*,  in  Gr.  r\fj-vai,  '  to 
suffer,'  tMi-uuv,  'miserable,'  iroKfoXas,  'much 
enduring,'  &c.  Lat.  tolerdre  and  ertragen 
(Lat.  perferre),  show  that  Lat.  tollo  (panic. 
latusiox*tld-tus;  pret.  tuli,h-om  <>ffero),&n(l 
Gr.  Tokfiav,  '  to  venture,  endure,'  may  be 
cognates.  Hence,  the  primary  sense  of  the 
root  appearing  in  the  graded  forms  tel, 
tol,  tie,  tld,  is  '  to  bear,  tolerate.'  See 

Pulf,  f.,  Bav.  'fair,'  with  MidG.  initial 
rf,  from  MidHG.  tult,  f.,  'fair,  church  fes- 
tival, dedication  festival,'  OHG.  tuld.  The 
word  is  the  OTeut.  term  for  '  festival ' ; 
Goth,  dulfrs,  f.,  '  festival,  holiday.' 

immm,  adj.,  'stupid,  silly,'  from  Mid 
HG.  turn  (gen.,  -mmas),  tump  (gen.  -bes), 
'stupid,  foolish,  weak  in  understanding, 
dumb,'  OHG.  tumb.  In  Goth,  dumbs,  OIc. 
dumb):  the  adj .  is  equi  v.  to  AS.  and  E.  dumb ; 
the  OHG.  word,  in  addition  to  the  mean- 

ings of  MidHG.,  has  likewise  the  significa- 
tion '  deaf,'  which  also  belongs  to  bumm  in 
early  ModHG.  '  Dull  in  sense  and  intel- 
lect' may  be  the  primary  sense  of  the  adj., 
which  has  not  yet  been  found  in  the  non- 
Teut.  languages  ;  fhtmm  too  has  a  peculiar 
history  ;  see  fdjmecfett,  fyeR.  Words  express- 
ing the  perceptions  of  one  sense  are  often 
transferred  to  those  of  another.  Hence 
Goth,  dumbs,  'dumb,'  OHG.  tumb,  'deaf, 
dumb,'  may  possibly  be  allied  to  Gr.  rvtp\6s, 
'  blind '  (root  dhubh ;  rv<p  by  the  well- 
known  rule  for  6v<p).  This  conjectural 
etymology  is  quite  as  uncertain  as  that 
offered  under  !Dieb. 

butttpf,  adj.,  '  damp,  dull,  heavy,'  Mod 
HG.  only  ;  formed  by  the  weakest  stage  of 
gradation  from  MidHG.  dimpfen,  str.  vb., 
'to  fume,  smoke';  comp.  also  MidHG. 
dumpfen,  diimpfen,  '  to  fume,  damp.'  The 
oriy.  sense  of  the  adj.  is  probably  'smoky,' 
i.e.  'damp,'  or  'dimming  the  sight  and 
dulling  the  hearing';  bumyf  appears  in 
Uu.  dompig,  with  the  meaning  'damp, 
gloomy.'  Perhaps  the  word  is  connected 
with  buitfct ;  comp.  E.  dank. 

Punc,  f.,  'down,  dune,'  simply  Mod 
HG.  from  the  equiv.  LG.  diine  (OSax. 
*duna),  Du.  duin  (whence  Fr.  dune) ;  re- 
specting ModHG.  it  from  Du.  ui,  comp. 
SBufe,  ©iiten.  Akin  to  AS.  dtin,  'hill,'  E. 
down  ('  plateau  ').  So  too  E.  down,  adv. ; 
for  AS.  ad&ne,  ofdune,  '  from  the  moun- 
tain, towards  the  valh-y,'  corresponds 
exactly  to  MidHG.  ze  tal  (comp  Fr.  ci 
mont,  '  up  the  stream \  Likewise  Gr. 
0vpafr,  '  before  the  door,  has  the  general 
meaning  'outside';  MidHG.  ze  berge  is 
'aloft,  upwards';  comp.  ModHG.  bie, 
Qaaxt  jtebett  einem  ju  53er\je,  '  one's  hair 
stands  on  end.'  The  diine  group  (E.  dorcn) 
seems  to  have  spread  from  Eng.  into  Du. 
and  LG.  (comp.  besides  93afe,  Scot,  $raf)m). 
Hence  the  assumption  that  AS.  Jdn  is  of 
Kelt,  origin  is  not  to  be  discarded — Olr. 
dun,  'hill'  (comp.  the  OKelt.  names  of 
towns  ending  in  dUnum,  August  odnnum, 
Lugdunum)  ;  though  the  attempt  to  show 
that  it  is  priniit.  allied  to  Gr.  Oit>  (110111.  Ots), 
'sea-beacli,'  and  Sans,  dhdnu-s,  'dry  land, 
continent,  inhospitable  land,'  cannot  be 
recommended  ;  AS.  dun  would  be  pre- 
Teut.  dh&nd  (the  indubitable  form  of  the 
cognate  word  in  Ind.). 

puna,  m.,  with  LG.  initial  d;  'dung, 
manure,  from  MidHG.  tungf,  f.,  'dung, 
manuring' ;  MidHG.  tunc,  ni.,  f.,  signifies 


(    64    ) 


*an  underground — prop,  dung-covered — 
chamber  occupied  in  winter,' and  especially 
•the  underground  weaver's  room';  OHG. 
tunra,  'manuring,'  E.  dung  (subst..  and 
vb.) ;  OHG.  tunc,  'weaver's  room  under- 
ground' hunger  from  late  MidHG.  tunger). 
This  double  meaning  of  the  cognates  is  ex- 
plained by  the  remark*  of  Tacitus  (Ger- 
mania,  §  16)  and  Pliny  (Hist.  Nat.y  19,  1). 
'Dung'  is  the  primary  sense  of  the  cog- 
nates of  35uitg  and  bumjen  ;  in  the  other 
Aryan  languages,  however,  no  priinit.  cog- 
nates can  be  adduced. 

buttkel,  adj.,  'dark,  gloomy,  obscure,' 
with  MidG.  initial  d;  from  MidHG. 
tunkel,  'dark,  dull,  damp,'  OHG.  tunchal 
(with  the  parallel  form  tunchar,  MidLG. 
dunker).  By  another  stage  of  gradation 
OIc  dipkkr,  OFris.  djunk  are  formed  from 
the  same  root ;  they  presuppose  a  Goth. 
*digqs  (pre-Teut.  dhengwos).  The  priinit. 
allied  E.  dauk  points  to  a  connection  with 
bumfcf  (Tent,  root  dinq,  dump). 

jDunfccf,  m.,  'fancy,  imagination,  arro- 
gance, prejudice,'  simply  ModHG.  Related 
to  the  vb.  bfmfett,  from  MidHG.  dunken 
(pret.  dithte),  '  to  seem,  appear  to,'  OHG. 
dunchan  (chiefly  impers.  with  dat.),  '  to 
seem'  (pret.  dulita) ;  Goth,  pvgkjan,  puhta, 
mostly  impers.  with  dat.  'to  seem';  AS. 
pyiican,E.  to  t/iiu&,  which,  however,  really 
represents  the  meanings  of  AS.  penceui, 
OHG.,  MidHG,  and  ModHG.  benf  en.  <Dfnt- 
fen  appears  to.  have  been  originally  a  str. 
vb.,of  which  benfen  was  perhaps  the  factitive 
form.  The  Tfeut  punk,  pank,  is  based  upon 
an  old  Aryan  root  tng,  teng,  and  this,  again, 
appears  in  OLat.  tongere,  '  to  know'  (comp. 
Praenest  tongitio, '  notion ').  Comp.  benfen, 

burnt,  adj.,  'thin,  slender,  attenuated,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG*  diinne,  OHG. 
dunni;  comp.  AS.  pynne,  E.  thin,  OIc. 
punnr,  Du.  dun,  Goth.  *punnus.  The 
adj.  retained  the  primit.  meaning  'thin,'  in 
all  the  periods  and  dialects  of  Teut.  The 
stem  punnu  is  preserved  in  OHG.  dun- 
teengi,  AS.  punwenge,  OIc.  punnvange, 
'temples,'  prop,  'thin  cheek'  (comp.  Mod 
HG.  dial.  JDuninge,  ©uitcge,  'temples'). 
The  adj.  is  priinit.  Aryan,  in  the  form 
UinH-s  (respecting  Tent,  nn  comp.  Juitn, 
9)?unn) ;  comp.  OInd.  tanu-s,  '  long,  drawn 
out,  narrow,  thin';  Lat.  tenuis,  'thin, 
narrow' ;  Gr.  raw-,  existing  only  in  com- 

{jouuils,  denotes  'drawn  or  stretched  out, 
ong ' ;  comp.  which  has  the  same 

meaning  ;  OSlov.  tlnulcu,  '  thin,'  ha>  a 
suffix.  The  idea  of  attenuation  comes 
from  'extension  in  one  direction,  drawn 
out  lengthwise,'  still  retained  by  the  Ind. 
and  the  Gr.  adjs.  Lat.,  Teut.,  and  Slav, 
deprived  the  orig.  meaning  of  one  of  its 
characteristics.  In  OInd.  and  Gr.  there 
occurs  a  verbal  stem,  tanu  (raw),  with  the 
primary  sense  'to  stretch  out^  extend.' 
Comp.  beljnen,  2)ol)nf,  S5ciuter,  and  the  fol- 
lowing word. 

Uhtrtfi,  m.,  'vapour,  fume,  mist,'  from 
MidHG.  dunst,  tunst,  m.,  f, '  steam,  vapour,'. 
OHG.  tunist,  dunist,  dunst,  'storm,  breath' ; 
respecting  the  MidG.  initial  d.  comp.  3)ufr, 
bunfcl.  Corresponds  to  AS.  dtist  (for  *dunst), 
E.  dust.  Teut.  duns-,  for  dwuns-,  is  based 
upon  an  Aryan  root  dJiwens,  which  still 
appears  in  Sans,  dhvans,  'to  fall  to  dust' 
(dhvasti,,  ^falling  to  dust'). 

buret),  prep.,  'through,  owing  to,  by,' 
from  MidHG.  durch.  dur,  'through,'  also 
'  for  the  sake  of,'  OHG.  duruh,  durh ; 
comp.  OSax.  thurh,  AS.  purh,  E.  through 
and  thorough.  Goth.  pairh, '  through,'  with 
an  abnormal  vowel,  is  related  to  the  OHG. 
d'erh,  'perforated,'  with  which  are  con- 
nected OHG.  durhily  durihit,  MidHG.  dicr- 
hel,  diirkel,  '  pierced,  porous,'  AS.  J>prel  (for 
pyrhiV),  'hole'  (comp.  9h"ijler),  as  well  a3 
Goth.  pairkd,  f.,  'hole'  (k,  from  kk,  for 
knl)..  The  prepos*  might  easily  be  a  case 
of  an  older  adj.,  perhaps  the  ace.  neut. 
Besides  the  passive  meaning  of  OHG.  derh, 
'pierced,'  an  active  sense,  'piercing,'  may 
also  be  added.  The  base  perh  would  be 
best  defined  by  '  to  pierce,  penetrate,'  which 
recalls  the  HG.  bttngen ;  the  former  is 
based  upoa  a  pre-Teut.  root  terkr  the  latter 
upon  a  root  trenJc.  The  connection  with 
Lat.  trans  is  exceedingly  problematical. 

ModHG.  with  MidG.  vowel  au;  MidHG. 
and  MidG.  durMAht,  partic.  for  MidHG. 
durchliuhtet,  '•illustrious,'  from  durhliuhten, 
'to  shine,  light  through,  illuminate.'  See 
(Stlaiicfyt,  Uneaten. 

biXrf en,  anom.  vb.,  '  to  be  allowed,  ven- 
ture)  need,'  from  MidHG.  diirfen,  durfen, 
a  preterite  pres^  'to  have  reason,  cause, 
be  permitted,  need^  require' ;  OHG.  dur- 
fan,  preterite  pres.,  'to  lack,  be  destitute 
of,  require,  be  in  need  of  •  comp.  Goth. 
pa&rban,  Du.  durven,  AS.  purfan,  '  to  be 
in  need  of.'  In  addition  to  the  Teut  root 
pitrf,  purb,  Swiss  points  to  an  old  parallel 
form  Jwrp.     In  the  ModHG.  deriv.  barben, 


(    65     ) 


23eburfni$,  Dlotbuifr,  btebei,  &c,  the  primary 
sense  of  the  root  frrf,  from  trp,  'to  be 
destitute  of,  lack,'  still  appears. 

burr,  adj.,  'dry,  meagre,  barren,' from 
MidHG.  diirre,  OHG.  durri,  '  withered, 
dry,  lean' ;  corresponds  to  Du.  dor,  OLG. 
thurri,  AS.  fiyrre,  Goth,  fratirsus,  'dry' 
(with  regard  to  IIG.  rr,  from  Goth,  rs, 
comp.  irre,  Quite).  From  a  pre-Teut.  adj. 
fiurzu-,  '  dry,  withered,'  which  belongs  to 
a  root  f>urs,  from  pre-Teut.  trs.  As  a  re- 
sult of  the  restriction  of  the  word — pro- 
bably in  primit.  times — to  denote  the  dry- 
ness of  the  throat,  we  have  the  OInd. 
irsUs,  'greedy,  panting,'  and  ModHG.  bur; 
{ten  ;  as  applied  to  the  voice,  or  rather 
speech,  trs  appears  in  Gr.  rpavKbt,  'lisp- 
ing,' for *7paav\6$ (comp.  6av\6s,  'dense,'  for 
*5a.Tv\6s,  Lat.  densus),  and  OInd.  tr$td-s, 
'hoarse,  rough  (of  the  voice).'  With  the 
general  meaning  'dryr'  ModHG.  JDarre, 
bcrrett,  and  their  cognates  are  connected. 

Purff ,  m.,  '  thirst,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  durst,  m. ;  comp.  MidLG. 
and  Du.  dorst,  AS.  fryrst,  E.  thirst ;  Goth. 
paurstei,  f., '  thirst.'  The  final  t  of  the  OHG. 
and  Eng.  words  is  a  deriv.,  as  may  be  inferred 
from  Goth,  pafirseip  mile,  '  I  am  thirsty.' 
The  further  comparisons  made  under  £)aire, 
bcrren,  biiir,  amply  prove  that  the  short 
form  jiors,  from  pre-Teut.  trS,  signifies  '  to 
be  thirsty' ;  comp.  especially  OInd.  trhiaj, 
1  thirsty/  trhid,  f.,  '  thirst,'  trS,  str.  vb*.  (3rd 
pers.  sing.  trSyati,  Goth  fcaurseij?), '  to  pant, 
be  thirsty';  trS&-s,  'panting.' 

Pufcl,  m.,  'dizziness,' simply  ModHG., 
from  LG.  dusel,  'giddiness';  a  genuine 
HG.  word  would  have  had  an  initial  (,  as 
OHG.  tusig,  'foolish,'  6hows  ;  the  latter 
corresponds  to  AS.  dysig,  'foolish,'  ~E^dizzy. 
To  the  root  dus  (dhus),  contained  in  this 

class,  belong  Sfjor,  tfycricfyr,  with  the  genuine 
HG.  t  initially.  A  different  gradation  of 
the  same  root  dus,  from  Aryan  dhus,  ap- 
pears in  AS.  dwtes,  Du.  dwaas,  '  foolish.' 

Pttfi,  m.,  '  dust,  powder,'  simply  Mod 
HG.,  from  LG.  dust;  corresponds  to  E. 
dust  (but  see  further  25unft).  The  final  t  is 
probably  a  deriv. ;  dus,  the  root,  may  be 
the  weakest  form  of  an  Aryan  dhwes ; 
OInd,  dhvas,  dlivahs,  seems  to  have  been 
always  nasalised  ;  it  signifies  '  fly  about  like 
dust,  scatter  dust  when  running  swiftly,' 
which  is  in  harmony  with  the  meaning  of 
JDujl,  'dust.' 

bilflev,  adj.  (unknown  to  UpG.  ?), 
'gloomy,  dismal,  sad/  from  the  equiv.  LG. 
duster,  d-Aster ;  comp  OSax.  thiustri,  AS. 
fceostre,  fipstre,  'dark.'  MidHG.  dinster, 
OHG.  dinstar,  OHG.  finstar,  OSax.  Jinistar 
are  remarkable  parallel  forms  expressing 
the  same  idea  ;  so  too  AS.  peSstru,  '  dark- 
ness.' The  primary  form  may  be  seen  in 
the  stem  of  bammern,  Goth.  *J>imis,  '  twi- 
light,' OInd.  tdmas,  'darkness'  ;  Lat.  tene- 
brae  (for  Hemebrae)  comes  nearest  perhaps 
to  MidHG.  dinster.  f  is  interchanged  with 
f>  in  ftucfef,  AS.  pcecele;  in  the  same  way 
ftufkr  might  be  related  to  dinstar  (from 
JAnstar).  These  guesses  are,  however,  too 

Pitfc,  Pcufc,  "gitfc,  f.,  'paper  bag, 
screw ' ;  merely  ModHG.  from  LG.  tiite 
(akin  to  Du.  tuit,  'pipe' ?) ;  respecting  the 
LG.  and  Du.  ii  sound,  see  under  SSiife.  In 
Swab,  and  Bav.  the  terms  are  gugge,  gucken. 

Pttfijettb,  n.,  'dozen,'  from  the  equiv. 
late  MidHG.  totzen,  with  an  excrescent 
final  d  (see  3entaub,  Sflcttb)  ;  from  Fr.  dou- 
zaine  (comp.  Ital.  dozzina),  whence  also  E. 
dozen,  Du.  dozijn  ;  ultimately  derived  from 
Lat.  duodecim. 


§bbcr  f.r  'ebb,'  merely  ModHG.,  bor- 
rowed, like  many  terms  relating  to  the  sea, 
from  LG.  ;  comp.  Du.  ebb,  ebbe,  f.,  Dan.  ebbe, 
Swed.  ebb,  m.  The  word  is  first  found  in 
AS.,  where  ebba,  m.,  is  the  form  (comp.  E. 
ebb,  whence  also  Fr.  e'be),  nautical  terms 
being  generally  recorded  at  an  earlier  period 
in  that  language  than  elsewhere  ;  comp. 
23eot,  8ecf,  Scbete  (2.),  ©tevcit,  and  SJorb. 
Had  the  OTeut  word  been  preserved  in 
Ger.  we  should  have  expected  OHG.  eppor 

ModHG.  ©We.  It  is  possible  that  the 
word  is  connected  with  the  cognates  of  ebctt 
(©bbe,  lit.  '  leveller,'  ?  '  plain » ?).  Yet  Gbbf, 
from  its  meaning,  is  more  appropriately 
connected  with  Goth,  ibuks,  'backwards, 
back'  (OHG.  ippihh6n,  'to  roll  back'); 
hence  Sbbe  is  lit.  '  retreat' ;  the  connection 
with  eben  (Goth,  ibns)  is  not  thereby  ex- 
cluded. Scand.  has  a  peculiar  word  for 
(Sbbe— ; fjara,  '  ebb,'  fi/rva,  '  to  ebb.'  No 
Goth,  word  is  recorded. 


(    66    ) 


cben,  adj.,  '  even  level,  plain,  smooth,' 
from  MidHG.  then,  OHG.  eban,  adj.,  'level, 
flat,  straight';  common  to  Teut.  under 
these  meanings,  but  it  is  not  found  in  any 
other  Aryan  group ;  comp.  OSax.  eban, 
Du.  even,  AS.  efn,  E.  even,  OIc.  jiifn,  Goth. 
tbns,  'level.'  Akin  perhaps  to  Goth,  ibuks, 
adj.,  '  backward '  (see  (Sbbe  ).  Apart  from 
Teut.  the  stem  ib  in  the  form  ep  or  ebh  has 
not  yet  been  authenticated  ;  Lat.  ckquus 
(Sans,  ika),  cannot,  on  account  of  phonetic 
differences,  be  regarded  as  a  cognate. — 
cben,  adv.,  'even,  just,'  from  MidHG. 
eb*ne,  OHG.  ebano;  comp.  OSax.  ifno,  AS. 
e'fne  (whence  E.  even)  ;  the  old  adv.  form 
of  the  adj.     (Comp.  neben.) 

fSbertbcmm,  ni.,  ' ebony-tree,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  late  OHG.  ehinus, 
adopted  as  a  foreign  word  (still  declined 
after  the  Lat.  method  in  OHG.)  from  Lat. 
ebenus  (Gr.  l^evos). 

(Sbcr,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  eber, 
OHG.  ebar,  m.,  '  wild  boar '  ;  corresponds 
to  AS.  eofor,  m.,  '  wild  boar '  (E.  York  from 
AS.  Eo/ortvic,  lit. '  boar- town  '),  Olc.jgfurr, 
'wild  boar,'  figuratively  'prince'  (&\so  jor- 
bj&ga,  '  a  kind  of  sausage') ;  Goth.  *ibrus, 
*ibarus.  With  the  pre- Teut.  base  epr&s 
some  have  connected  OBulg.  vepri,  m.,  Lat. 
aper,  m.,  'wild  boar.'  Similarly  in  the 
terms  for  tyerfct  and  ©djtveitt,  the  West 
Aryan  languages  only  partially  agree. 

(Sbrtl3,  m.,  '  southern-wood,'  from  the 
equiv.  late  MidHG.  eberilz  (ebereize),  f.,  from 
Lat.  abrotanum  (whence  also  aberrant?,  see 
aber),  but  corrupted  by  connection  with 

ed)f,  adj.,  'genuine,  real,  legitimate,' 
nimply  ModHG.  adopted  from  MidG.  and 
LG.,  where  echt  is  the  normal  correspondent 
of  MidHG.  and  OHG.  Shaft,  'lawful'; 
comp.  Du.  edit ;  akin  to  OFris.  d/t,  '  law- 
ful' ;  from  (£i)t,  compared  with  which  the 
adj.  has  retained  the  old  meaning  of  (Btyc, 
'  law.'  By  means  of  the  law-books  based  on 
the  Saxon  Code  the  LG.  adj.  found  its  way 
into  HG.,  but  not  until  after  Luther ;  yet  the 
word  does  not  occur  in  the  UpG.  dialects. 

gdt,  n.,  gdte,  f.,  'edge,  corner,'  from 
MidHG.  ecke,  f.  (seldom  neu.),  'edge  of 
weapons,  point,  corner,  brim,'  OHG.  ekka, 
{.,  '  point,  edge  of  a  sword.'  Corresponds 
to  OSax.  eggui,  f., '  edge,  sharpness,  sword,' 
AS.  ecg,  'comer,  point,  edge  (of  a  sword, 
&c),  sword,'  E.  edg;  OIc.  egg,  f.,  'point' ; 
Goth.  *agja,  f.,  is  not  recorded.  The 
meaning  '  point,  sharp  edge,'  which  origi- 

nally was  the  most  prominent  in  the  cog- 
nates (see  also  So,a,e),  recalls  the  develop- 
ment in  ModHG.  Drt.  The  Tent  root 
ag(ah),  pre-Teitt.  ok  (Goth.  agj6-,  from 
Aryan  akya-),  with  the  primary  meaning 
'  pointed,'  is  found  in  very  many  non-Tent, 
languages,  since  ModHG.  &fyre  and  the  non- 
Teut.  words  cited  under  that  word  are 
primit.  allied  to  it,  as  are  also  Lat.  acies,  Gr. 
diets,  '  point,'  both  in  form  ami  meaning. 

{idier,  f., '  acorn,'  simply  ModHG.,  from 
MidG.  and  LG.  ecker,  'acorn,  beech  nut'  ; 
there  is  also  in  UpG.  a  word  *acheren  prim  it. 
allied  and  equiv.  to  Swiss  ach^ram  (Bav. 
akram).  Comp.  the  corresponding  Goth. 
akran,  n.,  '  produce,  fruit  (generally),'  OIc. 
akarn,  n.,  AS.  ozcern,  E.  acorn,  Du.  aker, 
'  acorn.'  Since  the  meaning  '  acorn,  beech- 
nut,' is  a  recent  specialisation  in  compari- 
son with  Goth,  akran,  'produce,  fruit,'  the 
cognates  may  l>e  connected  with  Goth,  akrs, 
HG.  9lcfer,  and  perhaps  also  with  L\t\\, ugn, 
'  berry,' unless  the  latter  is  more  closely 
allied  to  Lat.  uva.  In  any  case  its  kinship 
with  (Sicbe  must  be  denied,  since  the  latter 
would  be  *aiks  in  Goth.  The  mntntion  of 
the  stem  in  ModHG.  and  LG.  Stfer  must  be 
explained  by  a  Goth.  *akrin. 

Cod,  adj.,  'of  noble  birth  or  qualities, 
excellent,  generous,'  from  MidHG.  edel, 
edele,  OHG.  edili  (adal-),  adj.,  '  of  a  good 
family,  noble,  high-minded';  a  deriv.  of 
9lbel,  OHG.  adal.  Comp.  OSax.  eMi 
(aftal-),  'of  a  good  family,  noble,'  from 
atSali,  'noble  family,'  AS.  <eoV«,  'noble, 
distinguished.'    For  details  see  9lbff. 

ggel,  see  3gel. 

{SflflC,  f.,  '  harrow,'  simply  ModHG., 
from  LG.  egge ;  likewise  ffloen  from  LG., 
because  a  corresponding  HG.  word  would 
be  t rff n  or  egett.  The  MidHG.  word  is  egede, 
OHG.  egida,  f.,  '  harrow,'  OHG.  ecken  (par- 
tic,  gi-egit),  '  to  harrow,'  MidHG.  (gen. 
Comp.  L)u.  e:ge,  AS.  ege'&e;  Goth.  *agjan, 
'  to  harrow,'  *agi/>a,  '  harrow,'  are  not  re- 
corded. The  Teut.  root  ag  (eh),  '  to  liar- 
row,'  from  pre-Teut.  ak,  ok,  is  most  closely 
connected  with  Lat.  occa,  '  harrow,'  Lith. 
akeiti, '  to  harrow,'  akeczos, '  harrow,'  OConi. 
out,  W.  oged,  '  harrow.'  The  West  Eur. 
cognates  may  also  be  further  connected 
with  Qidt  (Lat.  acies). 

efye,  adv.,  '  before,'  from  MidHG.  S,  a 
parallel  form  to  ModHG.  eljr,  MidHG.  Sr, 
like  ModHG.  ba  from  bar,  tuo  from  war. 
See  fljer. 

(Sb,e,  f., '  marriage,  wedlock,  matrimony,' 


(    67    ) 


from  MidHG.  e,  iwe,  f.,  *  customary  right, 
justice,  law,  marriage,'  OHG.  Swa,  l,  'law, 
marriage?;  corresponds  to  OSax.  io,  m., 
'law,'  Du.  edit,  'marriage'  (from  i-haft, 
see  ed)t),  AS.  tie,  tietv,  {.,  '  law,  marriage.' 
These  West  Tent,  cognates  aiwi-  might  be 
derived  from  aigwl-,  aihwi,  and  connected 
with  Lat.  aequum  (base  aiqo-).  To  this 
there  is  no  objection  from  the  linguistic 
standpoint,  for  it  is  probable  that  the  cog- 
nates similar  in  sound  and  signifying '  time, 
eternity,'  are  totally  different  from  those 
just  quoted  ;  comp  Goth,  aiws,  OHG.  ewa, 
AS.  tie,  tiew,  '  time,  eternity,'  which  are 
allied  to  Lat.  aevum,  aeternus,  Gr.  aldv, 
aUl;  so  too  Sans,  ayas,  'duration  of  life.' 
Yet  the  first  group  might  also  perhaps  be 
connected  with  Sans,  iva,  m.,  'progress, 
course,  procedure,  custom.' 

eber,  er)f ,  adv.,  '  sooner,  earlier,  rather,' 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  Sr  (e),  'formerly, 
previously,'  compar.  adv.  ;  comp.  Goth. 
uiris,  '  formerly,'  from  air,  '  early,'  also  AS. 
tier,  E.  ere.     See  et;e,  erfh 

erjcrn,  see  @r$. 

(Sr)ni,  see  9l(?n. 

1§t)Xe,  f.,  'honour,'  from  MidHG.  ire, 
OHG.  ira,  f.,  '  honour,  fame,  sense  of 
honour';  corresponds  to  OSax.  ira,  f., 
'  honour,  protection,  pardon,  gift,'  AS.  dr, 
f., '  honour,  help,  pardon '  (drian, '  to  spare, 
pardon '),  OIc.  eir,  {.,  '  pardon,  gentleness.' 
Goth.  *aiza  is  by  chance  not  recorded  ;  it 
is  probably  allied  to  Goth,  ais-tan,  'to 
shun,  respect,' which  is  undoubtedly  primit. 
akin  to  Lat.  aes-tumare,  'to  acknowledge, 
value.'  It  is  probably  connected  with  the 
San?,  root  iS,  '  to  desire,  seek  to  obtain.' 

§i,  m.,  '  egg,'  from  MidHG.  and  OHG. 
ei,  n.,  '  egg ' ;  common  to  Teut.  with  the 
same  meaning,  although  Goth.  *addjis,  n. 
(comp.  OIc.  egg),  is  wanting  ;  ada,  however, 
is  found  in  Crim.  Goth.  Comp.  OSax.  ei, 
Du.  ei,  AS.  tiej,  n.  E.  egg  is  borrowed 
from  Scand.  egg.  Between  the  Teut.  aias 
(ajjas),  n.,  'egg,'  and  the  corresponding 
terms  in  the  West  Aryan  languages  there 
is  an  unmistakable  agreement  of  sound, 
although  the  phonetic  justification  for  the 
comparison  has  not  yet  been  found  ;  comp. 
Lat.  drum  (LowLat.  *dvum,  on  account  of 
Fr.  oenf),  Gr.  tj>6v,  OSlov.  jaje,  aje  (from 
the  base  *ejo-l),  Olr.  og,  'egg.'  Arguing 
from  these  cognates,  Teut.  ajjas,  n.,  has 
been  derived  from  e"wjo-,  6wjo-,  and  con- 
nected with  Lat.  avis,  Sans,  vi,  'bird.'  In 
East  Aryan  no  corresponding  word  is  found. 

(pibe,  f.,  'yew,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  twe,  OHG.  iwa,  f.  (MidHG.  also  'a 
yew-tree  bow ') ;  comp.  the  corresponding 
AS.  tw,  e&w,  E.  yew,  and  OIc.  yr,  m., '  yew ' 
(and  'bow').  Goth.  *eiws  is  by  chance 
not  recorded.  Swiss  tche,  tge,  OHG.  tha, 
OLG.  fch,  AS.  eoh,  prove  that  the  word 
had  originally  a  medial  guttural ;  hence 
the  primary  form  Goth.  *eihwa  ?.  From 
the  Teut.  word,  MidLat.  tvus,  Fr.  if,  Span. 
iva,  'yew,'  are  derived.  The  relation  of 
OHG.  twa,  tha,  AS.  tw,  eoh,  to  Olr.  do, 
W.  yw,  'yew'  (Lith.  jevd,  'bird -cherry 
tree,'  OSlov.  iva,  '  willows'),  has  yet  to  be 

Cptbirrf),  m.,  'marsh  mallow,'  from  Mid 
HG.  ibische,  OHG.  tbisca,  f.,  '  marsh  mal- 
low, dwarf  mallow ' ;  borrowed  early  from 
the  equiv.  Lat.  ibiscum  (Gr.  ipiaicos). 

(Sid)?,  f.,  '  oak,  oak-tree,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  eich,  OHG.  eih  (hh),  f.  ;  a  term 
common  to  Teut.,  but  by  chance  not  re- 
corded in  Goth.  (*aiks,  f.) ;  comp.  Du.  eek 
(eik),  AS.  dc,  I,  E.  oak.  In  Iceland,  where 
there  are  no  trees,  the  old  word  eik,  f., 
received  the  general  meaning  'tree'  (for  a 
similar  change  of  meaning  see  (§fd)e,  ftcljrf, 
Xamte;  comp.Gr.  dpvs,  'oak,  tree  (generally).' 
The  term  «i/c- is  peculiar  to  Teut.  ;  whether 
it  is  connected  with  OIc.  eikenn,  adj.,  'wild,' 
and  with  the  Sans,  root  ej,  'to  shake,' 
is  undecided. 

(Stcbef,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
eichel,  OHG.  eihhila,  'acorn,  fruit  of  the  oak' 
(corresponding  to  Du.  eikel).  The  form  was 
orig.  a  diminutive  of  @id?e,  '  the  offspring 
of  the  oak,'  as  it  were ;  the  derivative  is 
wanting  in  E.  and  Scand.  (Bfttttt,  ModHG, 
is  not  a  cognate. — {Sid)born,  n.,  'squirrel,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  cichorn,  OHG. 
eihhorn(*eicchorn  according  toSwissetX-xer), 
but  corrupted  at  an  early  period  by  con- 
necting it  with  £eru.  The  primit.  Teut. 
base  cannot  be  discovered  with  any  cer- 
tainty, since  the  word  has  been  trans- 
formed by  popular  etymology  in  all  lan- 
guages. Du.  eekhoren  corresponds  to  the 
HG.  form.  AS.  dc-wern  (earlier  dcweorna), 
'squirrel,'  is  abnormal,  and  apparently  a 
compound  ;  still  more  remote  is  the  equiv. 
OIc.  ikome,  from  eik,  'oak,  tree.'  The 
implied  Goth  (primit.  Teut.)  word  *aika- 
wairna  (*eikawairna)  seems  by  its  forma- 
tion to  resemble  Goth,  widuwairna,  OHG. 
diorna  (see  SDirne) ;  in  that  case  AS.  dc- 
weorna (OIc.  ikorne)  might  be  a  diminutive 
of  aik  (Ik  ?),  '  oak,'  meaning  lit.  '  little  oak- 


(    68    ) 


animal'?.  Comp.  tlie  diminutive  forms 
HidLat  squiriolus,  ModHQ.  eid^erndjeii, 
OSlov.  vSvcrica.  On  the  other  hand,  somu 
maintain  that  weorn'm  AS.  dcweorna means 
'tail,'  while  others  connect  it  with  Lat. 
viverra,  derived  from  a  North  Europ.  word 
(Lith.  vovere",  OSlov.  veverica).  At  all 
events,  since  tlie  Tent,  cognates  include 
OIc,  AS.,  and  OHG.,  we  need  not  suppose 
the  word  was  borrowed  from  a  Southern 
Horn,  term  ;  Lat.  sciHrus  (Gr.  oidovpos),  Fr. 
ecureuil,  Span,  esquilo  (MidLat.  squiriolus) 
— whence  E.  squirrel — are  too  remote  in 
sound  from  the  Teut  words.  There  is  no 
reason  for  assuming  that  the  Teut.  word 
was  borrowed  from  another  source. 

eidfen,  aid)en,  vb.,  'to  gauge,'  from 
MidHG.  token  (ahten),  '  to  survey,  gauge, 
inspect' ;  akin  to  MidHG.  iche,  tch,  f., 
'measure,  official  standard,  office  of  weights 
and  measures >;  corresponds  to  Du.  ijl; 
'gauge,  stamp,'  ijken,  'to  gauge,  stamp.' 
In  LG  and  MidLG  ilce,  f.,  means  '  gauge 
mark,  instrument  for  gauging,'  generally 
'a  pointed  instrument,  lance/  for  which 
reason  the  cognates  have  been  derived  from 
a  Teut.  root  Ik,  'to  prick.'  Yet  MidHG. 
ahten  points  to  a  connection  with  ahten. 
In  UpG.  pfedjten  (see  $egel)  has  a  parallel 
form  pfedjen.  The  solution  of  the  diffi- 
culty with  regard  to  aidjett  has  not  yet 
been  found.  The  spelling  of  the  word  with 
OBav.  ai  is  also  remarkable,  since  in  Suab. 
and  Bav.  ei  corresponds  to  the  MidHG.  t. 

gtd)f)orn,  see  (5id)e. 

(lib,  m.,  '  oath,  execration,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  eit(d),  OHG  eid,  m,j  a 
word  common  to  Teut.,  but  not  found  in 
the  other  groups ;  Goth,  aifie,  OIc.  et'oV, 
AS.  dp,  E.  oath,  Du.  eed,  OSax.  eth,  m.  • 
for  the  common  Teut.  aipa-z,  from  pre- 
Teut.  6i-to-s  (comp.  Olr.  oelh,  '  oath '),  no 
suitable  cognate  has  yet  been  found.  @fje 
and  its  cognates  are  scarcely  allied  to  it, 
though  (Sifcam  may  be  so. 

(Stoctllt,  m.,  'son-in-law,'  from  MidHG 
eidem,  m., c  son-in-law,'  also '  father-in-law ' 
(comp.  Setter,  <Sd)tt>ager,  33afe,  9?effe,  with 
regard  to  the  fluctuating  meaning),  OHG. 
eidum,  '  son-in-law ' ;  corresponds  to  AS. 
diSum,  OFris.  dthum,  '  son-in-law.'  Goth. 
*aipmus  (?)  is  wanting,  the  word  megs  (see 
SDiage)  being  used.  This  merely  West  Teut. 
term,  the  derivation  of  which  appears  to  be 
similar  to  that  of  Dfjeim,  is  connected  with 
MidHG.  eide,  OHG.  eidl,  Goth,  aipei, 
*  mother.'     It  is  not  impossible  that  it  may 

he  allied  to  @ib  also  ;  comp.  E.  son-in-law. 
In  Sual).  and  Alem.  (Sitam  is  unknown, 
the  word  used  being  £i>d;termanit. 

@ibc,  f.,  'awn,  beard,'  LG.     See  ftfirc. 

(Sibcd)f<;,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  Midi  It  I. 
egedehse,  OHG.  (gidehsa,  f.,  'lizard'  ;  like 
(fidjfycut,  the  word  has  been  corrupted  in 
various  ways  in  the  other  languages  of  the 
West  Teut.  group,  so  that  it  is  impossible 
to  discover  its  primary  meaning.  Du. 
haagdis,  hagedis, '  lizard,'  is  based  on  hang, 
'hedge,'  in  MidDu.  eggedisse;  AS.  dp'exe, 
whence  E.  ash,  asher,  '  water-newt,'  is  alto- 
gether obscure.  The  component  OHG. 
-dehsa,  AS.  -p'exe  (to  use  Sdjfen,  '  lizard.-,' 
in  natural  history  as  an  equiv.  term  for 
(Saurter,  '  Saurian.','  is  a  mistake  due  to  a 
wrong  derivation),  may  be  connected  with 
the  Aryan  root  teles,  '  to  make,'  which  ap- 
pears in  5)acb3  ;  OHG.  egi-dehsa,  lit.  '  one 
who  inspires  fear'?.  Comp.  OHG.  <.gi, 
Goth,  agis,  '  fear,'  primit.  cognate  with  Gr. 
dxos>  '  p:dn,  sadness.' 

giber,  (Siberians,  f.,  '  eider-duck,' 
simply  ModHG.  from  LG.  eider;  the  latter, 
like  E.  eider,  eider-diick,  is  from  Ic.  cbpr 
(gen.  cepar),  wpekolla,  'eider-duck'  (Mod. 
Ic.  cb  is  pronounced  like  ei).  Eider-down 
wa3  brought  by  the  Hanse  traders  from 
Iceland  to  England  and  Germany,  and 
from  the  latter  imported  into  Sweden 
(Swed.  ejder,  ejderdun).  To  the  OIc.  depr, 
Sans,  dti-,  '  water-bird,'  may  correspond  ; 
the  latter,  it  is  true,  is  mostly  connected 
with  (Snte ;  comp.  further  Norw.  Adder, 
Swed.  (dial)  Ada,  'eider-duck'  (from  OIc. 
*dpr,  without  mutation). 

(Stfer,  m.,  '  zeal,  fervour,  passion,'  from 
late  MidHG.  ifer,  m.  (ifern,  n.),  'zeal, 
jealousy.'  Tlie  word  appeared  at  a  remark- 
ably late  period  (15th  cent.),  and  its  pre- 
vious history  is  quite  obscure  ;  it  found  its 
way  from  UpG.,  in  connection  with  Luther's 
translation  of  the  Bible,  into  LG.,  Du.,  Dan. 
and  Swed.  Nothing  can  be  adduced  in 
favour  of  the  assumption  that  the  word 
was  borrowed  from  UpG.  eifern.  An  older 
Ger.  adj.,  etfer,  'sharp,  bitter'  (as  late  as 
Logan),  OHG.  eivar,  eibar,  'sharp,  bitter,' 
AS.  dfor,  '  sharp,  bitter,'  might  perhaps  be 
cognate  with  ModHG.  ©ifer. 

citfCtt,  adj.,  '  own,  pertinent,  peculiar, 
odd,'  from  the  equiv.  ModHG.  eigen,  OHG. 
eigan ;  an  adj.  common  to  Teut.;  comp. 
OSax.  igan,  Du.  eigen,  AS.  dgen,  E.  own, 
OIc.  eiginn;  Goth,  used  stcis  for  *aigans. 
The  old  adj.  eigen  is,  as  the  suffix  n  show?, 


(    69   ) 


prop,  a  partic.  ending  in  -ana-  of  a  vb., 
which  only  appears,  however,  as  a  pret.- 
pres.,  meaning  '  to  possess,'  throughout  the 
Teut.  group  ;  comp.  Goth,  digan,  (dihan), 
OIc.  eiga,  AS.  dgan,  *  to  have'  (E.  to  owe), 
pret.  in  AS.  dhte,  in  E.  ought,  whence  also 
AS.  dgnian,  E.  to  own.  The  Teut.  root 
aig  (aih),  from  pre-Teut.  aik,  preserved  in 
these  words,  has  been  connected  with  the 
Sans,  root  tg,  'to  possess,  have  as  one's 
own,'  the  partic.  of  which,  icdnd-s  (tgdna-s\ 
agrees  exactly  with  HG.  eigan,  Goth. 
*aigans.  In  ModHG.  %xad)t  (which  see) 
we  have  a  suhst.  formed  with  a  dental 
suffix  (Goth,  aihts,  *  property,  possession,' 
OHG.  V 

<Siilano,  n.,  '  isle,'  from  MidHG.  eilant, 
einlant(d),  11.,  'land  lying  by  itself,  island' 
(comp.  MidHG.  eilif,  from  6HG.  einlif,  see 
elf).  (Sin  here  has  the  meaning  'solitary, 
alone,'  as  in  Sinftebter,  (Stttcbe.  E.  island, 
and  Du.  eiland,  are  not  allied  ;  they  belong 
to  Slit ;  see  the  latter. 

eilevt,  vb.,  'to  hasten,  hurry,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  MidLG.  Hen,  OHG.  "den 
(Ulen  from  iljari) ;  akin  to  AS.  tie,  OFris. 
He,  OIc.  il  (gen.  iljar),  '  sole  of  the  foot.' 
If  the  I  be  accepted  as  a  deriv.,  as  it  often 
is  in  other  words,  we  obtain  the  widely 
diffused  root  1,  '  to  go,'  as  the  source  of  the 
cognates  ;  comp.  Gr.  livai,  Lat.  ire,  Sans. 
root  i,  '  to  go,'  OSlov.  iti,  Lith.  eiti,  '  to 
go.'    See  gefyctt. 

etlf,  see  elf. 

§ix\XCY,  m., '  pail,  bucket,'  from  the  Mid 
HG.  eimber,  ein-ber,  m.,  OHG.  eimbar,  ein- 
bar,  m.,  n.,  '  pail ' ;  corresponds  to  OSax. 
Smbar  (immar),  Du.  emmer,  AS.  dmbor,  om- 
bor,  m.,  '  pail.'  Apparently  a  compound  of 
ein-  (Goth,  ains)  and  a  noun  formed  from 
the  root  ber  (Gr.  <pep,  Lat.  fer),  '  to  carry,' 
which  is  discussed  under  93alne,  93uvbe ; 
hence  'a  vessel  to  be  carried  by  one  per- 
son'?, or  rather  '  a  vessel  with  a  handle '  t 
In  reality,  however,  the  words  cited  are 
only  popular  corruptions,  which  were  sug- 
gested by  Qahex  (OHG.  zwi-bar)  as  well  as 
by  OHG.  sumbiriin)  ;  for  undoubtedly 
OHG.  ambar,  AS.  ombor,  are  the  older 
forms,  as  is  also  proved  by  the  borrowed 
words,  OSlov.  aboru,  Piuss.  wumbaris, 
'  pail ' ;  in  that  case  it  would  be  connected 
with  Gr.  &n<t>op&.  Note  too  the  diminutives 
OHG.  amprl  (MidHG.  emmer  1),  AS.  em- 
bren,  '  pail,'  formed  from  OHG.  swnbirt(n). 

em,  nuin  ,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  ein,  '  one,'  also  the  indef.  art.  even 

in  OHG.  and  MidHG.  ;  comp.  OSax.  Sn, 
Du.  etn,  AS.  dn  (E.  one,  as  a  num.  a,  an,  as 
indef.  art.),  OIc.  einn,  Goth.  ains.  The 
num.  common  to  Teut.  for  'one,'  orig. 
ainos,  which  is  primit.  cognate  with  Lat. 
■Anus  (comp.  communis  and  cjemetn,  '  com- 
mon '),  and  also  with  Olr.  6en,  OSlov.  inu, 
Lith.  venas,  Pruss.  ains,  'one.'  From  this 
old  num.,  which  strangely  enough  is  un- 
known to  East  Aryan  (in  which  the  cog- 
nate terms  Sans.  Ska,  Zend  aha,  'one/ 
occur),  Gr.  (dial.)  has  preserved  olv6s,  'one,' 
and  otvt}, '  the  one  on  dice,  ace.'  See  ©ilaub, 
(Sittobe.— einanbev,  'one  another,'  thus 
even  in  MidHG.  einander,  OHG.  (in  the 
oblique  cases)  einander,  pron.,  '  one  an- 
other'— a  senseless  combination  of  the 
nom.  ein  with  an  oblique  case  of  anber  ;  e.g. 
OHG.  sie  sind  ein  anderen  ungellh,  '  they 
are  unlike  one  another'  (lit.  the  one  to  the 
other),  zeinanderen  quedan,  '  to  say  to  one 
another '  (lit.  one  to  the  others),  for  which, 
however,  by  a  remarkable  construction, 
zeinen  einanderen  may  be  used  in  OHG. — 
(Etttbeere,  f., '  one-berry,  true-love,' simply 
ModHG.  ;  the  assumption  that  the  word  is 
a  corruption  of  juniperus  is  not  necessary 
in  order  to  explain  the  word.  Comp.  Ic. 
einer. — gtinfttu,  f.,  '  simplicity,  silliness,' 
from  MidHG.  einvalt,  einvalte  (-velte),  f., 
OHG.  einfaltt,  f.,  '  simplicity,  silliness ' ; 
comp.  Goth,  ainfalpei,  f.,  '  silliness,  good- 
nature ' — an  abstract  noun  from  Goth,  ain- 
faips,  '  silly,'  OHG.  and  MidHG.  einfalt, 
'silly,'  whence  OHG.  einfalttg,  MidHG. 
einveltec,  adj.,  '  silly.'  See  fait. — etttQC- 
ffeifd)f,  see  ftleifdj.— (Smgewcibe,  n., 
'  entrails,  bowels,  intestines,'  from  MidHG. 
ingeweide  (AS.  innop  from  *inwdj>),  it., 
'  bowels,'  for  which  geweide,  n.,  also  mean- 
ing '  food,'  chiefly  occurs ;  ModHG.  ein;  for 
ModHG.  tn, '  within,  inside ' ;  OHG.  weida, 
'  food,  pasture.'  Therefore  Singetveibc  must 
have  meant  lit.  'the  food  that  has  been 
eaten,'  and  afterwards  '  the  organs  at  work 
in  digesting  it' ;  comp.  also  auflnxiben,  'to 
disembowel.'  See  2Beibe. — Ctttig,  adj., 
'  agreed,  sole,  only,'  from  MidHG.  einec(jg), 
OHG.  einag,  adj.,  'sole,  only' ;  a  deriv.  of 
ein.— @mooe,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
tincede,  eincete,  einSte,  f.,  '  solitude,  desert,' 
OHG.  eindti,  11.,  '  solitude,  desert.'  By  be- 
ing based  on  obe,  the  MidHG.  and  ModHG. 
word  received  its  present  form  ;  properly, 
however,  -6ti  in  the  OHG.  word  is  a  suffix 
(comp.  #eimat,  SDicnat,  Slrmut)  ;  Goth.  *ain6- 
dm  (comp.  mannisk-6dus,  '  benevolence ')  is 


(    70    ) 


wanting ;  comp.  AS.  dnad  (from  dndd), 
OSax.  Snddi,  *  desert ' ;  the  suffix  -Sdtis  cor- 
responds to  Lat.  -dtns  (senatvs,  mayi&tra- 
tus). —  outfitm,  adj.,  'lonely,  solitary,' 
pimply  ModHG.  derived  from  ein  and  the 
suflix  of  lancu'am,  roonnefatn,  cljrfam.  See 
jfam. —  Csinftcocl,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  einsidel,  einsidtle  (also  even  tinside- 
Irere),  m ,  OHG.  einsidUo  {einsidillo,  Goth. 
*ainsi J>lja),  '  hermit ; '  an  imitation  of  Gr. 
avaxupyrris,  Lat.  anachoreta,  basing  it  on 
OHG.  sedal,  '  seat.'    See  jtebeln. 

Ctn,  adv.,  '  in,  into,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  in,  adv.,  'in,  into,'  beside  which 
Mill  HG.  and  OHG.  in  with  the  same  mean- 
ing. The  Ion;,'  form  was  derived  from  the 
short,  as  is  proved  by  the  connection  with 
the  cognates  of  in,  which  see. 

etttff,  adv.,  from  the  eqniv.  MidHG. 
einst,  einest,  OHG.  einist,  adv., '  once,  at  one 
time';  an  obscure  deriv.  of  ein;  in  AS. 
denes,  E.  once,  to  which  OHG.  eines,  Mid 
HG.  tines,  'once,  at  one  time,'  also  corre- 
spond. Comp.  OHG.  andnres,  anderist, 
MidHG.  anderes,  anderst,  '  otherwise,'  as 
similar  formations. 

{Shtf racfjf.  f., '  concord,  harmony,  agree- 
ment,' from  tlie  equiv.  late  MidHG.  ein- 
traht,  {.,  which,  however,  belongs,  as  a  Mid 
G.  word,  to  trefen  ;  hence  MidG.  cht  for  ft. 
OHG.  preserves  the  correct  form  eintroft, 
'  simple.'    Comp.  3n>tetrad)t. 

ettt3eln,  adj.  and  adv.  (in  Suab.  and 
Bav.  einzacht),  'single(ly),  sole(ly),  indivi- 
dually),' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  einzel, 
a  modification  of  the  older  and  more  fre- 
quent einHilze,  OHG.  einluzzi,  '  single, 
alone ';  comp.  Thur.,  and  Sax.  eelitzg  (Slizx), 
*  unmarried,'  from  MidHG.  einliitzec  (OHG. 
einluzzo),  '  unmarried.'  The  second  com- 
ponent belongs  to  ModHG.  2co«3  (OHG. 
hlio^an)  ;  OHG.  ein-luzzi,  '  one  whose  lot 
stands  alone.'  Comp.  also  OIc.  einhlitr, 

emfltg,  adj.,  *  only,  sole,  unique,'  from 
MidHG.  einzec,  'single,'  a  developed  form 
of  OHG.  einazzi  (adv.,  einazzim),  the  zz  of 
which  is  deriv.,  as  in  emftfl  (comp.  Gr. 
KpirrrdSios  with  a  cognate  suffix). 

$is,  n.,  'ice,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  ts,  n. ;  a  word  common  to  TeuL  ; 
comp.  Du.  ijs,  AS.  is,  E.  ice,  OIc.  iss,  '  ice ' 
(Goth.  *eisa  is  by  chance  not  recorded). 
Outside  the  Teut.  group  no  term  identical 
with  this  can  be  found.  It  is  still  unde- 
cided whether  it  is  connate  with  (Sifen  (root 
U  '  to  shine '  ?)  or  with  Zend  isi  ('  ice '  ?). 

(Siisbcht,  n.,  a  North  Ger.  word,  from  the 
equiv.  LG.  tsbfn,  MidLG.  Ubin,  'hip-bone' ; 
comp.  Du.  ijsbeen,  isdtbeen,  'the  socket  of 
the  hip-bone,'  AS.  isbdn,  m.  The  first  part 
of  the  compound  seems  to  contain  a  subst. 
isa-,  'gait,  walking,'  which  Sans.  eSa,  m., 
4  hastening  on,'  resembles. 

{St fen,  n.,  'iron,  weapon,  sword,  fetters,' 
from  MidHG.  an  I  MidLG.  isen  (tsern), 
OHG.  Isan,  tsarn,  n., '  iron ' ;  corresponds  to 
Du.  ijzer,  AS.  tsern,  tren,  E.  iron,  OIc.  team, 
Goth,  eisarn,  'iron.'  Its  relation  to  ©is  is 
still  undecided;  it  is  most  closely  connec- 
ted with  Olr.  lam,  '  iron '  (for  *isarno-), 
whence  OIc.  jam  (Dan.  jern)  is  borrowed. 
It  is  less  certain  that  OHG.  ir,  Goth,  aiz, 
Lat.  aes,  '  bronze,'  are  allied  to  it  The 
deriv.  r  of  the  earlier  forms  is  retained  by 
ModHG.  etfern,  which  is  based  on  MidHG. 
tserin,  tserntn,  OHG.  isarnln,  adj.,  'of  iron.' 

eifel,  adj.,  '  vain,  idle,  useless,  void,' 
from  MidHG.  ttel,  adj.,  'empty,  vacant, 
vain,  useless,  fruitless,  pure,  unadulterated,' 
OHG.  Ital,  'empty,  vacant,  vain,  boast- 
ful ' ;  corresponding  to  OSax.  idal, '  empty, 
invalid,'  Du.  ijdel,  AS.  tdel.  'empty,  use- 
less, worthless,'  E.  idle.  The  orig.  mean- 
ing of  the  adj.  was  probably  'empty' ;  but 
if  we  accept  '  shining'  as  the  primary  sense, 
it  follows  that  the  word  is  connected  with 
Gr.  aldw,  Sans,  root  idh,  '  to  flame.' 

(pjfer,  n.,  'pus,  matter,  suppuration,' 
from  MidHG.  eiter,  OHG.  eitar  (eittar),  n., 
'  poison '  (especially  animal  poison)  ;  Goth. 
*aitra-  is  wanting  ;  an  old  tr  remains  un- 
changed in  HG.  (see  treu,  jtttern).  Comp. 
MidLG.  and  Du.  etter,  AS.  dttor,  attor,  E. 
atter  (? pus,  poison'),  OIc.  eitr,  n.  Also  a 
variant  without  the  suffix  r  (Goth.  *aita-) ; 
comp.  OHG.  and  MidHG.  ei$  (Alem.  eisse, 
Bav.  aiss),  m.,  '  abscess,  ulcer,'  with  a  nor- 
mal permutation  of  t  to  33.  The  Teut. 
root  ait,  'poisonous  ulcer,'  has  been  rightly 
connected  with  the  Gr.  otSos,  n.,  otdfia,  11., 
'swelling,'  olSdw,  'to  swell';  hence  the 
root  is  Aryan  oid. 

(Sltcf,  m.,  '  nausea,  disgust,  aversion,'  a 
ModHG.  word,  which  has  obtained  a  wide 
circulation  through  Luther  (he  used  the 
form  (Scfct;  unknown  in  the  contempora- 
neous UpG.  writings).  A  MidG.  word  with 
obscure  cognates  ;  it  is  perhaps  connected 
with  AS.  dcol,  'burdensome,  troublesome' 
(base  aiklo-),  and  probablv  also  to  LG.  ertern, 
'  to  vex '  (Du.  akelig,  '  terrible,'  E.  ♦  ache  ■  ?). 
The  h  in  UpG.  ljeifet  (Swiss,  heikxd)  may 
be  excrescen  t,  as  in  tjcifd)eru    These  cognates 


(    7i    ) 


have  probably  110  connection  with  a  Teut. 
root  erk,  '  to  vomit,  nauseare,'  to  which  old 
UpG.  erkele,  'to loathe,'  E.  irksome,  to  irk, 
allied. — {Sfrefnctme,  '  nickname,'  simply 
ModHG.,  in  MidHG.  d-name,  prop.  <  false 
name' ;  from  LG.  cekelname  ;  com  p.  Swed. 
oknamn,  '  nickname,'  OIc.  aukanafn,  '  epi- 
thet, surname '  ;  from  the  Teut  root  auk, 
'  to  increase.'     See  aud). 

(fid),  iSlon,  see  (Slcntier. 

{|tefcmf,  see  (Stfenbeitt. 

elettb,  adj.,  'wretched,  pitiful,  miser- 
able, despicable,'  from  MidHG.  ellende, 
adj.,  '  unhappy,  woful,  living  in  a  foreign 
countr}',  banished,'  OHG.  eli-lenti,  'ban- 
ished, living  out  of  one's  country,  foreign, 
alien,  captive'  ;  corresponding  to  OSax. 
di-lendi,  :  alien,  foreign.  To  this  is  allied 
the  abstract  (Slcnb,  n.,  from  MidHG.  ellende, 
OHG.  di-lenti,  n.,  '  banishment,  foreign 
country,'  MidHG.  alsp,  '  want,  distress, 
misery,'  OHG.  also,  '  captivity,'  OSax.  eli- 
lendi,  n,,  '  foreign  country.'  The  primary 
meaning  of  the  adj.  is  'living  in,  born  in 
a  foreign  country '  (comp.  (§lfa{3,  from  early 
MidLat.  Absatia,  from  OHG.  Elisd^o,  lit. 
'incola  peregrinus,' or  'inhabitant  of  the 
other  bank  of  the  Rhine').  Goth.  aJjis, 
'  another,'  is  primit.  cognate  with  Lat  alius, 
Gr.  dXXos  (for  &\jos),  Olr.  axle,  'another'  ; 
comp.  the  corresponding  gen.  OHG.  and 
AS.  elks,  '  otherwise,'  E.  else.  The  pro- 
nominal stem  alja-f  was  even  in  the  Goth, 
period  supplanted  by  an/iara-,  'another.' 
Comp.  Sftecfe. 

glenliev,  n.,also  (Stat,  gtfenb,  m.  and 
n.,  '  elk,'  first  occurs  in  ModHG.  with  an 
excrescent  d  (as  in  SNottb) ;  borrowed  from 
Lith.  dnis,  'elk'  (OSlov.  jeleni,  'stag'), 
with  which  OSlov.  lani,  'hind'  (from 
*olnia),  is  primit.  allied.  From  the  Mod 
HG.  word  Fr.  dan,  '  elk,'  is  derived.  The 
genuine  OG.  term  for  (Slen  is  ($ld)  (E.  elk); 
comp.  MidHG.  elch,  like,  m.,  OHG.  elaho, 
AS.  eolh,  OIc.  elgr.  The  last  word  (origi- 
nating in  algi-)  is  termed  alces  in  Caesar's 
Bell.  Gall,  with  which  Iiuss.  losi  (from 
OSlav.  *olsi1)  is  also  remotely  connected. 
Perhaps  OG.  (Sldj  facilitated  the  introduc- 
tion of  the  Lith.  word. 

^If,  m.,  simply  ModHG.  borrowed  in 
the  last  century  from  the  eqniv.  E.  elf 
(comp.  £alle,  #eim)  ;  also  ModHG.  ©Iff, 
f.  ;  for  further  references  see  Sl(p.  The 
MidHG.  elbe,  dbinne,  f.,  shows  that  a  cor- 
responding ModHG.  would  have  6  in  place 

elf,  et(f,  num., '  eleven,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  eilf,  eilif,  einlif,  OHG.  einlif;  a 
term  common  to  Teut.  for '  eleven.'  Comp. 
OSax.  illetan  (for  inlibari),  AS.  dndleqfan, 
endleofan  (for  dnleofan),  E.  eleven,  OIc.  ellifu, 
Goth,  ainlif.  A  compound  of  Goth,  ains, 
HG.  ein,  and  the  component  -lif  in  3»iHf 
(Goth,  ttcalif).  In  the  non-Teut.  lan- 
guages only  Lith.  has  a  corresponding  for- 
mation ;  comp.  Lith.  v'enOlika,  '  eleven,' 
twy.lika,  '  twelve,'  lry.'ika,  keturiblika  (and 
so  on  up  to  nineteen) ;  the/of  the  Ger.  word 
is  a  permutation  of  k,  as  in  2Dolf  (Xtkos). 
The  signification  of  the  second  component, 
which  is  met  with  in  Teut.  only  in  the 
numbers  (If  and  jnjclf,  is  altogether  uncer- 
tain. Some  have  derived  the  compound, 
upon  which  the  Lith.  and  Teut.  words  are 
based,  from  the  Aryan  root  h'k,  '  to  remain 
over '  (*ee  tetljen),  or  from  the  Aryan  root 
lip  (see  Meifeen),  and  regarded  elf  as  'one 

(SIfenbem,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
helfenbein,  OHG.  helfanbein,  n.,  '  ivory,' 
but  based  anew  on  (Slefcmt.  How  the  word 
came  b  the  initial  h  (AS.  ylpendbdn),  which 
is  also  ound  in  MidHG.  and  OHG.  helfant 
(also  less  frequently  elfant,  equiv.  to  AS. 
ylpend),  '  elephant,'  is  not  known.  It  is 
possible  that  the  excrescent  h  at  the  begin- 
ning is  due  to  the  word  being  connected 
with  fyelfeit  (in  the  Middle  Ages  special 
healing  qualities  were  ascribed  to  ivory). 
Perhaps  the  word  was  obtained  not  from 
Romance,  but  from  the  East,  from  Byzan- 
tium (Gr.  i\£<pai>T-)  ;  for  the  word  would 
probably  correspond  to  Lat.  (ebur]  eboreus 
had  it  been  introduced  into  Ger.  through  a 
Romance  medium.  Comp.  Ital.  avorio,  Fr. 
ivoire,  '  ivory,'  Du.  ivoor,  E.  ivory  (yet  also 
Span,  marjil,  Port,  marfim). — With  regard 
to  the  meaning  of  the  second  part  of  the 
compound  (53ein,  lit.  '  bone '),  see  SSein. 

(§(te,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  die, 
ele,  eln,  elne,  OHG.  elina  (and  elin),  f. '  ell ' ; 
corresponding  to  Goth,  aleina  (wrongly 
written  for  *alina1),  OIc.  qln,  AS.  eln,  f., 
E.  ell,  Du.  el,  elle  ;  all  these  words  signify 
'  ell,'  which  is  derived  from  the  lit.  mean- 
ing '  fore-arm '  (comp.  gufj,  ©panne,  Jtlafter, 
as  standards  of  measure).  The  word  in  the 
form  Sliud  is  also  preserved  in  other  Aryan 
languages.  Comp.  Gr.  <L\imj,  'elbow,  arm,' 
Lat.  ulna,  'elbow,  arm,  ell,'  Olr.  uile,  Sans. 
aratni,  OSlov.  lakutl  (from  *olk&i{),  Lith. 
6lekti*  (ulektii),  'elbow,  ell,'  are  more  re- 
mote ;    they  also  contain,   however,  the 


(    72 


common  Aryan  6le-  (whence  too  SUjtf?). 
From  the  Teut.  *alina  the  Romance  cog- 
-Ital.  ahia  (Ft.  aune) — are  borrowed. 
— gllenbogou,  gUbOQCW,  m.,  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  eflenboge,  elenboge,  OHG. 
e'inbogo,  m.,  '  elbow.'  Comp.  Du.  elleboog, 
AS.  e.lnboga,  m.,  E.  e^iow,  OIc.  glnboge,  nu, 
'  elbow,'  lit.  '  bend  of  the  arm.' 

gjller,  see  ©rle.— glfcbeere,  similarly. 

(Slrtfjje,  f.,  'minnow,'  akin  to  MidHG, 
and  OHG.  erlinc.     See  fftfe 

(Slffer,  f.  (in  Swiss  cegtrSt,  on  the  Mid- 
Rhine  atzel,  Suab.  /itfte  and  kteger$\  '  mag- 
pie,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  egclster,  agel- 
stcr,  aglaskr,  OHG.  aglastra,  f.  ;  corre- 
sponding to  OLG.  agastria,  LG.  dgster, 
Du.  eXsfer,  aakster,  '  magpie.'  Its  origin  is 
altogether  dubious  ;  -striCn  seems  here,  as 
sometimes  in  other  cases,  to  be  a  fem.  suffix. 
The  meaning  of  the  base  ag-ul-  may  have 
already  been  '  magpie,'  as  is  indicated  by 
OHG.  agazza,  'magpie'  (hence  ModHG. 
atzel  for  agze-l;  comp.  5Bli|,  Senj,  {Jhtnjcl), 
AS.  09a,  'magpie.'  From  the  OTeut. 
(type  *agatja),  Ital.  gazza,  and  Fr.  agace, 
are  derived. 

(Stfent,  plur.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
(seldom  occurs)  eltern,  altern,  plur.,  OHG. 
eltiron,  (altrori),  plur.,  'parents';  corre- 
sponds to  OSax.  elliron,  Du.  ouders,  ouderen, 
AS.  yldran,  OFris.  aldera,  '  parents ' ;  the 
plur.  of  the  compar.  of  alt  used  as  a  subst. 
in  West  Teut.  only.  In  AS.  the  corre- 
sponding sing,  yldra  in  AS. denotes  'father.' 
For  a  similar  evolution  of  meaning  comp. 
£<rr,  Sunder. 

empfcmgett,  empfmben,  see  nth. 

cmpor,  adv., '  upwards,  aloft,' from  Mid 
HG.  enbor,  enbore,  adv.,  '  into  or  in  the 
heights';  OHG.  inbore,  in  bore,  with  the 
same  meaning  ;  a  combination  of  the  prep. 
in  with  the  dat.  of  OHG.  and  MidHG.  bor, 
'upper  space'  (OHG.  also  'summit'),  the 
origin  of  which  is  obscure.  It  scarcely  be- 
longs to  the  root  ber,  '  to  carry '  (in  93aftre) ; 
more  probably  to  entperm.  The  p  of  the 
ModHG.  word  is  based  on  an  early  ModHG. 
medium  form  entbdr,  from  which  ettfyct, 
entpor,  must  have  been  produced. 

CUtporcn,  vb., '  to  excite,  enrage,  (refl.) 
to  revolt,'  from  MidHG.  enbceren,  OHG. 
(occurs  only  once)  anab&ren,  '  to  raise '  ; 
akin  to  MidHG.  Mr,  m.,  'defiance,  revolt.' 
The  origin  of  the  cognates  is  uncertain, 
because  it  is  difficult  to  determine  whether 
the  r  is  primitive  or  whether  it  is  by  a  later 
change  based  upon  s  (z) ;  with  bor,  '  upper 

space' — see   empcr — there   seems  to   be  a 
connection  by  gradation  of  u  to  auj 
JIG.  bcfe  (OHG.  Msi)  is  not  allied. 

cmfig,  adj.,  'busy,  active,  assiduous, 
industrious,'  from  MidHG.  $my.c,  em^c, 
OHG.  pnaftig,  emi^ig  (also  with  tz),  '  con- 
stant, persistent,  continuous';  Suab.  and 
Alem.  have  fhijjig,  instead  of  the  non-exis- 
tent cmftij.  A  derivative  by  means  of  the 
suffix  -ig  from  OHG.  emiy,  whence  Mid 
HG.  eme^iche.  Its  connection  with  SJiujje 
is  questionable,  since  a-  as  an  accented 
prefix  is  not  to  be  found.  AS.  cemetig, 
emtig,  '  free,  empty,'  E.  empty,  is  not  allied. 
With  greater  probability,  the  West  Teut. 
term  for  'ant'  (see  Slineife)  is  related  to 

fSnbe,  n.,  '  end,  aim,  termination,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  ende,  OHG.  enti,  m., 
n. ;  corresponds  to  OSax.  $ndi,  m.,  Du. 
einde,  AS.  ende,  m., E.  end,  OIc.  ender,  ende, 
m.,  Goth,  andeis,  m.,  'end.'  The  common 
Teut.  stem  andja-,  from  pre-Teut.  antyu-, 
is  closely  connected  with  Sans,  dnta-s,  in., 
'  boundary,  end,  edge,  border,'  Olr.  it 
(from  anto-  ?),  *  end,  point' 

(Sn&hrie,  f.,  'endive,'  early  ModHG. 
only,  formed  from  the  equiv.  MidLat-. 
and  Rom.  endivia  (Lat.  intibus). 

eng,  adj.,  '  narrow,  close,  strait,  con- 
fined,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  Mid 
LG.  enge,  OHG.  pigi,  angi;  corresponds 
to  Goth,  aggwus,  OIc  frigr  (seldom  qngr), 
*  narrow,'  Du.  eng;  from  the  Tent,  root 
ang,  Aryan  angh,  preserved  also  in  Shtgjr. 
Comp.  Lat.  angustus,  angnstice,  angere  (see 
also  fringe),  as  well  as  Sans,  anlrfi,  '  narrow,' 
unhas,  n.,  'narrowness,  chasm,  oppression,' 
OSlov.  qziiku,  'narrow,'  Gr.  &yxu,  'to 
strangle,'  Armen.  anjiJ;^  If.  cum-ung, 
'  narrow.' 

{Sngel,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
engel,  OHG.  eng\l,  angil,  m.,  '  angel ' ;  cor- 
responding to  OSax.  engil,  Du.  engel,  AS. 
engel  (but  E.  angel  is  borrowed  from  the 
OFr.  angele),  OIc.  engell,  Goth,  aggilus,  m., 
1  angel.'  The  cognates  which  are  diffused 
throughout  Teut.  are  borrowed  from  the 
ecclesiastical  Lat.  angelus,  or  more  pro- 
bably from  Gr.  &yye\os,  'angel.'  How  they 
were  borrowed  cannot,  it  is  true,  be  dis- 
covered with  any  certainty  (comp.  Seufcl). 

(Sngerling,  m.,  'grub  of  the  cock- 
chafer,' from  iMidHG.  engerlinc,  MidHG. 
OHG.  engerinc(g),  m.,  'coin-weevil,'  a  rk-- 
rivative  of  OHG.  angar,  angari,  MidHG. 
anger,  enger,  'corn-weevil';  scarcely  con- 


(    73    1 


nected  directly  with  eitije.  It  is  more 
probable  that  Lith.  anksztirai,  '  measles 
(of  swine),  cockchafer  grabs,'  Pol.  wyjry, 
*  measles  (of  swine),'  are  primit.  cognates. 

(girtfte,  m.  (unknown  to  UpG.),  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  enke,  m.,  '  farm  servant, 
hind,'  OHG.  encho,  *ancheo  (*ankjo\  m., 
'servant';  corresponds  only  to  OFris, 
inka  and  LG.  enke,  *  servant.'  It  is  uncer- 
tain whether  the  word  is  primit.  cognate 
with  Lat.  ancilla,  *  maid  -  servant,'  since 
Lat.  c  would  be  normally  changed  into  LG, 
h  or  g;  perhaps,  however,  it  is  based  on 
the  Aryan  root  ank  or  ang. 

£ttfccl(l.),  m.,  'ankle,'  from  MidHG, 
qnlcel,  m.,  OHG.  e,nchil,  anchal,  m. ;  nume- 
rous prim  it.  variants  obscure  the  etymology. 
OIc.  qkkla,  n.,  AS.  q.ncleow,  n.  (E.  ankle), 
MidDu.  anclau,  OHG.  anchldo,  'ankle- 
bone,'  seem  to  be  modifications  of  the 
primary  form,  but  do  they  suggest  any 
connection  with  JUaue  (comp.  AS.  ondcleOw 
with  oncleOw)  ?.  There  is  a  difficulty  in 
determining  the  relation  of  OHG.  eixchil, 
anchal,  to  anchldo,  and  their  further  con- 
nection with  MidHG.  anke,  m.,  'joint  of 
the  foot,  nape'  (even  now  Slnfe  in  UpG. 
and  MidG.  dialects  is  the  term  for  'nape, 
neck '),  OHG.  enclia,  f.  (from  ankia), '  thigh, 
tibia'  (Fr.  anche,  'reed,  mouthpiece'). 
Perhaps  allied  to  Sans  <itt(/a,  'limb,'  aiiguri, 
'  finger.' 

(Sltftel  (2.),  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
enenkel,  eninkcl,  m.,  late  OHG.  eninchilt(n), 
n.,  'grandson.'  Since  even  in  MidHG. 
the  forms  gnikel  and  qnikliii  appear,  Mod 
HG.  (Snfel  is  most  closely  connected  with 
a  form  cnekel,  in  which  the  medial  e  was 
syncopated.  The  termination  inkltn  is 
frequently  found  as  a  diminutive  fuffix  ; 
comp.  AS.  scipincel,  '  small  ship,'  lipincel, 
'  small  limb,'  OHG.  le.wincliiU(n),  '  small 
lion,'  huoninchili(n),  'chicken.'  Hence 
OHG  piinchill  is  a  diminutive  of  9ll)n, 
OHG.  ano  (Goth.  *ana,  gen.  *anin-s), 
'  grandfather,'  and  signifies  lit.  'little 
grandfather,  grandfather's  child';  comp. 
the  similar  evolution  of  meaning  in  Lat. 
avunculus  (see  JDIjcim).  In  the  non-Teut. 
languages  there  is  probably  another  corre- 
sponding term  besides  the  word  cited  under 
9ll)tt—  OSlov.  viinukii,  'grandson.' 

cnfs,  prefix,  '  forth,  from,  out,  away,' 
from  MidHG.  ent-,  OHG.  int-,  an  un- 
accented prefix  corresponding  to  the  ac- 
cented ant-,  which  is  of  the  same  ori- 
gin.    In  words  with  initial  /,  ent-  even 

in  MidHG.  becomes  emp-,  hence  entpfait- 
<jen  (from  fangctt),  cntpfiufccti  (from  ftnbni), 
empfeljten  (fcefeljten),  OHG.  int-fdhan,  int- 
Jindan,  *intfelhan.  The  meaning  of  the 
prefix  belongs  to  grammar. — enfbef)rett, 
vb,,  from  MidHG.  cnbern,  OHG.  (int-1) 
inberan,  *  to  do  without,  want' ;  a  corre- 
sponding vb.  is  wanting  in  the  OTeut. 
dialects.  The  meaning  of  OHG.  in-beran- 
can  hardly  be  deduced  from  beran,  '  to 
carry  '  (see  93afyre,  gefcarcn,  SBfivbc) ;  whether 
it  is  connected  wiili  fcaar,  OSlov.  bosit,  from 
an  Aiyan  root  bhes,  *  to  be  empty,'  remains 
uncertain,  because  the  prefix  has  no  very 
definite  meaning,  and  because  no  other 
verb  from  this  root  has  been  found. 

gltf  C,  f.,  'duck,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
ente  (for  *enete),  ant  (plur.  e,nte),  OHG.  anut, 
enit,  f.  ;  a  term  common  to  Teut.  ;  comp. 
MidLG.  anet(d\  Du.  eend,  AS.  amed,  OIc. 
qnd,  f.,  '  duck.'  The  assumed  Goth,  form 
*anu}>s  points  to  a  primit.  kinship  with  Lat. 
anat-,  'duck,'  with  which  some  have  also 
connected  Sans,  dti  (see,  however,  ©iter),  as 
well  as  OSlov.  ati,  Lith.  dntis,  *  duck.'  For 
the  E.  term  'duck'  (AS.  dike),  see  taucfycn). 
— (pttf  eridj  (Suab.  antrecht),  m.,  *  drake,'  a 
modification  of  MidHG.  antreche,  OHG. 
antrahho  (Dan.  andrik) ;  probably  the  cor- 
rect form  is  *anutlrahho'\.  In  LG.  simply 
£>rafe,  equiv.  to  E. drake,  which  has  certainly 
nothing  to  do  with  5)rad)e,  '  dragon,'  Lat. 
draco.  Other  terms  for  drake  are  LG.  erpel 
in  Pomerania,  weddik  in  Mecklenburg,  and 
wart  in  Holstein,  all  of  obscure  origin. 
Note  further  Swiss  and  Bav.  (Sntvccjcl  for 

Cttf  ent,  vb.,  '  to  board  (a  ship),'  simply 
ModHG.,  formed  like  Du.  enteren,  from 
Span,  entrar  (Lat.  intrare). 

cnfftCftCtt,  adv.,  'against,  in  opposition, 
towards,'  from  MidHG.  engegen,  OHG.  in- 
gegin,  and  ingagan,  ail  v.  and  prep., 'toward*, 
against' ;  comp.  OSax.  angegin,  AS.  ongedn, 
E.  again;  see  flcgen. — cntrflftcf,  'exaspe- 
rated, irritated,'  partic.  of  MidHG.  entriisrev, 
'  to  take  off  one's  armour,  to  disconcert'  (Du. 
and  LG.  ontrusten, '  to  disturb ') ;  see  rtijhit. 
— entfei$et\,  '  to  displace,  depose' ;  (refl.) 
'  to  be  shocked,  terrified,'  from  MidHG.  ent- 
s$tzen,  '  to  lay  aside,  disconcert,  be  afraid,' 
from  MidHG.  entsitzen,  OHG.  intsizzen,  'to 
lose  one's  seat,  fear,  terrify,'  Goth,  andsitan, 
'  to  shun,  fear.' 

cnftDC&cr,  particle,  'either,'  from  Mid 
HG.  eintweder,  an  uninflected  neu.,  corre- 
sponding 03  a  disjunctive  particle  to  an 


(    74    ) 


oDct  following  ;  in  MidHG.  eintueder,  is 
mostly  a  pron.  (sometimes  with  oder  follow- 
ing, '  one  of  two,'  corresponding  to  OHG. 
ein-de-weder  (*ein-dih-wedar),  '  one  of  two'  ; 
see  jpcber.  The  origin  of  the  OHG.  de-  is 
obscure  ;  see  feitt. 

(Spljeu,  m.,  'ivy,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  ephbu,  ebehou,  OHG.  ibahewi,  n.  ;  even 
at  the  present  day  the  word  is  pronounced 
Gp4fU  in  UpGer.  dialects  (Franc,  Suab., 
and  Alem.),  partly  corrupted  to  flidbj^cu, 
while  the  ModHG.  pronunciation  has  been 
influenced  by  the  written  language.  Of 
course  it  is  impossible  to  say  positively 
whether  £eu  is  to  be  regarded  as  the  second 
component,  especially  as  the  other  forms 
are  difficult  to  explain.  OHG.  has  also 
ebawi,  ebah,  AS.  tfig,  E.  ivy,  MidLG.  tflSf, 
twldf,  Du.  eiloof,  'ivy.'  The  base  of  the 
cognates  seems  to  be  a  common  Teut.  iba- ; 
yet  no  definite  clue  can  be  found. 

(f ppid),  m.,  '  celen',  parsley,'  with  LG. 
consonants,  from  MidHG.  epfich,  OHG. 
epflh,  n.,  which  are  preceded  by  the  shorter 
forms,  MidHG.  epfe,  effe,  OHG.  epfi,  n. 
This  word,  like  other  names  of  plants  con- 
nected with  horticulture  and  cookery,  was 
borrowed  previous  to  the  OHG.  period  (see 
Mcfyl)  from  Lat. ;  the  original  word  in  this 
instance  is  apium,  which  denotes  a  species 
of  umbelliferous  plants,  comprising  parsley, 
celery,  &c.  ;  only  in  Mod  11 G.  has  (Sppicfy 
been  confused  in  meaning  with  (fpfatt. 

er,  pron.,  'he,  it,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  er,  corresponding  to  the  equiv.  Goth. 
is,  from  a  pronom.  stem  of  the  third  person 
i-j  comp.  Lat.  t-s(Lat.  id,  Goth,  ita,  OHG. 
and  MidHG.  e'3,  ModHG.  eg).  Akin  to  the 
Sans,  pronom.  stem  i-. 

er*,  prefix,  signifying  '  transition,  begin- 
ning, attaining,'  from  MidHG.  er-,  OHG. 
ir,  ar,  ur-,  the  unaccented  verbal  prefix 
from  the  accented  ur-.     See  the  latter. 

1§vbe,  n.,  'heritage,  inheritance,'  from 
MidHG.  erbe,  OHG.  erbi,  arbi,  n.,  'inherit- 
ance'; a  word  common  to  Teut.;  comp. 
the  equiv.  Goth,  arbi,  AS.  yrfe  (obsolete  in 
E.),  Du.  erf,  OSax.  ertii.  Akin  to  (Erbe,  m., 
'  heir,  inheritor,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
erbe,  OHG.  erbo,  arbeo  (Goth,  arbja),  m. 
With  the  Teut.  root  arbh, '  to  inherit,'  some 
have  connected  the  Olr.  comarpi,  'joint 
heirs,'  and  Gr.  6p<pav6s,  Lat.  orbus,  '  or- 
phaned,' Armen.  orb,  '  orphan ' ;  (Srbe,  lit. 

grbfe,  f., '  pea,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
anweiy  erweiy  ericiy  f.,  OHG.  arawei$,  ar- 

wiy  f.  ;  corresponding  to  OLG.  erit,  Du. 
erwt,  ertf  OIc.  ertr,  plur.  The  cognate-t 
are  probably  borrowed,  as  is  indicated  by 
the  similarity  in  sound  to  Gr.  ipipwOoz  and 
6pofioi,  'chick-pea'  (see  Sllmofen) ;  comp. 
also  Lat.  ervum,  '  bitter  vetch,'  akin  to  the 
equiv.  AS.  earfe.  Direct  adoption  from 
Gr.  or  Lat.  is  impossible  ;  the  way  it  wa< 
introduced  cannot  be  discovered.  Probably 
(Stbfe  is  one  of  the  words  which  Gr.  and 
Teut.  have  obtained  from  the  same  source, 
as  in  the  case  of  -§anf.  In  Eng.,  Lat  pisum 
(Fr.  pois)  was  adopted  for 'pea'  early  in 
the  AS.  period  ;  comp.  AS.  peose,  pise,  E. 
pease  (and  pea). 

(fra)fag,  Bav.,  see  aMenStag. 

(Srbe,  (.,  '  earth,  ground,  soil,  world,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  erde,  OHG.  erda, 
f. ;  a  word  common  to  Teut. ;  comp.  Goth. 
airpa,  OIc.  jgr'S,  AS.  eorSe,  E.  earth,  Du. 
aarde,  OSax.  ertha,  f.,  'earth.'  To  the 
dental  derivative  er-J>6-,  OHG.  ero,  'earth,' 
also  belongs  ;  so  too  Gr.  tpa$e,  '  to  earth,' 
and  perhaps  Lat.  arvum, '  arable  land '  (  AS. 
eard),  as  well  as  the  old  Aryan  root  ar, 
'to  plough';  see  Slcfer,  Slrt.— gtbbeere, 
f.,  'strawberry,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
ertber,  OHG.  ertberi,  n.  ;  perhaps  not  really 
a  compound  of  (Stbe,  but  of  OSax.  erda, 
'  honey-flower,  common  balm';  yet  Swed. 
jordbar,  tells  in  favour  of  a  compound  of 

etbxoffeltl,  see  £>roffet  (2). 

(preignts,  n., '  event,  occurrence,'  for  an 
earlier  erougiiis  from  MidHG.  erbugen,  OHG. 
ir-ougen,  '  to  show.'  OHG.  ougen,  Goth. 
augjan,  '  to  show,'  are  derivatives  of  Sluc^e. 
Hence  erougnis  means  lit. '  what  is  shown, 
what  can  be  seen.'  The  spelling  Sreionis, 
found  even  in  the  16th  cent.,  was  due  to 
the  corruption  of  a  word  no  longer  under- 

evfafyretl,  vb.,  '  to  experience,  come  to 
know,  learn,  undergo,'  from  MidHG.  er- 
varn,  'to  travel,  inquire,  investigate,  pro- 
claim ' ;  akin  to  faljren.— erQot$en,  erge- 
lien,  vb.,  '  to  delight,'  from  MidHG.  erge:- 
zen,  '  to  cause  to  forget  (espec.  grief),  com- 
pensate for'  ;  factitive  of  MidHG.  ergey 
yn,  '  to  forget.'  See  tter^effen. — erfyaben, 
adj.,  '  sublime,  exalted,  superior  to,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  erhaben,  which  is  pro- 
perly a  partic.  of  MidHG.  erheben, '  to  raise 
aloft.'— erittttcrn,  vb.,  'to  remind,  ad- 
monish,' (refl.)  '  to  recollect,  remember,' 
from  MidHG.  innern,  inren,  '  to  remind, 
inform,  instruct,'  akin  to  inner. 


(    75    ) 


1§xker,  m.,  '  bow,  projection  (of  a  build- 
ing), balcony,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHQ. 
arker,  erker,  in.  ;  the  latter  u  formed  from 
MidLat.  arcora  (a  late  plur.  of  Lit.  arcus, 

evlctuben,  earlier  erf  euben,  vb., '  to  allow, 
permit,  grant,'  from  MidHG.  erlouben  (er- 
leuben),  OHG.  irlouben  (irlouppen),  '  to 
allow ' ;  comp.  Goth,  uslaubjan, '  to  permit, 
grant,,'  AS.  dlfifan.  Tlie  original  meaning 
of  erfaubeit,  like  that  of  gfauben,  is  '  to  ap- 
prove,' which  is  also  inherent  in  the  Teut. 
root  lub,  upon  which  the  word  is  based 
(comp.  gob,  fieb,  ©(aube,  which  are  connected 
by  gradation  of  the  root  lub,  Hub,  laub). 
An  old  abstract  of  ertauben  appears  in  Mod 
HG.  ttrtauft. 

erlattc^f ,  adj.,  *  illustrious,  noble,'  from 
MidHG. erlinht  (with  a  MidG.  vowel  erWit), 
'illuminated,  famous';  a  particof  erliuhten. 
See  leucf/ten  and  fSurcf/laut. 

(Srle,  f.,  '  alder,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  erle,  OHG.  e.rila,  elira  (to  this  is  allied 
ModHG.  (Strife  'minnow,'  OHG.  erlinc,\\t. 
'elder  fish'?).  Comp.  LG.  eller,  Du.  els 
(ModHG.  (Slcbccre,  '  wild  service-berry '), 
AS.  alor,  E.  alder,  OIc.  qlr,  elrer,  elrej 
Goth.  *alisa  (*aluza)  appears  in  Span,  alisa, 
'  alder,'  Fr.  alize, '  wild  service-berry.'  The 
change  of  the  orig.  OHG.  elira  to  erila  is 
analogous  to  Goth.  icairil6s  compared  with 
AS.  weleras,  'lips'  (see  (Sfjtg).  Cognates 
of  (Srle,  like  those  of  93ud)e,  S3irfe,  &c,  are 
found  in  the  non-Teut.  languages.  Comp. 
OSlov.  jelicha,  Lat.  alnus  (for  *alsnus), 
•alder.'    Comp.  lUme. 

^rntcl,  m.,  '  sleeve,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  ermel.  OHG.  ermilo,  armilo,  m. ; 
diminutive  of  Slrut.  Comp.  the  diminutive 
form  of  %<x\\$,  MidHG.  viustelinc,  'mitten,' 
also  MidHG.  vingerlin,  'ring  (worn  on  the 
finger),'  dimin.  of  Singer,  E.  thimble,  dimin. 
of  thumb. 

{Srnfi ,  m., '  earnestness,  seriousness,  grn- 
vity,'  from  MidHG.  ernest,  m.,  OHG.  emust, 
n.,  f.,  '  contest,  earnest,  decision  of  charac- 
ter'  ;  corresponding  to  Du.  ernst,  AS.  e»r- 
nost,  'duel,  earnest,'  E.  earnest;  the  suffix 
-n-ust  as  in  SMenft ;  see  also  Slttflft.  Akin 
also  to  OIc.  orrosta,  'battle' ;  the  stem  er 
{erz  1,  ers  ?)  is  not  found  elsewhere  with  a 
similar  meaning  ;  the  evolution  in  mean- 
ing resembles  that  of  Jfampf,  Jfriecj.  The 
cognates  in  other  Aryan  languages  are  un- 
certain.— The  adj.  ernft,  simply  ModHG., 
is  represented  by  Srnesthaft  in  MidHG.  and 
by  ernusthaft  and  ernuslltch  in  OHG. 

(Sfttf C,  f., '  harvest,'  from  the  equiv.  M»d 
HG.  erne,  f.,  like  ModHG.  J&uftf,  from  tbfl 
equiv.  MidHG.  hiiffe,  plur.  of  Am/;  MidHG. 
erne  (Franc,  and  Alem.  Urn),  a  plur.  used 
as  a  sing.,  is  related  similarly  to  OHG.  araii, 
'  harvest,'  which,  like  Goth,  asans,  '  har- 
vest, autumn,'  is  connected  with  a  root  as, 
'  to  work  in  the  fields,'  widely  diffused  in 
OTeut.  Comp.Goth.#s?im(>ii,AS. 
gsnfi),  'day-labourer,'  OIc.  qnn  (from  *aznu), 
f., '  work,  season  for  tillage' ;  akin  to  OHG. 
arndn,  'to  harvest'  (AS.  e<irnia»,  equiv. 
to  E.  to  earn,  OIc.  drnal),  MidHG.  asten, 
1  to  cultivate.'  Probably  Lat.  anntma  (for 
*as»6na),  'produce  of  corn,'  belongs  to  the 
Teut.  root  as. 

erobern,  vb.,  'to  conquer,  win,'  from 
MidHG.  er-obern,  *  to  excel,  conquer,'  allied 
to  ober,  fiber. — erdrfcrn,  vb.,  'to  discuss, 
determine,'  formed  from  late  MidHG.  in- 
tern, ortern,  '  to  examine  thoroughly,'  from 
MidHG.  ort,  'beginning, end.' — crqutcnctt, 
vb.,  'to  revive,  refresh,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  erqiu'cken,  'to  reanimate,  wake 
from  the  dead,'  OHG.  ir-quicchan ;  allied 
to  fecf,  €luecf  fUber,  rerqutcfen.—  erfd)uf  fern, 
see  ©cfyutt. 

erft,  adj.,  'first,'  from  MidHG.  Srst, 
OHG.  irut,  '  the  first ' ;  corresponding  to 
OSax.  Srist,  AS.  chest, '  the  first' ;  superlat. 
of  the  compar.  form  cited  under  efyer.  Goth. 
airis,  adv.,  formerly,'  airiza,  '  predecessor, 
ancestor,'  OHG.  Sriro  (Srro),  '  predecessor' ; 
the  positive  is  preserved  in  Goth.  air.  adv., 
'  early,'  AS.  cer,  adj.,  adv.,  '  early,'  OIc.  dr, 
adv.,  '  early  '  (OHG.  ir-acclw,r,  '  awake 
early  ').  Probably  the  stem  air-,  on  which 
the  word  was  based,  was  used  orig.  like 
friif),  only  of  the  hours  of  the  day.  It  is 
connected  most  probably  with  Gr.  fat,  'early 
in  the  morning.' 

crflichcn.  vb.,  'to  stifle,  choke,'  from 
MidHG.  ersticken,  intrans.,  '  to  be  stifled,' 
and  ersteclcen,  trans.,  '  to  stifle.' 

crwci^nctt,  vb.,  •  to  mention,  call  to 
notice,'  formed  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
gewehenen,  OHG.  giimhinnen,  giwahannen 
(pret.  gi-ivuog,  partic.  ghoa/itand  giwahinit). 
allied  to  OHG.  giwaht,  '  mention,  fame.' 
Goth.  *wahnjan  belongs  to  the  root  wok, 
w6q  (Teut.  wah), '  to  speak,'  which  is  widely 
diffused  in  the  Aryan  languages.  Comp. 
Lat.  vox,  '  voice,'  vocare,  '  to  call,'  Gr.  6<r<ra 
(for  FoKJa)  and  6w-  (for  F ot),  '  voice,'  trot 
(for  Firm),  '  word,'  Sans,  root  vac,  '  to  say, 
speak.'  In  Teut.  this  old  root  was  not  so 
widely  developed. 


(    76    ) 


gr,3,  n.,  '  ore,  metal,  bra*s,  bronze,'  from 
the  equiv.  MiilHG.  (rze,  arzr,  OHG.  erizzi, 
aruzzi,  aruz,  11.  ;  an  obscure  word,  which  is 
unknown  to  the  other  Teut  dialects  ;  pro- 
bably borrowed  under  the  form  azuti,  ar- 
vmti  I  In  Goth,  ais,  AS.  dr,  E.  ore,  OHG. 
and  MidHG.  eV, '  bronze,'  whence  the  OHG. 
and  MidHG.  adj.  Srin,  ModHG.  ehetn  ; 
these  are  primitively  cognate  witli  Lat  aes, 
'bronze,'  and  Sans,  ayas,  'metal,  iron.' 

{girfo  prefix, '  arch-,  chief,'  from  MidHG. 
erz- ;  comp.  MidHG.  erz-erigcl,  -bischof, 
-priester;  OHG.  only  in  e.rzi-bischof ;  cor- 
responding to  Du.  aarts  in  aarts-engel, 
aartsbisschop,  AS.  arcebiscop,  E.  archbisliop, 
AS.  arcengel,  E.  archangel ;  from  the  Lat.-r 
Gr.  prefix  archi-  (&px<--),  much  affected  in 
ecclesiastical  words.  HG.  and  Du.  ex- 
hibit the  late  Lat.  pronunciation,  arci 
(see  Jfreuj) ;  Goth,  ark-aggilus,  'archangel,' 
from  archangelus,  like  AS.  arce-,  retain  the 
older  sound  of  the  c.     Comp.  also  5lv$t. 

CS,  pron.,  '  it,'  from  MidHG.  e'3,  n.  sing., 
and  its  gen.  es,  OHG.  e'3  (gen.  es) ;  formed 
from  the  Aryan  pronom.  stem  of  the  3rd 
pers.  (i-)  mentioned  under  er.     See  ifyn. 

Gfcf)C,  f., '  ash,  ash-tree,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  asch,  OHG.  asc,  m. ;  correspond- 
ing to  Du.  esch,  AS.  ozsc,  E.  ash,  OIc.  adr, 
'  ash.'  The  remoter  cognates,  Slav,  jasika, 
Lith.  iisis,  with  the  same  meaning  ;  Gr. 
iifal,  '  a  kind  of  beech,'  and  Lat.  aesculus, 
'  winter  oak,'  are  not  allied. 

{Sfct,  m.,  '  ass,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
esel,  OHG.  esil,  m.  ;  corresponds  to  OSax. 
esil,  Du.  ezel,  AS.  $sol,  eoso\  Goth,  asiltts 
(whence  OSlov.  osilii),  'ass.'  It  is  self- 
evident  that  these  cognates  are  related  to 
Lat.  asinus.  Yet  it  is  remarkable  that  the 
Komance  languages  have  not  an  I,  but  an 
n  in  the  suffix ;  Span,  asno,  OFr.  asne 
(whence  OIc.  asne),  ModFr.  dne,  Ital.  asino 
(the  Lat.  diminutive  asellus  does  not  come 
under  consideration,  since  it  is  not  found 
in  any  Romance  language  ;  comp.  further 
Slffd).  For  the  change  of  n  to  I  in  deriva- 
tives, see  <£>tmmet,  Jtummcl,  Crcjcf.  The  ab- 
normal AS.  assa  (equiv.  to  E.  ass)  may  be 
traced  back  to  Olr.  assan,  borrowed,  with 
the  usual  change  of  sound,  from  the  Lat. 
Consequently  all  the  cognates  come  from 
Italy  ;  no  primit.  word  for  '  ass '  can  be 
found  in  any  language  of  the  Aryan  group. 
— The  term  ^ellfrcfct  is  a  late  imitation  of 
Ital.  asello;  the  equiv.  9l|Ttl  appears,  how- 
ever, to  be  unconnected  with  it. 

{Sfpe,  f.,  '  a*pen-tree,'  from  the  equiv. 

MidHG.    aspe,  OHG.  aspa  (hence    I 
aSpe).   Comp.  the  exactly  equiv.  AS.  a 
asp,  OIc.  qsp ;  scarcely  allied  to  (Jute  ;  1 
probably  connected  with  Lat  arbor,  '  tree,' 
if  the  latter  represents  an  orig.  *arf>os. 

{Sffe,  f.  (the  word  seem3  to  be  unknown 
to  the  UpG.  dialects),  '  forge,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  esse,  OHG.  essa,  f.,  'chim- 
ney, hearth  of  a  worker  in  metals.'  Like 
OSwed.  avja,  they  indicate  a  Goth.  *asj6, 
which  is  also  assumed  by  the  borrowed 
term,  Finn.  ahjo.  Whether  (S\\(  is  allied 
to  OIc.  esja,  'clay,'  and  hence  means  lit. 
'  what  is  made  of  clay,'  remains  doubtful. 
Its  assumed  connection  with  OHG.  eit, 
'  funeral  pile,'  Gr.  aWos,  '  glow,'  Suns,  root 
idh,  '  to  burn,'  is  untenable. 

effen,  vb.,  'to  eat,  dine,  feed  on,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  etfen,  OH(i.  <;;*«; 
common  to  Teut.,  and  orig.  an  O Aryan  str. 
vb. ;  comp.  Goth,  itan,  OIc.  eta,  AS.  etan,  E. 
to  eat,  Du.  eten,  OSax.  etan;  see  frcjfeti.  The 
verbal  root  et,  'to  eat,'  common  to  Teut., 
to  which  OHG.  and  MidHG.  ds,  ModHG. 
?la3  (comp.  Lat.  Ssus  for  *ed-to-,  the  partic 
of  edere),  also  belong,  is  based  upon  an  A 1  y  an 
root  id;  comp.  the  Sans,  root  ad,  Gr.  !5' 
otiai,  Lat.  Mo,  Lith.  edmi,  tmi,  OSlov.  jam  I 
(from  *edmt),  '  I  eat' — {Sffert,  n.,  'food, 
meal,  dinner,'  even  in  MidHG.  e^en,  OHG. 
e^aii,  n.,  as  an  equiv.  eubst.  ;  it  is  scarcely 
an  infinitive  used  as  a  subst,  but  rather 
an  independent  subst.  form  like  Gr.  idavov, 
'  food,'  Sans,  ddana,  n.,  '  provender.' 

(Sffig,  m.  (with  the  normal  unaecent  (1  g 
for  ch),  '  vinegar,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
(jj'ch  (that  the  i  is  Ions;  is  proved  by 
iis  change  into  the  diphthong  ei  in  late 
MidHG.  ezseich),  OHG.  e%$h  Qih),  m.  A  re- 
markable loan-word,  corresponding  to  Kid 
J.G.  etik,  OSwed.  wtikia,  Swed.  attika;  also 
OLG.  ecid,  AS.  e.ced,  which  with  Goth. 
akeit(s),  '  vinegar,'  are  based  upon  Lat. 
acetum.  For  the  HG.,  LG.,  and  Swed. 
words  we  must  assume  a  form  *atecum, 
produced  by  metathesis  of  the  consonants — 
OHG.  ftjih  from  atVc  for  ateko,  which,  how- 
ever, is  not  attested  by  any  Romance  form  ; 
for  such  transpositions  comp.  Romance 
alendre  from  Lat  anlielare,  MidHG.  bicver 
from  vieber  (see  further  citations  under 
etojeta,  Sieber,  @ri>,  JJabeljau,  ftjscln,  ^itc\t). 
There  is  a  remarkable  form  in  Swiss  dia- 
lects, achiss,  echiss,  which  is  based  upon 
an  untransposed  form  corresponding  to 
Goth.  akeit(t).  The  Lat-Rom.  acitum  (Ital. 
aeeto;  but  Fr.  vinaigre  and  E.  vinegar  from 


(    77    ) 


Lat.  vinum  acre)  has  also  made  its  way 
into  other  countries — OSlov.  acitu  (from 
Goth,  akeitsl),  Oh:  acat. — The  UpG.  vb. 
efieln,  '  to  taste  of  vinegar,'  may  perhaps  be 
based  upon  some  such  form  as  OFr.  aisil 
(MidE.  aisil). 

dftrtd),  m.,  'floor,  plaster-floor,  pave- 
ment,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  estrlchy 
esterlch,  OHG.  estirlh,  astrth(hh),  m.  ;  comp. 
MidLG.  astralc,  esterck,  Du.  estrik  (these  two 
forms  are  not  recorded).  In  Middle  Ger- 
many the  word,  which  was  unknown  to 
Luther,  is  not  found.  Perhaps  it  is  really 
native  to  the  valleys  of  the  Rhine  and 
Danube,  being  introduced  by  Roman  colo- 
nists. Comp.  early  MidLat.  astricus,  astra- 
cus,  'paving,'  Milan,  astregh,  Sicil.  astracu, 
Ital.  tastrico ;  OFr.  astre,  Fr.  dtre, '  hearth,' 
lit.  '  pavement.' 

ei lid),  pron.,  '  some,  sundry,'  from  Mid 
HG.  etelic/i,  OHG.  etalth,  also  earlier  Mod. 
HG.  <$idj,  from  MidHG.  eteslich,  OHG. 
ettedtch,  etteshw'elich,  'anyone'  (plur.  'many 
a  one ').  The  same  first  component  is  seen 
in  cttva,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  etwd  (ete- 
sivd),  OHG.  etteswdr,  '  anywhere '  ;  etttaS, 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  etewa$  (neu.  of 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  eteuSr,  eteswer,  'any 
one ').  The  origin  of  this  pronominal  ete, 
ites,  ettes,  eddes,  'any,'  is  quite  obscure. 
Some  have  compared  it  with  Goth,  aij?)?au, 
'  perhaps,  nearly '  (see  cber),  and  frisJnvazuh, 
'  every.' 

Cttd),  pron., '  you,  to  you,'  from  MidHG. 
inch,  iuwich,  OHG.  iuvrih,  accus.,  the  dat. 
of  which,  however,  is  iu  in  MidHG.  and 

OHG. ;  comp.  AS.  eow  (and  e&wic),  accus., 
eow,  dat.  (£.  you),  Goth,  izuris,  accus.,  dat. 
Is  Lat.  vos,  vester,  akin  ?  All  other  refer- 
ences are  dubious. — euer,  poss.  pron.  of 
the  preceding, '  your,'  from  MidHG.  iuwer, 
OHG.  iuwar.  Comp.  AS.  e6wery  E.  your, 
Goth,  izwar,  '  your.' 

<§\\le,  f., '  owl,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
iule,  iuwel,  OHG.  dioila,  f.  Comp.  Du.  uil, 
AS.  Hie  (from  *Awle),  E.  owl,  OIc.  ugla, 
from  pre-Teut.  *uwwaU,  or  rather  *uwwil6, 
L  owl.' 

guff,  Swiss,  'sheepfold.'     See  <£d}af. 

|uW,  m.  and  n.,  'udder,  dug,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  iuten,  titer,  OHG.  Htar, 
titiro,  m. ;  a  word  common  to  Teut.  and 
orig.  a  primit.  Aryan  word,  which  has  the 
same  sense  everywhere.  Comp.  Du.  uijer, 
AS.  dder,  E.  udder;  also  with  gradation 
eudar  in  MidLG.  jeder,  OFriB.  iuder,  OIc. 
j&gr.  The  resulting  Teut.  Mr-,  eudr-,  from 
Aryan  ildhr-,  corresponds  to  the  equiv. 
Sans.  Hdhar,  Gr.  oS0a/>,(with  gradation),  Lat. 
liber j  Slav.  vyme.  (from *vyd-nien-),  'udder,' 
is  differently  derived. 

eunct,  adj.,  '  eternal,  perpetual,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  Sunc(g),  OHG.  twig; 
corresponding  to  OSax.  Swig,  Du.  eeuioig, 
'eternal';  derived  from  an  OTeut.  root 
meaning  '  eternity.'  Comp.  Goth,  aiws, 
'  time,  eternity,'  OHG.  ewa,  '  eternity,' 
which  are  primit.  cognate  with  Lat.  aevum, 
'eternity,  lifetime,'  and  Gr.  alihv.     Comp.  jje. 

extern,  vb., '  to  vex,  tea-e,'  a  MidG.  and 
LG.  word,  probably  connected  with  (BUI ; 
allied  alsato  Hess,  ickern  with  the  same  sense. 


gfabel,  f., '  fable,'  even  in  MidHG.  fabel, 
Jabele,  f.,  from  Fr.  fable,  Lat.  fabula. 

JJcul),  n.,  'compartment,  shelf,  panel, 
special  branch,'  from  MidHG.  vach,  OHG. 
fah(hh),  n.,  '  part,  division  of  space,  of  a 
partition,  wall,  &c.,'  also  '  contrivance,  an 
enclosed  space  in  water  for  catching  fish, 
fish-weir,  hurdles  for  fishing' ;  with  the 
latter  meanings  some  have  connected  Gr. 
irdyri,  '  noose,  snare,  fishing  hurdles,'  to 
which  there  is  no  objection  phonetically. 
Yet  we  must  proceed  in  the  case  of  the 
HG.  word  as  well  as  of  AS.  fac,  '  space, 
time,'  from  a  general  and  primary  sense, 
such  as  '  division,  a  portion  of  space  or 
time.'    Allied  to  HG.  fftgen. — ;fad),  adj , 

suffix,  '-fold,'  from  MidHG.  (very  rare) 
vach,  in  manecvach,  zwivac/i,  OHG.  not 
found ;  mannigfad?,  lit.  '  with  many  divi- 
sions ';  moreover,  MidHG.  vach,  denotes 
also  'fold,'  and  ?fad)  as  a  suffix  may  be  an 
imitation  of  the  earlier  suffix  -fait  in  manec- 
valt,  'manifold.' 

fddjeln,  vb.,  '  to  fan,'  simply  ModHG. 
from  gather. 

gFfidjer,  earlier  also  ffad^et,  m.,  'fan,' 
ModHG.  only  ;  the  derivation  is  uncertain  ; 
perhaps  a  diminutive  of  MidHG.  vach, 
'  veil.'  Yet  the  suspicion  that  the  word 
was  borrowed  is  not  unfounded,  since  Mid 
HG.  foclie,  focher,  'fan,'  point  to  Lat.  foca- 
rius,  focidare  (from  focus).    The  change  of 


(    78    ) 


o  to  0  may  be  due  to  LG.  (comp.  Slfcttitfaubt, 
Vlbtbar),  as  in  anfadjen,  from  Lat.  focare. 

iJadtel,  f.,  '  torch,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  vackele,  rackel,  OHG.  facchala,  f.  ; 
comp.  AS.  facele,  f, '  torch,'  with  the  abnor- 
mal variant  J>mcele,  f.  It  is  usually  regarded 
as  a  loan-word  from  Lat.  facvla,  (dimin. 
of  fax).  The  sounds,  however,  point  with 
greater  probability  to  a  genuinely  Teut. 
word,  which  was  perhaps  connected  with 
Lat.  facula;  Du.  fakkel,  f.,  has  ck,  like  the 
HG.  word,  in  contrast  to  AS.  c;  the  vowels 
too  of  the  AS.  stem  and  derivative  syllable 
tell  in  favour  of  a  genuinely  native  word  ; 
likewise  OHG.  r&rea  gafaclita,  'reed  shaken 
to  and  fro  by  the  wind.' 

^faocn,  m.,  'thread,  file,  shred,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  vaden,  vadem,  OHG. 
fadam,  Jadum,  m.  ;  Goth.  *fa}yms  is  want- 
ing. Comp.  OSax.  fathmos,  '  both  arms 
stretched  out,'  AS.  foejrm,  '.  both  arms  dis- 
tended, embrace,  protection,  bosom,'  E. 
fathom  (a  measure),  OIc.  fafimr,  '  both 
arms,  bosom.'  Consequently  the  primary 
sense  is  '  encompassing  with  both  arms,' 
which  could  be  adopted  as  a  measure  (see 
JUafter) ;  hence  the  use  of  'fathom'  as  a 
measure  in  Eng.,  Scand.,  LG.,  Du.,  and 
also  in  ModHG.  (adopted  from  LG.  and 
Du.).  The  ModHG.  meaning 'thread'  is 
a  recent  development ;  its  lit  sense  is  '  as 
much  yarn  as  can  be  measured  with  the 
arms  stretched  out.'  The  primary  sense, 
'  encompassing,'  results  from  Goth,  fajja, 
f.,  MidHG.  vade,  f., '  hedge,  enclosure.'  The 
base  of  the  cognates  is  a  Teut.  root,  /<?/>, 
faf>,  pre-Teut.  pet,  pot,  which  accords  with 
the  Gr.  itct  in  ireT&vvviu,  '  to  spread  out,' 
irtrdkos, '  outspread,  broad,  flat' ;  Lat.  patere, 
'  to  stand  open,'  is  even  more  remote. 

fttf)tg,  '  capable,  competent,  able,'  from 

fal)I,  adj.,  '  dun,  fawn-coloured,  pale,' 
from  MidHG.  val  (gen.  wes),  adj.,  '  pallid, 
discoloured,  faded,  yellow,  fair,'  OHG.  falo 
(nom.  falawer) ;  comp.  OSax.  jalu,  AS. 
fealo  (gen.  fealwes),  E.  fallow,  OIc.  fglr, 
'  pallid,  pale ' ;  comp.  falb.  Allied  priinit. 
to  Lat.  palleo, '  to  be  pal  lid,'  pallidus, '  pallid,' 
Gr.  xo\t6$  (suffix  to  as  in  Sefioj,  Goth,  taihs- 
wt-)  'grey,'  OSlov.  plavu,  'whitish,'  Lith. 
pdlvas,  'tawny,'  Sans,  palita-s,  '  grey.'  By 
this  interpretation  of  the  cognates  the  ch  of 
UpG.  falch,  '  cow  or  horse  of  fawn  colour,' 
yefalchet,  '  fallow,'  remains  unexplained  ; 
these  suggest  a  connection  with  Salff. 
The  cognates,  Ital.  falbo,  Fr.  fauve  (comp. 

also  braun,  blent,  blau),  are  derived  from 

fctrjnocn,  vb.,  'to  inform  against,'  from 
MidHG.  vanden,  OHG.  fdnton,  'to  visit' ; 
comp.  OSax.  fandian,  AS.  fandian,  'to 
test,  beseech,  demand ' ;  probably  from  a 
root  fenj>  in  ftnteu  (comp.  Du.  vanden,  'to 
visit  a  woman  in  childbed'). 

3?af)nc,  f.  (mas.  in  UpG.),  *  banner,  flag, 
standard,  squadron,'  from  MidHG.  vane, 
van,  m.  'flag,  banner' ;  in  this  sense  OHG. 
has  the  compound  gundjano,  m.,  since  fano 
most  frequently  means  'cloth '  (comp.  ouga- 
fano,  '  veil,'  halsfano,  '  neckcloth ') ;  allied 
to  Goth,  fana,  'cloth,  stuff,  rag,'  AS.  fana 
and  gUj>fana,  m.,  'standard,  banner,'  E. 
fane,  vane,  Du.  vaan,  'flag.'  The  Teut. 
fa><an,  pre-Teut.  pano-n-,  has  in  the  wider 
sphere  of  the  Aryan  languages  many  cog- 
nates which  also  point  to  the  general  and 
older  meaning,  'stuff,  cloth' ;  Lat. pannva, 
'small  piece  of  cloth,  rag,'  OSlov.  o-pona, 
'curtain,'  ponjava,  f,  'sail.'  Akin  also 
perhaps  to  Gr.  t^os,  n.,  'garment,'  xrjviov, 
'spool,  spindle.'  An  Aryan  verbal  root> 
pen,  appears  in  OSlov.  plug,  (peti), '  to  span, 
hang.'  The  OTeut.  gunpfano,  '  standard,' 
was  adopted  with  the  meaning  'flag'  by 
Romance  (comp.  Fr.  gonfalon,  Ital.  gonfa- 
lone),  while  the  simple  form  in  Romance 
retained  at  different  times  the  earlier  and 
general  meaning  (comp.  OFr.  and  ModFr. 
finmi,  'rag,  towel,  fanon  (of  a  priest).' — 
3?af)nbridj,  g?dl>nrtd),  'cornet,  ensign,' 
like  ©dnfetid),  first  formed  in  ModHG. 
from  the  shorter  MidHG.  word  ;  cornp. 
MidHG.  venre  (the  ModHG.  d  is  excres- 
cent, as  in  fdjaufccrn,  mincer),  OHG.  faneri, 
in.,  '  standard-bearer.' 

3»df)re,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vere, 
ver,  f.,  n.,  '  ferry ' ;  comp.  Du.  veer  (E.  ferry 
is  borrowed  from  OIc.  ferja,  t,  'ferry'). 
Also  akin  to  OHG.  farm,  MidHG.  varm, 
'skiff,  ferry,'  and  OHG.  ferid,  n.,  'navi- 
gium';  like  Sercjf,  connected  with  far)rcn. 
See  lUaam. 

faf)rcrt,  vb.,  'to  drive,  convey,  sail.' 
from  MidHG.  varn,  OHG.  faran,  '  to  move 
from  one  place  to  another,  go,  come ' ;  cor- 
responds to  Goth,  (rare)  faran,  'to  wander, 
march,'  OSax.  and  AS.  faran,  ;  to  proceed, 
march,'  E.  to  fare,  OIc.  fara,  'to  move' 
(of  any  kind  of  motion).  The  root  jar  in 
Goth,  farjan  (OHG.  ferian,  MidHG.  vern) 
means  'to  go  by  ship,'  and  is  therefore 
connected  with  the  nouns  mentioned  under 
gdlj«.    The  primary  meaning  of  the  Teut. 


(     79    ) 


root  far,  •  continued  motion  of  every  kind,' 
is  supported  also  by  fuljren.  As  derivatives 
of  the  Aryan  root  per,  for,  coinp.  Gr.  irbpos, 
*  way,  passage,'  irbpdp.os,  '  straits '  (see  %uxt), 
vopd/,  '  ferryman,'  iropetia),  '  to  bring,  con- 
vey, cross,'  iropeOeffdai,  '  to  <;o,  travel,  march' 
(hence  there  is  a  leaning  in  Gr.  also  to  the 
meaning  'to  go  by  ship'  in  the  case  of  the 
root  wop)  ;  OSlov.  perq.  plrati,  '  to  fly '  ; 
Sans,  root  par,  *  to  lead  across ' ;  Lat.  peritus, 
'experienced.' — gfa^renbc  <&abe,  'mov- 
ables,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vanide 
habe,  varndez  guot,  OHG.  faranti  scaz. 

3rrtf)rf ,  f.,  '  jourrfey,  ride,  drive,  voyage, 
course,'  from  MidHG.  vart,  OHG.  fart; 
comp.  OSax.  fard,  'journey,  voyage,'  AS. 
fijrd.ferd,  f.,  'journey,  voyage,  expedition, 
troops  on  the  march,'  Olc.  feift,  f.,  'jour- 
ney ;  Goth.  *farf>s  or  *fards  is  wanting,  but 
the  term  us-fa>}>6  (us  skipa,  'shipwreck') 
occurs  once.  From  por-ti-s,  a  derivative  of 
the  root por  appearing  in  fafyreu ;  comp.  also 

§fdf)rte,  f.,  'track,  trail,  scent,'  prop, 
the  plur.  of  MidHG.  vart,  OHG.  fart, 
'•  track,  way,  journey,  voyage.'      See  §al)rt. 

fait),  adj.,  identical  with  fflM. 

gtalbet,  f.,  'flounce,'  simply  ModHG., 
from  Fr.  and  Ital.  falbula,  whence  also  E. 

^tat&e,  m.,  'falcon,  hawk,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  valke,  OHG.  falcho,  m.  (in 
UpG.  still  written  galdj).  In  the  other 
Teut.  languages  the  word  does  not  appear 
till  late  in  the  Middle  Ages  (Olc.  falke, 
E.  falcon,  Du.  vallc),  yet  Falco  already  ex- 
isted in  Lombardic  proper  names  (comp. 
also  AS.  Wester-falcna).  Among  the  Anglo- 
Saxons  the  falcon  was  called  wealhheafoc, 
Welsh  hawk  '  ;  Olc.  valr,  '  falcon,'  is  prop, 
'the  Keltic  (bird)' ;  comp.  Sfiktnufj,  nxlfd). 
Hence  it  is  possible  that  OHG.  Jalcho  origi- 
nated in  the  tribal  name  Volcae,  'Kelts'; 
*volcon-  may  have  become  falkon-,  and  the 
Romance  cognates  (Ital.  falcone,  Fr.  fau- 
con)  borrowed  from  it.  But  it  is  also 
possible  that  the  word  is  connected  with 
the  cognates  of  fat)t  (UpGer.  falch,  *  a 
fawn-coloured  cow')  ;  hence  jyalfe,  'a  fawn- 
coloured  (bird)'?.  If,  on  the  other  hand, 
the  word  originated  in  the  Lat. -Rom.  cog- 
nates (Lat.  falco  is  recorded  in  the  4th 
cent.),  we  must  base  it  on  the  Lat.  falx, 
'sickle' ;  falco,  lit.  'sickle-bearer'  (on  ac- 
count of  its  hooked  claws?). 

fallen,  vb.,  'to  fall,  abate,  diminish,' 
from  the  equi  v.  MidHG.  vain,  ORQ.fallan; 

the  common  Teut.  word  for  '  to  fall'  (singu- 
larly, however,  it  is  unknown  to  Goth.) ; 
comp.  Olc.  falla,  AS.  feallan,  E.  to  fall, 
OSax.  fallan.  The  Teut.  root  fal-l,  pre- 
Teut.  phal-n,  appears  in  Gr.  and  Sans.  a3 
sphal  with  an  s  prefixed  ;  comp.  Gr.  <r<p6Xku, 
'to  fell,  overthrow,'  <r<pd\\onat,  'to  fall,  be 
deceived.'  Lat.  fallo  is  based  directly  upon 
the  root  phal, '  to  deceive ' ;  Sans,  root  sphal, 
'  to  stagger '  ;  also  Lith.  pulu  pulti,  '  to  fall,' 
and  akin  to  Sans,  phala,  'ripe,  falling  fruit'  ?. 
—  3ritU,  m«,  'fall,  ruin, event,  case  (in  gram., 
&c.),'  OHG.  and  MidHG  val.  (gen.  valla), 
in. ;  comp.  AS.fyll,  m., '  fall,  death,  ruin.' — 
$aUe,  f.,  from  MidHG.  voile,  OHG.  falla, 
f.,  'snare, decipula';  AS.fealle,f.,  'laqueus, 
decipula'  (wanting  in  E.),  Du.  val,  '  snare, 

fctlfdj,  adj.,  '  false,  wrong,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  valsch,  adj. ;  OHG.  *falsc 
is  not  recorded.  On  account  of  late  AS. 
fals,  E.  false,  Scand.  fals,  which  are  clearly 
derived  from  Lat.,  the  word  is  doubtlessly 
connected  in  some  way  with  Lat.  falsus. 
But.  since  the  latter  retained  its  s  un- 
changed (comp.  Ital.  falso,  Fr.  faux,  from 
OFr.  false),  we  cannot  imagine  that  the 
word  was  borrowed  directly  from  Lat.- 
Romance  (Olc.  falskr  is  a  German  loan- 
word of  the  15th  cent.).  Probably  Mid 
HG.  valsch,  a  comparatively  recent  forma- 
tion (comp.  fifin,  toad)),  from  OHG.  gifalsctin, 
gifelscen,  vb.,  'to  falsify,'  which  is  derived 
from  a  Lat.  *falsicdre,  Romance  */ "discard 
'to  falsify.'  The  assumption  that  MidHG. 
valsch  (akin  to  vdlant,  'demon'?)  is  primit. 
allied  to  Lat.  fallere,  Gr.  o-<pd\\effOai,  is 
scarcely  valid. 

if  alt,  jfctltig,  adj.  suffix,  '-fold,'  from 
MidHG.  -valt,  OHG.  fait;  comp.  Goth. 
-falfrs,  AS.  -feald,  E.  -fold,  Olc  -faldr;  a 
common  Teut.  suffix  in  the  formation  of 
multiplicatives;  itcorresponds  to  Gr.*Xd<7«or 
in  St-rXdoios,  &c.  (also  SItoKtos,  'twofold'), 
for  pltios,  with  which  sfalt  seems  to  be 
primit.  cognate.  See  fatten,  and  Qinfalt 
under  fin. 

fatten,  vb..  'to  fold,  plait,  knit  (the 
brow),'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vallen, 
OHG.  faltan,  faldan  ;  corresponds  to  Goth, 
falpan,  Olc.  falda,  AS.fealdan,  E.  to  fold; 
the  Teut.  root  is  fal/>,  '  to  fold,'  pre-Teut, 
pit,  with  which  comp.  OSlov.  pletq,  plesti, 
'  to  twist,'  Gr.  SiirMaws,  '  twofold  (see 
under  sfalt),  Sans.  pu(a,  'fold,'  for  pita.— 
>attc,  f.,  'fold,  plait,  crease,  hem,'  irom 
MidHG.  voile,  OHG.  fall,  m.,  'fold,'  is 


(    So    ) 


derived  theFr.  cognate  fauteuil,  which  lia3 
lately  been  adopted  again  by  ModHG.  \. 
conip.  MidLat.  fuldistolium,  faldistorium, 
Ital.  fitldistorio. 

>altcr,  m.,  simply  ModHG.,  'butter- 
fly'; the  MidHG.  term  is  vivalter  (cor- 
rupted also  into  zwivalter),  •  butterlly,'  from 
which  the  ModHG.  word  has  been  cor- 
rupted by  connecting  it  with  fatten.  But 
MidHG.  vivalter  is  based  upon  an  OTeut. 
term  for  *  butterfly,'  which  may  have  been 
*feifaldr6  in  Goth.  ;  conip.  OHG.  flfaltra, 
OSax.  ftfoldara,  AS.  flfealde,  OIc.  fifrilde, 
1  butterfly ' ;  akin  to  Du.  vijfwouter,  '  a  sort 
of  butterfly.'  The  origin  of  this  term  is 
not  yet  established,,  although  it  is  probably 
a  reduplicated  form  like  fceben  and  jittem. 

fallen,  vb.,  '  to  fold,  groove,  rabbet,' 
from  MidHG.  velzen,  valzen,  OHG.  falzen, 
'to  fold';  galj,  m^  from  MidHG.  valz, 
m.,  'fold,  joint' ;  akin  to  OHG.  anafalz, 
'  anvil,'  AS.  anfilt,  E.  anvil,  Du.  anbeeld, 
'anvil'  (see  Slmbofj).  Tlie  cognates  are 
undoubtedly  connected  with  fatten ;  Mid 
HG.  valz  may  have  been  *falti  in  Goth., 
which  would  probably  represent  falt-ti, 
pltni-  (conip.  fdniifcen  from  fdjneibett). — gofj^ 
6ee  93a($. 

fangcn,  fallen,  vb., '  to  catch,  seize,  fish 
(an  anchor),  soften  (hides),'  from  MidHG. 
vdhen,  vdn,  OHG  fdhan,  '  to  catch,  inter- 
cept, seize' ;  the  common  Teut.  vb. — Goth. 
fdhan,  OIc.  fd,  AS.  f$n  (for  */6han  from 
*fohan;  wanting  in  K)— has  the  same 
meaning.  Boot  fanh  (whence  fah,  fdh)r 
and  by  a  grammatical  change  fang  (this 
form  is'  really  found  only  in  the  partic. 
and  pret.,  but  it  has  made  its  way  in  Mod 
HG.  into  the  pre?,  also),  pre-Teut.  panic. 
With  the  Teut.  cognates  some  have  com- 
pared the  unnasalised  root  pak,  in  Lat. 
pax,  pacem  (lit.  '  strengthening '  1) ;  akin  to 
the  nasalised  pango  (partic.  pactum),  with 
g  for  c  1,  Sans,  paca,  '  cord ' ;  the  root  pak 
appears  without  a  nasal  in  Teut.  f6g;  see 
HG.  fiigen. — ^ang,  m.,  'catch,  capture, 
fang,  clutches,  haul,' from  MidHG.  vanc,m., 
OHG.  fang  ;  conip.  AS.  feng,  '  clutch,  em- 
brace,'/an<7, '  capture,'  E./an<7  (tooth,  claw). 

gfttttf ,  m., '  coxcomb,'  a  LG.  form  (comp. 
Du.  vent, '  a  would-be  wit,  fool '),  for  Mid 
HG.  vanz,  m.,  'rogue'  (still  existing  in 
alfaiiz,  lit.  'vagabond';  comp.  ModHG. 
gtile.  £anj,  the  first  part  of  which  is  ob- 

scure, perhaps  connected  with  AS.fyrleH, 
'  foreign '  1).    See  Sllfaitjeret. 

^tarbe,  f.,  '  colour,  complexion,  suit  (of 
cards),'  from  MidHG.  varwe,  OllQ.farawa, 
'  colour' ;  a  fem.  subst  from  the  MidHG. 
adj.  var,  inflected  form  varwer,  '  coloured,' 
from  OHG.  faro  (nom.  farawSr) ;  comp. 
Du.  verw.  The  word  originated  probably 
in  Middle  Europe,  but  found  its  way  to 
the  North  ;  Dan.  farve,  Swed.  fUrrj.  Is 
Goth.  *farwa-,  adj.  (whence  Lith.  par  was, 
'  colour '),  or  *fazica  to  be  postulated  ? 

farrt,  m.,  n_ '  i'ern,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
and  OHG.  ram,  varm;  corresponds 
to  Du.  varenkruid,  AS.  fearn,  E.  fern.  The 
interchange  of  n  and  m  in  OHG.  and  Mid 
HG.  is  due  to  the  assimilation  of  the  suffix 
na-  to  the  initial  labial ;  comp.  OHG./mn 
with  OInd.  phina,  and  OHG.  bodam  with 
Sans,  budhna.  gam  is  wanting  in  OIc. ;  yet 
comp.  Swed.  dial,  fdnne  (Ic.  *ferne).  The 
type  is  doubtlessly  Aryan  parna-,  which 
is  identical  with  Sans,  parna,  n.,  'wing, 
feather,  foliage,  leaf  ;  hence  gam  is  lit. 
'  feather-like  leaf  (Gr.  irrepls,  '  fern,'  and 
irrepbv,  'feather').  Probably  allied  also  to 
Lith.  papartis,  Russ.  paporotl  (OSlov.  *pa- 
pratl),  'fern.' 

3?arre,  m.,  'bullock,  bull,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  varre,  var,  m.,  OlIG.  farro, 
far,  m. ;  corresponding  to  Du.  varre,  var, 
'bull,'  AS.. /earr,  m^.  OIc.  farre,  m.,  'bulL' 
Since  there  is  a  corresponding  fem.  form, 
gdrff,  the  rr  must  have  originated  in  rzfrs), 
(comp.  bmr,  irre). — ^arfe,  f.  (unknown  to 
UpG),  'heifer,'  from  MidHG.  (MidG.  and 
LG.)  verse,  f . ;  comp.  Du.  vaars,  'heifer' 
(likewise  vaarkoe,  'heifer');  in  Goth,  pro- 
bably *farsi,geu.fai-sj6s;  E.  heifer,  from  the 
equiv.  AS.  hedlfore,  hedfre,  f.,  seems  to  con- 
tain garre,  garfe,  in  the  final  syllable.  The 
stem  farZy  fars,  does  not  recur  exactly  in 
the  cognate  languages,  yet  Gr.  ir6pis,  rdprn, 
'calf,  heifer,'  agree  with  it  in  sound  ;  like- 
wise Sans.  prSatt, '  white-spotted  cow '  (fem. 
of priat,  'speckled,  spotted')?. 

5?arfc,  see  under  tfarre. 

far3e»t,  vb.,  'to  fart,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  varzcn  (also  vurzen,  verzen),  allied 
to  OHG.  fer&xn,  'to  fart'  ;  corresponds  to 
AS.  feortan,  E.  to  faii  ;  OIc.  (with  trans- 
position of  the  r)j  freta.  Teut.  root  fert, 
from  the  Aryan  perd,  with  the  same  mean- 
ing ;  comp.  Sans,  root  pard,  Gr.  Tctpfetv, 
Lith.  perdzu,  persti,  ltuss.  perdltt. 

Safari,  m.,  'pheasant,'  from  the  equiv. 
MiclHG.  and  OHG.  fasdn,  fasunt,  m.  ;  the 


(    81    ) 


Litter  is  derived  from  Lat.  Gr.  fasianus 
(<pa<ria.vbs,  '  a  bird  from  the  Phasis  in  Col- 
chis'), '  pheasant,'  whence  also  Ital./a</iawo,. 
Fr.  faisan. 

^fafcfytng,  m., '  carnival,'  from  MidHG. 
vaschanc,  m.,  '  Slirovetide'  ;.  how  it  is  con- 
nected with  gafhtad)t  (Shrove-Tuesday)  has 
not  yet  been  explained. 

fafeltt,  vb.r  'to  talk  irrationally/  only 
in  ModHG.,  a  derivative  of  OHG.  fas6n, 
'to  track,  seek  here  and  there' ;  but  the 
latter  word  is  probably  not  from  the  root 
fas  in  gafci\ 

^fafer,  f.r  'fibre,  filament/  from  late 
MidHG.  vaser,  f.,  '  fringe,'  most  frequently 
vase,  m.,  f.,  'fibre,  fringe,  border,' OHG./oso, 
m. .fasa,  f. ;  AS.  fees,  n.,  MidE./asiJ,'  fringe.' 

3-acnacf;f ,  see  gafiuadjt. 

faff ett,  vb.,  'to  hold,  grasp,  compre- 
hend,' (refl.)  'to  make  up  one's  mind,'  from 
MidHG.  va^en,  OHG.  fatfdn,  '  to  handle,, 
seize,  load,  pack,  arm  oneself,  dress,  go' ; 
it  seems  to  be  a  combination  of  two  or  more 
really  different  roots.  Comp.  OIc.  fqt,  neu. 
plur.,  'garments'  (Goth.  *fata, ' garments,' 
may  be  deduced  from  Span.,  hato,  Port. 
fato,  'stock  of  clothes,  wardrobe');  the 
West  Teut.. fat  (see  gag),  has  not  this  mean- 
ing, but  MidHG.  (OHG.)  vawen,  Ho  dress 
oneself,'  points  that  way.  In  the  sense 
'  to  seize,'  the  word  may  be  connected  with 
gafj,  lit.  '  engulphing,'  from  which  the 
meaning  'to  load'  would  be  evolved.  la 
the  sense  of  '  to  go'  (sich  va^en,  MidHG.) 
it  must  probably  be  connected  with  guf?, 
or  more  closely  with  AB.fcetr '  step.'  See 
gefceit,  gifce. 

fctfl,  adv.,  'almost,  nearly,'  from  MidHG 
vaste,  vast^adv.  (from  ve.ste, ' firm'),. '  firmly, 
strongly,  powerfully,  very,  very  quickly,' 
OHG.  vasto,  adv.,  i'rom  festi;  similar  un- 
nRitated  advs.  from  mutated  adjs.  are  fdjott 
from  fdjon,  fpat  from  fpat.  ModHG.  has 
also  turned  fejt  into  an  adv.,  the  older  adv. 
faji  having  been  specialised  in  meaning  ; 
even  in  MidHG.  vyste  is  an  adv. 

faflctt,  vb.,  'to  fast,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  vasten,  OHG.  fasten;  comp.  Goth. 
fastan,  OIc.  fasta,  AS.  fastan,  E.  to  fast,. 
J>i.  vasten;  a  common  Teut.  verb,  invari- 
ably used  in  the  sense  of  '  to  fast,'  which, 
therefore,  was  probably  a  religious  concep- 
tion even  of  the  heathen  Teutons.  The 
corresponding  abstract  is  Goth,  fastubni, 
AS.  fasten,  OSax.  fastunniar  OHG.  fasta, 
fusto,  m.,  MidHG.  vaste,  f.,  vasten,  n., '  fast,' 
whence  Slav,  postfil, '  fast,'  was  borrowed*  at 

an  early  period.  The  cognates  are  pro- 
bably connected  with  fefi  in  the  sense  of 
'to  contain  oneself,  exercise  restraint  in 
eating  and  drinking,'  or  '  to  obey  a  reli- 
gious precept';  comp.  Goth,  fastan,  'to 
adhere  to>  hold,  observe.' — %>aftnad)t,  f., 
c  Shrove  Tuesday,'  from  MidHG.  vasenaht, 
'  eve  of  the  first  day  of  Lent.'  According 
to  the  OTeut.  computation  of  time  (comp. 
Slbcnb)  the  evening  and  night  were  counted 
as  part  of  the  following  day  (thus  in  AS. 
frtgedfen,  c Thursday  evening,'  frigeniht, 
'  Thursday  night ').  The  meaning  given 
above  did  not  belong  to  the  word  origi- 
nally. The  first  part  of  the  compound  is 
an  old  verb  fafctn,  '  to  play  the  fool ' ;  the 
form  Qfafhtacfyt  may  have  been  introduced 
by  the  priests. 

^fct£,  n.,  l vessel,  cask,  vat,'  from  Mid 
HG.  va$,  OHG.  /a3(5^),  n.,  '  cask,  vessel, 
chest' ;  corresponds  to  MidLG.  and  Du.  vat, 
A  S.  fat, '  vessel,  receptacle,  chest '  (E.  vat), 
OIc.  fat,  ^cask.'  The  prim,  signification 
of  those  cognates  (pre-Teut.  podo-)  may 
have  been  'receptacle,'  and  since  gejfel  is 
an  allied  word,  we  have  to  postulate  the 
meaning  '  to  hold  together '  for  the  Teut. 
root/a^.  Lith.  pudas,  '  pot,  vessel,'  would 
be  in  Goth.  *f6ta-  instead  of  *fata-.  Mod 
HG.  ©cfag  is  not  an  immediate  derivative 
of  gag,  because  it  assumes  a  Goth.  *gafeti, 
n.     See  faffett,  gefcen,  gifce. 

fctul,  adj.,  'rotten,  worthless,. lazy r'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  MidLG.  vul,  OHG. 
ful ;  comp.  Du.  vuil,  AS.  fill,  E.  foul,  OIc. 
fHll,Goth.fuls,  'decayed' ;  la-  is  derivative  ; 
fH-  as  the  Teut.  root  is  deduced  from  OIc. 
fuenn,  'putrefied,'  which  as  a  partic.  points 
to  an  obsolete  verb  (Goth.  *fauan,  formed 
like  bauan\  of  which  OIc.  feyja,  '  to  allow 
to  putrefy,'  is  the  factitive  (Goth.  *faujan). 
From  fU  several  Teut.  dialects  have  formed 
nouns  with  the  meaning  '  cunnus '  (OIc. 
fup) ;  see  £unb$fcti.  The  root  f4,  from 
Aryan  pil,  i»  equally  represented  in  the 
allied  languages  ;  Gr.  rtiov,  '  matter,'  and 
the  equiv.  Lat.  pits,  n.;  Sans,  and  Zend  root 
p4  (p&y),  '  to  stink,  putrefy,'  Lith.  jntvii, 
pitii.  'to  putrefy'  (akin  to  Lith.  ptild, 
'matter,'  with  a  derivative  I  as  in  faul)  ; 
also  Gr.  irvQu,  '  to  cause  to  rot,'  Lat.  pHteo, 
'  to  stink,'  puter,  '  putrid,  rotten.'  The 
primary  meaning  of  the  root  pit  is  '  to 
emit  a  smell  of  putrefaction.' — fmtfenjcn, 
vb.  'to  be  lazy,'  from  late  MidHG.  v&letzen, 
'  to  be  rotten,'  an  intensive  derivative  of 
faitl ;  comp.  Mifecn,  fcufj*n. 



(    82    ) 


>aufl ,  f., '  fist,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
ana  Mi>iLG.  v&st.  OH.Q.f&st,  tj  corresponds 
to  AS.  fyst,  E.  fist,  Du.  vuist.  This  term, 
common  to  West  Teut.,  is  unknown  to  OIc. ; 
in  Goth,  it  may  liave  been  */Asti-  or  *fHhsti-, 
f.  The  possible  loss  of  a  h  before  st  is  sup- 
ported by  the  connection  with  Gr.  irtff, 
'  with  the  fist,'  Trty/iaxot,  '  boxer,'  irvyfir), 
1  fist,  boxing,'  Lat.  puynus,  '  fist,'  pugil, 
'boxer,'  perhaps  also  pugio,  'dagger'  (lit. 
'  fist  weapon'),  and  further  pugna,  pugnare, 
&c.  The  comparison  of  gauft  with  OSlov. 
pestl,  f.,  '  fist,'  is  less  trustworthy  ;  this  is 
possible  only  if  the  assumed  Goth.  *fHhsti 
is  further  derived  from  funhsti-,  pre-Teut. 
pnksti- ;  in  that  case,  however,  the  Gr.  and 
Lat.  terms  cited  would  have  no  connection 
with  the  word. 

$axe,  plur.,  '  fooleries,  tricks,'  ModHG. 
only  ;  of  obscure  origin. 

fed)t<m,  vb.,  '  to  fight,  fence,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  vetten,  OHG.  fehtan;  a 
term  common  to  West  Tent,  for  'to  fight, 
contend,'  unknown  to  Scand.  and  Goth.  ; 
comp.  Du.  and  MidHG.  vechten,  OFriB.fiuch- 
ta,  AS.  feohtan,  E.  to  fight.  Whether  the 
verb  has  always  belonged  to  the  e  class 
is  questionable  ;  it  may  have  passed  from 
the  pret.  plur.  and  partic.  of  the  u  class 
into  the  e  class  ;  in  that  case,  we  should 
have  to  assume  Goth.  *fiuhtan,  *fduht, 
*fatihtum,  *faUldans,  instead  of  *falhtan, 
*faht,  *fauhtam,  *fauhtans.  This  conceiv- 
able assumption  facilitates  the  connection 
with  Lat.  pugna,  pugnare ;  yet  the  latter 
are  probably  only  derivatives  of  pugnus, 
1  fist ' ;  perhaps  the  inferred  Goth.  *fiuhtan, 
'  to  fight,'  is  similarly  related  to  5au|l. 

5?c6er,  f.,  'feather,  pen,  plume,  spring, 
flaw  (in  jewels),'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
veder,  v'idere,  OHG.  fedara,  f .  ;  the  term 
common  to  Teut.  for  '  feather ' ;  comp. 
OSax.  fethara,  AS.  feper,  f., '  feather,  wing,' 
E.  feather,  OIc.  fjgfrr,  f.,  Goth.  *fifrra, 
f.,  akin  to  the  collective  noun  ©efhber 
(see  gitttd)).  Goth.  *fifrra,  from  pre-Teut. 
p&rd,  i\,  has  in  the  allied  Aryan  languages 
some  correspondences  which  prove  the  exist- 
ence of  an  Aryan  root  pet,  'to  fly' ;  comp. 
the  Sans,  root  pat,  'to  fly,'  pdtatra,  n., 
'  wing,'  patard,  adj.,  '  flying,'  gatdpatra, 
'having  a  hundred  wings  or  feathers,'  Gr. 
irtrofiai,  '  to  fly,'  irrepdv  (for  *irerep6v),  'wing,' 
vtIXov  (for  *t€tL\ov),  'feather';  it  is  less 
certain  whether  Lat.  penna,  '  feather '  (for 
*petsna1),  is  allied.  See  gittid).— gfcbcr- 
lefen,  n.,  lit.  '  picking  off  the  feather  from 

a  person's  dress'  as  a  mark  of  servile  flat- 
tery ;  found  even  in  MidHG.— gtcfccr- 
fptcl,  11.,  'lure,'  from  MidHG.  vederspil, 
n.,  'a  bird  trained  for  hawking,  falcon, 
sparrow-hawk,  hawk.' 

j3fCC,  ^Fei,  f.,  'fairy,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  fei,  feie,  f. ;  borrowed  from  an 
OFr.  dialect  (Hurgund.),  feie,  ModFr.  fe'e 
(Ital.  and  Romance,  fata,  lit.  'goddess  of 
destiny,'  from  Lat./atwm),  whence  also  E. 
fay  and  fairy. 

fegefeuer,  n.,  'purgatory,'  from  Mid 
vegeviur,  n.,  '  purgatory,'  from  Mid 
HG.  vegen,  '  to  purify ' ;  formed  on  the 
model  of  MidLat.  purgatorium. 

fegert,  vb.,  'to  sweep,  scour,  winnow 
(corn),  purge,'  from  MidHG.  vegen,  (OHG. 
*feg6n),  'to  purity,  adorn,  sweep,  scour,' 
Du.  vegen.  Goth.  *fig6n  is  connected  with 
Goth,  fugrs,  'suitable,'  AS.  fdbger,  E.  fair, 
OHG.  and  OSax.  fagar;  from  the  root  feh. 
fah,fag,f  tig  in  fftgm;  OIc.  fcegja,  'to cleanse,' 
probably  belongs  to  the  same  root  (the 
Goth,  form  being  fSgjan) ;  Aryan  root,  pgk, 

%ie1)be,  f.,  'feud,'  from  MidHG.  vehede, 
vide,  OHG.  fShida,  'hate,  enmity,  quarrel, 
feud ' ;  corresponds  to  AS.  fcehf>,  f.,  '  en- 
mity, revenge,  feud '  ;  Goth  *faihif>a, 
'  enmity,'  is  probably  an  abstract  noun 
from  the  Goth.  adj.  *faihs,  'hostile,' which 
appears  in  AS.  as  fdh,  fdg,  '  exiled,  out- 
lawed, proscribed '  (AS.  gefda,  m.,  '  enemy,' 
Fj.  foe  ;  comp.  OHG.  gifili,  MidHG.  gevec/i, 
'  hostile,  malignant ').  A  pre-Teut.  root, 
piq,  '  to  injure,  cheat'  (comp.  also  Goth. 
faih,  '  imposition,  deception,'  bifaihdn,  '  to 
deceive,  overreach'),  is  indicated  by  the 
Lith.  ;  comp.  Lith.  piktas,  '  angry,'  pykti, 
'  to  get  angry,'  peikti,  '  to  curse,'  palkas, 
'  stupid '  (akin  to  Pruss.  po-paikd,  '  he 
cheats').  Respecting  the  interchange  of 
meaning  between  '  to  injure' and  'to  de- 
ceive,' see  trugen.  Hence  E./oe  is  lit.  '  one 
who  injures,'  OHG.  fihida,  lit  'hurt,  in- 

fef)Ien,  vb.,  '  to  miss,  want,  err,'  from 
MidHG.  vSlen,  vcelen,  'to  fail,  mistake, 
cheat,  be  wanting,  miss ' ;  burrowed  in  the 
MidHG.  period  (about  1200  a.d.)  from  Fr. 
failtir,  '  to  fail,  miss,  deceive,'  which  again, 
like  Ital. fallire,  is  derived  from  Lat.  fallere. 
The  word  was  also  adopted  by  E.  in  the 
13th  cent.  ;  comp.  E.  fad,  likewise  Du. 
feilen,  '  to  fail,  miss,  deceive,'  Scand.  (since 
the  14th  cant),  fe da. 

§e1)xne,  f., '  criminal  tribunal '  (in  West- 


(    83    ) 


phalia  formerly),  from  MidHG.  veime,  f., 
'condemnation,  punishment,  secret  tri- 
bunal.' Goth.  *faima,  f.,  would,  on  the 
analogy  of  riceapez,  Goth,  fidvdr,  favour  the 
connection  with  the  root  n  in  Gr.  rlvu,  'to 
atone  for,'  derived  from  ki,  '  to  punish, 
avenge';  Gr.  irolvij,  as  a  derivative  of  the 
same  root,  may  have  been  formed  with  a 
different  suffix  from  that  which  appears  in 
gebme.  In  spite  of  the  late  formation  of 
the  word,  its  origin  is  difficult  to  discover 
and  uncertain.  Its  connection  with  Du. 
veem,  '  guild,  association,'  is  also  disputed. 
Others  again  refer  it  to  OSax.  a-fehian,  '  to 
condemn '  (see  feige).  It  is  quite  impossible 
to  connect  it  with  an  older  LG.  form, 
iiyefyme,  '  oak-mast,'  which,  with  Bav.  dehme, 
deehd,  '  oak-mast,'  belongs  to  a  different 

^feier,  f.,  'holiday,  festival,  celebration,' 
from  MidHG.  vtre,  I,  OHG.  jtra,  ftrra,  f., 
'festival,  holiday';  borrowed  from  Mid 
Lat.  firia  (formed  from  Lat.  feriae),  with 
the  lat  S  strengthened,  as  Jlretbf,  ©peife, 
€>etbe,  *V?ein ;  the  cause  of  the  rr  in  OHG. 
ftrra  is  the  i  oifiria.  §fetcrf  ctg,  m., '  holi- 
day, festival,'  from  MidHG.  vtr-,  vlretac, 
OHG.  flratag.  —  feiern,  'to  celebrate,' 
from  MidHG.  viren,  OHG.  ftrrdn,  ftrdii, 
'  to  celebrate,  keep  a  festival,'  formed  from 
Lat.  feriari.  The  borrowed  word  is  found 
in  the  Teut.  languages  of  Middle  Europe 
(Du.  vierdag,  OFris.  jtra),  but  is  wanting 
in  E.  and  Scand.  The  Romance  languages 
preserve  hat.  feriae  in  the  sense  of  'fair' ; 
comp.  Ital.  fiera,  Fr.  foire  (hence  E.  fair). 
Comp.  SWeJTe  and  gejh — ModHG.  gferiett 
(since  the  16th  cent.),  'vacation,  holidays,' 
has  been  derived  anew  from  Lat.  feriae. 

fetfte,  adj.,  'cowardly,  dastardly,'  from 
MidHG.  veige,  OHG.  feigi,  adj.,  'doomed 
to  death,  accursed,  unhappy,'  then  also 
'timid,  cowardly'  (in  the  ModHG.  sense 
fcige  is  wanting  in  the  UpG.  dialects) ; 
comp.  OSax./e(/i,  'doomed  to  death,'  Hess. 
fig,  Du.  veeg,  veege,  '  on  the  point  of  death,' 
AS.  fcege,  Scotch  fey,  Olc.feigr,  'doomed 
to  death,  on  the  point  of  death.'  In  the 
sense  of 'fated  to  die,'  the  adj.  is  primit. 
Teut.  (Goth.  *faiiis).  It  has  also  been 
compared  with  Sans,  pakvds,  '  ripe,'  so  that, 
the  Tent,  cognates  would  represent  pSkj, 
piki  (with  an  inserted  vowel) ;  comp.  fed. 
Far  more  improbable  is  the  assumption 
that  it  is  connected  with  Goth,  faihs,  OHG. 
f$h,  AS.  fdh,  'variegated,'  as  if  it  were 
thought  that  the  person  doomed  to  death 

by  the  fates  was  distinguished  by  some 
coloured  mark.  Some  compare  it  with 
the  cognates  discussed  under  %tl)ie,  some 
with  Lith.  patios,  'stupid,  silly,'  others, 
again,  with  an  OSax.  fehian,  'to  condemn.' 
See  gefjme. 

gfetge,  f.,  '  fig,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vtge,  OHG.  ftga,  L,  '  fig '  ;  comp.  OSax. 
ftga,  Du.  vijg ;  derived,  like  other  South 
Europ.  names  of  trees  and  fruits,  from  Rom. 
Lat.  (ftcus,  f.),  or  more  strictly  from  North 
Ital.  and  Provenc.  figa,  whence  also  Fr. 
figue.  The  AS.  fictredw  is  connected  directly 
with  the  Lat.,  the  later  E.  form  fig-tree  being 
based  upon  Fr.  figue.  Comp.  $&#<&, 
*TJjIauine,  SSirne,  varieties  of  fruit,  which 
were  borrowed  in  the  OHG.  period,  or 
even  earlier,  from  the  Lat.  Goth,  smakka, 
'  fig,'  corresponding  to  OSlov.  smoku,  was 
obtained  from  a  different  source.  See 

%eiQtvax&e,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
(rare)  vtcwarzen,  n.,  vicwerze,  f.,  'venereal 
ulcer,'  for  which  is  found,  mostly  in  the 
same  sense,  MidHG.  vtc,  m.,  from  Lat. 
ftcus,  whence  also  the  equiv.  AS.  ftce; 
comp.  Ital.  fico,  'fig,  venereal  ulcer.' 

feil,  adj.,  '  for  sale,  venal,'  from  Mid 
HG.  veile,  veil,  OHG.  feili,  with  the  curious 
variant  fall,  adj.,  '  purchaseable ' ;  akin  to 
the  equiv.  OIc.  fair,  with  an  abnormal 
vowel.  Teut.  faili-  has  according  to 
OHG.  fait,  OIc.  fair,  an  inserted  vowel  in 
the  accented  syllable  (comp.  feige) ;  hence 
it  corresponds  to  Aryan  pSli-,  and  is  con- 
nected with  Gr.  vwXtofiai,  '  to  sell,'  and 
more  remotely  with  the  OInd.  root  pan 
for  pain-,  'to  purchase,  buy,  exchange.' — 
fetlfd)en,  with  sch  alter  I  for  8,  'to  higgle, 
bargain,'  from  MidHG.  veilschen,  OHG. 
*feilistm,  'to  bargain  for  something.' 

3-oilo,  f.,  'file,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  vile,  OHG.  ftla,  fthala  (not  flhala),  tj 
corresponds  to  AS.  fe6l  (dial,  variant  *ftl), 
f.,  E.  file,  Du.  vijl, '  tile.'  The  OIc.  term  is 
pe%  f.,  'file,'  with  an  abnormal  initial  sound; 
Goth  *feiliala  or  *J>eihala  must  be  assumed. 
The  form  with  initial  /  from  Aryan  p 
points  to  the  widely  diffused  root  pik,  '  to 
scratch,'  akin  to  Lat.  pingo.pictor,  OSlov. 
plsati,  '  to  write.'  Yet  OIc.  J>el,  from 
*f>tlU,  points  to  Teut  Jrinh,  equiv.  to  pre- 
Teut.  Uk,  tenk,  in  ModHG.  £>a$« ;  for  the 
interchange  of/ and  f>  comp.  biiftft  (fitijlfr), 
garfcl,  gehme  (also  OHG.  ftn,  ftma  com- 
pared with  LG.  dime,  '  heap  of  corn.' 

3?eim,  m., '  foam,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 


(    84    ) 


HG.  veim,  OHG.  feim,  m.  ;  comp.  the  cor- 
responding AS.  fdm,  E.  foam,  which  are 
pri'mit  allied  to  the  equiv.  Sans,  phena, 
OSlov.  pena.  ModHG.  aKyfeimt,  from  an 
earlier  abfeimen, '  to  skim '  (comp.  raffintcrt, 
from  Fr.  rafiiner,  '  to  refine '). 

feitt,  adj.,  '  fine,  elegant,  cunning,'  from 
MidHG.  vln,  fin,  adj.,  'fine,  beautiful'; 
OHG.  *fin  may  be  inferred  from  the  adv. 
finllhlw,  which  is  first  recorded  in  a  gloss 
o"f  the  10th  cent ;  comp.  Du.  fi/jn,  E.  fine. 
Borrowed  from  a  word  common  to  Romance,, 
I  till,  fino  (Fr.  fin),  with  the  prim,  meaning 
'perfect,  genuine,  pure,'  which  is  a  late 
adj.  form  from  Lat.  finite. 

gfetnt>,  m.,  'enemy,  foe,  fiend,'  from 
MidHG.  vtnt,  vlent,  viant,  OHG.  ftant, 
m.,  'enemy' ;  the  common  Teut.  noun  for 
'enemy'  ;  comp.  OSax.  fiund,  AS.  feOnd, 
E.  fiend,  OIc.  fjdnde,  Goth,  fijands.  In 
contrast  to  Lat.  hostis,  discussed  under 
©afl,  the  Teut  designates  his  enemy  ac- 
cording to  the  disposition  of  the  latter ; 
Seinb  (pres,  part,  of  the  Sans,  root  pi,  piy, 
'to  scorn,  hate')  is  lit.  'the  hater' ;  comp. 
OHG.  fleny  AS.  feOgan,  Goth,  fijan,  'to 
hate,'  akin  to  Goth,  faian,  'to  blame.' 
gefybe  is  perhaps  allied  to  it ;  for  the  trans- 
formation of  the  pres.  part,  into  a  subst. 
comp.  also  grcunb,  SBeujanb,  and  £eitanb. 

feift,  adj.,  '  fat  in  good  condition,'  from 
MidHG.  vei$t,  vei^et, OH.G.  fei^it,  adj.,  'fat, 
greasy ' ;  properly  a  partic.  without  gi-,  ge- 
of  a  Goth,  verb  *faitjan,  '  to  fatten,'  OHG. 
feiy^en,  which  is  from  the  nominal  stem 
faita-,  'fat,'  OIc.  feitr,  MidHG.  veiy  With 
the  assumed  Goth.  *faitij>s  are  connected 
AS.  fasted,  fddt,  and  E.  fat  (comp.  fdt). 
Goth.  *faita-,  from  pre-Teut.  paido-,  has 
no  unquestionable  cognates  in  the  allied 
languages  ;  it  can  scarcely  be  connected 
with  OSlov.  piteti,  'to  nourish,  feed,'  on 
account  of  the  faulty  shifting  of  the  dental 
(Slav,  t  corresponding  to  Goth,  t  is  impos- 
sible) ;  it  is  more  probably  related  to  the 
root  iB,  '  to  swell,  flow  forth ' ;  comp. 
*?5a|,  '  a  spring,'  irtSwo,  '  to  gush  forth.' 

3ielberr  m.,  'white  willow,'  from  Mid 
HG.  velwer.  older  velware,  SB.,  from  velice, 
£,  '■willow,  OHG.  felawa,felwa,  f., '  willow 
tree.'  Probably  Osset  farwe,  'alder,'  is 
primit  allied  to  it' 

3?eK>,  n.,.  'field,  space,  square  (chess- 
board), panel,'  from  MidHG.  v'elt  (gen. 
-des\  OHG.  feld,  n.,  'field,  soil,  surface, 
plain';  a  word  common  to  West  Teut.  point- 
ing to  Goth.  *fil}>,  n.;  OSax.  and  AS.  feld 

(lp  in  both  dialects  are  regularly  changed 
into  Id),  E.  field,  Du.  veld.  It  is  still  ques- 
tionable whether  OIc.  fjall, '  mountain,'  is 
identical  with  it,  since  the  former  is  more 
probably  connected  with  ModHG.  get*. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  following  are  cer- 
tainly allied:  —  OIc.  fold,  f.,  'pasture,' 
AS.  folde,  {.,  OSax.  folda,  '  earth,  country, 
ground'  (pointing  to  Goth  *fuldS).  Finn. 
pelto  is  derived  from  Teut.  felpos,  which, 
with  OIc.  folda,  is  based  upon  the  Aryan 
loot  pith  (Sans,  prth),  '  to  be  broad,  flat ' ; 
comp.  Sans,  prthivi,  '  earth,'  as  well  glaben. 

3felftC,  f.,  '  felly  (of  a  wheel),'  from  Mid 
HG.  v'e%ge,  OHG.  filga,  f.,  '  rim  of  a  wheel, 
tyre,'  OHG.  also  '  harrow,  roller  for  break- 
ing clods';  comp.  Du.  radvelge,  'felloe,' 
AS.felg,  E.  felly  (rim,  fellow).  Is  OHG. 
felga,  '  roller,  harrow,'  to  be  connected  with 
AS.  *fealge  (MidE.  falge,  'fallow  land'), 
E.  fallow,  and  its  e  to  bo  regarded  there- 
fore as  formed  by  mutation?  MidHG. 
valgen,  '  to  plough  up,  dig,'  makes  such  a 
supposition  very  probable.  It  is  possible 
that  the  two  classes  in  the  sense  of '  fel- 
loe '  and  '  harrow '  are  not  allied  to  each 
other.  Between  OHG.  felga  and  AS.  felga, 
*  felloe,'  there  is  no  connecting  link. 

gfcll,  n.,  '  hide,  skin,  fur,'  from  MidHG. 
vel(ll),  OHG.  felUl),  '  human  skin,  hide ' ; 
comp.  Goth,  fill,  n.,  in  prdts-fill,  'leprosy,' 
faurafilli,  'foreskin';  OIc.  fjall,  'skin, 
hide,'  in  compounds,  AS.  fell,  n.,  '  skin, 
hide,'  E.  felly  Du.  vel.  Common  to  Teut. 
orig.,  but  universal  in  the  wider  sense  of 
4  skin,'  both  of  men  and  animals.  Teut 
fella-  from  pre-Teut.  pello-  or pelno- ;  comp. 
Lat.  pellis,  Gr.  u-eXXa,  '  hide,  leather,'  direX- 
Xos,  n.,  '  (skinless)  unhealed  wound,'  epwri- 
weXas,  '  erysipelas,  St  Anthony's  fire,'  eVf- 
ir\oos,  '  caul  of  the  entrails,'  the  latter  for 
eirlvXoFos,  akin  to  Ljth.  pleve,  '  caul,  skin ' ; 
also  akin  to  AS.  filmen,  '  membrane,  fore- 
skin,' ';  likewise  Gr.  wA/ta,'soleof  the 
foot  or  shoe,' and  perhaps  WirXos, '  garment,' 
as  a  reduplicated  form  (W-tX-os,  root  reX). 

^cUcifcn.  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
veils,  m., '  valise,  knapsack '  ;  the  ModHG. 
form  is  a  corruption  of  the  MidHG.  word 
which  is  based  upon  the  equiv.  Fr.  valise. 

^tclfcr*,  m.,  'rock,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  velse,  vels,  m.,  OHG.  felis,  m.,  felisa,  f. 
(from  which  Fr.  falaise, '  ciiff,'  is  borrowed); 
akin  to  OSax.  felis,  m.,  probably  also  to 
OIc.  fjall,  '  mountain ' ;  the  latter  would 
be  *filza-  in  Goth.,  the  former  *falisa-; 
in  Du.  and  E.  the  word  is  wanting.     Olr. 


(    85    ) 


ail  (from  *paMk),  'rock,'  OSlov.  planina, 
'mountain,'  Sans,  parvata,  'rock,  moun- 
tain,' may  be  primit.  allied.  Connected  also 
with  OInd.  p&r, '  fastness,  citadel,'  to  which 
Or.  tt6\l-s  has  been  referred  ?  or  with  Sans. 
pdsdna  (for  *palsdna),  'stone'  ?. 

3fCttd)Cl,  m.  (Snab.  and  Alem.  ftenfel), 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  venchel,  venichel, 
OHG.  fenahhal,  fenihhal,  m.,  'fennel'; 
comp.  AS.finul,  E.  fennel;  formed  from 
Lat.  (foznicidum,feniculum,feniclum),  fenu- 
clum;  from  the  same  source  the  Romance 
cognates  Fr.  fenouil,  lta\.  fmocchio,  'fennel,' 
are  derived. 

^tCttfier,  n.,  '  window,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  venster,  OHG.  venstar,  n.  ;  coinp. 
Du.  venster,  n.  Based,  with  a  curious 
change  of  gender,  on  Lat.  fenestra,  from 
which,  however,  the  fenstar  of  the  Mid 
Europ.  Teutons  could  only  be  produced  by 
shifting  the  accent  back  according  to  the 
Teut.  custom  (comp.  9lbt)  and  by  syncopating 
the  second  e.  This  indicates  that  the  word 
was  borrowed  very  early,  in  the  beginning 
of  the  OHG.  period.  Yet  the  idea  was 
wel  1  known  to  the  older  periods,  as  is  tes- 
tified by  the  terms  naturally  applied  to  the 
existing  object — Goth.  augadaurS,  'eye- 
gate,'  AS.  Sgfii/rel,  'eye-hole,'  Olc.  vindauga 
(whence  MidE.  winddge,  E.  window).  By 
the  introduction  of  the  Southern  term 
(comp.  also  Olr.  senister,  W.  ffenester)  the 
idea  was  probably  reconstructed.  This 
word  was  borrowed  at  the  same  period  as 
other  words — 3iegel,  SKaucv — relating  to  the 
building  of  houses. 

gfcrgc,  m.,  'ferryman,'  from  MidHG. 
verge,  verje,  vere,  OHG.  ferjo,  fero  (nom. 
sing,  ferjo,  gen.  and  dat./grw,  accus./gr/tt?i), 
m.,  '  mariner,  ferryman.'  The  j  is  changed 
into  g  after r  as  in  ©emerge,  Satrcergf.  Goth. 
*farja,  m.,  'mariner,'  is  wanting.  Most 
closely  allied  to  O^fyte ;  also  akin  to  Goth. 
farjan,  'to  navigate,'  see  root  far  under 

f~evicn,  see  gtier. 
erftcl,  n.,  'sucking-pig,'  from  MidHG. 
verier,  verchel,  verhtlin,  OHG.  farhel$(ii) ; 
diniin.  of  MidHG.  varch,  n.,  'pig,  sucknu,'- 

Eig,'  OHG.  farah,  farh,  n.  ;  AS.  fearh,  in., 
I.  farrow  j  Du.  varlcen,  n.,  'pig';  Goth. 
*farha-  is  wanting.  In  any  case  it  is  a 
pre-Teut.  word,  since  the  allied  Aryan  lan- 
guages have  words  corresponding  to  it  both 
in  sound  and  meaning  ;  *farhaz  from  pre- 
Teut.  porfcos,  corresponds  to  Lat.  porous 
(Gr.  t6/)kos),  Lith.  pdrszas,  OSlov.  prasf,  n., 

Olr.  ore.  Like  (Sber  and  <2>d)roein,  this 
word  too,  unknown  to  Indian,  is  essentially 
West  Aryan,  while  Mai)  is  a  common  Aryan 

fern,  adv.,  '  far,  distantly,  remotely,' 
from  MidHG.  verrene,  verren,  verne,  OHG. 
verrana,  v'errandn,  adv.,  'from  afar';  the 
adv.  in  answer  to  the  question  '  where  1 '  is 
verre  in  MidHG.  and  v'erro  in  OHG.  The 
adject,  form  in  MidHG.  is  verre,  in  OHG. 
ver,  which  are  probably  derived  from  the 
old  adv.  The  remaining  Teut.  branches 
have  no  old  orig.  adj.;  as  an  adv.,  how- 
ever, we  meet  with  Goth,  fairra,  which  is 
also  a  prep.,  'distant,  away  from,'  Olc. 
f jarre,  AS.  feor,  E.  far,  OSax.  f'err.  Be- 
sides these  words  relating  to  distance  in 
space,  OTeut.  has  also  allied  terms  for  dis- 
tance in  time  ;  Goth,  fairneis,  '  old,  in  the 
preceding  year,'  OSax.  firn,  'preceding, 
passed  away  (of  years),'  OHG.  firni,  Mid 
HG.  virne,  '  old '  (see  under  girnewcin) ; 
akin  also  to  Olc.  forn,  'old,'  MidHG. 
vorn,  '  earlier,  formerly,'  with  a  differently 
graded  vowel.  To  the  Teut.  stem /er-,/or- 
from  pre-Teut.  per,  pr,  are  allied  Gr.  irtpa, 
'  further,'  iripav, '  on  the  other  side,'  Armen. 
heri, '  distant,'  Sans,  pdra-s, '  more,  remote,' 
paramds,  'remotest,  highest,'  paras,  adv., 
'far  off,  in  the  distance.'  The  cognates 
of  Aryan  per-  have  too  great  and  involved 
a  ramification  to  be  fully  explained  hem 
See  fun. 

^fcrfe,  f.,  'heel,  track,  footsteps,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  v'ersen,  OHG.  firsana, 
f. ;  corresponds  to  Goth,  fairzna  (for  *fairs- 
na),  ft,  AS.  fyrsn,  f.  (pointing  to  Goth. 
*fairsni-) ;  E.  obsolete,  the  term '  heel '  (AS. 
Mia)  being  used,  in  Scand.  hchll ;  Du.  ver- 
zen,  OSax.  fersna.  Common,  like  Sufl,  and 
numerous  other  terms  relating  to  the  body 
(Jjjerj,  91iere,  £)t)r,  91afe,  &c),  to  Teut.  and 
the  allied  languages,  and  hence  derived 
from  the  OAryan  vocabulary;  corny,  fers- 
n6-,  -ni-,  from  pre-Teut.  pCrs-nd,  -nt-,  with 
Sans.  pdrSni-s,  f.  (like  AS.  fi/rsn  in  the 
formation  of  its  stem),  Zend  pdSna,  in.,  Gr. 
irripva,  {.,  'heel,  ham,'  Lat.  perna,  'leg  (of 
mutton,  &c),  ham,'  pernix, '  quick,  speedy ' 
(for  *pcrsna,  *persnix). 

fcrttg,  adj.,  'ready,  complete,  dexte- 
rous,' from  MidHG.  vertec,  vertic  (from  vart, 
'journey'),  adj.,  'able  to  walk,  walking, 
in  motion,  ready,  fit,'  OHG.  farttg;  Du. 
vaardig,  '  ready.'  The  adj.,  like  btrtit  and 
ruftig,  probably  meant  orig.  'equipped  for 
a  military  expedition.' 


(    86    ) 


JrcfTcl  (1.),  '•»  'fetter,  chain,  shackle,' 
from  MidHG.  vfi$d,  OHG./^i'J,  m., '  band 
for  fastening  and  holding  the  sword,'  then 
also  'band,  fetter' ;  AS.fetel, ' sword-belt,' 
OIc.  fetelly  m., '  band,  bandage,  sword-belt ' ; 
akin  to  root  fat  (see  %a$,  faffen),  '  to  hold '  ?. 
The  ModHG.  has  retained  its  general  sense 
by  taking  the  place  of  another  OTeut.  word 
for  'fetter';  MidHG.  ve^er,  f.,  'fetter, 
shackle  for  the  foot,'  OHG.  fe$$era,  OSax. 
feter,  AS.  feter,  E.  fetters  (plnr.),  Olcfjgturr. 
These  words,  which  are  usually  connected 
with  Lat.  vedica,  Gr.  *£8ti,  '  letter,'  Lat. 
compes,  and  hence  with  the  cognates  of 
ModHG.  Sitfj,  can  scarcely  be  allied  to  the 
terms  indicating  a  Goth.  *fatils,  '  sword- 

feftel  (2.),  f.,  '  pastern.'  See  gu&. 
eft,  n.,  '  festival,  fete,  feast,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  fed,  n.,  from  Lat.  fedum, 
whence  Ital.  festa,  Fr.  fSte  (E.  feast) ;  $tm 
is  the  earlier  loan-wont  Gothic  has  simply 
a  native  dulfrs,  '  feast.'     See  JDult. 

feff,  adj., '  firm,  solid,  strong,'  from  Mid 
HG.  vest,  vede,  OHG.  f(di,  adj.,  '  firm, 
strong,  steadfast'  ;  see  the  corresponding 
adv.  fail,  which  is  not  mutated  ;  neither 
was  the  adj.  originally  formed  by  mutation, 
since,  according  to  OSax.  fast,  AS.  feed, 
",  OIc.  fastr,  adj.,  'firm,'  we  have  to 
assume  a  Goth.  *fastu-,  which  is  probably 
an  old  to-  partic.  like  laid,  traut,  jart,  alt, 
&c,  from  the  root  fas-,  'to  fasten  ;  *fas- 
ta-,  lit.  'fastened,'  then  '  firm.'  Goth,  still 
retains  only  the  verb  fastan,  '  to  keep  firm, 
hold  fast'     See  faflett. 

fefifd),  in.,  'fetish,'  adopted  by  Mod 
at  the  beginning  of  the  17th  cent. 
The  earlier  parallel  form  gettfio  is  more 
closely  connected  with  the  Port,  base 
feitico,  '  enchantment,'  but  the  modern 
form  with  Fr.  fetiche. 

felt,  adj.,  '  fat,  plump,'  only  in  ModHG., 
introduced  by  Luther  from  MidG.  and  LG. 
instead  of  the  genuine  UpG.  feijl ;  LG. 
fdt,  comp.  Du.  vet  from  an  earlier  fitt,  AS. 
fdett,  'fat,'  which,  with  OHG.  feix$it,  are 
derived  from  Goth.  *faiti/>s  ;  see  fit  ft.  As 
to  the  origin  of  the  ModHG.  idiom,  fein 
Sfett  fyaben,  jentantem  fein  gctt  geben,  '  to  get 
one's  due,  give  any  one  his  due,'  opinions 
are  divided  ;  although  the  reference  to 
einbrocfen,  {fttianbcm  etttjaS  einbrocfen  (to  play 
one  a  trick),  &c,  supports  the  assumption  of 
a  purely  Ger.  origin,  some  etymologists  re- 
gard it  as  partly  translated  and  partly  bor- 
rowed from  the  Fr.  donner  d  quelqu'un  son 

fait,  avoir  son  fait,  others  even  as  an  ironi- 
cal reference  to  the  Fr.  f aire  f He  a  quelqu'un. 
'  to  make  a  person  heanily  welcome.' 

$et&exx,  in.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vetzf,  m.,  'rag,  tatters';  probably  from 
MidHG.  va^en,  '  to  dress,'  OIc.  fgt, 
•clothe-.'  From  a  Teut,  (Goth.)  faVi, 
'  clothes,'  Span,  hato,  and  Port,  fato, '  ward- 
robe,' are  derived.  Comp.  faften,  S^P-  In 
the  dialectal  compounds  2llltag3;,  (Sonntaaes 
frfcen,  5f$en  denotes  '  clothes.' 

feitd)t,  adj., '  moist,  damp,  humid.'  from 
the  equiv.  Mi'dHG.  viulite,  ORG. filhtiJiUit, 
(Goth.  *f&htu-  is  wanting).  The  adj.  is 
WestTeut. ;  comp.  LG.  fucht,  AS.  f&ld,  E. 
obsolete,  Du.  vochtig,  'damp.'  An  allied 
root  (pllk),  qUk,  quak,  is  assumed  for  OSlov. 
kysnati, '  to  grow  sour,'  kvasiti, '  to  acidify,' 
which  are  scarcely  connected  with  tins 

^fetter,  n.,  '  fire,  ardour,  passion,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  vinr,  OHG.  and  OLG. 
fiur,  older  fair,  n.  ;  comp.  Du.  vuur,  AS. 
f$r  (from  *fUir),  n.,;  a  word  common 
to  West  Teut.  for  '  fire' ;  in  Goth,  fon  (gen. 
funins),  OIc,  fune,  '  fire,'  but  it  is  doubtful 
whether  they  are  cognate  with  HG.  Setter  ; 
comp.  OIc.  (only  in  poetry)  furr,  in.,  and 
fj/re,  n.,  '  fire.'  The  r  in  all  the  words  is  a 
suffix,  and/#  (from  pre-Teut.  pit)  the  root ; 
comp.  Gr.  vvp  and  Mo\.  vd'Cp,  n.  (rrvpads, 
'torch').  In  Sans,  a  verbal  root  pit,  'to 
flame,  beam  brightly,'  is  found,  whence 
pAvakd,  '  fire.' 

§fibcl,  f.,  '  primer,'  first  occurs  in  early 
MidHG.  (15th  cent.),  probably  a  LG.  word 
orig.  formed  from  93ibet ;  the  earlier  vari- 
ant wibel  (wivelV)  points  to  ModGr.  pro- 
nunciation. Perhaps  gibel  represents  93iwl 
(comp.  (Sfitg,  5Meber). 

J3?td)fc,  f.,  'pine,  fir,'  from  MidHG. 
vishte,  f.,  OHG.  fiohta,  fluhta,  f.,  '  fir.'  No 
cognate  term  is  found  in  any  of  the  other 
Teut.  dialects,  yet  §ictote  is  proved  from  the 
non-Teut  languages  to  be  primitive  ;  comp. 
Gr.  vevKr,,  '  fir,'  Lith.  puszls,  'fir.'  The  HG. 
form  is  fuller  by  a  dental  affix  than  the 
Gr.  and  Lith.  words. 

fieber,  n.,  •  fever,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
vieber,  OHG.  fiebar,  n.  ;  from  Lat.- 
Romance  febris,  with  a  change  of  gender 
as  in  AS.ftfor,  n.,  equiv.  to  E.  fever ;  OHG. 
and  MidHG.  ie  for  «,  as  in  93rtef,  Stead, 
Spiegel,  $riejhr;  so  too  ModHG.  93teber=, 
MidHG.  biever,  from  vieber,  with  an  inter- 
change of  consonants,  as  in  ©fftg  and 


(    87    ; 


gtiebel,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
tridd,  videle,  f.,  OHG.  fidula  (as  early  as 
Otfried),  f.,  'fiddle,  violin';  com  p.  Du. 
vedel,  AS.  fifiele,  E.  fiddle,  OIc.  fifrla.  OHG. 
fidvla  is  based,  according  to  AS.  fij>ele, 
'fiddle,'  fifrelere,  '  fiddler,'  fifcelestre,  '  fidi- 
cina,'  upon  an  older  West  Tent.  *fij?ula. 
The  latter  form  with  Jy  might  be  deduced 
from  Lat.  *fitula  or  fidula  (for  fidicula  ?), 
yet  these  primary  forms  are  not  recorded. 
There  is  undeniableconnection  between  the 
Teut  class  and  the  Romance  cognates — Ital. 
viola,  Fr.  viole,  *  violin,'  the  origin  of  which, 
it  is  true,  is  much  disputed.  Stiil  £arfe 
found  its  way  from  Teut.  into  Romance. 

ftHett,  vb.,  'to  flay,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  villen,  OHG.  fillen;  allied  to  %tll. 

^ft(3,  m.,  ' felt,  blanket;  miser;  repri- 
mand,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vilz,  OHG. 
filz,  m. ;  comp.  Du.  vilt,  AS.  and  E.  felt, 
Swed.  and  Dan.  jilt,  '  felt '  (Goth.  *filtis, 
pre-Teut.  *peldos,  n.).  Lat.  pilus,  pileus, 
Gr.  iriXoj,  are  scarcely  allied  ;  it  is  more 
probably  connected  with  OSlov.  plusti, 
( felt.'  From  the  Teut.  word  are  derived 
the  similarly  sounding  Romance  words, 
Ital.  feltro,  Fr.feutre,  Mid  Lat.  filtrum,  'felt.' 
Other  words  also  relating  to  weaving  were 
introduced  into  Romance  from  Teut.  See 
£afpe,  Oiocfen. 

finoctt,  vb.,  'to  find,  discover;  deem, 
consider,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vinden, 
OHG.  findan ;  comp.  Goth,  finfcan,  OIc. 
finna,  AS.  findan,  E.  to  find,  OSax.  flthan, 
findan,  '  to  find.'  Teut.  fenf>,  as  a  str. 
verbal  root  from  pre-Teut.  root  pent ;  akin 
to  OHG.  fendo,  m.,  'pedestrian,  AS.  fSJja, 
'foot-soldier,'  OHG.  funden,  '  to  hasten'  ?. 
Some  etymologists  adduce  Lat.  invenire 
and  OSlov.  na  iti,  'to  find,'  to  show  by 
analogy  that  from  a  verb  of  'going'  the 
meaning  '  find '  can  be  evolved.  With  the 
Teut.  root  fen  J?  the  equiv.  Olr.  root  e%- 
(from  pent-)  is  most  closely  connected. 

3ftnger,  m.,  '  finger,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  vinger,  OHG.  fingar,  m.;  a  common 
Teut.  term  ;  comp.  Goth,  figgrs,  OIc.  fingr, 
AS.  and  E.  finger.  It  is  uncertain  whether 
the  word  is  derived  from  fctngeit,  root  fanh, 
and  it  is  questionable  whether  it  comes 
from  the  root  finh,  pre-Teut.  pink,  '  to 
prick,  paint,'  Lat.  jingo  (see  ffetU)  ;  it  is 
most  probably  primit.  allied  tofunf  (Aryan 
penqe).  The  terms  J&anb,  Singer,  3«&e  are 
specifically  Teut.,  and  cannot  be  etymolo- 
gically  explained  with  certainty.  Besides 
there  existed  even  in  OTeut.  a  definite 

term  for  each  linger.  First  of  all  the  thumb 
obtained  its  name,  which  is  a  rudimentary 
and  hence  very  old  form  ;  for  the  remain- 
ing names  see  under  25aumett. 

gftttfe,  m.,  '  finch,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  vinlce,  OHG.  fincho,  m. ;  corresponds 
to  Du.  vink.  AS.  fine,  E.  finch,  Swed.  fink, 
Dan.  finke,  'finch' ;  Goth.  *finki-,  *finkjan-, 
are  wanting.  There  is  a  striking  similarity 
of  sound  in  the  Rom.  words  for  '  finch ' — 
Ital.  pincione,  Fr.  pinson,  to  which  the  E. 
dialectal  forms  pink,  pinch,  '  finch,'  belong. 
Yet  there  is  no  suspicion  that  the  Teut. 
word  was  borrowed  ;  the  Teut.  class  is 
probably  primit.  allied  to  the  Rom.  word. 

finne  (1.),  f.,  'fin,'  first  occurs  in  Mod 
,  from  hG.finne,  Du.  vin, '  fin ' ;  first  re- 
corded in  the  Teut.  group  in  AS.  (Jinn,  m., 
E.  fin),  hence  it  cannot  have  been  bor- 
rowed from  Lat. pinna,  '  fin  of  the  dolphin, 
feather.'  No  Teut.  word  can  be  proved 
to  have  been  borrowed  from  Lat.  before 
the  period  of  the  OTeut.  substitution  of 
consonants,  i.e.,  before  the  beginning  of 
our  era  (see  Ǥanf).  Hence  AS.  Jinn  must 
be  assumed  as  primit.  cognate  with  Lat. 
pinna.  Is  it,  like  penna,  based  upon  pesna 
(OLat)?  If  it  were  based  upon  *pis-nd, 
'  fin,'  it  might  perhaps  be  regarded  as  cog- 
nate with  piscis,  Goth,  fiska-  (Jis-ka),  'fish.' 
^finite  (2.),  f.,  '  tumour,  scrofula,'  from 
MidHG.  vinne,  pfinne, '  pimple,  foul  rancid 
smell';  comp.  Du.  vin,  'pimple.'  The 
relation  of  the  initial  sounds  is  not  clear  ; 
MidHG.  pfinne  points  to  Goth,  p,  Du.  vin 
to  /  initially  ;  perhaps  the  double  form  is 
due  to  confusion  with  ginne  (1.) ;  p  may  be 
the  correct  initial  sound. 

fittffcr,  adj.,  'dark,  gloomy,  morose, 
sullen,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vinster, 
OHG.  finstar;  OSax.  *finistar,  as  an  adj., 
is  not  found,  but  it  may  be  inferred  from 
a  subst.  with  the  same  sound,  meaning 
'darkness';  the  stem  is  essentially  Ger., 
but  a  series  of  phonetic  difficulties  (see 
bujler)  hamper  the  discovery  of  the  type. 
In  OHG.  there  exists  besides  ftttjtn:  an 
OHG.  dinstar,  MidHG.  dinster,  whose 
initial  d  must  have  been  substituted  for 
an  earlier  (OSax.,  Goth.)  ]> ;  to  these  OSax. 
thimm,  'aark,'  corresponds.  The  inter- 
change of  }>  and/,  judging  from  the  parallel 
forms  under  fttilt  and  fta&tl,  cannot  be 
denied.  In  that  case  the  root  would  be 
J>em  (see  ^ammtrung).  But  OSax.  thiustri, 
AS.  pp8tre,  '  gloomy,'  have  no  connectiou 
with  it. 





^fintc,  f.,  lit.  'feint,'  also  'trick,  til.,' 
first  occurs  in  ModHG.,  from  Ital.  finta, 
*  cunning '  (Fr.  feinte). 

gtirlcfon,^,  m.,  'nonsense,  drollery,' 
from  MidHG.  virlefanz,  m.,  '  a  sort  of 
dance,'  whence  the  meaning  in  ModHG. 
'  foppish,  silly  manner.'  Some  have  tried 
to  connect  it  with  Norw.  fillefant,  '  scoun- 
dv*t\,'fantefolk, '  gipsies,'  which  would  make 
it  akin  to  %ant.  On  account  of  the  late 
appearance  of  the  word  it  is  impossible  to 
decide,  however,  whether  AS.  fyrlen,  '  far, 
distant,'  is  the  basis  of  the  first  part  of  the 
compound,  or  rather  MidHG.  faciei,  'a 
dance '  (Fr.  virelai,  *  virelay ').     See  ftant. 

ftrn,  adj.,  '  old,  of  last  year,'  from  Mid 
HG.  virne,  adj.,  'old,'  also  'experienced,' 
OHG.  firni,  'old';  corresponds  to  Goth. 
falrneis,  'old,'  AS.  fyrn,  'old,'  OSax.  fern, 
'  past '  (of  years).  The  reference  to  the 
year  gone  by  exists  in  the  Goth,  and  OSax. 
words,  but  does  not  appear  to  be  found  in 
OHG.  and  MidHG.,  although  the  stem  is 
known  to  modern  UpG.  dialects ;  comp. 
Alem.  fernig,  '  of  last  year.'  *  In  the  pre- 
ceding year'  is  MidHG.  vert, verne ;  MidG. 
and  UpG.  preserve  even  now  an  OTeut. 
adv.  fert,  fered,  '  in  the  preceding  year ' ; 
comp.  OIc.  fjgrjy,  adv.,  'in  the  preceding 
year,'  from  Goth.  *fairu}>,  pre-Teut  peruti 
(perouti),  Gr.  vipvri,  irtpvat,  '  in  the  preced- 
ing year,'  Olr.  onn-urid,  '  from  the  preced- 
ing year  onwards,'  Lith.  pernai,  '  in  the 
preceding  year,'  Sans,  pa-rut.  Hence  the 
idea  of  'the  preceding  year'  is  primit  in- 
herent in  the  stem  per,  Teut.  fer;  the 
general  sense  of  time  gone  by  appears  iu 
the  Teut  adj.  fern  and  its  cognates. 

gftrrt,  ^irrte,  m.,  '  snow  of  the  preced- 
ing year  or  years,  glacier,'  prop,  an  adjecti- 
val subst.  in  the  sense  of  'old  snow,  first 
recorded  in  the  last  century  ;  see  the  pre- 
ceding word. — gfancroetn,  'last  year's 
wine  ' ;  see  ftrn. 

§firnis,  m.,  'varnish,'  from  MidHG. 
firnts,  'varnish,  rouge';  from  Fr.  vernis 
(whence  also  E.  varnish),  Ital.  vernice. 
Finally  derived  from  Lat  vitrum,  vitrtnus. 

5?irff ,  m.,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
virst,  OHG.  first,  m.,  '  ridge  of  a  roof,  sum- 
mit' ;  comp.  LG.  and  Du.  (with  gradation), 
vorst,  '  ridge  of  a  roof,'  AS.  first,  fyrst,  f.  ; 
Goth.  *falrsti-  or  fairshti-  is  wanting.  Al- 
lied to  Sans,  prithd-m,  n.,  '  back,  summit, 
mountain-peak,'  which  is  nearest  in  sound 
to  Du.  vorst.  From  Teut,  OFr.  frette, 
Prov.  /rest,  '  gable,'  are  derived. 

§?ifd),  m.  'fish,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  visch,  OHG.  fisk,  m.  ;  a  common  Teut 
term  ;  comp.  Goth,  fiski,  OIc  fiskr,  AS. 
fisc,  E.  fish,  Du.  visch,  OSax.  fisc  Teut 
fiska-z,  from  pre-Teut  pisko-s,  corresponds 
to  Lat.  piscis  and  Olr.  iasc  (with  the  normal 
loss  of  p  from  prehistoric  peiskos).  The 
word  belongs  to  the  three  most  western 
groups  of  the  Aryan  division,  which  have 
also  the  word  SKfct  in  common ;  in  East 
Aryan  matsya.  Further,  there  are  no 
names  of  fishes  common  to  Teut  and  Lat- 
Kelt  Perhaps  the  term  was  a  migratory 
word  of  early  civilisation,  the  source  of 
which  cannot  be  discovered. 

gftff,  m.,  'fart,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vist,  m. ;  akin  to  the  equiv.  Du.  veest,  AS.fist. 
A  common  Aryan  root  pezd  appears  in  Lat 
pido  for  pezdo,  as  well  as  in  Gr.  /35^w,  from 
*/9<r5^w,  Lith.  bez>M  (beztUti).  Hence  Teut 
fisti-  is  to  be  explained  by  Aryan  pezd-i-. 
From  the  verbal  noun  fist  a  verbal  root  f  is, 
*  pedere,'  was  inferred  iu  very  early  times. 
Comp.  Olc.  flsa. 

^ftftel,  f->  'fistula,  reed,  falsetto,'  from 
MidHG. fistel,  f.,  'a  deep  abscess  in  ducts 
or  passages,'  even  in  OHG.  fistul,  formed 
from  the  equiv.  Lat.  fistula  ;  the  term  was 
first  applied  to  the  voice  in  ModHG. 

J3ttfftdj,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vittich,  v&tach,  m.,  n.,  v'ettache,  f.,  m.,  '  wing, 
pinion,'  OHG.  fettah,  older  felhdhah,  m. ; 
in  meaning  a  collective  of  fybtx ;  comp. 
OSax.  fetherac,  OHG.  federah,  MidHG. 
fedrach,  'wing';  the  formation  of  OHG. 
fethdhah  is  not  clear  ;  was  the  Goth,  form 
*fipj>akst  The  dentals  are  obscure,  yet 
the  word  is  undoubtedly  related  to  §ebcr. 

^tifjc,  f.,  'knot  of  yarn,  skein,  wrinkle,' 
from  MidHG.  vitze,  OHG.  fizza,  f.,  'a  num- 
ber of  reeled  threads  tied  together,  skein, 
yarn ' ;  akin  to  OIc.  fgt,  '  clothes,'  MidHG. 
vaften,  '  to  dress,'  root  fat,  fet?  'to  spin ' ? 
'  to  weave '  ?.  Yet  it  is  more  closely  con- 
nected with  OSax.  fittea,  AS.  fitt,  '  chap- 
ters, divisions  in  poems.' 

fix,  adj.,  'quick,  smart,'  first  occurs  in 
ModHG. ;  Lat  fixus  and  its  Romance  deri- 
vatives are  not  used  in  this  sense  ;  whether 
borrowed  from  it  or  not  is  doubtful. 

flad).  adj.,  'flat,  shallow,  superficial,' 
from  MidHG.  vlach,  OHG.  flah(hh\  adj., 
'flat,  smooth';  comp.  Du.  vlak,  'even.' 
Akin  to  the  graded  forms  AS.  fiSc,  E.  fiook, 
fluke  ('flounder'),  North E.flook-footed\  'flat- 
footed.'  This  suggests  Lat  plaga,  'dis- 
trict,' or  more  probably,  on  account  of  its 


(    89    ) 


meaning,  OSlov.  plosku, ' flat' ;  Lat.  pldnus 
scarcely  represents  *plagnus  (see  Slur)  ;  re- 
lated to  Gr.  7rXd|  (stem  tXo*c),  'surface,' 
Gr  jtXcucoOs,  Lat.  placenta,  'cake.'  But  E. 
flat,  Olc.flatr,  OUG.Jla^  '  flat,  level,' have 
nothing  to  do  with  flad).  A  MidG.  and  LG. 
parallel  form  of  flad)  is  mentioned  under 

3?lad)0,  m.,  *  flax,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  vlahs,  OHG.  fla/is,  m.  ;  comp.  Du. 
vlas,  AS.  fleux,  n.,  E.  flax;  a  common 
West  Teut.  term,  unknown  to  Scand.  and 
Goth.  Usually  referred  to  the  rootfleh  (or 
fleht)  in  flecfyten  ;  s  (Goth.  *flahsa-)  is  pro- 
bably a  suffix. 

flacftem,  vb.,  'to  flare,  flicker,'  from 
MidHG.  vlackern,  'to  flicker,'  OHG.  (once) 
flagardn  (for  flaggardnl),  'to  fly,  flutter 
about ' ;  akin  to  AS.  flacor,  '  flying,  flutter- 
ing,' MidE. fiakeren,  'to  fly,  flutter  about,' 
MidDu.  flackeren,  Scand.  fioJcra,  vb.,  'to 
flutter,'  as  well  as  the  equiv.  flokta.  Comp. 
the  cognate  stems  AS.  flicorian,  E.  to 
flicker,  Du.  flikkem,  '  to  glimmer,  gleam ' ; 
this  class,  on  account  of  the  numerous 
words  it  comprised  at  an  early  period, 
cannot  be  derived  from  Lat.  flacjrare,  nor 
even  be  connected  with  fliegen,  to  which 
OHG.  flogardn,  flokrdn,  'to  flutter,'  and 
flogezen,  MidHG.  vlokzen,  'to  flutter,  gleam,' 
may  be  referred. 

,3-laocit,  m.,  '  flat  cake,  cow  dung,'  from 
MnlHG.  vlade,  mn  'broad,  thin  cake,' 
OHG.  flado,  '  offering-cake ' ;  corresponds 
to  Du.  vlade  via,  i\,  'pancake,'  MidE.  flafre 
(Goth.  *flafia).  Pre-Teut.  platan-  or  pla- 
thaiir-  would  have  to  be  assumed,  perhaps 
with  the  primit.  sense, '  surface,  flat  thing' ; 
comp.  Gr.  irXartfj,  '  broad '  ;  Gr.  nXadavov 
(0  for  Aryan  th),  '  cake-mould ' ;  Sana 
prth&s,  '  broad '  (akin  to  Sans,  prthivt, 
'earth,'  under  %elt),  prdthas,  n.,  'breadth,' 
Lith.  platus,  '  broad.'  Allied  to  the  graded 
forms  pl6th,  Lat.  PlOtus,  Plautus,  lit.  '  flat- 
footed,'  semipWtia,  '  slipper,'  MidHG. 
vluoder,  '  flounder,'  lit. '  flat  fish.'  Remoter 
cognates  of  the  whole  class  are  OIc.  flatr, 
OHG.  flai,  'level,  flat.'  From  glaben, 
which  is  probably  West  Teut  only,  are 
derived  the  early  MidLat.  flado,  Ital. 
fladone,  '  honeycomb,'  Fr.  flan,  '  flat  cake, 
custard '  (whence  E.  flavm,  '  a  kind  of  cus- 
tard'). Comp.  for  its  meaning  MidHG. 
breitinc,  m.,  '  a  sort  of  biscuit,'  akin  to 

gtlagftC,  f.,  '  flag,  ensign,  standard,'  bor- 
rowed, like  most  words  with  gg  (see  Dcgae, 

Sagger),  from  LG.  and  Du.  in  the  ModHG. 
period  ;  comp.  Du.  vlag,  E.  flag,  Dan. 
flag,  Swed.  flagg.  A  modern  Teut  word 
not  recorded  in  the  earlier  periods.  In 
which  of  the  Teut.  maritime  tribes  this 
and  other  nautical  terms  were  first  used  we 
know  not,  for  the  earlier  history  eludes  us. 
Since,  however,  AS.  preserves  the  earliest 
forms  of  a  number  of  nautical  terms  which 
are  afterwards  found  in  all  the  cognate 
languages  (see  93orb,  S3oot,  §elm  (2),  Sprict, 
&c),  the  silence  of  the  AS.  records — no 
term  *flacge  is  found — may  be  accepted 
as  a  proof  that  Stoflfle  is  not  native  to  Eng- 

^iambevQ,  m.,  'broad-sword,'  simply 
ModHG.  from  Fr.  flamberge,  the  origin  of 
which  is  often  referred  to  Ger.,  though  no 
suitable  type  can  be  found. 

gffctmme,  f.,  '  flame,  blaze,  flash,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  flamme,  vlamme,  f.  ; 
comp.  OLG.  flamma,  Du.  vlam,  formed 
from  Lat.  flamma. 

fiarxke,  f.,  •  flank,  side,'  simply  Mod 
,  from  Fr.  flanc,  which,  with  its  Rom. 
cognate  (Ital.  fianco),  is  derived  from  OHG. 
hlanca,  '  side '  (see  lenfen).  For  Fr.  fl,  from 
Teut.  hi,  see  flau. 

gflafdje,  f.,  'bottle,  flask,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  vlasche,  OHG.  flasca,  f. 
(MidHG.  also  vlcsche  with  mutation)  ; 
comp.  Du.  flesch,  AS.  flasce,  f.,  E.  flask, 
Olc.  (found  early)  flaska,  f.,  Goth.  *flask6, 
whence  Finn,  lasku.  The  word  is  recorded 
in  Teut  at  an  early  period,  but  on  account 
of  its  correspondence  with  the  Rom.  words 
for'  bottle,'  it  may  have  been  borrowed  ; 
comp.  MidLat.  fiasco  (occurs  very  early), 
Ital.  fiasco,  ModFr.  flacon.  Some  etymo- 
logists derive  MidLat.  fiasco  from  Lat.  vas- 
culum.  An  exhaustive  history  of  theje 
cognates  has  not  yet  been  attempted. 

flatfertt,  vb.,  '  to  flutter,  dangle,'  in  Mid 
HG.  vladern  from  MidHG.  vledern  (see 
Slebermaitf) ;  MidDu.  flatteren,  E.  to  flatter, 
akin  to  flutter,  also  MidE.  fliieren,  E.  to 
flitter;  AS.  flottrian,  MidE.  floteren,  'to 
undulate,'  are,  however,  certainly  allied  to 
the  root  flut,  '  to  flow.' 

flau,  adj.,  '  feeble,  stagnant,  insipid, 
dull,'  simply  ModHG. ;  borrowed  in  the 
last  century  from  LG.  flau,  Du.  flauw, 
*  languid,  faint,  indifferent,'  which,  with  E. 
flew,  '  soft,  tender,'  are  derived  from  Rom. 
Considering  the  late  appearance  of  the 
cognates,  and  the  area  to  which  they  arc. 
confined,  it  is  certain  that  they  originated 


(    90    ) 


in  Fr.  flou,  OFr.  fiau,floi;  the  latter  is  of 
Teut.  origin  (see  lau),  so  that  ModHG. 
flau  is  finally  derived  from  a  pre-Teut. 
hliwa-.     Comp.  fftanfe. 

JUuim.  m.  (Up.G.  <)>flaum  also),  'down,' 
from  MidHG.  phldme,  f.,  OHG.  pfldma, 
'down,'  from  Lat.  plAma,  whence  also  AS. 
pltimfefrere.  As  the  shifting  of  the  initial 
sound  proves,  however,  the  word  must  have 
been  borrowed  in  the  earlier  OHG.  period  ; 
comp.  the  Olr.  word  (also  derived  from 
the  Lat.)  clUrn,  'feather'  (OW.  plumauc, 
'  pillow ').  Scund.  and  E.  have  for  gfoum 
an  apparently  genuine  Teut.  word  (see 
1)aune.  It  is  certainly  recorded  by  Pliny 
that  Teut.  tribes  in  the  olden  time  sent 
flocks  of  geese  to  Rome  ;  but  perhaps  it 
was  only  *  down '  (see  also  §lotfe),  which 
was  valuable  to  the  Southerners,  and  so 
the  Lat.  pluma  may  have  been  introduced 
into  Teut.  at  an  early  period.  The  initial 
/  of  the  ModHG.  form  for  pf  may  be  due 
to  the  connection  with  fttiin. 

3-lcutc,  m.,  orig.  '  a  tuft  of  wool,'  then 
'a  woollen  coat,  pilot  cloth,'  from  MidHG. 
vius,  'fleece,  sheepskin,'  a  variant  of  Mid 
HG.  vlies.    See  glie*. 

3flaufe,  L,  'trick,  pretence,'  simply  Mod 
HG.;  MidHG.  *vluse  does  not  occur  ;  it  is 
probably  connected  with  OHG.  giflds,  n., 
'  whispering,'  gifldsida,  f.,  '  illusion,' J^sdri, 

§F(ed)fe,  f.,  'sinew,  tendon,' only  Mod 
HG.,  from  Lat.  flezus. 

<3-lccl)  t  c,  t, '  plait,  braid  (of  hair),  wattle, 
lichen,'  from  late  MidHG.  vlehte,  f.,  'plait, 
lock  of  hair,'  allied  to  the  following  word. 

flcdjf Ctt,  vb.,  '  to  plait,  braid,  wreathe,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vlehten,  OHG. 
vlehtan;  a  corresponding  Goth.  *flalhtan, 
akin  to  flahta,  f., '  lock  of  hair,'  is  wanting  ; 
Oic.  fle'tta  iorflehtan.  Teut.  root fleht,  from 
pre-Teut.  plekt ;  the  t,  as  also  in  Lat.  plecto 
compared  with  plicare,  was  orig.  only  a  for- 
mative element  of  the  present  tense,  for 
according  to  Gr.  irX^/cw,  it\ok^,  *-X6kos,  the 
Aryan  root  must  have  been  plek;  comp. 
Sans,  pracna,  '  braid,  basket'  Salten  (root 
JalJ})  and  jiecfjten  (root  fleh)  are  entirely  un- 

>lecft,  ^f  ledum,  m.,n.,  with  many  senses 
which  are  historically  the  same,  '  spot, 
stain,  patch,'  from  MidHG.  vlec,  vlecke,  m., 
'  piece  of  stuff,  patch,  rag,  piece  of  land, 
place,  spot,  differently  coloured  spot,  stain, 
blemish,'  OHG.  flee,  fleccho;  Du.  vlek,  f., 
*  spot  of  dirt,'  vlek,  n.,  *  village ' ;  Goth. 

*flikka-  or  *flikkan-  (or  rather  */»/-)  is 
wanting ;  comp.  OIc.  flekkr  (gen.  plur. 
flekkja),  m.,  '  a  fleck,  spot,  stain,  as  well  as 
flik,  f.,  '  rag,  piece  of  stuff.'  Its  connection 
wiih  Scand.  flikke,  AS.  fliece,  E.  flitch,  is 
dubious.     See  flicfen. 

gflcbctrmaits,  f.,  'bat,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  vledermus,  OHG.  fledarmds,  f.  ; 
corresponds  to  Du.  vledermuis;  E.  flitter- 
mouse  does  not  occur  in  AS.,  and  may  be 
due  to  the  influence  of  MidEurop.  Teu- 
tonic. That  the  animal  was  thought  to  be 
a  mouse  is  shown  by  AS.  hreape-,  hreremHu; 
the  E.  term  bat,  MidE.  backe,  Dan.  "ften- 
bakke  (often, '  evening '),  is  unique.  gieber- 
maui,  lit.  'fluttering  mouse,'  from  OHG. 
fledardn,  MidHG.  vl&dern,  '  to  flutter.' 

gFte6ertt>ifd),  m.,  first  occurs  in  early 
ModHG.  with  a  reference  to  fledern,  '  to 
flutter.'  In  MidHG.  once  vedei-wisch,  Do. 
vederwisch ;  prop,  'a  goosewing  for  dust- 
ing,' or  rather  tflebertoifd),  '  whisk  for  fan- 
ning away.' 

gFlegel,  m.  (Suab.  $fleget),  'flail,  churl/ 
from  MidHG.  vlegel,  OU.Ot.flegit,  m., '  flail ' ; 
comp.  Du.  vlegel,  E.  flail;  probably  from 
MidLat. flagellum,  'quofrumentum  teritur ' 
(whence  also  Fr.jUau, '  flail ').  On  account 
of  its  meaning  it  cannot  be  connected  with 
the  Teut.  root flah,  'to  flay'  (OIc.  fid,  'to 
flay ').  Yet  it  may  be  primit.  allied  to 
Lith.  plakH,  plakti, '  to  strike,'  Lat.  plango, 
Gr.  irXfawni,  '  to  strike.' 

fle^Ctt,  vb.,  'to  implore,  supplicate,' 
from  MidHG.  vWhen,  OHG.  flihan,  flilidn, 
'  to  implore,'  OHG.  also '  to  fondle,  flatter ' ; 
initial^  for  earlier  ]>l,  as  in  fltefyen  (Goth. 
frliuhan)  ;  comp.  Goth,  gafcl&ihan  (ai  a 
genuine  diphthong),  '  to  fondle,  embrace, 
console,  exhort  in  a  friendly  way,'  akin 
to  Goth,  gafildiht*,  f.,  'comfort,  warning.' 
Also  allied  to  OIc.  fldr,  *  false,  cunning,' 
AS.  fldh.  '  wily,  cunning,'  both  pointing  to 
Goth.  *J)laiha,:  The  primary  meaning  of 
the  root  flaih  was  perhaps  '  importunate, 
insinuating  speech.' 

^fletfd),  11., '  flesh,  meat,  pulp  (of  fruit),' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vleisch,  OHG. 
fleisk,  n.  ;  it  has  the  same  meaning  in  West 
Teut.  and  Scand.  Si  range  to  say,  a  Goth. 
*flaisk,  *flaiskis,  n.  (or  J>1~  comp.  fltefyen), 
is  not  recorded,  the  term  used  being  leik 
or  mims,  n.  Comp.  Du.  vleesch,  AS.  flcesc, 
n.,  E.  flesh ;  OIc.  flesk  is  used  only  of 
'  pork,'  and  more  especially  of  '  ham  '  and 
'  bacon,'  while  kjot  was  the  common  Scand. 
word  for  '  meat.'    It  may  well  be  imagined 


(    91    ) 


that  the  Scand.  specialised  meaning  of  the 
word  was  the  oldest,  and  that  the  meaning 
common  to  West  Teut.  was  established 
only  by  generalisation  ;  comp.  OIc.  flikke, 
AS.flicce,  E.  flitch  (dial,  flick),  as  well  as 
AS.  (Kent.)  flcec  for  flcesc,  'meat.'  Bus?. 
polti,  Lith.  pdltis,  •  flitch,'  cannot,  on  ac- 
count of  their  vowel-sounds,  be  cognates. 
The  k  of  the  OTeut.  word  is  probably  a 
suffix  ;  comp.  Du.  vleezig, '  plump '  ?. — cm- 
gef(eifd)f,  'incarnate,'  simply  ModHG. 
lormedlike  the  Lat. incarnatus,  'embodied.' 

Srlctfj,  m.,  '  industry,  application,  dili- 
gence,' from  MidHG.  vltj,  OHG.  fliT,,  m., 
'  diligence,  zeal,  care,'  OHG.  also  '  contest,' 
from  OHG.  flitfan,  MidHG.  vlt$en,  '  to  be 
zealous,  applv  oneself,'  ModHG.  feefleijjen, 
partic.  bit,  gefliffen.  Comp.  Du.  vlijt,  '  dili- 
gence,' AS.  flitan,  '  to  emulate,  quarrel, 
contend,'  E.  to  flite.  On  the  evolution  of 
meaning  see  J?rieg.  '  To  emulate '  seems  to 
have  been  the  lit.  meaning  of  the  merely 
West  Teut.  vootfltt  (Goth,  jfl-  or  >M— see 
fliefyen).  No  further  references  have  been 

flemtett,  vb.,  '  to  weep  ruefully,  grin,' 
from  MidHG.  *vlennen;  akin  to  OHG. 
JlannSn,  '  to  make  a  wry  face,'  from  pre- 
Teut.  *flaznan  ?.  Root flas,  from  pre-Teut. 
ploa,  in  Lat.  pl&rare,  '  to  weep '  ?. 

fief  fdjen,  vb.,  '  to  beat  fiat,  grin,'  from 
MidHG.  vletsen,  '  to  show  one's  teeth ' ;  re- 
moter history  obscure. 

fftcnen,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vlicken,  '  to  put  on  a  patch,  mend ' ;  akin 
to  glecf. 

^liebet,  m.,  'elder,'  simply  ModHG. 
from.  LG.  ;  comp.  Du.  vlier,  'elder.'  Ear- 
lier forms  are  not  recorded  ;  the  word  did 
not  originate  in  either  Scand.,  E.,  or  HG. 

^fliege,  f.,  'fly,  fluke  (of  an  anchor),' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  fliege,  OHG.  flioga, 
f.  ;  comp.  Du.  vlieg,  AS.  fledge,  equiv.  to 
E.  fly,  which  is  based  upon  AS.  fl^ge,  OHG. 
flivga,  MidHG.  fliuge,  '  fly ' ;  hence  a  mu- 
tated form  (Goth.  *fliugj6),  besides  an  un- 
mutated  Goth.  *fliug6 ;  in  OIc.  with  a 
different  gradation  fluga,  f.,  'fly,  moth' ; 
akin  to  fliegm  (Goth.  *fliugan).  For  an 
older  terra  for  '  fly'  see  under  WMt. 

fltegen,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vliegen,  OHG.  fliogan,  '  to  fly ' ;  comp.  Du. 
vliegen,  AS.  fledgan  (3rd  sing.  flphj>),  E.  to 
fly,  OIc.  fljuga-  the  common  Teut.  term 
for  'to  fly ' ;  Goth.  *fliugan  may  be  in- 
ferred from  the  factitive  flavgjan, '  to  keep 
on  flying.'    gltegen  is  in  no  wise  connected 

with  fliefyen,  as  is  proved  by  the  initial  sound 
of  the  root  in  Qoth.  fcliuhan, '  to  flee,:  com- 
pared with  usflaugjan ;  see  Sftiege,  SSogel. 
Teut.   root  fliug,  from   pre-Teut.  pleugh, 

?lugh ;  akin  to  Lat.  plUma  for  plkhma  i. 
'or  an  older  root  extending  beyond  Teut. 
see  under  Sfefcer. 

flicrjcn,  vb.,  '  to  flee,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  vliehen,  OHG.  fliohan;  corre- 
sponds to  OSax.  fliohan,  AS.  fleim  (from 
fledhari),  E.  to fle<-,  OIc.  flpja;  the/  before 
/  is  a  common  substitution  for  an  older  ini- 
tial f>,  as  in  flefyen  (Goth,  plaihan),  flad)  (from 
Goth,  fclaqus) ;  comp.  Goth,  pliu/ian,  'to 
ffee.'  This  older  form  was  retained  only  in 
Goth. ;  Scand.  has/  (flyja),  like  the  West 
Teut.  verbs.  Hence  the  Teut.  root  is  f>luh, 
and  by  a  grammatical  change  plug,  pre- 
Teut.  root  tluk,  tlevJc.  Sliegen  is  primit. 
allied,  since  it  is  based  upon  the  root plugh. 
In  the  earliest  OIc.  and  in  West  Teut.  the 
forms  of  both  the  verbs  must  undoubtedly 
have  been  confused  ;  thus  OIc.  flugu  and 
AS.  flvgon  in  the  earliest  period  may  mean 
'  they  fled '  and  '  they  flew.'    See  g'ludjt. 

^flicg,  j$Ke|!3,  n.,  'fleece,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  vlies,  n.  ;  comp.  Du.  vlies, 
AS.  fle6s,  n.,  E.  fleece  ;  also  a  mutated  form 
AS.  flys,  flyss,  MidHG.  vlius,  earlier  Mod 
HG.  fleuss,  fliiss.  A  second  parallel  form 
is  represented  by  ModHG.  %Uu&.  In  East 
Teut.  the  cognates  are  wanting ;  whether 
Goth.  *fl-  or  *filiusis,  n.  (comp.  flteljm),  is 
to  be  assumed  we  cannot  say,  since  satis- 
factory references  to  non-Teut.  forms  have 
not  yet  been  produced.  To  explain  9$lu§ 
from  Lat.  vellus  is  futile,  since  the  latter  is 
more  probably  primit  allied  to  ffiollf,  and 
10  regard  SBltejj  as  borrowed  from  vellus  is 
impossible  ;  fledjten,  glad^,  &c.,  are  also 
totally  unconnected  with  the  word. 

fltcfjcn,  vb.,  '  to  flow,  stream,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  vliegen,  OHG.  fliohan,  str. 
vb.  ;  corresponds  to  OSax.  fliotan,  Du. 
vlieten,  AS.  fleOtan,  E.  to  fled,  OIc.  flj6ta, 
Goth.  *fliutan,  '  to  flow.'  The  Teut.  root 
fliut,  flut,  from  pre-Teut  pleud-plvd,  cor- 
responds to  Lett.  pludSt,  '  to  float,'  plMi, 
'  inundation,'  Lith.  plfisti, '  to  take  to  swim- 
ming,' pltidis,  '  floating  wood.'  Several 
Teut.  terms  for  'ships'  point  to  the  latter 
sense,  which,  of  course,  is  earlier  than  the 
ModHG.  'flowing,'  though  in  OHG.  Mid 
HG.  and  ModHG.,  jlif  jjen  signifies  '  to  be 
driven  by  flowing  water,  to  swim.'  See 
glofj,  ftlotte  (glut,  Goth.  flMui,  is  not  a 
cognate).     Instead  of  the  root  pliid,  other 


(    92    ) 


Aryan  languages  have  an  allied  shorter 
root  plu;  comp.  Gr.  t\4u,  'to  navigate, 
swim,'  Sans,  plu,  pru, '  to  swim,'  Lat.  pluere, 
'  to  rain'  (flicfjm  in  a  restricted  sense). 

^liete,  f., '  fleam,  lancet,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  vliete,  vlieten,  OHG.  flietuma  ;  fur- 
ther derived  from  Gr.  and  MidLat.  phlc- 
botomum,  '  lancet,  an  instrument  for  open- 
ing veins,'  whence  also  the  equiv.  cognates 
AS.  fliftme,  Fr.  flamme,  E.  fleam,  Du.  vlijm. 

ftimmern,  vb.,  'to  glimmer,  sparkle, 
scintillate,'  like  the  older  ModHG.  flimmen, 
a  ModHG.  derivative,  by  gradation,  of 

fli  nit,  adj.,  'brisk,  nimble,  lively,'  simply 
ModHG.  from  LG.  and  Du.  flink,  '  brisk, 
agile,  nimble';  akin  to  earlier  ModHG. 
flinfen,  *  to  glitter,  shine ' ;  comp.  Gr.  dpy6s, 
'gleaming,  quick.' 

^flinle,  f.,  *  flintlock,  gun,  musket,'  first 
used  in  the  17  th  cent. ;  comp.  Dan.  flint, 
'musket' ;  probably  akia  to  Swed.  flinta, 
Dan.  flint,  'stone,'  prop,  'flint-stone.'  Du. 
and  E.  preserve  older  terms — Du.  vuurroer, 
ModHG.  geue vroljr,  E. firelock.  Flint, '  stone,' 
AS.  and  E.  flint,  whence  Fr.flin, '  thunder- 
stone,'  is  probably  related  to  Gr.  irXMos, 
'  brick.' 

flitter,  m.,  'spangle,  tinsel,'  simply 
ModHG.  ;  orig.  '  a  small  thin  tin  coin ' ; 
akin  to  MidHG.  gevlitter,  '  secret  laughter, 
tittering,'  vlittern,  vb.,  '  to  whisper,  titter,' 
OHG.  flitarezzen,  '  to  coax  in  a  flattering 
manner ' ;  MidE.  fliteren,  '  to  flutter,'  E. 
flittermouse.  The  root  idea  is  'unsteady 
motion,'  upon  which  ModHG.  glitter  is 
based.  With  the  meaning  of  OHG.  flit- 
arezzen, '  to  flatter,  fondle,'  as  well  as  Mod 
HG.  flitern, '  to  whisper,  titter,'  is  connected 
glitterwocfye,  f.,  which  first  occurs  in  early 
ModHG.  The  following  foreign  terms  are 
interesting  : — Scand.  hjun6ttsmdnaf>r,  lit. 
'a  month  of  the  nuptial  night';  Dan. 
hvedebrodsdage,  lit.  '  wheat-bread  days ' ;  E. 
honeymoon,  derived  from  the  Scand.  word  ?, 
or  rather  formed  from  the  Romance  phrases, 
such  as  Fr.  lune  de  miel,  Ital.  luna  di 

^flif  jbOftCtt,  m., '  crossbow,'  first  occurs 
in  early  ModHG.  from  LG. ;  comp.  Du. 
flitsboog,  'crossbow,'  fromDu.^tte,  'javelin ' ; 
hence  Fr.  fle'che,  '  arrow,'  and  its  Romance 
cognates  are  probably  derived. 

gflodte,  f.,  '  flake,  flock  (of  wool),  flue,' 
from  MidHG.  vlocke,  m.,  '  flake,  snow- 
flake,'  OHG.  floccho ;  comp.  Du.  vloh,  Dan. 
flokke,  Swed.  flokka,  E.  (not  in  AS.)  jiock, 

but  OIc.  fl6ke,  '  flock  (of  hair,  wool,  &c.).' 
The  supposition  that  the  word  was  borrown  1 
from  Lat.  floccus  is  hardly  worth  consider- 
ing, since  the  HG.  word  is  recorded  even 
in  the  OHG.  period,  and  gives  no  support 
to  such  a  derivation  (yet  comp.  glaum). 
Besides  many  possible  roots  exist  within 
the  Teut.  group,  either  in  fliegen  (Teut. 
root  flugh,  from  pre-Teut.  plugh)  or  in  AS. 
flacor,  '  flying'  (see  flacfcvn)  ;  on  account  of 
OIc.  fl6ke,  the  latter  is  to  be  preferred.  E. 
flock,  '  herd,'  is  beside  the  mark  ;  like  OIc. 
flokkr, '  herd,  flock,'  and  AS.  flocc,  it  almost 
certainly  belongs  to  fufgen,  and  probably 
signified  orig. '  a  swarm  of  flying  creatures ' 
(Jtctte,  'covey,'  on  the  other  hand,  meant 
prop.  '  any  kind  of  herd '). 

^tol),  m.. '  flea,'  from  MidHG.  vUch,  vld, 
m.,  f.,  OHG.  fldh,  m.  ;  a  common  Teut. 
term ;  comp.  Du.  floo,  AS.  fledh,  E.  flea, 
OIc.  fl6.  It  probably  means  'fugitive,' 
and  is  akin  to  fuetyen  ;  hence  a  Goth.  *f>lduhs, 
not  *flduhs,  is  to  be  assumed.  But  even  if 
*flduhs  is  the  Goth,  form,  it  cannot  be  con- 
nected with  either  Gr.  if/vWa  or  Lat.  pulex, 
since  neither  vowels  nor  consonants  are  in 
accord,  gUegen  too  is  unrelated,  since  the 
final  sound  of  its  stem  is  g  only,  and 
not  h. 

gflor,  m., '  gauze,  crape,  bloom,'  ModHG. 
only  ;  formed  from  Dn.floersy  akin  to  Mid 
HG.  floier,  '  headdress  with  dangling  rib- 
bons' (comp.  <2djleier)  ?,  fldrsen,  'adorn- 
ment, finery'?. 

^florin,  m., '  florin,'  from  late  MidHG. 
fl&rtn,  m.,  '  a  gold  coin  first  made  in  Flo- 
rence, and  stamped  with  a  lily,  the  armorial 
bearings  of  the  town'  (appeared  about  the 
middle  of  the  14th  cent.) ;  ~M\dLat.  flurinus, 
from  flos,  '  flower ' ;  Ital.  fiore. 

^flosfecl,  f.,  'flourish,  showy  phrase,' 
simply  late  ModHG.,  from  Lat.  floscellus. 

gfloffc,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vlotfe,  OHG.  jto^a,  f.,  '  float ;  glogfeber, 
*  finj'  even  in  MidHG.  vlo^vedere,  in  OSax. 
simply  fethara,  'float,'  like  Gr.  irWpu£, 
'  feather,  float,'  Lat.  pinna,  '  feather,  float.' 
See  Sftnne.  gtofie,  akin  to  fiicften,  '  to  float.' 
r>rtof},  n->  'float,  raft,  buoy,  stream,  fish- 
ing-net,'from  MidHG.  VI63,  OHG.  ^3,  m., 
n., '  raft,'  also  in  MidHG.  and  OHG.  in  the 
senses  '  current,  flood,  river ' ;  Du.  vlot, 
'  raft ' ;  comp.  AS.  fleOt,  n.,  '  ship,'  E.  fleet, 
AS.  flota,  '  ship '  (also  '  mariner,  sailor '), 
E.  float,  subst.  and  verb  ;  note  too  AS.flflte, 
'  cream,  flos  lactis,'  with  which  E.  to  fleet 
('to  skim')  is  connected,  liQ.flot,  'cream' ; 


(    93    ) 


comp.  Lith.  pluditi,  '  to  float,'  under  flie^cn 

^tl8fc,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  floite, 
vloite,  f.,  '  flute '  ;  corresponds  to  Du.  fiuit, 
from  OFr.  flatite,  ModFr.  flute  (whence 
also  E.  flute,  Du.  fluit)  ;  comp.  Ital.  flauto, 
'flute.'  In  the  idiom  flotengeljen,  'to  come 
to  nothing,'  a  LG.  fleuten,  'to  flow'  (OLG. 
fliotari),  appears ;  it  meant  orig.  (in  the 
18th  cent.)  '  to  go  through,  run  away.' 

fl  of  f ,  adj.,  '  afloat ;  merry,  luxurious,' 
first  occurs  in  ModHG.  from  LG. ;  comp. 
Du.  vlot,  'floating,  swimming' ;  it  is  con- 
nected with  fliefj en,  fttojj,  but  has,  like  Sflctte, 
Sax.  the  dental  medially,  hence  it  must 
be  assumed  that  the  word  was  borrowed 
from  LG. 

$lotie,  f.,  'fleet,  navy,' ModHG.  only, 
from  Fr.  flotte,  which,  with  its  Rom.  cog- 
nates, was  borrowed  from  Scand.  ./tote,  n., 
'  fleet ' ;  comp.  Du.  vloot,  but  E.  fleet;  all 
allied  to  fliejjen,  Teut.  root  flut. 

flofjen,  flStjcrt,  vb.,  '  to  float  (timber), 
pkim  (milk),'  from  MidHG.  vlce^en,  vlo&tzen, 
'to  cause  to  flow,  wash  down  (soil),'  facti- 
tive of  fliejjen.  The  MidHG.  forms  with  3 
and  tz  correspond  to  those  of  fieifcen,  retjjen 
(MidHG.  heiyn-heitzen,  reiyn-reitzen),  and 
are  based  upon  a  Goth,  inflexion  fiautja, 
flauteis,  since  tj  leads,  through  the  medium 
of  it,  to  HG.  tz,  but  t  without  j  to  3. 

gflofj,  n.,  older  3?Iet3e,  n.,  'vein  of 
ore,'  from  MidHG.  vletze,  n.,  'threshing- 
floor,  vestibule,  stratum,'  OHG.  flezzi; 
comp.  AS.  flett,  '  floor  of  the  hall,'  OIc.  flat, 
'room,  hall'  ;  akin  to  the  OIc.  adj.  flatr, 
OHG.  fla^,  '  flat,  wide,  level,.'  mentioned 
under  gluten  and  fladj. 

flud)ett,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vluochen,  OHG.  fluohhtin,  'to  curse,  impre- 
cate,' with  an  existent  str.  partic.  OHG. 
farfluohhan,  '  depraved,  wicked  ' ;  comp. 
OSax.  farflCken,  '  accursed  ' ;  Goth,  fltikan 
(not  *flekan),  str.  vb.,  'to  lament,'  Du. 
vloeken,  '  to  curse,  execrate.'  In  E.  and 
Scand.  the  Teut.  root  fldk  does  not  occur. 
Goth,  fldkan,  '  to  lament,  bewail,'  shows 
the  earlier  meaning  of  the  cognates  ;  the 
root  fldk;  from  pre-Teut.  pldg,  may  be  con- 
nected with Lat. plangere,  'to strike, mourn,' 
Gr.  root,  ir\a7  in  7rXi)ff<rw  ^ew\dyrj),  '  to 
strike.'  The  Lat.  verb  facilitates  the 
transition  of  the  meaning  '  to  strike,' '  to 
lament,'  then  'to  imprecate,  curse.'  — 
3Uiul).  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vluoch, 
m.,  OHG.  fluoh,  m.,  'curse,  imprecation' ; 
Du.  vloek. 

3tlud)f,  f.,  'flight,  escape,  refuge  ;  row, 
floor,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vluht,  OHG. 
and  OSax.  fluht,  f.,  a  verbal  abstract  from 
fltetjen  ;  Du.  vlugt,  AS.  flyht,  E.  flight ; 
Goth.  *J>lauhti-,  'flight,'  i3  wanting,  for 
which  plauhi-  occurs.  In  OIc.  flOtte,  m., 
'flight,'  pointing  to  Goth.  J>lauhta.  The 
verbal  abstract  of  fliegen  might  in  Scand. 
and  West  Teut.  coincide  with  this  word  ; 
in  fact,  AS.  flyht,  E.  flighty  and  Du.  vlugt 
signify  both  'fleeing'  and  'flying.'  See 
fliegen  with  respect  to  this  confusion. 

flitter,  n.,  '  mill  trough,'  from  MidHG. 
vldder,  n.,  '  flowing,  flooding,  mill  trough,' 
OHG.  flddar,  'flood  of  tears.'  In  Goth. 
*flaupr,  n.,  is  probably  to  be  assumed, 
based  upon  a  root  flau,  flu;  comp.  OHG. 
flouwen,  flewen,  MidHG.  vlouweu,  vlSun, 
'  to  wasli,  rinse.'  The  prop,  sense  of  the 
word  is  exactly  that  of  fliefjen  ;  comp.  OIc. 
flau-mv,  'current,  flood';  for  pre-Teut. 
plu.  see  under  flte^en. 

gflug,  m.,  '  act  of  flying,  flight,  flock,' 
from  MidHG.  vluc  (pi.  vliige),  OHG.  fluy, 
nu;  corresponding  to  AS.fli/ge,  OIc.  flugv, 
m.,  '  flight '  1  verbal  abstract  of  fliegen. 
For  another  form  see  under  gtucfyt.  Goth. 
*flugi-  and  *flauhti-  are  wanting. — ftujjs, 
adv.,  '  hastily,  quickly,'  a  gen.  of  Slug, 
MidHG.  fluges,  '  quickly.' 

gtliigel,  m.,  'wing,  leaf  (of  a  folding 
door),  aisle,  grand  piano,.'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  vliigel,  m.. ;  comp.  Du.  vleugel, 
'wing';  a  late  derivative  of  fliegen.  Strange 
to  say,  a  common  Teut.  word  is  wanting. 
For  an  O Aryan  root,  'to  fly,'  see  %ebtx 
(also  garn). 

filicide,  adj.,  *  fledged,'  a  LG.  form  for 
the  strictly  HG.  fliicfe,  MidHG.  vliicke, 
OHG.  flucch\  '  able  to  fly.'  Akin  to  Mid 
Du.  vlugghe,  with  LG.  permutation,  E. 
fledged;  prop,  a  verbal  adj.  from  fliegen, 
with  the  meaning  '  capable  of  flying.' 

flitgs,  see  glug. 

^flunber,  m.,  'flounder,'  a  LG.  word 
derived  from  Scand. ;  comp.  ODnrt.  flundra, 
OS  wed.  flundrae,  E.  flounder.  Aki  n  also  to 
OIc.  flytSra,  MidHG.  vluoJer,  'flounder'?. 

flurtRCtTt,  vb.,  to  glimmer,'  from  the 
older  ModHG.  flinfen,  'to  shine' ;  see  flinf. 
In  the  orig.  sense  'to  brag,'  which  is  pro- 
bably LG.,  it  is  still  the  same  word  ;  'to 
cause  to  si  1  nu'!  forms  the  link  between  the 

>lm\  f.,  m..  'field,  meadow,  floor,  en- 
trance-hall';  the  division  in  meaning  in 
ModHG.    Slur,  m.,   'vestibule,'  glur,  f., 


(     94     ) 


'corn-field,'  was  unknown  to  the  older 
language  ;  MidHG.  vluor,  m.,  f.,  •  corn- 
field, floor,  ground.'  The  meanings  'en- 
trance to  a  house,  vestibule,  paved  floor,' 
belong  to  MidHG.  and  LG.  ;  comp.  Du. 
vloer,  'vestibule,  barn-floor,'  AS.flor,  in., 
i'.,  '  vestibule,  barn-floor,'  also  '  storey,'  E. 
floor;  Scand.  flur,  'floor'  of  a  cow-house 
(Goth,  flSrus  is  wanting).  The  resulting 
prim,  meaning,  'floor,' has  been  extended 
only  in  HG.  to  '  corn-field.'  Teut.  fl&ru-s, 
from  pre-Teut.  |jZ<5r  us,  pldrus,  is  most  closely 
related  to  Olr.  Idr  for  *pldr,  '  floor,  paved 
floor.'  OPruss.  plonis,  '  barn -floor,'  has  a 
different  suffix  ;  it  is  allied  to  Lith.  pl&nas, 
'  flat ' ;  hence  perhaps  it  may  be  connected 
with  Lat.  pldnus. 

fluff  em,  vb.,  'to  whisper,'  earlier  Mod 
HG.  flijlern,  from  OHG.  flistran,  '  to  caress,' 
to  which  the  old  (also  Swiss)  forms  fliSmett, 
flifpern,  '  to  whisper,'  are  allied  ;  comp.  also 
Du.  fluisteren. 

i3ttu6,  in.,  'river,  stream,  flow,'  from 
MidHG.  vlw$,  OH.Q.flu$,  m.,  'river,  stream, 
cast,  bronze  cast,  rheumatism ' ;  in  these 
senses  simply  a  ModHG.  derivative  of 
fliefjen,  pointing  to  Goth  *fluti-.  E.  flyte 
signifies  a  peculiar  kind  of  '  vessel,  pon- 
toon.' For  the  genuinely  Teut.  word  for 
'  river,  flowing  water,'  see  under  Slit ;  comp. 
also  ©trcm. 

flit f fig,  adj.,  'fluid,  liquid,' from  Mid 
HG.  vliifiec,  'liquid,  flowing,'  OHG.  flu^ig; 
like  5titp,  a  specificsdly  HG.  form. 

3?luf ,  f., '  flood,  inundation,  billow,'from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  vluot,  m,  f.,  OHG. 
fluot,  m.  ;  a  word  common  to  Teut. ;  comp. 
Goth,  flddus,  f.,  OIc.  fldp,  AS.  flM,  m.,  n., 
E.  flood,  OSax.  fldd,  Du.  vloi-d.  Goth. 
flCdus,  from  pre-Teut.  pl6tit-s,  is  based  upon 
a  Teut.  rootfld  (from  pre-Teut.  pl6) ;  comp. 
AS.fl&wan,  equiv.  to  E.  to  flow,  Olc.flda, 
'to  flow.'  Akin  to  the  Gr.  root  wA«  in 
irX(i-w,  '  to  float,  sail,'  *-\orr6s,  '  floating, 
sailing,  navigable.'  Perhaps  this  Aryan 
root  pl6  is  related  to  the  Aryan  root  plu 
mentioned  under  fliejj en  and  gluber ;  yet 
there  is  no  direct  connection  between  glut 
and  flie§en  and  Gr.  irXtW 

3?odte,  f.,  'sail  on  the  foremast,'  simply 
ModHG,  borrowed  from  LG.  ;  comp.  Du. 
fok,  '  foremast,'  Dan.  fok,  Swed.  fock, '  fore- 

§foI)Icn,  n.,  'foal,'  from  MidHG.  vol, 
vote,  OHG.  folo,  m.,  'colt,  foal';  comp. 
Goth,  fula,  m.,  '  foal  (of  an  ass),'  Olc  fob. 
4  foal '  (of  a  horse,  rarely  of  an  ass),  AS. 

fola,  m.,  E.  foal ;  a  term  common  to  Teut. 
for  the  young  of  a  horse  or  an  ass,  de- 
rived from  pre-Teut.  pelOn-.  Related  by 
gradation  to  Gr.  twXos,  •  colt,'  as  a  general 
term  'young  animal,' and  Lat.  pullus, '  the 
young.'  especially  of  fowls.     See  gulkn. 

^F3f)tt,  m.,  a  Swiss  word,  '  humid  and 
tempestuous  south  wind ' ;  the  correspond- 
ing term  in  MidHG.  is  wanting,  though 
OHG.  fdnua,  f.  (J6nno,  m.),  'rainy  wind, 
whirlwind,'  is  recorded  ;  from  La.t.favonius 
(the  intermediate  form  is  faunio-),  whence 
also  Ital.  favonio,  Rhseto-Rom./auitogw. 

;3?5l)re,  f„  'fir,'  from  MidHG.  vorhe.  OHG. 
forha,  f.,  'pine-tree';  corresponding  to 
AS.  furh,  f„  E.flr  (MidE.  firre,  formed  from 
Dan.  fyr),  OIc.  fura,  f., '  fir' ;  Uoth.  *faur- 
hus,  f.,  is  wanting.  If  the  initial/  is  to 
be  regarded  as  in  titer  related  to  Lat.  qnat- 
tuor,  gel)re  may  be  connected  with  Lat. 
quercus,  '  oak ' ;  for  the  change  of  meaning 
(jid)e  and  !£amie  might  be  compared.  In 
earlier  ModHG.  fttxd), '  oak,'  is  also  recorded 
once,  and  is  akin  to  OHG.  vereh-eih,  Lomb. 
fereha, '  sesculus.'  Thus  the  connection  be- 
tween gcfyre  and  quercus  (pre-Teut.  qrku-)  is 
certain.  In  any  case,  geuer  is  not  a  cognate. 
gid)te,  93irfe,  93ud)e,  gofyre  are  the  few  names 
of  trees  whose  existence  can  be  traced  be- 
yond Teut.     Comp.  also  Jliefer. 

folgen,  vb.,  '  to  follow,  succeed,  result, 
obey,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  volgen,  OHG. 
folgin;  comp.  Du.  volgen,  AS.  fylgan,  fol- 
gian,  E.  to  follow,  OIc.  ft/lgja;  the  verb 
common  to  West  Teut.  and  Scand.  for 
'  follow,'  which  has  supplanted  the  common 
Aryan  verbal  root  seq  (see  fet>en),  Lat.  sequi. 
The  origin  of  the  cognates  is  uncertain. 
There  are  indications  that  the  verbal  stem 
is  a  compound  ;  the  first  component  may 
be  voff  ;  comn.  AS.ful-  e6de,  '  he  followed,' 
AS.  nnd  OLG.  fulgangan,  OHG.  fola  gdn, 
'  to  follow.'  Consequently  gefyen  (OHG.  gin 
gdn)  is  the  second  part  of  the  word.  The 
composite  nature  of  the  word  is  supported 
by  the  fact  that  there  are  no  old  and  widely 
diffused  derivatives  of  the  verb.  It  is  true 
that  the  connection  between  the  sense  '  to 
follow '  and  the  prefix  »cll  has  not  yet  been 
explained. — ^tolgc,  f.,  'sequel,  result,'from 
MidHG.  volge,f.,  'retinue,  succession,  forced 
service,  pursuit,'  <fcc.  OHG.  selbfolga, '  fac- 

foil ern,  vb.,  '  to  put  to  the  rack,  tor- 
ture,' from  late  MidHG.  vultern,  '  to  put  on 
the  rack.'  Akin  to  golfer,  '  rack,'  early 
ModHG.   only,  of  obscure  origin.      It  is 


(    95    ) 


most  frequently  considered  to  be  partly- 
translated  and  partly  borrowed  from  Mid 
Lat.  pulletrus,  poledrus,  prop.  '  colt,'  which 
signifies  '  rack '  in  Span,  and  Port,  (potro), 
"like  Lat.  equuleus  from  equus,  because 
it  bore  some  resemblance  to  a  horse."  Mid 
Lat.  poledrum  is  derived  again  from  Gr. 
irwXoy,  '  foal.'  *  The  wooden  horse  and  the 
wooden  ass — frames  with  a  sharp-edged 
back,  upon  which  the  delinquents  were 
compelled  to  ride — were  favourite  instru- 
ments of  torture." 

foppetl,  vb.,  'to  quiz,  rally,  banter,' 
early  ModHG.  only,  from  slang. 

forbertt,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vordern,  OHG.  fordardn,  'to  demand,  re- 
quest, challenge,  summon' ;  corresponding 
to  Du.  vorderen;  a  specifically  Ger.  form, 
orig.  unknown  to  the  other  dialects,  yet 
the  word  found  its  way  from  Ger.  into  Dan. 
ami  Swed.     It  is  a  derivative  of  sorter. 

foroem,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
viirdern,  vurdern,  OHG.  fur diren  (also /or- 
darOn),  '  to  promote,  take  an  active  part  in, 
help' ;  like  fortern,  from  sorter. 

cftorctte,  &,  '  trout,'  with  a  foreign  ac- 
cent, lor  the  genuine  dialectal  (Franc.) 
fOrelle,  still  existing  ;  dim  in.  of  an  older 
ftorene  (whence  *8:f«nle,  jjorefle) ;  comp. 
M.i<\HG.  f6relle,f6rle,  forhen,forhe,t,  'trout,' 
OHG.  forhana,  f., '  trout ' ;  comp.  also  OLG. 
forna,  furnie,  AS.  fdrne.  Probably  not 
from  jyofyre,  OHG.  foraha,  '  the  fish  living 
near  firs,  in  the  brooks  of  fir  forests.'  It 
is  more  probably  connected  with  the  Ar- 
yan adjs.  in  the  cognate  languages,  mean- 
ing 'spotted,  speckled.'  Tent,  forhana, 
from  pre-Teut  prknd ;  comp.  Sans,  pfcni. 
'speckled,'  and  Gr.  irepKvbs,  'livid,  dusky 
(irtpKti,  '  perch '). 

3forke,  f.,  see  Sutfe. 

^Forttt,  f., '  form,  fashion,  pattern,  mould,' 
from  ModHG.  (post-classical),  firnne,  form, 
f., '  form,  shape,'  from  Lat.  and  lium.forma. 

forme  I,  f.,  'formula,  form,'  late  Mod 
,  from  Lat.  formula. 
forfcfjert,  vb.,  'to  search,  investigate,' 
from  MidHG.  vorsken,  OHG.  forsk&n  (rarely 
Franc,  forsvdn,  with  assimilation),  '  to 
demand,  ask ' ;  a  form  peculiar  to  HG., 
unknown  to  the  remaining  dialects,  and 
pointing  to  Goth.  *faursk6u,  *faurhsk6n. 
The  sk  is  a  derivative  like  Lat.  sc  (comp. 
trefdjen,  numfdjen,  ttufcbeii).  Goth.  *fafirskdn 
would  be  the  normal  form  for  faHrhskdn, 
like  Goth,  wa&rstw,  'labour,'  for  uaurhstw. 
The  Teut.  root  fork  is  identical  with  the 

root  of  fragen,  from  the  pre-Teut.  root  prk 
(see  frageti).  An  se  derivative  is  also  seen 
in  Lat.  poscere  (for  porscere),  'to  demand,' 
as  well  as  in  the  Sans,  root prch,  'to  ask.' 

forfl,  m.,  '  forest,  wood,'  from  Mid 
vorst,  OHG.  forst,  m.,  '  wood ' ;  also 
the  MidHG.  variants  vdrest,  fdrest,  fdrest, 
fdreist  (but  probably  not  fdrest),  n.,  '  wood, 
forest' ;  these  MidHG.  forms  are  certainly 
of  Romance  origin, — MidLat.  and  Romance 
foresta,  whence  Fr.  forit.  It  is  question- 
able whether  the  OHG.  forst,  MidHG. 
vorst,  m.,  are  also  derived  from  Romance. 
Opinions  are  divided  on  this  point ;  some 
etymologists  connect  the  Rom.  word  with 
Lat.  foris,  '  outside ' ;  others  more  probabl  v 
refer  OHG.  forst  to  OHG.  foraha,  'fir'"; 
henceforst  would  be  lit.  '  fir  wood.'  OHG. 
forst  might  also  be  connected  with  Goth. 
falrguni,  '  mountain.'  Goth.  *fatirst  for 
faurhst,  '  mountain  forest,'  would  have  to 
be  construed  like  the  assumed  Goth.  *faur- 
sk&n  for  *fadrlisk6n,  mentioned  under  for- 

forf ,  adv.,  '  forwards,  continuously, 
away,'  from  MidHG.  vort,  adv.,  '  forwards, 
further,  continuously.'  OHG.  *ford  is  want- 
ing ;  it  would  correspond  to  OSax.  forth, 
AS.  for}>,  E.  forth;  Goth.  *faur]>,  and  its 
compar.  faurpis,  adv.,  '  formerly '  ?.  5ort» 
OTeut.  forp,  from  an  earlier  frpo,  prto,  is 
allied  to  sor.  See  fiirter,  fortern,  fortevit, 
and  sorter. 

3trctd)f,  f.,  'freight,  load,  cargo,'  Mod 
HG.  only,  from  LG.  fracht;  comp.  Du. 
vracld,  E.  fraught,  freight ;  it  signified  orig. 
'  reward,  charge  for  conveyance,'  and  after- 
wards 'the  load  itself.'  Comp.  OHG. 
freht  (probably  implying  Goth.  *frd-aihts), 
'earnings,  reward,'  gifrihtdn,  'to  merit'; 
the  restricted  meaning  of  the  modern 
dialects  is  seen  first  in  MidDu.  and  MidE., 
and  also  passed  into  Romance — Fr.  fret. 
Comp.  eigen. 

jjracft,  in.,  c  dress  coat,'  ModHG.  only  ; 
comp.Fr.  frac,  'dress  coat' ;  its  etymology 
and  native  source  obscure,  hardly  to  be 
sought  for  in  Fr.  froc,  'monk's  habit.' 
Comp  E.  frock. 

ftClQClX,  vb.,  'to  ask,  inquire,  interro- 
gate,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vrdgen, 
OHG.  frdgSn  (with  the  rare  variant  frd- 
lifoi)  ;  corresponding  to  OSax.  frd g6n,  Du. 
vragen;  confined  to  the  Teuts.  of  Mid- 
Europe  (Goth.  *frtshan,  *frigan),  with 
the  meaning  'to  ask.'  from  a  Teut.  root 
:  frih,   from   which    the   Goth.   pret.  frah 


(    96    ) 


(frehum)  and  the  partic.  fraVians  are 
formed.  The  corresponding  pres.  has  a 
derivative  n(comp.  fd^einen),  Goth.  fralhna»r 
AS.  frignan,  frtnan,  beside  which  appears 
a  form  with  the  present  in  to-,  AS.fricgan 
(Goth.  *frigjan\  For  another  verbal  deri- 
vative of  the  same  root  see  under  forfd)en, 
which,,  like  OHG.  jerg&n,  'to  beg,'  has  its 
v  transposed.  The  following  Teut.  words 
also  belong  to  the  rootfrch,  AS.freht,  'ora- 
cle,' frihtrian,  'to  predict,'  fricca,  'herald.' 
The  Teut.  root  frek  is  derived,  according 
to  the  law  of  the  substitution  of  consonants, 
from  an  Aryan  root  prBk,  prk,  which  may- 
have  orig.  combined  the  meanings  '  to  ask, 
beg '  (rogare,  interrogare).  Comp.  the  pri  m . 
allied  forms — Sans,  root  prch  (for  prg-sk), 
'  to  ask,  long  for  ;  to  desire,  beg  for  some- 
thing,' pracnd,  'inquiry,'  Zend  root  pares, 
petes,  'to  ask,  demand,'  Lat  prSc-  (nom. 
plur. preces,  'entreaties'), precdri,  'to  beg,' 
procaxy  'insolent,'  prdcus,  '  wooer,  suitor,' 
OSlov.  prositi,  'to  demand,  beg.' 

frank,  adj.,  'free,  independent,'  first 
occurs  in  ModHG.,  from  Fr.  franc  (Ital., 
Span.,  and  Port.  franco\  which  was  again 
derived  from  the  Teut.  tribal  name  Qranfen, 
OHG.  Franchwiy  and  may  have  been  ap- 
plied generally  to  any  freeman.  The  term 
Sranfen  is  prop,  a  derivative  of  a  lost  OHG. 
*francho,  'javelin,' preserved  in  AS.  franca 
and  OIc.  frakke ;  the  Saxons  (Sadjjen)  are 
similarly  named  after  a  weapon — OHG. 
tSahsun,  from  sahs,  '  sword '  (see  3Weffer). 

^trcmfe,  f.,  'fringe,'  from  MidHG. 
frame,  f.,  '  fringe,  ornament,  fillet' ;  hence 
franzen,  vb.,  'to  fringe.'  From  Romance  ; 
comp.  Fr.  frange,  Ital.  frangia.  "This 
orig.  Fr.  word  corresponds  exactly  to  the 
well-known  OHG./ram«a,in  the  same  way 
as  vendange  to  viademia;  §ranfett  are  pen- 
dant '  darts '  or  lace,  just  as  the  flap  of  a 
coat  is  a  broad  spear -head  (see  ©cfycjj, 
©etyreit) ;  the  etymology  is  both  gramma- 
tically and  logically  unobjectionable." 
Though  framea  has  certainly  not  been  pre- 
served within  the  entire  Teut.  group  in 
the  sense  of  'javelin,'  or  in  any  other  sense, 
yet  the  Latinised  framea  long  remained 
current  in  early  MidLat.  The  derivation 
of  the  Romance  words  from  Lat.  fimbria, 
'fringe,'  is  not  free  from  phonetic  diffi- 

>raf?,  m.,  'devouring,  gluttony,  food, 

J>asture,'  from  MidHG.  vrdi,,  m.,  'food, 
eeding ' ;  akin  to  frefjen  ;  OHG.  frd$,  Mid 
HG.  vrd^,  m.,  also  '  gormandiser.' 

^rrttfjC,  f.,  'grimace,  distortions,  carica- 
ture,' f.,  ModHG.  only,  whence  Du.  fratse», 
i.  plur., '  grimaces,  distortions,'  is  borrowed. 
The  absence  of  the  word  in  OHG.  and 
MidHG.  favours  the  supposition  that  it 
was  borrowed,  and  we  are  compelled  to 
accept  that  view,  since  it  is  impossible  to 
trace  the  word  to  a  satisfactory  Teut. 
source  ;  the  proposed  derivation  from  AS. 
fratwe,  f.  plur.,  '  work  of  art,  ornaments 
(carvings?),'  is  phonetically  impossible. 
The  word  might  be  finally  derived  from 
Ital.  fraschey  plur.,  Fr.  frasques,  'tricks, 

§trctu,  f ,  'mistress,  lady,  wife, woman,' 
from  MidHG.  vrouwe,  OHG.  frouica,  f., 
'mistress,  gentlewoman,  lady,  wife,  wo- 
man ' ;  orig.  perhaps  only  a  HG.  fem.  form 
('  wife  of  the  master,  mistress  of  the  house '), 
of  OHG.  fr6,  '  master,'  which  became  obso- 
lete in  Ger.,  just  as  in  Romance  dominus 
disappeared  in  many  dialects  while  domina 
(in  the  forms  donna,  dame)  was  retained 
in  the  entire  group  ;  comp.  <Sd)n>teget.  See 
Qxofynbtenjt.  Frouwa,  in  the  form  of  frua, 
found  its  way  into  OLG.,  and  thence  as 
frtt  into  Scand. ;  the  word  remained  un- 
known to  E.  The  fem.  form  was  OTeut. 
(Goth.  *frauj6,  f.),  and  was  used  in  Scand. 
— changed  according  to  phonetic  laws  into 
Freyja — as  the  name  of  a  goddess.  In  the 
MidHG.  period  frouwe  was  popularly  con- 
nected by  a  graceful  fancy  with  freuen, 
frouwen ;  comp.  Freidank's  saw,  "  Durch 
vroude  vrouwen  sind  genant,  Ir  vroude 
ervrouwet  elliu  lant,  Wie  wol  er  vroude 
kante,  Der  sie  erste  vrouwen  nante" — 
"  Woman  is  named  from  the  joy  she  gives, 
Her  favours  fill  the  world  with  bliss.  What 
a  deep  sense  of  joy  had  he,  Who  first  named 
it  woman."  See  3ungfet  and  the  following 

^frdulcttt,  n.,  'young  lady,  damsel, 
miss,'  from  MidHG.  vrduwellnr  n.,  dimin. 
of  MidHG.  vrouwe,  'woman,'  orig.  'noble 
maiden,  young  lady  of  noble  birth,  mistress, 
sweetheart,'  also '  girl  of  mean  rank,  servant- 
girl.'—  3fraucit3tmmcr,  n., '  woman,'  from 
late  MidHG.  vrouwenzimmerr  n.,  'women's 
apartment' ;  the  connecting  link  in  mean- 
ing is  collective,  '  the  body  of  women  re 
siding  in  its  own  apartments,  the  female 
inhabitants  of  the  gynseceum,'  also '  retinue 
of  a  lady  of  high  rank,'  just  as  £of  (court) 
is  used  collectively  of  '  the  people  at  court.' 
"  The  application  of  a  collective  term  to  an 
individual"  is    analogous   to  the   use  of 


(    97    ) 


83iuja)e  and  jlamerab  ;  the  modern  sense 
dates  from  the  beginning  of  the  17th  cent. 

fredj,  adj.,  'bold,  insolent,  shameless,' 
from  MidHG.  vrech,  adj., '  courageous,  bold, 
daring,' OHG.//e7i(/i/i),  'covetous,  greedy ' ; 
corresponding  to  Goth.  *friks  only  in  fai/iu- 
f riles,  '  covetous,  avaricious '  (with  respect 
to  Jalhu,  'money,'  see  93tel)),  OIc.  frekr, 
*  greedy,'  AS.  free, '  daring.'  '  Greedy  '  was 
probably  the  primary  meaning  of  the  adj. 
stem  freka-  common  to  Teut. ;  when  spe- 
cially applied  to  war  it  meant  'eager  for 
combat,  daring'  ;  AS.  freca  acquired  the 
meaning  'warlike  hero,'  earlier  ~E.  freak, 
'  hero,  man.'  For  early  Teut.  words  simi- 
larly restricted  in  meaning  when  applied 
to  a  warrior's  life,  see  icxeit,  fetticj,  rujtig. 
There  arc  derivatives  of  the  OTeut.  freka-, 
Gnth.frih,  in  the  Romance  languages — 
OFr.  frique,  ModProv.  fricaud,  '  cheerful, 
1  i vely.'  Teut.  freka-,  from  pre-Teut.  priigo-, 
scarcely  belongs  to  fatten. 

fret,  adj.,  '  free,  exempt,  frank,  volun- 
tary,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vri,  OHG. 
fri ;  a  common  Teut  stem  frija-,  '  free ' 
(unknown  only  to  Scand.),  which  is  as- 
sumed by  Goth,  freis  (ace.  sing.,  mas. /n- 
jana),  AS.  fri,  freo  (from  frija-),  E.  free, 
OhG.frt.  From  these  are  formed  the  ab- 
stracts— Goth. freihals,  'freedom,'  lit.  'hav- 
ing one's  neck  free,'  AS.fre6ls,  '  freedom  ' 
(also  ' peace, quiet ' ;  comp.  freolsdceg,  'holi- 
day').  Scand. frjdls  for  the  nonexistent 
*frir,  '  free,'  is  identical  with  these  words, 
being  used  as  an  adj.  signifying  'with  a  free 
neck' ;  akin  to  OHG.  and  MidHG.  frthals, 
'  freeman.'  A  ring  around  the  neck  was 
an  OTeut.  mark  of  a  slave.  Although/rya- 
prevails  throughout  the  Teut.  group  in  its 
modern  sense  'free,'  to  which  W.  ridd, 
'  free '  (from  prija-),  also  corresponds,  yet 
there  is  some  evidence  that  the  meanings 
'dear,  loved,'  once  belonged  to  the  adj.  in 
earliest  Teut.  ;  comp.  the  corresponding 
abstr.  Goth,  frijaj>iva, '  love,'  AS.  frc6d  (for 
*frij6dus),  '  love,  favour,'  Aii.frigu,  'love' 
(;\.\M)fre6dryhten,fre6bearn)  ;  allied  to  Goth. 
fijtin,  '  to  love '  mentioned  under  Steunb 
and  ftiiebe.  All  these  derivatives  point  to 
a  Teut.  root  fri, '  to  cherish,  spare,  treat 
forbearingly '  (MidHG.  vrl-ten,  Goth,  freid- 
jan,  'to  spare');  frci  in  an  active  sense 
should  perhaps  be  compared  with  fyi'lc, 
which  also  denoted  the  relation  of  the 
higher  to  the  meaner  person,  ftxti  is  lit. 
'loving,  loved,  spared.'  This  sense  is  placed 
beyond  doubt  by  the  earlier  history  of  the 

Word — Goth,  frija-,  from  pre-Teut.  priy6-  ; 
comp.  Sans,  priyd-s,  '  dear,  favourite,'  from 
the  root  prt,  '  to  rejoice,  make  well-dis- 
posed.' In  OAryan  the  fern,  of  the  adj. 
pi-iya  means  'spouse,'  also  'daughter' ;  to 
this  OSax.  fri,  and  AS.  fred,  'wife,'  corre- 
spond. With  the  Sans,  root  prt,  OSlov. 
prijaja{prijati), '  to  assist,' prijatelji,  'friend,' 
are  also  connected.  See  §mtac},  freien, 
gfveunb,  griebe,  griebtjof. 

freien,  vb.,  'to  woo,'  from  MidHG. 
vrien,  '  to  woo,  marry ' ;  unknown  to  UpG., 
prop,  a  LG.  word,  made  current  chiefly  by 
Luther.  Comp.  Du.  vrijen,  '  to  sue  for ' 
(MidHG.  vrien,  '  to  set  free,  rescue,'  must 
in  the  main  be  regarded  as  a  different 
word).  In  the  sense  of  '  to  woo,  marry,' 
the  verb  must  be  directly  connected  with 
the  OTeut.  root  fri,  'to  love';  comp. 
GSux.frt,  'wife,  beloved.'  For  the  diffu- 
sion of  the  Teut  root  fri  (from  Aryan  pri), 
see  fret,  Qfmtog,  and  also  tfmtnb. 

fretltd),  adv.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vriliche,  adv.,  '  certainly,  by  all  means,' 
prop.  adv.  from  vrilich,  '  free,  boundless.' 

§?reUct<J,  m.,  '  Friday,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  vrttac,  OHG.  friatag,  m.,  'dies 
Veneris';  corresponding  to  l)u.  vrijdag, 
AS.  frtgdkeg,  frigedceg,  E.  Friday,  '  dies 
Veneris,'  OIc.  Frjddagr  (for  which  Fodu- 
dagr,  '  fast  day,'  is  used  in  Modlc.) ;  lit. 
'  Freia's  day'  (primit.  Teut.  Frijjj),  equiv. 
to  Lat.  dies-  Veneris.  Freia  corresponds  to 
Venus.  OIc.  Frigg,  like  OHG.  Frla,  is 
lit.  'lover,  goddess  of  love' ;  akin  to  Sans. 
priya,  f.,  '  spouse,  beloved '  (OSax.  frt,  AS. 
fred, '  wife ').     See  fm. 

^fretfe,  f.,  '  wooing,  courtship,'  from 
MidHG.  vridt,  vridte,  f.,  'making  an  oiler 
of  marriage';  abstract  noun  from  freien; 
also  in  the  same  sense  MidHG.  vrte;  an 
essentially  MidG.  word. 

frctttb,  adj.,  'strange,  foreign,  unfamiliar, 
peculiar,'  from  MidHG.  vremede,  vremde, 
'  foreign,  distant,  strange,  singular,  rare,' 
OHG. framadi,fre.midi, '  foreign,  singular' ; 
a  common  Teut.  adj.  for  'foreign,'  unknown 
only  to  Scand. ;  comp.  Goth,  framafrs, 
'  foreign,  estranged,  excluded  from,'  AS. 
frempe,  f rem le,  '  foreign,  alien,  estranged' 
(IS.  obsolete),  OSax.  frcmithi,  Du.  vreemd. 
A  derivative  of  the  stem  appearing  in  the 
Goth.  prep,  fram,  'far  from,'  AS.  and  E. 
from,  OHG. /raw,  adv.,  'away,  forward.' 

freffen,  vb.,  'to  eat  greedily,  devour,cor- 
rod. ■,'  from  MidHG.  vr'etfeii, 
'to  cat  up, consume,  feed,'  of  men  and  ani- 



(    9S    ) 


mals  ;  derived  from  au  earlier  *frae^an, 
by  syncope  of  the  unaccented  a;  comp. 
Qotli.  fra'itan,  '  to  consume'  (E.  to  fret,  '  to 
cut  away'),  with  the  similarly  shortened 
pret.  sing,  frit,  plur.  frttun,  lor  *frait, 
*fraitun.  The  Goth,  verbal  prefix  occurs 
in  other  cases  in  OHG.  as  fir,  far,  MidHG. 
and  ModHG.  ver,  and  from  eften  combined 
with  this  wanew  verb,  vere^en,  is  formed 
in  MidHG.  with  the  same  meaning  as 
fr&syn,  which  is  etymologically  equiv.  to 
it.     For  the  verbal  prefix  see  grecel,  MtXt. 

gtreffcrjett,  n.,  'litile  ferret,'  dimin.  of 
an  earlier  ModHG.  gretr,  n.,  '  ferret,'  first 
occurs  in  ModHG.  from  Romance  ;  comp. 
Ital.  furetto,  Fr.  fv.ret  (E.  ferret),  MidLat. 
furetum,  furetus,  '  ferret,'  which  is  based 
upon  early  MidLat.  faro,  '  polecat,'  equiv. 
to  Lat.  fur,  *  thief.' 

%<teube,  f.,  'joy,  pleasure,  delight,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  vroude,  vreude,  OHG. 
frewida,  f.  ;  akin  to  fmten,  MidHG.  vrouwen, 
OHG.  frouwen ;  see  frof).  For  the  suffix 
see  ©futeiitbe,  93e^tcrbe,  Sifvbe,  SBefcfyrcerbf. 

^trcunb,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vriunt(d),  OHG.  friunt,  m.,  'friend,  rela- 
tive' ;  comp.  OSax.  friunt,  'friend,  relative,' 
Dn.  vriend,  AS.  frednd,  E.  friend,  Goth. 
frij&nds.  Goth.  frijCnds,  and  hence  also 
the  other  words,  are  panics,  from  an  OTeut. 
and  Goth,  xb.frijdn,  '  to  love,'  AS.  fredgan, 
1  to  love '  (see  frei)  ;  therefore  the  word,  sig- 
nifying lit. '  lover,'  is  used  in  many  dialects 
(even  yet  in  LG.,  Hess.,  Franc,  Alsat., 
Suab.,  and  Bav.)  for  '  relative.'  As  to  the 
formation,  see  £eilanb,  Seinb. 

^tVCtJCl,  m.,  'wanton  olfence,  outrage, 
sacrilege,'  from  MidHG.  vrevel,  f.,  m., 
1  boldness,  presumption,  arrogance,  inso- 
lence, violence,'  OHG.  fravilt,  f.,  'boldness, 
daring,  insolence ' ;  abstr.  subst.  from  the 
OHG.  adj.  fravili,  frevili,  MidHG.  vrevele, 
'bold,  proud,  daring,  insolent,'  ModHG. 
fretjeX,  adj.  ;  comp.  AS.  frcefele,  '  daring,' 
Du.  icrevel, '  outrage.'  Connected  with  the 
HG.  adj.  are  two  or  three  difficult  forms 
which  furnish  a  hint  for  discovering  the 
etymology.  OHG.  fraballicho,  adv.  with  b, 
and  frabart,  f.,  'audacia,'  with  b  and  r. 
Parallel  to  MidHG.  vrevel  there  exists  a 
form  vor-evel,  ver-evel,  corresponding  to 
MidHG.  ver-e^en,  compared  with  vr-e^yn. 
We  have  probably  to  assume  a  Goth.  *fra- 
ubls,  or  rather  *fra  afls  (comp.  freffen),  and 
with  this  Olc.  afl,  r.,  'power,  strength,' 
and  OHG.  avaldn,  'to  torment  oneself, 
work,'  are  closely  connected.    In  OHG.  fra 

was  preserved  as  a  fully  accented  prefix  in 
adjs.,  as  in  frd-bald,  'daring,1  from  bald, 
'  bold.'  See  %x&fyt  (a  compound  containing 
Goth,  fra).— fvcventlid),  adv.,  '  sacrile- 
giously,' first  occurs  in  ModHG.,  formed 
like  etgeittltd),  toefontlid},  &c,  from  the  Mid 
HG.  adj.  vrevtle,  but  with  a  change  of  the 
suffix  /  into  n. 

^trtebe,  m.,  'peace,  tranquillity,  quiet,' 
from  MidHG.  wide,  m.,  'peace,  armistice, 
quiet,  protection,'  OHQ.frtdu,  in., '  peace ' ; 
corresponding  to  OSax.  fritku,  in.,  AS. 
freojx),  frijju,  f.,  Olc.  fripr,  in.,  '  peace'  ; 
the  common  Teut.  word  for '  peace.'  Found 
in  Goth,  only  in  Frifrareiks,  equiv.  to 
Stiebrid)  (lit  'prince  of  peace');  akin  to 
Goth.  gafri}>6n,  '  to  reconcile.'  The  Teut. 
form  frifru-  contains  the  suffix  />«  like 
Goth.  dau-Jm-s,  '  death ' ;  pritu-s,  from  an 
Aryan  root  pri,  Teut.  fri,  lit.  '  to  love, 
spare' ;  JJctebe,  orig.  '  state  of  love,  forbear- 
ance '  (see  frei).  It  is  worth  noticing  that 
Teut.  first  coined  a  word  for  'peace,'  for 
which  no  common  term  can  be  found  in 
the  Aryan  languages,  and  the  same  may 
be  said  of  '  Jtrieg.'     See  Jpaber. 

^frteb^of,  m.,  'churchyard';  the  orig. 
sense  is  not  exactly  '  peaceful  enclosure,' 
but  rather  'an  enclosed  place';  akin  to 
MidHG.  vride,  '  enclosure,  a  place  hedged 
in';  MidHG.  vrlthof,  OHG.  frtt/wf,  'en- 
closed space  around  a  church,'  must  have 
given  rise  to  greitfyof.  In  their  origin  Sriebe 
and  MidHG.  vrit-hof  are  of  course  allied  ; 
yet  vrtt-hqf  must  be  connected  chiefly  with 
Goth,  frei-djan,  '  to  spare,'  OHG.  frUen, 
'to  cherish,  love,  protect';  akin  also  to 

frierert,  vb.,  'to  freeze,  feel  cold,  be 
chilled,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vriesen 
(partic,  gevrorn),  OHG.  friosan  (partic. 
yifroran)  ;  the  change  of  s  into  r  has  ob- 
tained in  all  parts  of  the  verb,  yet  s  has 
been  preserved  in  S^icfctn  and  Qroft.  Comp. 
Du.  vriezen,  AS.  fredsan,  E.  to  freeze,  Olc. 
Jrj6.<a;  Goth.  *friusan  is  wanting,  but  may 
be  inferred  with  certainty  from  frius,  n., 
'  frost,  cold.'  The  change  of  s  into  r  is 
also  shown  by  AS.  fre&rig,  adj.,  'freezing, 
frosty,  stiff,'  Olc.  frer,  neu.  plur.,  'frost, 
cold.'  The  Teut.  root  is  freus,  fruz,  from 
the  pre-Teut.  root  preus,  prtis.  It  appears 
to  lie  at  the  base  of  Lat.  prurio  for  *pntsio, 
'to  itch,'  if  the  connecting  link  in  meaning 
is  to  be  found  in  the  'piercing,  itching, 
burning  nature  of  frost.'  Olnd.  has  a  root 
jrruS, '  to  inject  a  substance,'  which  is  more 


(    99    ) 


remote  in  meaning ;  akin  to  Lat.  prulua, 
'rime' (for  *prusvtua)  ;  Sans. pruivd,  'drop, 
frozen  drop,  rime.'  Under  no  circumstances 
can  the  word  be  connected  with  Lat.  frigere. 

fries,  m.,  also  gfrtefe,  f.,' frieze  (cloth 
part  of  a  column),'  ModHG.  only,  for- 
merly also  in  the  sense  of  'coarse  woollen 
stuff';  from  Fr. /rise,  f.,  whence  E.  frieze; 
the  Fr.  word,  like  its  Romance  cognates,  is 
itself  derived  from  Teut. ;  comp.  AS. /rise, 
1  curled,'  E.  to  friz,  frizzle,  OF  lis.  frisle,  'hair 
of  the  head.' 

gtriefeln,  partic.  plur.,  '  miliary  fever,' 
ModHG.  only,  from  frtcren,  which  repre- 
sents an  earlier  friefen. 

frifc^,  adj.,  'fresh,  cool,  raw  (of  a  wound),' 
from  MidHG.  vrisch,  OHQ.frisc,  adj.,  'new, 
young,  cheerful,  active,  pert : ;  correspond- 
ing to  AS.fersc,  E.  fresh,  OIc.  ferskr, '  fresh.' 
The  further  origin  is  obscure  ;  on  account 
of  its  meaning  Lat.  priscus  (akin  to  prior, 
priits)  cannot  be  allied  ;  perhaps  OHG. 
frisc  is  derived  from  fru(j,  OHG./rwo.  The 
11 G.  word  found  its  way  at  an  early  period 
into  Romance  (comp.  Ital.  fresco,  Fr.frais), 
and  into  E.  (frisk). 

3trifd)lmg,  m.,  'young  wild-boar,'  from 
MidHG.  vrischinc,  vrischlinc,  m. ;  a  deri- 
vative of  frifefj  with  the  suffixes  -ing,  -ling. 
The  OHG.  frisking  (fruscing),  'beast  of 
offering,'  was  adopted  by  OFr.  as  fresange, 
'young  pig.' 

"  frificrcn,  vb.,  'to  curl,  dress  the  hair,' 
ModHG.  only,  from  Fr.  friser,  which  is 
again  derived  from  the  cognates  mentioned 
at  the  end  of  the  article  giie3. 

§frift,  f.,  'period,  appointed  time,  re- 
spite,' from  MidHG.  vrist,  f.,  OHG.  frist, 
f.  (neu.),  'limited  period,  postponement, 
space  of  time'  ;  OSax.  frist,  AS.  first,  m., 
OIc.  frert,  n.  plur.,  'postponement.'  Pro- 
bably not  derived  from  the  root  fri  (see 
frei),  'to  love.'  It  might  more  reasonably 
be  connected  with  the  Goth,  verbal  par- 
ticle fri  in  fz-isaJtis,  if  the  meaning  of  the 
latter  were  clear.     See  also  {Jltjh 

frol),  adj.,  '  glad,  joyous,  happy,'  from 
MidHG.  vrd  (gen.  vrdwes,  vrouwes),  OHG. 
frd  (inflected  form  f rawer),  'glad';  cor- 
responding to  OSax  frao  (gen.  *frawes, 
fralus),  MidDu.  vro,  'glad';  a  correspond- 
ing word  in  E.  is  wanting.  OIc.  frdr, 
'  quick,  nimble,'  closely  agrees  in  sound  ; 
with  respect  to  the  meaning,  comp.  the 
analogous  ^latt  and  E.  glad.  Thus  the  sen- 
suous meaning  'nimble'  might  be  taken 
as  the  starting-point.     If  the  Scand.  word 

be  disregarded,  'gracious,  friendly,'  might 
be  assumed  as  the  primary  meaning,  in 
order  to  connect  the  word  with  the  expres- 
sions for  '  master,  lord,'  mentioned  under 

frof)Iodien,  vb.,  '  to  exult,  triumph, 
shout  for  joy,'  from  MidHG.  vrdlocken 
(rare),  'jubilaie';  according  to  MidHG. 
vr6-sanc,  'song  of  joy,  hallelujah,'  pro- 
bably a  corruption  of  an  earlier  form, 
frdleichen ;  OHG.  and  MidHG.  *cr6-leich 
would  be  also  lit. '  song  of  joy.'  E.  to  frolic 
is  derived  from  Du.  vrolijl;  'joyous.' 

frof)tt,  adj.,  '  lordly,  holy,'  now  only 
preserved  as  the  first  component  in  archaic 
compounds;  from  MidHG.  vron,  adj.,  're- 
lating to  the  master  or  lord,  sacred.'  In 
OHG.  there  appears  instead  of  an  adj. 
*fr6n  a  petrified  form  frdno,  '  magnificent, 
divine,  sacred,'  which  is  prop,  a  gen.  plur. 
of  fr6,  '  lord '  (used  only  in  the  vocative). 
In  MidHG.  vr6n  appears  in  numerous  com- 
pounds for  the  temporal  lord,  as  well  as  for 
the  Ktipios,  'the  lord,'  /car'  ifaxfyy  'Christ'  ; 
comp.  MidHG.  vr&nltchnam,  m.,  '  Christ's 
body,  the  host,'  ModHG.  ftrofyiileidjnam  ; 
MidHG.  vr&nkriuze,  OHG.  daz  frdno  chrtizi, 
'  the  cross  of  Christ ' ;  MidHG.  vr&nalter, 
'high  altar,'  &c.  ;  also  vr6nJiof,  'mansion,' 
vr&nwalt,  'a  wood  belonging  to  the  lord,' 
vr6nreht,  'public  right.'  ModHG.  retained 
fttofutbienjl,  from  MidHG.  vrdndienst ;  see 
frofjnen.  As  toOHG./r<5,'0  lord,'  stress  must 
belaid  on  its  correspondence  to  AS. fred, 
'  lord,'  as  well  as  OSax.  frao.  Goth,  has 
a  form  with  j,  frauja,  m.  (AS.  frSgea), 
'lord,' which  is  seen  in  HG.  in  the  fern, 
forms  ORG.frouwa,  MidHG.  vrouwe,  Goth. 
*frauj6.  With  these  some  connect  in 
Scand.  the  names  of  the  deities  Freyr  and 
Freyja.  Whether  the  stem  fraun-,  for 
frawun-  and  fraujan-,  in  the  sense  of 
'  gracious,  friendly,'  is  allied  to  the  adj. 
frof),  '  glad,'  remains  to  be  proved.  Comp. 

^trof)nc,  f.,  'compulsory  Bervice,  vil- 
leinage,' from  MidHG.  vr&ne,  f.,  'villein 
socage.'    See  fro  bit. 

fxSfyncn,  frofyncn,  vb.,  'to serve,'  from 
MidHG.  vrdntn  (yroenen)  'to  serve,  perform 
villein  socage.'    See  fro^n,  ffrefjiif. 

fromm,  adj.,  '  worthy,  pious,  harmless,' 
from  MidHG.  vrum  (inflected  form  vrumer\ 
adj.,  'able,  excellent,  good,  gallant,  con- 
ducive.' The  MidHG.  adj.  is  prop,  a  subst, 
(comp.  ©(fcabf);  MidHG./rum,/ru«J«,OHG. 
fruma,  f, '  use,  advantage'  (frwnmen,  'to 


(    ioo    ) 


promote,  accomplish').  Akin  to  the  AS. 
forms  with  a  gradation,  fram,  adj.,  '  brave, 
conducive,'  fremman,  '  to  promote,  accom- 
plish'; comp.  OIc.  framr.  *  preferable,' 
and  fremja,  '  to  execute.'  Also  allied  more 
remotely  to  the  OTeut  terms  for  'primus.' 
See  gurjh  fieri,  furfcct,  &c. 

gtrofd),  m.,  'frog,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  vrosch,  OHG.  frosk,  m.;  corresponding 
to  Du.  vorsch,  AS.forsc  (E.  dial,  froslc),  OIc. 
froslcr,  '  frog ' ;  Goth.  *frusqa-  is  by  chance 
not  recorded.  Before  the  deriv.  &fe  a  gut- 
tural has  dropped  out,  as  is  eeen  in  the 
cognate  terms.  AS.frogga,  E.  frog,  would 
be  in  Goth.  *frugga  (*frvgwaX)  ;  also  akin 
to  AS.  frocca,  earlier  E.  dial. /rocfe,  as  well 
as  OIc.  fraukr,  'frog'  (so  too  MidE.  fr&te, 
froute,  '  toad ').  Goth.  *frusqa-,  for  *fruh- 
sqa-,  would  therefore  be  connected  with  a 
it  root  ending  in  a  guttural ;  perhaps  the 
pre-Ttut.  root  prukl.  Hence  the  attempts 
to  connect  the  word  with  frifd)  or  fricrett,  to 
which  the  meaning  is  also  opposed,  must 
be  rejected. 

gtroft,  m., 'frost,  cold,  chill,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  vrost,  OB.G.  frost,  m. ;  conip. 
Du.  vorst,  AS.forst,  E.  frost,  OIc.  frost,  n., 
'  frost,  cold ' ;  a  common  Tent,  abstract  of 
fricren,  Goth.  *friusan.  Goth.  *frustu-,  in., 
n.,  '  frost,'  is  wanting. 

5»rud)f ,  f.,  '  fruit,  crop,  product,'  from 
MidHG.  vruht,  OHG.  fruht,  f.,  'fruit'; 
corresponding  to  OSax.  fruht,  Du.  vrucht, 
OFris.  frucht.  Based  on  Lat.  fructvs,  which 
perhaps  at  the  same  period  as  ^Pfkuije  and 
a  number  of  botanical  terms,  found  its  way 
into  German. 

frill),  adj.,  adv.,  '  early,  prematurely),' 
from  MidHG.  vriieje,  adj.,  'early,'  vruo, 
adv.,  'early'  (hence  sometimes  the  Mod 
HG.  fruh  unmodified)  ;  OHG.  frurji,  adj., 
fnio,  adv.,  'early';  comp.  Du.  vroeg,  adj. 
and  adv.,  '  early.'  Goth.  *fr6  (or  rather 
*frau6  for  *f  1-661),  adv.,  is  wanting.  Pre- 
Teut  prd-  appears  also  in  Gr.  vpuft,  '  early, 
early  in  the  morning,'  irputa,  f.,  'morning,' 
irpdj'uK,  'early' ;  akin  to  Sans,  prdtar,  adv., 
'  early  in  the  morning.'  Allied  more  re- 
motely to  tor,  Sinfl,  »crterf,  &c.  (also  frif<$  ?). 
It  is  curious  that  the  OAryan  adv.,  in  the 
sense  of  '  early  in  the  morning,'  is  restricted 
to  Ger.  In  Scand.,  E.,  and  Goth,  it  is 
wanting  ;  the  words  used  being  Goth,  air, 
OIc.  dr,  AS.  cer,  'early  in  the  morning' 
(see  elje).  Moreover,  its  special  meaning 
was  universally  diffused  at  an  early  period. 
See  ftruljlittg. 

gtra&Urtg,  m.,  'spring,'  a  deriv.  of  fiuh, 
early  ModHG.  only — from  the  15th  cent.; 
8cnj  is  the  old  West  Tent.  term. 

3?ud)S,  m.,  'fox,  light  bay  horse,  cun- 
ning person,  freshman  (univ.),'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  vuhs,  OHG.  fuhs,  m. ;  cor- 
responding to  Du.  vos,  AS.  and  E.  fox; 
Goth.  *fadhs-,  in.  (weak  subst),  is  not 
found.  The  *  is  a  inasc.  sullix,  as  in  Sud)$  ; 
it  is  wanting,  therefore,  in  the  older  fern, 
form,  OHG.  foha,  MidHG.  vo/ie,  f.,  'vixen  ' 
(also  'fox,'  equiv.  to  Goth.  faW\6,  f., ' fox,' 
OIc  foa,  'fox').  OIc.  fox,  n.,  is  used  only 
in  the  figurative  sense  of  'deceit.'  The 
ModHG.  lent,  form  gticfoftit  corresponds  to 
AS.  fyxen,  E.  vixen.  Goth.  fatih6,  f.,  from 
pre-Teut.  pdkd,  makes  it  appear  possible 
10  connect  the  word  phonetically  with  Mod 
HG.  ffipgrf,  Goth,  fugls,  pre-Teut.  pvJtlds, 
in  case  Sans,  pucc/ia,  '  tail,  train,'  is  of  a 
cognate  stem ;  gucfytf  and  SSoflff,  meaning 
'  tailed  creatures,'  is  quite  possible.  At  all 
events,  there  is  no  connection  with  Lat. 
L.  vulpes. 

Sudflel,  f.,  earlier  ModHG.  ffcrttrf, 
'broadsword,  a  blow  struck  with  it,'  first 
occurs  in  ModHG. ;  akin  to  fcd)tcn. 

gtuber,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vuodtr,  OHG.  fuodar,  n  ,  '  me  isure  (vary- 
ing from  36  to  72  bushels,  of  wine  about 
1200  bottles),  waggon-load' ;  comp.  OSax. 
f&thar,  Du.  voer,  AS.f6per,  'measure,  wag- 
gon-load,' E.  folh'T,  fodder,  a  term  in 
mining.  Hence  the  common  West  Teut 
term  f6J>r,  n.,  'waggon-load,'  from  the 
Teut  root  fa/>  in  gubett.  From  HG,  Fr. 
fuudre  is  derived. 

§?ug,  m.,  '  adapted ness,  due  authority, 
right,'  from  MidHG.  vuoc{g\  m.,  'pro- 
priety,' as  well  as  the  equiv.  vuoge,  f.,  Mod 
HG.  gucje,  akin  to  fua,cn. 

^rUCje,  f.,  'fugue,'  first  occurs  in  early 
ModHG.,  from  lta).fuga. 

ffigett,  vk,  'to  fit  together,  connect ' ; 
(refl.)  '  to  accommodate  oneself,'  from  Mid 
HG.  viiegeit,  OHG.  fuogen,  '  to  shape  or 
unite  suitably ' ;  comp.  Du.  voegen,  AS. 
grf#gany  E.  to  fay  ('to  suit,  unite') ;  Goth. 
*f6gja»t  'to  make  suitable,'  is  a  factitive  of 
the  Teut  root  fag,  in  Goth,  fajrs,  'suit- 
able, fitted,'  whose  nearer  cognates  are  to 
be  found  under  fe^tn  ;  E.  tofadge  ('to  suit, 
join'X  may  also  be  mentioned  here. 

furjlett,  vb.,  'to  feel,  be  sensible  of,  be 
sensitive  to,'  a  MidG.  and  LG.  word  incor- 
porated in  literary  Ger.  since  Luther's 
time  (in  Suab.  and  Alem.  fpuren  and  uuricii, 


(    ioi    ) 


and  in  Bav.  eitipftnben  are  used) ;  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  viielen,  OHG.  fuolen  (OHG. 
also  'to  touch');  comp.  OSax.  gifdlian, 
Da.  voelen,  AS.  filan,  E.  to  feel ;  a  common 
West  Teut.  word  for  'to  feel'  (Goth.  *fol- 
jan).  Akin  to  OIc.  falma,  'to  grope.' 
With  the  Teut.  root  j "61,  fal,  an  old  term  for 
'  hand '  is  connected  ;  OSax.  folm,  AS.folm, 
OHO.  folma, '  hand '  (nrimit.  allied  to  Sans 
pdni,  Gr.  iraXdfiv,  Lat.  palma,  Olr.  lam  for 

^fltfcre,  f.,  'journey,  conveyance,  wag- 
gon, cart-load,'  from  MidHG.  viwre,  f., 
journey,  way,  street,  escort,  food  for  a 
'journey,  fodder,'  OHG.  fuora  ;  comp.  AS. 
for,  f.,  'journey,'  also  'vehicle';  akin  to 
fasten.     See  also  ftUjrcu. 

fttforen,  vb.,  'to  carry,  conduct,  deal  in, 
manage,'  from  1M  idHG.  viieren,  OHG.  fuoren, 
'to  put  in  motion,  guide,  lead';  a  facti- 
tive of  fasten  (OHG./aron),  like  ModHG. 
Uiten,  a  factitive  of  OHG.  lldan,  'to  go, 
drive';  comp.  O^ax.  forian,  Du.  voeren, 
'to  lead,'  OIc.  fosra,  'to  bring.'  Goth. 
*forjan  is  wanting  ;  AS.  feran  means  '  to 
go,  march.'  Hence  the  sense  'to  lead'  is 
essetitially  Ger. 

fitttctt,  vb.,  'to  fill,'  from  MidHG. 
viillen,  OHG.  fullen,  '  to  make  full' ;  a  de- 
rivative of  ttol(.  Comp.  Goth,  fulljan,  OIc. 
fylla,  AS.  fyllan,  E.  to  fill,  Du.  vullen,  OSax. 
fullian,  'to  till';  also  »o((. — ^ullc,  f., 
'abundance,  plenty,'  from  MidHG.  viille, 
OHG.  fulll,  'fulness';  comp.  Goth,  ufar- 
fullei,  f'.,  'superabundance.' 

^fullcit,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
viiltn,  ORQ.fulin,  n.,  besides  MidHG.  ville, 
OHQr.fuli,n.,  'foal' ;  for  the  affix  -^denot- 
ing the  young  of  animals,  see  under  (Scfyhxin. 
Based  upon  goljten  (Goth  fula)  ;  hence 
*ful-ein,  n.  has  to  be  assumed  in  Goth.  ; 
comp.  MidLG.  vblen,  Du.  veulen,  OIc.  fyl. 
Another  derivative  of ful-  is  OHG.  fuliltha, 
MidHG.  viilhe,  f.,  'filly,'  pointing  to  Goth. 

gtuHfcl,  n.,  'stuffing,'  from  the  equiv. 
late  MiuHG.  viilsel,  n.  ;  a  derivative  of  \jiMl 
with  modification  ;  for  the  suffix  -sel,  from 
OHG.  isal,  Goth,  isl,  see  Olatfel. 

gtltnb,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vunt,  m.,  '  finding,  discovery,  find' ;  allied 
to  fxufcen  ;  comp.  Du.  vond,  'discovery,  in- 
vention,' OIc.  fundr,  fyndr. 

fi'Utf,  card,  num., 'five,' from  MidHG. 
viivf,  OHG.  fuvf,  also  earlier  fivf;  cor- 
responding to  Goth,  fimf,  OIc.  fimrri,  AS. 
fif,   E.  five,   Du    vijf,  OSax.  flf.     Goth. 

fimf,  from  pre-Teur.  pempe,  penqe  (for  the 

Serniutation  of  Aryan  q  to  Teut.  /  see 
ttjrt,  »ter,  9Bolf) ;  comp.  Sans,  pdhcan, 
Gr.  vivre  (ir^tiire,  ir^/xirros),  Lat.  quinque  (for 
*pinque),  Lith.  penkl,  Olr.  c6ic,  "W.  pimp ; 
a  common  Teut  term,  like  all  numbers 
from  2  to  10  ;  the  oldest  form  is  pdnqe, 
penke.  The  attempts  to  discover  the  root 
with  some  such  meaning  as  'hand,'  and  to 
connect  the  word  with  Singer,  have  pro- 
duced no  result.  The  Aryan  numerals  are 
presented  to  us  as  compact  forms,  the  ori- 
gin of  which  is  obscure.  The  ord.  ffmfte  is, 
like  all  ordinals,  a  derivative  of  an  old 
form  ;  Goth,  fimfta,  OHG.  fimfto,  funfto, 
MidHG.  viinfte;  Du.  vijjde,  AS.  fffta,  E. 
fifth.  Comp.  Lat.  quintus  for  *pinctus, 
Gr.  irtniTTCK,  Sans,  pahcathas,  Lith.  penktas. 

gtUttfee,  m,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
(not  a  classical  form)  vuntce,  m.,  OHG. 
funcho,  m.,  'spark';  comp.  Du.  vonk, 
'  spark,'  MidLG.  and  MidE.  funke,  '  small 
fire,  spark,'  E.  funk,  '  round  wood,  steam, 
stink.'  Classical  MidHG.  has  vanlce,  m. 
It  is  uncertain  whether  Goth.  f6n  (gen. 
funins),  'fire,'  i3  allied;  it  is  more  pro- 
bable that  Sans,  pdjas,  'splendour,  gleam 
of  light,'  is  priinit.  cognate. 

fur,  prep.,  'for,  in  behalf  of,'  from  Mid 
HG.  vilr,  OHG.  furi,  'before,  for' ;  comp. 
OSax.  furi,  'before  ' ;  a  Ger.  prep,  simply, 
allied  to  those  discussed  under  Dor. — fftr- 
ba|J2,  adv.,  'forward,  further,'  from  Mid 
HG.  viirba^.  adv.,  from  fur  and  fcajj. 

3?ltrcl)e,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
vurch  (plur.  vilr/ie),  OHG.  fundi,  f.,  'fur- 
row'; comp.  Du.  voor,  AS.  fxirh,  f.,  E. 
furrow  (akin  to  AS.  and  E. furlong,  'the 
length  of  a  farrow')  ;  OIc.  for,  f.,  'drain, 
watercourse.'  Goth.  *fattrhus,  f.,  is  want- 
ing. It  is  based  upon  pre-Teut  prk- ;  comp. 
Lat.  porca,  'ridge  between  two  furrows,' 
and  porexdetum,  'field  divided  into  beds' ; 
akin  also  to  Armen.  herk,  '  freshly  ploughed 
fallow  land,'  VV.  rhych  (OGall.  *ricd,  Olr. 
rech),  m.,  f.,  '  furrow,'  from  the  base  prkd. 

§tUrd)f,  f.,  'fear,  terror,  fright,'  from 
MidHG.  vorhte,  vorht,  f.,  'fear,  anxiety, 
apprehension,'  OHG.  and  OSax.  firrhta, 
forahta  ;  abstr.  of  furd)ten.  In  AS.  a  modi- 
fied abstr.  is  found  ;  comp.  AS.  fyrhto 
(Goth  faurhtei),  hence  E.  fright,  whence 
to  frighten,  to  fright ;  E.  fear  (see  @ffaljr), 
is  not  a  cognate. — fur<f)fcn,  '  to  fear, 
dread,'  from  MidHG.  viirhten  (pret.  vorhte), 
OHG.  furihten,  forahtan  (pret.  forahta),  '  to 
be  afraid';   comp.  OSax.  forahtjan,  AS. 


(      IC2     ) 


forhtian;  Du.  ami  Sound,  are  wanting; 
Goth,  faurhtjan, '  to  fear,  be  afraid,'  with  the 
partic./a6r/rts, '  timid,'  used  as  an  adj.  The 
dental  of  the  vb.,  which  was  probably  strong 
orig.,  is  a  suffix  of  the  present  stem,  hence 
Tent,  furh-tjan;  the  corresponding  abstr. 
ORG.furh-ta  is  formed  like  Scfyanbe.  To 
the  Teut  root  fork  (Aryan  prk  ?,  qerk  ?),  Lat. 
querquerus,  'shivering,'  and  Gr.  icapKalpu, 
•  to  tremble,'  have  been  allied. 

ffiroer,  adv.,  •  further,'  from  MidHG. 
vurder,  OHG.  furdir,  adv.,  'further  in 
front,  further  on,  away ' ;  apparently  an 
oblique  form  of  the  compar.neut.,  like  Goth. 
faurfns, '  formerly,'  from  fort,  Goth.  *faur]>; 
AS.fwJ>or,i\dv.,  'forward, further,  more  dis- 
tantly '(Goth.  *faiirj>6s),  E.  further.  See  fort. 

gturfcc,  f.,  'pitchfork,'  from  MidHG. 
furke,  OHG.  furcha,  f.,  'fork' ;  comp.  Du. 
vork,  AS.  and  E.  fork;  from  Lat.  furca, 
introduced  early  in  the  OHG.  period  along 
with  Southern  horticulture. 

§?urff,  m.,  'sovereign,  chief,  prince,' 
from  MidHG.  viirste, m.,  'the  highest,  most 
distinguished,  ruler,  prince,'  OHG.  furisto, 
OSax.  furisto,  Du.  vorst,1  prince' ;  like^err. 
simply  a  Ger.  form.  Just  as  Jpettis  orig.  a 
compar.  of  l)er- r,  so  is  §urjt  prop,  a  super- 
lat.  meaning  *  tirst'  ;  comp.  OHG.  furist,,  E.  first,  Olc.  fyr>tr;  Goth.  *fau- 
ristn  is  wanting ;  the  corresponding  compar. 
is  OHG.  furiro,  '  the  former,  preferable,' 
Olc.  fyrre, '  former.'  The  usual  OSax.  and 
AS.  word  for  '  first'  is  formo,  forma,  with 
the  suffix  ma  (Goth,  fruma) ;  from  Aryan 
pr  like  Gr.  xpSfUK,  Sans,  p&rva-s,  OSlov. 
pruvU,  Lith.  plrmas,  '  first'  It  is  evident 
that  also  for,  fur,  fort,  &c,  are  derivatives 
of  this  Aryan  root  pr. 

gfwf,  f.  (UpG.  masc.  also),  'ford,'  from 
the  equiw  MidHG.  and  OHG.  vurt,  m.  ; 
comp.  OSax.  *ford  in  Hertford  (lit.  'lord's 
ford '),  §erefcrb  ;  MidDu.  vord,  AS.  ford,  m.,;  comp.  AS.  Oxenaford  (lit.  'oxen's 
ford'),  'Oxford'  (also  <S$»einfurt,  (Srfurt). 
Goth.  *fa&rdus,  '  ford,'  is  wanting.  It  be- 
longs to  the  Teut.  too:  far,  'to  go,  march,' 
and  hence  signifies  lit. '  a  frequented,  pass- 
able spot';  comp.  Gr.  x6/>os,  'ford,'  which 
has  a  cognate  root,  and  /36<nro/xw  with  Ox- 
ford; also  Zend  peretu, '  bridge'  (Euphrates, 
lit.  '  having  many  bridges '  ?) ;  so  too  Lat. 
p<>rtus,  *  port ' ;  Olc.  fJQro'r,  in., '  bay.'  Lat. 
-ritum  (for  *pritum)  in  Augustoritum,  from 
Kelt,  is  also  allied  to  this  word. 

fit  fd)Ctt,  vb., '  to  perform  hastily,  cheat,' 
ModHG.  only,  of  obscure  origin. 

3?ufcl,  m., '  bad  brandy,'  probably  from 
chemical  technology  (L&t.  fustli*,*  liquid '  ?). 

5tU|?,  m.,  'foot,  base,  pedestal,  footing,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  vuot,,  OHG. /U03, 
m.,  '  foot'  ;  a  common  Teut.  and  more  re- 
motely a  common  Arvan  term  for  '  foot1 ; 
comp.  Goth,  fvtus,  Olc.  f6tr,  AS.  fit,  E. 
foot,  Du.  voet,  OSax.  f6t.  The  Teut.  f6t 
(weak  subst),  from  Aryan  p6d-,  which  in- 
terchanged with  Arvan  pod-  and  pSd  in 
declension.  Comp.  Gr.  -woS-  in  x65a,  nom. 
sing,  rots  (jEoI.  tc6s)  ;  Lat.  pid-em,  nom. 
sing. pes;  nciSCkov,  ' sandal,' xef6s (for rtdjdt), 
'  on  foot' ;  0  gradation  in  Lat  tripudium ; 
OInd.  nom.  sing,  pdd  (locat.  padi),  'foot,' 
padd,  neu.,  '  tread,  footstep.'  The  e  grada- 
tion is  preserved  in  Teut.  by  Olc.  ft,  n., 
'  step,'  but  as  a  measure  '  foot'  (Lith.  peda, 
'mark  of  the  foot');  akin  to  Olc.  feta, 
'  to  find  the  way,'  OHG.  fetfan,  '  to  go.' 
Respecting  Olc.  fjgturr  see  geflVl ;  Olc.  fit, 
{., '  the  skin  of  birds  between  the  claws.'\E.  fetlak,  E.  fetlock  ;  thus  too  MidHG. 
vi^eloch,  'hough,' earlier  ModHG.  Siplodj  ; 
thev  are  derivatives  (not  compounds)  of 
*fet-,  'foot.'— gtufjflapfe,  f.,  'footstep, 
trace,'  from  flaffett ;  often  divided  wrongly 
into  gufidapfe,  which  would  originate  in  a 
verb  tapfett  for  jlajjfen. 

puffer,  n.,  from  the  eqtiiv.  MidHG. 
vuoter,  OHG.  fuotar,  n., '  nourishment,  food, 
fodder,  lining,  case' ;  comp.  Du.  voeder,  n., 
'fodder,  lining';  AS.  fddor,  n..  E.  fodder; 
Olc.  /dor,  n.,  'fodder';  Goth.  fSdr,  n., 
'scabbard.'  Two  really  different  words 
seem  to  have  converged  phonetically  in  this 
term.  Goth.  *f6dr,  'nourishment,'  seems 
to  be  connected  with  AS.  fCda,  '  nourish- 
ment,' E.  food,  Goth,  fddjan,  AS.  fidan, 
E.  to  feed,  and  consequently  with  a  Teut. 
root  fod,  fad  (comp.  OHG.  fatunga,  'nour- 
ishment, food'),  from  Aryan  pat.  which 
also  appears  in  Gr.  irarlonai, '  to  eat ' ;  like- 
wise akin  to  AS.  fdstor,  '  maintenance,'  E. 
to  foster,  foster-brother,  &c.  The  second, 
Sutter,  '  case,'  Goth.  f6dr,  '  sheath,'  has 
been  thought  to  be  allied  to  Sans,  pdtra-m, 
n., '  vessel,  receptacle.'  The  Teut.  cognates 
in  both  senses  found  their  way  into  Rom. ; 
comp.  Prov.  and  OFr.  fuerre  (ModFr. 
feurre),  '  sheath,'  formed  from  Goth.  fSdr, 
OHG.  fiiotar,  '  sheath,'  ModFr.  feurre, 
'  straw  for  feeding  cattle,'  ModFr.  fourreau, 
'  case,  sheath,'  &c. 

fuileral,  n., '  case,  lining,  sheath,'  Mod 
only,  from  MidLat  fotrale,  a  derivative 
of  OHG/dfar,  MidHG.  ruofer;  comp.  gutter. 


(    103    ) 


filttexix,  vb.,  equiv.  to  Mi<lHG.  viietern, 
vuotem,  '  to  feed,  nourish,'  OHG.  fuotiren 

(Goih.  *f6drjan) ;   a  derivative  of  gutter, 
'  nourishment.' 


Qabe,  L'jp&f  From  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
gdbe,  f.  ;  OHG.  *gdba  and  Goth.  *giba  are 
wanting  ;  instead  OHG.  geba  (MidHG.  gebe 
with  the  dial,  variant  gippe),  f.,  occurs, 
OSax.  geba,  AS.  gifu,  OIc.  gjgf,  Goth,  giba, 
f.,  *  gift.'  The  forms  corresponding  to  the 
assumed  Goth.  *giba  are  seen  in  Du.  gaaf 
and  OSwed.  gdfa. 

Q&be,  adj., '  acceptable,  in  vogue,  stylish,' 
from  MidHG.  gcebe  (OHG.  *gdbi),  adj., 
'acceptable,  dear,  good';  Goth.  *g6bi-  is 
related  to  giban  (see  geben),  just  as  nSms  is 
to  niman  (see  gdnge,  attgenebm) ;  comp.  OIc. 
gdefr,  'salutary,'  Du.  gaaf,  'suitable. 

(Sabcl,  f.,  'fork,  s haft 8  (of  a  vehicle),' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gabele,  gabel,  OHG. 
gabala,  gabal,  f,  ;  corresponding  to  Du. 
gaffel  (hence  Modlc.  gaffall,  'fork'),  AS. 
rarely,  geaful,  m., '  fork '  (for  which,  even  in 
1  he  AS.  period,  fore,  E.  fork  occurs),  ©abet 
seems  to  be  related  by  gradation  to@iebet,and 
inthat  case  the  oldest  shape  of  the  fork  must 
have  been  a  sort  of  acute  angle  like  a  gable. 
Yet  the  supposition  that  the  word  was  bor- 
rowed is  not  to  be  rejected,  especially  since 
'the  form  of  an  acute  angle'  can  hardly 
be  the  prim,  meaning  of  ©iebel.  Note  the 
correspondence  with  Kelt,  words ;  Olr. 
gabul,  'fork,'  gab/da,  'shears,'  W.  gebe', 
'  tongs,'  Lat.  gabalus  '  (gable-shaped)  gal- 
lows'  ;  to  these  also  OInd.  gdbhasti,  'fork, 
shaft,'  may  be  allied,  in  which  case  it  would 
follow  that  the  West  Teut.  ©abet  is  perhaps 
primit.  allied  to  the  Kelt,  class. 

flacftcrn,  gatftfen,  vb.,  'to  cackle, chat- 
ter,' simply  AlodHG.  ;  imitative  forms  like 
MidHG.  gdgen,  *  to  cackle  like  a  goose.' 
akin  to  Du  gagelen, '  to  gabble,' and  even  in 
OHG.  gaclctz&n, '  to  mutter,' gagizdn,  gackaz- 
zen,  'to  bawl,'  MidHG.  gagzen,  'to  cluck 
like  a  hen  laying.'  Comp.  Scand.  gagga, 
'  to  howl  like  a  fox,'  gagl,  '  wild  goose,  E. 
to  gar/gle. 

$ttOcn,  Oooocm.  m.  and  n., '  room,  cot- 
tage, storey,'  from  MidHG.  and  MidLG.  ga- 
den,  gadevi,  n.,  '  house  containing  one  room 
only '  then  generally  'apartment,  chamber,' 
OHG.  gadum,  gadam,  n. ;  orig.  a  merely 
UpG.  word,  which  found  its  way,  however, 

even  into  LG.  Akiu  to  Goth.  *gatm  (from 
go-  and  tmo-,  the  latter  related  to  Gr.  56/xos, 
fj.£<r6-S/ii],  and  HG.  3itttmet)  ?.  Less  pro- 
bably allied  to  AS.  geat,  E.  gate  (comp.  Du. 
gat, '  opening,'  under  ©affe).  At  all  events, 
the  connection  with  Gr.  xtT«">  '  garment,' 
is  impossible. 

gaffen,  vb., '  to  gape  at,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  (MidG.)  gaffen,  OHG.  *gaffSn  (de- 
duced from  OHG.  gefjiJa,  f., '  contempla- 
tion'); Goth.  *gapan  is  wanting.  The 
ordinary  MidHG.  and  OHG.  words  for  the 
modern  gaffen  are  kapfen  and  chapfSn  (Goth. 
*kappan,  vb.,  is  wanting).  Hence,  accord- 
ing to  the  sounds,  the  two  words  are  radi- 
cally different ;  in  the  ModHG.  period, 
MidHG.  kapfen  has  given  way  to  gaffen. 
The  latter  signifies  lit.  '  to  look  on  with 
open  mouth';  comp.  Du.  gapen  and  the 
equiv.  E.  to  gape,  OIc.  gapa,  '  to  open  the 
mouth  wide,'  gap, '  chaos.'  The  Teut.  root 
17a/),  'to  gape,'  is  allied  to  Sans,  root jabh, 
'  to  snap '  ?. 

fldfjc,  see  jar). 

fld^ncn,  vb.,  '  to  yawn,  gape,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG. ginen  (genen,  geinen),  OHG. 
giuSn  (gein6n) ;  ModHG.  ae  for  8.  Goth. 
*gi-  nai-.  from  the  root  gi,  'to  gape' ;  comp. 
AS.  ginian,  g&nian,  '  to  gape.'  OIc.  and 
AS.  possess  a  str.  vb.  formed  from  the  root 
gi,  and  n  orig.  a  suffix  of  the  present  stem — 
OIc. gina, AS.  tdgtnan,  'to  bark';  comp. also 
OIc.  gin,  n.,  'jaw  of  animals.'  OHG.  gUn, 
'  to  gape,'  is  formed  without  the  suffix  n;  so 
too  with  a  derivative  w,  OHG.  giwSn,  geiodn, 
MidHG.  gi'cen,  gSicen,  '  to  open  the  mouth 
wide.'  The  Teut.  root  gi,  from  pre-Teut.  gki, 
is  widely  diffused,  especially  in  West  Teut. 
Comp.  Lat.  hiare  (for  Lat.  h,  representing 
Teut.  g,  see  ©erjle  and  ©aft),  OSlov.  zijati, 
'  to  ^ape,  bark,'  Lith.  zidti,  '  to  open  the 
mouth  wide ' ;  Olr.  gin,  '  mouth '  (OIc 
gin) ;  Lat.  hiscn  ;  Gr.  x"&> '  hole,'  for  x«f  <*  ?• 

($ctlftcmt,  m.,  'galnngal.'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG. galgan,galgdn,  galgant,  m. ;  comp. 
MidE.  galingal',  E.  mlangal ;  a  medicinal 
herb  of  the  Middle  Ages,  known  under  the 
same  name  to  Rom.  (comp.  I  tab  galanga, 
Ft.  galanga — MidLat.  galanga;  also  Mid 


(    104    ) 


Gr.  TaXAyya).  The  origin  of  the  term  hns 
probably  been  rightly  ascribed  to  the  East ; 
some  etymologists  compare  it  with  Arab 

$afgen,  m.,  'gallows,  gibbet,  cross- 
beam,' from  MidHG.  galge,  OHG,  galgo, 
m.,  •  gallows  (also  applied  to  the  cross  of. 
Christ),  frame  over  a  well  from  which  the 
bucket  is  hung  to  draw  water.'  It  corre- 
sponds to  OSax.  galgo,  Du.  galg,  AS.  gealgrt, 
E.  gallows  (the  plur.  used  as  a  sing.,  yet 
comp.  gallow-tree),  OIc.  galge,  '  gallows,' 
Goth,  galga,  in.  (applied  to  the  cross  of 
Christ,  as  also  in  all  the  other  OTeut.  dia- 
lects) ;  a  common  Teut.  word,  Tent,  gal- 
gan-,  pre-Te ut.  g1  algha-  ;  comp.  Lith.  zalga, 
f.,  'pole.'  Note  the  double  sense  of  the 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  word.  Probably  some 
such  idea  as  a  'long  pliable  rod'  is  the 
starting-point  of  the  various  meanings  of 
the  cognates. 

(§aUapfcf ,  m.,  '  gall,  gall-nut,'  first  oc- 
curs in  early  ModHG.,  from  Lat.  galla, 
whence  also,  probably,  the  equiv.  AS.  galloc ; 
cump.  E.  oak-gall  (galloak).     See  ©al(e  (2.). 

(Settle  (1.),  f., '  gall,  bile,'  from  the  equi  v. 
MidHG.  galle,  OHG.  galla,  f.  ;  common  to 
Teut.  in  the  same  sense  (only  in  Goth,  is 
the  WBak  neu.  *gaH6  not  recorded) ;  comp. 
OSax.  galla,  Du.  gal,  AS.  gealla,  OIc.  gall,r\. 
Like  a  great  number  of  terms  relating  to  the 
body  (see  gup,  £crj,  9here,  Stafe,  CI;r),  @a(!e 
too  has  numerous  correspondences  in  the 
cognate  languages,  which  points  to  the  an- 
tiquity of  the  Aryan  term  (Goth.  *gallin-  or 
*galzin-,  from  pre-Teut.  glial-) ;  comp.  Gr. 
X0X77,  x<5Xos,  Lat.  fel,  fellis,  n.,  '  gall.'  Many 
etymologists  connect  the  word  with  gelb 
(OHG.  gelo),  as  if  gall  was  named  from  its 
colour;  OSlov.  zlucl,  'gall'  (from  *gllkl), 
is,  certainly  allied  to  Russ.  ielknutl, '  to  turn 

@<xUe  (2.),  f.,  'barbel,'  from  MidHG. 
galle,  f.,  'swelling  above  the  knee  on  the 
hind-leg  of  a  horse' ;  comp.  E.  gall  (swell- 
ing, sore  spot,  gall-nut) ;  it  is  questionable 
whether  @a(U9lpffl  is  allied  to  the  word. 
Also  in  Romance,  Ital.  galla  and  Span. 
ag  din,  signify ' swelling,  tumour,  gall-nut.' 
Hence  the  Lat.-Rom.  galla,  'gall-nut,'  was 
perhaps  the  source  of  the  Teut.  terms.  Yet 
it  is  possible  that  the  foreign  word  has 
been  confused  with  a  Teut.  word  similar 
in  sound,  especially  since  Swed.  dialects 
also  have  a  term  grasgaller,  'swelling  on 
the  hoof  of  a  horse.' 

^ttUcrfc,  f.,  'jelly,'  from  MidHG.  gal- 

hert,  galhart,  galreide,  f.,  'jelly  of  animal 
and  vegetable  matter.'  MidLat.  gdlatina, 
'jelly,'  as  well  as  Fr.  geUe  (from  Lat  gelare), 
cannot,  for  phonetic  reasons,  serve  as  the 
source  of  the  MidHG.  word  ;  the  origin  is 
still  obscure. 

(Satinet,  m.,  'calamine,'  first  occurs  in 
early  ModHG.,  with  the  older  variant 
Jtalitui;  once  in  MidHG.  lalemtne;  from 
MidLat.  and  Rom. ;  comp.  MidLat.  lapis 
calaminaris,  Fr.  calamine;  earlier  Lat.  cad- 
mia,  Gr.  Ka.bii.da.,  'calamine.' 

(Salopp,  m.,  'gallop,'  borrowed  from 
Fr.  galop,  even  in  the  MidHG.  period,  as 
is  proved  by  MidHG.  galopiiren,  of  which 
the  variant  walopieren  occurs  (comp.  Mid 
HG.  icalap,  'galop,'  E.  wallop).  The  Rom. 
words  on  which  they  are  based  are  derived 
by  some  etymologists  from  a  Teut.  source, 
though  it  cannot  be  assigned  to  any  satis- 
factory root;  some  assume  a  Goth-Teut. 
*walh-hlaup,  which  is  supposed  to  denote 
a  Kelt,  method  of  trotting. 

0amcmber,  m.,  '  germander,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  gamandri;  from  MidLat. 
chamandreus,  gamandraea,  which  is  based 
upon  Gr.  x«Ma*fywy,  \afialopvov, '  germander.' 

(Scmerbe,  m.,  'joint-heir,  co-proprietor,' 
from  MidHG.  ganerbe  (from  ge-an-erbe),  m., 
'  next  co-heir,  especially  a  co-heir  with  the 
right  of  obtaining  the  property  of  his  fellow- 
inheritors  at  theirdeath,'OHG.  ganarbo,  'co- 
heir' (Goth.  *gadna-arbja,  m.).  The  prefix 
ga,  representing  Lat.  con-,  '  together  with,' 
was  current  in  OTeut.     See  ©cnojj,  ©cfiue. 

(Sang,  m.,  '  going,  movement,  gait,  pas- 
sage,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  ganc(g), 
OHG.  gang,  m.,  'gait,  walking';  corre- 
sponding to  OSax.  gang,  Da.  gang,  AS. 
gong,  m.,  'walking,  gait  (comp.  E.  ganjt 
gangway,  and  gangweek),  OIc.  gangr}  m., 
'  gait,  walking,'  Goth,  gaggs,  '  lane.'  Also 
in  older  Teut.  a  str.  vb.  gangan,  'to  go,'  of 
which  only  the  pret.  gtitg  and  the  partic. 
gegangftt  are  still  current  in  ModHG.  In 
East  Teut.,  in  which  gdjen  is  wanting, 
ganga  (OIc.)  and  gaggan  (Goth.)  have  a 
wider  range  ;  yet  comp.  OS  wed.  and  ODan. 
ga, '  to  go.'  In  West  Teut.  part  of  geften  has 
l>een  lost ;  in  E.,  differing  in  this  respect 
from  G.,  the  older  gangan  has  become  en- 
tirely obsolete.  Teut.  root  gang,  pre-Teut. 
ghangh.  The  only  correspondences  in  other 
Aryan  languages  are  Sans,  jdnghd,  f.,  '  leg, 
foot,'  Lith.  zengiti  (zingti),  'to  6tep,'  akin 
to  Lith.  prazanga,  'trespa-s.' 

gauge,  adj.,  '  current,  in   vogue,  cus- 


(    105    ) 


tomary,'  from  MidHG.  genge,  OHG.  gengi, 
'ordinary,  scattered,' orig.  'capable  of  going, 
or  ratlier  of  circulating ' ;  a  verbal  adj.  from 
the  root  gang  (see  the  preceding  word), 
formed  like  ga&c,  cutaniefym,  fli'uige. 

$ans,  f.,  '  goose,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  gans,  OHG.  gam,  f. ;  a  common  Tent, 
term  for  'goose,'  unrecorded  in  Goth,  only, 
in  which  *gans,  f.  (plur.  *gans)  may  have 
been  the  form  {comi>.  Span,  ganso,  adopted 
from  it).  To  this  correspond  AS.  g6s  (6 
from  an  before  s),  plur.  gls  (owing  to  the 
i  mutation),  f.,  E.  goose,  plur.  geese;  OIc. 
gas,  f.,  from  pre-Teut  ghans-\  Du.  gans; 
one  of  the  few  names  of  birds  to  be  ascribed 
to  a  primit.  Aryan  origin,  since  it  recurs  in 
most  of  the  languages  of  the  Aryan  group  ; 
Sans,  hansd-s,  m.,  hansi,  f.,  'goose,'  Mod 
Pers.  ydz,  Lith.  zqsls  (OSlov.  gqsX  is  bor- 
rowed from  Tent.),  Gr.  xvv,  Lat.  anser  (for 
*hanser),  Olr.  ge'is,  'swan'  (from  ghansi). 
The  s  of  Aryan  ghans-  seems  to  be  a  suffix 
(comp.  i$ud)$,  SKenat)  ;  at  least  Teut.  words 
of  cognate  stem  point  to  ghan-  as  the  more 
primitive  form  ;  comp.  OHG.  gana^o,  Mid 
HG.  ganze,  genz,  m.,  'gander,'  Du.  gent, 
'gander,'  AS.  ganot,  E.  gannet  ('swan'); 
AS.  gandra,  E.  gander.  Pliny  informs  us 
that  large  flocks  of  geese  were  kept  in 
Germania,  and  that  the  birds  or  their 
feathers  were  sent  even  to  Home  ;  one 
species  was  said  to  be  called  gantae  by  the 
Teutons  ;  a  similar  term  is  known  in  Rom. 
(Prov.  ganta,  OFr.  gante,  'wild  goose'), 
which  borrowed  it  from  Teut.  To  the 
Teut.  ganta,  from  pre-Teut.  ganda,  the 
Olr.  gad,  'goose'  (Lith.  gdndras,  'stork'), 
is  primit.  allied. 

^cinfcrid),  m.,  'gander,  wild  tansy,' 
ModHG.  simply,  formed  like  (Sutcrid),  from 
an  earlier  ©anfet  (still  found  in  many  of 
the  UpG.  dialects  ;  in  Alsat.  gunSter,  MiclG. 
gdnsert),  MidHG.  ganger,  also  gan$e,  ganze, 
m., 'gander.'  Coni[>.  LG.  gante,  Scand.  gasst 
for  gdsse,  'gander';  see  ©antf.  The  plant 
©cnfcrid;  is  a  corruption  of  an  earlier  @rcn- 
faid) ;  comp.  Fr.  bee  d'oie,  Ital.  pid  doca. 
The  MidHG.  and  OHG.  term  is  grensinc 
(even  (tensing  also  in  OHG.). 

piant,  f.,  'auction,  bankruptcy,'  an  UpG. 
word  (unknown  to  the  Suab.  dial.),  from 
MidHG.  gant,  L  'sale  to  the  highest  bid- 
ders, auction.'  Not  from  Fr.  gant,  'glare.' 
It  is  not  true  that  "affixing  a  glove  (in  a  way)  lias  given  rise  to  the  terms 
©ant  and  SBcrgantimg,  denoting  a  distress 
on  real  property."     The  term  is  more  pro- 

bably derived  from  Prov.  Vencant,  McdFr. 
Vencan,  '  auction '  (Ital.  incanto,  from  Lai. 
in  quantum),  whence  E.  cant,  '  auction.' 

{Jttnj,  adj., '  whole,  complete,  entire,' from 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  ganz,  adj.,  'uninjured, 
complete,  whole,  healthy,'  prop,  a  HG. 
word  simply,  which  was  adopted,  however, 
by  the  Teut.  dialects  of  MidEurope  (Dan. 
ganske,  Du.  gansch,  OFris.  gans;  n  would 
not  have  been  retained  before  s  in  a  native 
Dan.  or  Fris.  word.  The  early  history  of 
OHG.  ganz  is  obscure  ;  if  its  primary  mean- 
ing is  '  encircling,'  it  is  perhaps  connected 
with  Gr.  x^Sd^w,  '  to  comprise ' ;  comp. 
Gr.  xcu^j,  'spacious'?, 

$cir,  adj.  (and  adv.),  '  finished,  ready, 
done'  (of  cooked  food),  from  MidHG.  gar 
(inflect,  garwer),  adj.,<jrare,  adv.,  OHG.  yaro 
(infl.  garawer),  adj.,  garo,  gurawo,  adv., 
'  made  ready,'  armed,  prepared,  complete, 
entiie' ;  corresponding  to  OSax.  garo,  AS. 
gearo  (adv.,  gearwe  also),  E.  yare,  OIc.  ggrr 
(adv.  ggrwa),  'ready,  prepared,  made'; 
Goth.  *garwa-  is  wanting.  The  adj.  was 
really  used  as  a  panic,  the  suffix  xco  in 
Ind.,  combines  with  the  root pac,  'to  cook,' 
forming  the  partic.  pakvd-s,  'cooked,  done' 
(of  food).  Besides  AS.  gearo,  '  ready,'  a 
remarkable  form,  earo,  is  found  with  the 
same  meaning,  and  in  OSax.  aru  as  well 
as  gara  ;  these  forms  point  to  Goth.  *garwa 
ami  *arwa, ' prepared,  made  ready.'  Heme 
some  have  identified  the  two  classes  regard- 
ing the  g  of  *garwa-  as  the  remnant  of  the 
verbal  particle  Goth,  ga  (HG.  ge). 

Qathe  (1.),  f-,  'sheaf,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  garbe,  OHG.  garba,  f. ;  correspond- 
ing to  OSax.  garba,  Du.  garf,  'sheaf' ;  lit. 
'handful,  manipulum.'  Hence  from  the 
Sans. root  grbh,  'to  lay  hold  of,  seize,' grdbhd, 
'  handful,'  Lett,  grabas,  fem.  plur., 'a  bundle 
hastily  collected,'  Liih.  grtpti,  'to  seize,' 
and  gr6pti} '  to  snatch.'  In  the  HG.  dialects 
gravpen,  grapfen,  garden,  &c,  are  also  allied 
to  the  Aryan  root  ghrbh  ;  so  too  Du.  grab- 
belen,T£i.  to  grabble.  The  cognates  found  their 
way  into  Romance  (Fr.  gerbe,  f.,  'sheaf'). 

&avbe  (2.),  (the  same  is  ©djafgartv, 
'  milfoil'))  f.,  'millefolium,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  garwe,  OHG.  ganca,  garau-a,  f., 
'millefolium';  corresponding  to  AS.  gearewe, 
f.,  E.  yairow,  Du.  gerw,  '  millefolium. ' 
Whether  it  is  related  to  gar  (Teut.  cartm-) 
is  uncertain. 

fliircri,  vb.,  '  to  ferment,  effervesce, 
bubble,'  a  combination  as  to  its  form  of  a 
str.  vb.  MidHG.  gerin,  jesen)  OHG., 


(     106    ) 


'to  ferment,  foam,'  and  the  corresponding 
factitive  MidHG.  *jern  (unrecorded,  but 
OHG.jftan  occur*), '  to  cause  to  ferment ' ; 
ORG.  jesan  is  a  str.  vb.,  ami  j(rjan  a  wk. 
vb.  (conip.  oin&ftm,  str.  vb.,  and  ginerian, 
wk.  vb.).  Noun  derivatives  of  the  Teut. 
rooties  retain  their  «  (l>efore  t)  even  as  late 
as  ModHG.  ;  see  ©ifcfor,  under  which  the 
cognate  nouns  from  the  other  OTeut  dia- 
lects are  brought  together.  Tiie  root  jes, 
yes,  occurs  also  in  Ind.  and  Gr. ;  comp.  Gr. 
£e<r-r6s,  <  boiled,'  tfo-fia,  hence  also  #w  for 
*#<™  (perf.  (frff-ixai), '  to  boi  1,  bubble '  (f  for 
earlier  j,  y  as  in  £vy6v,  see  3od}),  Sans,  root 
yas,  'to  seethe,  bod.'  Considering  this 
agreement  of  forms  with  initial  j  and  y, 
ModHG.  oaten  with  g  is  remarkable  ;  so 
too  OIc.  ger}>,  '  yeast '  (but  E.  yeast). 

($ctrn,  n.,  'yarn,  thread,  net,  snare,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  gam  ; 
corresponding  to  AS.  gearn,  E.  yarn,  OIc. 
gam,  n.,  Du.  garen;  the  common  Teut. 
term  lor  'yarn'  (Goth.  *garn,  n.) ;  the 
meaning  'net' was  attached  to  @urn,  even 
in  the  OHG.  and  MidHG.  period,  but  it 
never  obtained  in  E.  and  Scand.  We 
might  assume  a  root  gar  with  some  such 
meaning  as  '  to  turn,'  but  it  is  not  authenti- 
cated. Earlier  Teut.  has  a  series  of  terms 
corresponding  in  sound  with  ©ant  and 
meaning '  entrails ' ;  comp.  OIc.  ggrn  (plur. 
garner),  f., '  gut,  intestines,  entrails,'  OHG. 
mittigarni,  mittilagarni,  n.,  'fat  found  in 
the  middle  of  the  entrails,  arvina,'  AS. 
micgem  {eg  for  dg ;  comp.  AS.  orceard,  E. 
orchard,  for  ortgeard),  'arvina.'  These  words 
have  been  connected  with  Lith.  zarnd,  {., 
'  gut,'  and  Sans,  hird,  f.,  '  gut,'  thougli  the 
latter  may  be  allied  to  Lat.  htra,  f.,  '  gut,' 
and  hilla  for  hirla;  likewise  Lat.  ham-  in 
haru-spex,  '  one  who  examines  the  entrails, 
soothsayer,' and  liarioliis,  'soothsayer,'  con- 
tain the  Aryan  root  ghar.  Perhaps — and 
nothing  further  can  be  said — all  the  words 
discussed  above  are  based  on  a  Teut.  root 
ghar,  '  to  turn.' 

garftig,  adj.,  '  Glthy,  foul,  obscene,'  an 
extended  form  of  the  late  MidHG.  garst, 
adj.,  'rancid,  tasting  "high"' ;  comp.  Du. 
garstig,  'insipid,  rank,  rotten';  akin  to 
OIc. gerstr,  'morose'  (in appearance).  Allied 
to  lidX.fastvHum,  'disgust,  aversion '  1.  The 
latter  probably  represented  *farstidium,  like 
tostus  for  *torstus,  from  torreo ;  Lat. /initi- 
ally corresponds  to  Teut  g.  See  under  ©afle 
(Lsit.  fel).  Hut  it  might  perhaps  be  also  con- 
nected with  Lat.  horridus  for  *ghorsidus. 

$artett,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
garte,  OHG.  garto,  m.,  'garden';  corre- 
sponding to  OSax.  gardo,  OFris.  garda,  in., 
'  garden ' ;  Goth,  garda,  m., '  stable.'  Akin 
to  the  strong  nouns — Goth,  garth,  m., 
'court,  house,  family';  OIc.  garftr,  m., 
'  enclosure,  hedge,  house,  farm,'  OHG.  gart, 
m.,  'circle,  choral  dance,'  AS.  geard  (E. 
yard),  'enclosure,  garden'  (E.  gardn  was 
borrowed  in  MidE.  from  OFr.  gardio, 
jardin,  which  is  of  Ger.  origin).  '  Enclos- 
ing,' and  'the  enclosed  space'  are  the  fun- 
damental ideas  of  the  whole  class,  which 
might  thus  be  connected  with  giivten,  Teut. 
root  gerd,  if  the  correspondences  in  the 
cognate  languages  did  not  prove  that 
'  ©arten'  is  a  pre-Teut.,  perhaps  a  common 
West  Aryan  form,  which  cannot  belong  to 
a  specifically  Teut.  root.  But  HG.  ©artcit 
is  most  closely  connected  with  Lat.  hortu*, 
'  garden,'  Gr.  x^f0**  'enclosure,  yard,  farm- 
yard, pasture,  hay,  grass,'  Olr.  g«rt,  'corn- 
field,' also  Lat.  co-hors,  -tis,  f.,  '  courtyard 
for  cattle  and  fowls' ;  if  the  Teut.  word  is 
allied  to  these,  the  d  of  the  Goth,  and  Sax. 
words  is  derived  from  Aryan  t,  i.e.  Goth. 
garda  is  based  on  Aryan  ghortd-  (not  gh&rto- 
from  xfy»"°-)-  On  the  other  hand,  ©arteu 
may  be  connected  with  Slav,  and  Lith. 
words,  which,  however,  assume  that  Goth, 
and  Sax.  d  originated  in  Aryan  dh;  OSlov. 
gradu,  m.,  'enclosure,  citadel,  town '  (as  an 
enclosed  place  ;  Lith.  gdrdas,  '  fold ').  It 
is  possible  that  In  the  Teut.  class  two 
words,  different  in  sound  but  allied  in 
meaning,  have  been  combined  ;  but  the 
Slav,  words  were  more  probably  borrowed 
from  Teut.     Comp.  3<mn. 

$cts,  n.,  'gas,'  a  word  coined  by  the 
Du.  chemist,  Von  Helmont,  of  Brussels 
(died  1644  a.d.);  comp.  Du.  gas. 

(Sciffe,  f.,  'lane,  road,  row,'  from  Mid 
HG.  ga$$e,  OHG.  ga^a,  f.,  prop,  (as  even 
yet  in  UpG.)  'street  ;  corresponding  to 
Goth,  gatved,  f.,  '  lane,  street,'  OIc.  gata 
(accus.  ggtu),  '  way,  street,  path.'  From 
the  Scand.  word  E.  gate,  '  way,'  is  derived. 
Properly  speaking,  the  word  is  unknown  to 
the  LG.  languages.  Whether  ©affe  is  allied 
to  AS.  geat,  E.  (Scotch),  gate,  gait  (tee 
©after),  OSax.  and  Du.  gat,  n.,  •  hole, 
cavern,'  OIc.  gat,  n.,  'hole,'  and  is  derived 
from  a  prim,  meaning,  '  inlet,  opening ' — 
©ajje,  lit.  'furnished  witli  an  entrance,  a 
gate,'  on  account  of  the  suffix  -wdn  ? — can- 
not be  definitely  decided  ;  in  any  case,  it  is 
impossible  to  connect  ©afje  with  a,efjeit,  since 


(    107    ) 


the  latier  is  baied  upon  a  root  i  (Lat.  ire, 
Gr.  Uvai), 

Qaft,  ra., '  guest,  visitor ;  wight;  sailor,' 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  gast  (plur.  geste, 
gesti),  m.,  '  stranger,  guest ' ;  common,  in 
the  same  sense,  to  Teut, ;  comp.  Goth,  gasts 
(plur.  gasteis),  m.  (comp.  gastigdds,  'hos- 
pitable'), OIc.  gestr,  'guest  (uninvited),' 
AS.  gyst,  giest,  m.,  E.  guest,  Du.  and  OSax. 
gast.  Teut.  gastiz,  m.,  '  stranger,  unbidden 
or  chance  guest  from  some  foreign  part,' 
from  pre-Teut.  glwstis,  which  left  deri- 
vatives in  Lat  and  Slav. ;  Lat.  hostis, 
1  enemy,'  prop.  '  foreigner,  stranger,'  OSlov. 
gosti,  in.,  'guest';  with  Lat.  hostis,  'for- 
eigner,' hospes  (prop.  *hosti-potis,  'host'?), 
might  also  be  connected.  It  is  more  than 
questionable  whether  West  Aryan  ghosti-s, 
'stranger,'  is  prop,  'eater,  devourer,'  and 
belongs  to  the  Sans,  root  ghas,  'to  eat.'  It 
is  worthy  of  notice  in  bow  many  ways 
Teutons  and  Romans  have  transformed 
the  idea  underlying  the  old  inherited  word 
for  'stranger' ;  the  Roman  regards  him  as 
an  enemy,  among  the  Teutons  he  enjoys 
the  greatest  privileges — a  fine  confirmation 
of  Tacitus'  account  in  the  Germania.  This 
evolution  of  meaning  would  be  still  more 
remarkable  if  the  view  were  correct  that 
Lat.  hostis,  'stranger,'  is  related  to  Lat. 
hostia,  'victim'  (stranger  =  'one  to  be 
sacrificed'?);  this  collocation  is  alluring, 
but  very  uncertain. 

flttfcn,  jcifen,  vb.,  'to  weed,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  jeten,  geten,  OHG.  jetan, 
g'etan ;  akin  to  OHG.  jetto,  m.,  'weed, 
darnel.'  Perhaps  Gr.  frWwj  '  I  seek,'  is 
allied,  if  the  Aryan  root  is  ySt. 

gat  lid),  adj., 'suitable,  convenient,' an 
essentially  MidG.  and  LG.  word  ;  derived 
from  a  parallel  Goth,  form  *yada-,  to  which 
OHG.  gi-gdt,  adj.,  'suitable,  agreeing  with,' 
also  points ;  comp.  ©attf,  gut ;  so  too  OSlov. 

f'odu, '  favourable  time,'  Lith.  gadas,  'stipu- 
ation,'  and  Du.  gadelijk,  'reconcilable.' 

Ooaifc,  m.,  'spouse,  consort,  husband,' 
from  MidHG.  gate  (also  gegate),  m.,  '  equal 
associate,  one's  equals,  husband';  comp. 
Du.  gade,  'husband.'  The  last  meaning 
is  rare  in  the  MidHG.  period,  and  first 
prevailed  over  the  others  in  the  last  cen- 
tury ;  it  is  a  specialisation  of  the  idea 
'belonging  to  one  another' ;  comp.  OSax. 
gigado,  'one's  equals,'  AS.  gegada,  'com- 
panion ' ;  also  Goth,  gadiliggs,  '  relative,' 
AS.  gadelivg,  'member  of  the  same  tribe,' 
OHG.  gatuling,  '  cousin,'  OSax.  gadulwg, 

'countryman,  member  of  the  same  tribe.' 
ModHG.  gatten  (fid)  gatten),  vb.,  is  from  Mid 
HG.  gaten,  'to  come  together,  agree' ;  Mid 
HG.  (essentially  MidG.)  gater,  'together,' 
Du.  te  gader,  AS.  gead<rr  and  tdgoedere.  E. 
together j  AS.  gculriau..  E.  to  gathr  (Du. 
vergaderen,  '  to  assemble ')  ;  OHG.  g$ti-ld*, 
MidHG.  gete-l6s,  adj.,  '  wanton,  dissolute,' 
lit.  'free  from  the  restraining  bond.'  The 
ideas  of  'belonging  to  one  another'  and 
of  '  suiti  g '  are  teen  in  all  the  cognates  of 

(gaffer,  n.,  '  railing,  lattice,  rudder,' 
from  MidHG.  gater,  m.,  n.,  'railing,  lat- 
tice '  (as  a  gate  or  fence),  OHG.  gataro,  m., 
'railing.'  If  the  latter  represents  Teut. 
ga-doro,  the  word  would  be  a  compound 
of  ga  (see  ge)  and  %tyx  (Goth,  datir).  On 
the  other  hand,  it  is  possibly  allied  to  AS. 
geat,  E.  gate. 

$cm,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gou, 
gou,  n.,  OHG.  gewi,  gcruwi,  n.,  'district.' 
According  to  Goth,  gawi  (gaujis),  n., 
'scenery,  country,'  we  might  have  ex- 
pected OHG.  gewi  (gouwes),  MidHG.  gou 
(gouwes),  since  j  after  au  becomes  10  without 
producing  modification  feomp.  Stju).  Even 
now  ©du,  neu.,  is  found  in  Bav.,  Suab.,  and 
Swiss,  but  in  the  sense  of  'country*  op- 
posed to  town.  The  word  is  unknown  to 
Scand.,  and  also  to  Sax.  and  E.,  in  which 
®au,  as  the  second  part  of  a  compound 
name  applied  to  a  district,  is  met  with 
only  in  the  very  earliest  period  ;  comp.  e.g. 
AS.  celge,  '  district  of  eel--,'  OLG.  PathergS, 
'  Pader  district'  (around  Paderborn).  The 
ModHG.  word  first  ob:ained  currency  again 
in  the  last  century  a3  a  result  of  the  study 
of  OGer.  (see  J&i'rt).  No  tenable  root  has 
yet  been  found. 

$cmcf),  m.,  '  simpleton,  gawk,  crow, 
owl,  cuckoo'  (as  stupid  birds;,  from  Mid 
HG.  gouch,  in.,  •  dolt,  fool,  simpleton,' 
prop,  'cuckoo,'  OHG.  gouh,  'cuckoo' ;  cor- 
responding to  AS.  gedc,  OIc.  gaukr  (whence 
Scotch  gowk),  'cuckoo.'  Is  k  a  suffix  as 
in  AS.  hafoc,  'hawk,'  and  Goth,  ahais, 
'  pigeon  '  ?  OHG.  gouh,  Goth.  *uauks, 
cannot,  however,  be  allied  to  Lat.  cuculus. 
Sans,  kdiila-s,  'cuckoo,'  since  Teut.  g  ini- 
tially cannot  represent  Lit.  and  Sans.  k. 
Further  ©and)  is  the  OTeut.  word  for  the 
later  term  Jtudurf. 

O&auoicb,  m.,  formed  from  the  equiv. 
LG.  gaudeefy  Du.  ganuu-dicf,  prop.  '  sharp, 
cunning  thief  (from  gaauw,  'quick,  cun- 
ning,' see  jdljf),  then  generally  '  sharper.' 


(     108    ) 


$cmk(cr,  in.,  'buffoon,  juggler,  impos- 
tor '  from  MidHG.  goukelozre,  OHG.  gou- 
laldri,  gouggaldri  (k  from  gg,  see  £afe), 
'mauician,  conjuror';  from  MidHG.  goukeln, 
OHG.  goukol&n,  gouggol6n,  'to  deal  in 
magic,  play  the  fool.'  Apparently  allied 
to  OHG.  gougardn,  MidHG.  gmigern,  '  to 
roam  about,'  also  to  MidHG.  gngeln,  'to 
act  without  restraint,  flutter  about,'  gogel, 
adj.,  'unrestrained,  exuberant,'  gregc,  in., 
*  fool,  dupe';  Du.  goochelaar,  'buffoon.' 
The  cognates  point  to  a  Teut.  root  cjfu^r,  gcug, 
gang,  'to  move  here  and  there  in  a  curious 
Jashion  like  a  clown  or  conjuror'?.  Con- 
sidering the  numerous  correspondence?, 
it  cannot  be  maintained  that  ©auHcr  was 
derived  from  Lat.  joculari,  or  from  Gr. 
Kavdov,  'small  dish  or  bowl';  both  these 
explanations  are  opposed  by  the  phonetic 
relations  of  the  words  ;  in  the  case  of  the 
Gr.  term  there  is  the  further  difficulty  that 
we  do  not  know  how  it  was  borrowed,  and 
also  the  fact  that  no  verb  '  to  j  uggle '  occurs 
in  Gr. 

pi)  cut  I,  m.,  'steed,  nag,'  from  MidHG. 
gill,  m.,  'boar,  male  animal  (generally)'; 
only  at  a  late  period  and  rarely  'nag,' 
which  meaning  becomes  prominent  in  the 
15th  cent.;  for  a  'sorry  jade'  runzit  is 
used  in  MidHG. ;  Du.  guil,  f.,  'a  mare 
that  does  not  yet  bear.'  The  word  is  not 
known  to  the  other  dialects ;  its  origin  is 

$CUUtt(m,  in.,  'palate,  taste,'  from  Mid 
HG.  goume,  guome,  OHG.  goumo  (giumo  1), 
guomo,  m.,  'palate,  throat,  jaw';  corre- 
sponding to  AS.  g6ma,  m.,  'palate,'  E. 
gums  (probably  from  AS.  *gumma,  since, 
moreover,  there  are  numerous  forms  in 
earlier  ModHG.  which  point  to  an  OHG. 
*gummo,  'palate') ;  OIc.  gumr,  m.,  'palate' ; 
Goth.  *gaum6,  *gomd,  n.,  are  wanting.  Al- 
lied to  Lith.  gomyris,  'palate.'  The  relation 
of  the  vowels  of  the  stem  (OHG.  and  Mid 
HG.  on  and  uo,  AS.  and  Scand.  6)  is  ob- 
scure ;  see  93itbe.  Some  etymologists  con- 
nect the  word  with  a  Teut.  root  gau  (Gr. 
X*v  (in  xaw'05,  'gasping,  loose,'  xdos, 
'chasm,'  for  x^^os). 

p^ttitncr,  earlier  3auttcr,  m.,  'sharper, 
knave,'  does  not  occur  ti.l  the  beginning 
of  the  last  century  ;  in  the  15th  and  16th 
cents,  the  professional  swindlers  at  cards 
were  called  3cncr,  from  the  slang  jcitctt,  'to 
play,'  the  ultimate  source  of  which  is  said 
to  be  Hebr.  jdnd,  '  to  cheat.' 

Q6-,  a  proclitic  prefix,  from  MidHG.  ge-, 

OHG.  gi,  go-  (an  accented  prefix  ga-  in 
noun  compounds  is  very  rare  in  OHG.  and 
MidHG.);  the  prim,  idea  is  'collectivity, 
completeness';  comp.  Goth,  ga-,  AS.  ge- 
(in  E.  i  only  in  handiwork,  handicraft, 
AS.  hondgetceorc,  hondgecraeft ;  comp.  also 
E.  enough,  from  AS.  gen6h,  under  gftutg). 
The  prefix  is  probably  allied  to  Lat.  con-j 
cum;  comp.  gel)eit,  glaubeii,  gfeicb,  ©lieb,  &c. 

ftobarett,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
gebern,  OHG.  gibera»,  vb.,  'to  give  birth 
to' ;  corresponding  to  Goth,  gubalran  (also 
bairan),  '  to  give  birth  to,  produce,'  AS. 
geberan,  beran,  str.  vb.,  '  to  give  birth  to,' 
E.  to  bear  j-  in  Scand.  the  compounds  with 
ga-  are  wanting,  the  simple  vb.  bera,  '  to 
give  birth  to'  being  used.  See  SBafyre; 
where  proofs  are  given  of  the  antiquity  of 
tin;  verbal  stem  ber,  pre-Teut.  blier,  within 
the  Aryan  group  ;  in  Ind.  the  root  bhr, 
bhar,  may  mean  'to  bear  offspring'  as  well 
as  '  to  bear '  generally  ;  comp.  Lat.  fertilis, 
from  Lat.  fero;  in  Oir.  the  substantives 
combairt  and  brith,  corresponding  to  ©chut, 
'  birth,'  manifest  the  same  specialisation. 
See  ©cburt. 

(Scbarbe,  (Seberbe,  f.,  'bearing,  ges- 
ture,' from  MidHG.  gcbozrde,  f.,  '  conduct, 
appearance,  manner,'  OHG.  gibdrida,  f., 
from  MidHG.  gebdren,  OHG.  gibdrSn,  -6n; 
corresponding  to  AS.  gebceran,  '  to  conduct 
oneself,'  gebcere,  gebcern,  'conduct';  from 
the  root  ber  in  33af)re,  gebdren. 

gcbc?tt,  vb.,  'to  give,  present,  render, 
yield,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  geben,  OHG. 
g'iban;  common  to  Teut.  in  the  same  sense  ; 
comp.  Goth,  giban,  AS.  gifan,  E.  to  give, 
Du.  gevev,  Olc.  gefa.  Comp.  @abe,  ©ii't. 
Akin  to  Olr.  gubim, '  I  take,'  Lith.  gabe'nti, 
'  to  bring,  convey  to,'  gobinti,  '  to  cause  to 

Qebet,  n.,  'prayer,'  from  the  equiv.  Mil 
HG.  gebet,  OHG.  gibet,  n.  (AS.  and  OSax. 
gebed,  n.,  '  prayer') ;  allied  to  beten,  bitten. 

pjjcbicf ,  n.,  '  dominion,  jurisdiction,  ter- 
ritory, sphere,'  from  MidHG.  gebiet,  n., 
'territory,  jurisdiction,  order';  allied  to 
gebictftt,  bictett. 

pjicbirgc,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
gebirge,  OHG.  gibirgi,  n.,  'range  (of  moun- 
tains),' a  specifically  HG.  collective  form 
allied  to  93crg. 

pj>ebref!en,  n.,  'defect,  infirmity,  grief,' 
an  inf.  used  as  a  noun  ;  from  MidHG. 
ge-bresten.     See  berflen. 

^ebltbr,  03ebltr,  f„  'duty,  propriety, 
dues,   fees,'   allied    to    gcbiibten,    MidHG. 


(    109    ) 


gchiirn,  OHG.  giburien,  wk.  vb.,  '  to  occur, 
happen,  fall  to  one's  lot,  devolve  on  by- 
law, be  due';  corresponding  to  OSax. 
giburian,  AS.  gebyrian,  OIc.  byrja,  '  to  be 
suitable,  becoming,  fit' ;  Goth.  *gabaHrjart, 
wk.  vb.,  may  be  inferred  from  gubaurjaba, 
adv.,  'willingly'  (lit.  'in  a  fitting  man- 
ner '  ?),  and  gabaurjdfius,  m., '  pleasure.'  The 
whole  class  is  probably  connected  with  the 
root  ber  'to  carry' ;  comp.  LG.  fcfifjren,  '  to 
raise  aloft,'  see  empcr  ;  hence  OHG.  buri 
dih,  '  go  (thou),'  lit.  'raise  thyself,'  giburita, 
'pervenit' ;  burien,  biiren,  also  'to  come  to 
pass.'     See  Qiafjce,  336rbe. 

Qebuvt,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidllG. 
geburt,  OHG.  giburt,  f.,  '  birth.'  Comp. 
Goth,  gabaurfis,  f.,  'birth,'  also  'lineage, 
native  town,'  OSax.  giburd,  f.,  AS.  gebyrd, 
f.,  'birth,  rank,  dignity,'  E.  birth,  OIc. 
burpr,  m.,  'birth,  embryo';  in  form  it 
points  to  Aryan  and  Sans,  bhrti-s,  and  both 
in  form  and  meaning  it  corresponds  to  Olr. 
brith,  'birth';  Sans,  bhrti-s,  f.,  'bearing, 
nursing,  maintenance.'  With  the  simple 
Tent,  beran,  '  to  give  birth  to,'  is  connected 
nn  OTeut.  neut.  subst.  barna-,  '  child '  (lit. 
'  that  which  is  born '),  formed  from  the  old 
910-partic.  Comp.  OIc.  barn,  AS.  beam> 
OSax.,  OHG,  and  MHG.  bam, '  child,  son.' 

(Mod;,  m.,  'fool,  fop,  buffoon,'  orig.  MidG. 
(and  LG.),  in  which  gee,  gecke>  m.,  '  silly 
fellow,  fool,  droll  fellow,'  occurs  even  in 
the  MidHG.  period  ;  not  allied  to  MidHG. 
giege,  '  fool,'  mentioned  under  gaufclit. 
Comp.  Du.  gek,  m.,  Dan.  gjcek> '  fool,'  Ic. 
gihkr,  '  crafty,  coarse  person.' 

$ebctd)tm5,  n., '  memory,  recollection, 
memorial,'  allied  to  gebenfen,  bctifen.— ($e- 
bttnfte,  m.,  '  thought,  idea,'  from  MidHG. 
gedanc(k),  OHG.  gedank,  m.,  OSax.  githanko, 
Hi.,  'thought,'  AS.  geponc;  allied  to  benfen. 

Qcbcif)ert,  vb., '  to  thrive,  prosper,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidllG.  gedilien,  OHG.  gilihan, 
str.  vb. ;  Goth.  gaj>eihan,  AS.  gej>e6n  (con- 
tracted from  gepthan),  '  to  thrive ' ;  the  old 
AS.  form  points  to  the  fact  that  the  verbal 
stem  was  orig.  nasalised  ;  n  before  h  is 
everywhere  suppressed  in  Teut.,  thus  Jylhan 
for  pinhan.  The  corresponding  factitive 
*pavgjan  remained  in  OSax.,  where  then- 
gian  means  'to  complete';  on  the  sup- 
pression of  the  nasal  the  e  gradation  passed 
into  the  t  gradation  in  Goth,  and  HG. 
The  simple  form  peihan, '  to  thrive,'  is  still 
known  in  Goth.  On  account  of  its  mean- 
ing, gebeifjen  (root  penh,  pre-Teut.  tenk,  tek, 
in  Lith.  tenkti,  t&kli,  '  I  have  enough,'  as 

well  as  in  Ir.  tocad,  W.  tynged,  'fortune,.' 
from  the  prim,  form  tongeto-)  cannot  be 
be  connected  with  the  root  rex  in  rinvov  (see* 
iDegen). — QebieQen,  adj.,  'solid, pure,  con- 
cise, pithy,'  from  MidHG.  gedigen,  adj., 
*  adult,  firm,  hard,  clear,  pure,'  OHG.  gidi- 
gan,  adj., '  aged,  advanced  in  years,  earnest, 
pure,  chaste ' ;  prop,  a  partic  of  gidilian  (g 
by  a  grammatical  change  is  the  necessary 
form  of  h  in  the  partic.) ;  AS.  preserves 
the  older  participial  form  of  the  e-grada- 
tion,  gepungen,  'complete,'  so  too  OSax. 

$ebulb,  f., '  patience,  forbearance,' from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  gtdult,  OHG.  gedult,i. ; 
allied  to  butben. 

gebuttfen,  adj.,  'bloated,  puffed  up,' 
partic.  of  a  lost  str.  vb.  which  is  retained 
in  ModHG.  dialects  (Hess,  dinsen,  '  to 
draw');  comp.  MidHG.  dinsen,  'to  draw, 
tear,  extend,'  OHG.  dinsan;  also  Goth. 
*]pinsanr  atpinsan,  '  to  draw.'  The  Teut. 
root  pens,  pre-Teut.  tens,  corresponds  to  the 
Sans,  root  tanst  '  to  draw,'  Lith.  testi,  '  to 
draw,  stretch.'  The  root  tens  seems  an 
extension  of  the  root  ten  appearing  in 

$efaijr,  f.,  'danger,  risk,  jeopard v,' 
ModHG.  only,  for  MidHG.  vdre,  OHG 
fdra,  f.,  'ambush,  deceit,  hazard, danger'  ; 
AS.fcer,  f.,  'ambush,  unforeseen  danger, 
f right,'  Kfear,  OSax.  fdr, '  ambush ' ;  Goth. 
*fera,  'ambush,'  follows  from  ferja,  m., 
'  way  layer.'  Scand. /dr,  n.,  has  a  somewhat 
different  meaning, '  misfortune,  distemper.' 
Allied  to  the  root/er,  Aryan  pit,  which  in 
Lat.  periculum,  Gr.  wetpa,  'trial,  cunning, 
deception,'  furnishes  cognate  meanings. 

^efciijrfe,  in.,  'companion,  partner, 
mate,'  from  MidHG.  geverle,  OHG.  giferlo 
(*gafartjo),  'escort,'  lit.  'fellow-traveller' ; 
allied  to  gafyvt. 

flef alien,  vb.,  'lo  suit,  please,'  from 
MidHG.  gevalleii,  OHG.  gifallai),  sir.  vb., 
'to  happen,  fall  to  one's  lot,  please,'  in  Mid 
I1G  always  with  the  complement '  ivoljl ' 
(well)  or  '  uUl '  (ill) ;  probably  an  expres- 
sion derived  from  the  OTeut.  warlike  cus- 
tom of  dividing  booty  (comp.  4?unb)  by 
means  of  dice  ;  t«  gtfadt  mtr  toofyl,  '  I  am 
well  pleased  with  it,'  lit.  ba<5  SeS  faflt  ant 
fur  wiicf),  '  that  was  a  lucky  throw  for  me  ' 
(a  similar  history  is  also  connected  with 
ModHG.  fd)enfeit,  which  furnishes  evidence 
respecting  the  Teut.  drinking  customs). 
Note  too  that  in  ModHG.  terms  relating 
to  card-playing  have  been  similarly  used. 


(    no    ) 


Comp.  Sau  (lit.  'ace  (of  cards),'  then  gene- 
rally 'good  fortune')  and  <&uttt>. 

Qef&tlQtlis,  n.,  'prison,'  from  MidHG. 
gevencni8$e,  f.,  n.,  '  imprisonment ' ;  allied 
to  fan^en. 

(<>cfaf;,  n.,  'vessel,  receptacle,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  gevce^e,  n.  (OHG.  givd^i, 
n.,  'transport').  Goth.  *gafSti}  n.,  is  want- 
ing ;  it  would  probably  be  connected  with 
Gotli./#;anf  'to  adorn'  (AS.  fated,  partic, 
'  adorned !),  and  also  more  remotely  with 


Qofiebev,  n.,  'feathers,  plumage,  fowls,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gevidere,  OHG. 
gefidari,  n. ;  collective  of  Seoer. 

^tcfiibe,  n., '  fields,  d1  ain,' from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  gevilde,  OHG.  gefildi,  n. ;  collec- 
tive of  5elD. 

geflifTen,  partic.  of  a  lost  vh.  fleifjeit, 
'assiduous,  busy.'     See  ftleijj. 

QCQen,  prep.,  'against,  opposite  to,  in 
presence  of,  in  comparison  with,'  from  Mid 
HG.  gegen,  OHG.  gegin,  gagan,  'against' 
(in  OHG.  and  MidHG.  almost  always  with 
a  dat.) ;  allied  to  the  MidHG.  adv.  gegene, 
OHG.  gegini,  gagani,  '  towards '  ;  corre- 
sponding to  AS.  gedn,  ongedn,  'against,'  E. 
again  ;  OSax.  gegin  and  OIc.  gagnf  against,' 
appear  only  in  compounds  ;  in  Gotli.  a  cor- 
responding word  is  wanting.  Of  obscure 
origin. —  Cficcjeito,  'region, neighbourhood,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  (post-classical) 
gegendte,  gegende,  f.,  whicli,  with  the  variant 
gegene,  f.,  are  imitations  of  Fr.  contre'e  (Ital. 
contrada),  'country,'  allied  to  Lat.  contra. 
~ 0>CQCtltVCirl,  'presence,  present  time,' 
from  MidHG.  gegenwart,  OHG.  geginwarti, 
f.,  abstract  of  OHG.  gaganwart,  '  present,' 
whence  MidHG. gegennertec,  ModHG.  gegeti- 
lvartifl, '  present.'     See  the  twlj.  suffix  ;U>drtS. 

Qefyaben,  vb.  in  ftd)  gefyaben, '  to  fare,  be 
(iu  health),  behave,'  from  MidHG.  sick 
yehaben,  OHG.  sik  giliabe'n,  'to  hold,  be  (in 
health)'  ;  allied  to  Ijabcn. 

$el)ege,  n.,  'hedge,  enclosure,  precinct,' 
from  MidHG. gehege,  n.,  'enclosure';  allied 
to  £a^,  begeii. 

Qefyeitn,  adj.,  '  private,  secret,  hidden, 
mysterious,'  from  the  equiv.  late  MidHG. 
geheim,  which,  with  fteimttcfy,  means  lit. 
'belonging  to  the  house.' 

Qefyen,  vb.,  'to  go,  walk,  go  on  well, 
succeed,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  gin,  gdn  (some  of  the  inflected  forms 
supplied  by  the  stem  gang;  see  ©ana.) ; 
omp.  AS.  gdn  (stem  gd-,  from  gat),  E.  to 
<j<>,  OSwed.  and  ODan.  ga,  '  to  go.'     The 

assumed  root  ghat-,  meaning  'to  go,'  can- 
not be  positively  authenticated  beyond 
the  Tent,  group  (yet  comp.  Lett,  gdju,  *  I 
went'?).  The  remarkable  facts  that  this 
Tent,  gai, '  to  go,'  has  no  primit.  noun  deri- 
vatives in  Teut.,  tliat  it  has  supplanted  the 
root  i,  which  is  widely  diffused  in  Aryan, 
but  almost  obsolete  in  Teut.  (retained,  how- 
ever, in  the  Goth,  aorist  iddja,  AS.  e6de\ 
and  that  like  the  latter  it  is  conjugated  like 
verbsinmi — all  these  lead  to  thesupposition 
that  the  assumed  Goth.  *gaim,  *gais,  *gaif> 
are  contracted  from  the  verbal  particle  ga 
(see  fle;)  and  the  old  inherited  tmi,  tsi,  tti 
(comp.  Gr.  ttfu,  Sans,  emi,  iii,  Sti),  '  to  go.' 
From  this  explanation  it  follows  that  gebm 
is  fundamentally  identical  with  Lat.  ire, 
Gr.  livai,  Sans,  root  i,  Lith.  eiti.  OSlov.  iti, 
'to  go'  (see  eileii).  For  a  similar  blending 
of  a  verbal  particle  and  an  old  vb.  comp. 
felgen,  freffen. 

{jej)euer,  adj.,  'secure  against  anything 
uncanny,'  from  MidHG.  gehiure,  'gentle, 
graceful,  free  from  anything  uncanny'; 
comp.  OHG.  and  OSax.  unhiuri,  'dreadful, 
terrible,'  AS.  htire  (IteOre),  'friendly,  mild,' 
OIc.  hyrr,  'mild.'  Indubitable  cognates 
in  the  non-Teut.  languages  are  wanting  ; 
perhaps  Sans,  cahrd,  ' strong'  (of  deities)  is 
allied,  so  that  OHG.  -hiuri  would  repre- 
sent hegicro-  (Aryan  keqr6-). 

Qefyven,  m.  (dial.),  'lap,'  from  MidHG. 
gbre,  yero,  m.,  'wedge-shaped  piece  of  stuff 
or  land,  lap';  corresponding  to  AS.  gdra, 
'  piece  of  stuff,'  E.  gore,  OIc.  geire,  in  the 
same  sense  ;  a  deriv.  of  ®er.  For  the  evo- 
lution of  meaning  comp.  Qfranfe,  @^"p. — 
From  tiie  OG.  word  the  Rom.  cognates, 
Fr.  giron  and  Ital.  gherone,  '  lap,  train  (of 
a  dress),'  are  derived. 

(Seter,  m.,  'vulture,  carrion  kite,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  gir,  m.,  akin 
to  LG.  gier.  On  account  of  the  early  ap- 
pearance of  the  G.  word  we  cannot  assume 
that  it  was  borrowed  from  the  Rom.  cog- 
nates, Ital.  girfalco,  Fr.  gerfaut  (whence 
MidHG.  gir-valke  is  derived),  or  from  Lat.- 
Gr.  gyrare,  'to  wheel  round.'  The  connec- 
tion between  OHG.  g'tr  with  OHG.  glri, 
MidHG.  gtre  (geter  still  occurs  in  ModHG. 
dials.),  'greedy,  covetous/  and  the  Teut. 
root  gir,  'to  covet,'  presents  no  difficulty, 
©eier  is  lit. '  the  greedy  bird.'  See  gem,  ©ter. 

(Seifer,  m.,  'slaver,  drivel,  wrath,'  from 
the  equiv.  late  MidHG.  geiftr,  m.  (15th 
cent),  whence  also  gei/ern,  ModHG.  geiffru. 
Origin  obscure. 


(    n'    ) 


(Scttfe,  f.,  '  fiddle,  violin,'  from  the 
equiv.  early  MidHG.  gtge,  f. ;  correspond- 
ing to  MidDu.  ghighe,  Olc.  gigja;  in  OHG. 
fidula,  E.  fiddle;  see  %i<M.  The  Teut. 
word,  like  £arfe,  found  its  way  into  Rom.; 
comp.  Ital.  giga,  Fr.  gigue  (whence  further 
E.  jig).  There  is  no  suspicion  that  Mid 
HG.  gtge  was  borrowed  ;  it  is,  however, 
scarcely  allied  primit.  (pre-Teut.  ghtkd)  to 
OSlov.  Sica,  'thread'  (akin  to  Lith.  gijd, 

gcif ,  adj., '  rank,  wanton,  obscene,  lewd,' 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  geil,  'of  savage 
strength,  wanton,  exuberant,  merry,  joy- 
ous'; for  the  change  of  meaning  on  the 
transition  from  MidHG.  to  ModHG.  comp. 
<2d)impf.  The  primary  meaning.  '  unre- 
strained, joyous,' follows  from  Goth.  gaiU 
jan,  'to  rejoice';  comp.  OSax.  gtt,  Du. 
geil,  AS.  gdl.  To  the  Teut.  cognates  Lith. 
gailtts,  '  passionate,  furious,  sharp,  painful, 
sympathetic,'  and  gailUi-8,  'to  injure'; 
OSlov.  zilu  (from  gailo),  'violent,'  adv. 
zdo,  'very.'  In  the  compound  ©tebergeil 
appears  the  MidHG.  noun  geil,  geile,  '  tes- 

$eifef  (l.)>  ,"-  and  f.,  'hostage,'  from 
MidHG.  gisel,  OHG.  gisal,  m.,  n.,  '  prisoner 
of  war,  person  held  in  security';  corre- 
sponding to  AS.  gisel,  Olc.  gtsl,  m.  To 
connect  it  with  ©eifcl  (2.),  f.,  as  if  '  hostage ' 
were  lit.  'one  who  is  scourged,'  is  im- 
possible. It  is,  probably,  most  closely 
allied  to  the  equiv.  Olr.  giall  (for  *glsal). 

{Seifel  (2.),  f., '  scourge,  whip,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  geisel,  OHG.  geisala,  geisla, 
f.j  akin  to  Olc.  geisl,  geisle,  m.,  'pole  used  by 
persons  walking  in  snow-shoes.'  The  stem 
gais-  is  connected  with  the  OTeut.  term 
gniza-,  '  spear '  (see  ©cr).  Hence  '  pole, 
stall,'  must  be  accepted  as  the  print  mean- 
ing ;  the  second  component  is  Goth,  walus, 
'staff,'  so  that  OHG.  geis-ala  stands  for 
*geis-wala,  just  as  OHG.  vnu-zala  for  AS. 
wyrt-walu  (see  under  SBurjd). 

$Ctff,  in.,  'spirit,  genius,  spectre,'  from 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  geist,  m.,  '  spirit  (in 
contrast  to  body),  supernatural  being'; 
corresponding  to  OSax.  gist,  Du.  geist,  AS. 
gdst  (gaid),  E.  ghost;  common  to  Teut.  in 
the  same  sense,  but  in  Goth,  ahma  (see 
adjten).  The  prim,  meaning  of  the  word 
("agitation'?)  is  not  quite  certain;  yet 
Olc.  geisa,  'to  rage'  (of  fire,  passion),  and 
Goth,  us-gaisjan,  '  to  enrage,'  seem  to  be 
allied.  Respecting  the  dental  suffix  of 
the  Teut.  ©fifl  (pre-Teut.  ghaisdos),  note 

the  Sans,  root  htd  (from  hizd\  '  to  get 
angry,'  hidas,  n.,  '  anger,'  to  which  E.  aghast 
also  corresponds. 

$ei£,  f., '  goat,  roe,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  geiy,  f, ;  corresponding  to 
Goth,  gaits,  Olc.  gext,  AS.  gdt,  E.  goat,  Du. 
geit;  also  a  diniin.  Goth,  gaitein,  AS.  gcete», 
OHG.  geizztn,  n.,  'kid'  (see  <2d?n>etn). 
Primit.  allied  lo  Lat.  haedus  from  older 
ghaido-s  (see  Mify  and  3i«l*).  In  common 
with  Slav.,  OTeut.  has  a  different  word 
for  Sifflf ;  comp.  MidDu.  ho^kijn,  AS.  hecen, 
'kid,'  akin  to  OSlov.  koza,  'goat.' 

(%Ct}.  in.,  'avarice,'  allied  to  gei$en,  Mid 
HG.  gitsen  (gtzen)^  beside  which  MidHG. 
gtten,  '  to  be  greedy,  covetous,  or  avari- 
cious' occurs;  comp.  AS.  gitsian,  'to  be 
covetous.'  The  term  lor@etjin  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  was  git,  'greediness,  covetousness, 
avarice,'  for  geijtg,  MidHG.  gttec,  OHG. 
gitag,  'gieedy,  covetous,  avaricious';  re- 
specting the  derivation  of  ©eh  from  aetjen, 
see  &roer,  l;ance(n.  Akin  to  Goth,  gaiav, 
n.,  '  want.'  With  the  Teut  root  ga>d,  gid 
(Aryan ghaidh),  are  connected  Lith.  geidziH 
(geisti),  '  to  desire,'  OSlov.  zidy,  zldati,  '  to 

$ekr5fe,  n.,  'giblets  ;  frill,  ruffle,'  from 
MidHG.  gekraue,  n.,  'the  small  intestine,' 
also  the  variant  krozse,  OHG.  *chr6si;  akin 
to  Du.  hroes,  hroost,  '  giblets  of  ducks  and 
geese.'  All  the  cognates  are  probably  con- 
nected with  fraud. 

pelage,  n.,  '  feast,  banguet,  drinking 
bout,'  first  occurs  in  early  ModHG.,  allied 
to  leant.  Scarcely  derived  from  the  ancient 
©ctacjc  (banquets) ;  but  ju?t  as  Goth,  gabaur 
is  lit.  'that  which  is  laid  together,'  and 
then  'picnic,  feasting'  (from  bairan,  'to 
carry,'  see  Skfyre),  so  @elao,e  is  lit.  '  that 
which  is  laid  together,'  and  then  'feast- 
ing ' ;  comp.  gedjett. 

$clchtocr,  n.,  'railing,  banister,  from 
the  equiv.  late  MidHG.  gelender  (15th 
cent.),  allied  to  MidHG.  lander,  'stake, 
fence,'  which  may  be  regarded  as  a  nasalised 
variant  of  gatte  (Teut  lap-)- 

Ofjclafi,  m.  and  n.,  'relics,  heritage,' 
from  Midi  1(1.  gela";e,  n.,  'settlement,  mode 
of  settlement,'  allied  to  grl&yn,  'to  settle.' 

ftclb,  adj.,  'yellow,'  from  th-  equiv. 
MidHG.  g'e%  OHG.  gelo  (gen.  gelwes) ;  cor- 
responding to  OSax.  gelo,  Du.  geef,  AS. 
qeolo,  E.  yellow  (Olc  gulr).  The  common 
West  Teut  gelwu-,  from  pre-Teut.  phelwo-, 
is  primit.  allied  to  Lat.  hetvus,  'greyish  yel- 
low ' ;  the  Aryan  root  ghel  ap|>ears  also  m 


(    112    ) 


Gr.  xX«-/>6»,  xXa-/*5*,  '  green,  yellow,'  x^V, 
'green  object*,'  OSlov.  zelenU,  *  yellow, 
green,'  Litli  iulias,  '  green '  (zelti,  'to  grow 
green '),  San*,  hari, '  yellowish.'  Akin  also 
to  ©alle  and  &ol\>. 

Ci)db,  n.,  '  money,  coin,  cash,'  from  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  gelt  (t;  the  d  first  occurs 
in  ModHG.),  n.,  in.,  *  recompense,,  compen- 
sation, revenue,  income,  paying,  payment, 
money,'  Du.  geld, '  money.'  'Means  for  [lay- 
ing, coin,'  is  the  latest  sense  of  the  words 
quoted  (com p.  Goth,  gild,  *  tax,  interest')  ; 
it  is  wanting  in  the  corresponding  words 
of  the  other  dialects  ;  in  Goth,  the  term  is 
faihu  (see  SSid)',  and  skatts  (see  @d)afc),  AS. 
feoh,  E.  money.  On  the  other  hand,  AS. 
gild  signifies  'recompense,  compensation, 
sacrifice.'    See  gflten. 

QcleQCVl,  adj., '  situated,  opportune,  sea- 
sonable,' and  adv. ;  from  MidHG.  gelegev, 
adj.,  '  neighbouring,  at  hand,  suitable/ 
OHG.  gilegan,  'nearest,  related ' ;  parti c.  of 
giligan,  MidHG.  geligen.— Qeieqcnfyeit, 
f.,  '  opportunity,  occasion,'  from  MidHG. 
gelegenheit, '  situation  of  an  affair,  condition 
or  nature  of  things.'— gclcgcnUid),  adj., 
'  occasional,  incidental '  (and  adv.).  from 
MidHG.  gidegerdich,  with  an  inserted  L 

(Setcnfr,  ».,  'joint,  articulation,  wrist, 
link,'  from  MidHG.  gelenke,  n.,  .'  waist, 
bend,  bow,'  akin  to  Mod  11 G.  geletif,  gftenfig, 
adj.  formed  from  MidHG.  gelenke,  'pliant, 
skilful'  (see  lenfen).  While  the  MidHG. 
gelenke,  as  a  collective  of  Mid  HG.  lanke,  sig- 
nifies the  'pliable  narrow  part  of  the  body 
between  the  hips  and  breast,'  and  hence, 
as  it  were,  the  joint  of  the  entire  body, 
the  word  in  ModHG.  is  applied  to  each 
limb  ;  akin  to  OHG.  lancha,  ldancha, ' hip, 
loins'  (whence  also  the  Romance  cognates 
— Ital.  fianco,  from  which  ModHG.  glanfe 
u  borrowed),  likewise  OIc.  hlekkr,  '  link  of 
a  chain.' 

$elid)fer,  n.,  'likeness,  cast,  stamp,' 
lit.  'class  of  people  of  like  manners' ;  in 
this  sense  glditer  and  its  derivatives  occur 
even  in  late  MidHG.  (MidG.) ;  derived 
fn>m  MidHG.  gelich,  gUud)  (see  the  latter). 
Yet  the  UpG.  form  glifier  points  perhaps 
to  a  blending  with  another  word,  Gotli. 
*gahliftrja,  ' thief s  accomplice'  (akin  to 
Goth,  hlifan,  'to  steal,'  primit.  allied  to 
Gr.  jc\<*xt«).  For  HG./*,  equiv.  to  LG.  ht, 
see  fadjt,  rudjfcir,  ©rnidjt. 

flcltrtflcn,  vb.,  'to  prove  successful, 
from  MidHG.  gelingen,  OHG.  gilingan,  str. 
vb., '  to  be  successful,  prosper';  MidHG. 

also  lingen,  '  to  prosper,  advance,  get  on.' 
Allied  to  AS.  lungre,  '  quickly,'  from  pre- 
Teut.  Iug/<r6-,  to  wliich  the  equiv.  Gr. 
i\a<t>p6s  also  points ;  the  Aryan  root  lengh 
(high)  appears  also  in  Sans,  lafigh,  ramh, 
1  to  spring,  get  on.'  See  leid^t. 
Qellcn,   vb.,  'to  yell,'  from  MidHG. 

fu'ten,  OHG.  gellan,  str.  vb.,  '  to  sound 
mid,  cry';  corresponding  to  Du.  gilUn, 
AS.  gillan,  OIc.  gjalla, '  to  resound ' ;  allied 
to  the  Teut.  root  gel,  gal,  '  to  resound.' 
Comp.  91ad)ttgal(. 

gelobcrt,  vb.,  'to  promise,  vow,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  geloben,  OHG.  gilobOn 
(akin  to  feben) ;  lit.  '  to  assent,  applaud.' 

gelt  (1.),  particle.    See  gelten. 

gdf  (2.),  adj.,  'giving  no  milk,  barren,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  gait  ; 
corresponding  to  OIc.  geldr,  OSw ed.  g'aldir, 
which  have  the  same  sense.  They  are  con- 
nected perhaps  with  OHG.  galza,  MidHG. 
galze,  OIc.  ggltr,  '  gelded  pig'  (E.  dial.,  gilt, 
ilt).  The  stem  on  which  it  is  based,  gold, 
gait  (from  pre-Teut.  ghalt,  ghaltn-),  per- 
haps meant  orig.  'to  castrate';  comp.  E. 
to  geld,  OIc.  gdda,  'to  geld';  akin  to  Goth. 
giljxi,  '  sickle '  ?. 

(Sclfe,  f.,  '  pail,  bucket,  vessel,'  from 
MidHG  gelt;,  OHG.  gellita,  f.,  'vessel  for 
liquids' ;  adopted  in  the  OHG.  period  from 
MidLat.  galeta,  with  which  are  also  con- 
nected the  Romance  cognates — Fr.  jale, 
'  pail,'  Ital.  galea,  galeotta,  Fr.  galiasse,  galion, 
applied  to  different  kinds  of  ships.  The 
ultimate  source  of  the  cognates  is  obscure. 

gelfctt,  vb.,  'to  be  worth,  pass  current, 
prove  effectual,'  from  MidHG.  gSlten,  OHG. 
geltan,  &tr.  vb.,  'to  repay,  pay,  cost,  be 
worth,  requite,  compensate' ;  comp.  Goth. 
us-,fru-gildan,  'to  requite'  (akin  to  Goth. 
gild  and  gilslr,  n.,  '  tax '),  OIc.  gjald<t 
(OSwed.,  also  gialla,  from  Teut.  gellan), 
'  to  pay,'  AS.  gxldan,  E.  to  yield,  Du.  geldeit, 
'  to  be  worth,  cost/  OSax.  geldan.  The  com- 
mon Teut.  stem  gelp,  the  />  of  which  is 
proved  by  OSwed.  from  pre-Teut.  ghel-t, 
points  to  the  fact  that  OSlov.  iUJq,  'I  pay, 
atone  for,'  was  borrowed.  The  prim,  mean- 
ing of  the  Teut.  cognates  is  '  to  make  good, 
pay  over  something' ;  itseems  to  be  specially 
applied  to  religions  sacrifices  ;  comp.  AS. 
gild.  OSax.  geld,  'sacrifice'  (akin  to  Gr. 
t<?X0ot,  'duty'?).  See  ©clb,  @itt>f.— The 
particle  gelt,  which  first  occurs  in  early 
ModHG.,  is  properly  the  subj.  pres.  of  the 

vb.  Qfttftt. 

?,  f.,  '  gelded  sow,'  from  the  equiv. 


(    "3    ) 


MidHG.  gelze  (galzs),  OHG.  gelza  (galza). 
See  gelt. 

Qe\n<xti),  n.,  '  chamber,  apartment ; 
comfort,  rest,'  from  MidHG.  g/mach,  m.,  n., 
'rest,  comfort,  ease,  nursing,  place  where 
one  is  nursed,  room,'  OHG.  gimahQih), 
'ease,  advantage';  the  ModHG.  meaning 
is  not  found  until  the  classical  period  of 
MidHG.  ;  the  ModHG.  adj.  gemad),  'com- 
fortable,' preserves  the  earlier  meaning, 
MidHG.  gemach,  OHG.  gimah(hli),  'com- 
fortable, suitable';  prop.,  'suitable  to  one 
another' (comp.  OIc.  makr,  'suitable' ;  see 
utad)eit).  Akin  to  gemadjltd),  MidHG.  geme- 
chllch,  OHG.  gimahliliho,  adv. 

$cmttd)t,  l).,  '  genitals ;  handiwork,' 
from  MidHG. geinaht  (plur., gemote),  OHG. 
gimaht,  £,,  '  testicles ' ;  akin  to  ModHG. 
£Jcad)t  (comp.  Uu.  gemacht). 

$emaf)I,  m.  and  n.,  '  consort,  spouse,' 
from  MidHG.  gemahele,  m.,  'betrothed, 
husband,'  and  gemahele,  f.  (very  rarely  n., 
which  is  first  found  in  Luther  specially), 
'  betrothed,  wife '  (the  fem.  form  ©emaftlin  is 
wanting  in  MidHG.) ;  OHG.  gimahalo,  m., 
4  betrothed,  husband,'  gima/iala  (gimdla), 
'  betrothed,  wife.'  Simply  a  G.  form  from 
a  common  Tent,  subst.  mafila-  (whence 
viahla-),  'public  assembly,  negotiation'; 
comp.  Goth,  mapl,  'assembly,  market' 
(akin  to  mapljan, '  to  make  a  speech'),  OIc, 
mdl,  'speech'  {m&la,  'to  make  a  speech), 
AS.  meftel,  'assembly'  (maftolian,  mcelan, 
'  to  make  a  speech'),  OHG.  mahal,  'assem- 
bly, contract,  marriage  contract.'  Hence 
the  subst.  upon  which  the  word  is  based 
has  assumed  in  G.  only,  the  special  refer- 
ence to  the  act  of  betrothal  in  the  public 
assembly  before  the  community. 

gemafj,  adv.,  'conformably,  proportion- 
ally, suitably,'  from  MidHG.  gemcey,  OHG. 
tjimay^i,  adj.,  'adapted' ;  akin  to  mefjcn. 

gcmcht,  adj.,  '  common,  public  ;  mean^ 
vulgar,'  from  MidHG.  gemeine,  OHG. 
gimeini,  '  belonging  to  one  another,  in 
common,  universal,. belonging  to  the  gnat 
body ' ;  an  adj.  common  to  Teut. ;  comp. 
Gotn.  gamains,  'in  common,  joint,  general, 
unholy,'  AS.  gcm<ener'E.  mcan}  Du.  gemeen. 
The  common  Teut.  ga-maini-s  is  primit. 
allied  to  the  equiv.  Lat.  com-mUnis  (lor 
com-moini-s) ;  comp.  Lat.  Anus  with  Goth. 
dins,  Aryan  oino-s.  Since  ' in  common'  is 
the  primary  meaning  of  the  class,  3J?(incib 
(which  see)  cannot  be  very  closely  allied  to 
its  OTeut.  cognates. 

®emfc,  f.,  '  chamois,'  from  the  equiv. 

MidHG.  gemey,gami,  OHG.  *gamu^(gam^), 
m. ;  although  a  corresponding  word  is  want- 
ing in  the  other  Teut  languages,  there  is 
no  sufficient  reason  for  regarding  OHG. 
*gami^at  {,,  as  borrowed  (formed  like 
OHG.  fnm$,  see  .§irfd) ;  AS.  ganot, '  water- 
fowl'; MidHG.  krebe$,  see  JtrefcS).  The 
Romance  cognates  (Ital.  camozza,  Fr.  cha- 
mois) which  are  equiv.  in  sound  tell 
rather  in  favour  of  their  own  foreign  origin 
I  than  that  of  the  G.  word  (in  Lat.  the  term 
was  rupicapra).  Perhaps  Span,  and  Port. 
gamo,  'stag,'  is  based  upon  a  Goth.  *gama, 
allied  to  ©omfe  (E.  game  has  probably  no 
connection  with  the  word  ?). 

d>emuU,  see  ntalmcn ;  (^emufc,  see 
2J?us ;  gcmut  and  Qemixt,  see  fUiut. 

gen,  prep.,  '  against,  towards,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  gen,  a  variant  of  gein,  gegen. 
See  gcgeit. 

genttlt,  '  accurate,  precise,  strict,  parsi- 
monious,' from  late  MidHG.  (MidG.)nowtce, 
'  careful,  exact,'  akin  to  noutce,  genouice, 
adv.,  'scarcely';  comp.  Du.  iiaauw,  'nar- 
row, exact,  punctual.'  Probably  these  cog- 
nates, in  their  Goth,  form  *ga-nSws,  are 
to  be  connected  with  Goth,  nfthws,  HG. 
nalje.  Others  refer  them  to  a  root  nau, 
'  to  narrow,'  in  91ot  and  its  cognates. 

gcjtc^m,  see  cutgeneljm. 

gcncfett,  vb., '  to  get  well,  recover,'  from 
MidHG.  genesen,  OHG.  ginesan,  str.  vb., 
'to  be  left  alive,  be  healed,  escape  alive,' 
also  '  to  be  delivered  of  a  child ' ;  corre- 
sponding to  Goth,  ganisav,  'to  recover 
health,  be  rescued,  saved,'  AS.  genesan, 
OSax.  ginesan, '  to  be  rescued,  be  left  alive' ; 
also  Du.  geuezen,  '  to  heal,  cure.'  The 
Teut.  root  lies,  with  which  nafyrcn  and  its 
cognates  are  connected  as  factitives,  corre- 
sponds to  the  Sans,  root  nas,  '  to  approach' 
in  an  affectionate  manner,  join,'  and  espe- 
cially to  Gr.  viofiai  (root  c«r-),  'to  come 
back,'  and  vda-ros,  '  return  home.'  From 
Teut.  are  derived  OSlov.  gonlzati  (gone- 
ziiqti),  'to  be  redeemed,'  and  gonoziti,  'to 
redeem,'  allied  to  gonozitelji,  'Saviour.' 
See  nafjven. 

®cmdt,  n.,  'back  of  the  neck,  nape,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  genie,  genicke,  n. ; 
akin  to  91adfcn,  AS.  hnecca. 

gcntcHJClt,  vb.,  'to  enjoy,  partake  of,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  genieyn,  OHG. 
ginio^an,  str.  vb.,  with  the  variants  Mid 
HG.  vieyn,  OHG.  nio^an;  corresponding 
to  Goth,  niutav,  'to  take  part  in  soiin- 
thing,'  ganiutan,  'to  catch'  {nuta,  'captor, 



(      "4     ) 


fisher').  OIc.  nj6ta,  'to  enjoy,  derive  joy 
Iroin,  have  tlie  use  of,'  AS.  iie6ta»,  'to 
take,  use,  enjoy/  Du.  genieten,  OSax. 
niota»,  '  to  enjoy.'  Tiie  primary  meaning 
of  the  Teut.  root  jim£,  found  in  str.  verbs, 
was  'to  get  something  for  one's  own  use,' 
then  'to  use  or  enjoy  something,  have  the 
use  of.'  See  Shtfc,  9hejjmi&.  Akin  to  the 
primit.  allied  Liih.  naudii,  'use,  produce,' 
pa-nustu,  -ii'Adau,  -nusti,  'to  long,  yearn 
for.'-  (Scnoffe,  m.,  'comrade,  companion, 
mate,'  lrom  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gen6$,  OHG. 
gin6$,  in.;  corresponding  to  OSax.  genCt, 
AS.  genedt,  T>\x.  genoot ;  lit.  'one  who  par- 
takes of  something  with  ano;her,'  comp. 
©efede  and  ©efinbe. — $<moffame,  L  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  gendysame,  f.,  'fellow- 
ship,' OHG.  ginSysaml,  abstract  ot  OHG. 
gino^sam,  MidHG.  gendysam,  '  ot  equal 
birth  or  worth.' 

gcmtg,  adj.,  'enough,  sufficient,'  from 
the  corresponding  MidHG.  genuoc(g),  OHG. 
glvuog  ;  a  common  Teut.  adj.  with  the  Mod 
HG.  meaning ;  com  p.  Goth.  ga»6hs,  AS. 
gendh,  E.  enough,  Du.  genoeg,  OSax.  gindg ; 
a  deriv.  of  an  OTeut.  pret.-pres.  Goth. 
ganah,  OHG.  ginah,  'it  suffices';  comp. 
Goth,  ganauha,  '  sufficiency,'  OHG.  ginuht, 
MidHG.  genuht, '  sufficiency.'  On  MidHG. 
gmulitsam,  OHG.  ginuhUam,  'abundant, 
sufficient,'  is  based  ModHG.  aenugjam.  To 
the  Teut.  root  nOh  (Aryan  nak)  preserved 
in  these  words  some  refer  the  Sans,  root 
nag,  '  to  attain,'  and  Lat.  nancisci. 

fjber,  m., '  spear,'  formed  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG. gSr, in.;  corresponding 
to  OSax.  gir,  AS.  gar,  Olc.  geirr.  The  r 
in  the  latter  wold  must  be  based  upon 
an  8,  otherwise  the  Scand.  form  would  be 
*gdrr.  Goth.  *gaiza  may  be  inferred  too 
lrom  old  proper  names,  such  as  Hario- 
gaisus.  The  terms  ydiaos,  yaiaov,  are  also 
mentioned  by  Poly bi us,  Diodorus,  &c,  as 
applied  to  the  spear  by  the  North  Europ. 
barbarians.  The  word  is  genuinely  Teut. 
(yet  comp.  also  Olr.  gai,  from  *gaiso, 
'spear'),  and  has  the  approximate  mean- 
ing, as  the  allied  ©etfel  shows,  of  'shaft, 
rod  (as  a  missile),'  for  which  reason  Gr. 
xa«bs,  'shepherd's  staff,'  and  Sans. hiSus,  n., 
'missile,'  are  perhaps  cognate.  The  root 
is  Sans,  hi,  'to  urge  on,'  with  which  AS. 
gdd  and  E.  goad  (from  Aryan  *ghai-ta)  are 
also  connected.  The  OTeut.  term  was  fh>t 
used  again  in  ModHG.  as  a  borrowed  word, 
though  it  continued  to  exist  in  the  proper 
names  ©etbftt  (OHG.  Gir-braJit,  lit.  •  glit- 

tering witli  speare '),  ©trlwrD  (OHG.  Ucr- 
hart,  'spear-bold'),  ©trtrub  (OHG.  GertrAt). 
Comp.  ©ffjrm  and  ©eifrt. 

fjerao  (1.),  adv.,  'even'  (of  nnmlwrs), 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gerat,  OHG.  girad, 
'even' ;  prop,  'equal  in  reckoning' ;  akin  to 
Goth. rapjd, ' number,' garafijau,  'to count.' 

fteraoe  (2.),  adj.,  'going  in  one  direc- 
tion, straight,  upright,'  from  MidHG.  gerat, 
'alert,  quick,  skilful,  recently  grown  up, 
straight  and  therefore  long' ;  the  primary 
meaning  is  '  nimble,  rapid'  j  comp.  OHG. 
rado  (and  rato,  hrato),  'quick,'  AS.  rafte 
(also  hrozde),  '  quick,'  Goth.  raf>s,  '  easy.' 
Perhaps  primit.  allied  to  SRab,  Lat.  rota. 

$erai,  n.,  '  tools,  furniture,  utensils, 
from  MidHG.  ger  ate,  OHG.  girdti,  n., 
'  equipment,'  lit.  '  consultation,  precau- 
tion' ;  collective  of  (Rat. 

geraum,  gcrftumig,  see  Slattm. 

Qpcraufd),  n.,  'entrails  of  slaughtered 
animals,'  from  the  equiv.  late  MidHG.  in- 
geriusche;  origin  obscure. 

Qetben,  vb.,  'to  tan,  curry,  polish,'  from 
MidHG.  gerwen  (garweri),  wk.  vb.,  'to  make 
ready,  prepare,  equip,  dress,  tan'  ;  a  deriv. 
ot  gar  (see  gar) ;  OHG.  gariwen  (garau-en), 
from  *gur\ojan,  '  to  make  ready,'  lederga- 
rawo,  '  tanner.' 

gered)f,  adj.,  'righteous,  just,  fit,'  from 
MidHG.  gereht,  'straight,  right,  dexterous, 
skilful,  fit,  upright,  innocent,  just,'  OHG. 
gireht  (greht),  'rectus,  directus'  (not  yet 
'Justus')  ;  corresponding  to  garaihts,  '  up- 
right ' ;  in  AS.  rihtvcis  (OHG.  rehtwis), 
'Justus.'  E.  righteous.     See  rcd)t. 

$erfalfte,  Qietfalke,  m.,  'gerfalcon,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gir-,  gerfalke ; 
from  Rom.     See  ©tier. 

$erid)f,  n.,  'judgment,  tribunal,  court, 
jurisdiction,'  in  its  double  sense  even  in 
MidHG.  gerihte,  n.,  'tribunal,  sentence, 
jurisdiction,' and 'prepared  food';  OHG. 
girihti,  n.,  only  in  the  first  sense  ;  akin  to 

goring,  adj.,  'petty,  trifline,' prop.  Mu- 
si gnificant,  easy,'  from  MidHG.  geringe, 
'  light  and  quick,  nimble,'  ringe,  '  easy, 
light,  convenient,  insignificant,  slight, 
small,'  OHG.  ringi,  giringi,  '  light' ;  a  spe- 
cifically G.  adj.,  wanting  in  the  other  Teut. 
dialects  ;  origin  obscure.  The  development 
of  meaning  from '  light '  to  'slight '  through 
the  medium  of  '  easy  '  is  similar  to  that  of 

gcrn,  adv.,  'yladly,  willingly,  fain,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  genie,  OHG.  gerno,  adv., 


(     "5    ) 


from  the  MidHG.  and  OHG.  adj.  gem ;  to 
the  latter  correspond  Goth,  gairns  in  faihu- 
gairns,  '  avaricious '  (comp.  Goth,  gairnjan, 
"  to  desire,  long  for,  demand'),  OIc.  gjarn, 
'  eager,'  AS.  georn,'  zealous,'  Du.  gaarne, 
OSax.  gem.  Akin  to  OHG.  and  MidHG. 
g'ir  (without  the  partic.  suffix  n),  'desiring, 
demanding,'  as  well  as  to  bcgeljren,  ©ter.  The 
Teut.  root  ger  (from  Aryan  gher,  '  to  de- 
mand violently,'  was  contused  with  a  deri- 
vative form  in  r  from  a  root  g%  (ght),  allied 
in  meaning  ;  see  ©ier,  ©etet.  Whether  the 
Suns,  root  har-y,  *  to  be  fond  of,'  or  Gr. 
xalpw,  or  Oscan  heriest,  '  he  will  be  will- 
ing,' is  connected  with  the  Aryan  root  gher 
is  uncertain. 

$er(le,  f.,  '  barley,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  gerste,  OHG.  gersta,  f.  ;  akin  to  Du. 
gerst ;  a  specifically  G.  word,  unknown  to 
ihe  other  dialects  ;  OSax.  and  AS.  grist,  E. 
grist,  are  not  connected  with  it,  but  with 
OTeut.  grindan,  'to  grind'  (equiv.  to  Lat. 
frendere,  '  to  gnash  '  ?).  In  the  remaining 
Teut.  dialects  the  terms  for  ©crfle  are  Goth. 
baris,  OIc.  bygg  (and  barr),  AS.  bere,  E. 
barley.  OHG. gersta,  from  -pve-Teut.  gherzdd-, 
corresponds  only  to  ihe  equiv.  Lat.  hordeum 
(from  *horsdeum,  prim,  form  *ghrzde'yo-)  ; 
Gr.  Kpld-fi,  '  barley,'  is  scarcely  a  cognate. 
From  an  Aryan  root  ghrs, '  to  stiffen '  (Lat. 
horrere  for  *horsere,  Sans.  hrS,  '  to  bristle 
up'),  some  have  inferred  ©cvfle  to  mean 
orig.  '  the  prickly  plant '  (on  account  of  the 
prickly  ears). 

$erf e,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gerte, 
OHG.  gartia,  f.,  '  rod,  twig,  staff' ;  a  deri- 
vative of  OHG.  and  MidHG.  gart,  'rod, 
staff,  stick.'  To  the  latter  correspond  Goth. 
gazds  (comp.  Jgiort,  equiv.  to  Goth,  huzds), 
'stick,'  and  OIc.  gaddr  (E.  goad  and  its 
eqniv.  AS.  gdJ  are  not  allied  ;  see  @er). 
Probably  Teut.  gazda-  (OHG.  gerta  would 
be  *gazdj6)  is  primit.  allied  to  Lat.  hasta 
(from  Aryan  ghazdhd),  '  spear.' 

(Serud),  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
geruch,  m.,  '  scent,  odour,  fame ' ;  akin  to 

$crud)f,  n.,  'rumour,  report,  reputa- 
tion,' from  MidHG.  geriicfte  (geruofte),  n., 
'  calling,  cry' ;  clit  instead  of  ft  (see  rufen) 
is  due  to  LG.  influence,  as  in  fad>t  aud  bc- 

QCrU^Clt,  vb.,  '  to  deign,  condescend,  be 
pleased,'  corrupted  by  connection  with  (Hube 
from  the  earlier  ModHG.  geruod;en,  MidHG. 
geruochen,  OHG.  geruochan,  '  to  care  for, 
take  into  consideration  '  (MidHG.  also  '  to 

approve,  grant ').  Corresponding  to  ASax. 
rSkian,  AS.  rScan  (and  rgccan,  whence  E. 
to  reck),  OIc.  rdekja,  '  to  take  care  of.'  The 
Teut  root,  rak,  rdk,  appears  also  in  OHG. 
rahha,  '  account,  speech  ; '  so  too  in  redjnen. 
In  the  non-Teut.  languages  no  root  rdg  in 
a  cognate  sense  has  vet  been  found. 

QeriXft,  n.,  'scaffold,'  from  MidHG. 
gvruste,  n.,  'contrivance,  preparation,  erec- 
tion, frame,  scaffold,'  OHG.  girusti;  akin 
to  rtijlen,  rusten,  hrustjan. 

Qefaxnt,  adj.,  'joint,  collective,' from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  gesament,  gesamnet,  OHG. 
gisamandt ;  partic.  of  OHG.  saman&n.  See 

0>cfd)ttff,  n.,  'business,  affair,  occupa- 
tion,' from  MidHG.  geschej'te,  gescheffede,  n., 
'  creature,  work,  figure,  occupation,  busi- 
ness, affair' ;  abstract  of  fd)ajffn. 

?efd)el)ett,  vb.,  'to  happen,  occur,  be- 
/  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gesch'ehen, 
OHG.  giscehany  a  specifically  G.  word 
(MidDu.  geschien,  Du.  geschieden),  as  well 
as  the  corresponding  factitive  fcfyicfeu.  It 
is  uncertain  whether  the  word  is  connected 
with  Goth.  skSicjan,  '  to  go,'  find  the  Teut. 
root  skeh  (xk&hw,  skew),  from  skek,  or  OSlov. 
skoku,  'leap,'  and  Olr.  *scuchim,  4 1  go  or 
pass  away.'    See  ©efdndjte  and  fducfen.' 

{jefdjett,  'sensible,  judicious,  discreet,' 
corrupted  into  gefdjeut,  from  MidHG.  ge- 
schtde,  adj.,  'sensible,  sly'  ;  akin  to  schtden, 
a  variant  of  scheiden.     See  fdjeiben. 

$efcf)id)fe,  f.,  'occurrence,  narration, 
tale,  history,'  from  MidHG.  gezchild,  OHG. 
gisciht,  f.,  '  event,  occurrence,  cause  of  an 
event,  dispensation'  (MidHG.  also  'affair, 
manner,  stratum ' ;  see  (Sdndjt)  ;  abstract 
of  gefcfyeben.  Similarly  Mod  HG.  $cfd)icu, 
'  fate,  destiny,  dexterity,'  is  based  upon 
MidHG.  gesc/ticke,  n.,  'event, order,  forma- 
tion, figure,'  as  the  abstract  of  ModHG. 
fdjicfen. — ciefcrricUt.  'apt,  skilful,  adroit,' 
prop,  a  partic,  MidHG.  gschicht,  'ar- 
ranged, prepared,  ready,  suitable,'  from 
MidHG.  schtcken, '  to  arrange,  set  in  order.' 

$efd)UT,  n.,  'gear,  trappings,  imple- 
ments, ware,'  from  MidHG.  geschirre,  OHG. 
giscirri,  n.,  'dishes,  vessel,  instrument, 
utensils.'  The  more  general  meaning, '  in- 
strument of  every  kind,'  is  also  seen,  espe- 
cially in  anfdntrm  (ModHG.  simply),  '  to 
harness  a  horse.  Tne  origin  of  the  stem, 
which  does  not  appear  elsewhere  in  Teut., 
is  obscure. 

ftcfd)lacr)f,  adj.,  'of  good  quality,  soft, 
tender,   shapely,'  from    MidHG.   geslaht, 


(    "6    ) 


OIIG.  gidaht,  'well  brought  up,  nol.le, 
well  behaved';  lUtgcfct)Iad)l,  'uncoutli, 
unwieldy,  boorish,'  even  in  Mid  HO.  un- 
geslaht,  OHG.  ungislaJit,  'ignoble,  base.' 
Allied  to  ModHG.  $efd)Icd)f,  n.,  'species, 
race,  extraction,  family,'  from  MidHG.  ge- 
sle/ite,  n.,  'race,  tribe,  family,  quality,'  OHG. 
gislahti ;  comp.  OHG.  slu)ita,  f.,  '  race, 
family,'  MidHG.  slalite,  'manner, relation ' ; 
akin  "also  to  %d)l<x$  (e.g.  Sftenfcf/enfcfcbig, 
'  race  of  men '),  not  found  in  OHG.  and 
MidHG.  It  is  difficult  to  determine  the 
relation  of  these  cognates  to  fd)fagm  ;  even 
in  OHG.  slalian  itself  means  '  to  take  after, 
resemble'  (e.g.  ndk  dSn fordMn slalian^  to 
resemble  one's  ancestors'),  for  which  in 
late  MidHG.  ndch-slahen  occur?,  ModHG.  Probably  the  str.  vb.  in  OTeut. 
once  had  the  meaning  'to  beget,'  which 
cannot  now  be  authenticated  ;  of  this  vb. 
OIIG.  gislahty '  of  good  quality,'  would  be 
an  old  partic.  in  to  (see  fait,  traut,  taut), 
with  a  development  of  meaning  similar  to 
that  of  Jtcntg.  Comp.  Fr.  gentil,  equiv.  to 
Lat.  gen'.ilis. 

$cf"d)mcibe,  n.,  'ornaments,  trinkets, 
jewels,'  from  MidHG.  gesmtde,  n.,  'metal, 
metal  utensils  or  weapons,  ornaments,' 
OHG.  gismtdi,  n.,  '  metal,'  and  the  variant 
smida,  f. ;  from  the  root  sml,  widely  diffused 
in  Teut,  '  to  work  in  metal,'  with  which 
OHG.  srneidar,  'artificer  in  metals,'  and 
the  cognates  discussed  under  Sd)mtcb,  are 
connected.  So  too  gefcf)meiotg, 'pliant, 
flexible,  tractable,  smooth,'  from  MidHG. 
gesmtdec,  '  easy  to  work,  plastic' 

^cfdjmetfj,  n.,  'fly-blows,  eggs  (of  in- 
sects), vermin,'  from  MidHG.  gesmei^e,  n., 
'excrement';  akin  to  f<r)ittct{jen. — (Sefq)0|J3, 
n.,  '  shot,  missile,  dart,'  even  MidHG.  ge- 
sc/105,  OHG.  gisco?,,  n.,  akin  to  fdnefien.  So 
too  ^iefd)uf3,  'artillery^ ordnance,' even 
in  MidHG.  geschutzey  n.,  'arms,  weapons 
for  shooting,' occurs  as  acollective  of  ©cfdjcfj. 

gefd)tt)Cige,  conj.  with  a  subj.  to  be 
supplied,  'much  les.«,  to  say  nothing  of, 
I  am  silent  about  it,'  &c. — gefd)tDeigen, 
'  to  pass  by  in  silence,  omit  mentioning,'  a 
factitive  of  fcr/jwigen,  from  MidHG.  geswei- 
gen,  OHG.  gisweigen,  '  to  reduce  to  silence.' 
See  fdJftjetgen. 

gefd)ttmt&,  adj.  and  adv.>  'swift(ly), 
rapid(ly),  quick(lv),'  from  geswinde,  adj. 
and  adv.,  'quick(ly),  vehement(ly) ' ;  in 
earlier  ModHG.  jdjunntf,  MidHG.  swinde 
(stoint), '  powerful,  strong,  quick.'  In  OHG. 
the  adj.  is  wanting  (yet  the  proper  names 

Amalswind  and  Adalswind  are  recorded). 
The  prim,  meaning  is  'strong';  the  de- 
velopment of  meaning  to  'quick '  is  similar 
to  that  of  balb ;  Goth,  swings,  'strong 
powerful,  healthy,'  OIc.  svinnr,  'intelli- 
gent,' AS.  svriiS, '  strong, violent,'  show  vari- 
ous aspects  of  the  primary  meaning.  The 
origin  of  the  cognates  is  obscure ;  its  rela- 
tion to  gefttnb  is  dubious. 

$cf"di)ttri|Tcr,  plur.  (prop.  neut.  sing.), 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  geswister  (gsicis- 
t>rde),  neut.  plur.,  'brothers  and  sisters,' 
OHG.  gisicistar,  plur.  ;  akin  to  @d>n>eftcr. 

QeftyWUlft,  f.,  'swelling,  tumour,' from 
theequiv.  MidHG.  geswulst, akin  to  fd)toe(lfn. 
— $efd)«nir,  n.,  irom  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
geswer,  n.,  '  abscess,'  akin  to  fdjirdren. 

Qefclle,  m.,  'comrade,  apprentice,  jour- 
neyman,'from  MidHG.  geselle,  OHG.  gi^llo, 
lit.  'fellow-occupant  or  lodger,'  then  gene- 
rally 'companion,  friend'  (in  late  MidHG. 
'journeyman '  also) ;  akin  to  <Saat.  Hence 
the  derivatives,  MidHG.  gesellec, '  associate, 
combined,'  ModHG.  gefedig  ;  MidHG.  gesel- 
lecheit,  'relation  as  a  comrade';  MidHG. 
gcsellen,  'to  unite,  combine,' ModHG.  ©efcU 
leu,  '  to  associate.'  For  the  meaning  of  ge* 
in  ©efeUe,  comp.  ©efinbf. 

$efefj},  n.,  '  law,  decree,  statute,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG-.  ges$tze,  of  which  the 
variant  ge*elzede  occurs  in  the  same  sense, 
OHG.  gisezzida,  f. ;  akin  to  fefcen,  whence 
also  <2>vi{3Uiig. — 0eficf)f,  n.,  'si^hr,  counte- 
nance,' from  MidHG.  gesiht,  OHG.  glsiht, 
f.,  'seeing,  view,  dream,  sense  of  sight,' 
akin  to  fetjett.—  (&c(tms,  see  <£tm«. 

(Scfinbc,  n.,  'domestics,  servants,' from 
MidHG.  gesinde,  OHG.  gisindi,  n.,  'suite, 
followers  in  war';  collective  of  MidHG. 
gesint(d),  OHG.  gisind,  'follower,'  lit  'one 
who  joins  in  a  sind,'  from  OHG.  sind,  m., 
'journey,expedition';  corresponding  to  AS. 
s2(5,  'journey,'  whence  gcsi^S.  'companion, 
fellow-traveller,'  Goth,  sinfrs,  'journey '  (ga- 
sinpa,  'fellow-traveller').  To  the  OTeur. 
swj?a-  (from  pre-Teut.  Unto-)  corresponds 
Olr.  sd,  '  way.'  See  fettcfii  and  flatten. — 
ModHG.  0>cftttbcf,  'rabble,  mob,  vaga- 
bonds,' dimin.  of  ©cjtnfcf,  also  used  in  a 
contemptuous  sense,  so  even  in  late  Mid 
HG.  gesindrfcehe,  gesindelach  (with  acollec- 
tive suffix). — $efpcm,  m.,  'companion,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gespan;  lit.  per- 
haps'one  who  is  yoked  along  with  an- 
other.' Comp.  Goth,  gajuhd,  '  comrade,' 
lit.  ' yoke-fellow.' 

£jcfpertff,  n.,  'spectre,  ghost,'  from  Mid 


(    "7    ) 


IIG.  gespenste,  n.  (gesp^nst,  gespanst,  f.), 
'enticement,  allurement,  infernal  illusion, 
ghost,'  OHG.  gispanst,  f.,  '  enticement ' ; 
the  latter  meaning  is  the  original  one,  since 
©efpettjl  (see  also  a&,  hnbetfpenflig),  accord- 
ing to  its  form,  is  a  verbal  abstract  of  an 
OTeut.  spanan,  '  to  entice.'  Comp.  OSax. 
and  OHG.  spanan,  '  to  eniico,  charm,'  Mid 
HG.  apaiten  (comp.  Gr.  <nrdw). 

#eff,  see  ©ifdjr. 

£>cjrirtb(?,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
gestat(d),  n.,  '  bank,  shore.'     Comp.  Stabett. 

Qeftalt ,  adj.,  '  having  form  or  shape,'  in 
ttjol)(gejhlr,  uugejlalt ;  comp.  MidHG.  iinge- 
stalt,  OHG.  ungidalt,  'disfigured,  ugly,' 
MidHG.  wolgestalt  (wol  ges'ellet) ;  a  partic. 
of  MidHG.  stolen,  which  may  also  mean 
'  to  shape,  make,  accomplish,  set  in  order.' 
To  this  is  allied  Qeftall,  f.,  'external 
appearance,  shape,  tigure,  mien,'  MidHG. 
gedalt,  f.,  'shape,  appearance,  nature,' 
OHG.  *gistalt.  Considering  the  compara- 
tively late  appearance  of  the  word  (not 
until  the  end  of  the  13th  cent.),  ©eftutt 
may  have  been  derived  from  the  old  com- 
pound, OHG.  uvgistalt,  MidHG.  ungestalt, 
adj.,  '  disfigured.' 

gcffaffctt,  vb.,  'to  allow,  admit,  grant,' 
from  M'idllG.  gcstaten,  wk.  vb.,  'to  grant, 
permit,' OHG.  gistatdn;  probably  connected 
most  closely  with  OHG.  stata,  f.,  '  favour- 
able opportunity'  (for  details  see  Statt). — 
gcffc^eit,  vb.,  'to  acknowledge,  confess,' 
from  MidHG.  gestin,  gcstdn,  OHG,  -gisldn, 
s-tr.  vb.,  'to  stand  still,  assist,  own,  con- 
fess' ;  derivatives,  ModilG.  gcjldnbtg,  ©cjl- 
diibniei.     See  ftcfjcti. 

gcficrn,  adv.,  'yesterday,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  gestern  (gester),  OHG. 
g'estaron  (gestre),  adv.  ;  also,  with  a  diver- 
gent meaning,  OHG.  Sgestem,  'the day  after 
to-morrow '  (and  '  the  day  before  yester- 
day') ;  corresponding  to  Goth,  gistradagis, 
'  to-morrow,'  OIc.  igcer,  '  to-morrow,  yes- 
terday.' It  is  evident  that  the  primary 
word  was  used  in  the  double  sense  of  *  to- 
morrow' and  'yesterday'  (lit.  'on  the 
second  day  from  this');  comp.  also  AS. 
geostra,  gistrandceg,  E.  yesterday,  Du.  gis- 
teren,  '  yesterday.'  The  form  and  the  idea 
are  Aryan  ;  comp.  Sans,  hyds,  '  yesterday,' 
Gr.  x^*.  Lat.  heri  (for  hjesi  ?) ;  ghyes  is  the 
primit.  form,  whence  with  the  suffix  tro-, 
ghislro-,  ghyestro-  (Goth,  gistra).  For  Jjcutf, 
'  to-day,'  and  mcrgcn, '  to-morrow'  (Lat.  eras, 
Sans,  fvds),  an  equally  diffused  form  is 

(Scffhrn,  see  Stent.— $effober,  see 
flebent. — $cfirciud),  see  ©fraud).— $c- 
ffrtipp,  see  ftntpptg.  —  $eff  i'tppe,  see 
€taub.— $effiif,  see  ©tide. 

gcfUttb,  adj.,  'sound,  healthy,  whole- 
some,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gesunt(d), 
OHG.  gisunt(t) ;  also  MidHG.  gesunt, 
OHG.  gisunt,  m.,  '  health ' ;  comp.  AS. 
gesund  and  sund,  E.  sound,  Du.  gezond, 
OFris.  sund.  To  East  Teut.  the  word  is 
unknown.  Its  connection  with  Lat.  sd- 
nus,  'healthy,'  is  as  feasible  phonetically 
as  its  connection  with  gefcfyiinub,  or  witii 
the  Teut.  root  sinp,  '  to  go,'  in  ©ejinbe. 

Qetveibe,  n.,  'grain,  corn,'  from  Mid 
HO.  getregede,  n.,  'everything  that  is  car- 
ried, clothing,  luggage  ;  what  the  soil  bears 
(flowers,  grass),  corn,'  even  in  late  OHG. 
(11th  cent.),  gitregidi,  n.,  'revenue,  posses- 
sion.' The  ModHG.  sense  is  first  found  in 
14th  cent. 

gefreu,  see  tmt.— gefroff ,  see  tvejlett. 

Qexxxllev,  m„  •  godfather,  sponsor,  gos- 
sip,' from  MidHG.  gevatere,  OHG.  gifataro, 
'spiritual  co-father,  godfather' ;  an  imita- 
tion of  eccles.  Lat.  compater.  From  this  was 
also  formed  OHG.  gifatara,  MidHG. gevatere, 
f., '  godmother.'   Comp.  also  SSettcr  and  $atf. 

Qetvafyr,  adj.,  'aware,'  from  MidHG. 
gewar,  OHG.  and  OSax.  giwar,  'heedful, 
attentive,  mindful';  hence  gmviljr  tocrbnt 
is  lit.  'to  grow  careful,  mindful';  thus 
even  in  MidHG.  gewar  werden,  OHG.  giwar 
uerdan,  OSax.  giwar  werdan;  comp.  Du. 
gewaar,  E.  aware.  Allied  to  MidHG. 
gewar,  f., '  oversight,  headship,'  gewarsamc, 
'  over.-ight,  certainty,'  ModHG.  ^CWttl)r- 
fam,  m.,  'surety,  custody.' — gcuntbrcn. 
vb.,  '  to  be  aware  of,  perceive,  discover,' 
from  late  MidHG.  geicarn,  '  to  become 
aware';  derived  from  the  adj.  See  taafyr- 
ncl)mett,  wafjren. 

QCWiifyvcn,  vb., '  to  be  surety  for,  guar- 
antee, attest,'  from  MidHG.  gewern,  OHG. 
giweren,  'to  grant,  confess,  perform,  pay, 
give  security,  also  the  equiv.  MidHG.  went, 
OHG.  wOren;  corresponding  to  OFris.  wera, 
*  to  give  security.'  From  the  OHG.  partic. 
werinta,  '  guarantor,'  were  adopted  the  Ro- 
mance cognates,  Ital.  guarenlo  and  Fr. 
garant,  'bondsman'  (allied  to  Fr.  garantir, 
Ital.  auareniire,  'to  give  security,  whence 
ModilG.  ©arantif,  E.  warrant).  The  con- 
necting link  between  the  OTeut.  wk.  verbal 
stem  loerai-,  '  to  confess,'  and  non-Teut. 
words  has  not  yet  been  found  ;  perhaps 
Iv.feraim,  '  I  give,'  is  allied. 


(    n8    ) 


$cn>alf,  f.,  'power,  authority,  force,' 
from  tlie  equiv.  MidHG.  gewalt,  m.,  f., 
OHG.  giwalt,  m.,  f.  ;  allied  to  toaltctt. 

$Ctt>cmo,  n.,  'garment,  dress,  garb,' 
from  MidHG.  gewant(d),  n.,  'clothing, 
armour,  dress  stuff,  material '  (with  the 
last  meaning.  ModHG.  ©nronbtyaud  is  con- 
nected) ;  OHG.  only  in  the  late  recorded 
compound,  badagiwant(t), '  vest  is  mutatoria.' 
The  older  word  for '  ©eroaub '  was  MidHG. 
gewate,  OHG.  giwdti,  also  OHG.  and  Mid 
HG.  wdt.  OHG.  giirant,  appears  as  '  turn- 
ing, winding,'  and  upon  this  sense  ('en- 
veloping ')  the  meaning  'clothing'  is  based ; 
com  p.  Lat.  toga,  from  tegere, '  to  cover.'  See 
irinceit.— geroctnof ,  '  skilled,  proficient, 
adroit,'  partic.  of  Wrntett. 

QCtt>ciritfl,  adj.,  'expectant,  attentive,' 
from  MidHG.  geicertec, '  careful,  obliging' ; 
allied  to  MidHG.  gcwarten,  'to  hold  one- 
self ready,  watch  with  observant  eyes  in 
order  to  be  ready,  for  a  service,  or  to  admit 
visitors,'  &c.     See  hwrteit. 

§ettKl)r,  n.,  'weapon  of  defence,  gun, 
musket,'  from  MidHG.  gewqr,  f.  n.,  'guard, 
defence,  bulwark,  weapon '  ;  even  in  OHG. 
giwer,  n.,  '  weapon,  goad,'  weri,  '  rampart, 
means  of  defence.'    Allied  to  lrrftren. 

Qemetf),  n.,  '  horns,  antlers,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  gewige  (hirzgewtge),  n. ;  in 
OHG.  the  corresponding  word  is  wanting  ; 
comp.  Du.  gewicht,  n.,  '  stag's  antlers,' 
whence  a  G.  variant  ©ettndst.  The  cognates 
have  most  frequently  been  connected  with 
the  OTeut.  root  u-fg.  'to  fight'  (see 2Betgant>) ; 
©eireir)  would  then  be  regarded  as  the  wea- 
pon of  the  stag. 

Qetoetbe,  n.,  '  mode  of  acquisition, 
trade,  craft,'  from  MidHG.  gewerbe,  n., 
'activity,  business'  ;  allied  to  teerben. 

(Sett>td)f,  n.,  'antlers,'  see  ©ettetf). — 
(&ett>id)f ,  n.,  '  weight,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  gewiht,  gewihte,  n. ;  OHG.  *giiciht; 
verbal  abstract  of  tonegen ;  corresponding 
to  AS.  gewiht,  E.  weight,  Du.  gewigt,  OIc 

gewiegf,  adj.,  ModHG.  only,  prop,  a 
partic.  of  tviegen,  '  to  rock,'  hence  in  t\xo<\i 
gcn?iegt,  'rocked  into  something,'  i.e.  'trained 
up,  grown  proficient  in  something.' 

gcwtnncn,  vb.,  '  to  win,  acquire,  pre- 
vail on,  conquer,'  from  MidHG.  gewinnen, 
OHG.  giwinnan,  '  to  attain  by  work,  effort, 
victory,  earn  something,  conquer,  get,'  be- 
sides which  are  found  MidHG.  vrinnen, 
OHG.  winnan,  '  to  toil  hard,  contend ' ; 
corresponding  to  Goth,  winnan  (gawinnan), 

'  to  sutler,  feel  pain,  torment  oneself '(allied 
to  vmnns  and  winn6,  f..  'suffering,'  OHG. 
winna,  'strife,'  MidHG.  winne,  'pain'), 
OIc.  vinna,  'to  work,  perform,  win,'  AS. 
winnan,  '  to  contend,  exert  oneself,'  E.  to 
win,  Du.  gewinnen.  The  primary  meaning 
of  the  Teut.  root  winn  is  'to  toil  hard' 
(especially  used  of  toiling  in  fight).  Whe- 
ther OHG.  wini,  AS.  wine,  'friend,'  and 
ModHG.  SBernte  also  belong  to  the  same 
root  is  doubtful;  yet  the  priniit.  allied  Sans, 
root  van  signifies  '  to  procure  for  oneself, 
obtain,  assist  in  obtaining,  conquer,'  and 
'to  he  fond  of,  favourable  to.' 

$ettriffett,n., 'conscience,' from  MidHG. 
ge>ciy$en,  f.  n.,  '  knowledge,  information, 
privity,  inner  consciousness,  conscience,' 
even  in  OHG.  giwi^ant,  f.,  'conscience' 
(Du.  geweten)  ;  probably  an  imitation  of 
Lat.  conscientia  (G.  ge  equiv.  to  Lat.  con,  as 
in  ©matter),  comp.  also  barmfyeqig  ;  in  Goth. 
midwissei.  OHG.  giwi^ant  is  most  closely 
connected  with  lr-ifim,  OHG.  in  fin.  wi^an. 

QetVlfc,  adj.  and  adv.,  'sure(ly),  cer- 
tainly), confident(ly),'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  gewis'ss),  adj.,  gewisse,  adv.,OH(i. 
gewis(ss),  adj.,  gewisso,  adv.,  '  certain,  sure, 
reliable' ;  corresponding  to  Du.  wis,  gewis ; 
Goth  only  in  unwisa-  (misspelt  for  *un- 
wissa),  '  uncertain.'  The  OTeut.  wissa- 
(gawissa-)  is  an  old  partic.  of  the  Goth. 
pret.-pres.  witan,  OHG.  wiy$an  (see  lr-iffett), 
from  witta-,  widto-  (allied  to  the  Aryan 
root  vid).  With  regard  to  the  pregnant 
meaning,  '  what  is  certainly  known,'  for 
'  what  is  known,'  comp.  taut,  lit.  '  what  is 

Qetvitter,  n.,  '  thunder-storm,'  from 
MidHG.  gewitere,  OHG.  giwitiri,  'bad 
weather';  collective  of  SBettcr;  correspond- 
ing to  OSax.  giwidiri,  Goth.  *gairidri,  n. 
The  ModHG.  meaning  is  wanting  in  OHG. 
and  MidHG.  OHG.  giwitiri  may  also 
mean  'hail.' 

QCtVOQetl,  adj.,  'favourably  inclined,' 
from  MidHG.  gewegen,  'important,  in- 
clined'; prop,  a  partic  of  MidHG.  gewe- 
gen, '  to  be  weighty,  adequate,  help.'  See 

flCJt>of)nen,  vb.,  '  to  accustom,  inure, 
habituate,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gewe- 
nen,  OHG.  giwennan  (pret.  giwenita) ;  cor- 
responding to  Du.  gewennen,  AS.  gewennan, 
OIc  venja,  Goth,  wanjan,  '  to  accustom '  ; 
derived  from  an  old  adj.  or  rather  partic. 
wana-,  '  accustomed '  (Olc  vanr) ;  for  this 
word  a  parallel  form  was  chiefly  used,  the 


(     "9     ) 


latest  derivative  of  which  is  gctDOf)ltf, 
'  accustomed,'  OHG.  giwon,  MidHG.  gewou, 
whence,  with  a  dental  suffix  (see  2)<oub  and 
£abtd)t),  ModHG.  gewctjat  (yet  without  t, 
©WcfynJjeit  ajid  gewoijnttd)) ;  allied  to  OHG. 
giwona,  MidHG.  gewone  (gewan),  '  custom.' 
For  details  see  luetynen. 

&id)t ,  f.  and  n.,  •  gout,  mouth  of  a  fur- 
nace,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  giht,  n.  f. 
(chiefly  in  the  collective  form  gegihte,  n.), 
'gout,  convulsions,  spasms.'  OHG.  *giliido 
may  be  inferred  from  AS.  gihfia,  m.,  'para- 
lysis' ;  this  dental  suffix  is  frequent  in  old 
names  of  diseases.  The  root  gih  is  not 
found  elsewhere,  and  its  prim,  meaning  is 
obscure.  ©efyen  cannot  in  any  case  be 
allied,  since  it  presumes  a  root  gai  (from 
ga  and  a  root  % ) ;  nor  could  we  from  this 
comparison  infer  the  prim,  meaning  of 

fltckfcit,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
piksen  (geksen),  'to  sigh,' OHG.  giccha^yn; 
from  an  onomatopoetic  root  gik,  with  a  fre- 
quentative  suffix  sen  (OHG.  atfen,  azzen, 
Goth,  atjan). 

(bicbel,  m.,  '  gable,  summit,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  gibel,  OHG.  gibil,  m. ;  cor- 
responding to  Du.  gevel,  OIc.  gajl,  '  gable,' 
Goth,  gibla,  m.,  'spire.'  The  OHG.  word 
signifies  '  front  side'  (e.g.,  of  the  ark  of  the 
covenant),  as  well  as  '  nap '  (of  velvet,  &c), 
so  that  '  extreme  end '  is  probably  the 
prim,  meaning.  It  may  be  assumed,  how- 
ever, that  the  word  was  used  in  a  figura- 
tive sense,  MidHG.  gebel,  OHG.  gebal,  m., 
'skull,  head,'  OHG.  gibilla,  f.,  'skull'; 
priniit.  allied  toGr.  Ke<f>a\ilj,  'head'  (Aryan 
glwbhald,  the  type  of  this  word  and  of 
©tebel) ;  hence  ©iebel  is  lit.  'head.' 

@>icbel,  0>teben,  m.,  •  crucian ' ;  like 
the  equiv.  Fr.  gibel,  of  obscure  origin. 

$icnmufd)et,  f ,  'a  species  of  tellina,' 
allied  to  MidHG.  ginen  (gianen),  '  to  gape, 
open  the  mouth  wide,'  OHG.  ginSn;  the 
latter  is  derived  from  an  OTeut.  root  gi 
(Aryan  ghi ),  '  to  bark,  gape,  open  the 
mouth  wide.'    See  gdfonen. 

$icr,  L  'eagerness,  inordinate  desire,' 
from  ~M.idTIG.  (fir (ger)J.,  'longing,  craving, 
greediness.'  OHG.  girt,  f. ;  abstract  of  an 
adj.,  OHG.  ger  and  giri,  MidHG.  ger,  gir, 
'craving,  loniring,'  wliich  is  connected  with 
the  root  ger  (Aryan  gher),  discussed  under 
gern.  Another  abstract  form  allied  to  this 
is  ModHG.  ©itrbe  (sSegkrbe),  from  MidHG. 
girde,  OHG.  girida,  f.  (Du.  begeerte).  For 
the  older  adj.  MidHG.  gir,  ger,  only  gierig 

is  now  used,  from  MidHG.  girec,  OHG. 
girtg,  '  desirous.' 

Qiefcen,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
gieyn,  OHG.  gio$an,  'to  pour,  cast  metal, 
form,  pour  out,  spill,  stream'  ;  correspond- 
ing to  Goth,  giutan,  'to  pour '  (OIc.  gj6ta, '  to 
throw  young,  blink  with  the  eyes'\  AS.  ge6- 
tan,  Du.  gieten  ;  a  strong  verbal  root  common 
10  Teut.,  from  pre-Teut.  ghml,  whence  also 
the  Lat.  root  fud  in  f  undo,  '  I  pour.'  This 
root  is  probably  connected  with  the  equiv. 
root  ghu  (Gr.  xv;  i"  X^w»  X^A"*,  Sans,  root 
hu,  'to  sacrifice').     See  also  ©ejje. 

$ift  in  amtgtft,  93rautgift,  f.,  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  gift,  {.,  '  gift, 
present'  ;  a  verbal  noun  from  gcben  (Goth. 
gift*.  E.  gift). — ©tft,  n.,  meaning  '  poison,' 
is  the  same  word  (for  the  evolution  of 
meaning  comp.  Fr.  poison,  from  Lat.  potio, 
potionem,  'drink');  even  in  MidHG.  ami 
OHG.  gift,  f.  (always  neut.  in  this  sense  in 
ModHG.),  Du. gift;  in  Goth.  lubja,  'poison' 
(OHG.  luppi,  MidHG.  liippe,  'poison'). 
The  common  Aryan  term  for  'poison' 
(Sans.  viSii-,  Lat.  virus,  Gr.  toi)  has  not  been 
preserved  in  Teut.     See  »em>efen. 

QAlbe,  f.,  '  yellow  colour  or  substance,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gilwe,  OHG.  giliwt 
(gelawt),  f.  ;  an  abstract  of  gelb  (Goth.  *gil- 
wei,  «ikin  to*gilwa-). — To  this  gilbert,  'to 
colour  yellow,'  is  allied. 

$tl6c,  f.,  '  guild,  corporation,'  ModHG. 
only,  from  the  equiv.  Du.  gild;  corre- 
sponding to  OIc.  gilde,  '  guild '  (from  the 
middle  of  the  11th  cent.),  MidE.  gilde,  E. 
guild.  The  prim,  meaning  of  the  word, 
which  first  appears  in  Scand.,  is  '  sacrifice, 
sacrificial  feast,  festive  gathering,  club'; 
allied  to  griten  (in  the  sense  of  '  to  sacrifice,' 
in  OSax.  geldan,  and  in  AS.  gildav). 

$impef ,  m., '  bullfinch,'  from  the  equiv. 
late  MidHG.  giimpel;  in  ModHG.  figura- 
tively 'simpleton.'  MidHG.  giimpel  is 
connected  with  gumpel,  '  leaping,  jest,'  and 
further  with  gumpen,  'to  hop  ;  hence 
MidHG.  gumpelmann  (plur.  gumpellivUe), 
and  qumpelkn'eht,  '  tumbler,  buffoon,  fool.' 

®inft,  $mfter,  m.,  '  broom  (plant),' 
first  occurs  in  ModHG.,  from  Lat.  genista^ 
whence  also  the  Romance  cognate,  Fr. 
genH;  the  genuine  Teut.  term  is  preserved 
in  E.  broom,  Du.  brem.    See  Skombftrf. 

$ipfd,  m.,  'summit,  top,  climax,'  from 
the  equiv.  late  MidHG.  gipfel,  m.,  the 
prim,  word  cannot  be  discovered  ;  ©ipftl 
is  scarcely  an  intensive  form  of  ©tcbtl ; 
MidHG.  gupf,  gupfe,  'point,  summit,'  is 


(      120      ) 


still  less  closely  allied,  and  is  rather  a 
variant  of  Jtitppf. 

$tps3,  Hi.,  'gypsum,  faster  of  Paris,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  late  OIIG. 
g  pa,  which  again  is  derived  from  MidLat- 
(Jr.  gypsum  ("yityos,  MidGr.  and  ModGr.  v 
being  pronounced  likei,  see  JtirdjeX  wheuce 
also  Fr.  gypse,  Du.  gips. 

fltrrcn,  vb.,  ' to  coo,'  allied  to  MidHG. 
g'erren,  gurren,  garren,  which  are  used  for 
various  kinds  of  sounds. 

®tfcf)f,  older  (jjdfcf)f,  m.,  J  yeast,  foam,' 
formed  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  jest,  gist, 
in.,  corresponding  to  E.  yest,  yeast,  Du. 
g  st,  'yeast.'  Allied  to  gifcr/en  (MidHG. 
gischen),  older  gafdjeu  (MidHG.  geschen,  a 
variant  of  jesen).  See  garen,  a  factitive  of 
MidHG.  jesen. 

fitter,  n., '  trellice,  lattice,  railing,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  g>ter,  n.,  a  variant  of 
giter,  ©atter  j  even  in  late  MidHG.  ge- 

$fan,3,  m.,  •  lustre,  splendour,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  glanz  (wanting  in  OHG.), 
witli  which  is  connected  the  OHG.  and 
MidHG.  adj.  glanz,  'bright, shining' ;  Mod 
HG.  glaitjen,  from  tlie  equiv.  OHG.  and 
MidHG.  gl$nzen;  to  the  same  class  belong 
MidHG.  glander,  '  splendour,  shining,'  and 
glanst,  ' splendour,' further glinster,  'splen- 
dour,' and  the  very  rare  str.  vb.  glinzeu. 
A  stem  glint-  is  wanting  in  the  rest  of  the 
Tent,  dialects  unless  the  cognates  of  glatt 
(Goth.  *glada-)  are  allied. 

01cts,  n.,  'glass,  tumbler,'  from  the 
equiv.  OHG.  and  MidHG.  glas,  n. ;  a  com- 
mon Teut.  word  unknown  to  the  other 
Aryan  groups  ;  comp.  OSax.  gles,  Du.  glas, 
AS.  glees,  E.  glass ;  allied  to  OIc.  gler,  n., 
'glass,'  with  the  change  of  s  to  r,  which 
proves  the  word  to  be  primit.  Teut  (*g!aza- 
and  *glasa-  in  Goth.).  Hence  it  is  not  very 
probable  that  the  Teut.  word  was  borrowed, 
although  glass  itself  was  imported  by  the 
Phoenicians.  The  OTeut.  term  for  amber 
(Lat.  gttsum)  is  likewise  primit.  allied  ; 
comp.  AS.  gleere,  '  resin  of  trees.'  See  the 
following  word. 

rtlaft,  ni.,  '  splendour,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  glast.  It  is  uncertain  whether  it 
belongs,  like  the  cognates  discussed  under 
the  preceding  word,  to  a  Teut  root  glas, 
'to  shine.' 

glatt,  adj.,  '  smooth,  polished,  slippery, 
bald,'  from  Midi!  G.  and  OHG.  glat,  'smooth, 
shining ' ;  corresponding  to  OSax.  gladmSd, 
'gladsome,'  Du.  glad,  '  smooth,'  AS.  gletd, 

'  shining,  joyous,'  R  glad,  OIc.  glatSr,  'joy- 
ous, shining.'  Goth.  *glada-  for  pre-Teut. 
ghladho-  is  primit.  allied  to  OSlov.  gladuku, 
'  smooth,'  Lat.  glab^r  (for  *g>ladhro-), 
' smooth;'  hence  not  'shining'  but  'smooth* 
is  the  prim,  meaning  of  the  Teut.  cognates. 
The  connection  with  Lith.  glodHs, '  fitting 
smoothly '  (from  the  root  glud,  '  to  cling 
to '  ?),  is  uncertain.  Comp.  also  the  fol- 
lowing word,  as  well  as  glanjen  and  gletten. 

Qlatic,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
glatz,  '  bald  pate,  bald  spot,  surface  of  the 
head ' ;  Goth.  *glatta-  for  pre-Teut.  ghladh- 
no,  allied  to  glatt  (pre-Teut  ghladho-);  hence 
©lattc  is  lit.  '  smooth  spot' 

Qlctube,  m., '  belief,  credit,  creed,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  geloube  (by  syncope 
gloube),  OB.G.  giloubo,  m. ;  an  abstract  com- 
mon to  West  Teut  ;  corresponding  to 
OSax.  giltibo,  Du.  geloof,  AS.  geledfa  (E.  be- 
lief). With  this  glauben  is  connected  ear- 
lier (in  Luther)  gleuben,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  gelouben  (glouben),  OHG.  gilou- 
ben,  gilouppen;  comp.  OSax.  gd6bian,  Du. 
gdooven,  AS.  geli/fan,  E.  to  believe,  Goth. 
galaubjan, '  to  believe.'  The  prim,  meaning 
is '  to  approve.'  To  the  same  root  lub  belong 
erlattben,  licb,  tcben,  and  Urlaub. 

ctteicf),  adj.,  'like,  similar,  equal,  direct,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  geltch,  OHG.  gi- 
lth(hh) ;  common  to  Teut.  in  the  same 
sense  ;  comp.  Goth,  galeik*,  OIc.  glikr,  AS. 
gdic,  E.  like,  Du.  gehjk,  OSax.  gilik.  This 
specifically  Teut.  adj.  is  compounded  of 
the  particle  ge*,  Goth,  ga-,  and  a  subst. 
Ilka-,  '  body,'  whose  cognates  are  discussed 
under  2eic|e ;  the  compound  meant  lit. 
'  having  a  symmetrical  body.'  The  word 
Ilk,  ModHG.  did),  as  the  second  component, 
is  always  used  in  the  same  sense  ;  e.g.,  tt>ei- 
Ht.f>,  lit  'having  a  woman's  body'  (it  is 
preserved  also  in  the  prons.  rueld)er,  fcldjer, 
lit  '  having  what  kind  of  body?  having  a 
body  of  that  kind ' ;  yet  see  these  words). 
— (pletd)ett,  in  expressions  like  meiiiciJ 
gleidjen,  is  also  based  upon  the  adj.  gleicfo, 
which  is  here  declined  in  the  weak  form  ; 
comp.  MidHG.  mtn  geltche,  OHG.  mtn  gi- 
Uhho,  'my  equals.' — f^lctcrjms,  n.,  'simi- 
litude, allegory,  varable,'  from  MidHG. 
gelichnisse,  f.  n.,  OHG.  gilthnissa,  f.,  '  copy, 
model,  parable.'—  gleicf) fam,  adv.,  'as  it 
were,  as  though,'  a  combination  of  gletd) 
and  fam  for  gletd)  tvie,  'just  as  if;  comp. 
MidHG.  sam,  same,  adv.,  'thus,  just  as, 
even  as'  (OHG.  sama,  from  a  pronora.  stem 
sama-,  '  the  very  same ' ;  comp.  E.  same, 


(    121    ) 


Gr.  6/*6s,  Sans,  sama-,  '  the  same,  equal '). 
— See  ©Ictjjnev. 

0ldfe,  «.,  for  $eleife  (like  gtaufcen, 
gUid),  &a,  from  ged),  'track  (of  a  wheel), 
rut,'  allied  to  AlidHG.  geleis  (rare),  f., 
'trodden  way,'  usually  MidHG.  lis,  leise, 
f.,  '  trace,  track,'  OHG.  *leisa  in  waganleisa, 
f..  '  track  of  a  waggon' ;  formed  from  the 
OTeut.  root  lais,  '  to  go,'  discussed  under 
Icrjlcn ;  Lat.  lira,  de-ltrare,  OSlov.  lecha, 
'ridge'  (from  Haisd),  Lith.  lys'e,  'garden 
bed,'  are  also  allied.  Comp.  ModHG. 
gutd)e  and  Lat.  porca,  '  ridge.' 

(ftlctfj,  m.,  '  fool's  parsley,'  first  occurs 
in  ModHG.  ;  allied  to  the  following  word. 

gtet^Ctt,  vb.,  'to  shine,  glitter,'  from 
MidHG.  gl'qen,  OHG.  gltyan,  str.  vb., '  to 
sbine,  light,  glitter'  ;  corresponding  to 
OSax.  glitan,  to  which  Goih.  glitmunjnn, 
OIc.  glita,  glitra  (E.  to  glitter),  '  to  shine.' 
The  OTeut.  root  glit  (pre-Teut.  ghlid)  ap- 
pears also  in  glifcmt. 

(Mei^ttCr,  m.,  'hypocrite,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  gelichesencere,  allied  to  older 
ModHG.  gtetfjen,  '  to  dissemble.'  The  latter 
is  from  MidHG.  glihsen,  gelichesen,  OHG. 
giUhhisdn,  '  to  dissemble' ;  lit.  '  to  be  equal 
to  any  one '  (from  flleicfy),  equiv.  to  the  Mid 
HG.  parallel  form  gelichtensm.  Comp. 
further  Lat.  simulare,  allied  to  similis. 

Qleiteil,  vb.,  '  to  glide,  slide,  slip,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  gliten,  OHG.  glitan, 
str.  vb.  ;  corresponding  to  OSax.  gltdan, 
Du.  glijden,  glijen,  AS.  gltdan,  E.  to  glide. 
Although  the  roots  of  gleiten  (Aryan  ghli-dh, 
ghli-t)  and  gtatt  (Aryan  ghladh)  are  as  in- 
dubitably allied  as  those  of  ©hut}  and 
gleifien,  it  is  impossible  to  determine  the 
relation  between  them  more  definitely. 

^tctfc^cr,  m.,  'glacier,'  first  occurs  in 
early  ModHG.,  adopted  from  a  Swiss  word, 
which  was  again  obtained  from  Fr.  glacier. 
Comp.  Sim?,  8ol)it,  Sanntu. 

(Slieo,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
gclit(d),  n.  and  m.,  OHG.  gilid,  n..  '  limb, 
joint'  (in  MidHG.  'member'  also) ;  like- 
wise in  the  same  sense,  mostly  without  ge*, 
MidHG.,  lil(d),  OHG.  lid,  n.,  m. ;  corre- 
sponding to  OSax.  lith,  Du.  lid  (and  gelid), 
AS.  lit),  Goth.  lijms, '  limb.'  The  common 
Teut.  stem  lifiu  is  ordinarily  referred  to  an 
OTeut.  root  l'}j,  '  to  go '  (see  Icibcn,  tcitcn), 
which  is  scarcely  possible,  because  @ltet> 
cannot  orig.  have  been  confined  to  the  feet. 
Besides  li-  must  be  the  root  and  -/>u-  (for 
Aryan  -lit-)  the  suffix,  on  account  of  the 
equiv.  words  formed  with   the  suffix  m, 

OIc.  li-mr,  '  limh,'  Urn,  '  twig,'  AS.  Urn,  E. 
limb.  Also  allied  perhaps  to  Lith.  lemu, 
'stature,  growth'  (as  well  as  Ulas,  'tall, 
slender'?).  Comp.  33tlb.— $ltebmctljen, 
plur.,  'limbs,'  from  MidHG.  lidemdj,  gelide- 
mcey,  *  limb' ;  corresponding  to  OFris.  lith- 
m&ta,  Du.  lidmaat,  ledemaat.  The  mean- 
ing of  the  second  part  of  the  compound  is 
not  clear  (MidHG.  gelidemd$e,  f.,  signifies 
'  length  of  body ').  Comp.  OSwed.  lijxi-, 
m6t,  Tc.  lifiamfit,  'limbs.' 

glimmen,  vb.,  '  to  shine  dimly,  glim- 
mer,' from  MidHG.  glimmen,  str.  vb.,  '  to 
glow,  glimmer,'  allied  to  MidHG.  glamme, 
f.,  '  glow,'  glim,  *  spark '  (OHG.  *glimman) ; 
corresponding  toDu.  glimmen;  also  OHG. 
gleimo,  Mid  HG.  gleime, '  gl  ow worm  '(wh  ence 
the  proper  name  ©feint),  MidHG.  gltmen, 
'  to  light,  shine,'  OSax.  gltmo,  '  gleam.'  To 
the  ModHG.  and  MidHG.  glimmcrn  cor- 
respond AS.  *glimorian,  E.  to  glimmer,  to 
which  E.  gleam  (AS.  glcem)  is  allied.  The 
OTeut.  root glimm,  gll-m,  contained  in  these 
cognates,  is  perhaps  lengthened  from  a  root 
gll  (comp.  Scand.  gljd,  '  to  shine '),  with 
which  Gr.  xktapfe>  'warm,'  x^ta^w»  'to 
warm,'  as  well  as  Ir.  gle"  (from  the  prim, 
form  gleivo-),  '  shining,  clear,'  may  be  con- 

(Sltmpf,  m.,  'moderation,  lenity,'  from 
MidHG.  glimpf,  gelimpf,  m.,  'consistent, 
courteous  demeanour  generally,'  OHG. 
gilimpf,  '  fitness ' ;  to  these  are  allied  OHG. 
gilimpflth,  MidHG.  gelimpflich,  '  consis- 
tent,' whence  the  ModHG.  adv.  gltrnpflid) ; 
akin  to  OHG.  gilimpfan,  MidHG.  gelimpfen, 
'  to  be  suitable '  (in  MidHG.  also  '  to  make 
suitable') ;  comp.  AS.  gelimpan,  '  to  occur.' 
The  West  Teut.  root  limp  in  an  appropriate 
sense  has  not  been  found  in  the  non-Teut 

gtifaem,  vb.,  'to  glitter,  glisten,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  glitzern,  frequentative 
of  MidHG.  glitzen, '  to  shine ' ;  comp.  OHG. 
glizzindn ;  allied  to  gtcifjen,  OHG.  gliy$an. 
AS.  *glitorian,  E.  to  glitter,  OIc.  ghtra,  '  to 
shine,'  are  similarly  formed. 

$locnc,  f.,  'hell,  (public)  clock,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  glocke,  OHG.  gloclca 
(never  chlocclia),  f. ;  corresponding  to  Du. 
Jclok,  AS.  clugge,  chicce,  E.  clock;  OIc  klukka, 
f.,  '  bell ' ;  not  orig.  a  G.  word,  since 
OHG.  chlocch6n,  'to  knock,'  cannot  well 
he  allied.  The  Mid  Lat.  clocca  recorded  In 
the  8th  cent.,  from  which  Fr.  cloche  (in 
Ital.  campana)  is  derived,  is  probably  due, 
like  the  Teut.  cognates,  to  Kelt  origin; 


(      122      ) 


coinp.  W.  cloch,  f.,  Olr.  cloc,  in.,  'bell, 
clock'  (primit.  Kelt  klulcko).  It  is  im- 
probable that  the  Teut  word  is  the  source 
of  the  Rom.  and  the  Kelt,  terms,  because 
Teut.  itself  has  usually  borrowed  the  words 
relating  to  the  Church  and  its  institutions. 
The  OKelt.  and  Rom.  cognates  in  the  form 
of  lclukka  found  their  way  into  Teut.  ;  the 
HG.  forms  (Swiss  klokke,  not  xl°kxe)  may 
have  been  first  adopted  about  800  a,d., 
from  LG.  (AS.). 

gloffett,  vb.,  'to  glimmer,'  from  Mid 
.  glosten  (a  variant  of  glosen),  '  to  glow, 
shine'  ;  allied  to  E.  gloss,  Scand.  gl<>ssi; 
derived  from  the  root  glas  appearing  in 
®la»  I 

gtof^en,  vb.,  'to  stare,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  glotzen;  OHG.  *glozz6n,  Goth. 
*glutt&n  are  wanting ;  comp.  E.  to  gloat, 
OIc.  glotta,  'to  sneer';  perhaps  primit. 
allied  to  OSlov.  gledati,  '  to  look,  see.' 

(Sducfc,  ".,  '  luck,  good  fortune,  success, 
happine-*,'  from  MidHG.  geliicke  (by  syn- 
cope gliicke),  n.,  'luck,  accident';  OHG. 
*gilucchi  is  wanting ;  a  specifically  G. 
word  which  in  the  14th  cent,  passed  in 
the  form  lukka  into  Scand.  (Swed.  lycka, 
Dan.  lykke),  and  as  luck  into  E.  (from  Du. 
gelulc,  '  fortune ').  On  account  of  its  mean- 
ing its  connection  with  lecfett  is  dubious. 

(Mtuf.c.  f.,  'clucking-hen,'  with  the 
variant  JUucfe  (LG.  Jtlufft-),  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  klucke.  Comp.  MidHG.  glucken, 
klucken,  'to  cluck'  ;  allied  to  Du.  klokken, 
E.  to  cluck  (AS.  cloccian) ;  apparently  an 
onomatopoetic  class  which  is  found  with 
corresponding  sounds  in  Rom.;  comp.  Ital. 
chiocciare,  Fr.  glousser  (Lat.  glocire),  'to 
cluck,'  Ital.  chioccia,  Span,  clueca,  'cluck- 

®Iufe,  ®uffe,  f.  (UpG.  word),  'pin,' 
from  the  equiv.  late  MidHG.  glufe,  guffe, 
{.;  origin  obscure. 

ctluf)cn,  vb.,  'to  glow,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  gliien,  gliiejen,  OHG.  gluoen,  wk. 
vb.  ;  corresponding  to  AS.  gldwan,  E.  to 
glow,  Du.  gloeijen,  OIc.  gl6a,  'to  glow.' 
From  the  Teut.  root  gl6,  gU,  are  also  de- 
rived ModHG.  ©tut,  MidHG.  and  OHG. 
gluot,  f.,  to  which  Du.  gloed,  AS.  glid  (Goth. 
*gl6-di-),  E.  dial,  gleed  correspond,  like- 
wise AS.  gl&ma,  gldmung,  'twilight,'  E. 
gloom,  OIc.  gldmr,  '  moon.'  With  the 
Teut.  root  gl6,  gli  (from  pre-Teut.  ghla), 
Lith.  zlejd,  '  twilight,'  is  also  connected. 

$nctoe,  f.,  '  grace,  favour,  mercy,  par- 
don,' from  MidHG.  gndde,  gendJe,  f., '  bliss, 

rest,  condescension,  support,  favour,  mercy,' 
OHG.  gindda,  f.,  '  condescension,  sym- 
pathy, compassion,  mercy'  ;  corresponding 
to OSax.  gindtha,  ndtha,  'favour,  help,'  Du. 
genade,  OIc. ndft,  f.  (in  the  plur.),  'rest.'  The 
meanings  '  favour,  help,'  &c,  are  attested  by 
the  Goth.  vb.  nifran,  'to  support.'  To  the 
Teut.  root  nej>  (from  Aryan  n£th)  some 
assign  the  prim,  meaning  'to  incline,  de- 
cline,' in  order  to  elucidate  'rest'  (in 
Scand. ;  comp.  MidHG.  diu  sunne  gienc 
ze  gndden,  'jut  Sftufoc,'  i.e.  'the  sun  set'). 
Comp.  the  cognates,  Sans,  root  ndth,  'to 
beg,'  ndthd,  '  help,  refuge.' 

(SltCtttt,  m.,  '  father'  (dial.).    See  Jtndit. 

$olo,  n.,  'gold,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  golt(d),  OHG.  gold,  n. ;  a  common 
Teut.  word ;  comp.  OSax.  gold,  Du.  goud, 
AS.  and  E.  gold,  OIc.  goll,  gull  (lor  golfc-), 
Goth. gulp,  n.,  'gold,'  from  pre-Teut.  ghlto-, 
to  which  OSlov.  zlato,  Russ.  zoloto  (from 
zolto)  are  primit.  allied  ;  the  word  (Silbtr  is 
also  common  to  Teut.  and  Slav.  The 
primary  sense  of  the  root  gliel,  of  which  @c(t 
is  a  panic,  derivative, ifl  'to  be  yellow'; 
akin  to  Sans,  hiranya,  '  gold,'  from  hdri, 
'gold  yellow' ;  hence  probably  ModHG. 
gclb  and  gluten,  with  tneir  cognates,  are 
also  primit.  allied.  In  any  case,  Gr.  xpfofc 
has  no  connection  with  the  Teut.  word. 

(Solf,  m.,  '  gulf,'  from  the  equiv.  late 
MidHG.  golfe;  the  latter,  like  E.  gulf,  is 
derived  from  Fr.  gotje,  which,  with  its  Rom. 
cognate  (Ital.  g'dfu),  is  based  upon  Gr. 
k6\4>o$  (late  KiXiros). 

g5nrtCtt,  vb.,  'to  grant,  not  to  begrudge, 
wish  well  to,'  from  MidHG.  gunnen,  OHG. 
giunnan,  'to  grant  willingly,  bestow,  al- 
low'; OHG.  and  OSax.  mostly  unnan,  in 
the  same  sense  (in  OHG.  and  MidHG. 
pret.-pres.) ;  comp  Du.  gunnen,  AS.  unnan, 
OIc.  unna.  The  root  is  on;  whether  this 
is  allied  to  Lat.  amare,  'to  love,'  or  to  Gr. 
6t>u>r)/u,  '  I  use,'  or  to  the  cognates  of  afynben, 
is  uncertain  on  account  of  its  meaning ; 
most  probably  Gr.  xpoc-^s,  '  inclined,'  and 
dwijj'ifr, '  disaffected,'  are  allied  primitively. 
Comp.  ©unft. 

(SofTe,  f.,  'sink,'  first  occurs  in  Mod 
HG.;  akin  to  gtefim  ;  it  corresponds  to  LG. 
gote,  Du.  goot. 

($otc,  f.,  'godmother,'  from  MidHG. 
gote,  gotte,  {.,  'godmother,'  OHG.  gota ; 
i>esides  these  MidHG.  gote,  gotte,  m.,  *  god- 
father,' occur.  Probably  OHG.  *goto  and 
gota  are  pet  terms  (comp.  33afe)  for  the  com- 
pounds gotfater,  gotmuoter,  gotsunu,  gottoh' 


(    123    ) 


tar;  comp.  the  equiv.  AS.  godfwhr,  godsunu, 
goddohter,  which  are  equal  to  E.  godfather, 
godson,  and  goddaughter;  also  Swed.  gubbe, 
'  old  man,'  gumma, '  old  woman '  (dial. '  god- 
mot  her'),  are  pet  names  for  gufifafter,  gmft- 
mdfier.  As  may  be  seen  under  ©emitter  and 
$Hatf,  the  godfather  is  pater  spiritualis,  the 
child  baptized  jUius  or  fUia  spiritualis  ; 
comp.  S3ctter  also. 

(5>of  i ,  m.,  4God,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
and  OHG,  got,  m.,  a  term  common  to  Teut., 
unknown  to  the  rest  of  the  Aryan  group  ; 
comp.  OSax.,  Du.,  AS.  and  E.  god,  OIc. 
gv%,  go^,  Goth.  gup,  '  God.'  The  form 
of  the  Goth,  and  Scand.  words  is  neuter 
(comp.  9lca,ott),  but  the  gender  is  mascu- 
line. OIc.  gotS,  n.,  is  mostly  used  in  the 
plur.  Goth,  guda-  and  gupa-,  n.,  '  God,' 
are  based  upon  Aryan  qhu-to-m,  in  which 
-to-  is  the  partic.  suffix  discussed  under 
fait,  laut,  and  traut.  The  Aryan  root  ghu- 
is  Sans.  hit,  'to  invoke  the  gods'  (partic. 
hUtd-).  ©ott  in  the  oriir.  neuter  form  is 
the  'invoked  being';  in  the  Vedas  the 
epithet  puruliiita,  'oft-invoked,'  is  usually 
applied  to  Indra.  The  word  ©ott  being 
specifically  Teut.,  there  is  no  term  common 
to  this  group  and  one  of  the  allied  languages 
(vet  comp.  OIc.  five,  '  deity,'  with  Sans. 
diva,  Lat.  deus  ?).  ©otttit,  the  fern,  of  ©ott, 
is  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  gotinne,  gotinne, 
gutinne,  OHG.  gutin  (Goth.  *gudini,  AS. 
gyden,  Du.  godin\ 

Oijof  10,  in.,  '  idols,  false  god,'  from  Mid 
HG.  gbtze,  in.,  '  statue  for  ecclesiastical 
purposes';  lit.  'cast  (ima^e),'  (allied  to 
cuejjen,  MidHG.  gie^enl).  Perhaps,  how- 
ever, ©ofce  is  a  short  form  of  ©otterbilb,  just 
as  @e|j  is  pet  name  for  ©ottfrieb  ;  comp. 
(gpajj  and  Sperling. 

QtCib,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
grap(b),  OHG.  grab,  n.,  'grave';  like 
Qraben,  m.,  '  ditch,  trench,  sewer,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  grabe,  OHG.  grabo,  ni. ; 
allied  to  ModHG.  graven,  'to  dig,  en- 
grave,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  graben, 
OHG.  graban,  str.  vb. ;  a  common  Teut. 
str.  vb.,  corresponding  to  Goth,  graban, 
AS.  grafan,  E.  to  grave,  Du.  graven  (grof, 
'grave') ;  from  a  common  Teut.  root  grab 
(pre-Teut.  ghrabh),  which  is  priniit.  allied 
to  OSlov.  grrba,  '  I  dig,  row '  and  grobu, 
*  grave ' ;  Gr.  yp&<pw,  *  I  scratch,  write,'  has 
probably  no  connection  with  the  word. 
Comp.  ©riffel,  ©rube,  ©tuft,  grubcln. 

$rctb,  m.,  'degree,  step,  stage,  rank,' 
from  MidHG.  grdt  (t  and  d),  *  grade,  degree,' 

even  in  late  OHG.  grdd ;  from  Lat.  gradu*, 
whence  also  Fr.  gr4  (Olr.  grdd). 

(Sraf,  m.,  '  count,  earl,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  grave  (with  the  variant  grave, 
chiefly  in  the  plur.),  OHG.  grdvo,  grdvio 
(upon  the  6\<\j  form  is  based  the  ModHG. 
proper  name  ©rdf,  a  parallel  form  of  ©raf). 
OHG.  grdvio  assumes  a  Goth.  *grefja  ('com- 
mander'), which  is  the  term  for  the  agent 
from  the  verbal  noun  gagrefts,  'command, 
order,' preserved  in  G'th.  The  AS.  term 
gerefa  (AS.  scirgerefa,  E.  sheriff),  which  is 
similar  in  meaning,  is  yet  radically  diffe- 
rent, since  it  points  to  a  Goth.  *ga-rofja; 
its  orig.  sense  is  probably  'head  of  a  troop,' 
allied  to  *r6f,  OHG.  ruova,  OIc.  HSf  (stafrof), 
'  number.'  OIc.  (MidE.),  greife,  '  count,'  is 
derived  from  MidLG.  greve  (from  OLG. 
*grdfio).  All  explanations  of  ©raf  which 
do  not  originate  in  a  Teut.  root  grif,  'to 
command,'  conflict  with  the  laws  relating 
to  the  change  of  sound  and  mean  in?.  Note 
the  signification  of  ©raf  in  Du.  pluimgraaf, 
'  one  who  minds  the  fowls,'  ©aljgraf, '  mana- 
ger of  a  saltwork,'  ©eicfcgraf,  &c. 

gram,  adj.,  '  adverse,  hostile,  vexed, 
angry,'  from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  gram, 
'angry,  peevish,  irritated,  enraged';  cor- 
responding to  the  equiv.  OSax.  gram,  Du. 
gram,  AS.  gram,  OIc.  gramr.  To  Goth. 
*grama-  (from  pre-Teut.  ghromo-),  Gr.  x/><5- 
/ua5os,  'gnashing'  (and  x/*/*^w,  Lat.  fremo, 
'  I  gnash'?),  seem  allied.  From  the  Teut. 
adj.  is  derived  the  Romance  cognate,  Ital. 
gramr>,  'gloomy.' — $ram,  m.,  as  a  subst. 
even  in  MidHG.  gram.  From  the  same 
root  grtmm  is  derived.    See  the  latter  word. 

$rcm,  m., 'grain,'  first  occurs  in  Mod 
HG.  from  Lat.  grannm, '  grain.'  From  the 
same  source  ModHG.  ©ran  is  also  derived 
through  the  medium  of  Fr.  grain. 

Kmutal,  in.,  (Srcmele,  f.,  'shrimp,' from 
the  Du.,  in  which  the  modern  form  is  gar- 
naal,  formerly  granaal,  graneel,  in  the  same 

$rcmo,  in.,  'gravel,'  first  occurs  in  Mod 
HG.  from  LG.  ;  just  as  2)?ulm  (which  see) 
is  allied  to  mafyleit,  so  ©ranb  is  probably 
connected  with  an  OTeut.  root  meaning 
'  to  grind ' ;  comp.  AS.  grindan,  E.  to  grind 

ifrom  pre-Teut.  root  ghreadh,  whence  also 
jat.  frendo,  '  to  gnash '). 

$rannc,  f.,  'bristle  (of  swine),  awn,' 
from  MidHG.  gran,  grane,  f.,  '  point  of 
hair,  moustache,  fish-bone'  (in  the  latter 
sense  ©ranitf  is  also  used  dial.),  OHG. 
grana,  'moustache' ;  corresponding  to  AS. 


(       "24      ) 


grpnu,  OIc.  grgn,  '  moustache.'  To  the 
Goth,  grana,  recorded  by  Isidore,  are  due 
Span. gre&a,  'tousled hair,' and  OFr.  grenon, 
1  moustache  and  whiskers.'  The  Teut.  cog- 
nates are  primit.  allied  to  Olr.  grend,  Gael. 
greann,  'moustache'  and  'shaggy  hair.' 
See  ©rat. 

$rcm£>,  m., '  ship's  beak,'  from  MidHG. 
grans,  m.,  '  bird's  beak,  ship's  beak,'  OHG. 
grans,  granso,  '  ship's  beak ' ;  a  correspond- 
ing word  is  wanting  in  the  other  Teut 
languages.     Origin  obscure. 

grapfett,  vb,,  'to  grasp,  snatch,'  simply 
ModHG.  ;  probably  allied  primit.  to  Mod 
HG.  ©arbe,and  E.  to  grab, to  grasp,  Ssms.grbh, 
'  to  seize,'  Lith.  gropti,  '  to  snatch,  grasp.' 

$rao,  n.,  '  grass,'  ffom  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  gras,  n.  ;  corresponding  to 
OSax.  and  Du.  gras,  AS.  gross  (goyrs),  E. 
grass,  Goth,  gras,  n., 'herb';  common  to 
Teut.  but  unknown  to  the  other  Aryan  lan- 
guages. Allied  to  MidHG.  gruose  (Goth. 
*grosa),  'young  shoot,  green  of  plants'; 
probably  the  s  in  these  words  is  a  suflix, 
so  that  the  Teut.  root  is  grd- ;  comp.  Gr. 
xfy>ros,  '  grass.'  An  Aryan  root  ghra-  is 
also  attested  by  Lat.  grdmen,  as  well  as  by 
ModHG.  grim  and  its  cognates. 

grftfjlitf),  adj.,  'horrible,  hideous,  ghas- 
tly,' formed  from  early  ModHG.  orajj  ;  the 
latter  is  derived  from  MidHG.  gra$,  '  furi- 
ous, angry,'  of  which  OHG.  preserves  only 
the  adv.  gra^o,  '  violently,  very ' ;  Goth. 
*grata-,  as  well  as  correspondences  in  the 
remaining  dialects,  is  wanting.  Goth. 
gretan,  '  to  weep '  (MidHG.  grdyri),  is 
scarcely  allied. 

(Srcif,  m.,  and  (Srafe,  f.,  'point,  ridge, 
fish-bone,'  from  MidHG.  grdt,  m.,  'fish- 
bone, awn,  back-bone,  mountain  ridge'; 
in  ModHG.  the  word  has  assumed  two 
forms,  according  to  the  meanings.  Since 
©ranne,  '  awn,'  has  also  the  dial,  sense  '  fish- 
bone,' both  words  may  perhaps  be  traced 
back  to  a  common  root  gra-,  '  to  be  pointed, 

flrcttt,  adj.,  'grey,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  grd  (gen.  grdwes),  OHG.  grdo  (;^en. 
grdwes);  corresponding  to  Du.  graauw,  AS. 
grceg,  E.  grey,  gra//,  OIc.  grdr,  '  grey.'  Its 
origin  and  further  relations  cannot  be 
traced  ;  Aryan  ghriw  ?. 

{Srchtel,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
griul, griuicel,  m.,  'terror,  horror,  abomina- 
tion' (Du.  gruicel)  ;  allied  to  ModHG. 
grauett,  MidHG.  grtiwen,  'to  horrify,  ter- 
rify,' OHG.  ingnXin,  'to  shudder.'    Akin 

also  to  ModHG.  graufam,  from  MidHG. 
giUwesam,  'exciting  terror';  ModHG. 
graulid),  from  MidHG.  griuwdich.  The 
root  grd,  'to  frighten,'  is  wanting  in  the 
rest  of  the  OTeut.  dialects.     See  ©rauS. 

$rctupe,  f.,  'peeled  grain  or  barley.' 
first  occurs  in  early  ModHG. ;  in  the  15th 
cent  the  compound  U-griLpe,  'hailstone,' 
is  recorded.  Allied  to  Swed.  grcepe,  grjupe, 
'  shot,'  as  well  as  Russ.  Icrupa,  OSlov.  krupa, 
'crumb,'  Serv.  krupa,  'hail,  sleet.'  Pro- 
bably the  cognates  are  native  to  Slavonic. 

$Vcuts,  m.,  '  horror,  dread,'  from  Mid 
HG.  gr&s,  m.,  'dread,  terror';  allied  to 
ModHG.  graufett,  MidHG.  gr&sen,  griusen, 
OHG.  grdwisdn,  grdsdn,  '  to  be  terrified ' ; 
formed  from  the  suffix-isdn  and  the  root  grtl. 
See  ©rduet,  where  graufam  is  also  discuss  d. 

$rau|jj,  m.,  'gravel,'  from  MidHG. 
gr&T,.     See  ©ricfj. 

(5retf,  m.,  'griffin,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  grtf,  grife,  OlIG.  grtf,  grifo,  m. 
Whether  the  word  was  adopted  from  Greek 
through  an  Eastern  source  before  the  8th 
cent,  (hence  the  change  of  p  into  /)  is 
questionable ;  in  anycase,  Gr.  ~tpvf, 'griffin' 
(stem  ypvw  ;  v  in  the  Byzantine  and  modern 
pronunciation  equal  to  t;  comp.  £eict), 
must  bo  regarded  as  the  final  source  of 
©reif ;  see  also  Sva^e.  Chiefly  through  the 
legends  concerning  Duke  Ernst  the  griffin 
became  popular  in  Germany,  though  not 
among  the  other  Teutons.  In  Romance 
too  the  bird  is  similarly  named — Ital.  '.riffo, 
griffone,  Fr.  griffon  (E.  griffin).  Hence 
OHG.  grifo  and  its  Romance  correspond- 
ences are  probably  to  be  traced  back  to 
a  MidLat  griphus,  derived  from  the  Greek 
word  ;  comp.  also  Olr.  grif.  Since,  more- 
over, the  belief  in  fabulous  birds  that  carry 
off  men  is  genuinely  Teut.,  a  Teut.  form 
*gripo,  'snatcher'  (allied  to  gteifcu),  may 
have  been  combined  with  ypvir-. 

gretfeit,  vb.,  '  to  grasp,  seize,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  grifen,  OHG.  grifan,  str. 
vb.  ;  corresponding  to  OSax.  grtpa)>,  Du. 
gn'jpen,  AS.  gripan,  E.  to  gripe,  Goth,  grei- 
pan,  'to  seize,  lay  hold  of;  a  common 
Teut.  vb,  whence  Fr.  grij^per,  'to  clutch,' 
and  griffe,  '  claw.'  In  the  non-Tent  lan- 
guages there  exists  an  allied  Aryan  root 
ghrlb,  in  Lith.  greibiu,  greibti,  '  to  seize,' 
and  Lett,  griba,  '  \v\U,' gribSt,  'to  wish.' 

gretncrt,  vb.,  '  to  whine,  grin,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  grtnen,  OHG.  grlnan, 
str.  vb.,  '  to  distort  the  mouth  with  laugh- 
ing or  crying,  grumble,  snarl,'  allied  to 


(    i25    ) 


MiiiHG.  grinnen,  'to  gnash,'  E.  to  grin,  to 
groan,  (AS.  grdnian),  also  gtinfm  ;  from 
the  OG.  cognates  Ital.  digrignare,  '  to  grin,' 
is  derived.  The  root  grf,  pre-Teut.  ghrl, 
is  not  found  elsewhere  (Sans,  hrt,  'to  be 
ashamed '  ?). 

grcis,  a<lj.,  'grizzled,  hoary,  aged,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  gris,  OHG.  grts  (grisil) ; 
comp.  OSax.  grts,  'hoary';  allied  to  ©teiS 
from  MidHG.  grtse,  'old  man.'  From  this 
OG.  word,  unknown  to  the  other  Teut. 
dialects  and  obscure  in  its  origin,  are  tie- 
rived  the  Romance  cognates,  Ital.  griso, 
grigio,  Fr.  gris,  'grey'  (Ital.  grigio,  from 
Goih.  *greisja-1.  Comp.  MidLat  griseus, 
*  grey '). 

grelf,  adj.,  'shrill,  glaring,  dazzling,' 
from  MidHG.  gr'el(ll),  '  rough,  angry,'  allied 
to  MidHG.  prellen,  'to  cry  aloud,  angrily  ' ; 
wanting  in  OHG.  ;  comp.  AS.  griellan,  'to 
gna>h,  sound  harshly.  The  root  and 
further  cognates  are  unknown  ;  akin  to 
©rifle  I 

Qvempelnxavlxt,  m.,  'frippery,  rag- 
fair,'  allied  to  MidHG.  grempeler,  'slop- 
seller,  retailer,'  grempen,  '  to  keep  a  retail 
shop,  deal  in  second-hand  goods ' ;  the 
latter  is  akin  to  Ital.  comprare  (with  r 
transposed  crompare),  '  to  buy,'  compra, 
'  purchase.' 

(SrettfiltG,  m.,  the  plant  Potentilla  an- 
serina  (silver- weed,  goose-grass,  or  wild 
tansy),  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG. 
grensinc ;  akin  to  MidHG.  grans,  '  beak.' 
See  ©rang. 

^rertJC,  f.,  'boundary,  frontier,  limit,' 
from  the  equiv.  late  MidHG.  grgniz,  grpiize, 
f.  (appeared  in  the  13th  cent,  in  the  dis- 
trict belonging  to  the  Teutonic  Order), 
which  is  again  derived  from  Pol.  and  Puiss. 
granica,  Bub.  hranice.  The  native  word 
for  ©rcn^e  is  SWarf. 

$reucl,  see  ©rditft. 

^>rtebc(Bav.  ©mifrc),  f.,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  griebe  (Bav.  griube,  Swiss  grube), 
OHG.  griobo,  griubo,  m.,  '  greaves '  (in 
OHG.  also,  'frying-pan']) ;  corresponding 
to  AS.  greOfa,  E.  greaves,  Swed.  grcfwur; 
g  in  this  word  scarcely  represents  the  pre- 
fix go,-,  qu,  so  that  the  word  might  be  con- 
nected with  the  root  of  OHG.  girouben, 
'to  fry.' 

$rtebs,  r\,  'core  of  fruit,'  from  the 
equiv.MidHG.  grobi^,gnibi^(ii\so  'larynx'), 
to  which  the  dial,  variants  MidHG.  griitz 
(giirbsi),  Mod HG.  ©return,  are  akin.  0 11 G. 
*groba$  and  *grubi$  ate  wanting  ;  in  form 

they  are  connected  with  OHG.  oba$,  'fruit,' 
with  MidHG.  ebi$,  ebitz,  *  core  of  fruit,'  and 
with  ModHG.  53it$ett,  as  well  as  Swiss  bbki. 

$rtC5ftram,  m.,  'ill-humour,  spleen,' 
from  MidHG.  grisgram,  m.,  'gnashing  of 
teeth' ;  allied  to  Mid H.Q.grisgramen, -gram- 
mn,  '  to  gnash  with  the  teeth,  snarl,'  OHG. 
giisgramCn,  gristgrimmSn,  'to  gnash,'  AS. 
gristbltungy  'gnashing  of  teeth.'  The  first 
syllable  represents  grist-,  but  that  does  not 
make  the  early  history  of  the  word  clearer. 

$rte|jj,  m.  and  n.,  'gravel,  groats,'  from 
MidHG.  grie$  'grA^),  m.  and  n.,  'grain  of 
sand,. sand,  gravel' ;  the  ModHG.  sense  has 
not  yet  been  found  in  MidHG.  (yet  late 
MidHG.  grieymel,  ^coarse  ground  flour'), 
OHG.  grioT,, m.  and  n., ' sand,  gravel' ;  cor- 
responding to  OSax.  griot,  AS.  gre6t,  'sand,' 
OIc.  grj6t,  'stones.'  On  the  OG.  mean- 
ing of  these  cognates  are  based  Ital.  greto, 
'  stony  bed  of  a  river,'  and  Fr.  grhs,  '  sand- 
stone,' grele,  'hail.'  The  ModHG.  signifi- 
cation is  connected  with,  the  closely  allied 
cognates  of  ©rufce. 

(Srtffel,  m.,  'slate  pencil,  graving  tool, 
stylus,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  griffel, 
OHG.  griffil,  m.;  related  to  greifen  as  falter 
to  Ijattett  ?.  Yet  it  is  more  probably  based 
on  a  Teut.  root  grep, '  to  dig' ;  comp.  Swed, 
urgrozpa,  'to  excavate,'  OSwed.  aud  OIc. 
grOp,  'pit,'  LG.  ©ruppe,  'gutter.' 

grille,  f.,  '  cricket,  whim,  crotchet,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  grille,  OHG. 
grillo,  m.  ;  corresponding  to  Ital.  grillo 
(from  Gr.  yptiWos,  'grasshopper'). 

grtntm,  adj.,  'fierce,  wrathful,  furious,' 
from  MidHG.  grim,  grimme,  OHG.  grim, 
grimm!,  'unfriendly,  frightful,  savage'  (to 
which  MoilHG.  grimmig,  MidHG.  grimmec 
and  OHG.  grimmig  are  allied).  Corre- 
sponding to  OSax.  and  AS.  grim(mm\  E. 
grim,  Du.  grimmig,  OIc.  grimmr,  Goth. 
*grimma-;  allied  to  ModHG.  grant,  root 
grem  (by  gradation  gram). — $rtmut,  m., 
'  fury,  rage,  wrath,  from  MidHG.  grim 
(mm),  m. ;  comp.  Du.  grim. 

$rtmmcn,  n.,  '  ache,  "ripe,'  in  a3aucr>* 
gvimmctt,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  grimme, 
m.;  to  this  the  simply  ModHG.  ©riutmtarnt, 
'colon,'  is  akin. 

$rht&,  m.,  'scab,  scurf,  itch,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  grint(d\  OHG.  grint,  ni.; 
allied,  like  ©rant),  to  OTeuL  grindanl  or 
to  ©runb  ?. 

rtnttfert,  vb.,  'to  grin,  show  the  teeth,' 
with  a  deriv.  s  from  MidHG.  grinnen,  'to 
gnash.'    See  grtincn. 


(    126    ) 


grippe,  f.,  'influenza,'  ModHG.  only, 
from  the  equiv.  Fr.  grippe. 

grob,  adj.,  'coarse,  uncouth,  rude,'  from 
MidHG.  grop(b),  gerop,  OHG.  gerob,  grob, 
'thick,  awkward,  indelicate';  comp.  Du. 
and  MidLG.  grof,  'coarse.'  The  explana- 
tion of  the  word  is  not  certain,  since  it  is 
wanting  in  the  other  Teut.  languages  ;  it  is 
undecided  whether  the  term  is  compounded 
with  ge-,  Goth,  ga-;  if  Goth.  *ga-hruba- 
were  the  primit.  form,  the  connection  with 
AS.  hreOf,  OHG.  riob,  'scabiosus,'  would 
still  remain  doubtful. 

grolfen,  vb.,  '  to  bear  ill-will  or  a 
grudge;  roll  (of  thunder,)'  allied  to  Mid 
HG.  griillen,  'to  scorn,  ridicule' ;  comp. 
AS.  gryilan,  '  to  gnash,'  MidE.  grillen,  '  to 
vex '  ?. 

$roppe,  m.  and  f.,  'miller's  thumb,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  groppe;  akin  to 
MidLat.  carabusl. 

$ros,  ^rog,  n.,  simply  ModHG.,  from 
the  equiv.  Fr.  grosse,  'twelve  dozen,  gross.' 

(Srofcfjert,  m.,  'groschen  (l£d.),'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  gros,  grosse,  111.  ;  like 
Fr.  gros,  ' groschen,'  f rom  MidLat.  grossus  ; 
related  to  the  common  Rom.  adj.,  Ital. 
grosso,  'thick'  (comp.  Fr.  gros),  just  as  Mid 
LG.  qrote  (whence  E.  groat),  '  groschen,'  to 
ModHG.  grog. 

grog,  adj.,  'great,  large,  huge,  grand,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  gr6$ ; 
a  specifically  "West  Teut.  adj.  (in  Goth. 
mikils,  MidHG.  michel,  Gr.  ney&Xv) ;  comp. 
OSax.  gr6t,  Du.  groot,  E.  great,  AS.  great. 
The  assumed  Goth.  *grauta-  (pre-Teut. 
ghraudo-)  has  no  correspondences  in  the 
non-Teut.  languages.  On  account  of  the 
Teut.  au  especially,  Lat.  grandis  cannot  be 

Erhnit.  allied  ;  it  is  rather  connected  with 
at.  rMus,  raudus,  n.,  'lump  of  bronze, 
stones  broken  into  small  pieces,'  and  rudis, 
'  raw '  (Aryan  root  ghrild). 

(j&rotfe,  see  ©ruft.  ^ 

Qvotftetl,  see  ©vteo3. 

$rube,  f.,  'pit,  cavity,  quarry,  mine, 
ditch,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  graobe, 
OHG.  gruoba,  f. ;  comp.  Goth.  grCba,  f., 
'pit,  cavern'  (E.  groove) ;  allied  to  graben. 
Whether  $ruff ,  f.,  '  cave,  hollow,  sepul- 
chre,' is  connected  with  it  is  question- 
able ;  MidHG.  gruft,  OHG.  grufi,  might 
well  correspond  in  form  to  gtabeit,  as  the 
vowels  of  griifceln  prove.  But  the  absence 
of  the  word  in  the  other  OTeut.  dialects 
probably  shows  that  it  was  borrowed  from 
the  Rom.  cognates,  Ital.  grotta,  Fr.  grotte, 

'grotto'  (whence  also  ©rottt,  in  ModHG. 
only),  which  are  based  on  early  MidLat. 
grupta  (Gr.  Kpinrr-n).— grfibcln,  vb.,  '  to 
grub,  rack  one's  brains,  brood,'  from  Mid 
HG.  griibelen,  OHG.  grubil&n,  '  to  excavate 
by  boring,  investigate  closely';  it  is  cer- 
tainly connected  with  the  root  grab,  'to 
dig'  (comp.  E.  to  grub). 

grummet,  n.,  'aftermath,'  from  Mid 
HG.  gruenmdt,  graonmdt,  n.,  'grass  mown 
when  it  is  green,  i.e.  unripe,  aftermath'; 
the  derivation  from  the  root  grd  (see  grun), 
'  to  grow,'  is  less  probable  (©rummet,  lit. 
'  grass  mown  during  its  growth  ').  Comp. 

grun,  adj.,  'green,  fresh,  vigorous,  un- 
ripe,' from  MidHG.  griiene,  OHG.  gruoni, 
'  green,  fresh '  ;  corresponding  to  OSax. 
gr&ni,  Du.  groen,  AS.  grine,  E.  green,  OIc. 
grdnn,  Goth.  *grd-ni-,  'green' ;  allied  to  a 
Teut.  root  grS,  '  to  grow,  become  green.' 
Comp.  MidHG.  gruejen,  OHG.  gruoan,  '  to 
grow  green' ;  AS.  grduan,  E.  to  grow,  Du. 
groeijen,  '  to  grow,  thrive.'  Akin  to  ©raa 
and  its  Aryan  cognates. 

$rtmO,  m.,  '  ground,  earth,  basis,  rudi- 
ment, reason,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
grunt(d),  OHG.  grunt,  m.  ;  corresponding 
to  Du.  grond,  AS.  grand,  E.  ground,  Olc. 
grand,  '  meadow  land,'  grunnr  (from  grun- 
pus),  '  bottom  of  the  sea  ; '  Goth,  grundu- 
waddjus, '  foundation  wall.'  Goth,  grundu, 
from  pre-Teut.  ghrentu-  (with  t  on  account 
of  OIc.  grunnr),  cannot  have  originated  in 
the  Teut.  root  grind  (pre-Teut.  ghrendu) 
mentioned  under  ©taitb.  No  cognates  are 
found  in  the  non-Teut.  languages. 

QjMittfpcm,  111.,  'verdigris,'  from  the 
equiv.  late  MidHG.  gruenspdn,  m.,  formed 
like  the  ordinary  MidHG.  spdngriien,  n., 
'  verdigris,'  from  MidLat.  virvde  Hispanuvu 

grimjett,  vb.,  'to  grunt,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  grunzen  (OHG.  *grun- 
nazzen) ;  corresponding  to  E.  to  grunt  (Mia 
E.  grunten) ;  intensive  form  ot  MidHG. 
grinnen,  AS.  grunnian,  'to  gnash.'  The 
stem  upon  which  it  is  based  is  probably 
imitative,  as  the  similarly  sounding  Lat. 
grunnire,  Gr.  ypvfcw,  lead  us  to  suppose. 

grufcltt,  vb.,  'to  inspire  terror,'  Mod 
HG.  simply,  intensive  of  graufen. 

$rufj,  m.,  'greeting,  salute,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  gruo$,  m. ;  cor- 
responding to  Du.  groet.  To  this  is  allied 
griipen,  from  MidHG.  gruejen  (griietzen), 
OHG.  gruotfen  (gruozzen),  wk.  vb.,  '  to  ad- 
dress, accost '  (also  with  hostile  intent  '  to 


(    127    ) 


attack ')  ;  corresponding  to  AS.  gre'.an,  E. 
to  greet,  Du.  groeten,  OSax.  grdtian,  'to 
address,'  01c.  grata.  The  laiter  is  pro- 
bably the  primary  meaning  of  the  cog- 
nates, which  are  merely  West  Teut.  Ori- 
gin obscure. 

Qvixt&e,  f.,  'groats,  grit,  brain,'  from 
MidHG.  griitze,  '  water-gruel ' ;  a  variant 
of  the  equiv.  MidHG.  griuy  (griutze  1) ; 
OHG.  gruzzi  (whence  Ital.  gruzzo,  'pile  of 
collected  things ') ;  comp.  AS.  gr$t  and 
grytt,  E.  grit  and  groat  (from  AS.  *gmta  ?), 
OIc.  grautr,  Du.  grut,  gurt, '  groats.'  From 
OG.  the  Romance  cognates,  Fr.  gimau, 
'  groats,'  are  derived.  Besides  ©tie§,  Mid 
HG.  gr&3,  '  giain,'  is  also  allied  to  ©n'tfce ; 
hence  'grain'  may  be  the  prim,  meaning 
of  the  Teut.  root  grUt,  with  which  the 
primit.  cognates  Lith.  grUdas,  '  grain,  ker- 
nel,' and  OSlov.  gruda,  '  clod,'  are  also  con- 

gucftett,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
gucken,  giicken,  'to  peep';  the  word  is 
wanting  in  OHG.  and  in  OTeut.  generally. 
Origin  obscure. 

^Itl&Ctt,  m.,  'florin,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  gulden,  guldtn,  m.,  'the  golden 
coin,'  Irom  MidHG.  guldln, '  golden.'  The 
absence  of  mutation  from  u  to  ii  is  in  ac- 
cordance with  the  practice  of  earlier  UpG. 
(Suab.  ©albeit). 

ftft.ll C,  f.,  '  payment,  interest,'  from  Mid 
HG.  giilte,  f., '  debt,  payment,  interest,  rent.' 
Akin  to  gcttcii. 

Qunbclxebe,  f.,  'ground-ivy,' from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  guvderebe;  the  deviation 
in  meaning  in  OHG.  gundreba, '  maple,'  is 
remarkable.  Allied  to  OHG.  gund  (gunt), 
'  pus,  poison,' AS.  gund,  Goth,  gunds, '  pus'?. 
In  that  case  the  word  would  signify '  poison- 
vine  '  (see  9tebe).  Ground-ivy  was  used  as 
a  medicinal  herb. 

$fittfef,  m.,  '  bugle(-plant),'  simply 
ModHG.,  transformed  from  Lat.  consolida, 
'•  a  name  applied  by  the  earlier  herb-ya- 
therers  to  all  wound-healing  plants." 

$unfl,  f.,  'favour,  partiality,  permis- 
sion,' from  MidHG.  and  MidLG.  gunst,  m. 
and  f.,  '  benevolence,  permission,'  for  *ge- 
unst,  allied  to  OHG.  gi-unnan  (see  goniien) ; 
in  OHG.  uvst,  f.  (MidHG.  also  gund  ;  comp. 
OIc,  gfund,  '  disfavour '),  Goth,  ajists,  '  fav- 

our, mercy,' AS.  ist,  OHG.  anst,  'favour, 

$ttrgel,  f.,  '  gullet,,'  from  Mid 
HG.  gurgel,  OHG.  gurgula,  f.  ;  a  remark- 
ably early  loan-word  (comp.  JEcrpcr)  from 
Lat.  gurgulio,  which  supplanted  a  genuine 
Teut.  word  primit.  allied  to  it — OHG.  quer- 
chala,  querc/ia,  '  gullet,'  allied  to  OIc.  kverlc, 
'  gullet.' 

^Utrfec,  f.,  'cucumber,'  first  occurs  in 
early  ModHG. ;  corresponding  to  Du. 
agurkje,  E.  gherkin,  Dan.  agurke  ;  borrowed 
irom  Pol.  ogurek,  Bohem.  okurlca  ;  the  latter 
has  been  derived  from  late  Gr.  dyyodpiov, 
'  water-melon,'  and  further  from  Pers.  an- 
khara.  In  UpG.  (also  in  the  Wetter  and 
Hess,  dials.)  Jtufuutcr  is  used  instead  of  ©urfe. 

gfirrcn,  vb.,  'to  coo,'  from  MidHG. 
gurren, '  to  bray ' ;  allied  to  MidHG.  gerren. 
See  girren. 

$urf,  m.,  'girth,  girdle,' from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  gurt  (in  compounds  iiber-,  umbe-, 
under-gurt) ;  allied  to  giirten  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  giirten  (gurten),  OHG.  gurlen  (gurt- 
jan) ;  comp.  OSax.  gurdian,  Du.  garden, 
AS.  gt/rdan,  E.  to  gird  ;  in  Goth,  gairdan, 
str.  vb.  '  to  gird.'  With  the  root  gerd  con- 
tained in  these  words  are  connected  OIc 
garfir, '  fence  round  the  farm,'  OSlov.  gradu. 
'  wall,  town '  (see  ©avtctt,  and  respecting 
the  evolution  of  meaning  see  3^un). — 
Qllttel,  m.,  '  girdle,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  gicrtel,  m.  and  f.,  OHG.  gitrtil,  m., 
gurtila,  f.    Comp.  E.  girdle,  from  AS.  gyrdel. 

$ufl,  m.,  'shower,  torrent,  spout,  cast,' 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  £1*3(35),  <cast> 
shower.'    Allied  to  giejjeu. 

Qltf,  adj.,  '  good,  virtuous,  skilful,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  guot ;  a  com- 
mon Teut.  term  unknown  to  the  non-Teut. 
languages  ;  comp.  Goth,  gdds,  OIc.  <7<55r, 
AS.  g6d,  E.  good,  Du.  goed.  Its  connection 
with  Gr.  &ya06s  is  phonetically  uncertain. 
Only  in  Teut.  are  found  reliable  cognates 
which  may  elucidate  the  primary  meaning 
of  gut  (yet  comp.  OSlov.  godu,  '  suitable 
time '  ?).  The  cognates  of  ©atte,  with  which 
E.  together,  to  gather,  Goth,  gadiliggs, '  rela- 
tive,' also  seem  to  be  connected,  prove  that 
the  prim,  meaning  of  gut  is  'belonging  to 
one  another,  suitable.'  For  the  compari- 
son of  the  adj.  see  fof,  beffcr. 


(    128    ) 



(j&ctar  (1.),  m.,  'flax/  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  har,  OHG.  haro  (gen.  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  harwes),  m. ;  Goth.  *harwa- 
(gen.  *harwis)  is  also  implied  by  OIc.  hgrr 
(dat.  hgrve),  111.,  'flax.'  As  to  its  connec- 
tion with  £aar  (2.)  see  the  latter.  Perhaps 
the  word  is  most  closely  related  to  E.  hards 
('  refuse  of  flax,  tow ').    See  $cbe. 

fSbCUXV  (2.),  n.,  'hair,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  hdr,  11.  ;  comp.  the 
corresponding  OIc.  hdr,  n.,  AS.  hter,  n.,  E. 
hair,  Du.  haar;  a  common  Teut.  word  (in 
Goth.,  however,  tagl  and  skuft).  The  fol- 
lowing Teut.  words  are  also  primit.  allied — 
OIc.  haddr  and  AS.  heord,  'hair'  (Goth. 
*hazda),  as  well  as  Ir.  cass, '  curled  hair.' 
In  tlie  non-Teut.  languages  comp.  OSlov. 
kosmu,  m.,  kosa  (Lith.  kasa),  f.,  'hair,'  and 
probably  also  OSlov.  Sesati,  '  to  comb,'  Lat. 
carere,  '  to  card  wooL'  The  more  definite 
relations  in  sound  existing  between  these 
words  are  difficult  to  determine  (comp.  also 
Gr.  ic6fi.-n,  Lat.  coma  ?).  On  the  other  hand, 
there  is  no  phonetic  difficulty  in  connect- 
ing the  Teut.  *hera-,  'hair,'  with  harwa-, 
deduced  under  $0(K  (1'.) ;  the  mere  possi- 
bility is,  however,  all  that  can  be  main- 
tained. Comp.  also  Sccfe  and  hauS. — An 
old  derivative  of  ^aar,  AS.  hdbre,  OHG. 
hdrd,  hdrrd,  f.,  'hair  shirt,. coarse  garment,' 
found  its  way  into  Romance  (Fr.  haire)> 

£)<xbc,  f.,  'possession  ;  handle,'  from 
MidHG.  habe,  OHG.  haba,  f.,  'goods,  pos- 
session'; Du.  have,  'possession';  allied 
to  the  following  word. 

1)Clbexx,  vb.,  '  to  have,  possess,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  haben,  OHG.  /•abin;  corre- 
sponding to  OSax.  hebbian,  Du.  hcbben,  AS. 
habban,  E.  to  have,  OIc.  hafa,  Goth,  haban; 
a  common  Teut.  vb.  with  the  stem  habai-. 
Its  identity  with  Lat.  habere  can  scarcely 
be  doubted.  It  is  true  that  Lat.  h  initially 
requires,  according  to  the  laws  of  substitu- 
tion, a  Teut.  g,  and  Teut.  h  a  Lat.  e  (comp. 
©aft,  ©crfte,  ©eift,  and  $al$,  £aut,  and  (jebeit). 
Probably  Lat.  habi-  and  Teut.  habai-  are 
based  upon  an  Aryan  prim,  form  khabhej ; 
the  correspondence  between  Teut.  h  and 
Lat.  A  is  only  possible  on  the  assumption 
of  an  Aryan  kh.  On  this  supposition 
ftdben  and  foeben  in  their  etymology  are 
primit.  allied,  just  as  Lat.  habere  and  capere. 

Ssabev  (UpG.),  m.,  'oats,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  haber,  habere,  m.,  OHG. 

haharor  m.  The  form  £afer  first  occurs  in 
ModHG. ;  like  0foa,gen,  it  is  derived  from 
LG. ;  OLG.  liaboro,  luxvoro  (now  luiwer), 
Du.  haver.  Also  allied  to  OSwed.  ha/re, 
hagre,  and  further  to  Finn.  Icakra,  borrowed 
from  Teut.  In  E.  the  word  is  wanting, 
but  is  found  a  few  times  in  MidE.,  which, 
like  Northern  E.  (haver),  borrowed  it  from 
Scand.  Tiie  E.  term  is  oats,  from  AS.  dtn 
(yet  Scotch  haver  occurs  eveu  in  the  MidE. 
period).  In  investigating  the  origin  of  the 
G.  cognates^  the  g  in  OSwed.  hagre  (Finn. 
kakra)  must  be  taken  into  account.  Tiie 
usual  derivation  from  OIc.  hafr,  AS.  hafer, 
m.,  '  he-goat '  (Lat.  caper,  Gr.  K&irpos,  comp. 
.&abn:a,eijj),  is  therefore  impossible,  espe- 
cially since  this  word  belongs  to  the  dialects 
in  whicli  £affr  is  wanting  ;  §afer  too  must 
have  been  the  favourite  food  of  the  goat 
ere  it  could  be  thus  named.  Perhaps  Gr. 
Kdxpvsy  '  parched  barley'  (Aryan  base  kha- 
ghru-),  or  Lat.  avena,  '  oats '  (Aryan  base 
khaghwes),  are  primit.  allied. 

Jjctbergetfj,  f.,  '  common  snipe,'  not 
found  in  the  earlier  periods  ;  Jpabcr*  in  this 
compound  is  the  only  remnant  of  the  old 
name  for  a  goat  (AS.  hafer,  OIc.  hafr;  Gr. 
Kdirpos,  Lat.  caper)  in  G. ;  the  bird  is  so 
called  because  at  the  pairing  season  it 
utters  high  in  the  air  a  sound  like  the  dis- 
tant bleating  of  a  goat.  See  93ccf  and 

^abicfjf,  m.  (with  a  dental  suffix  as  in 
■§iifte  and  2)<cnb,  &c),  'hawk,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  h/bich,  habech  (also  hebec/i, 
modified),  m.,  OHG,  habuh,  m.  ;  a  common 
Teut.  term  by  chance  not  recorded  in  Goth. ; 
comp.  OSax.  *haboc  (in  the  proper  names 
Ha?iuchorst,  Hab"ocasbr6c),  Du.  havik,  AS. 
he 'for,,  E_  hauky  OIc.  haukr  (for  *hgtiuh). 
The  Goth,  form  w^ould  be  *halal;s,  with  a 
suffix  uks-,  as  in.  ahaks,  'pigeon'  (comp. 
also  .ftranid),  £ercfye) ;  comp.  the  con- 
sonantal suffix  in  Gr.  dprvy-,  'quail.' 
Against  the  derivation  from  the  stem  Imb, 
laf,  in  Ijeben,  orig.,  '  to  take  firm  hold  of, 
lay  hold  of/  there  is  nothing  to  object  from 
the  Teut.  point  of  view  ;  Italic  capus-, 
'hawk,'  is  certainly  derived  from  the  root 
kap  (capio).  The  Kelt,  cognates,  W.  he- 
haw,  Olr.  sebocc,  'falcon,'  are  undoubt- 
edly borrowed  from  Teut.  Comp.  also 

$><xti),  m., '  fellow,'  from  MidHG.  hache, 


(    129    ) 


in.,  'fellow,  churl';  allied  to  MidHG. 
hgchel,  f.,  '  artful  woman,  match-maker.' 
The  derivation  is  not  clear,  since  cognate 
terms  in  OTetit.  are  wanting. 

c^clc^fc,  see  £ed)ff. 

<5»adte,  f., '  heel,'  prop,  a  MidG.  and  LG. 
word  (in  UpG.  Sfevfe)  ;  comp.  Du.  Itak;  not 
recorded  in  MidHG.,  but  it  occurs  once  in 
the  transition  period  from  OHG.  to  Mid 
HG.  (hachun,  'heels');  usually  derived 
from  fyacfett.  On  account  of  its  meaning, 
it  is  more  probably  related  toDu.  hie?,  AS. 
Uh,  'heel,'  hila,  f.  (for  *J,6hila),  E.  heel, 
and  tlie  equiv.  Scand.  hail,  m. 

Ijctcucn,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hacken,  '  to  hack,  hew ' ;  OHG.  *hacch6n  is 
by  chance  not  recorded  ;  cojnp.  AS.  haccian 
(hceccean),  E.  to  hack,  OFris.  tohalcia,  'to 
hack  to  pieces.'  Not  found  in  Goth.  ;  may 
we  assume  *hawon,  a  derivative  from  the 
stem  haw  in  I;aucu  ?  The  medial  guttural 
may  have  been  simply  an  insertion  before 
w,  as  in  quccf  and  feci — ^acfe,  f.  (thus  even 
in  MidHG.),  §acferlhtg(ModHG.  only),  and 
£ad}fct  are  derivatives. 

g&abet  (1.),  m.,  '■contention,  strife, 
brawl,' from  MidHG.  hader,  m.,  'quarrel, 
strife';  unrecorded  in  OHG.  For  this 
word  OTeut.  has  most  frequently  a  deriv. 
in  u-  (iv-),  signifying  'battle,'  which  ap- 
pears in  West  Tent,  only  as  the  first  part 
of  compounds  ;  AS.  hea}>o-y  OHG.  hadu- 
(Goth.  *ha]m-).  In  Scand.  Hg^S  is  the 
name  of  a  Valkyre,  and  Hg'Sr  that  of  a 
mythological  king  and  the  brother  of  Bal- 
der ;  the  names  are  probably  based  upon 
Ha}>u-z,  an  OTeut.  war- god.  With  these 
K6ti/s,  the  name  of  a  Thracian  goddess,, 
lias  been  compared.  The  following,  how- 
ever,, are  certainly  allied  : — OSlov.  kolora, 
f., '  battle,'  Ir.  cath,  m., '  battle '  (with  which 
Kelt.  GtUu-riges,  proper  noun,,  lit.  'war- 
kings,.'  is  connected),  Ind.  cdtru-sy  'enemy '; 
fterhaps  too  Gr.  k6tos,  kot£u  ;  a  deriv.  in  r, 
ike  J&aber,.  is  preserved  in  OSlov.  kotora, 
'battle';  see  also  Jpajj.  In  G.  the  old 
form  hajju  became  obsolete  at  an  early 
period,,  being  supplanted  by  Jtantvf  and 
Jtrifij,  but  it  was  retained  in  OHG.  a* 
the  first  component  in  some  compound 
proper  names,  such  as  Hadubrant ;  Mod 
HG.  ^etw'uT,  is  OHG.  Haduuig,  'battle 
strife.'  Similarly  appears  OHG.  hilta,  f., 
'battle,'  in  MidHG.  only  in  proper  names, 
such  as  Jpitbcbrcmbt,  $8  ran  I)  it  t,  &c.  It  would 
be  very  interesting  to  find  out  why  the 
OTeut.  words  gave  place  to  the  later  forms. 

<&aber  (2.),  m.,  'rag,  tatter,  clout,'  from 
MidHG.  hader,  m.,  'patch,  torn  piece  of 
stuff,'  OHG.  hadara,  f.,  '  patch,  rag ' ;  also 
with  a  suffix  I,  MidHG.  hadel,  from  which 
Fr.  haillon  is  borrowed.  The  word  does 
not  seem  to  have  been  diffused  in  the 
Teut.  group.  It  is  not  allied  to  §abft  (1.) ; 
the  two  words  are  based  on  different  stems. 
£aber,  'patch'  (from  Teut.  hafard,  Aryan 
kdtrd),  is  either  connected  with  the  nasal- 
ised stem  kant-  in  Lat.  cento,  Gr.  Ktmpwv, 
'garment  made  of  rags,'  Sans.  kanthd,  f., 
'  patchwork  garment,'  or  with  Sans,  cithird, 
'loose,  unbound.' 

gsafen  (1.),  m.,  'pot,'  from  MidHG. 
haven,  m.,  OHG.  havan,  m.,  'pot' ;  a  spe- 
cifically UpG.  word  unknown  to  the  other 
dialects.  It  belongs  to  the  root  haf  (prc- 
Teut.  kap),  lit.  'to  comprehend,  hold,' 
which  appears  in  HG.  fyeben,  and  not  to 
tjafcen,  root  hab  (pre-Teut.  khabh). 

<&afett  (2.),,  m.,  'port,  haven,  harbour,' 
a  LG.  word,  unknown  to  UpG.  ;  it  was 
first  borrowed  in  ModHG.  ;  in  MidHG. 
hap,  n.,  habe,  habene,  f.,  formed  from  the 
same  root.  l)u.  haven,  f.,  late  AS.  hafene, 
f.,  E.  haven,  and  OIc.  hofn,  f.,  'harbour,' 
correspond  in  sound  to  MidHG.  habene,  f. 
LG.  haven,  Dan.  ham,  Swed.  hamn,  are 
masc. — Phonetically  the  derivation  from 
the  root  hab  (Jcliabh),  '  to  have,'  or  from  haf, 
hab  (kap),  '  to  seize,  hold,  contain,'  is  quite 
possible  ;  in  both  cases  the  prim,  sense 
would  be  'receptacle';  comp.  ^vifeit  (1.). 
This  is  the  usual  explanation  ;  for  another 
etymology  see  under  Jg»aff.  Perhaps,  how- 
ever, OIc.  hgfn  is  primit.  allied  to  the  equiv. 
01  r.  ckan  (from  *copno1). 

jftafer,  see  .§ab>r. 

$SCiff,  n., '  inland  sea,  gulf,'  a  LG.  word, 
orig.  'i-ea'  (generally),  which  is  also  the 
meaning  of  AS.  /ite/(plur.  heafu),  n.,  Scand. 
laf,  n.,  MidLG.  haf;  the  UpG.  words, 
MidHG.  hap,. /tabes,  n.,.  and  habe,  f.,  which 
correspond  in  sound,  also  signify  'sea,' as 
well  as  'port'  (see  J&afen).  As  we  need 
not  assume  an  orig.  difference  between  the 
words  for  'harbour'  and  'sea,'  and  since 
in  any  case  the  meaning  'harbour'  is  de- 
rived from  the  signification  'sea'. — the 
converse  would  be  hardly  possible — the 
usual  assumption  mentioned  under  Ǥaffit 
(2.),  that  $afm  is  lit.  'receptacle,'  is  quite 

Iirohlematical.  Hence  -^afeit  may  probably 
ie  explained  by  some  such  word  as  'marina,' 
in  the  sense  of  'statio  marina.'  The  con- 
nection of  AS.  /id/,  'sea,1  as  'heaving,'  in 


(    130    ) 


the  sense  of  Lat.  ultum  ('high  sea'),  will] 
bfbni  (root  haf,  pre-Teut.  kap),  is  not  im- 
possible, though  scarcely  probable. 

ilutft  (1.),  i"-,  *  hold,  clasp,  brace,  rivet,' 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  haft,  in.,  'bond, 
fetter,'  OHG.  also  n.,  AS.  haft,  in.,  OIc. 
haft,  n.,  'fetter.'  Connected  will)  the  root 
haf  in  fyeben,  lit.  '  10  seize.' 

SMtft  (2.),  f.,  'keeping,  custody, prison,' 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  haft  (i  stem)  and 
hafta,  f.,  OSax.  hafta,  f.,  'imprisonment.' 
To  this  are  allied  OHG.  and  OSax.  haft, 
AS.  haft,  adj.,  'captured,'  OIc.  haptr,  m., 
'prisoner,'  hapta,  f.,  'captured  woman.' 
The  root  haf  (comp.  Ijeben)  has  preserved 
in  these  forms  its  old  signification  ;  comp. 
Lat.  capitis,  capthus.  See  the  following 

hoff ,  adj.  suffix,  as  in  fd)iwr$f)aft,  UMjaft, 
&c.  ;  prop,  an  independent  adj.,  'combined 
with,'  which  was  used  as  a  suffix  even  in 
MidTTG.  and  OHG.  ;  in  Goth,  audahafts, 
'overwhelmed  with  happiness,  supremely 
happy.'  This  suffix  is  usually  identified 
with  the  adj.  hafta-,  Lat.  captus,  discussed 
under  Jpaft  (2.).  It  might  also  be  derived 
from  the  root  hab,  'to  have,'  Lat.  habere;  the 
meaning  supports  the  latter  supposition. 

S.sao, .  m.,  '  hedge,  fence,  enclosure,'  from 
MidHG.  hoc,  hages,  m.,  n.,  'thorn  bushes, 
copse,  fence,  enclosed  wood,  park,'  OHG. 
hag,  m.,  once  as  'urbs'  (comp.  HG.  §aa,eii, 
and  names  of  places  ending  in  4)ao,)  ;  Du. 
haag,  f.,  'enclosure,  hedge,'  AS.  haga,  m., 
K.  haw,  'enclosure,  small  garden';  OIc. 
hage,  m.,  'pasture.'  Only  in  Goth,  is  a 
cognate  word  wanting ;  comp.  J^ain,  #erc, 
£aa,ftt,  and  §.rfe.  The  derivation  is  un- 
certain ;  it  is  at  all  events  not  connected 
with  batten,  root  haw;  the  meaning  of 
ModHG.  behaa,en  is  unsuitable. 

<$»aflC&om. '  hawthorn,'  an  OTeut.  term, 
MidHG.  hageciorn,  AS.  hoegfcorn,  haga)>orn, 
E.  hawthorn,  OIc.  hagfrom,  m.  Comp. 

<SsaQel,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hagel,  OHG.  hugal,  m.,  *  hail' ;  comp.  Du. 
hagel,  m.,  AS.  hagol,  hagel,  m.,  E.  hail; 
OIc.  hagl,  n.  ;  the  common  Teut.  word  for 
'  hail,'  by  chance  unrecorded  in  Goth.  only. 
A  single  pebble  was  called  a  '  stone.'  OIc. 
haqlsteinn,  AS.  h&gehtdn,  E.  hailstone,  Mid 
HG.  ami  earlier  ModHG.  Jpaatllietn.  Comp. 
ModHG.  fiefeln,  '  to  hail,'  Jhefeljhin,  '  hail- 
stone.' Perhaps  $Mtl  itself  signified  orig. 
nothing  but  a  'pebble'  ;  at  least  there  are 
no  phonetic  difficulties  against  the  deriva- 

lion  from  pre-Tent.  kagdo-,  *  Hint-stone ' 
(comp.  Gr.  KdxA>rf,  'small  stone,  pebble'). 
Aartcn.  m.,  'grave,'  from  Mid  1 1 G.  hagen, 
OHG.  hagan,  m.,  '  thorn-bush,  fence  of 
thorns' ;  even  in  MidHG.  a  contracted  vari- 
ant hain,  £ain,  occurs.     See  the  latter  and 

ba^cn,  behagen,  vb.,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  hagen,  behagen, '  to  please,  grati  ly ,' 
OHG.  *bihag&n :  comp.  OSax.  bihag&n,  AS. 
onhagian,  '  to  please,  suit.'  The  stem  hag, 
'to  Buit,'  is  widely  diffused  in  OTeut.,  and 
its  str.  partic.  is  preserved  in  OHG.  and 
MidHG.  (gihagan  and  bel>ag<>n,  'suitable'). 
Allied  to  Scand.  hagr,  adj.,  '  skilful,'  hagr, 
m.,  'state,  situation,  advantage,' hagr,  'suit- 
able.' The  root  hag,  from  pre-Teut.  kale, 
corresponds  to  the  Sans,  root  cak,  '  to  be 
capable,  able,  conducive,'  whence  cakrd, 
'strong,  helpful.' 

f)dfter,  adj.  fin  UpG.  rafui),  'haggard, 
lean,'  from  MidHG.  hager,  adj.;  comp.  E. 
haggard  (MidE.  hugger),  which  is  usually 
connected  with  E.  hag. 

iaageff  of},  m.,  'old  bachelor,'  from  Mid 
HG.  hagestolz,  m.,  a  strange  corruption  of 
the  earlier  hagestalt,  OHG.  hagu4alt,  m., 
prop.  '  possessor  of  an  enclosure'  (allied  to 
Goth,  staldan,  '  to  possess ') ;  a  West  Teut. 
legal  term,  which  originated  before  the 
Anglo-Saxons  crossed  to  England  (comp. 
also  OIc.  havkstaldr).  It  was  used  in  con- 
trast to  the  owner  of  the  manor-house, 
which  was  inherited  by  the  ellest  son,  in 
accordance  with  the  OTeut.  custom  of 
primogeniture,  and  signified  the  owner  of 
a  small  enclosed  plot  of  ground,  such  as 
fell  to  the  other  sons,  who  could  not  set 
up  a  house  of  their  own.  and  were  often 
entirely  dependent  on  their  eldest  brother. 
Even  in  OHG.  glosses,  hagwtaH  as  an  adj. 
is  used  for  Lat.  caelebs  (hagustalt  Up, '  single 
life'),  and  even  for  rri'rcenarius,  'hired 
labourer'  ;  MidHG.  hat/estalt,  m.,  'single 
man' ;  OSax.  hagustald.  m., '  farm-servant, 
servant,  young  man  '  ;  AS.  hagsteahl,  hago- 
steald,  m.,  'youth,  warrior.'  The  same 
phases  in  the  development  of  meaning  may 
be  seen  in  the  Rom.-Lat.  baccalaureus,  Fr. 
bachelier,  E.  bachelor. 

_Vu'il)cr.  111.,  'jay,  jackdaw,'  from  Mid 
HG.  he/ier,  111.  and  f.,  OHG.  heiiara,  f .  ;  in 
AS.,  by  a  grammatical  change,  higora,  m., 
OIc.  Ziereand  hegre,  in  ,  'jay,'  MidLG.  heger. 
It  is  rightly  compared  with  Gr.  xWa  (from 
*kLkjo),  'jay,'  or  Sans,  cakund, '  a  large  bird  * 
(Lat.  ciconia,  '  stork  '). 


(    131    ) 


S&al) it,  111.,  '  cock,'  from  MidHG.  han, 
OHG.  hano,  m.  ;  comp.  AS.  hana  (as  well 
as  cocc,  E.  cock),  01c.  heme,  Goth.  Jiawa,  m.  ; 
a  common  Teut.  word  for  'cock,'  with  the 
stem  hanan-,  hanin-,  which  is  common  to 
the  OTeut.  dialects.  A  corresponding  fern. 
£emw  is  merely  West  Teut.  ;  OHG.  henna, 
MidHG.  and  ModHG.  henne,  f.,  AS.  henn. 
On.the  other  hand,  .§iu)tl  seems  to  be  really 
of  common  gender  ;itmayatleastbe  applied 
in  OHG.  to  '  cock '  also  ;  comp.  Otfried's  ir 
tha$  huan  singe,  '  hefore  the  cock  crows,' 
lit.  '  sings.'  In  this  passage  we  have  a  con- 
firmation of  the  fact  that  the  crowing  of 
the  cock  was  regarded  as  its  song.  The 
term  J&abn  by  general  acceptation  signifies 
'  singer.'  With  this  word,  according  to  the 
laws  of  substitution,  the  stem  of  Lat.  canere, 
'to  sing'  (comp.  Lith.  gaidys,  'cock,' lit. 
'  singer,'  allied  to  gedoti,  '  to  sing ').  A 
f em.,  'songstress,'  of  -£>ubu  is  hardly  con- 
ceivable ;  thus  it  follows  that  -§emte  is 
merely  a  recent  West  Teut.  form.  The 
common  gender  <§u()ti,  however,  can  hardly 
be  connected  with  the  root  kan,  '  to  sing,' 
since  it  is,  at  least,  a  primit.  form.  The 
method  of  its  formation,  as  the  name  of 
the  agent,  has  no  analogies. 

<$abttret,  m.,  'cuckold,'  ModHG.  only; 
of  obscure  origin  ;  in  earlier  G.  it  signifies 
'capon.'  Its  figurative  sense,  'cuckold,' 
derived  from  'capon,'  agrees  with  the  ex- 
pression <§crner  trcujett,  lit.  'to  wear  horn.*.' 
Formerly  the  spur  was  frequently  cut  off 
and  placed  as  a  horn  in  the  comb ;  the 
hoodwinked  husband  is  thus  compared 
to  a  capon.  On  account  of  the  earlier 
variant  -^afynreb,,  we  may  regard  £u(ntrei  as 
a  compound  of  (Rel). 

(iatti,  m.,  simply  ModHG.,  from  the 
equiv.  Du.  haai,  f.,  'shark,'  Swed.  haj,  Ic. 

Jiuuit,  m.,  'grove,'  made  current  by 
Klopstock  as  a  poetical  term.  The  form  of 
the  word,  as  is  shown  under  $agen  (1),  may 
be  traced  back  to  MidHG.,  in  which,  how- 
ever, £ain  is  but  a  rare  variant  of  4>0flfU  5 
it  signified  orig.  '  thorn-bush,  thorn,  fence, 
abatis,  enclosed  place.'  Thus  the  word 
does  not  imply  the  idea  of  sacredness  which 
Klopstock  blended  with  it. 

->".ui  lu\  Smi hen,  111.,  '  hook,  clasp,'  from 
MidHG.  hdke,  hdken,  m.,  OHG.  hdko,  hdcko, 
m.,  'hook.'  The  IKJ.  k  can  neither  be 
Goth,  k  nor  Goth.  0;  the  former  would  be 
changed  into  ch,  the  latter  would  remain 
unchanged.  The  variants  OHG.  hdgo,hdgg<>, 

MidHG.  Iidyg-',  point  to  Goth.  *hegya,  11., 
'  hook '  (comp.  0taupe,  ©dnippe).  Curiously, 
however,  the  corresponding  words  of  the 
cognate  dialects  have  k  and  are  graded  : 
AS.  hdc,  m.,  '  hook,'  E.  hook,  MidDu.  hoek, 
'  hook '  ;  comp.  also  Du.  haak,  AS.  hdea, 
OIc.  hake,  m., '  hook.'  The  relations  of  the 
gutturals  (especially  of  the  gg)  are  still 
obscure  ;  comp.  also  Jtlitppf,  Sc^uppe,  .ftau$, 
©djnau^f.  A  typical  form  is  wanting.  It 
it  is  impossible  to  connect  the  word  fiangen, 
Goth,  hdhan  (for  hanhan)  ;  it  is  more  pro- 
bably related  to  «£tfdjel  and  Rector. 

halb,  adj.,  '  half,'  from  MidHG.  halp, 
OHG.  halb  (gen.  halbes).  adj.  ;  comp  OSax. 
and  LG.  half,  Du.  half,  AS.  lualf,  E.  half, 
OIc.  hdlfr,  Goth,  halbs,  adj.  ;  the  common 
Teut.  adj.  for  HG.  Ijalb  ;  there  are  no  un- 
doubted cognates  in  the  non-Teut.  lan- 
guages (Teut.  halba-,  from  pre-Teut.  kal- 
blio-).  The  fern,  of  the  adj.  is  used  in 
OTeut.  as  a  subst.  in  the  sense  of  '  side, 
direction' ;  Goth,  halba,  OIc.  htlfa,  OHG. 
halb  f,  MidHG.  halbe,  OSax.  hatha;  hence 
it  might  seem  as  if  the  adj.  had  orig.  some 
such  meaning  as  'lateral,  that  which  lies 
on  one  side.'  But  in  any  case  the  adj.  in 
the  sense  of '  half  was  purely  a  numeral  in 
primit.  Tent. ;  the  ModHG.  method  of  reck- 
oning anbertbalb  (If),  bvittefyitb  (2f ),  viertcTjalb 
(3f),  is  common  to  Teut.  ;  comp.  OIc.  halfr 
annarr  (If),  halfr  Jrrifie  (2f ),  halfr  fjorfre 
(3f)  ;  AS.  6/>er  healf,  prtdae  healf,  feorfie 
healf;  even  in  MidE.  this  enumeration 
exists  (it  is  wanting  in  E.)  ;  in  HG.  it  has 
been  retained  from  the  earliest  period. 

halb.  halbcn,  prep.,  'on  account  of,' 
from  MidHG.  halp,  halbe,  halben,  '  on 
account  of,  by  reason  of.  from,  concerning' ; 
prop,  a  case  of  the  MidHG.  subst.  halbe,  f., 
'side,'  mentioned  under  fyalb  (adj.),  hence 
construed  wiih  the  gen.  ;  MidHG.  min- 
halp,  dtn-halp,  der  her r en  halbe,  seliens  hal- 
ben, '  on  my,  thy  account,  on  the  gentle- 
men's account,  for  the  sake  of  seeing.' 
Similarly  the  ModHG.  foalber,  'on  account 
of,'  recorded  in  the  15th  cent.,  is  a  petri- 
fied form  of  the  inflected  adj. ;  so  too  fyalbrn, 
dat.  plur.,  halbe,  h<dpt  from  OHG.  hdb, 
probably  an  instr.  sing,  (since  Notker  fyulb 
has  been  used  as  a  prep.).  This  usage  is 
also  found  ill  the  other  Pent,  languages ; 
comp,  OIc.  af-halfu,  MidE.  on-,  bi-halfe;  t>izai  halbai,  '  in  tins  respect.' 

<55>al6c,  f.,  'precipice,  declivitv,  slope,' 
from  MidHG.  haUe,  OHG.  halda,  f.,' moun- 
tain declivity.'     OIc.   Iwllr,  'hill,  slope,' 


(    '32    ) 


corresponds  both  to  the  HG.  word  nnd  to 
Goth,  hallus,  AS.  heall,  which  are  transla- 
tions of  'petra' ;  see  $ctm.  Those  may  he 
further  related  to  HG.  £aft>e,  which,  how- 
ever, is  more  closely  connected  with  Goth. 
*halj>s,  'inclined' ;  comp.  AS.  heald,  01c. 
hallr,  OHG.  hald,  adj.,  ■  overhanging,  in- 
clined'; yet  the  dental  in  these  words 
may  be  a  suffix.  If  Goth,  hallus,  *  rock,'  were 
allied,  OIc.  hvdll,  h6ll  (Goth.  *hicSlus),  m., 
'hill,'  might  he  compared,  as  well  as  AS. 
hyll,  E.  hill.  For  an  Aryan  root  kel,  'to 
rise,'  comp.  Lat.  celsus,  collis,  and  Lith. 
Jcalnas,  'hill.' 

<£aiffe,  f.,  'half,'  ModHQ.  simply,  ab- 
stract of  fialb.  Introduced  by  Luther  into 
the  literary  language  from  MidG.  and  LG. 
(a  strictly  HG.  word  would  end  in  b  in- 
stead of/;  comp.  OSax.  half,  under  fyilb)  ; 
the  Teut.  type  is  probably  halbijxi  ?.  In 
UpG.  Jpalbteil  (16th  cent}  is  used. 

$>alflcv,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hal/ter,  OHG.  hulftra,  f.,1  halter';  comp. 
Du.  halster,  AS.  hozlftre,  E.  halter;  a  West 
Teut.  word  most  closely  allied  with  OHG. 
halp,  MidHG.  halp,  plur.  helbe,  'handle, 
helve,'  AS.  hylf,  m.,  equiv.  to  E.  helve;  in 
earlier  ModHG.  also  Jpctb,  'hilt,  helve.' 
From  the  same  root  are  formed  with  a 
suffix  m,  OHG.  halmo  (for  *halbmo),  in 
OHG.  jioh-halmo,  MidHG.  giech-halme, 
'  rope  fastened  to  the  yoke  to  guide  the 
oxen,'  MidHG.  halme,  'handle,  helve, 
lever  of  a  bell,'  halm-aches,  'axe'  (comp. 
also  ^eflcfcarte),  likewise  MidE,  halme, 
1  handle ' ;  so  too  the  modified  forms  OHG. 
joh-helmo,  MidHG.  giech-helme  ;  AS.helma, 
'handle'  (equiv.  also  to  E,  helm),  and 
Du.  helmstock,  '  tiller,'  are  not  connected 
with  this  word  ;  see  £etm  (2).  'Handle' 
is  the  orig.  sense  of  the  whole  group,  and 
even  of  £a(fter.  Perhaps  Lith.  keltuve'y 
'swiple  of  a  flail,'  is  allied. 

c&aH,  m.,  '  sound ' ;  see  1jef(. 

^salic,  f.,  'hall,  large  room,  entrance 
hall,  porch,'  unknown  to  MidHG.  The 
word,  which  was  introduced  by  Luther 
into  the  literary  language,  was  originally 
entirely  unknown  to  the  UpG.  dials,  (in 
earlier  UpG.  SBcrfcfcepf  was  used) ;  it  may 
have  originated  among  the  Franc,  and  Sax. 
tribes  of  Germany.  It  is  a  thorough  OTent. 
term  ;  OIc.  hgll,  f.,  AS.  heall,  f.,  E.  hall, 
OSax.  halla,  MidLG.  halle,  f., '  hall,  a  large 
loom  covered  with  a  roof  and  open  or 
closed  at  the  side,'  sometimes  '  temple, 
house  of  God.'     Not  allied  to  Goth,  hallus, 

AS.  heall,  '  rock,'  AS.  and  E.  hill.  From 
the  OG.  is  derived  Fr.  halle.  Against  the 
derivation  from  the  root  hel,  '  to  conceal ' 
(comp.  bel)ten),  there  is  no  weighty  objec- 
tion, Qalit, '  the  concealed  or  covered  place.' 
Yet  comp.  also  Sans,  cdld,  'house.' — 
e&ctHc,  f.,  'saltern,'  is  the  ordinary  G. 
Jpallc,  not,  as  was  formerly  supposed,  a  Kelt. 
term  (W.  hakn,  'salt');  $a((orm,  a  late 
Lat.  derivative  of  £a(!f,  'saltern.'  Comp. 
OHG.  lialhtis,  'salt-house,'  MidHG.  hal- 
grdve,  m.,  'director  and  judge  in  matters 
connected  with  salt-mines.' 

fallen,  vb., '  to  sound,  resound' ;  comp. 

<&cilm,  m.  and  n.,  'stalk,  stem,  straw,' 
from  MidHG.  halm,  m.,  and  halme,  m., 
OHG.  and  OSax.  halm,  m. ;  comp.  AS. 
healm,  E.  halm;  the  meaning  in  West 
Teut. is  'grass  or  corn-stalk' ;  Scand.  halmr, 
'  straw.'  In  sense  and  sound  correspond- 
ing to  Lat,  calamus,  Gr.  KdXeuuos,  '  reed, 
reed-pen,  halm '  (Ind.  kalamas, '  reed-pen '), 
OSlov.  slama,  f.,  'halm.'  Perhaps  the  Lat. 
word  is  derived  from  Gr.  ;  it  is  also  con- 
ceivable tliat  §afm,  like  £anf,  was  obtained 
from  a  South  Euss.  tribe  by  the  Aryans 
who  had  migrated  westwards.  Yet  it  is 
more  probable  that  £alm  and  Gr.  #cdXa/w, 
like  Lat.  culmus,  'stalk,'  are  connected 
with  Lat.  culmen,  'peak,  summit,'  and 
further  with  excello. 

^ctls,  m.,  '  neck,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  half,  m.  ;  corresponding  to 
OSax.  and  Du.  hals,  AS.  heals  (E.  to  halse, 
'embrace,'  but  now  antiquated ;  the  modern 
word  is  neck),  OIc.  hah,  m.,  '  neck,'  Goth. 
hals  (gen.  halsis),  m.  ;  all  point  to  a  com- 
mon Teut.  mas.,  halsa-.  Primit  allied  to 
La,t.  collum  for  *col sum,  n.,  'neck' (O Lat, 
nho  collus,  m.) ;  comp.  also  Gr.  k\oi6s,  'col- 
lar '  (from  *k\o<ti6s)  ?.  Whet  her  Lat  excello, 
excepts,  are  also  primit. allied  (£al£,  lit  'pro- 
minent part  of  the  body ')  remains  uncer- 
tain. From  Teut  is  derived  Fr.  haubert, 
OFr,  halberc,  '  hauberk,'  from  hals-berg(a). 
— I)Olfcn,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
halsen,  OHG.  halsdn,  '  to  embrace,  fall  on 
one's  neck'  ;  comp.  Du.  omhelzen,  AS.  heal- 
sian,  'to  implore,'  MidE.  halsien,  Scand. 
hdlsa,  'to  embrace.' 

I)tllf ,  acfcv.,  '  moreover,  forsooth,  me- 
thinks,'  prop,  a  compar.  meaning  'rather,' 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  halt,  adv.,  OSax.  'hold, 
'  rather' ;  orig.  a  compar.  adv.  of  the  posit, 
adv.  halto,  '  very.'  The  compar.  ending, 
according  to  the  law  of  apocope,  lias  dis- 


(    133    ) 


appeared,  as  in  Ktfj  for  the  earlier  batiz; 
01  iff.  haldiz  formed,  like  Goth,  haldis,  OIc. 
heldr,  *  rather.'  In  no  case  is  it  related  to 
the  OHG.  adj.  hold,  '  inclined,'  mentioned 
under  ^atbe ;  with  the  exception  of  tlie 
OHG.  halto,  adv.,  no  other  word  in  the 
posit,  can  he  found. 

fyaitcit,  vh.,  '  to  hold,  support,  detain, 
ohserve,  perforin,  consider,' from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  halten,  OHG.  haltan;  coinp.OSax. 
haldan,  '  to  preserve,  receive,  detain  as  a 
prisoner,  tend  (cattle),  adhere  to,  maintain,' 
Du.  houden  (see  fjaubent),  AS.  healdan,  str. 
vb.,  '  to  watch  over,  lead,  possess,  rule,'  E. 
to  hold;  Goth.  Jialdan,  redupl.  vb.,  'to 
graze  cattle';  a  redupl.  vb.  common  to 
Teut.  According  to  the  OHG.  variant 
halthan,  haltan  points  to  the  normal  Goth, 
form  *half>an,  which  is  also  supported  by 
OSwed.  halla.  The  orig.  sense  of  OTeut. 
haldan  is  perhaps  '  to  keep  together  by 
careful  watching,'  hence  '  to  tend  a  herd, 
govern  a  tribe,  rule.'  In  the  non-Teut. 
languages  an  Aryan  root  kalt  of  cognate 
meaning  is  not  found.  If  the  dental  be- 
longed orig.  to  the  pres.  stem  merely,  the 
word  might  also  be  derived  from  the  root 
hoi,  and  hence  connected  with  Gr.  fiov-tcbkos. 
No  relation  between  haldan  and  .§erbe  U 
possible. — ModHG.  <§a(t,  m.,  is  wanting 
both  in  MidHG.  and  OHG. 

$bametl,  m.,  'tunnel-net,'  from  Mid 
II G.  and  MidLG.  hame  ;  akin  probably  to 
the  equiv.  OSwed.  haver,  ModSwed.  hdf, 
m.,  OHG.  hamo,  m.,  'tunnel-net.'  The 
latter  word  is  considered  identical  with 
OHG.  *hamo  (in  Wihamo,  'body,'  OSax. 
gitiShamo,fe15ar/iamo;  com  p.  fieidjiuvm,  Jpentb, 
and  fydmifcf)),  orig.  'covering,  dress.'  From 
the  meaning  '  £ucf),'  in  the  restricted  sense 
in  which  it  is  used  by  fishermen  and  hunts- 
men (i.e.  'toils'),  the  signification  'net' 
might  of  course  be  developed  ;  but  that  is 
not  certain.  OHG.  hamo,  MidHG.  ham, 
hame,  in.,  'fishing-rod,  fishing-hook,'  and 
the  modem  dial,  ^antcit,  are  not  allied  to 
the  words  mentioned  above  ;  they  seem  to 
be  cognate  with  Lot,  hdmus, '  fishing-hook, 
hook ' ;  the  h  might  be  explained  as  ill 

l)d  mi fd),  adj.,  '  malicious,'  from  late 
MidHG.  hemisch,  adj.,  'close,  malicious, 
cunning,  perfidious,'  orig.  perhaps  '  veiled, 
obscure';  allied  to  OHG.  *hamo,  'cover- 
ing, dress,'  mentioned  under  Jpamcn,  §cmb, 
and  Vnd'iuni. 

e&ammcl,  in.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 

and  MidLG.  hamel,  OHG.  hamal,  m., 
'  wether '  (MidHG.  also  '  steep,  rugged 
height;  cliff,  pole');  prop,  an  adj.  used 
as  a  8iibst.,  OHG.  hamal, '  mutilated,'  which 
elucidates  the  MidHG.  meanings ;  OHG. 
hamaUn,  MidHG.  hameln  (and  hamen), 
'  to  mutilate,'  AS.  hamelian,  E.  to  humble 
('  mutilate,  lame ')  ;  OHG.  hamalscorro, 
m.,  'boulder,'  OHG.  hamal-,  hamalung-stat, 
f.,  '  place  of  execution,'  MidHG.  hamelstat, 
n.  and  m.,  'indented  coast,'  hamelstat, 
f.,  '  rugged  ground.'  Allied  to  OHG.  ham 
(inflected  hammer),  adj.,  '  mutilated,  crip- 
pled' (comp.  f)«ntnen),  j  ust  as  Fr.  moutun  to 
Lat.  mutilus. 

jammer,  m.,  '  hammer,  clapper,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  hamer  (plur.  hpner\ 
OHG.  hamar  (plur.  hamard),  m.  ;  comp. 
OSax.  hamur,  AS.  hamor,  m.,  E.  hammer, 
and  its  equiv.  OIc.  hamarr,  in.  (also  'cliff, 
rock ')  ;  the  common  Teut.  word  for  '  ham- 
mer,' by  chance  unrecorded  in  Goth.  only. 
For  the  elucidation  of  its  earlier  history  the 
subsidiary  meanings  in  Scand.  are  import- 
ant ;  the  cognate  term  Icamy  in  OSlov.  sig- 
nifies 'stone.'  Hence  it  has  been  assumed 
that  -Spammer  is  lit.  'stone  weapon.'  Whether 
Sans,  agman, '  rock,  stone  weapon,  hammer, 
anvil,'  &c,  and  Gr.  &Kfiuv,  'anvil'  (Lith. 
alcntu,  'stone'),  are  also  allied  is  uncertain. 

$firronttng,  tf»emmlutg,ni.,'  eunuch,' 
ModHG.  simply,  a  deriv.  of  Jjjamntfl. 

(iaampfel,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hant-vol,  '  a  handful.' 

g&amfter,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hamster,  m.,  'German  marmot';  OHG. 
hamastro,  m.,  signifies  only  '  curculio,  wee- 
vil,' so  too  OSax.  hamstra,  f.,  for  *hamastra. 
The  existing  meaning  is  probably  the 
earlier.  In  form  the  word  stands  quite 
alone  ;  its  occurrence  in"  G.  only,  perhaps 
supports  the  view  that  it  was  borrowed. 
A  corresponding  word  has  not  yet  been 
found  in  a  neighbouring  language. 

„VHino,  f.,  'hand,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  hunt,  f.;  comp.  OSax.  and 
Du.  hand,  AS.  hand,  f.,  E.  hand,  OIc. 
hgnd,  Goth,  handu's,  f. ;  a  common  Teut. 
word  for  "hand,'  unknown  to  the  other 
divisions  of  the  Aryan  group,  most  of  the 
languages  having  special  terms  of  their 
own.  It  is  usually  derived  from  Goth. 
hin/Mn,ttoca.tcb,'fiaJiu»^ans,m.,  'prisoner' 
(comp.  the  cognate  E.  to  hunt,  AS.  huntian), 
in  the  sense  of  'the  grasping,  seizing  part,' 
and  to  this  there  is  no  objection,  as  far 
as  the  sound  and  meaning  are  concerned. 


(    i34    ) 


Yet  the  fact  remains  that  the  old  names  of 
parts  of  the  body  have  no  corresponding 
sir.  verbal  stems  ;  comp.  £erj,  £5t)r,  Sluge, 
ginger,  £>atimen.  With  regard  to  the  form, 
it  is  to  be  observed  that  the  word,  accord- 
ing to  Goth,  hr nidus,  was  orig.  a  u-  stem, 
but  is  declined  even  in  OHG.  like  nouns 
in  t,  though  traces  of  the  u  declension 
remain  throughout  OHG.  and  MidHG. ; 
comp.  abljanbeit. — _ftant>,  'kind,  sort,'  is 
developed  from  the  medial  sense  'side'; 
comp.  MidHG.  ze  beiden  handen,  'on  both 
sides,'  aller  hande,  '  of  every  kind,'  vier 
hande,  '  of  four  soils.' 

bcmbctn,  vb.,  'to  manage,  act,  deal, 
bargain,'  from  MidHG.  handeln,  OHG. 
hantaldn,  'to  grasp  with  the  hands,  touch, 
feel,  prepare,  perform'  (hence  O.Lorraine 
handeleir, '  to  sweep ') ;  a  derivative  of  §attb ; 
£anbcl,  m.,  has  arisen  from  the  vb.  Jjaitbeln 
merely,  just  as  Stager  from  argent  (see  arg), 
©eij  from  gei$en,  Dpfer  from  cpfent — since 
it  does  not  appear  until  late  MidHG. 
(handel.  m.,  'transaction,  procedure,  event, 
negotiation,  wares').  AS.  handlian,  E.  to 
handle,  AS.  hnidele,  equiv.  to  E.  handle; 
Scand.  hgndla,  '  to  treat.' 

<&cm&tt>erfc,  n.,  'handicraft,  trade, 
guild,'  from  MidHG. hantwerc,  n.,  'manual 
labour,'  but  in  the  MidHG.  period  confused 
with  aniwerc,  n.,  '  tool,  machine,'  whence 
the  meaning  '  any  vocation  requiring  the 
use  of  tools'  was  developed. 

<5!janf,  m.,  '  hemp,'  from  MidHG.  hanf, 
hanef,  ni.,  OHG.  hanaf,  hanof,  m.  ;  a  com- 
mon Teut.  word  for  '  hemp '  (Goth.  *hanaps 
is  by  chance  not  recorded)  ;  comp.  AS. 
li(Bnep,  E.  hemp,  OIc.  hampr.  The  usual 
assumption  that  the  word  was  borrowed 
from  the  South  Europ.  Gr.  K&wafiis  (Lat. 
cannabis)  is  untenable.  The  Teutons  were 
not  influenced  by  Southern  civilisation 
until  the  last  century  or  so  before  our  era  ; 
no  word  borrowed  from  Gr.-Lat.  has  been 
fully  subject  to  the  OTeut.  substitution  of 
consonants  (see  5iiine  (1),  *pfab,  and  the 
earliest  loan-words  under  ^aifer).  But  the 
substitution  of  consonants  in  Goth.  *hanavs 
compared  with  Gr.  K6.wa.pts  proves  that  the 
word  was  naturalised  among  the  Teutons 
even  before  100  B.C.  "The  Greeks  first 
became  acquainted  with  hemp  in  the  time 
of  Herodotus  ;  it  was  cultivated  by  the 
Scythians,  and  was  probably  obtained  from 
Bactria  and  Sogdiana,  the  regions  of  the 
Caspian  and  the  Aral,  where  it  is  said  to 
grow  luxuriantly  even  at  the  present  time." 

Thus  we  can  all  the  more  readily  njed 
the  assumption  of  South  Europ.  influence  ; 
comp.  getneit.  Why  should  not  the  Teu- 
tons in  their  migration  from  Asia  to  Europe 
have  become  acquainted  with  the  culture 
of  hemp  when  passing  through  the  south 
of  Russia,  where  the  plant  grows  wild,  and 
indeed  among  the  very  people  who  directly 
or  indirectly  supplied  the  Greeks  with  the 
word  xdwa/Sis?  (comp.  also  @rbfe).  Kdwa/3is 
itself  is  a  borrowed  term,  and  Goth.  *hanaps 
corresponds  in  sound  quite  as  well  with 
OSlov.  hmoplja,  Lith.  kandjes,  '  hemp ' 
The  word  is  found  even  among  the  Persians 
(kanab).  It  does  not  seem  to  be  genuinely 

,i»anfl,  m.,  'declivity,  propensity,  bias,' 
from  MidHG.  hanc  (-ges),  m.,  'declivity, 
hanging.'     See  Ijangett. 

ftanctctt,  vb.,  '  to  hang,  be  suspended,' 
from  MidHG.  hdhen  (hienc,  gehangen), 
OHG.  hdlian  (hiang,  gihavgan),  str.  vb.  ; 
comp.  fangen,  from  OHG.  fdhan  ;  before  h 
an  n  is  suppressed  (comp.  OHG.  d&i<ta  from 
deuchan,  bacfote  from  beitfen  ;  bradue.  OHG. 
brdhta,  from  brittgen).  Corresponding  to 
Du.  hangen,  AS.  hon  {heng,  hangen),  E.  to 
hang,  Goth,  hdfvm  for  *fomhnn,  str.  vb., 
'  to  hang.'  In  ModHG.,  E.,  and  Du.,  the 
old  str.  vb.  has  been  confused  with  the 
corresponding  wk.  vb.,  so  that  the  trans, 
and  intrans.  meanings  have  been  combined  ; 
comp.  Du.  hangen,  E.  to  hang,  '  to  suspend 
and  to  be  suspended' ;  in  MidHG.  hdhen, 
is  trans,  and  intrans.,  while  hang  n  (OHG. 
hangSn,  AS.  hangian)  is  intrans.  onlv,  'to 
be  suspended' ;  to  this  is  allied  OHG.  and 
MidHG.  hpigen, '  to  hang  down  (one's  head), 
give  a  horse  its  head,  permit,  grant,'  comp. 
Ijettfen.  The  ModHG.  vb.  is  due  to  a  blend- 
ing in  sound  of  MidHG.  hdhen  (hangen) 
and  hangen,  yet  in  meaning  it  represents 
only  MidHG.  hdhen,  OHG.  hdhan.  Terms 
undoubtedly  allied  to  the  common  Teut. 
root  hanh  (hdh)  are  wanting  in  the  other 
Aryan  languages  ;  Goth,  hdhan,  '  to  leave 
in  doubt,'  has  been  compared  with  Lat. 
cunctari,  '  to  delay.' 

iacmfe,  f.,  'Hanse,'from  MidHG. hans, 
hanse,  f.,  '  mercantile  association  with  cer- 
tain defined  powers  as  knights,  merchant's 
guild' ;  orig.  an  UpG.  word  (prob.  signify- 
ing any  corporation,  association  ?  OHG. 
and  Goth,  hansa,  f.,  AS.  h6s.  '  troop '),  yet 
it  soon  became  current  in  all  G.  dialects, 
and  has  been  preserved  in  its  application 
to  the  towns  of  the  great  North  G.  Han- 


(    i35    ) 


seatic  League,  while  the  orig.  sense  '  troop ' 
became  obsolete  even  in  MidHG.  The 
nominal  vb.  Ijatifeht  is  simply  ModHG.  'to 
admit  any  one  into  a  corporation'  (not  into 
the  -§anfe  only). 

tyartfeftt,  vb.,  ModHG.  only,  different 
from  the  earlier  homonymous  word  men- 
tioned under  £anfe ;  lit.  '  to  make  a  S$an$, 
i.e.  a  fool,  of  anybody '  (comp.  the  abusive 
terms  ^>anebumm,  ^anSnarr,  £att$ttmrfl). 

I)cmiierert,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  late 
MidHG.  liantieren,  'to  trade,  sell'  ;  not  a 
derivative  of  J^attb,  meaning  '  to  handle,' 
because  in  that  case  we  should  expect  nd 
for  nt  in  MidHG.  and  ModHG.,  but  from 
Fr.  hanter,  '  to  haunt,  frequent,'  which 
found  its  way  from  MidDu.  into  the  Mod 
Teut.  dialects.  It  is  curious  to  observe  in 
how  many  ways  obscure  words  have  been 
corrupted  in  G.  Comp.  the  earlier  spell- 
ing (janbHuften. 

rjapern,  vb.,  'to  stick,  hitch,'  formed 
from  Du.  (MidDu.)  haperen,  '  to  miss,  stut- 
ter'; yet  also  Suab.  haperen  (as  well  as 
Swiss  hdptn,  'to  crawl'?).  The  corre- 
sponding terms,  origin,  and  history  of  the 
diffusion  of  the  cognates  are  obscure. 

<$arfe,  f.,  '  harp,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  harfe,  harpfe,  OHG.  harfa,  hurpha,  f.  ; 
comp.  AS.  hearpe,  f.,  EL  harp;  a  common 
Teut.  word  (Venantius  Fortunatus  calls 
harpa  a  barbaric,  i.e.  Teut.  instrument), 
denoting  a  string  instrument  peculiar  to 
the  Teutons.  Its  use  was  confined  in 
earlier  times  to  the  OTeut.  chiefs,  just  as 
the  violin  or  fiddle  was  to  the  common 

<$cirmg,  feting,  m.,  '  herring,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  hdhrinc  (-ges),  m.,  OHG. 
hdring,  m.  ;  comp.  Du.  haring,  AS.  hiering, 
m.,  E.  herring ;  a  specifically  West  Teut. 
word  (in  OIc.  slid),  whose  d  (de)  is  also 
attested  by  Fris.  dials,  and  by  the  Mod 
HG.  pronunciation  with  cb.  The  OHG., 
MidHG.,  and  MidDu.  variant  hying  points 
to  a  connection  with  OHG.  he.ri,  'army,' 
and  thus  regards  the  fish  as  'one  that 
comes  in  shoals,'  as  ^ecrlittfl,  'small  army.' 
Whether  the  older  form  lidring  (Anglo- 
Fris.  hdering)  is  related  to  these  cognates  is 
uncertain.  The  Teut.  word  found  its  way 
into  Rom.  (Fr.  hareng). 

^arhe,  f.,  'rake,'  a  LG.  word,  in  UpG. 
Oiftfyen  ;  comp.  Du.  hark,  AS.  *hearge,  E. 
harrow,  OIc.  herfe,  n.,  'harrow,'  Dan.  harv, 
Swed.  hcerf.  Considering  the  almost  certain 
iden  ti  ty  ol  the  words,  their  phonetic  relations 

present  some  difficulties.  The  root  might 
perhaps  be  Sans,  kharj,  'to  scratch,'  yet 
AS.  hyrwe  (*hearge),  E.  liarrow,  OIc.  herfe, 
'  rake,'  are  difficult  to  reconcile  with  it. 

Ssatlekin,  m.,  'harlequin,'  first  natu- 
ralised towards  the  end  of  the  17th  cent, 
from  Ital.  arlecchino  (applied  to  the  masked 
clown  in  Ital.  comedy),  and  Fr.  harlequin, 

«$arm,  m.,  '  harm,  distress,  sorrow,' 
very  rarely  occurs  in  MidHG.  and  earlier 
ModHG.,  probably  formed  from  E.  harm 
and  revived  in  the  last  cent,  through  the 
influence  of  E.  literature  (comp.  £a[(f,.§eim); 
MidHG.  (entirely  disused)  harm,  in.,  'in- 
jury, pain' ;  OHG.  haram,  OSax.  harm,  m., 
'  affront,  cutting  words,  mortification ' ;  AS. 
hearm  m.,  '  insult,  harm ' ;  E.  harm  ;  OIc. 
harm,m.,  'grief, care.'  From  pre-Teut. *kar- 
ma,  Sans.  *parma?,  formal.  This  is  also  indi- 
cated by  OSlov.  sramii  (from  *sormii),  m., 
'  shame,  disgrace.'  An  OG.  (OHG.  and 
OSax.)  compound,  OHG.  haramscara, 
OSax.  harmscara,  f.,  '  outrageous,  excru- 
ciating punishment,'  was  retained  as  late 
as  MidHG.,  in  which  harn-,  harm-schar, 
'torment,  distress,  punishment.'  remained 
current,  when  -§atm  alone  had  already  dis- 
appeared.    Comp.  fjcrb. 

(Jiiam,  m.,  '  urine,'  earlier  dial,  variant 
£arm  (Luther),  from  MidHG.  ham  (Bav. 
and  East  Rhen.),  harm,  m.  and  n.,  OHG. 
haran,  m.,  'urine'  (respecting  the  variant 
with  m  see  gam) ;  a  specifically  UpG. 
word,  probably  identical  orig.  with  AS. 
scearn,  OIc.  sham,  n.,  'mud';  sk  and  h 
(the  latter  for  k  without  s)  would  have 
interchanged  in  OTeut.  Allied  to  Gr.  ffKwp  ; 
comp.  tjotfen,  broffctit,  linfe,  ©tier.  The 
derivation  of  £aru  from  a  root  har,  'to 
pour  out,'  remains  dubious. 

jlutrni fd),  in.,  'harness,  armour,'  from 
MidHG. /wrna8c/i,vaiiants/t(intas,Ji«r/iescA, 
111.,  '  harness'  ;  borrowed  at  the  end  of  the 
12th  cent,  from  OFr.  ftamais,  'armour, 
gear,'  which  has  come  to  be  a  common 
Rom.  term  (Ital.  amese),  but  may  be  traced 
probably  to  a  Kelt,  source  (W.  haiar- 
naez,  'iron  utensils')  ;  the  connecting  link 
might  be  MidE.  haraez,  'armour*  (E.  har- 

barren,  vb.,  'to  wait,  linger  in  expec- 
tation, delay,'  from  MidHG.  harren,  'to 
wait,  sojourn ' ;  a  MidG.  word,  entirely  un- 
known to  OHG.  as  well  as  the  other  Teut. 
dialects,  but  undoubtedly  a  genuine  Teut. 
term  ;  of  obscure  origin  (allied,  like  Gr. 


(    136    ) 


naprfpt'if,  to  Ijart  ? ;  comi>.  Lat.  durare,  akin 
to  durus). 

^orfcf),  «4j.,  'hartl>  rough,'  ModllG. 
Bimply  ;  E.  harsh  ('bitter,  severe')  ;  un- 
known to  AS.,  OHG.,  and  OIc.  Clearly 
a  derivative  of  l;art ;  conip.  rafd>,  allied  to 
flvutc,  Goth.  *rasqa-  to  rajxi-,  'quick'  (OHG. 
rado),  OIc  horsier,  'quick,'  to  AS.  /trade, 
OIc.  bciskr,  'bitter,'  to  Goth,  bait-ra- ; 
hence  Goth,  har  Jus,  'hard,'  perhaps  pre- 
supposes */<arsh,  *h'irsqs.  Yet  it  might 
also  be  connected  with  Ic.  hortl,  'hardness 
of  the  frozen  ground ' ;  ModHG.  J&arid;, 
4  snow-crust,'  dial.  But  fjart  ('  hard ')  alone 
suffices  to  elucidate  this  latter  sense,  as  is 
shown  by  OHG.  hertemdn6t,  MidHG.  herte- 
mdnot,  '  hard  month,'  applied  to  December 
and  January.     See  the  following  word. 

t)C»rt,  adj.,  'hard,  stilF,  severe,  stern, 
difficult,  hard  by,'  from  MidHG.  herte, 
hart,  adj.  (hatie,  adv.  ;  comp.  fajt,  adv., 
allied  to  feft,  fdjen  to  fc&en,  &c),  '  hard,  firm, 
difficult,  painful,'  OHG.  hyti,  hard,  hart, 
adj.  (harto,  adv.), '  hard ' ;  com  p.  AS.  heard, 
'  hard,  strong,  brave,'  E.  hard  (hardy  is 
probably  derived  directly  from  Rom. — 
Fr.  hardi,  which,  however,  is  a  derivative 
of  G.  ljail),  Goth,  hardus,  adj.,  'hardy, 
severe.'  A  common  Teut.  adj.  from  pre- 
Teut.  karttis;  comp.  Gr.  Kparvs,  'strong, 
powerful,  potentate,'  Kaprep6s,  tcparepos, 
'strong,  staunch,  mighty,  violent,'  adv., 
Kdpra,  'very  strongly'  (OHG.  harto,  adv., 
'  very,  extremely ')  ;  allied  perhaps  to  Sans. 
krdtu  s,  m.,  'force,  strength'  (root  har,  'to 
do,  make'),  or  however  to  Lith.  tortus, 
'bitter'  (root  krt,  'to  cut,  split').  Others 
compare  Sans.  cdrdha-s,  'bold,  strong,'  to 
the  Teut.  adj. 

Jftctrf,  (iaarb,  f.  and  m.,  'forest,'  from 
MidHG.  hart,  m.,  f.,  and  11.,  OHG.  hart, 
'  forest ' ;  comp.  also  (Sprffart  from  spehtes 
hart  (allied  to  <2ped)t) ;  #arj  for  MidHG. 
Hart;  £aarfct  in  the  Palatinate. 

,fb<xr$,  n.,  'resin,'  from  MidHG.  harz, 
n.  and  m.,  'resin,  bitumen,'  with  the 
variants  hars,  harse  ;  OHG.  Iiarz,  and  with 
a  suffix  harzoh,  'resin';  Du.  hars,  f.,  with 
an  abnormal  s,  but  LG.  hart;  unknown  to 
E.  and  Scand.  as  well  as  Goth.  ;  of  obscure 
origin,  scarcely  allied  to  Gr.  Kdp8ap.ov, 
'  cress.'  For  other  OTeut.  words  with  the 
same  meaning  see  under  SBerujUin  and  9htt 
(also  $hccr\ 

f)<xfd)Ctx,  vb.,  '  to  snatch,'  a  MidG.  word 
made  current  by  Luther,  unknown  to  the 
modern  UpG.  dialects  as  well  as  to  OHG., 

MidHG.,  and  all  other  languages.  Pro- 
bably connected  with  fyafr,  \)tbtn,  root  haf 
(Lat.  capio) ;  Goth.  *luifslc6ry,  '  to  seize,' 
mtist  have  become  *hask6a  in  G.,  just  as 
Goth,  haifst*,  f.,  'quarrel,  fight,'  has  become 
the  OHG.  adj.  heisti,  'violent';  comp. 
OHG.  forsc6n, '  to  demand,'  for  *forhsl;6u, 
Goth,  wa&rslw,  '  work,'  for  *vfaHr/i8tw. 
Comp.  fyarfd),  -§ujl,  £auiie. 

/.>afc,  m.,  'hare,'  from  MidHG.  hose, 
OHG.  haw,  in.  ;  a  common  Teut.  term  for 
'hare';  comp.  Du.  haas,  AS.  hara  (with 
change  of  s  into  r),  E.  hare,  OIc.  here,  m. ; 
Goth.  *hasa  (OHG.  haso)  or  *haza  (AS. 
hara\  is  by  chance  not  recorded.  To  tlie 
pre-Teut.  iasa(n),  Ind,  cagd  (instead  of 
*casd,  just  as  fvde-uras  for  *svdcuras,  comp. 
Sdjtvafya),  '  hare,'  corresponds  ;  the  word 
also  occurs  in  a  remarkable  manner  only 
once  again  in  OPruss.  (as  sasins  for  szasi- 
nas).  The  primit  word  kasa-,  'hare,'  may 
be  connected  with  AS.  hasu,  '  grey.'  From 
Teut.  is  derived  Fr.  hose,  f.,  'doe-hare.' 
— The  term  £afcttfd)artf,  'hare-lip,'  is  not 
recorded  in  G.  until  the  14th  cent.,  but  it 
already  exists  in  AS.  as  harsceard  (in  E. 
hare-lip) ;  comp.  further  the  OIc.  nick- 
name SkartSe,  also  OFiis.  has-skerde, '  hare- 

iittfel,  f.,  'hazel,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  hasel,  OHG.  hasala,  f.,  hasal,  in.  ; 
comp.  AS.  hasel,  E.  hazel,  OIc.  hasl  (hence 
hgslur,  plur.,  'boundary  posts') ;  the  com- 
mon Teut  word  for  'hazel,'  from  pre- 
Teut  kosolo-  ;  hence  in  Lat,  with  the  nor- 
mal change  of  s  into  r,  coruhis,  '  hazel ' ; 
comp.  further  Olr.  coll,  '  hazel,'  for  *cosl. 

^ttfpe,  £safpc,  f., '  hasp,  clamp,  hinge,' 
from  MidHG.  haspe,  hespe,  f.,  'hinge  of  a 
door  ;  windle'  (with  the  variant  hispe,  f., 
'  clasp '),  OHG.  haspa,  '  a  reel  of  yarn '  ; 
comp  Olc.  hespa,  f.,  '  hank,  skein  of  wool ; 
bolt  of  a  door' ;  E.  hasp,  MidE.  haspe, 
'  bolt,  woollen  yarn,'  so  too  AS.  hcesp,  haps, 
heps,  f.  The  double  sense  'door  bolt,  door 
hook,  and  hasp,'  seems  OTeut.  ;  as  a  tech- 
nical term  in  weaving,  this  word,  like 
{Rccfcn,  found  its  way  into  Rom.  (Ital.  aspo, 
OFr.  hasple) ;  see  also  jtunfcl.  Whether 
the  two  meanings  have  been  developed 
from  one,  or  whether  two  distinct  words 
have  been  combined,  is  uncertain,  since  we 
have  no  etymological  data. 

e<3ttfpcl,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
haspd,  in.,  OHG.  haspil,  in.,  '  reel,  windle ' ; 
a  derivative  of  £afr«. 

ibaff ,  t,'haste,  hurry,'  ModHG.  simply ; 


(    i37    ) 


aMidG.andLG.word ;  comp.  MidDu.  7iaa.s(, 
f.,  MidE.  haste,  E.  haste;  borrowed  from 
OFr.  haste,  hate  (comp.  Ital.  astivamente), 
which  again  correspond  to  the  OTeut.  cog- 
nates of  ModHG.  Ijefttgj  comp.  OHG. 
heisti,  AS.  hwste^  'violent'  (Goth,  haifsts, 
'  dispute '). 

^>afj,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  ha%,  (gen.  ha$$es),  m.,  *  hatred ' ;  in 
OHG.  the  older  neut.  gender  occurs  once 
(comp.  Goth,  hatis,  n.,  Scand.  hatr,  n.) ; 
AS.  kete  (E.  hate)  and  OSax.  h$li  are  also 
masc.  ;  the  common  Teut.  term  for  '  liate,' 
pointing  to  pre-Teut.  kodos,  kodesos  (Lut. 
*codus,  *coderis),  n.  ModHG.  J^aber,  and 
Gr.  k6tos,  may  also  be  allied,  since  an 
Aryan  root  kdt,  kod,  is  possible.  The  orig. 
sense  of  <£>a|3  is  indicated  by  .§a|j  and  t^e^cit, 
as  well  as  the  wk.  vb.  Ijaffen,  from  MidHG. 
ha^en,  OHG.  ha^en,  ha^6n,  which  in 
OHG.  also  means  '  to  pursue '  (OSax.  hatdn, 
1  to  waylay ').  <§ajl  too  seems  allied  ;  hence 
the  prim,  meaning  of  ^a§  is  probably  'hos- 
tile, hastypursuit.' — l)d fj lid). '  ugly, loath- 
some,' from  MidHG.  hay,  h^elich,  '  malig- 
nant, hateful,  ugly.' 

rjaf  fdjcln,  vb.,  'to  fondle,  pamper,'  re- 
cently coined  in  ModHG.  ?. 

<$»atfcf)ier,  m.,  'imperial  horseguard,' 
first  occurs  in  early  ModHG.,  borrowed 
from  Ital.  arciere  (Fr.  archer),  'archer.' 

£bClt$,  'baiting,  chase';  comp.  Ijejjen. 

<&CUtbe,  f.,  '  hood,  cap  (woman's),  crest, 
tuft,'  from  MidHG.  Mbe,  OHG.  hitha,  f., 
'  covering  for  the  head  worn  by  men  (Mid 
HG.,  especially  by  soldiers,  '  peaked  hel- 
met, steel-cap')  and  women';  comp.  AS. 
hdfe,  in  a  special  sense  'mitre';  Scand. 
h&fa,  f.,  'cap,  hood.'  The  cognates  are 
connected  by  gradation  with  <§uitpt  (Aryan 
root  kUp). 

^CUtbtf^C,  f.,  'howitzer,'  first  occurs  in 
early  ModHG.,  introduced  during  the  Hus- 
site Wars  from  Bohemia  (houfnice,  'stone 
8linger'),  hence  the  earliest  recorded  form, 

f)CUtd)Ctt,  vb.,  '  to  breathe,  respire,  ex- 
hale,' from  MidHG.  (rare)  hUchen,  'to 
breathe,'  an  UpG.  word  ;  perhaps  recently 
coined  in  imitation  of  the  sound.  Cognate 
terms  are  wanting. 

<$&cutbcrcr,  m.,  ModHG.  only,  from  the 
equiv.  Du.  stulhoudei;  lit.  ©tallljalter,  'job- 
master'(in  MidG.  ©cfdjirrfyatttr,  also  $eji- 
fyiltev)  ;  Du.  louden  is  ModHG.  fjalten. 

f)aucn,  vb.,  '  to  hew,  chop,  carve,'  from 
MidHG.  Iwuwen,  OHG.  houwan  (MidHG. 

houwen,  OHG.  houw&n),  'to  hew';  comp. 
OSax.  lmuwan,  AS.  hedwan,  E.  to  hew,  Olc. 
hgggva;  Goth.  *haggwan,  a  redupl.  vb.,  is 
wanting  ;  Teut.  hauw,  haw,  from  pre-Teut. 
kow;  not  allied  to  k6ittu,  but  to  OSlov. 
kovq,,  kovati,  '  to  forge,'  Lith.  kduju  (kduti), 
'  to  strike,  forge,'  kovd,  '  combat.'  Comp. 
J&acfe,  §eu,  #ieb. — ^bcrne,  f.,  '  hoe,  mattock, 
pickaxe,'  from  MidHG. houwe,  OHG.  iiouwa, 
f.,  '  hatchet.' 

ifoaufe,  m., '  heap,  pile,  mass,'  from  Mid 
HG.  hiLfe,  houfe,  m.,  k&f,  hovf,  m.,  '  heap, 
troop,'  OHG.  Mf),  houf,  m.,  '  heap,  troop ' ; 
comp.  OSax.  hSp,  Du.  hoop,  AS.  hedp,  m., 
E.  heap ;  Scand.  h6pr,  '  troop,'  is  borrowed 
from  LG.  ;  Goth.  *haups,  *lidpa  are  want- 
ing ;  these  words,  which  belong  to  the  same 
root,  are  evidently  related  by  gradation 
(comp.  OHG.  Mba, '  hood,'  allied  to  OHG. 
h  oubit, '  h  ead ').  Probably  related  to  OS  I  o  v. 
kupu  (Goth.  *haupa-),  m.,  'heap,'  Lith. 
ka&pas,  'heap,'  kuprd,  'hump'  (Lett,  kupt, 
*  to  form  into  a  ball '),  although  the  corre- 
spondence of  Slav,  p  to  LG.  and  E.  p  is 
not  normal ;  Slav,  p  is  mostly  /or  1  in 
LG.  and  Goth.  Since  Goth,  p  indicates 
pre-Teut.  b,  the  word,  may  be  connected 
also  with  Lat.  incubo,  '  the  treasure  demon 
who  lies  on  the  hoard,  nightmare.'  Others 
compare  it  to  Lith.  kugis,  '  heap.' 

f)dufut,  adj.,  copious,  abundant,'  Mod 
HG.  only,  lit.  '  by  heaps.' 

^Ivcutpf,  n.,  'head,  chief,  leader,'  from 
MidHG.  houbet,  houpt  (also  houbet),  n., 
OHG.  houbit,  n.  ;  the  OTeut.  word  for 
'  head,'  supplanted  in  the  16th  cent,  by 
JtoVf  i»  all  the  G.  dials.  (Jfefyl-,  J?rautl)autJf, 
almost  the  only  existing  forms,  are  dia- 
lectal), while  E.  and  Scand.  have  retained 
the  earlier  form — AS.  hedfud,  E.  head  (for 
*heafd),  n.,  Olc.  haufuf>,  later  hgfu}>,  n., 
Swed.  hufvud,  Dan.  hoveJ,  'head,'  Goth. 
haubi]>,  ii.  Since  all  the  Teut.  dialects 
point  to  an  old  diphthong  au  in  the  stem, 
of  which  d  in  OHG.  h-dba,  'hood,'  is  the 
graded  form  (comp.  J&aubc),  the  Aryan  base 
must  be  koupot,  and  Lat  cdput,  for  which 
*cauput  might  have  been  expected,  was 
probably  transformed  by  the  influence  of  a 
word  corresponding  to  AS.  hnfola,  'head,' 
Sans,  kapdla,  'skull,'  an  assumption  also 
supported  by  Lat.  capUlus,  '  hair  (of  the 
head).'  The  MidHG.  houbet  (Luther  $fupt), 
formed  by  mutation  from  OHG.  houbit,  is 
still  preserved  in  ju  Ȥaupttn,  in  which 
primit  phrase  the  plur.  curiously  repre- 
sents the  sing. 


(    138 


_V>cuto,  i).,  '  house,  household,'  from  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  hu*,  n.,  which  lias  the  same 
sound  in  all  OTeut.  dials.  ;  ModDu.  huts, 
E.  house  (to  which  husband,  hussy,  and  hust- 
ings, are  allied).  Goth.  *hus  is  found  only 
once  in  gudhus, '  temple,'  lit. '  God's  house ' 
(for  which  Goth,  razn  is  used  ;  comp.  (Raft), 
but  may  be  also  inferred  from  the  bor- 
rowed term,  OSlov.  chyzu,  '  house.'  In 
the  other  Teut.  dialects  it  is  the  prevalent 
term,  corresponding  to  G.  £au$.  Probably 
cognate  with  £utte,  and  like  this  term  allied 
to  a  Teut.  root  hud,  '  to  hide '  (AS.  hydan, 
E.  to  hide)  ;  h&sa-  for  hussa-,  htifrta-,  lit. 
' that  which  hides'?.  See  further  under 
^»utte.  Others  connect  Goth,  hits  with  Goth. 
huz-ds,  '  refuge,'  and  Lat.  custos.  In  this 
case  too  the  prim,  sense  assigned  would 
hold  good. 

tjcutf?.  fyauhexx.  adv.,  '  out  of  doors, 
abroad,'  from  MidHG.  hu$e  for  hie  dy, 
'  here  outside,'  like  MidHG.  hinne  for  hie 

<&aufle,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
huste,  m.,  'shock  of  corn,  haycock,'  cannot 
be  traced  farther  back ;  evidently  for  hufste, 
akin  to  htife,  '  heap.'  Comp.  Lith.  Lupstas, 
'  tump.' 

->">rtitf ,  f.,  '  hide,  skin,  cuticle,'  from  Mid 
HG.,andOHG.Ma.,'hide' ;  ModDu. huid, 
AS.  hyd,  f.,  E.  hide,  Scand.  MS,  f .  ;  the 
OTeut.  word  for  '  hide '  (Goth.  */iups,  gen., 
*hHdais,  is  by  chance  not  recorded),  from 
pre-Teut.  kuti-s,  f. ;  it  is  Lat.  cutis  (for  the 
gradation  of  H  to  u,  see  taut  and  <2>ol)n) ; 
comp.  Gr.  kutos,  n.,  '  skin,  covering ' ;  the 
root  has  a  prefix  s  in  Gr.  vkutos,  n.,  '  skin, 
leather,'  Lat.  scH-tum.  'shield,'  ffxO-Xw, 
'skin,  arms. stripped  off  a  slain  enemy.' 
Hence  the  dental  in  OHG.  hut,  Lat  cutis, 
would  be  a  suffix  merely  ;  for  s-ku  as  a 
root  meaning  'to  cover,  hide,'  see  under 
<Sd)eutte,  ©djetter.  The  E.  vb.  to  hide,  from 
AS.  hQdun,  may  belong  to  the  same  root 
with  an  abstract  dental  suffix  *hd<<i-,  'cover- 
ing,' hUd jan, '  to  envelop.'  Yet  traces  exist, 
as  may  be  seen  under  S$vS\t,  of  a  root  hud 
from  fcudh,  '  to  veil,'  in  the  non-Teut.  lan- 

J»»cbammc,  f., '  midwife,'  from  MidHG. 
hebamme  ;  the  latter  form,  from  heve-amme, 
has  been  modified  in  sense  by  connection 
with  foebett,  its  last  component  representing 
an  earlier  anne  equiv.  in  meaning,  OHG. 
usually  hevi-anna,  f.  ;  anna,  (.,  'woman' is 
cognate  with  Lat.  dnus,  'old  woman  '  (see 
9ltjn),  and  hence  probably  stands  for  anua, 

anva  (comp.  $ianit,  Jtinn).  Yet  OHG.  hetn- 
anna  may  be  really  nothing  more  than  the 
pres.  panic,  of  tybtn,  prim,  lorn  hafja»(d)j6, 
'she  who  lifts,' of  which  the  later  forms 
are  modifications.  In  MidE.  midw'if,  E. 
midwife,  ModDu.  vroedvrouw,  from  vroed, 
1  wise,  prudent'  (comp.  Span.  coma>Jret  Fr. 
sage-femme)  ;  no  word  common  to  Teut.  can 
be  found.  There  were  probably  no  regular 
mil  I  wives  in  the  Teut.  period. 

<&ebel,  m.,  'lever,  yeast,'  first  occurs  in 
early  ModHG.  in  the  sense  of  'lever'; 
comp.  MidHG.  hebel,  hevd,  OHG.  hevilo, 
m.,  '  yeast '  (as  a  mean3  of  causing  a  thing 
to  rise)  ;  v,f,  as  the  older  form,  was  sup- 
planted by  connecting  the  word  with  bfbcn. 

fycbetl,  vl>.,  'to  raise,  lift,  levy,  solve 
(doubts),  settle  (disputes),  remove,'  from 
MidHG.  heben,  /teven,  '  to  rise,  raise,  lift,' 
OHG.  heffan,  hemn  (prop,  heffu,  l-evis,  hevit, 
fieffamSs,  inf.  heffan),  from  habjan,  which 
occurs  in  Goth,  in  the  sense  of  ( to  raise, 
lift  up ' ;  root,  haf,  hab ;  b  properly  be- 
longed in-"the  str.  vb.  to  the  pret.  plur. 
and  partic,  but  may  have  found  its  way 
into  other  stems.  AS.  Iiebban  (sing,  hebbe, 
hefst,  hef}>,  &c),  E.  to  heave  ;  ModDu.  heffen  ; 
Olc.  hefja.  Respecting^'  as  a  formative  ele- 
ment of  the  pres.  stem  in  str.  vbs.,  see  under 
fd)ajfcn,  (adjett,  &c. ;  it  corresponds  to  Lat.  t 
in  vbs.  of  the  3rd  conjug.,  such  as  facio. 
Hence  Lat.  capio  corresponds  exactly  to 
Goth,  hafjan  ;  Aryan  root  kap.  There  are 
numerous  examples  in  Teut.  of  the  sense 
'  to  seize,'  which  belongs  to  the  Lat.  vb.  ; 
see  under  ^uft.  Since  Lat.  capio  is  not 
allied  to  habeo,  and  Lat  habeo  is  cognate 
with  Teut.  twben  {capio,  rootkap,  liabeo,  'to 
have,'  root  kliabh),  habftt  is  entirely  uncon- 
nected with  heben.  Yet  in  certain  cases  it 
cannot  be  doubted  that  the  words  related 
to  fylbeu  have  influenced  the  meaning  of 
those  connected  with  tjcbm  ;  some  words 
may  be  indifferently  assigned  to  the  one 
or  the  other ;  comp.  e.g.  £abe  with  .£>anb- 
fyabe.  With  the  root  kap,  Lat  capio,  some 
also  connect  Gr.  kutv,  'handle.' 

iaccfjcf,  f.,  'flax  comb,'  from  MidHG. 
hechel,  also  hachel,  f.  :  comp.  Du.  hekel ; 
MidE.  hechele,  E.  haichel  and  hackle  ;  want- 
ing in  Olc.  ;  Swed.  hdckla,  Dan.  hegle 
(Goth.  *hakila,  *hakula,  is  assumed).  Pro- 
bably allied  to  OHG.  and  MidHG.  hecchen, 
hecken  (hakjan), '  to  pierce'  (espec.  ot  snakes), 
and  further  to  the  cognates  of  ^afen  (E. 
hook).  Goth,  hahils, '  cloak,'  OHG.  hahhu  L 
MidllG.  hachel,  m.,  Olc.  hgkull,  m.,  AS. 


(    i39    ) 


hacele,  'cloak,'  are  not  allied  ;  they  belong 
rather  to  a  conjectural  Goih.  *hdka,  f., 
1  goat '  (AS.  hicen,  '  kid,'  from  Goth.  *hd- 
kein,  n.  ;  see  under  ©eif$),  and  hence  pro- 
bably mean   '  hairv   garment.'      See  also 

$bed)fe,  $S&<f)fe,  f.,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  hehse,  OHG.  hahsa,  f.,  'hock' 
(especially  of  liorses) ;  the  presitmable  form 
in'  Goth,  is  *hahsi  (gen.  *hahsj6s),  f.  Cor- 
responding in  sound  to  Olnd.  kakSyd,  f., 
'  girth  (of  a  saddle),' a  derivative  oikak&a-st, 
m.,  'passage  for  the  girths,  armpit' ;  Lat. 
coxa, '  hip,'  whence  the  adv.  coxim,  '  squat- 
ting,' from  which  a  meaning  similar  to  that 
of  the  HG.  word  may  be  deduced.  The  sig- 
nification of  the  primit.  Aryan  word  fluc- 
tuated between  '  armpit,  hip,  and  hock.' 
In  the  Teut.  group  the  following  are 
also  allied  to  Goih.  *hahsi,  f. — OHG.  hah- 
sindn,  MidHG.  hehsenen,  'subnervare,  to 
hamstring,'  AS.  hdxene,  MidE.  houghsene, 
Frie.  hdxene,  '  hock.' 

ii*cd)t ,  m.,  '  pike,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  hc^chet,  hecht,  OHG.  hehhit,hahhit,  m. ; 
comp.  OSax.  hacud,  AS.  hacod,  hozced,  m., 
'  pike ' ;  a  West  Teut.  word  connected  with 
OHG.  and  MidHG.  hecknn, '  to  pierce,'  men- 
tioned under  -§ed)c(.  On  account  of  its 
pointed  teeth  the  pike  is  called  the  'piercer.' 
Comp.  E.  pike,  Fr.  brochet,  'pike,'  from 
broche,  '  spit,'  Scand.  gedda,  '  pike,'  allied 
to  gaddr,  '  prickle.' 

<#edte  (1.),  f.,  'hedge,'  from  MidHG. 
heclce,  f.,  OHG.  hgeka,  hegga,  f.,  'hedge,'  the 
latter  from  hagjd-,  whence  also  AS.  hecg, 
f.,  MidE.  heqge,  E.  hedge;  AS.  also  hege, 
in.,  'hedge'  (comp.  E.  haybote,  'an  allow- 
ance of  wood  for  repairing  fences').  Of 
the  same  origin  as  the  cognates  mentioned 
under  Jpag. 

-VK'cho  (2.).  f.,  '  the  act  of  breeding,'  Mod 
HG.  simply,  probably  neither  identical 
nor  even  cognate  with  #frfe  (1),  'hedge,' 
because  E.  hedge,  '§crfe  (1),'  and  hatch, 
'J&ecfe  (2).'  are  totally  distinct ;  the  former 
is  MidE.  hegge  (AS.  h$cg,  f.  ?),  the  latter 
MidE.  hacclie  (AS.  *hazcce  ?) ;  E.  hatch, 
'  brood,  incubation.'  MidHG.  has  a  wk. 
vb.,  hecken, '  to  propagate '  (of  birds),  MidE. 
hacchen,  E.  to  hatch;  OHG.  heijidruom, 
MidHG.  hegedruose,  f.,  'testicle,'  may  be 
cognate  (g  in  AS.  hagan,  'gignalia,'  ill 
comparison  with  the  earlier  kk  in  MidE. 
hacche,  is  conceivable),  and  hence  too  Mid 
HG.  hagen,  m.,  '  bull  kept  for  breeding,' 
earlier   ModHG.   <§>arffcfy,    'boar   kept   for 

breeding.'  The  cognates  seem  to  indicate 
a  Teut.  root  hag,  hakk,  '  to  propagate.' 

$bebe,  f.,  'tow,'  ModHG.  simply,  from 
LG.  heede,  formed  from  £?rfce  by  suppress- 
ing the  r  (see  SWiefe)  ;  comp.  MidDu.  herde, 
'flax  fibre,' AS.  heorde,  f.,  'refuse  of  flax, 
tow,'E.Aarc/s(plur.).  Are  AS.  heard  and  OIc. 
haddr,  'hair,'  allied?  For  Sfrttt  (probably 
Goth.  *hazdd,  *hazdjo)  U\  G.  has  Stapfr 

^Sebexid),  m.,  'hed tie-mustard,  ground 
ivy,'  from  late  MidHG.  hedertch,  m.,  a 
corruption  of  Lat.  (glecoma)  hederacea. 

£&eer,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  liere, 
OHG.  heri,  hari,  n.,  'army' ;  comp.  Goth. 
harjis,  m.,  AS.  he,re,  m.,  OIc.  herr,  m. ;  a 
common  Teut.  word  for  'army,'  still  cur- 
rent in  Swed.  and  Dan.  har,  Du.  hter-  in 
compounds.  AS.  here  was  supplanted  in 
the  MidE.  period  by  the  Rom.  army ;  yet 
AS.  here-gcatwe,  'military  equipment  or 
trappings,'  has  been  retained  down  to 
ModE.  as  heriot ;  similarly  the  AS.  word 
for  har-bour  (comp.  Jperfeerge).  The  term 
chario-,  'army,'  met  with  in  Teut.  proper 
names  of  the  Roman  period,  corresponds 
to  Olr.  cuire,  '  troop,'  OPruss.  karjis, 
'army,'  of  which  Lith.  kdras,  'war,'  is  the 
base  (<§eer,  lit.  'that  which  belongs  to 
war ') ;  to  this  OPers.  kdra,  '  army,'  is 
allied  ?.  In  MidHG.  and  earlier  ModHG. 
there  is  another  deriv.  of  the  root  kar, 
viz.  harst,  MidHG.  also  harsch,  'body  of 
troops.'  The  verbal  form  from  the  as- 
sumed word  for  'war'  was  perhaps  Goth. 
*harj6n,  '  to  wage  war  upon '  ;  comp.  OIc. 
herja,  '  to  go  on  a  predatory  expedition,' 
AS.  herigan.  E.  to  hurry,  to  harrow,  OHG. 
heridn,  MidHG.  hern,  'to  ravage,  plunder.' 
Comp.  further  .gtcrbcrge  and  faring. 

$befe,  f.,  'yeast,  lees,  dregs,'  from  Mid 
HG.  h$v,  hepfe,  m.  and  f.,  OHG.  hevn, 
hepfo,  m.  (from  heppo,  hufjo,  '  yeast ') ;  as 
a  substance  producing  fermentation  it  is 
derived  from  the  root  haf,  lit.  'raising'; 
hence  also  OHG.  hevilo,  MidHG.  hevel, 
'yeast,'  as  well  as  AS.  haf,  Du.  hef,  heffe, 
f., '  yeast '  (see  ^cbfl).  Similarly  Fr.  levaiv, 
levilire,  are  related  to  lever.  Yet  OHG. 
hepfo  can  scarcely  be  referred  to  the  Aryan 
root  kar>,  '  to  raise.' 

<#cft,  '  handle,  hilt,  stitched  book,  num- 
ber (of  a  periodical),'  from  MidHG.  hefle, 
OHG.  hefti,  'haft,  handle  of  a  knife,  hilt  of 
asword' ;  connected  with  the  root  Aor/('to 
lift')  or  hab  ('to  have').— feeflott,  vb.,  *to 
stitch,'  from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  heften,  'to 


(    140    ) 


bcflttf,  adj.,  '  vehement,  violent,  im- 
petuous,' from  MiilHG.  heftec,  a<lj.,  're- 
maining firm,  ])ersistent,'  then  'earnest, 
important,  strong.'  It  seems  to  be  based 
upon  a  blending  of  two  words  orig.  quite 
distinct,  for  ModHG.  Ijeftig,  'vehemens,' 
is  late  OHG.  heiftig,  MidHG.  heifU,  adv. 
heifteclic/ien,  with  which  Goth,  haifsls,  OFr. 
haste,  as  well  as  ModHG.  §ajt,  are  con- 

bcgett,  vb.,  '  to  enclose,  cherish,  foster,' 
from  MidHG.  liegen,  'to  cherish,  keep,'  lit. 
'  to  surround  with  a  fence,'  OHG.  hegen, 
'to  fence  in' ;  allied  to  £<uj. 

Sac^I.  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  hale, 
~M.idQ.Mle,  'concealment';  also  MidHG. 
hade,  adj.,  'concealed' ;  derivatives  of  Mid 
HG.  heln.     See  tytytn. 

l>cl)lert,  vb,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
heln,  OHG.  helan,  '  to  keep  secret,  conceal,' 
AS.  helan,  E.  to  heal,  'to  cover,  conceal,' 
Du.  helen,  '  to  conceal.'  Root  hel,  from 
pre-Teut.  kSl  (Sans.  *gal\  in  the  sense  of 
'concealing  cover' ;  see  further  under  <£>a(le, 
£eljf,  -£>cu>,  £i"d(e,  §ulfe,  as  well  as  fydjl, 
J&eijtf,  and  §clm.  The  Aryan  root  is  at- 
tested by  Lat.  cilare  (e  as  in  Goth.  *hSlei, 
which  is  indicated  hy  MidHG.  hade,  f., 
mentioned  under  §cf;l),  occulo,  Gr.  root  kcl\ 
in  KakiirTU),  'I  cover,'  /taXt^,  'hut,'  Olr. 
celim,  '  I  hide.' 

ftcljl",  adj.,  'exalted,  sublime,  sacred,' 
from  MidHG.  Mr,  adj.,  'distinguished, 
exalted,  proud,  glad,'  also  'sacred,'  OHG. 
and  OLG.  Mr,  '  distinguished,  exalted, 
splendid.'  The  corresponding  compar. 
is  used  in  G.  in  the  sense  of  '  dominus ' ; 
comp.  ^»crr,  lit,  'the  more  distinguished, 
venerable '  (orig.  current  in  the  Teut.  lan- 
guages of  Mid.  Europe  only).  The  orig. 
sense  of  the  adj.  is  probably  'venerable,' 
for  the  E.  and  Scand.  adj.  has  the  mean- 
ing 'grey,  hoary,  old  man';  OIc.  hdrr, 
AS.  Mir,  E.  hoar  (and  the  lengthened  form 
Mary),  'grey.'  Goth.  *Miira-  (neu.  sing. 
inas.  *hairs)  is  wanting.  The  common 
assumption  of  a  Teut.  root  hai,  '  to  glitter, 
shine,'  from  which  an  adj.  hai-ra-  can  be 
derived  with  the  double  sense  given  above, 
is  supported  by  OIc.  MiS,  'clearness of  the 
sky'  (see  under  Ijeitcr),  as  well  as  by  Goth. 
Aai's(dat.plur.Aaizam),n.,' torch.'  With  the 
root  hai  (from  pre-Teut.  koi),  Sans,  ki-td-s, 
m.,  'light,  lustre,  torch,'  is  connected. 

,&cioc  (1.),  f.,  'heath,  uncultivated  land, 
heather,'  from  MidHG.  Mide,  OHG.  Mida, 
f.,  'heath,  uutilled,  wild,  overgrown  land, 

heather';  comp.  Goth.  haipi,  f.,  'field,' 
AS.  hdjy,  m.  and  n.,  'heath,  desert,'  also 
'  heather,'  E.  heath,  OIc.  MitSr,  f.  The 
prim,  sense  of  the  common  Teut.  word  is 
'treeless,  uutilled  plain';  the  meaning 
'  heather'  evolved  from  this  is  West  Teut. 
(AS.  Du.  and  G),  so  too  Du.  Mi,  Mide. 
Goth,  haifri,  '  field,  plain,'  from  pre-Teut. 
kditt,  occurs  also  in  OInd.  kSetra-m,  '  field, 
cornfield,  region,  country,'  for  sketram.  See 
the  next  word. 

^SClbe  (2.),  m.,  '  heathen,  pagan,'  from 
MidHG.  heiden,  m.,  '  heathen '  (espec. 
'  Saracen'),  OHG.  heidan,  m. ;  comp.  Du. 
Miden,  AS.  Mef>en,  E.  Mathen,  OIc.  hetiSenn, 
'  heathen.'  Ultilas  is  acquainted  only  with 
the  corresponding  fem.  liaifinS,  '  heathen 
woman,'  while  the  masc.  plur.  equiv.  to  Lat. 
gentes,  Gr.  lOvi),  appears  as  JriudOs.  The 
connection  of  the  word  with  human  pro- 
gress is  difficult  to  decide  ;  on  account  of 
the  diffusion  of  the  word  in  all  the  Teut. 
dialects,  we  are  evidently  not  concerned 
here  with  a  word  originating  in  the  OHG. 
Biblical  texts  and  translations.  The  usual 
assumption  that  Lat.  paganus,  '  heathen,' 
was  the  model  on  which  the  Teut.  word  was 
built  needs  to  be  restricted,  since  it  is  im- 
probable that  all  the  OTeut.  dialects  inde- 
pendently of  one  another  should  have  given 
an  inaccurate  rendering  of  paganus,  espe- 
cially since  the  Slav,  languages  have  bor- 
rowed the  word  directly  (OSlov.,  Russ. 
poganu).  Lat.  paganus,  'heathen'  (Ital. 
pauano,  Fr.  pa'ien),  appears  in  the  second 
half  of  the  4th  cent,  after  Christianity  was 
established  as  the  religion  of  the  Empire 
by  Constantine  and  his  sons,  and  the  old 
worship  was  forced  from  the  towns  into 
the  country  districts.  The  late  occurrence 
of  the  Lat,  word  explains  the  fact  that  in 
Goth,  first  of  all  a  solitary  instance  of  the 
new  term  '  heathen '  is  found  in  the  form 
haifnid,  f.,  'a  heathen  woman.'  But  tho 
appearance  of  the  word  in  Goth,  is  more 
easily  accounted  for  than  in  any  other  dia- 
lect from  the  Goth,  forms  haipi,  f.,  '  field,' 
hai/riuislcs, '  wild '  (milij?  h.,(  \\  ild  honey  '). 
Hence  in  Goth,  a  form  *hai]?ins  would  be 
connected  more  closely  with  Lat.  paganus, 
while  in  the  other  dialects  the  correspond- 
ing word  cannot  probably  be  explained  from 
the  Lat.  form.  Perhaps  here,  as  in  the  case 
of  Jtirdje  and  ^Bfajff,  the  influence  of  the 
Goths  and  of  their  Christianity  upon  the 
other  Teutons  is  discernible,  Comp.  the 
history  of  the  word  tauffit. 


(    141    ) 


$beibelheeve,  f.,  'bilberry,  whortle- 
berry,' from  MidHG.  heidelber,  heitber,  n. 
and  f.,  OHG.  heidb$ri,  n., '  bilberry,  whortle- 
berry ' ;  corresponds  to  AS.  h&S-berie,  with 
the  same  meaning.    Allied  to  -§eifce,  f. 

l)eifeel,  adj.,  '  hooked,  captions,  nice,' 
ModHG.  only,  but  widely  current  in  tlie 
dials. ;  Swiss,  heikxel,  Bav.and, 
East  Fris.  hekel,  'fastidious  with  regard  to 
food.'  Geographically  heifet  and  QUI  seem 
to  supplement  eacli  other,  and  hence  may 
be  regarded  as  identical. 

<§bcil,  n.,  'health,  welfare,  salvation,' 
from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  heil,  n.,  'health, 
happiness,  salvation ' ;  comp.  AS.  hail,  n. 
(for  hdli,  from  liailiz),  '  health,  happiness, 
favourable  omen ' ;  Olc.  heill,  n.  (f.)  (from 
hailiz), '  favourable  omen,  happiness.'  Not 
the  neut  of  the  following  adj.,  but  properly 
an  older  as  stem,  pre-Teut.  kdilos (declined 
like  Gr.  ytvos,  L  it.  genus,  n.).  Comp.  also 
the  next  word. 

fccil,  adj.,  'hale,  healthy,  sound,' from 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  heil,  adj.,  'healthy, 
whole,  saved ' ;  comp.  OSax.  hil,  AS.  hdl, 
E.  whole,  Olc.  heill, '  healthy,  healed,'  Goth. 
hails,  '  healthy,  sound.'  In  OTeut.  the 
iioin.  of  this  adj.  was  used  as  a  saluta-* 
tion  (Goth,  hails!  xaiPe  !  AS.  wes  hdl/). 
Teut.  haila-z,  from  pre-Teut.  kailos  {-lo-  is 
a  suffix),  corresponds  exactly  to  OSlov. 
dlu,  'complete,  whole,'  which,  like  Pruss.. 
kaildstikun,  '  health  '  (from  *kaildda$, 
'  healthy  '),  is  based  upon  Aryan  kailo-;  the 
Olr.  cognate  c4l, '  angary,'  corresponds  to 
AS.  hdbl,  Olc.  heill,' '  n.,  'favourable  omen,' 
as  well  as  to  OHG.  hdlis6n  and  AS.  had- 
sian,  '  to  augur.'  Sans,  kalya-s,  '  healthy,' 
kalydna-s, '  beautiful,'  and  Gr.  /ca\<5s,  /cdXXos, 
are  probably  not  related  to  the  soot  kai 
with  the  suffix  lo-. 

I)cttctt,  vb.,  'to heal,  cure,'  from  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  hcileii,  'to  heal,'  as  well  as  Mid 
HG.  heilen,  OHG.  heiliv,  'to  get  well';, 
comp.  AS.  hcelan,  E.  to  heal  (to  which 
health  is  allied,  AS.  hcdlp,  OHG.  heilida,  f., 
'  health ').— ^cifcmo,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  heilant,  m., '  Saviour' ; 
prop,  a  partic.  of  tjcitcu  (a  being  retained  in 
the  partic.  derivative  as  in  SBcifliutb) ;  the 
term  is  HG.  and  LG.  ;  comp.  OSax.  hili- 
an<l,  AS.  htelcnd.  In  England,  where  it 
became  obsolete  as  early  as  the  13th  cent ., 
the  word,  even  in  the  older  period,  was 
never  so 'deeply  rooted  as  in  Germany.  In 
Goth,  nasjands,  AS.  nergend. 

bciltg,  adj.,  'holy,  sacred,  inviolable,' 

from  the  equiv.  MidHG. heilec,  OHG.  heilag, 
adj. ;  comp.  OSax.  hilag,  AS.  hdleg,  E.  hoi//, 
Olc.  heilagr,  adj.  ;  all  have  the  common 
meaning,  'sanctus.'  In  Goth,  only  is  the 
adj.  unknown  (yet  hailag  occurs  in  a  Goth. 
Runic  inscription) ;  the  earlier  old  heathen 
form  weihs  (see  iveificit)  was  used  instead. 
The  development  of  meaning  in  f)etli$  from 
the  subst.  £etl  is  not  quite  clear.  Is  the 
word  Jpcit  used  in  a  religious  sense  ?  Comp. 
Olc.  heill,  '  favourable  omen,'  OHG.  heiti- 
sdn,  '  to  augur,'  Olr.  eel,  '  augury '  ?. 

jftcint,  n.,  'home,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  heim,  n»,  'house,  home,  dwelling- 
place,'  comp.  OSax.  him,  '  dwelling-place,' 
AS.  hdm.  'home,  dwelling-place,  house,' 
E.  home,  Olc.  heimr,  m.,  '  dwelling,  world,' 
Goth,  haims,  f.,.  '  village.'  In  the  17th 
cent,  and  in  the  first  half  of  the  18th, 
the  ModHG..  word  vanished  from  the  lite- 
rary language  (the  adv.  Ijeim  only  being 
still  used),  but  was  restored  through  the 
influence  of  English  literature  (see  J^adf, 
©If).  The  meaning  of  the  Goth,  subst.  is 
found  in  the  remaining  dialects  only  in 
names  of  places  formed  with  sfyeim  as  the 
second  component.  In  Goth,  a  more  general 
meaning,  'dwelling,'  is  seen  in  the  adj. 
anahai/ms,  'present,'  af haims,  'absent '(see 
<§etntat).  The  assumption  that  '  village '  is 
the  earlier  meaning  of  -§etm  is  also  sup- 
ported by  Lith.  kimas,  kaimas,  '  (peasant's) 
farm '  ;  Sons..  Mimas,  '  secure  residence,' 
allied  to  the  root  kii,  '  to  dwell  securely, 
while  away'  (Mitts,,  f.,  'dwelling,  earth'), 
OSlov.  po-6iti, '  requiescere,' po-kojt, '  rest ' ; 
perhaps  also  Gr.  Atcfyt'7  (f°r  KVV-v), '  village '  ?. 
—  Ijctm,  adv.,  from  MidHG.  and  OHG. 
heim,  acc..sing.,'home(wards),'and  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  heime,  dat.  sing.,  'at  home'; 
in  the  other  dialects,  except  Goth.,  the 
respective  substs.  in  the  cases  mentioned 
are  likewise  used  adverbially  in  the  same 
sense.     For  further  references  comp.  SKkile. 

..ftctmctf,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hcimdt,  heimuot,  heimuote,  f.  and  n.,  OHG. 
heimuoti,  heimdli,  u.,  'native  place' ;  a  de- 
rivative of  Jpeun.  Goth.  *haim6di  is  want- 
ing (haimdpli,  'native  land  or  fields,'  is 
used  instead,  OHG.  heimuodili).  Respect- 
ing -6'U  as  a  suffix,  see  9lrnutt,  (Shittc. 

^eimcrjett,  n.,  'cricket,' dimin.  of  -§cintf, 
m.  and  f.,  from  M  id  1 1 G.  hcime,  OHG.  heimo, 
m.,  'cricket'  ;  AS.  hdma,  'cricket' ;  a  de- 
rivative of  £cim,  hence  lit  'inmate'  (a 
pet  term  ?). 

f)cimlid),  adj.,  '  private,  secret,  comfor- 


(    142    ) 


table,  snug,  from  MidHG.  heim(e)lich,  adj., 
'  secret,  coiifidential,coiicealed,'  also '  home- 
made, domestic* ;  allied  to  Jpoint. 

.Mciiut.  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  hlrdt,  in.  and  f.,  'marriage,'  lit 
'care  of  a  house';  Goth.  *heiws,  'house,' 
in  heiwa-frauja,  m.,  'master  of  the  house.' 
The  earlier  ModHG.  form  ^curat  is  due  to 
Mid HG.  *hU-rdt  for  htw-.  AS.  htrid,  MrH, 
'family,'  MidE.  hired,  and  AS.  hiwrceden, 
MidE.  htreden  in  the  same  sense.  The  first 
component,  Goth,  heiwa-,  is  widely  diffused 
iit  OTeut  OIc.  hj&,  hj&n,  n.  plur.,  'man 
and  wife,  married  couple,  domestics,'  OIc. 
hyslce,  n.,  'family,'  Mbyte,  hyhyle,  11.,  'place 
of  residence.'  A*\  htwan,  plur.,  '  servants,' 
E.  hind  (E.  hive,  which  is  often  connected 
with  the  cognates  in  question,  is  not  allied, 
since  it  is  due  to  AS.  hyf,  'beehive'). 
Scand.  hyske,  11.,  corresponds  to  the  West 
Teut.  terms,  OHG.  htwislei,  n.,  'family, 
housekeeping,  domestics,'  also  OHG.  htuu, 

{)lur.,  'man  and  wife,  servants,'  htwo,  'hus- 
jand,'  htwa,  '  wife.'  Goth,  heiwa-,  '  house, 
housekeeping,'  has  consequently  numerous 
cognates  within  the  Teut.  group.  Its  rela- 
tion to  the  non-Teut.  words  is  dubious ;  Lat. 
civis,  'citizen,'  Lith.  szeima,  szeimyna,  'do- 
mestics,' OSlov.  semlja,  simija,  'domestics,' 
are  usually  connected  with  it.  Others 
refer  it  to  the  root  appearing  in  £eim.  See 

f)Ctfd)crt,  vb.,  '  to  ask  for,  demand,  re- 
quire,' from  MidHG.  heischen,  prop,  eischert, 
OHG.  eisk&n,  'to  ask';  the  addition  of 
initial  h  in  the  MidHG.  and  ModHG.  verbs 
is  correctly  ascribed  to  the  influence  of 
toftjjeti.  Coinp.  OSax.  Sscdn,  Du.  eischen, 
AS.  dscian,  E.  to  ask;  Goth.  *aisk6n  is 
wanting.  It  corresponds  to  Lith.  jeskOti, 
OSlov.  iskati,  '  to  seek,'  also  probably  to 
Armen.  aic,  '  investigation,'  and  Sans,  icch 
(icchati),  'to  seek'  (see  an()etfd)ig). 

rjetfer,  adj.,  'hoarse,'  from  MidHG. 
heiser, '  rough,  hoarse.'  with  the  variant  Mid 
HG.  heis,  heise,  OHG.  heisi,  heis,  '  hoarse' ; 
Goth.  *haisa-  is  also  indicated  by  AS.  hds  ; 
in  MidE.  besides  h§se,  an  abnormal  hgrse 
occurs,  whence  E.  hoarse;  so  too  MidDu. 
heersch,  a  variant  of  heesch  (the  latter  also 
ModDu.) ;  the  r  of  the  MidHG.  and  Mod 
HG.  derivative  Ijfifft  is  the  widely  diffused 
adj.  suffix  in  bitter,  lauter,  bagev,  nta^er,  (fee. 
The  Scand.  hdss,  for  the  expected  *heiss 
(Goth.  *ltais),  also  presents  a  difficulty. 
Some  have  attempted  to  connect  the  stem 
with  that  in  IjuyAtn,  which  is  impossible  ; 

Ii6s,  hw6s,  in  tyujlen,  cannot,  on  account  of 
the  vowels,  correspond  to  Goth.  *haisa. 
Others,  with  greater  reason,  connect  it  with 
E.  to  whistle,  AS.  hiristlian,  and  with  Mod 
HG.  ttifpelii,  'to  whisper'  (the  Teut.  root 
hais,  hwts,  appears  with  a  derivative  k  in 
AS.  hwtskrian,  OIc.  hviskra,  '  to  whisper,' 
Du.  heesch,  'hoarse'). 

<5»et(Icr,  m.,  '  beech  tree,'  a  Franc,  and 
Hess,  word,  which  also  appears  in  LG.,  but 
is  entirely  unknown  to  TjpG.  and  MidG. ; 
even  in  the  MidHG.  period  heister  occurs  ; 
comp.  Du.  heester  (whence  Fr.  hitre).  Note 
the  local  term  £eifterbacfy. 

f)Ci|jj,  adj., '  hot,  ardent,  vehement,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  hei$;  comp. 
Du.  he  t,  AS.  hdt,  E.  hot,  OIc.  heitr;  a 
common  Teut  adj.  for  '  hot,'  pointing  to 
Goth.  *haita-  ;  from  the  root  hit,  to  which 
^i|e  is  akin.  This  root,  may  be  extended 
from  hi,  with  which  OHG.  an  1  MidHG. 
hei,  ge!-ei,  '  heat'  is  connected.     See  beijett. 

^ci^en,  vb.,  'to  bid,  command,  be  called, 
signify,'  from  MidHG.  hti^en,  OHG.  heiy 
$an,  '  to  name,  be  named,  be  called,  com- 
mand, promise' ;  the  passive  sense,  '  to  be 
named,  nominari,'  did  not  orig.  belong  to 
the  active,  but  only  to  the  Goth,  and  AS. 
passive  form.  AS.  hdtan,  'to  name,  pro- 
mise,' hdtte,  '  I  am  called '  and  '  I  was 
called';  OIc.  heita,  'to  name,  be  named, 
promise,  vow ' ;  Goth,  haitan,  a  redupl.  vb., 
1  to  name, appoint,  call,  invite,  command,'  in 
the  pass,  'to  be  named.'  A  common  Teut. 
vb.  with  the  prim,  sense  'to  call  any  one 
by  name,  to  name.'  No  words  undouhtedly 
allied  to  the  Teut.  root  halt,  from  pre-Teut. 
kaid,  exist  in  the  non-Teut  languages. 
See  attbeifdui}. 

rjcif,  fern,  suffix  of  abstract  terms  in 
the  West  Teut.  dialects  ;  prop,  an  indepen- 
dent word  —  MidHG.  heit,  f.,  'method, 
nature,'  OHG.  heit,  m.  and  f.,  '  person, 
sex,  rank,  estate,'  AS.  hdd,  'estate,  race, 
method,  quality';  Goth,  haidus,  in., 
'  method ' ;  see  further  under  tytitn.  As 
an  independent  word  it  became  obsolete 
in  E.  in  the  MidE.  period,  and  was  pre- 
served only  as  a  suffix,  as  in  ModHG.  ;  AS. 
-lutd,  E.  -h<>od  (boi/hood,  falsehood,  maiden- 
hood), and  also  E.  -head  (maidf7ihead). 

fjetter,  adj.,  'clear,  serene,  bright,  cheer- 
ful,' from  MidHG.  heiter,  OHG.  heitar, 
adj.,  'serene,  bright,  glittering';  comp. 
OSax.  hidar,  AS.  hddor,  'serene' ;  a  West 
Teut.  adj.,  but  in  Scand.  heijj-r,  'serene,' 
without  the  derivative  r  (all  used  orig.  of 


(    i43    ) 


the  clear,  cloudless  sky  only)  ;  comp.  OIc. 
heij>,  '  clear  sky.'  Corap.  Tent,  haidra-, 
haida-,  from  pre-Teut.  kaitrd-,  hiito-,  with 
Sans.  MUs,  m.,  '  brightness,  light,  rays, 
flame,  lamp'  (identical  in  form  with  Goth. 
haidus,  m.,  'manner,  mode,'  connected 
with  jfyeit),  from  the  root  cit  {kit),  'to  shine 
forth,  appear,  see' ;  to  this  is  allied  a  Sans, 
adj.  citrd-s,  'glittering,  radiating,  bright, 
glorious,'  containing  a  derivative  r,  but 
with  a  differently  graded  vowel  in  the  stem. 
A  figurative  sense  is  specially  attached  to 
OIc.  heifrr  (gen.  heij>ar  and  heipj-s),  m., 
'honour,'  as  well  as  to  Ajtit. 

l)Ci\cn,  vb.,  '  to  beat,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  heizen,  a  variant  of 
hei^en  (comp.  betjen,  vetjen)  ;  a  nominal  verb 
from  heii>,  stem  haita-,  Goth.  *liaitjan; 
comp.  AS.  hdetav,  '  to  make  hot,  heat ' 
(from  hdt),  E.  to  heat.     See  fteijj. 

rftclo,  m.,  from  the  ecjuiv.  MidHG.  helt 
(gen.  heldes),  m.,  late  OHG.  helid,  'hero'; 
corresponding  to  OSax.  helith,  AS.  Juele]>- 
(nom.  sing.,  hcele),  'man,  hero,'  OIc.  hpltir, 
hgldr  (from  *haluj>r),  and  hair,  '  man,' 
Teut.  hale}}-,  from  kalet-,  kale't-,  may  most 
probably  be  connected  with  Ir.  calath, 
Bret,  calet,  '  hard.' 

I)elfen,  vb.,  '  to  help,  assist,  avail, 
remedy,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  helfen, 
OHG.  helfan ;  a  common  Teut.  vb.  used 
in  the  same  sense  in  all  the  dialects ; 
comp.  Goth,  hilpav,  OIc.  hjalpa,  AS. 
h'eipan,  E.  to  help,  Du.  helpen,  OSax. 
h'eipan.  Teut.  root  help  from  pre-Teut. 
kelb- ;  a  root  of  another  Aryan  dialect 
apparently  allied  in  meaning  curiously 
ends  in  p  {kelp) ;  comp.  Lith.  szdlpti,  'to 
help,'  paszalpd,  'help'  (in  Sans,  the  root 
falp  does  not  occur).  Sans,  kip,  '  to  ac- 
commodate oneself  to,  suit,'  is  even  less 
closely  connected. 

l)CU,  adj.,  '  clear,  bright,  evident,'  from 
MidHG.  hel  (gen.  h'elles),  adj.,  '  loud,  sono- 
rous,' OHG.  hel  in  galiel,  unhel,  missahell j 
in  MidHG.  the  meaning  'sonorous'  was 
still  current,  but  that  of  'glittering'  is 
found  neither  in  OHG.  nor  MidHG.  Comp. 
OHG.  hellan,  MidHG.  hellen, '  to  resound  ; 
MidHG.  hal  (gen.  halles),  m.,  '  sound, 
resonance,'  whence  ModHG.  hallen;  fur- 
ther Scand.  hjat,  n.,  '  chattering,'  hjala, 
'  to  chatter '  ?.     Comp.  fyolett. 

/acllbctnR,  -Moll bonk,  f.,  'bench  near 
the  stove,'  allied  to  earlier  ModHG.  $clit, 
Jjjollf,  f.j'the  narrow  space  between  the  stove 
und  the  wall ' ;  the  word  is  first  recorded 

towards  the  end  of  the  15th  cent.,  but  was 
in  existence  at  an  earlier  period.  Comp. 
AS.  heal,  MidE.  hal,  'angle,  corner'  (coinp. 
Olr.  cuil,  'corner').  The  ModHG.  form 
is  due  to  a  confusion  with  JpcKe,  which, 
like  the  ModHG.  QtlU  'ttjinfel,'  is  connected 
with  the  root  hel,  '  to  veil,  conceal.' 

,S»eUebarte,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
helmbarte,  {.,  '  halberd ' ;  for  the  second 
part  of  the  compound  see  93artc  (1).  The 
first  component  has  been  ascribed  to  two 
sources — to  the  very  rare  MidHG.  helm, 
halm,  '  helve,  handle,'  which  would  pro- 
bably suit,  as  far  as  the  sense  is  concerned, 
h elmbarte,  ' an  axe  fitted  with  a  handle'?. 
But  since  helmbarte,  in  such  a  derivation, 
should  have  halm-  as  the  component,  the 
phonetic  relation  of  the  words  is  in  favour 
of  the  derivation  from  helm,  in.,  hence 
helmbarte,  'an  axe  for  cleaving  the  helmet/ 
From  G.  the  Rom.  words  (Fr.  hallebarde) 
are  derived. 

feller,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
heller,  holler,  m., '  a  copper  coin  worth  about 
i\d-' ;  according totheordinary supposition, 
"  it  was  so  called  from  the  imperial  town 
of  Scfoivabifdj^all,  where  it  was  fi  ret  coined." 
The  OHG.  term  halliny,  'obolus,'  which 
apparently  contradicts  this,  is  perhaps 
rightly  regarded  as  identical  with  MidHG. 
helblinc,  in.,  '  a  fourth  of  a  farthing.' 

f>eUia,en,  betjelltftcn,  vb.,  '  to  impor- 
tunate,' from  MidHG.  helligen,  '  to  weary 
by  pursuit,  tease,  torment' ;  a  nominal 
verb  from  MidHG.  hellic,  adj.,  '  wearied, 
exhausted,'  ModHG.  Ijclltg,  '  wearied.'  The 
origin  of  the  adj.  is  obscure. 

$belm,  (1.),  m., '  helmet,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  helm,  m. ;  the  same  in 
OSax.,  OFris.,  and  AS.  (AS.  helm,  'helmet, 
protector,'  E.  helm),  OIc.  hjalmr,  Goth. 
hilms, '  helmet' ;  a  common  Teut  str.  noun, 
helma-,  '  helmet,'  from  pre-Teut.  kelmo-. 
Comp.  OInd.  fdrman-,  n.,  '  protection ' 
(comp.  the  AS.  meaning),  with  which  the 
root  kel  in  ModHG.  l)ol)len,  lu'iden,  is  con- 
nected. Lith.  s&ilmas,  'helmet,'  and  OSlov. 
Slemu,  '  helmet,'  were  borrowed  at  an  early 
period  from  Teut. ;  so  too  the  Rom.  class — 
Ital.  tlmo  (Fr.  heaume),  'helmet.' 

^ACltn  (2.),  m., 'tiller,'  ModHG.  simply, 
from  LG.,  whence  a  number  of  nautical 
li-rins  found  their  way  into  HG.  (see  Sect, 
Matyx,  aSarfe,  &fattr,  <Spiict) ;  comp.  Du. 
hc'mstock, '  tiller.'  E.  helm,  AS.  helma,  'rud- 
der,' Scand.  hjdlm,  f., '  tiller.'  In  this  case, 
M  in  most  of  the  other  nautical  expressions, 


(    i44    ) 


it  cannot  be  decided  in  which  division  of 
tlie  Saxon  and  Scand.  group  the  technical 
term  originated ;  as  in  other  instances — 
see  53oor,  Serb — AS.  contains  the  earliest 
record  of  the  word.  The  MidHG.  helm  (see 
•§fll«bartf),  'helve,  handle,'  which  occurs 
only  once,  and  its  variant  halmey  do  not 
seem  to  be  actually  allied  to.  the  present 
term  ;  they  are  connected  witk  ^alfter^ 

.ilvemo,  n.,  'shirt,'  from  MidHG.  and 
MidLG.  hemde,  he.medey  OHG.  h$midi,  n., 
'shirt,'  prop,  'long  under-garment' ;  allied 
to  OFris.  hemethe,  AS.  Agnize  (Goth.  *ham- 
eijril);  a  dimin.  term,  formed  like  OHG. 
jungtdi,  'young  of  animals.'  The  sense 
'  short  garment,. bodice,'  originates  in  Teut 
hama-y  'garment,'  the  same  as  OIc.  hamr, 
in.,  '  covering,  skin,,  external  form.'  See 
further  under  SJeidjnam,  also  £amen,  fyanttfd). 
The  Goth,  form  *hamei)>ja-  previous  to  its 
permutation  was  kamttjo^,  and  with  this 
the  late  Lat.  term  camisia,  'tunica  inte- 
rior, under-garment,.  shirt,'  recorded  at  the 
beginning  of  the  5th  cent,  and  chiefly  in 
relation  to  soldiers,,  must  be  connected  in 
some  way  j  it  differs  little  from  the  as- 
sumed form  in  pre-Teut.  ;  OIc.  ha7nsy  m. 
(from  hamisa~),  'slough  of  a  snake,'  has  a  de- 
rivative s.  Probably  Sans,  camulya, '  shirt,' 
is  prim,  allied.  Since  there  is  no  doubt  that 
the  HG.  word  is  classical  Teut.,  the  vulgar 
camisia  must  be  traced  back  to  a  Teut  ori- 
gin, which  is  also  attested  by  W.  hefis, '  che- 
mise,' and'  Olr.  caimmse,  'nomen  Testis. 
The  relation  of  the  initial  HG.  h  to  Rom.  c 
would  correspond  to  that  of  Fr.  Cliivert  to 
its  OHG.  original  Hiltiberty  i.e.  a  Franc,  ch 
forms  the  connecting  link.  In  Lat.  camisia 
we  obtain  for  HG.  J&emb  other  related  terms 
in  Rom.  (Fr.  chemisey  Ital.  camicia). 

^Ctnmctt,  vb.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hemmen  (MidG.),  hamen,  'to  stop,  hinder, 
check';  OHG.  *hamen  and  *hemmen  are 
wanting.  The  early  existence  of  the  word,, 
which  is  not  found  in  Bav.,  is  proved  by 
OIc.  hemja,  'to  check,'  and  Sans,  gamay, 
'to  annihilate,'  which  is  perhaps  cognate 
with  the  latter.  It  is  based  upon  a  Teut. 
mot  ham,  meaning  'to  mutilate*;  comp.. 
OHG.  ham  (inflected  form  hammSr),  'lame, 
paralytic'  (Goth.  *ham-ma-,  from  *ham-na-, 
orig.  a  partic.),  and  further  also  OHG. 
hamal,  'mutilated'  (see  $ammei)..  Scand. 
suggests  the  possibility  of  a  different  ety- 
mology— hemja,  'to  curb  any  one,,  lame, 
check,'  from  hgm,  f.,  'hind-leg  of  a  horse,' 
liemill,  '  rope  for  tethering  cattle  by  the 

thighs  when  they  are  grazing,'  hafa  fomil  a, 
'  to  restrain  any  one.'  In  Suab.  and  Bav. 
Ijemtnett  means  only  '  to  tether  horses  when 
grazing.'  Comp.  also  Lith.  kdmanos,  plur., 

$ertflff,  m.,  'stallion,'  from  MidHG. 
hengest,  OHG  hevgist,  m.,  '  gelding,  horse 
(generally),.'  comp.  Du.  hengst,  m.,  'stal- 
lion,.' AS.  hengest,  m.,  '  male  horse  (gene- 
rally),' obsolete  at  the  beginning  of  the 
MidE.  period;  OIc.  hestr  (from  *hin- 
histr),  m.,  'stallion,,  horse  (generally).' 
The  earlier  meaning  of  the  HG.  word  was 
equus  castvatus,  and  by  the  adoption  of  the 
general  term  $fcrt>,  '  horse,'  the  word  ob- 
tained in  ModHG..  (from  the  15th  cent.) 
ae  '  ungelded,  male  horse.'  In  Goth,  pro- 
bably *hangists.  The  attempt  to  explain 
the  word  etymologically  has  not  yet  been 
successful;  comp.  Lith.  szankus,  'nimble' 
(of  horses)  1,  or  Lith.  kinky ti,  'to  put  (horses) 

<&CttKeI,.m.,  'handle,  shank,' ModHG. 
simply,  allied  to  fjettfeit. 

rjenfeett,  vb.,  'to  hang,,  suspend,'  from 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  henken,  prop,  a  variant 
of  OHG.  and  MidHG.  hen  gen  (k  is  Goth. 
gj)..  To  these  two  words,  varying  in  sound, 
different  meanings  were  attached;  comp. 
MidHG.  henken,  '  to  hang  up,'  hengen,  '  to 
hang  down  (one's  head),'  espec.  'to  give  a 
horse  the  reins.'  Yet  MidHG.  hengen  is 
also  used  in  the  sense  of  hpiktn, '  to  execute 
by  hanging.' 

«&cnfecr,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
(rare)  henker,  hunger,  m.y  'hangman,'  allied 
to.  ficttfen. 

^cmte,.  f.,  'hen,'  from  MidHG.  and 
MidLG.  henne,  ©HG. Vienna,  f..;  comp.  AS. 
he.nn,  E.  hen  (AS.  hana  was  even  in  the 
AS.  period  supplanted  by  its  equiv.  cock)  ; 
a  West  Teut.  fern,  of  the  common  Teut 
hano,  'cock,'  to  which  are- allied  the  graded 
forms,  OIc.  hcena,  OSwed.  and  ModSwed. 
hnna,  'hen*  (OHG.  also  he.nin,  hpiinna, 
'hen ').     See  #af)tt,.  £ul)n. 

&cppe,  see  J&ippe. 

l)er,  adv.,  'hither,  this  way.'  from  Mid 
HG.. for  {hire),  OHG.  hera,  adv.,  'hither/ 
formed  like  OHG.  icara,  'whither' ;  allied 
to  Goth,  hiri,  adv.  imperat,  '  come  here.' 
Connected  with  a  pronom.  stem  hi-.  See 
Ijcute,  liter,  lu'iuicit. 

J)crb,  adj.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
here,  inflected  herwer  (also  hare,  inflected 
harwer),  'bitter,  harsh';  Goth,  and  OHG. 
*ltar-ica-  is  wanting.      Allied   to  OSax. 


(    145    ) 


har-m,  AS.  hear-m,  adj.,  'painful,  mortify- 
ing, bitter'?.     See  ^arm. 

Jierberge,  f.  (with  £as  in  ^erjog,  allied 
to  Ǥeer),  'shelter,  quarters,  inn,'  from  Mid 
HG.  herberge,  f. ;  lit.  'a  sheltering  place  for 
the  army'  (rare  in  MidHG.),  most  fre- 
quently '  lodging-house  for  strangers,'  also 
'dwelling'  generally.  OHG.  heri-b'erga, 
'camp,  castra,'  then  al-o  '  hospitium,  taber- 
naculum.'  MidE.  hmberge,  ' hospitium,' 
E.  harbour ;  Scand.  herberge,  n.,  'inn,  lodg- 
ing, room,  chamber.'  The  compound^  in 
its  later  form,  seems  to  have  been  adopted 
from  G.  by  the  other  Teut.  languages,  and 
also  by  Rom. ;  Fr.  auberge,  Ital.  albergo ; 
OFr.  preserves  the  older  meaning  'camp.' 
Com  p.  Jpevr,  bergen. 

(^Crbff,  m.,  'autumn,  harvest,'  from  the 
equiv:  MidHG.  herbest,  OHG.  h^rbist,  in. ; 
coinp.  MidLG.  hervest,  Du.  herfst,  AS.  hcer- 
fest,m.,  andthe  equiv. ~E.harvest;  a  common 
West  Teut.  word,  archaic  in  form  (whether 
OIc.  haust,  n.,  'autumn,'  Swed.  and  Dan. 
host,  are  identical  with  $txb\t  is  still  very 
dubious).  Hence  the  statement  of  Tacitus 
(Germ.  26) — '(Gijrmani)  autumni  parinde 
nomen  ac  bona  ignorantur,'  can  scarcely 
be  accepted..  It  is  true  that  ^ctfyt  in  UpG. 
is  almost  entirely  restricted  to. 'the  fruit 
season,'  espec.  '  the  vintage '  (the  season  it- 
selfisprop.  called  ©^atja  l>r,  Suab.  ©patting). 
This  coincides  with  the  fact  that  J&evbjl  is 
connected  with  an  obsolete  Teut.  root  harb, 
from  Aryan,  karp  (Lat.  carpere,  icap-irus, 
'fruit'),  'to  gather  fruit,'  which  perhaps 
appears  also  in  Lith.  kerpu  (kirpti),  '  to 
shear.'  In  Goth,  the  term  is  asans  ('  season 
for  work,  for  tillage'  ;  comp:  (Sntte). 

<$ibcvb,  m.,  'hearth,  fireplace,  crater,' 
from  MidHG.  liert  (-ties),  m.,  'ground, 
earth,  fireplace,,  hearth,'  OHG.  herd,  m., 
h'erda,  f.,  'ground,  hearth.'  This  double 
sense  is  wanting  in  the  other  West  Teut. 
languages,  Du.  heerd,  haard,  m.,  'hearth,' 
OSax.  herth,  AS.  heor}>,  E.  hearth.  The 
meaning  of  herjja-  (Goth.  *hairf>s),  'hearth,' 
is  West  Teut.,  while  'ground'  is  simply 
HG.  ;  it  is  not  improbable  that  two  orig. 
different  words  have  been  combined  (comp. 
OIc.  hjarl, '  ground,  land '  ?).  #frt>,  '  hearth,' 
with  Goth,  ha&ri,  n.,  'charcoal'  (plur. 
haurja,  'fire'),  OIc.  hyrr,  in.,  'fire,'  may 
be  connected  with  a  Teut.  root  her,  '  to 
burn'  (comp.  Lat.  crS-mare). 

<$crbc,  f.,  '  herd,  flock,  drove,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  herte,  h'ert,  OHG.  herta,  f. ; 
the  common  Teut.  word  for  'herd';  Du. 

herde  (obsolete,  see  §ivte  ;  kudde,  f.,  is  used 
instead,  see  Jfcttc),  AS.  heord,  f.,  E.  herd, 
OIc.  hjgrfi,  f.,  Goth,  hairda,  f.,  'herd.'  The 
Teut  type  herdd  (the  d  of  the  ModHG. 
form,  compared  with  OHG.  t,  i8  due  to  LG. 
influence),  from  pre- Teut.  kerdhd  ;  comp. 
Olml.  c&rdhas,  n.,  gdrdha-s,  m.,  'troop  ; 
also  OSlov.  ereda,  f.,  '  herd '  ?.     See  §trte. 

Bering,  see  Jadrhtg. 

^setting,  <$&tttrttng,  m.,  'sour  grapes' 
(ModHG.  only),  for  the  earlier,  *.§cnv>Uttg, 
allied  to  tjcrine,  '  bitter.' 

^evmelitx,  m.  and  n.  (accented  like  a 
foreign  word),  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hermelin,  n.,  'ermine,'  dimin.  of  MidHG. 
harme,  OHG.  harmo,  m.,  'ermine'  ;  a  G. 
word  merely,  wanting  in  the  other  OTeut. 
languages,  but  in  spite  of  the  phonetic 
correspondence  with  Lith.  szermu,  'ermine' 
(Lith.  sz  for  Sans,  c,  Aryan  k,  whence  Teut. 
h),  there  is  no  doubt  about  its  being  genu- 
inely Teut  From  G.  are  derived  the  Rom. 
words  similar  in  sound  (ModFr.  hermine, 
Ital.  ermellino)  rather  than  from  the  Mid 
Lat.  mus  armenius  (for  which  the  earlier 
mus  ponticus  is  found). 

Sbevolb,  m., '  herald,'  late  MidHG.  only 
(14th  cent.),  h^ralt,  hyolt  (also  erhalt),  m., 
'herald';  undoubtedly  an'  OG.  military 
term,which,like  a  large  number  of  others  of 
the  same  class  (comp.  jailer,  Jtampf),  became 
obsolete  at  an  early  period,  $erc(b  itself 
is  derived  from  an  OFr.  term  recorded  to- 
wards the  end  of  the  13th  cent.,, 
ModFr.  hfraut  (comp.  Ital.  araldo,  MidLat. 
heraldus),  which  is  based,  however,  upon 
an  OG.  *he.riwalto,  *hariwaldo,  '  an  army 
official,'  appearing  in  OSax.  as  a  proper 
name,  Hariold  (OIc.  Harald).  OHG.  harin, 
'  to  praise,'  does  not  occur  in  the  compound. 

<$»CIT,  m..  '  master,  lord,  gentleman, 
sir,'  from  MidHG.  h'erre  {hire),  m.,  OHG. 
liSrro  (hiro),  m.  ;  comp.  OSax.  hirro,  Du. 
heer,  OFris.  hira,  'lord';  prop,  a  com- 
parative of  f}cf>r  (OHG.  hir),  in  Goth. 
*hairiza.  In  the  OHG.  period  this  origin 
was  still  recognised,  as  is  seen  by  OHG. 
Mrero,  '  lord '  (see  fjertfdjeii).  Since  the 
orig.  meaning  of  the  adj.  t)el)t  was  '  vene- 
rable,' ^>crr  seems  to  have  originated  in  the 
relation  of  the  dependants  to  their  master 
(comp.  AS.  hlafora, '  bread  guardian,'  under 
Siaib),  and  was  used  chiefly  as  a  term  of 
address  (see  3ungtr).  Comp.  in  Rom.  the 
words  used  in  the  same  sense  from  Lat. 
senior,  viz.,  Ital.  sianore,  Fr.  seigneur.  Jpert 
is  orig.  native  to  Germany,  but  in  the  form 


(     »46    > 


htarra  it  found  iis  way  at  a  very  early 
period  (about  the  9th  cent)  from  the  Ger- 
man lowlands  to  England,  and  later  to 
Scandinavia  (ModSwed.  heire,  '  master '). 
In  ModHG.  only  a  fern.  Jgimut  has  been 
formed  from  $etr  (as  in  Itai.  signora  from 
eignore).  The  older  language  used  ftrau, 
£err  having  supplanted  the  earlier  fr6  (see 
under  frobn). 

fjcrrltd),  adj.  (with  shortened  i  before  a 
double  consonant,  as  in  the  two  following 
words,  probably  due  to  its  association  witli 
^ert),' lordly,  splendid,  magnificent,' from 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  hirlich,  adj.,  'distin- 
guished, excellent,  magnificent.'  Allied  to 

(j&errfd)af1,  f.,  'lordship,  dominion, 
master  and  mistress,  employers  (as  used  by 
servants^,'  from  MidHG.  hirschift,  f.,  OHG. 
hhscaft,  hirscaf,  f.,  lit.  'lordship,'  then 
'hitfh  rank,  manor,  magistracy.'  Allied 
to  J&err,  but  probably  not  to  fyefir. 

I)errfd)en,  vb.,  from  MidHG.  hersen, 
hbsen,  OHG.  hSris6n,  '  to  rule,  reign,'  but 
also  hirrisdn  even  in  OHG.,  from  its  asso- 
ciation witli  Mrro, '  lord '  (for  ModHG.  sch 
after  r  from  an  older  s,  comp.  £irfd),  ,Rirfd)e). 
The  origin  of  the  meaning  '  to  rule '  cannot 
be  explained  from  the  posit,  be&r,  OHG. 
hSr,  '  august,  exalted,  venerable,  glad,'  but 
from  the  originally  compar.  Idrro,  '  lord.' 
Thus  OHG.  h$ri.-$n, '  to  be  lord  and  master, 
dominari,'  is  related  to  hiiro,  heriro, '  lord,' 
as  Goth,  *hairiza  (compar.)  is  to  *hairis6n, 

<>»er3,  n.,  '  heart,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  herze,  OHG.  herza,  n.  ;  comp.  OSax. 
herta,  OIc.  hjarta,  Goth.  hairtd,  AS.  heorte, 
and  the  equiv.  E.  heart;  the  common  Teut. 
word  for  '  heart,'  which  may  be  traced  back 
even  to  West  Aryan.  The  Teut.  type  hert- 
6>i-,  from  Aryan  kerd  (krd).  corresponds  to 
Lat.  cor,  cor-dis,  n.,  Gr.  KapUa  and  *%>  for 
*Kijp$,  n.,  lath,  szirdis,  f.,  OSlov.  srudice,  n., 
Olr.  cride.  The  corresponding  East  Aryan 
word  for  '  heart'  (Sans,  hfd,  hrdai/a,  Zend. 
zaredaya),  is  usually  dissociated  on  account 
of  the  initial  sound  (we  should  have  ex- 
pected Sans.  *crd)  from  the  West  Aryan 

->3cr}0g,  m.,  'duke,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  heyzoge,  OHG.  he,rizogo  (-zoho),  m.  ; 
comp.  OSax.  heritogo,  AS.  heretoga,  m.,  OIc. 
hertoge,  m. ;  a  common  Teut.  term  for '  the 
leader  of  an  army,'  in  which  zoho,  zogo, 
allied  to  ziohan  (as  togo  to  tiuhan),  has 
the  old  meauing  '  leader.'    Comp.  jier/tit. 

hcl^cn,  vb., 'to infuriate, provoke, chase, 
huut,'  from  MidHG.  and  OHG.  hetzen,  '  to 
chase,  hunt,  incite'  ;  by  permutation  from 
*hatjan;  comp.  £afj.  The  subst  $<$t,  f., 
is  merely  a  ModHG.  formation  from  the  vb. 

$CU,  n.,  '  hay,'  from  MidHG.  hbu,  hou, 
houwe,  n.,  '  hay,  grass,'  OHG.  hewi,  houwi 
(prop.  noin.  he,ici,  gen.  houvoes,  dat  houwe), 
n.,  'hay.'  Comp.  Goth,  havri  (gen.  Uaujis), 
i).,  '  hay,  grass '  (with  regard  to  the  change 
of  Goth,  j  into  OHG.  wand  the  consequent 
absence  of  mutation,  see  ftxau,  9lu,  ©au,  &c; 
in  earlier  ModHG.  the  unm mated  form 
£au  is  still  retained);  OSax.  houici,  AS. 
Mg,  liig  (with  g  for  Goth,  j  as  usual),  n., 
MidE.  hei,  E.  hay,  OIc.  hey,  n.,  *  hay ' ; 
common  Teut.  hauja-  (in  the  Goth.  stem). 
Apparently  from  the  root  hau  (see  r/aum\ 
with  the  suffix  -ja-,  £m,  meaning  '  that 
which  is  to  be  cut'  There  is  less  proba- 
bility of  its  being  connected  with  Gr.  roa. 
(Ion.  iroii)),  'grass,'  from  iroFirj,  «foff?7(Teur. 
h  equal  to  Gr.  x  for  kF,  both  from  Aryan  /:, 
as  in  txiroi,  equal  to  Lat  equus,  Gr.  trwdcu, 
equal  to  Lat.  sequx). 

rjeucf)cln,  vb.,  '  to  feign,  dissemble,' 
ModHG.  only,  prop,  a  MidG.  word  (the  cor- 
responding UpG.  word  is  gleifjntn),  allied 
to  an  early  ModHG.  ftaufyu,  'to  duck, 
stoop,'  from  MidHG.  hdchen,  '  to  crouch ' ; 
comp.  the  further  cognates  under  borfen. 
The  variation  of  meaning  'to  stoop,  dis- 
semble,' is  exhibited  in  an  OTeut  root 
lut,  AS.  Mtan,  'to  bend,  bow.'  to  which  lot, 
'  deceit,'  and  Goth,  liuta,  '  hypocrite,'  are 

fjcuer,  adv.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hiure,  OHG.  hiurn,  adv.,  'in  this  year'; 
derived  from  hiujdru  (see  3tfvr)>  the  chief 
accent  being  placed  on  the  pron.  Respect- 
ing hiu  see  beute,  in  which  the  component 
parts  are  equally  obscure. 

rjculcrt,  vb.,  '  to  howl,  yell,  scream,' 
from  MidHG.  hiuUu,  hiuwcln,  '  to  howl, 
cry,'  OHG.  hiuvrilon,  hiirilon,  '  to  shout  for 
joy.'  Also  allied  to  OHG.  hAwila,  hiuwila, 
MidHG.  hiuwel,  f.,  '  owl '  (as  '  the  howling 
bird '),  and  hence  more  remotely  to  OHG. 
h&wo,  111.,  '  owl.' 

,$eufd)rcdte,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
II G.  houschrecke,  m.,  OHG.  h$uri-skrekko, 
m.,  'grasshopper,'  lit  'hay -jumper'  (see 
©djrecfen).  A  distinctly  G.  term  ;  comp. 
Du.  sprinkhaan,  AS.  gcers-hoppa,  equiv.  to 
E.  grasshopper,  AS.  also  gcers-stapa,  '  grass- 
stalker.'  In  Goth,  occurs  an  obscure  term 
fcramstei,  f.  (  whence  OSlov.  chrastu, '  beetle '] 


(    »47    ) 


beute.  adv.,  '  to-day,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  hiute,  OHG.  hiutu;  comp.  OSax. 
hiudu,  hiudiga  (wheuce  AS.  heodceg),  OFris. 
hiudeya,  'to-day';  a  West  Teut.  adv.  for 
Goth.  *hid  daya,  '  on  this  day,'  with  the 
accent  on  the  pron.,  which  resulted  in  the 
combination  of  the  two  words.  In  the 
same  way  *hiutayu  became  hiutgu,  hiuttu, 
and  was  finally  shortened  into  hiutu  (comp. 
the  similar  origin  of  fteucr).  Further, 
Lat.  ho-die  and  Gr.  <r-rmepov  are  similarly 
compounded.  Likewise  for  fyeute  9tad)t, 
'  to-night/  OHG.  and  MidHG.  had  a  par- 
allel adv.  ;  comp.  OHG.  hl-naht  (MidHG. 
htnet),  '  to-night '  (in  Bav.  and  Suab.  heint 
is  used  for  '  to-day  ').  The  pronom.  stem 
hi-  contained  in  it  appears  in  Goth,  in  a 
few  cases,  and  indeed  as  a  temporal  pron., 
'  this '  ;  comp.  himma  daga,  '  to-day,'  and 
hina  dag,  '  until  to-day,'  &c.  In  the  Sax. 
dials,  this  pronom.  stem,  which  corresponds 
to  Lat.  ci-  in  ci-s,  ci-tra,  appears  as  a  3rd 
pers.  pron.  ;  comp.  E.  he,  AS.  hi,  E.  him, 
AS.  liim  (Goth,  himma),  &c,  OSax.  and 
LG.  hi,  '  he.'    See  further  fjer,  fyicr. 

iSibexe,  f.,  '  witch,  ha,r,  sorceress,'  from 
MidHG.  hecse,  f.,  OHG.  Iiagzissa,  hagazussa, 
hagzus  (also  lidzus,  hdzissa),  f.,  a  gloss  for 
furia,  striga,  eumenis,  erinnys ;  comp.  Mid 
Du.  haghetisse,  ModDu.  helcs,  AS.  /icegtesse, 
f.,  E.  (with  the  rejection  of  the  apparent 
termination)  hag.  The  word,  which  is 
doubtlessly  a  compound,  has  not  yet  been 
satisfactorily  explained  ;  OHG.  hag,  AS. 
hceg,  '  hedge,  wood,'  as  the  first  component, 
seems  indubitable.  The  second  part  has 
not  been  elucidated  ;  some  suppose  that 
the  prim,  meaning  of  l&txt  is  '  forest  woman 
or  demon '  i.  Comp.  OHG.  holzmuoja,  Mid 
HG.  holzmunje,  f.,  'forest  woman,  witch' 
(also  '  wood-owl '). 

jfttcb,  m.,  '  cut,  stroke,  blow  ;  sarcasm,' 
first  recorded  in  the  17th  cent.,  being  re- 
cently formed  from  baueit,  pret.  fyiefr,  bteben  ; 
comp.  Jpanbcl  from  banbctn  and  -§e|je  from 
fyefceit. — <$ief,  see  Jjjtftbcnt. 

f)ter,  also  f)ie,  adv.,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  hier,  hie,  OHG.  hiar,  'here'; 
comp.  Goth.,  Ola,  AS.,  and  OSax.  Mr, 
equiv.  to  E.  here.  Allied  to  hi-  (see 

^ifffjont,  also  Jbftff&Ont  (a  corrup- 
tion due  to  the  fact  that  the  horn  was  car- 
ried attached  to  a  belt  around  the  waist — 
'  J&ufte '),  '  hunting-horn,'  ModHG.  simply  ; 
the  earliest  ModHG.  form  is  $i<fbont  ; 
(fttef,  also  ,&iff,  '  the  blast  from  a  hunter's 

horn.'  Allied  to  Goth,  hiufan,  AS.  he6fan, 
OHG.  hiufan,  'to  wail,  howl'?. 

<$Ufe,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  hilfe, 
helfe,  f.,  OHG.  hilfa,  hel/a,  f.,  'help,  aid' 
(Goth.  *hiipi  and  */iilpa,  f.).    Comp.  Ijelfcit. 

^tmbcere,  f.,  'raspberry,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  hinttyr,  n.,  OHG.  hint-beri, 
n.  ;  lit.  '  hind-,  doe-berry.'  With  regard 
to  ModHG.  §iinbeere,  with  a  distinct  second 
component  (in  MidHG.,  however,  hemper, 
from  hintbere,  according  to  strict  phonetic 
laws),  see  ModHG.  2Btmver,  from  wintbrd. 
In  AS.  hindberie,  f.,  means  'strawberry' 
and  '  raspberry ' ;  comp.  E.  dial,  hindberries, 
'  raspberries'  (note  too  AS.  hindhdilefre, 
'  ambrosia,'  MidHG.  hirz-icurz,  AS.  heort- 
clcefre, '  camedus,'  prop. '  hemp  agrimony '). 
In  earlier  ModHG.  there  existed  a  term 
§inbddufte,  from  MidHG.  hintlouf,  'a plant 
growing  on  the  hind's  track,'  i.e.,  alon<{ 
forest  paths,  which  was  applied  to  the 
common  chicory. 

<£mnmet,  m.,  'heaven,  sky,  canopy, 
clime,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  himel, 
OHG.  himil  (OBav.  humil',  in.  ;  comp. 
OSax.  himil,  Fris.  himul,  Du.  hemel,  Swed. 
and  Dan.  himmel;  the  derivative  I  is  the 
result  of  differentiation  from  an  earlier 
derivative  n,  formed  like  Goth,  himins,  OIc. 
himenn,  with  which  the  Sax.  forms  with/ 
for  m  are  connected  ;  AS.  heofon,  m.,  E. 
heaven,  OSax.  heban,  m.,  ModLG.  heven. 
These  forms  are  based  upon  a  common 
Teut.  hemono-  (humeno-) ;  on  account  of  its 
derivative  suffix,  note  too  Gr.  ovpav6s.  The 
ModHG.  sense,  'sky'  is  current  in  all  the 
Teut.  dials. ;  the  word  is  probably  connected 
with  the  OTeut.  stem  ham,  '  to  cover,  veil,' 
mentioned  under  bdtnifd),  Jpemt),  and  Seicb- 
nant.  OHG.  himil  hits  also  the  meaning 
'  ceiling,'  especially  in  the  OHG.  deriva- 
tive himilizzi,  ModHG.  himelze,  a  fact 
which  supports  the  last  assumption  ;  comp. 
AS.  huslieofon,  Du.  hemel,  MidLG.  hemelte, 
'  roof.'  The  etymology  of  Jpimmcl  (Goth. 
himini),  based  upon  OSlov.  kamy,  Lith. 
akmu,  'stone,'  as  well  as  upon  Sans.  acmd. 
'  stone,  (the  stone-roofed)  vault  of  heaven,' 
and  Gr.  ndfuvos,  '  oven,'  are  not  satisfactory, 
since  the  word  probably  denoted  the  'cover- 
ing of  the  eaith  '  originally. 

i)in,  adv.,  'hence,  that  way,'  from  Mid 
HG.  hin,  nine,  OHG.  hina,  adv.,  '  off, 
away '  ;  AS.  hina  (hin-  in  compounds,  e.g., 
hinstp",  'departure,  death'),  adv.  'away,' 
allied  to  the  pronom.  stem  hi-  discussed 
under  ttctite. 


(    148    ) 


^ftiuoc,  with  an  affixed  fein.  termination, 
also  £inbut,  f.,  'hind,  doe,'  from  MidHG. 
and  MidLG.  hinde,  OHG. hinta,  f.,  'hind'  ; 
comp.  AS.  hind,  f.,  E.  hind,  OIc.  hind, 
'hind' ;  the  common  Tent,  fern,  of  £itfdj  ; 
Goth.  *hindi  (gen.  *hindj6s),  f.,  is  wanting. 
Itisgenerallyconnectedwith  Gotli.  hinban, 
'to  catch'  (to  which  E.  to  hunt  is  allied). 
Others  relate  it  to  Gr.  Ktn-ds,  f.,  'young 
deer,  pricket ' ;  in  that  case  the  dental  is  a 
suffix,  as  in  hun-d  (allied  to  Gr.  kw-  ;  see 
J&unb),  and  n  before  a  dental  may  originate 
in  m  (comp.  @imb,  @d>anbe,.  and  fnmbcrt). 

I)tttbern,  vb.,  'to  impede,  obstruct,  pre- 
vent,' from  MidHG  hindern,  OHG.  hintiren 
and  hintardn,  'to  repulse,  hinder' ;  comp. 
AS.  hinder ian,  E.  to.  hinder,  OIc.  hindra ; 
an  old  derivative  from  the  prepos.  fyiuter  ; 
see  the  latter  and  fcrberit. 

^ittbin^  see  §inbe. 

$tltRC»t,  vb.,  'to  limp,,  walk  lame,,  fit 
badly,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  hinken, 
OHG.  hinchan;  a  word  peculiar  to  HG., 
if  Scand.  hokra, 4 to  crawl,'  is  not  connected 
with  it  (AS.  hellehincay '  devil,'  is  found). 
Root  hink,  from  Aryan  kheng  (kh  as  in  ftaben, 
from  the  root  khibh,  in  Lat.  habere;  comp. 
further  Sldjjel),  based  on  tbe  Sans,  root 
khanj,  '  to  limp'  ;  allied  also  to  the  equiv. 
Gr.  oTcdfw  for  s-khi'igjd,  with  s  prefixed 

Airmen,  von  Ijimten,  adv.,  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  hinnen,  OHG.  hinnan, 
hinndn,  hinnana,  adv.,  '  away  from  here, 
from  hence' ;  used  in  ModHG.  only  with 
the  explanatory  prepos.  AS.  heonan, 
heonon,  adv.,  '  from  here,'  E.  henc*  (with  a 
suffix  s,  whence  ce).  Formed  from  the  pro- 
nom.  stem  hi,  like  baimen,  5?ou  bamien,  from 
the  pron.  ba-.    See  fiinten,  Winter. 

l)infert,  adv.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hinden,  OHG.  hintana,  adv.,  '  behind ' ; 
Goth,  hindana,  adv.  and  prep.,  '  behind, 
on  the  other  side' ;  comp.  OSax.  bihindan, 
'  behind,  along  behind,'  AS.  hindan,  adv., 
'behind,'  AS..  behindany  E»  behind;  allied 
to  Ijinnen  and  fnntcr. 

f)trtfcr,  prep.,,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
hinter,  hinder,  OHG.  hintar,y  prep.,.  '  be- 
hind ' ;  while  OHG.  nt  is  changed  regularly 
into  nd  in  MidHG.,  it  is  frequently  retained 
when  -er  (i.e.x  vocal  r)  follows  as  an  in- 
dependent syllable ;  comp.  ©inter,  from 
OHG.  uintar,  ntimtcr,  from  muntar.  In 
lunbem  the  d  has  been  inserted  in  the 
normal  way,  just  as  in  MidHG.,  and  ear- 
lier ModHG.  Innbcr  is  found  as  well  as 
Ijilitet.     Goth,  hindar,  prep.,   AS.   hinder, 

pro]),  an  ace.  neu.  of  an  old  compar.  in 
-repo-v,  Sans,  tara-m  (of  which  AS.  and 
Goth,  have  preserved  a  superb  in  -tama-s, 
Goih.*hinduma,  whence  hindumists,  'outer- 
most,' AS.  hindema,  '  the  last ').  Comp. 
OInd.  pratardm  (compar.  of  j>r<i),  adv., 
'  further,  onwards,'  avalarum  (allied  to 
prep,  acd),  adv.,  'further  away,'  vitardm 
(allied  to  prep,  vi),  comp.  nnber.  The  com- 
par. ftinter  is  used  as  an  adj.  in  OHG.  hin- 
taro,  ModHG.  hinter,  '  hinder,  posterior.' 

jfaippc  (1.),  f.,  'sickle,'  a  MidG.  form 
introduced  by  Luther  into  the  ModHG. 
literary  language  instead  of  Jpeppe,  from 
MidHG.  heppe,  hepe  (lidppe),  f.,  '  pruning- 
hook ' ;  OHG.  heppa  {hdppa),  f.,  whence 
Fr.  happe,  '  axle-iree  bed,  cramp '  (from 
the  type  happia,  Fr.  hache,  'hatchet,'  is 
derived^.  Numerous  South- Western  dials. 
(Suab.  also)  use  hdp  (h6p),  from  MidHG. 
hdpe,  OHG.  hdppa  (from  Goth.  *he*b-). 
Allied  to  Gr.  kwttti,  'hilt,  hand  e'?,  kottIs, 
'knife,  dagger'?. 

<#ippe  (2.),  f.,  ^ippldn,  n., '  goat,'  only 
in  ModHG.  ;  the  more  usual  dial,  heppe 
(Bav.,  Thur.,  and  Hess.)  makes  it  probable 
that  the  word  is  a  pet  or  child's  term  for 
OG.  *haber,  'he-goat';  on  this  point  see 
^aber^eip  and  £itte. 

<&irtt,  n.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  hirne, 
OHG.  hirni,  n.,  '  brain.'  We  should  have 
expected  Goth.  *liairni,  n.,  for  which  hwair- 
neins,  '  skull,'  occurs  once  in  the  gen.  sin^'. 
OIc.  hjarne,  m.,  '  brain ' ;  also  correspond- 
ing in  sound  to  the  Goih.  word  heern,  f., 
'  the  two  white  boat-shaped  bones  in  the 
brain  of  fishes^  ooliths '  (LG.  has  a  peculiar 
word  for  ©efiirn — E.  brain,  AS.  bravjen,  Du. 
brein,  MidDu.  bregenj  see  SBracjcn).  The 
words  with  initial  h  and  those  with  hw 
must  be  kept  distinct.  Du.  hersen,  f_ 
'  brain '  (E,  dial,  harns),  to  which  is  allied 
MidHG.  hersenicr,  'covering  for  the  head 
worn  under  the  helmet,'  proves  the  origin 
of  OHG.  hirni  from  *hirzni.  *Jiirsni  (OIc. 
hjarne  from  *hjarsne;  comp.  JpontiiTe).  This 
OTeut.  herzn-,  hersn-.,  is  most  nearly  related 
to  Sans.  ctrSn-, '  head '  (nom.  cirSa),  and  the 
closely  corresponding  OIc.  hjarse,  '  crown 
(of  the  head).'  It  is  also  cognate  with  Gr. 
Kpavlov,  '  skul  i,'  whence  results  the  further 
connection  with  Gr.  Kdpa,  Kaprjvov,  'head,' 
Lat.  cerebrum  (from  *ceresrum),  '  brain/ 
Sans,  ciras,  'head';  a  common  Aryan 
stem,,  ker,  kers,  '  head,'  to  which  £cru  is 
also  allied.  Moreover,  Gr.  Kipvov,  '  a  large 
earthen  dish,'  might,  according  to  the  analo- 


(    M9    ) 


gies  mentioned  under  .Repf,  be  closely  re- 
lated to  Jpivn,  'skull.' 

<5atrfd),  m.  (in  Hess,  and  Alem.  occurs 
a  variant  <£>ir(j,  whence  the  Alem.  proper 
name  ^irjd),  'stair,  hart,'  from  MidHG. 
/11Y3,  kirz,  m.,  OHG.  MruT,,  kb%  hirz;  the 
sch  in  .§irfci)  is  from  an  older  §irp  (comp. 
£trfe,  l)errfcf/ctt,  Slrfd),  birfcfjen).  Correspond- 
ing to  Du.  kert,  n.,  AS.  heorot,  heort,  m., 
E.  /icwtf,  Scand.  hjgrtr ;  Teut.  *herut-,  from 
*lierwut,  */<erwo-t,  with  a  dental  suffix, 
allied  to  Lat.  c«?tm-s  (<  occurs  as  a  suffix 
in  names  of  animals  in  Teut. ;  comp. 
©emfe,  Sixths,  and  JpocniJTe) ;  the  latter  is 
usually  connected  with  Gr.  icepa.6s, '  horned ' 
(allied  to  K^pas ;  comp.  <§ovn).  Hence  the 
stag  in  Lat.  and  Teut.  may  have  been 
named  from  its  antlers  (the  OTeut.  lan- 
guages naturally  have  a  distinct  word  for 
the  hornless  female  ;  see  £tnt>e).  A  more 
prevalent  term  is  Aryan  eln-,  in  Gr.  £\acpos, 
Armen.  eln,  Lith.  elnis,  OSlov.  jeleni  (also 
W.  elain,  'hind'). 

(iairfc,  f.  (older  ModHG.  and  even  yet 
MidG.,  Suab.  SQ\x]d)e),  '  millet,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  hirse,  Mrs,  OHG.  hirsi, 
hirso,  m. ;  orig.  a  HG.  word  merely,  which, 
however,  in  modern  times  has  spread  to 
the  north  (E.  and  Dan.  hirse,  Swed.  hirs). 
Allied  to  Lat.  cirrus, '  a  tuft  (of  hair,  &c.) ' ?. 

^irfc,  m.  (a  strictly  HG.  form  com- 
pared with  the  orig.  LG.  <£>etbf),  '  herds- 
man, shepherd,  pastor,'  from  MidHG.  hirte, 
OHG.  hirti;  comp.  OLG.  hirdi,  AS.  kyrde 
(and  heorde,  connected  with  heord,  '  herd '), 
'herdsman,'  still  found  in  E.  shepherd 
(scedphyrde  in  AS.),  OIc.  hirfier,  Goth. 
hairdeis,  m.,  'herdsman';  derived  by  the 
addition  of  ja-  from  Teut.  herdd-,  '  herd.' 
Hence  J&irte  is  orig.  'he  that  belongs  to 
the  herd.'  Another  derivative  is  exhibited 
by  Du.  and  MidLG.  herder,  m.,  MidHG. 
hertcvre,  '  herdsman,'  lit.  '  herder,'  whence 
Berber  as  a  proper  name.  With  this  word 
Lith.  kerdzus,  skhdzus,  '  herdsman,'  is  also 
connected  ?. 

J)ifTctt,  vb.,  'to  hoist,'  ModHG.  only, 
derived  as  a  naut.  term  from  the  equiv. 
LG.  hissen;  comp.  Du.  /lijschen,  E.  to  hoist, 
Swed.  hissa.  Among  which  of  the  mari- 
time Teutons  this  technical  term,  the  ety- 
mology of  which  is  still  obscure,  originated 
is  not  known  ;  see  J&clm  (2)  ;  it  also  found 
its  way  into  Rom.  (Fr.  hisser). 

AW*,  f.,  LG.  'goat'  (Bav.  #ettf,  .fcrtttl, 
and  without  mutation  Swiss  and  Suab. 
fcattct),    a  pet  term    for  MidHG.   hatele, 

'goat';  comp.  the  equiv.  OIc.  haftna  as 
well  as  ^tVpe. 

(iaifje,  f.,  '  heat,  ardour,  passion,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  hitze,  OHG.  hizza,  f. 
(lor  *hitja,  the  Goth,  form) ;  comp.  Du. 
hitte,  hette,  OIc.  kite,  m., '  heat' ;  all  formed 
by  the  weakest  stage  of  gradation  from  the 
stem  of  the  adj.  Ijetjj  (Teut.  root  tit,  liait, 
'  hot').  OHG.  kizza  was  adopted  by  Rom. 
(comp.  Ital.  izza,  'anger,  indignation'). 

<$ibobcl  (dial.  -&cfd),  m.,  'plane,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  (rare)  hobel,  kovel,  m.  ; 
comp.  MidLG.  kovel,  Swed.  Mjfve'.  Modlc. 
kefill,  m.,  '  plane,'  proves  nothing  for  the 
wrongly  assumed  connection  with  beta. 
Its  relation  to  OHG.  kovar,  AS.  kofer, 
'  hump,  boss,'  is  also  dubious. 

t)0<$),  adj.,  'high,  lofty,  proud,  dear,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  k6ck,  OHG.  k6k, 
adj.  ;  a  common  Teut.  adj.  with  the  mean- 
ing 'high'  ;  comp.  Goth,  kauks,  OIc.  Mr 
(for  kauhr),  AS.  hedk,  E.  kigk,  Du.  koog, 
OSax.  k6k;  Tent,  kauka-,  from  the  un- 
permitted pre-Teut.  kduko-  (the  weakest 
vowel  stage  of  the  stem  is  exhibited  by  the 
cognate  <§ugel).  OTeut.  possessed  a  mas. 
and  neu.  subst.  formed  from  the  adj.  in 
the  sense  of  'hill'  (type  kauko-s) ;  comp. 
OIc.  kaugr  (from  which  E.  kow  in  proper 
names  was  borrowed),  MidHG.  1wuc(-<jes), 
to  which  such  proper  names  as  ©ottiierafKuiflf 
are  akin.  Goth,  kiukma,  in., '  heap,  crowd,' 
seems  also  allied.  In  the  non-Teut.  lan- 
guages it  is  rightly  compared  with  Lith. 
kaukard,  'hill,  height,'  kaukas,  'boil'  (Mid 
HG.  hiibel,  m.,  'hill,'  is  connected  with 
Lith.  kupstas,  '  tump,'  as  well  as  to  OHG. 
kofar,  AS.  kofer,  '  hump '). 

$bod)$eit,  f.,  'wedding,'  from  MidHG. 
kdchztt  (also  kdckgezit),  f.  and  n.,  '  a  great 
ecclesiastical  or  lay  feast,'  then  also  '  wed- 
ding feast.' 

Jjodte  (1.),  'shock  (of  corn),  cock  (of 
hay),'  first  occurs  in  ModHG.,  perhaps 
from  LG. ;  yet  UpG.  (Suab.  and  Tyrol.) 
kock,  111.,  *cock.'  Perhaps  allied  to  fyedj 
and  <§uufe  (root  kuk) ;  Lith.  kligis,  '  cock,' 
points,  however,  to  a  different  root.  In 
west  Teut.  a  cognate  term  with  a  prefix  < 
appears — MidHG.  sckoeke,  schocke, '  cock,'  E. 
skock,  and  the  equiv.  MidE.  schokke.  With 
regard  to  the  prefix  8  comp.  <2ticr,  £refjcl, 
and  (inft. 

^O&e  (2.),  m.,  'huckster,'  MidHG. 
kucke,  m.  ;  MidG.  h»ke,  with  a  long  vowel 
(hence  HG.  §cfcr,  J&cfrrti,  &c),  Du.  hok, 
'  booth '  ?.     Comp.  MidDu.  heukster,  MidE. 


(    150    ) 


huckrtere,  E.  huckster;  probably  akin  to 
fyocf en,  '  to  squat.' 

I)odicn,  vb.,  '  to  crouch,  6quat,'  first  re- 
corded in  ModHG.  ;  it  is,  however,  an 
archaic  word,  as  is  shown  by  the  prevalence 
of  the  root  hfik,  hnkk ;  comp.  MidHG. 
huchen,  'to  duck,  crouch,'  OIc.  htika  (with 
a  str.  partic.  hokenn),  'to  crouch,'  Du. 
huiken.  OIc.  hokra, '  to  crawl,'  is  probably 
not  connected  with  this  word,  but  with 

<&ochCY,  m.,  'hump,'  from  MidHG. 
hocker,  hogger,  hoger,  in.,  'hump,  hump- 
hack';  a  subst.  peculiar  to  HG.,  formed 
from  an  adj.  hngga-,  'hump-backed,'  and 
based  on  OHG.  hovar,  MidHG.  hover, 
'  humphack,'  AS.  hoftr  (comp.  Lith.  kupra, 
f.,  'humpback,  hump')  ;  hogga-  represents 
hubga,  Sans,  kubja  (for  kubjhal),  'hump- 
backed ' ;  comp.  Gr.  Kv<p6s,  '  bent,  bowed, 
stooping,'  for  Kv<fxf>6-s,  kubghdsl. 

,&obe,  f.,  'testicle,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  hode,  OHG.  hodo,  m.  ;  comp.  MidDu. 
hode,  and  in  OFris.  hotha,  'testicle.'  Of 
obscure  origin  ;  perhaps  allied  to  Lat. 
cGleus,  'scrotum,'  if  it  stands  for  *cotleus  ?. 

<$of,  in.,  'yard,  courtyard,  manor,  court,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  hof 
(hoves),  in.  ;  comp.  OSax.  and  Du.  hof,  m., 
AS.  hof,  n.  (obsolete  at  the  end  of  the  AS. 
period);  in  West  Teut.  'courtyard,  farm, 
garden  (thus  in  Du.  and  OHG.),  (prince's) 
palace,'  AS.  also  'circle,  district,  glohe.' 
OIc.  hof,  n.  (the  same  gender  as  in  AS.), 
'  temple  with  a  roof,'  later  also  (under 
G.  influence)  '  palace,  courtyard.'  Goth. 
*hufa-,  m.  and  n.,  is  curiously  wanting. 
Since  the  cognates  are  based  upon  pre- 
Teut.  Mpo,  they  cannot  be  allied  to  Gr. 
ktjttos,  'garden,'  Lat.  campus. 

Jftoffarf ,  f.,  '  haughtiness,  arrogance,' 
from  MidHG.  Mchvart,  f.,  'living  in  high 
style,  magnanimity,  splendour,  magnifi- 
cence, haughtiness' ;  from  hdch  and  vart; 
MidHG.  varn,  'to  live,'  as  in  5Dol)[faf)rt. 

I)Offen,  vl>.,  from  equiv.  MidHG.  (espec 
MidG.),  hoffen,  'to  hope,'  which  is  not  yet 
used,  however,  by  the  classicists  of  the 
MidHG.  period  (they  employ  the  term 
gedivgen,  wk.  vb.,  with  which  gedinye, 
'  hope,'  is  connected  ;  OHG.  t/idingen  and 
gidin/jo)  ;  it  is  also  unknown  to  OHG.  In 
OLG.,  on  the  other  hand,  a  corresponding 
td-hopa,  '  hope,'  is  found.  The  vb.  appears 
earliest  in  E. ;  AS.  tShopa,  '  hope,'  AS. 
hopian,  equiv.  to  E.  to  hope.  At  a  later 
period  Du.  hopen  and  MidLG.  hopen  occur. 

Not  until  the  latter  half  of  the  13th  cent, 
does  MidHG.  hoffen  become  more  preva- 
lent, after  its  solitary  occurrence  since 
1150  a.d.  It  is  usually  considered  as  a 
LG.  loan-word.  For  the  early  history  of 
the  word  the  corresponding  abstract  AS. 
hyht,  'hope,'  is  significant,  since  it  shows 
that  Teut  hopdi  represents  *huq&n  (Aryan 
root  kxtg).  Its  connection  with  Lat.  cupio 
is  scarcely  possible. 

l)Ofteren,  vb., 'to  court,  flatter,'  from 
MidHG.  hovieren,  '  to  make  a  display, 
serve,  pay  court  to,  be  courteous,  sere- 
nade' ;  from  G.  £cf,  with  a  Rom.  suffix. 

^>oftfd),  adj.,  '  courtly,  flattering,  fawn- 
ing,' from  MidHG.  hovtsch,  adj.,  'courtly, 
accomplished ' ;  allied  to  £of. 

^of)C,  f.,  'height,  summit,  elevation,' 
from  MidHG.  hake,  OHG.  Mht,  f.  ;  comp. 
Goth,  hauhei,  f.,  '  height.' 

f)of)l.  adj.,  'hollow,  concave,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  hoi,  adj. ;  comp. 
Du.  hoi,  'hollow,'  AS.  hoi,  OIc.  hob,  adj., 
'  hollow  ' ;  E.  hole  is  an  adj.  used  as  a  subst.. 
so  too  AS.,  OHG.,  and  MidHG.  hoi,  'cave.' 
The  relation  of  these  cognates,  which  point 
to  Goth.  *hula-,  'hollow,'  to  the  equiv.  AS. 
holh,  E.  hollow,  has  not  been  explained. 
The  word  is  usually  connected  with  the 
root  hel  (in  fje^ten),  'to  conceal  by  cover- 
ing'; Goth,  hulundi,  f.,  lit.  the  hiding- 
place,  'cave.' 

$>of)lc,  f.,  'cavity,  cave,  burrow,'  from 
MidHG.  hide,  OHG.  holt,  f.,  'excavation, 
cave ' ;  allied  to  Ijcfyl. 

^aorjn,  m.,  'scorn,  scoffing,'  from  Mid 
HG.  (very  rare),  h&n,  m.,  OHG.  (very 
rare),  h&iia,  f.,  'scorn,  mockery,  igno- 
miny ' ;  a  fern,  subst.  formed  from  an  old 
adj.,  OHG.  *h&n,  represented  by  h6ni,  'de- 
spised, ignominious,  hase,'  Goth,  haunt, 
'  hase,'  AS.  hedn  (obsolete  in  the  begin- 
ning of  the  MidE.  period),  'base,  miser- 
able, ignominious.'  With  this  is  connected 
the  vb.  fycfnun,  from  MidHG.  hcenen,  OHG. 
h&nen,  wk.  vb.,  'to  abuse';  comp.  Goth. 
haunjan,  '  to  degrade,'  to  which  hauneins, 
'  humility,'  is  allied  ;  AS.  hi/nan,  *  to  de- 
grade, humble'  (from  the  OHG.  vb.  Fr. 
honnir,  '  to  cover  with  disgrace,'  and  honte, 
'disgrace,'  are  derived).  It  corresponds 
in  the  non-Teut.  language  to  Lett,  kauns, 
'shame,  ignominy,  disgrace,'  Lith.  kuveti-s, 
'  to  be  ashamed '  ;  hence  Goth,  hauns. 
'  humble,  base,'  can  hardly  have  originated 
in  the  sensuous  meaning  '  base.' 

iodfecr,  see  £rrff. 


'    151    ) 


/aohuspoftus,  m ,  '  hocus-pocus,'  Mo<l 
HG.  only.  It  became  current  in  England, 
where  a  book  on  conjuring,  with  the  title 
'Hocus  Pocus  junior,'  appeared  in  1634 
A.D.  The  early  history  of  this  apparently 
fantastic  and  jocose  expression  is  still 
obscure  ;  its  connection  with  the  phrase 
used  in  the  celebration  of  mass,  '  hoc  enim 
est  corpus  meuin,'  cannot  be  established. 

ftoto,  adj.,  'favourable,  gracious,  charm- 
ing, lovely,'  from  MidHG.  holt  (gen.  holdes), 
OHG.  hold,  adj.,  '  gracious,  condescend- 
ing, favourable,  faithful';  Goth,  hnlfrs, 
'gracious,'  OIc.  hollr,  'gracious,  faithful, 
healthy,'  AS.  and  OSax.  hold.  The  com- 
mon Tent.  adj.  originally  denoted  the  rela- 
tion of  the  feudal  lord  and  his  retainers 
('condescending,  gracious,'  on  the  one  side. 
'  faithful,  devoted,'  on  the  other)  ;  comp. 
MidHG.  holde,  m.,  '  vassal.'  The  idea  ex- 
pressed by  \)o[\>  was  also  current  in  the 
religious  sphere — Goth,  unhulpdns,  f.,  lit. 
'  fiends,  devils,'  OHG.  holdo,  '  genius,'  Mid 
HG.  die  guoten  holden,  '  penates.'  §cU>  is 
usually  connected  with  an  OTeur.  root  hal, 
•to  bow,'  to  which  OHG.  hald,  'inclined,' 
is  allied  ;  see  Jpalbe.  It  has  also  been  re- 
iVrred  to  Ijaktm  on  the  supposition  that  the 
dental  is  derivative  ;  f)db,  adj.,  '  guarded, 
nursed'?.  From  the  phonetic  point  of 
view  there  is  no  important  objection  to 
either  of  these  derivations. 

Ssolbev,  UpG.,  the  same  as  ^climber. 

bolcn,  vb., ' to  fetch,'  from  MidHG.  holn 
(variant  haln),  vb.,  OHG.  holdn  (ha!6n), '  to 
call,  invite,  lead  or  fetch  (hither).'  Comp. 
OSax.  haldn,  OFris.  halia,  Du.  halen,  'to 
fetch ' ;  AS.  giholian  and  *gehalian,  E.  to 
hale.  The  Tent,  root  hal,  hoi,  corresponds 
to  Lat.  caldre,  *  to  convoke,'  Gr.  KaXttv. 
Comp.  further  §af(,  I;c((,  which  probably 
belong  also  to  the  same  root. 

«$olffer,  Jmlffcr  (rarely  .§alfttr),  I., 
1  holster,'  in  which  sense  it  is  ModHG. 
only  ;  MidHG.  hulfter,  '  quiver,'  a  deriva- 
tive oihulft, '  sheath,  covering,  case ' (OHG. 
huluft).  These  cognates  are  often  wrongly 
connected  with  Goth,  hulistr,  n.,  '  sheath, 
covering,'  which  is  said  to  be  supported  by 
the  MidHG.  variant  huls,  'sheath,  cover- 
ing,' Du.  holster  and  its  equiv.  E.  holster. 
By  such  an  assumption  the /of  the  OHG., 
MidHG.,  and  ModHG.  form  still  remains 
obscure.  It  is  more  probably  allied  to 
forms  with/,  such  as  Goth.  hwilftrj6s,1  coffin.' 
It  is  possible,  of  course,  that  there  has 
been  a  confusion  with  the  words  from  the 

stem  hul  (Goth,  hulistr,  'sheath,  cover- 

c<»olh,  m.,  '  large,  heavy  ship,'  from  Mid 
HG.  holche,  OHG.  holcho, '  transport  ship ' ; 
comp.  LG.  hoik,  Du.  hulk, '  transport  ship,' 
E.  hulk.  This  word,  like  other  nautical 
terms  (see  J&elm),  appears  earliest  in  K,  in 
which  hide,  'liburna,'  is  found  in  the  9th 
cent.  MidLat.  holcas  is  scarcely  derived 
from  oX/cds  ?.  It  is  true  that  some  etymolo- 
gists also  ascribe  other  Teut.  naval  terms 
to  a  Gr.  origin.     Comp.  9?arfe. 

(iadlle,  f.,  'hell,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  heVe,  OHG.  hella,  f.,  from  hallja ; 
comp.  Goth,  halja,  AS.  and  E.  hell,  OSax. 
hell  a ;  a  common  Teut.  term  applied  by 
Christianity  to  'hades,  infernum';  the 
Scand.  hel  shows  that  the  earlier  word  upon 
which  it  is  based  was  also  used  in  prehis- 
toric times  for  a  heathen  'infernum.'  Comp. 
also  Olc.  Hel,  the  goddess  of  the  dead.  It 
was  possible  for  Christianity  to  adopt  the 
old  heathen  word  in  all  the  Teut.  languages; 
in  this  case  it  is  quite  unnecessary  to  as- 
sume the  diffusion  of  a  Goth,  or  other  term 
(comp.  §eicf).  It  is  usually  connected  with 
the  root  hel,  hal, '  to  cover  for  concealment,' 
hence  <§6fle, '  the  hiding-place.'    See  fyeljlen, 

,$oIm,  m.,  '  holm,'  first  occurs  in  Mod 
HG. ;  a  LG.  word  ;  comp.  OSax.,  AS.,  and 
E.  holm  (AS.  'sea,  lake,'  OSax.  'hill  '),  OIc. 
holmr,  'small  island  in  a  bay  or  river.' 
Apart  from  the  divergent  sense  in  AS.,  the 
words  (whence  Russ.  cholmH,  '  hill,'  from 
Slav.  *cliulmn,  is  borrowed)  are  related  to 
the  cognates  of  E.  hill  (allied  to  Lat.  collis, 
eulmen).    See  -£>afbf. 

holpem,  vb.,  'to  jolt,'  ModHG.  only 
(Alein.  hiilpen),  for  which  in  late  MidHG. 
holpeln  once  occurs.     Of  imitative  origin. 

J&olltnoer,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
holunder,  holder,  OH(J.  Iwlantar,  holuntar, 
m.,  'elder' ;  for  OHG.  -tar  as  a  suffix  see 
iffiacr/fyclbev,  SWafifyclbcr.  Its  relation  to  the 
eqoiy.  AS.  ellen,  E.  elder,  is  dubious.  It 
is  most  closely  allied  to  the  equiv.  Russ. 

c&olj,  n.,  '  wood,  timber,'  from  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  holz,  n.,  'forest,  thicket,  timber.' 
In  the  remaining  dialects  the  meaning 
' forest'  preponderates.  Comp.  OIc.  holt,  n., 
'  forest,  thicket,'  so  too  AS.  and  MidE.  holt, 
n.  (wanting  in  E.),  but  Du.  hout,  'thicket, 
wood  (as  material).'  Teut.  type  Itultos,  from 
pre-Teut.  kld»s;  comp.  OSlov.  (with  a  dif- 
ferent stage  of  gradation)  klada,  f.,  '  beam, 


(    152    ) 


wood,'  Gr.  k\&5os,  111.,  *  twig,'  Olr.  caill, 
cuill,  '  forest '  (with  11  from  Id). 

jCvonirt,  m., '  honey,'  from  MidHG.  Zionec 
(gen.  -</es,  variant  huw'c),  OHG.  honag,  ho- 
nung,  11.  ;  comp.  OSax.  howg,  Du.  honiy, 
AS.  huneg,  n.,  E.  honey,  Olc.  hunatig,  n.  ; 
a  common  Tent,  word,  wanting  only  in 
Goth.,  in  which  an  older  term,  milip  (Gr. 
/ue\tT-,  Lat.  »«e£,  under  2)Jcl)ltau),  is  used. 
The  origin  is  not  certain  ;  it  has  been  re- 
ferred toGr.  k6hs,  'dust' ;  <§onia.,  'granular'  ?. 

<$opfctt,  m., '  hops,'  from  MidHG.  hopfe, 
late  OHG.  hopfo,  m.  ;  conip.  MidLG.  and 
Du.  hoppe,  MidE.  hoppe,  ~E,  hop;  MidLat. 
hupa  (for  huppa  ?).  The  origin  of  the  cog- 
nates is  obscure ;  the  term  may  be  borrowed, 
but  there  is  no  proof  of  this.  The  assumed 
relation  to  OHG.  hiufo,  OS;ix.  hiopo,  AS. 
heOpe,  '  brier,'  is  not  satisfactory,  since  the 
latter  cannot  be  assigned  to  a  general  sense, 
'climbing  plant.'  Nor  is  it  probable  that 
^cpfen  is  connected  with  fyupfen.  Scaml. 
has  humall,  111.,  Sw.  and  Dan.  hamle,  formed 
from  MidLat.  humlo,  hurnulus  (whence  Fr. 
houblonl). — §cpfen — l;cvfett,  see  I;i"ipfen. 

ljorcf)e»t,  vb.,  'to  hearken,  listen  to, 
obey,'  properly  MidG.  (in  UpG.  lofeti,  fyercu), 
MidHG.  hdrchen,  late  OHG.  hOrechen,  from 
*h6rahJi6n;  comp.  AS.  *liedrcian,  E.  to 
hark,  OFris.  Ithkia;  a  common  West  Teut. 
derivative  of  rjcrnt.  Goth.  *hauzaq6n  1 
(whence  in  AS.  htfrcnian,  E.  to  hearken). 
Comu.  E.  to  talk,  connected  with  to  tell,  to 
lurk  with  to  lower  (see  lenient),  to  walk,  related 
to  hwfien. 

,i»orbe  (1.),  f.,  'horde,'  ModHG.  only 
(from  the  middle  of  the  16th  cent.) ;  comp. 
Fr.  and  E.  horde,  Ital.  orda ;  "a  word  ori- 
ginating in  Asia."  From  Tartar  horda, 
'  camp,'  Per.*,  ordu,  '  army,  camp.' 

,5aoroe  (2.),  f.,  'frames  of  wickerwork 
and  the  space  enclosed  by  them,'  from  Mid 
HG.  horde  (MidG.),  'enclosure,  district;' 
comp.  Du.  horde,  'wickerwork,  hurdle.' 
Allied  to  Jpfivbc. 

l)orcn,  vb.,  '  to  hear,  give  ear  to,  listen,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  hozrev,  OIK  J. 
horen;  common  Teut.  hauzjan,  'to  hear' ; 
comp.  Goth,  hantsjan,  Olc.  hei/ra,  AS.  h$ran, 
hiran,  E.  to  hear,  Du.  hooren,  OLG.  horian 
(comp.  also  the  derivative  I;erd)eit)  ;  Teut. 
root  hauz,  from  pre-Teut  kous,  to  which  is 
allied  Gr.  d/c<ww  (for  *a-Kovaju  ?  ;  Hesychius, 
/co£  dicoijci).  The  latter  is  probably  con- 
nected with  the  Aryan  stem  of  Df)t  (cus), 
just  as  Lat  audire  stands  for  *aus-dire 
(comp.  auscultare) ;  in  that  case  the  Teut. 

guttural  h,  Gr.  &k,  would  be  the  remnant 
of  a  prefix.  A  more  widely  diffused  stem 
for  ()i;veu  is  OTeut.  Idus  and  klu,  from  pre- 
Teut.  klus  and  Ida,  which,  however,  is 
nearly  obsolete  in  Teut.  ;  comp.  lattt,  lau- 
fcfyeit,  tauflevn.  Der.  gefyorfam,  from  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  gehdrsam  (AS.  gehflrsuni),  *  obed- 

<$ortt,  n.,  '  horn,  peak,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  horn,  n.  ;  comp.  Goth. 
hatirn,  Olc.  horn,  AS.  and  E.  horn,  OFris. 
horn,  Du.  ho)tn ;  a  common  Teut.  word 
for  '  horn,'  cognate  with  Lat.  comu,  and 
Ir.,  W.,  and  Corn,  corn  (icdpvov  ttju  a&Xwiyya 
TaXarat,  Hesychius) ;  allied  to  Gr.  Kip-as, 
'horn,'  with  a  different  suffix  (comp.  also 
Teut.  <£>ivfd),  lit.  'horned  animal'),  as  well 
as  the  equiv.  Sans,  crn-ga.  See  further 
respecting  the  Aryan  root  leer  under  Sfrixw. 
Comp,  ^»a()itrei. 

^ormfTc,  f.,  'hornet,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  hdrnii.  h6rnU$  (early  ModHG., 
also  £crnaufj),  OHG.  h6riw$,  h6rnii$,  m.  ; 
comp,  AS.  hyrnet,  E.  hoi-net;  probably  not 
a  derivative  of  §0111.  The  Slav,  and  Lat. 
words  for  '  hornet'  point  rather  to  a  Goth. 
*haurznuts,  based  upon  a  root  horz,  Aryan 
krs  (Ind.  *crs) ;  Lat,  crdbro,  '  hornet,'  for 
*crdsro,  OSlov.  srMeni,  Lith.  szirszone, 
'hornet.'  They  point  to  an  old  Aryan 
root  krs,  '  hornet' ;  with  this  comp.  OSlov. 
sruia,  Lith.  szirszu,  'wasp.'  A  trace  of 
this  medial  s  is  retained  in  Du.  horzel, 
'  hornet '(Goth.  *haursuls),  to  which  horze- 
len,  *  to  hum,'  is  allied. 

Jaontunjt,  rn.,  'February,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  and  OHG.  hornunc(g) ;  the 
termination  -ung  is  patronymic  ;  February 
is  regarded  as  the  offspring  of  January, 
which  in  earlier  ModHG.  (dial.)  is  desig- 
nated by  atopcv  J&cvii,  '  great  horn,'  in  con- 
trast with  February,  ftciner  £orn,  'little 
horn.'  Comp.  AS.  and  Olc.  hoinung, 

^orfl,  111.,  'shrubbery,  eyrie,' from  Mid 
HG.  hurst,  (MidG.)  horst,  OHG.  hurst,  horsl, 
f.,  'shrubbery,  copse,  thicket' ;  MidE.  hurst, 
'  hill,  copse,'  E.  hurst ;  of  obscure  origin. 

$>ovt,  m.  (like  §af(e,  feeim,  and  ©cm, 
revived  in  the  last  cent,  after  being  long 
forgotten,  by  the  study  of  MidHG.),  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  hort,  m.,  OHG.  hort,  n., 
1  hoard ' ;  OSax.  hord  (horth),  n.,  '  treasure,' 
also  'hidden,  innermost  room,' AS.  hmdk, 
n.  and  m.,  'treasure,  store,'  E.  hoard; 
Goth,  huzd,  '  treasure,'  Olc.  hodd,  n.,  hoddr, 
m.,   'treasure.'     Teut.  hozda-,  from  pre- 


(    i$$    ) 


Teut.  kuzdhd-  for  kudhto-,  partic.  '  that 
which  is  hidden'  (comp.  Gr.  KevOw,  see  also 
^utte,  ^aud),  Gr.  icuados,  any '  hollow,'  espec. 
*  pudenda  nmliebria.' 

<$ofe,  f.,  '  hose,  stocking,  breeches,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  hose,  OHG.  hosa,  f.  ; 
comp.  AS.  hosu,  E.  hose,  and  the  equiv. 
OIc.  hosa;  Goth.  *hicsd  is  by  chance  not 
recorded.  '  Hose '  was  originally  (in  OHG, 
MidHG,  AS.,  and  OIc.)  applied  to  aeover- 
ing  for  the  legs  reaching  from  the  thigh, 
or  even  from  the  knee  only,  and  often  also 
to  stockings  and  gaiters.  Considering  the 
numerous  correspondences  in  Kelt,  and 
Rom.  the  Teut  term  is  certainly  original ; 
the  Teut.  words  found  their  way  into  Kelt. 
(Corn,  hos,  *  ocrea '),  and  Rom.  (OFr.  hose). 
The  connection  of  §ofe  with  OSlov.  koSulja, 
f.,  '  shfrt,'  is  dubious. 

.SbVlb,  m.,  '  heaving,  lift,  impetus,'  Mod 
HG.  only,  allied  to  Ijefcett. 

gdube,  see  £iife. 

$>i\bel,  in.,  'hillock,'  from  MidHG. 
hiibel,m.  (comp.  Du.  heuvel),  'hill';  per- 
haps cognate  with  Lith. kupstas,  'lump,'  or 
the  same  as  MidHG.  and  UpG.  biihel  (see 
under  bieaen). 

Ijubfcf),  adj.,  ' pretty,  handsome,'  from 
MidHG.  hubcsch,hiibsch,  adj.,  prop,  'courtly,' 
then  also  '  beautiful.'  OHG.  *hubisc  is 
connected  by  a  grammatical  change  with 

<5»uf,  m.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  /two/ (gen.  huoves),  m., '  hoof ;  comp. 
OSax.  hf>f,  in.,  AS.  hof,  E.  hoof,  Du.  hoef, 
OIc.  hofr.  Goth.  *hofs,  m.,  'hoof,'  is  by 
chance  not  recorded.  Teut.  Mfa-,  from 
pre-Teut.  *k6po-,  to  which  is  allied  OSlov. 
/copy to,  n.,  'hoof  (akin to kopati,  'to dig'); 
others  derive  hdfa-  from  pre-Teut.  kdpho- 
and  compare  it  with  OInd.  caphd,  Zend 
mfa,  '  hoof.'  Compared  with  both  these 
explanations,  the  derivation  of  £uf  from 
fyebett  must  be  rejected. 

/aufe  (LG.  form),  £snbc  (UpG.  form), 
f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  huobe,  OHG. 
huoba,  f.,  'hide  of  land'  (about  30  acres),, 
so  still  in  OSax.  h6ba,  f.  (in  E.  an  inde- 
pendent word  is  found  from  the  earliest 
period — AS.  htfd,  E.  hide).  Cognate  with 
Gr.  Krjiros,  'garden';  the  common  type  is 

^ttffe,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  huf 
(plur.  hiiffe),  OHG.  huf  (plur.  huf),  f., 
'hip';  comp.  Goth,  hups  (nom.  plur. 
Mpeis),  m.,  AS.  hype  (hop-),  m.  and  i.,  E. 
hip,  and  the  equiv.  Du.  heap,  f. ;   Teut. 

hupi-,  from  pre-Teut.  kubi;  allied  to  Gr. 
Kvfios,  m.,  '  hollow  near  the  hips '  ?.  Others 
comp.  Lith.  kitmpis,  'spring  or  hand  of 
pork'  (allied  to  Lith  humpas,  'crooked').  : 

Jififffjortt,  see  £tftf)cnt. 

&ix$el,  m.,  'hill,  knoll,'  ModHG.rmly, 
introduced  by  Luther  from  MidG.  into 
thewriiten  language;  in  MidHG. (UpG.), 
biihel,  hiibel,  were  used,  which,  however, 
must  be  separated  etymologicallv  from 
£fuje(;  see  £ubd.  ^lujel  (Goth.  *hugils), 
with  dimin.  suffix,  is  related  by  gradation 
to  OHG.  hottg,  MidHG.  houc(-(jes),  'hill,' 
which  are  explained  under  Jjocf). 

<$»uf) it,  n.,  'fowl,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  huon  (plur.  -ir,  MidHG.  hiiener), 
n.  ;  comp.  OSax.  h&n,  Du.  hoen;  unknown 
to  E.  ;  OIc.  plur.  only,  heens  (AS.  hens-1), 
n.,  '  fowls.'  ^mfnt  compared  with  the  re- 
lated words  £alni  and  -§emte  is  prop,  of 
common  gender,  and  may  in  OHG.  be  used 
instead  of  §af)it.  The  Goth,  term  may 
have  been  *hdn  or  *hdnis.     Comp.  $a1)n. 

<$ttlb,  f.,  'grace,  favour,  kindness,' 
from  MidHG.  hidde,  f.,  OHG.  huldi,  OSax. 
hvldt,  f.  ;  abstract  of  ijolb. 

^ftffe,  see  §ilfc. 

gsiliic,  f.,  'envelop,  covering,  sheath,' 
from  MidHG.  hiille,  OHG.  hulla  (Goth. 
*huljd),  f,,  '  cloak,  kerchief,  covering '  ; 
allied  to  the  root  hel,  '  to  cover  for  conceal- 
ment,' in  I)evteit. — ModHG.  in  £idle  unb 
gtd(e  meant  orig.  'in  food  and  clothing' ; 
hence  -§uf(e  unb  %\\[[t  was  used  to  denote 
all  the  necessaries  of  life,  finally  the  idea  of 
superfluity  was  combined  with  the  phrase. 

jftulfe,  f.,  'shell,  husk,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  hiilse,  hiilsche,  OHG.  hulsa,  for 
*hulisa  (Goth.  *hulisi  or  *huluzi).  f.,  'shell' ; 
from  the  root  hel,  hul  (see  fyefyfen,  ^u(le), 
like  Goth,  jukuzi,  f.,  'yoke,'  or  aqizi,  t., 
'axe'  (see  9Irt),  in  AS.  without  the  suffix 
8,  hulu,  '  pod,  husk.' 

ilutlfl,  m.,  'holly,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  huh  (comp.  9lrt,  from  MidHG.  ackes\ 
OHG.  huh.  hulis,  m.  ;  from  G.,  Fr.  houx  is 
derived.  Comp.  E.  holly,  AS.  holeg)^  E. 
hulver,  Kelt,  kehn,  '  holly.' 

jiutiiimol,  f., '  humble-bee,  drone,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidflG.  hummel,  humbel,  OHG. 
humbal,  m.  ;  comn.  Du.  hommel,  '  drone,' 
MidE.  humbel-bee,  E.  humble-bee  (AS.  *hum- 
bolbe6).  The  origin  of  the  aognntai  ia  ob- 
scure ;  the  derivation  from  MidHG.  hum- 
men,  '  to  hum,'  is  not  satisfactory,  since  the 
soft  labial  in  OHG.  humbal  must  be  archaic 
and  original. 


(    i54    ) 


Aummcr,  m., '  lobster,'  ModHQ.  only, 
from  tlie  equiv.  LG.  (Dan.  and  Swed.) 
hummer;  the  final  source  is  OIc.  human; 
in.,  'lobster' ;  comp.  Gr.  Kdfiapos,  tcdfifiapos, 
'  a  kind  of  crab,'  although  the  occurrence 
of  the  same  names  of  fishes  in  several  Aryan 
.languages  is  usually  very  rare.  In  E.  a 
different  word  is  used— AS.  loppestre,  f.,  E. 

^umpe,  f,  ^umpen,  m.,'drinking-cup, 
bumper,  bowl,'  ModHG.  only  (from  the  17th 
cent.) ;  it  seems,  however,  to  be  primitive, 
6ince  correspondences  are  found  in  the 
Aryan  languages,  Sans,  kumbha,  m  ,  '  pot, 
urn,'  Zend  xu^°a  (the  initial  h  of  the  Mod 
HG.  word  probably  originated  like  the  h 
in  tyaben,  root  khabh ;  yet  comp.  also  Gr. 
/«5/i/3oj,  m.,  '  vessel,  enp ').  However  re- 
markable it  may  seem  that  a  primit.  word 
like  $umprn  should  have  been  unrecorded 
in  the  entire  Tent,  group  until  the  17th 
cent.,  yet  similar  examples  of  such  a  phe- 
nomenon mayl  e  adduced  ;  comp.  Sdnvire, 
'  stake,'  in  ModHG.  dial,  only,  which,  like 
AS.  swer,  '  pillar,'  corresponds  to  San?. 
svdru-s,  '  sacrificial  stake.'  In  this  case, 
however,  the  supposition  that  the  word 
has  been  borrowed  is  more  probable,  be- 
cause Teut.  has  for  the  most  part  adopted 
foreign  terms  for  drinking  vessels  (comp. 
Jtrug,  Jtraufe,  .fintfe,  Jteld)) ;  the  assump- 
tion, on  account  of  Zend  -xymba,  that  the 
woid  was  borrowed  at  an  early  period  from 
a  Pers.  dial,  is  alluring  (as  in  the  case  of 

ifumpeln,  Jjumpen,  vb.,  •  to  hobble' ; 
ModHG.  only,  from  LG.  ?.  Perhaps  allied 
to  Innfen. 

<&ttn6,  m., '  dog,  hound,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  hunt(d),  OHG.  hunt{t),  m. ;  a 
common  Teut  word  hunda-,  'dog' ;  comp. 
Goth,  hunds,  OTc.  hundr,  AS.  hund,  E. 
hound  (for  the  chase  only,  in  other  cases 
dog,  AS.  doeffe),  Du.  hond,  LG.  hund.  If 
the  second  syllable  in  hun-da-  is  a  deriva- 
tive (comp.  £inbe),  the  Teut.  word  corre- 
sponds to  Aryan  hin-,  'dog' ;  comp.  Gr. 
kuuv  (gen.  kw-6i),  Sans,  cva  (<>en.  pun-as), 
Lat  cants.  lath,  szu  (stem  szun-),  Olr.  eft. 
Thus  the  Aryans  in  their  primit  home  were 
already  acquainted  with  the  dog  as  distinct 
from  the  wolf.  In  Teut.  it  might  also  ap- 
pear as  if  the  word  were  connected  with 
an  old  str.  vb.  hinjjan, '  to  catch '  (in  Goth.) ; 
in  popular  etymology  $unb  might  l>e  re- 
garded as  the  'captor,  hunter,  taker  of 
prey.'     The  phrase  auf  ben  £unb  fentnun. 

'  to  full  into  poverty,  go  to  the  dogs,'  seems 
to  be  based  upon  the  OTeut.  expression  in 
dice-playing  (see  grfallfn,  <2au,  and  also 
2)auS) ;  probably  £unb,  like  Lat.  cants  and 
Gr.  kvwv,  denoted  an  unlucky  throw  ;  in 
Sans,  the  professional  gambler  is  called 
'  dog-slayer  '  (cvaghnin).  The  probable 
antiquity  of  dice-playing  is  attested  by 
Tacitus'  account  of  the  Teutons  and  by 
the  songs  of  the  Vedaa. 

<&Uttoerf ,  n., '  hundred,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  late  OHG.  fotndert,  n. ;  comp. 
OSax.  hunderod,  AS.  and  E.  hundred,  and 
the  equiv.  OI<".  hundra'S,  n. ;  Goth.  *hunda- 
rap  (gen.  -dis)  is  wanting ;  the  word  is 
evidently  a  compound,  the  second  part  of 
which  is  connected  with  Goth,  rafijan, '  to 
count'  (comp.  9hbe).  The  first  component 
was  used  alone  for '  hundred' ;  comp.  Goth. 
twa  hunda,  200,  firija  hunda,  300,  &c. ;  OHG. 
zwei  hunt,  driu  hunt,  &c,  AS.  t-A  hund,  Jjreo 
hund,  200,  300.  This  simple  term  is  an 
Aryan  form,  Teut.  hunda-,  from  pre-Teut. 
kmtd- ;  comp.  Lat.  centum,  Gr.  enarbv.  Sans. 
patdm,  Ztmdsata,  Lith.  szimtas  (m  is  changed 
in  Teut.  into  n  before  d  ;  see  €?anb)  ;  OSlov. 
suto  is  probably  derived  from  Iran.  sata. 
But  while  the  word,  judging  from  the  cor- 
respondences in  these  language?,  denoted 
our  decimal '  hundred'  in  primit.  Aryan,  we 
find  that  it  is  used  in  OTeut.  for  120,  the 
so-called  duodecimal  hundred.  In  OIc. 
hundrap  in  the  pre-Christian  period  de- 
noted only  120.  a  distinction  being  made 
at  a  later  period  between  tdlfroztt  hundrajj, 
120,  and  tiroztt  hundraj),  100  ;  even  at  the 
present  time  hundrap  denotes  the  duode- 
cimal hundred  in  Iceland.  In  Goth,  we 
have  only  indirect  evidence  of  the  com- 
bination of  the  decimal  and  duodecimal 
numeration,  tai/umti-hund, '  ten  times  ten,' 
but  twa  hun'la,  200  (OIc.  tiu-tiger,  '  ten 
tens,  100').  So  too  in  OHG.  and  AS.; 
comp.  OHG.  zehanzo,  '100,'  prop,  'ten 
tens,'  and  also  einliunt,  AS.  te&ntig,  but  tA 
hund.  In  other  cases  also  the  co-existence 
of  the  duodecimal  and  decimal  system  may 
be  seen  in  OTeut.  In  G.  the  word  for  120 
became  obsolete  at  an  early  period,  but  its 
existence  may  be  inferred  from  the  fact 
that  the  old  word  hun/l  in  OHG.  and  Mid 
HG.  was  used  only  for  several  hundreds, 
while  hundred  was  expressed  almost  en- 
tirely by  zehanzo  and  zehenzig. 

(fttmosfoff,  m.,  first  occurs  in  early  M<>d 
HG.,  lit.  " '  cunnus  cam's.'  Borrowed  from 
the  shamelessness  of  the  '  proud '  bitch." 


(    i55    ) 


iiu'uie  (a  LG.  form,  in  earlier  ModHG. 
^ettne),  in.,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  hiune, 
111.,  'giant,'  in  which  sense  it  is  found  in 
the  13th  cent.  This  word,  phonetically 
identical  with  MidHG.  Hiune,  OHG.  HAn, 
'  Hun,  Hungarian,'  existed  in  Germany  in 
OTeut.  names  of  persons  even  before  the 
appearance  of  the  Huns.  Some  etymolo- 
gists assume,  with  little  probability,  that 
the  primit.  Tent.  was  the  name  of 
the  aborigines  of  Germany.  Undoubtedly 
the  North  G.  £iine  points  rather  to  a  Tent, 
tribe  (Sigfrid  in  the  Eddas  is  called  enn 
hunslce).  Numerous  compound  names  of 
places  with  §un  (^aun)  are  found  in  North 
Germany  (Jpauna,  -£>unfclb).  Note  the  names 
of  persons  such  as  ^jumbclbt  (OHG.  HAn- 

Jauttger,  m.,  'hunger,  famine,'  from  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  hunger,  OHG.  hungar,  m. ; 
comp.  OSax.  hungar,  AS.  hungor,  in.,  E. 
hunger,  OIc.  hungr,  m. ;  Goth.  *huggrus 
is  wanting  (it  is  indicated  by  huggrjan, 
'to  hunger'),  but  the  term  hdhrus  (for 
hunhrus,  hunhrus),  m.,  occurs ;  common 
Teut.  hunhru-,  hungru-,  'hunger,'  from 
pre-Teut.  hnkru- 1.  The  Gr.  gloss,  icty/cel 
iretvy,  points  to  an  Aryan  root,  kenk,  konk ; 
comp.  also  Lith.  kankd,  '  torment,'  with 
OIc.  ha,  vb., '  to  torment,  pain '  (from  Teut. 

hunt  ,}cn,  vb.,  '  to  abuse,'  ModHG.  only, 
probably  '  to  call  one  a  dog '  (note  the  for- 
mation of  evfcen,  ftefcen,  bitten) ;  then  pro- 
bably also  '  to  treat  anyone  like  a  dog. 

ljftpfctt,  vb.,  from  the  eqniv.  MidHG. 
hiipfen,  hupfen,  'to  hop';  OHG.  *hupfen 
is  by  chance  not  recorded  ;  so  too  AS.  *hyp- 
pan,  whence  MidE.  hyp-pen.  E.  to  hip.  Akin 
also  to  ModHG.  and  MidHG.  />opfen,  AS. 
hoppian,  E.  to  hop,  OIc.  hoppa ;  Goth.  *hvp- 
p&n,  *huppjan,  are  wanting.  UpG.  dialects 
have  besides  hoppen,  from  OHG.  *hopp6n 
(OTeut.  *hvbbdn).  AS.  hoppettau, '  to  hop,' 
MidHG.  *hopfzen,  ModHG.  Ijepfeii,  are  dif- 
ferently formed. 

^tttroe,  f.,  'hurdle,'  from  MidHG.  hurt, 
plur.  hiirte  and  hiirde,  f.,  'hurdle,  wicker- 
work,'  OHG.  hurt,  plur.  hitrdi,  f.  ;  comp. 
Goth.  hairds,  f., '  door,'  OIc.  hufS,  f.,  'door ' 
(this  sense  is  also  found  in  MidHG.),  like- 
wise '  wickerwork,  hurdle,  lid  ';  AS.  *hyrd, 
MidE.  hyrde,  AS.  hyrdel,  E.  hurdle.  The 
meaning  'door'  is  only  a  development  of 
the  general  sense  '  wickerwork  '  ;  pre- 
Teut.  krti:  Comp.  Eat.  crdtes,  Gr.  Kvprla. 
'wickerwork,'  Kvprt),  Kvprot,   'creel,  cage,' 

Kdprd\os,  '  basket' ;  allied  to  the  Sans,  root 
kH,  'to  spin,'  cH,  '  to  connect,  combine.' 

<$ure,  f.,  '  whore,'  from  MidHG.  huore, 
OHG.  huora,  huorra  (from  */i6rjd,  Goih.  1), 
f.  ;  comp.  AS.  and  MidE.  hdre,  E.  whore, 
with  an  excrescent  w),  Du.  hoer,  OIc.  hdra, 
f.,  'whore' ;  in  Goth,  hdrs,  m.,  is  'whore- 
monger '  (but  kalki,  f., '  whore  ').  To  these 
are  allied  OHG.  huor,  n.,  '  adultery,  forni- 
cation.' OIc.  hdr,  AS.  hdr,  n. ;  probably 
also  MidHG.  herge,  f.,  '  whore '  (Goth. 
*harj6)  1.  The  Teut.  root  hdr-  is  related  to 
Lat.  carus,  '  dear,'  Olr.  cara,  '  friend,'  and 
caraim,  '  I  love.'  Its  connection  with  £arn 
is  less  probable,  although  Gr.  fioixfo,  'adul- 
terer.' is  formed  from  6mx*iv,  'mingere.' 
In  Slav.-Lith.,  too,  words  with  cognate 
sounds  are  found  in  the  sense  of  '  whore.' 
OSlov.  kurSva,  f.  (Lith.  kurva,  f.),  is  per- 
haps derived  from  the  Teut.  word. 

%\XVta,  interj.,  '  hurrah  1 '  from  MidHG. 
hurrd,  interj.  (allied  to  MidHG.  hurren, 
'  to  move  quickly ';. 

Ijurfig,  adj.,  'quick,  prompt,  speedv,' 
from  MidHG.  hurtec,  hurtecltch,  'quick.' 
prop,  'dashing  violently  against';  Mid 
HG.  hurt,  m.  and  f.,  'coming  into  violent 
collision,  impact,'  is  said  to  be  borrowed 
from  Fr.  heurt  (Ital.  urto),  'thrust,'  which 
again  is  derived  from  Kelt,  hwrdh,  '  thrust.' 
Yet  fyurttg  may  be  regarded  as  a  genuine 
Teut.  word,  allied  to  OHG.  rado,  AS.hrad, 
'quick,'  with  which  OIc.  horsier,  'quick,'  is 
also  connected. 

«$ufar,  m.,  '  hussar,'  ModHG.  only 
(from  the  16th  tent.);  final  source  Hun- 
garian huszdr. 

hufd),  interj.,  'hush!  quick!'  from 
MidHG.  husch  (but  used  only  as  an  interj. 
to  express  a  feeling  of  cold) ;  hence  Mod 
HG.  l)iifcfocn. 

iftltftcn,  m.,  'cough,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  huoste,  OHG.  huosto,  m.,  from  an 
earlier  *hic6sto  with  the  loss  of  the  w  (Up. 
Alsat.  and  Swiss  wueke  with  the  w  retained 
and  the  h  before  it  suppressed)  ;  comp. 
Du.  hoest,  AS.  hwdsta,  m.,  E.  (dial.)  whoost, 
Scand.  huste  (for  *hv6ste),  m., '  cough.'  The 
verbal  stem  hwds  was  retained  in  the  AS. 
str.  vb.  (pret.  hiceis),  beside  which  a  wk. 
vb.  hwSsan,  E.  wheeze,  occurs.  Teut.  root 
hw(ts  (Goth.  *hwdsta),  from  pre-Teut.  kwdn, 
kd<,  corresponds  to  the  Sans,  root  kds,  '  to 
cough,'  Lith.  kdsiu  (kdseii),  '  to  cough,' 
OSlov.  kaitli,  m.,  'cough.' 

Ssxxl  (1.),  m.,  'hat,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OIIG.   huot  (gen.   hnotes),  m.,  '  hat,  cap, 


(    156    ) 


helmet';  comp.  D11.  hoed,  AS.  hud,  E. 
hood.  It  is  most  closely  allied  to  AS. 
hcBtt,  E.  hat,  and  the  equiv.  01c.  hgttr  ;  in 
Goth,  both  *h6f>s  and  *hattus  are  wanting. 
It  is  probably  connected  more  remotely  with 
Litli.  kudas,  'tuft  (of  hair,  &c),  crest  of  a 
cock,'  and  perhaps  also  with  the  Teut. 
root  had,  h6d,  in  the  two  following  words. 

gbXXl  (2.),  f.,  'heed,  care,  guard,'  from 
MidHG.  huot,  huote,  f.,  OHG.  huola,  f., 
'oversight  and  foresight  as  a  preventive 
against  harm,  care,  guard '  ;  Du.  hoede, 
'foresight,  protection.'     To  this  is  allied 

f)utcn,  vb.,  '  to  heed,  take  care,'  from 
MidllG.  hiieten,  OHG.  huoten,  'to  watch, 
take  care ' ;  Goth,  hfoljan  is  wanting.  AS. 
hedan,  E.  io  heed  (also  as  a  subst.),  Du. 

hoeden,  OSax.  h/klian.  Teut.  root  h6d,  from 
the  Aryan  hudh  (kddhl)  or  kut ;  perhaps 
allied  to  Lat.  cassis  (for  *cat-i<),  'helmet,' 
also  to  MidHG.  huot,  '  helmet,'  E.  hat.  See 

gbiltte,  f.,  '  cottage,  hut,  foundrv,  tent,' 
from  MidHG.  hiUte,  OHG.  hutta,  f„  '  hut, 
tent' ;  a  specifically  HG.  word  which  found 
its  way  into  Du.,  E.,  and  Rom.;  comp.  Du. 
hut,E.hut,  Yr.hutte,  'hut.'  In  Goth. perhaps 
*hufija,  and  related  to  AS.  hfidan,  E.  to 
hide  (from  *hHdjan),  Teut.  root  hud,  from 
Aryan  kuth,  allied  to  Gr.  KevOwl.     Comp. 

^ttfjel,  f.,  'dried  pear  cutting's,'  from 
MidHG.  h-utzel,  hiitzel,  f.,  'dried  pear'j 
probably  an  intensive  form  of  £uut  1. 


td),  pron,,  '  I-,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
ich,  OHG.  ih;  corresponding  to  OSax.  ik, 
Du.  ik,  AS.  ic,  E.  7,  Goth.  ik.  For  the 
common  Teut.  t'/;,  from  pre-Teut  egom, 
comp.  Lat.  ego,  Ger-.  <tyw,  Sans,  aham,  OSlov. 
azu,  Lith.  az.     The  oblique  cases  of  this 

1>rimit.  nom.  were  formed  in  all  the  Aiyan 
anguages  from  a  stem  me- ;  comp.  meiii. 
The  orig.  meaning  of  id),  primit.  type  egom 
(equal  to  Sans,  aham),  cannot  be  fathomed. 
gflel,  m.,  '  hedgehog,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  igel,  OHG.  igil,  m.  ;  correspond- 
ing to  Du.  egel,  AS.  igl  (tl),  in  E.,  however, 
hedgehog,  to  which  OIc.  igull  is  equiv.  Gr. 
iylvm,  OSlov.  jeSt,  Lith.  ezy.%  'hedgehog,' 
are  undoubtedly  cognate.  A  West-Aryan 
*eghi-nos,  '  hedgehog,'  must  be  attained  ; 
comp.  Goth,  katils,  from  Lat.  cattnus,  Goth. 
asilus,  from  Lat.  tm'nws  (so  too  @ff{,  -§imnte(, 
J?ummcl,  Jftjicl).  Very  different  from  this 
word  is  the  second  component  of  the  com- 
pound 93lutigei,  prop.  SBlutegel ;  in  MidHG. 
simply  egel,  egele,  OHG.  egala,  f.,  'leech.' 
That  this  OHG.  egala  is  connected  etymolo- 
gically  with  OHG.  igil,  'hedgehog,'  is  im- 
probable on  account  of  the  meaning  only. 
tljr,  poss.  pron.,  'her.  their'  (general 
from  the  14th  cent.),  MidHG.  tr  is  rare  as 
a  poss.  pron.  ;  it  is  prop,  the  gen.  plur.  of 
er,  OHG.  iro  (Goth.  ize~).  Further  details 
belong  to  grammar. 

Sifts,  m.,  '  polecat,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  iltls,  Sites,  OHG.  illitiso,  in.  (the  long 
t  is  assumed  by  the  ModHG.  and  Bav.  form 
dllefceiS)  ;  a  specifically  G.  term  based  upon 

an  old  compound  which  has  not  as  yet  been 

Stttbtfj,  m.,  'lunch,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  imblj,,  inblj,,  m.  and  n.. '  food,  meal,' 
allied  to  MidHG.  enbt^en,  OHG.  mbl^an, 
'  to  partake  of  food  or  drink,  eat,'  allied  to 

§tmmc,  f.,  'bee,'  from  MidHG.  imhe 
(later  imme),  m.,  OHG.  imbi,  'swarm  of 
bees'  (hence  a  collective  term  ;  the  mean- 
ing '  bee '  first  occurs  in  late  MidHG.).  In 
OHG.  records  imbi  bianS  denotes  '  swarm  of 
bees ' ;  comp.  AS.  geogoft, '  a  youthful  band/ 
with  E.  youth  (see  5iJurfd)e,  graucn;iiiuucv, 
<Etute).  Yet  it  is  questionable  whether 
imbi  has  ever  signified  '  swarm,  herd'  (gene- 
rally). Its  direct  connection  with  SMette 
(root  bt)  is  certainly  dubious ;  it  is  more 
probably  related  to  Gr.  i/irh,  'mosquito, 

intmcr,  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  imer, 
immer,  earlier  iemer,  OflG.  iomir, '  always ' 
(only  of  the  present  and  future) ;  OHG.  io- 
mir is  a  compound  of  io  (comp.  jf)  and  mh" 
(see  meljr) ;  comp.  AS.  (efre  (E.  ever),  from 
*ce-mre  (equiv.  to  OHG.  io-mir). 

tmpfen,  vb., '  to  ingraft,  vaccinate,' from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  (rare)  imp/en,  OHG. 
(rare)  impfdn,  for  which  the  usual  forms 
are  MidHG.  imp(f)eten,  OHG.  impfit&n, 
mostly  impit&n,  '  to  inoculate,  ingraft ' ; 
j'et  comp.  also  AS.  impian,  E.  to  imp. 
3mVfen,  just  like  pftcpftfl  and  peljtn,  seems, 
on  account  of  OHG.  imp/tin  and  AS.  im- 
1  MM,  to  have  been  borrowed  about  the 


(    iS7    ) 


7th  or  8th.  cent,  from  Lat.  ;  yet  only  OHQ. 
impitdn  can  be  explained  as  directly  bor- 
rowed from  a  Lat.  horticultural  term  ; 
comp.  Lat.-Rom. putare,  'to prune'  (comp. 
Ital.  potare,  Span,  podar),  to  which  Franc. 
possen,  Du.  and  LG.  poten,  '  to  ingraft,'  are 
related.  The  correspondence  of  OHG.  im- 
pitdn, with  Fr.  enter,  'to  ingraft'  (from 
*empter),  is  remarkable  ;  comp.  Du.,  Mid 
Du.,  and  MidLG.  entcn,  '  to  inoculate ' 
(from  empteri).  With  the  Mid  Lat.  base  im- 
putare  (for  Lat.  amputare  1),  OHG.  impf&n 
and  AS.  impian  may  be  connected  by  the 
intermediate  link  impo(d)are,  unless  it  is 
based  rather  like  Fr.  (Lorr.)  ope", '  to  inocu- 
late,' upon  a  Lat.  Hmpuare.  The  usual 
derivation  of  all  the  Tent,  and  Rom.  words 
from  Gr.  inQvTevw,  inQtiu,  'to  ingraft,'  is 
perhaps  conceivable.  Moreover,  the  medi- 
cal term  impfeu  has  been  current  only  since 
the  18th  cent. 

in,  prep.,  'in,  into,  at,'  from  the  equiv.. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  in,  a  common  Tent, 
prep,  witli  the  same  form  ;  comp.  Goth., 
AS.,  E.,  Du.,  and  OSax.  in, '  in.'  Its  priniit. 
kinship  with  Lat.  in,  Gr.  iv,  hi,  Lith.  i,  and 
Lett,  e  is  certain.  To  this  are  allied  intent, 
tnfccfj,  and  inbeffen. 

gfnfel,  gttfltl,  f.,  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  infel,  infele,  f.,  '  mitre  of  a  bishop  or 
abbot' ;  formed  from  Lat.  infula.. 

gfnjJttJCr,  m.,  'ginger,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  ingewer,  also  giugebere,  m.^derived, 
like  Du.  gember,  E.  ginger,  Fr.  gingembre, 
Ital.  zenzuvero,  zenzero,  'ginger,*' from  the 
equiv.  late  Gr.  iiyylflepis,  which  comes  from 
the  East ;  comp.  Arab,  zendjebil,  fromPrak. 
singabSra  (Sans,  frhgavira). 

tnnc,  adv.,  «  within,'  from  MidHG.  ami 
OHG.  inne,  OHG.  inna, '  inwardly ' ;  comp. 
Goth,  inna;  allied  to  in.— So  too  inncn, 
'within,'  MidHG.  innen,  OHG.  inndn, 
innana;  Goth,  innana,  'within.' — inner, 
'within,'  from  MidHG.  innere,  adj.  and 
adv.,  'internal,'  OHG.  innar,  adj. 

inntg,  adj.,  'intimate,'  from  MidHG. 
innecUj),  adj.,  'internal,  intimate';  a  re- 
cent formation  from  MidHG.  inne ;  comp. 
even  in  OHG.  inniglih,  '  internal.' 

gfnttmtfl,  f.,  '  association,'  from  late 
MidHG.  innunge,  f.,  'connection  (with  a 
corporate  body),  association,  guild' ;  allied 
to  OHG.  inndn, '  to  receive  (into  an  alli- 
ance), combine ' ;  connected  with  inne. 

SnfcfjliH,  see  llnfdjlitt. 

junfel,  f.,  '  island,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  instl,  insele,  f. ;  formed  from  Lat.  and 

Rom.  insula  [~Er.  tie,  Ital.  isola) ;  even  in 
OHG.  a  divergent  form  of  the  word,  isila, 
was  borrowed.  The  OTeut.  words  for 
'  island '  are  9lne  and  SfBert. 

gnftegcl,  n.,  '  seal,' from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  insigel,  insigele,  OHG.  vnsigili,  n.  ; 
corresponding  to  AS.  insegele,  OIc.  innsigle, 
with  the  same  sense.  See  Steffi  for  the 
curious  history  of  the  cognates. 

inffembtg,.  adj.,  '  instant, urgent,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  *inste.ndec ;  OHG.  in- 
stendigo  is  recorded  once.  Allied  to  jleljen 
(gejtanben) ;  perhaps  an  imitation  of  Lat. 
insistere,  Ho  pursue  zealously'?. 

tmnenbig,  see  wmben. 

§fn^tcftf ,  f.,  '  accusation,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  and  OHG.  inziht,  f. ;  an  abstract 
of  jtdjen  ;  comp.  also  be^tefctigen. 

irben,  adj., '  earthen,'  from  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  irdtn,  adj.,  'made  of  clay'  (also 
'earthly')  \.  an  adj.  of  material  allied  to 
OHG.  erda,  'earth.'  Also  trbifcfc,  with  a 
different  application,  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  irdesch,  OHO.  irdisc  (prop,  'peculiar 
or  belonging  to  the  earth ' ;  with  regard  to 
the  suffix comp.  beutfd)  and  3J}f nfd)).  See  S'rfce. 

irgcnb,  adv.,  'ever,  soever,  whatever,' 
with  an  affix  d  (see  2Monb,  £afeid)t,  and  £)bft), 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  (MidG.)  iergen, 
late  OHG.  iergen,. for  which  in  earlier  OHG. 
io  wergin  occurs  ;  OHG:  wergin  (for  *hwer- 
gin,  *hwar-gin),.  corresponds  to  OSax.  hirer- 
gin,  AS.  hwergen,  in  which  hwar  signifies 
'  where,'  and  -gin,  the  indef.  particle, '  any,' 
corresponding  to  Goth,  -hun  (Lat.  -cu»que, 
Sans.. -cawa)  ;  Goth.  *hwar-gi»,  *hwar-hun, 
'anywhere.'  Respecting  OlIG.  io,  comp. 
je.  9Mr$enb,  the  negative  form,  occurs  even 
in  MidHG.  as  niergen  (a  compound  of  ni, 

irre,  adj.,  '  in  error,  astray,  insane,  con- 
fused,' from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  irre,  OHG. 
irri,  adj.  (OHG.  also  '  provoked ')  ;  corre- 
sponding to  AS.  yrre,  '  provoked,  angry.' 
Allied  to  Goth,  airzeis,  'astray,  misled' 
(HG.  rr  equal  to  Goth.  rz).  Anger  was 
regarded  as  an  aberration  of  mind  (comp. 
also  Lat.  delirare,  allied  to  lira,  '  furrow,' 

Erop.  '  rut').  The  root  ers  appears  also  in 
at.  errare,  'to  go  astray'  (for  *ersare), 
error,  'mistake'  (for  *ersor) ;  allied  also  to 
Sans,  irasy,  'to  behave  violently,  be  angry :  ?. 
— irren, '  to  be  in  error,  go  astray,  mislead, 
dereive,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  irren, 
OHG.  irrin  (Goth.  *airsi6n).— Sfrre,  f., 
'  mistaken  course,'  from  MidHG.  irre,  f. 
(comp.  Goth,  airsei, '  mistaken  course,  lead- 


(   158 


iug  astray').  §nrfal,  n.,  'erring  erro- 
neous opinion,  niaze,'  from  MidHG.  irresal, 
n.  and  in.  (Goth.  *airzisl ;  OHG.  -isal  is  a 
suffix  ;  see  OJatfet). 

3 fop,  m.,  'hyssop,'  from  the  equiv.  early 

MidHG.  it6pe  {tsdpe,  ispe) ;  derived  like 
Ital.  is6po  from  Lat.  hysCpum,  late  Gr. 
Ot<twtoj,  which  is  of  Oriental  origin. 

3t,)tvl,    Jew.-G.    from   Hebr.   Juchdck, 
1  Isaac' 



ja,  adv.,  'yes,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
and  OHG.  jd  (for  jd)  ;  corresponding  to 
Goth.  ja,  '  yes,'  also  jai,  '  truly,  forsooth,' 
OSax.  ja,  AS.  ged,  also  grese  (for  gS-swd, 
•  yes,  thus '),  whence  E  yea  and  yes.  Allied 
also  to  Gr.  %  '  forsooth,'  and  OHG.  j'ehan, 
'  to  acknowledge,  confess'  (see  SSeicfyte). 
Lith.  ja  is  derived  from  G. 

jttd),  Qad^,  'precipitate,  hasty,'  allied 
to  jdfye. 

§fad}f,  f.,  '  yacht,  sloop,'  ModHG.  only, 
formed  from  the  equiv.  Du.  jagt  (comp.  E. 
yacht),  which  is  usually  connected  with 
jagen,  and  even  to  jdfye. 

gacfec,  f.,  'jacket,'  first  occurs  in  early 
ModHG.  (15th  cent.),  formed  from  the 
equiv.  Fr.  jaque,  whence  also  E.  jacket; 
the  derivation  of  Ft.  jaque  (Ital.  gimv)  from 
Teut.  is  quite  uncertain. 

^fctftb,  f.,  '  chase,  hunt,  hunting-party,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  jaget,  n.  (and 
f.),  OHG.  *jagot,  n.  ;  a  verbal  abstract  of 
iagert,  '  to  hunt,  chase'  (from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  jagen,  OHG.  jagdn,  wk.  vb.), 
which  does  not  occur  in  Goth.,  OIc,  AS., 
or  OSax.  The  connection  of  this  specifi- 
cally G.  word  with  Gr.  8u!>ku  is  dubious, 
and  so  too  its  kinship  with  Gr.  dfrxfa 
'  unceasing,'  and  Sans,  yahft,  '  restless.' — 
§fcifler,  '  huntsman,  sportsman,'  is  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  jeger,  jegere,  OHG.  *jageri 

jell),  fltif)C,  adj.,  'steep,  precipitous, 
hastv,'  from  MidHG.  gcehe  (also  gdeh), 
OHG.  gdhi,  adj.,  '  quick,  suddenly,  im- 
petuous '  ;  a  specifically  G.  word  (with  a 
dial,  initial  J*  lor  g  as  in  jappen  ;  comp.  also 
jdljnen  with  gdfynen).  From  this  Fr.  gai, 
'gay,'isborrowed.  Its  connection,  with  gtfyett, 
gegangen  (see  ©aug),  is  impossible,  ©aubieb 
is,  on  the  other  hand,  allied  to  it. 

§fctf)U,  m.,  '  swath,'  first  found  in  early 
ModHG.,  yet  undoubtedly  a  genuine  G. 
word,  existing  throughout  South  Germany 
(MidHG.  *jdri),  and  also  appearing  in  S  wed. 
dials,  as  dn.  In  Swiss  dials.  3<it)n  means 
'  passage  (formed    by  a   swath).'      Hence 

the  word  is  a  derivative  of  the  Aryan  root 
yS,  or  rather  f,  '  to  go,'  with  which  Goth. 
iddja,  'went'  (Sans,  yd,  'to  go'),  is  con- 
nected.    See  gefjeu  and  eitert. 

3al)r,  n.,  'year,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  and  OHG.  jdr,  n. ;  a  common  Teut. 
term  ;  comp.  Goth.jer,  OIc.  dr,  AS.  gedr, 
E.  year,  Du.  jaar,  OSax.  jdr  (gir),  n., '  year.' 
The  orig.  meaning  of  the  word,  which  also 
appears  in  fjmer,  seems  to  be  '  spring,'  as 
is  indicated  by  the  Slav,  cognate  jaru, 
'spring';  comp.  also  Gr.  &pa,  'season, 
spring,  year,'  and  (fyos,  'year,'  so  too  Zend 
ydre,  'year';  in  Ind.  a  similar  term  is 
wanting  (comp.  Scmmet  and  SBinttr).  F.>r 
the  change  of  meaning  see  the  history  of 
the  word  SBintrr. 

jammer,  m.,  'sorrow,  grief,  wailing,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  jdmer,  OHG. 
jdmar,  m.  and  n.  ;  prop,  a  neut.  adj.  used 
as  a  subst.,  OHG.  jdmar, '  mournful '  (hence 
3amntfv,  'that  which  is  mournful');  in 
OSax.  and  AS.  the  adj.  only  exists,  comp. 
OSax.  jdmar,  AS.  geomor, '  painful,  mourn- 
ful.' The  origin  of  this  word,  which  is 
unknown  to  East  Teut.  (Golh.  *jimrs),  is 

Sttnner,  111.,  'January,'  from  the  equiv. 
early  MidHG.  jenner,  in.  ;  from  the  Lat. 
januarius,  Horn,  jenuario  (OHG.  *jenneri, 
m.,  is  wanting,  perhaps  only  by  chance). 

jappert,  vb.,  '  to  gape,  pant,'  ModHG. 
only,  prop.  LG.  ;  comp.  Du.  gapen,  '  to 
gape,'  under  aa ffeit. 

jttfen.  see  gdten. 

gtaudje,  f., '  filthy  liquid,'  first  occurs  in 
early  ModHG.,  introduced  into  HG.  from 
a  MidG.  and  LG.  variant,  jfiche.  It  is  based 
on  a  Slav,  word  for  '  broth,  soup,'  which 
deteriorated  in  sense  when  borrowed  ;  e.g. 
Pol.  jvcha,  '  broth '  (cognate  with  Lat  j£s, 
Sans.  yuSan,  '  broth  '). 

3aud)ort.  gudjerf  p  m.,  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  jAchert,  late  OHG.  julihart  (ul), 
n.,  'acre';  the  Bav.  and  Alem.  word  for 
the  Franc,  and  MidG.  2Wcrgen.  The  usual 
derivation  from  La.t.  jugerum, '  acre  of  laud ' 


(    i59    ) 


(prop.  §  acre),  does  not  offer  a  satisfactory 
explanation  of  the  OHG.  word,  for  the 
equiv.  MidHG.  jiuch,  n.  and  f.,  '  acre  of 
land,'  can  only  he  cognate  with  liat.j&gerum, 
and  not  a  mutilated  form  of  the  Lat.  origi- 
nal. Hence  MidHG.yiuc/ijlike  Lrt.jdgerum, 
is  douhtlessly  connected  with  ModHG.  3ccfy 
and  Lat.  jugum;  consequently  3ucf)crt  is 
lit.  'as  much  land  as  can  he  ploughed  by 
a  yoke  of  oxen  in  a  day' ;  the  suffix  of 
OHG.  juhhart  suggests  that  of  MidHG. 
egei-te,  '  fallow  land.'     See  3cd). 

iaud)3ett,  vb.,  '  to  shout  for  joy,  exult,' 
from  MidHG.  juchezen,  '  to  cry  out,  shout 
for  joy,'  OHG.  *jtihhazzen;  probably  a  de- 
rivative of  the  MidHG.  mterjs.jllch,j4  (ex- 
pressions of  joy) ;  comp.  adjjeti,  allied  to  ad). 

\e,  adv.,  older  ie  (which  in  the  17th  cent, 
was  supplanted  by  je,  recorded  at  a  still 
earlier  period),  'always,  ever,'  from  Mid 
HG.  ie,  '  at  all  times,  always  (of  the  past 
and  present),  the  (with  compars.,  distri- 
butives, &c),  at  any  (one)  time,'  OHG. 
io,  eo,  'always,  at  any  (one)  time.'  The 
earliest  OHG.  form  eo  is  based  on  *eo,  aiw 
(comp.  See,  <Sd)nee,  ami  roie)  ;  comp.  Goth. 
aiw,  'at  any  time,'  OSax.  $/>,  AS.  a,  'al- 
ways' (E.  aye,  from  OIc.  ei,  'always'). 
Goth,  aiw  is  an  oblique  case  of  the  subst. 
aiws, '  time,  eternity,'  and  because  in  Goth, 
only  the  combination  of  aiw  with  the  nega- 
tive ni  occurs,  it  is  probable  that  ni  aiw 
(see  me),  ' never'  (' not  for  all  eternity'),  is 
the  oldest,  and  that  the  positive  meaning, 
OHG.  eo,  'always,'  was  obtained  &  pos- 
teriori; yet  comp.  Gr.  aid,  'always,'  allied 
to  alibv,  and  see  eroig  and  the  following  words. 

lebet,  pron., '  each,  every,'  from  late  Mid 
HG.  ieder,  earlier  ieweder,  OHG.  iowedar 
(eo-hwedar),  'either,'  from  l»eber  (OHG.  wedar, 
'  which  of  two')  and  je ;  corresponding  to 
OSax.  iaftweViar,  AS.  dhwaifier  ;  comp.  also 
OHG.  eogiwedar,  MidHG.  iegeweder,  AS. 
liiyhwafier,  E.  either. — ModHG.  jeblDCbcr, 
'  each,  every,'  is  of  a  different  etymological 
origin,  being  derived  from  MidHG.  ietw'eder, 
ie-aew'eder,  '  either'  (from  ie  and  MidHG. 
deweder,  'any  one  of  two';  see  entuxber). 
— j oil  lid).  '  each,  every,'  from  MidHG. 
iegelich,  OHG.  eo-gilih,  'each';  allied  to 
OHG.  gilth,  'each'  (see  gleid)).  ModHG. 
jeber,  prop,  'either,'  has  in  ModHG.  sup- 
planted the  MidHG.  iegelich. — jemom\ 
'  anybody,  somebody,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  ieman,  OHG.  eoman  (prop,  'any 
person '). 

jencr,    pron.,   'you,   yonder,   that,  the 

former,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  jener, 
OHG.  fyier,  allied  to  the  differently  voca- 
lised Goth,  jains,  OIc.  enn,  inn,  AS.  geon, 
E.  you  (with  which  yonder  is  connected). 
In  late  MidHG.  der  jener,  'that,'  is  also 
used,  whence  ModHG.  berjentge. — jenfeif s, 
'  on  the  other  side,  beyond,'  from  the  equiv. 
MidHG.  jenstt,  lit.  'on  that  side'  (MidHG. 
also  jene  site). 

i^tjf  j  adv.  (older  ie|,  like  ie  for  jo),  '  now, 
at  the  present  time,'  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  ietze,  iezuo  (hence  the  archaic  ModHG. 
jejjo),  beside  which  MidHG.  iezunt.  Mod 
HG.  jffcuub,  with  a  new  suffix,  occurs. 
How  the  adv.  ie-zuo,  recorded  in  earlier 
MidHG.,  can  mean  'now'  is  not  clear; 
comp.  MidHG.  iesd,  '  at  once,'  from  ie  (see 
je)  and  sd,  'at  once.' 

§totf),  n.,  'yoke,  ridge  of  mountains,' 
from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  joch.  OHG.  j<>h(hh), 
n.,  'yoke,  ridge  of  mountains,  acre' ;  cor- 
responding to  Goth,  juk,  n.,  '  yoke  of  oxen,' 
OIc.  ok.  AS.geoc,  ~E.yolce,  Uu.juk;  a  common 
Aryan  word  formed  from  the  Aryan  root 
yug,  '  to  fasten ' ;  comp.  Sans,  yugi'i,  '  yoke, 
team'  (allied  to  the  root  yuj,  'to  put  to'), 
Gr.  ?vy6i>,  from  tetiywfu,  Lat.  jugum,  from 
jungere,  Lith.  jilngus,  OSlov.  igo  (from 
*jugo) ;  comp.  3aucbeit.  The  str.  root  verb 
(Teat,  root juk)  has  become  obsolete  in  the 
whole  Tent.  root. 

goppe,  f.,  'boddice,'  from  MidHG.  joppe 
(jope,  juppe),  f.,  'jacket';  borrowed,  like 
Sacfe,  from  Rom.  ;  comp.  Fr.  jupe,  jupon, 
'  skirt.'  Ital.  giuppa,  giubba,  'jacket,  jerkin.' 

jttbcln,  vb.,  'to  rejoice  loudly,  exult.' 
allied  to  MidHG.  jubilieren.  This  word 
(formed  like  MidLat.  jubilare,  comp.  Ital. 
giubilare)  is  still  wanting  in  MidHG.  and 
OHG.  3ube(,  'shout  of  joy,  exultation,'  too, 
first  occurs  in  ModHG. 

gfud)crf,  see  Saud^evt.— juchjen,  see 

jucUen.  vb.,  'to  rub,  scratch,  itch,'  from 
the  equiv.  MidHG.  jucken  (jikken\  OHG. 
jucchen,  wk.  vb.  ;  corresponding  to  AS. 
gi/ccan,  E.  to  itch  (Goth.  *jukijan).  The 
stem  j uk,  jukk,  occurs  also  in  OKQ.jucchido, 
AS.  gyefia, '  itch '  (MidLG.  joken,  Du.  jeuken, 
'to  itch'). 

Z*u It-;.,  see  3ur. 

ijugcito,  1.,  'period  of  youth,  young 
people,'  from  the  equiv.  MidHG.  jttgent(d), 
OHG.  j»gu7id,  f.  ;  corresponding  to  OSax. 
jugtCS,  Du.  jeugd,  AS.  geogoiS,  f.,  'youth, 
young  troop,'  E.  youth  (see  SBurfcbe,  ^ratten* 
jimmer,  ami  3mme) ;   the  common   Teut. 


(     160    ) 


abstract  of  jung  (in  Goth,  junda,  '  youth ')  ; 

(with  a  nasal) ;  comp.  MidHG.  junc(g), 
OHG.  and  OSax.  jung,  Du.  jong,  AS. 
geong,  E.  young,  Goth.  juggs(jungs), '  young.' 
This  common  Teut.  junga-  is  based,  by 
contraction  from  juwunga-,  upon  a  pre- 
Teut.  yuwenko-,  'young,'  with  which  Lat. 
juvencus,  '  youth,'  ami  Sans,  yuvagds, 
'  young,'  are  identical.  The  earlier  Aryan 
form  yuwin  {yewen  1)  appears  in  Lat.  juvenis, 
'  young,  youth,'  and  juven-ta,  *  youth ' 
(cquiv.  to  Goth,  junda,  f.),  as  well  as  in. 
Sans,  j&van,  'young,  youth'  {y6$d,  fM 
'maid'),  and  OSlov..  jmiii,  Li th.  jdunas, 
'young/  ;  they  are  all  based  upon  an  Ar)ran 
root  yu,  'to  be  young'  (coinp.  Sans,  ydviS- 
tha, '  the  youngest'),  gangling,  '  youth, 
young  man,'  is  a  Teut.  derivative  of  jittio, ; 
comp.  OHG.  jungaling,  MidHG.  jungelinc, 
~Du.jongeling,  AS.  gcongling,  E.  (antiquated) 

youngling,  OIc.  yn/jlingr  (in  Goth,  juggn- 
lau}>s),  'youth.' — gftngor,  in.,  Mi.-, 
prop,  the  compar.  of  jititc*.  used  as  a  subst.; 
comp.  MidHG.  jiinger,  OHG.  juvgiro, 
ciple,  pupil,  apprentice ' ;  the  word  (as  the 
antithesis  to  ^crr,  OHG.  hSrro)  is  probably 
derived  from  the  OTeut.  feudal  system. — 
ModHG.  gunflfcr,  f.,  'young  girl,  vir-in, 
maid,  maiden,'  is  developed  from  MidHG. 
juncwrouwe,  '  noble  maiden,  young  lady ' 
(thus,  even  in  MidHG.,  ver  appears  for  the 
unaccented  proclitic  Srcut).  To  this  is  allied 
^flttt&er,.  m.,  'young  nobleman,  squire' 
(prop,  'son  of  a  duke  or  count'),  from 
MidHG.  junchSrre,  ' young  lord,  noble 
youth';  corresponding  to  Du.  jonker, 
jonklieer,  whence  E.  younker  is  borrowed. 

jiingff,  'recently,'  from  MidHG.  ze 
jungestj  comp.  in  juitgjte  £ag,  'doomsday,' 
for  fcer  tffcte  Sag,  '  the  last  day.' 

Qux,  in.,  'jest,'  ModHG.  only  ;  probably 
from  Lat.- Rom.  jocus  (comp.  ItaL  giuoco\ 
whence  also  E.  jokey  Du.  jqk. 


&(ibel>  n.  and  f.,  from  the  equiv.  Mid 
HG.  kabely.  f.  and  n.,  'cable'  ;  the  latter 
borrowed,  through  the  medium  of  Du.  and 
LG.,  from  Fr.  odble,  m.,  'rope,  cable'  (Mid 
Lat.  capulum) ;  E.  cabls  and  Scand.  kabill, 
from  the  same  source. 

fabliau,  Jtabcljcm,.  m.,  'cod-fish,' 
first  occurs  in  early  ModHG.,  recorded  in 
LG.  from  the  15th  cent,  and  adopted  by 
the  literary  language ;  from  Du.  kabel- 
jaauw;  Swed.  kabeljo,  Dan.  kabeljau,  E„ 
cabliau ;  also,,  with  a  curious  transposition 
of  consonants  (see  ($"jiig,  f ifeetit,.  Jtifce),  Du. 
bah'jauw,  which  is  based  upon  Basque 
baccallaOa.  The  Basques  were  the  first 
cod-fishers  (espec.  on  the  coast  of  New- 
foundland, the  chief  fishing-place).  See 

<&abufe,  f.,  '  small  hut,,  partition, 
caboose/  ModHG.  only,,  from  MidLG.  kab- 
hAse  ;  comp.  E.  caboose,  which  was  probably 
introduced  as  a  naval  term  into  Du..  kabuyn, 
and  into  Fr.,  canibuse.  The  stem  of  the  E. 
word  is  probably  the  same  as  in  E.  cabin, 
and  hence  is  Kelt. ;  E.  cabin  and  the  cog- 
nate Fr.  cabane,  cabinet,  are  based  upon 
W.  kaban.  The  cognates  also  suggest 
ModHG.  JWfter, '  small' chamber,'  and  OHG. 

chafterl,  'beehive,'  the  origin  of  which  is 

dtadjd,  f.,  'earthen  vessel,  stove-tile,' 
from  MidHG.  kachel,  kachele,  f.,  'earthen 
vessel,  earthenware,  stove-tile,  lid  of  a  pot,' 
OHG.  chahhala.  In  E.  the  word  became 
obsolete  at  an  early  period.  In  Du.,  faichcl, 
borrowed  from  HG.,  is  still  current  (in 
MidDu.  kakile). 

uocncrt,  vb.,.  'to  cack,  go  to  stool,' 
early  ModHG.  only.  Probably  coined  by 
schoolboys  and  students  by  affixing  a  G.  ter- 
mination to  Lat.-Gr..  caccare  (kclkkcLv  •  allied 
to  «n/c<5j  1.  Comp.  MidHG.  qudt, '  evil,  bad, 
dirt');  the  OTeut.  words  are  fdfjetjjm  and 
dial,  bvtjjen.  In  Slav,  too  there  are  terms 
similar  in  sound,  Bohcm^.  kakati,  Pol. 
kakdc.  The  prim  it.,  kinship  of  the  G.  word, 
however,  with  Gr.,.  Lat.,.  and  Slav,  is  incon- 
ceivable, because  the  initial  k  in  the  latter 
would  appear  as  h  in  Teut. 

^ctfcr,  m.,  'beetle,  chafer.'  from  the 
eqniv.  MidHG\.  kever,  kefere,  OHG.  chevar, 
ohivaro,  m.;  comp.  AS.  Zeafor,  E.  chafer, 
Du.  kever,  m.  The  Goth,  term  was  pro- 
bably *kifra,  or  following  AS.  ceafor,  *kafrus 
also  (comp.  LG.  kavel).  The  name,  which 
has  the  same  import  in  all  the  dialects  at 


(     161     ) 


their  different  periods,  signifies  'gnawing 
animal'  (comp.  MidHG.  kifen,  Jciffen,  'to 
gnaw,  chew,'  MidHG.  kiffel,  under  Jtiefet), 
or  'husk  animal,'  from  OHG.  cheva,  'husk,' 
MidHG.  kaf,  E.  chaff  (AS.  kaf). 

gaffer,  'uneducated person/prop,  astu- 
dent's  term,  from  Arab,  kdfir,  'unbeliever.' 

-"•Uificr,  ni.  and  n.,  'cage,  gaol,'  from 
MidHG.  keyje,  m.,  f.r  and  n^  'cage  (for 
wild  animals  and  birds),'  also  '  prison ' ; 
the,;  of  the  MidHG.  word  became*/  (comp. 
gcra,e  and  @d)erge).  OHG.  ch,evia,  f.,  is  de- 
rived from  Low  Lat.  cdvia,  Lat.  cavea,  '■bird- 
cage' (respecting  HG.  /  for  Lat.  v,  comp. 
ifferb,  SScrd,  and  SBerbift),  whence  also  Mod 
HG.  .ftaue.  Allied  to  the  Rom.  words, 
Ital.  gabbia,  gaggia,  Fr.  cage  (hence  E.  cage), 
and  Ital.  gabbiuolo,  Fr.  gedle  (E.  jail,  gaol), 
'  prison.'  Further,  Skuct  first  obtained  the 
meaning  'cage'  in  MidHG. 

gaffer,  n.,  comp.  J?a6ufe ;  the  meaning 
'  Hi  tie  chamber'  is  ModHG.  only ;  in  OHG. 
chafteri,  'beehive,'  Suab.  kdft,  'student's 
room '  ?.     Allied  to  AS.  ceaforHn, '  hall '  ?. 

haf)f,  adj.,  from-  the  equiv.  MidHG. 
leal  (gen.  kalwer),  '  bald,'  OHG.  chalo  (gen. 
chalwSr,  chalawir)  ;  comp.  Du.  kaal,  AS. 
calu,  E.  callow.  Probably  borrowed  from 
Lat.  calvus  (San